11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Thread

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11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Thread

Post by Nifty »


Discussion Thread

Talk about your own list, other lists, or others talking about other lists here, in order to keep the vote thread pristine. Voting queries can be brought up here or sent to me personally.

Past results:
10th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2012
9th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2010ish
8th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2009
7th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2008
6th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2007
5th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2006
4th Annual Top 25 Results: through 2005
3rd Annual Top 25 Results: through 2004
2nd Annual Top 25 Results: through 2003
Inaugural Top 25 Results: through 2002
Nifty wrote:
incognoscente wrote:To link directly to your ballot (or any other post):
  1. On the post in question, look at the upper right where the date stamp is. (I hope this is consistent across all themes.)
  2. Right-click on the little sheet of paper to the left of the Posted: text and copy the link address.
  3. Make a link in your commentary post using that destination.
Last edited by Nifty on Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Nifty »

Guess I'll kick off this one too

Having 2012 missed means I expect I will now forever be a year behind where I could be :( Rather than totally gutting everything I opted to keep a few more games from my last list on board. It's not like I'm ever going to be able to include everything I want anyway. Did end up making room for Blast Wind though because I'll be damned if it again goes a whole year without a single vote.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

Only one major change for me, having been really taken by Mahou Daisakusen. I expect next year will be different, as I have a 360 now and have started stocking up on the shmups already.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by DMC »

Quick brief comments on my list. Top-3 dont loop!

[10] Battle Garegga - near-perfect gameplay and coherent atmosphere from design to soundtrack. Most bosses are fun to play even today.
[10] Soukyugurentai - stage 6 is my stg favourite, "in the zone-inducing". top-notch atmosphere. Like Radiant Silvergun but with better gameplay although I would have like a bit more balance between main shot and web shot.
[10] Armed Police Batrider - An All star game- brings the best of diverse raizing gameplay but being an all star game it can feel a bit ecelctic at times, also boss-triggering can be a bit of distracting puzzle sometimes.
[7] Darius Gaiden - the most beautiful shmup. Love the soundtrack and Visuals, good but not great gameplay
[7] Muchi-muchi Pork - nice feeling of absorbing all those medals, feels like a evolution raizing+cave gameplay. Extremely intense already from stage 1. Unfortunately, soundtrack is forgetabble and visuals are pretty medicore and just weird in a boring way, and I am not found of loops.
[7] Mushihimesama Futari - gorgeous game. Like the Toaplan-ish original the most. Such a contrast to CAVE's other current trends. No loops is a bonus.
[7] Strikers 1999 - polished psikyo. polished old-school shooting. Visuals are slightly better than the brown part II.
[7] Brave Blade - extremely suitable for 2-3 months gaming and then you got some closure, becuase unlike other raizing games there are no tons of secrets or loops. Interesting design but 3d Graphics havent aged well. Nice addictive gameplay nonetheless.
[5] Mahou Daisakusen - old school scrolling shooting at its best. Excellent cast of characters that would stand many sequals.
[5] Ketsui - A man's game, the cool cat of the crowd. Simple visually appealing scoring system.
[5] Espgaluda - Excellent gameplay except for the boring last boss. Visually appealing, simple scoring system that you understand immediately. Cave shooters before they started to make them too complex and un-inviting.
[5] Under Defeat. Beautiful game, great effects. You feel like you control a really powerful heli and that you do some real damage as you proceed. Enemy bosses feel really epic and powerful too. Overall, great feel! I hate the 1sec delay after your heli has been shot. Look like an amateur bug to me, and takes away some of the great feel of the game.
[5] Strikers 1945 II like 1999 only slightly worse.
[4] Ikaruga - Epic and beautiful like RSG but with more accessible gameplay.
[4] Dimahoo - Great lineup of characters, beautiful and original, and is also one of the cool shmups, but could have been more accessible.
[4] G-Darius - meditation voice at the end perfectly captures the feel of 32-bit Gradius games. Way ugly compared to DG but better gameplay.
[4] Gradius - iconic, has some great Environments and bosses. Set the standard then, but has also aged well
[3] R-Type - Bosses are still cool today! Set the standards.
[3] Mars Matrix - Reflect is a really cool mechanism, but although I cannot pinpoint why a number of deaths feel quite cheap as I play. Music is pretty good and contrasts well against other games of the genre but Visuals are pretty medicore. Futuristic mecha/space design Always works though.
[3] Fire Shark - At the top of old school scrolling shooters. Feels like an 80's STG but with excellent weapon arsenal. Solid, no flaw. Could have varied Environments and stage designs a bit more though.
[3] Truxton - Cool bombs, fair but hard gameplay. Mixed Graphics.
[3] Galaga - Sharing this spot with Space Invaders perhaps but the dynamically moving aliens in Galaga has aged better than the fixed pattern moving aliens of space invaders. Also, I like color.
[2] Zaxxon - Stands out in the crowd, and is really addictive once you get into it. Didn't have the influence one could imagine it would have though.
[2] Raiden Fighters Jet - RF games are just crazy games on amphetamines. The messed up soundtrack you get when F2ing this game in mame matches the craziness of these games. I like medals though and it has style!
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Icarus »

A little bit of a change from when I last voted in 2011.

1. Pink Sweets and Darius Burst Another Chronicle take their place in my top five - Pink Sweets because I came back to it recently and I'm finding it far more fun than before, now that I'm playing it my way rather than the highly restrictive low-rank way; and Darius Burst AC because it is everything Darius should be: huge, epic, loud, stuffed full of content, tight, sharp and eye-opening.

2. Muchi Muchi Pork! drops below Ibara now, as I find Ibara much more entertaining, though MMP! is still a great game in its own right.

3. Picked up Eschatos recently and love its fast-paced quick-to-pick-up gameplay, great for casual play, but deep enough for serious score play. I'll be playing this every so often until I clear the more important parts of my STG backlog first, then will probably start working on it.

4. Dodonpachi Saidaioujou is on the list, more for X360 Mode than Arcade HD or ver1.5, but it is a great package all around.

5. Great Mahou Daisakusen appears on my list because it's typically bonkers Raizing, and lots of fun. Likewise Shippu Mahou Daisakusen for how fast and entertaining it is.

6. G-Darius returns to my list. Still love the game, should get back to playing it seriously some day, as I want to maximise Lambda route and start learning Omicron route.

7. The rest of the list is reordered to accomodate new and returning entries, and changes in tastes. Previous commentary for these games was in 2009, see notes there for specific selections not discussed above.

Stuff that has dropped off the list:
• Ketsui
• Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5
• Espgaluda
• Espgaluda 2
• Guwange
• R-Type
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Herr Schatten »

For now, my list is pretty much identical to the last time I voted. I'd love to have included Muchi Muchi Pork, Delta Zeal or Caladrius, but I can't say I've played them enough yet to be sure how they hold up against the rest.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by chum »

Fairy Wars: It's my favorite, the mechanic is so lovely, the patterns are godlike, and It's just fantastic how there is so much depth to this game. It's also RNG hell but I put up with it.
Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream: Most intense, fast-paced, fun (?) game I've played. RNG hell once again.
Perfect Cherry Blossom: Favorite scoring system (It's nuts) and favorite atmosphere, utterly impeccable, moving. Patterns which unfold in the most beautiful fashion
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil: Another nutty scoring system, too hard for me on Lunatic but doable on Easy/Normal. Favorite patterns due to the RNG. Scoring is too random though. Many places where you can lose your run without it being your fault
Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Always enjoyable. aggressive, improvisational game. Fun in story mode and in vs

Strikers 1945 II: An amazing memorizer, I love fast bullets, the game has a great drive to it and it feels twitchy for a Psikyo game (good)
Undefined Fantastic Object: The grazing is a little off in this one, there's an overabundance of glowshit and the UFOs sometimes turning invulnerable right before leaving the screen can be bullshit, but other than that this game is stunning
Shoot the Bullet: One of the most innovative, unique games I've played and one which is hugely addictive. I can grind this game for hours on end without getting bored or frustrated. A lot of scenes are fun just to play and dodge, The scoring is very interesting and deep, and you can even speed run this game!
Gunbird 2: Yet another incredible memorizer, lovely coin mechanic, great fun to whack the robots, fuck the RNG of suicide bullets
Dragon Blaze: Favorite arcade scoring system? I appreciate all the little subleties of optimization and it has those crazy awesome patterns I love. Just a bit annoyed by the wobbling hitbox.
Armed Police Batrider: A total kusoge but I can't lie, It's one of my favorites regardless. I love it and hate it at the same time. Big part of the love comes from its style and music. Gameplay is questionable but has plenty of things going for it!
Battle Garegga: Stages 5 and 6 are masterworks. I think this game could've been a total favorite if it had some more polish, there are some silly things in there that I don't like. I'm not sure if I think the slow pace is a fault or if it is nicely cinematic, relaxing ? The early stages are somewhat dull, could've had more fun scoring elements and/or more bullets. Top-drawer aesthetics in any case.
Guwange: Too much slowdown, and the coin leeching is retarded. Other than that this game is just about perfect. Catspiker milk is godtier.
Flame Zapper Kotsujin: Early danmaku title (predates DoDonPachi) that deserves much more attention. It's nice and simple. Too bad the highest difficulty setting is not humanly possible to 1cc, because the setting below that one is not hard enough.
Gun.Smoke: This game is so intense unlike so many other oldschool STG and I absolutely adore it. It's very hard and I don't know if I'll ever 1cc this one (that final boss is ridiculously obnoxious) but I enjoy it a ton.

ring^-27: I have a soft spot for this danmaku game, it has such a cool style
Judgement Silversword: The last few bosses are fucking amazing. It could've benefitted from harder difficulty in the early game but I like.
DoDonPachi Dai-ou-jou Black Label: The second loop is so fun, I especially love 2-5. Unfortunately the first loop is not as fun and chaining is 2hard4me
Twinkle Tale: It's very easy but I enjoy this a ton. Fun to speed run until you realize that you'll get carpal tunnel syndrome.
Gemini Wing: I love this unique game! The aesthetic and atmosphere are so enticing to me, not to mention this awesome mechanic! Too bad the last boss is one of the worst bosses ever
Twin Cobra: Favorite traditional Toaplan shooter! It's a bit easy until you die, but I love the level design and pacing
Batsugun Special: This game just reeks of awesome and even though I'm not 100% sold on it (fuck having to milk Jupiter FOUR TIMES) It's a great game.
RayForce: One of my favorites in terms of its presentation and artistry, and the mechanic is quite nice on paper, I really need to play this game more.
Sexy Parodius: Another game with amazing presentation and music. High score runs are fun to watch, but I've only played this game in the conventional "dodge and shoot" survival scrub way
Strikers 1999: I was really unsure of what to put on the last spot and was considering 10-15 different titles. In the end I went with this even though I already had 3 Psikyo games on the list. I guess it gets bonus points because I managed to warm up to it after STGT - It's nice to be able to change your opinion like that. I don't find it as fun as Strikers II but It's still an excellent STG.

Not significantly different list from last years.
Dropped: Granada, Cho Ren Sha, Mahou Daisakusen, Lilian Fourhand, Recca
Added: Dragon Blaze, Guwange, Gemini Wing, Twin Cobra, Strikers 1999
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by KAI »

12 votes - not enough Milestone votes.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Tim James »

Anyone think Crimzon Clover will break the top 25 this year? I wonder if the NESiCA release in Japan was enough to give it some more buzz. It would help if we got a port of the new version that's easy to acquire in the West. Anyway, just trying to get a bandwagon going.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Obscura »

Hey, I can actually vote this year! Cool!

Uh... I'll figure out what my ballot will look like later. I just know the top five right now (Garegga, Dragon Blaze, Border Down, Crimzon Clover, DOJBL).
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Erppo »

Comments whee!


Dodonpachi: The perfect example of simple and challenging. Extremely simple rules that generate very interesting routes and put the focus entirely on "basic" scoring instead of optimization. A pure challenge of execution with some very excellent dodging, especially in the second loop. Not quite perfect though, stage 3 is pointless and boring.
Dodonpachi Daioujou: The hyper system adds a new layer which removes some of the simplicity of the previous game, but adds interesting challenge and more strategic flexibility. Most of the same words apply for this game too, except there are no bad stages this time.
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5: A brilliant system which continues making the standard DDP formula a bit more strategic and adds something new to it, while still retaining the similar style of gameplay. The second loop version of stage 5 is quite possibly the best stage in any game ever made. Suffers from the possibility of horribly stupid boss milking, but luckily that's still beyond my level.
Ketsui: Features some of Cave's most interesting pattern design and lots of fun dodging. The system isn't quite as elegant as DDPs (optimization can get very obscure) but still works very well. Making the second loop(s) play completely differently from the first is an excellent idea.
Mushihimesama Futari: Has an unfair advantage from containing (with BL) six different games. With the possible exception of BL Maniac, all of these are very interesting and feature some excellent dodging combined with a well working system.
Perfect Cherry Blossom: Features perhaps the most interesting system I know. The border mechanic is extremely clever since it focuses the grazing on key spots instead of having to do it absolutely everywhere.


Espgaluda II: I feel a bit bad for adding this, because I still haven't really played it. I know the system appears really interesting with a lot of depth, but is also the complete opposite of elegant and simple. In any case, it seems to generate very interesting gameplay and at least the pattern design of the game is great.
Battle Garegga: The rank mechanic and the boss milking somehow manage to come together making a really well working system. Some fun bosses and milking that is actually pretty fun sometimes (and sometimes as horrible as the stage 3 boss). Some of the early game parts suffer a bit from the lack of things to do.
Strikers 1999: Very simple and fun. The lack of a real scoring system doesn't hurt a game as short and execution heavy as this. I can imagine the first loop becoming boring with extended play though. The second loop is extremely fun pure survival play.
Gunbird 2: Like above, but with a bit more scoring. Not too much though, I enjoy my Psikyo simple.
Undefined Fantastic Object: Some of the best dodging I know and some of the coolest patterns of the series. The UFO system is really neat too, but I'm not very excited of the silly levels of graze abuse on the highest levels of play.
Ikaruga: A lot like DDP in some ways, a pure execution challenge with extremely fun and interesting routes. Not a traditional dodging game though, thanks to the polarity mechanic.
Raiden DX: The best oldschool game hands down. Very good stage design and challenging gameplay. Also features a nice minimalistic scoring system that makes things a bit more interesting, but still puts most focus in simple survival.


Dangun Feveron: A rather unique game, full of very fun dodging with fast bullets. Possibly painful at high levels but really fun in short bursts. The system is just perfect for the game.
Dodonpachi Saidaioujou: A game with some flaws, but earns its spot with high quality dodging. The chaining is boring compared to the earlier games and the rank system does not work well as it makes you minimize the rank before the last stage. The last stage however is excellent fun and Hibachi is one of the best bosses in any game.
Mountain of Faith: Quality patterns and a surprising lack of boss milking. Less depth than some other games in the series but a simple and fun system.
Eschatos: Another simple and fun survival game. I don't know much about the Advanced mode, but Original works just perfectly for the game.
Giga Wing: Easy in survival and not really a dodging game thanks to the shield mechanic. The multiplier system however is very interesting and makes even the first stages difficult and important.
Batsugun: Mostly here because of the Special version, as the regular game is quite boring. Even Special is a bit lacking in things to do, but the loops are fun enough to play and dropping off stages is nice.
Under Defeat: Fun game, where most challenge lies in efficient destruction of things. The simplistic multiplier system fits the game really well. Not sure what to think of the loop yet. Mirroring is a neat idea but the changes seem really small apart from that.
Crimzon Clover: Great design, but perhaps a bit too long in the start. I'm not really a fan of the cancel mechanic in Unlimited but the Original mode is very interesting. Simple at high rank is very fun too.
Cho Ren Sha 68k: Suffers somewhat from a long and easy first loop but overall contains a lot of cool fast paced dodging. Chaining extends silly and fun.
Raiden Fighters Jet: Stands in for the whole series, which would deserve to be on this list if not for the lack of space. Clearly the most interesting game of the three though, with the most elaborate tricks and challenging execution.
Radiant Silvergun: Less interesting chaining than Ikaruga but nevertheless fun. Most of the bosses are really fun to fight, but unfortunately the milking can be made even more stupid than DFK. Suffers also from a boring first stage.
RayForce: A rather recent discovery for me, no idea why I have been ignoring the game. Simple but with surprising amount of depth and challenge in the locking laser mechanic. Drags on a bit at parts but overall seems like a really fun game.

Dropped Batrider off completely, thanks to everything people who know the game a lot better than me have said about it.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Ed Oscuro »

I don't understand the weighting rule - it's not very clear on how it's supposed to be implemented. The linked post by incognoscente is just about the process of weighting the total collection of games, too, and doesn't address exactly what a voter is supposed to do.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Nifty »

All the voter has to do is allocate scores to games as they see fit, the rest is calculated by the tallier (i.e. me). The best way I can think of to visually gauge how weight affects score is to go look at one of the old lists of full results, scroll down to where all the games with one vote are and see how the total scores scale for individual games in a list.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Ed Oscuro »

OK. That said, this section:
The highest weighting any one game is allowed to have is 0.25. This means that the total sum must add up to at least 4 times the value of the highest number present (so a list starting in 25 must add up to at least 100, etc.). Note that lists do not need to start with 25, end with 1, or be totally linear - beyond this ruling, you are free to adjust them as you see fit. A more detailed explanation of the scoring calculation can be found here.
and its placement suggest that there is something for the voter to do. You might want to change something to make it clear this isn't an instruction to the voter.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by nZero »

Ed Oscuro wrote:OK. That said, this section:
The highest weighting any one game is allowed to have is 0.25. This means that the total sum must add up to at least 4 times the value of the highest number present (so a list starting in 25 must add up to at least 100, etc.). Note that lists do not need to start with 25, end with 1, or be totally linear - beyond this ruling, you are free to adjust them as you see fit. A more detailed explanation of the scoring calculation can be found here.
and its placement suggest that there is something for the voter to do. You might want to change something to make it clear this isn't an instruction to the voter.
I thought it was an instruction to the voter. If the highest score given to a game on your list is 25, you need to allocate a total of 100 points. A list where one game gets 25 points and the rest get 1 point is invalid.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Eh, I guess it's not really difficult to understand.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by professor ganson »

I want a fantasy zone game on my list (currently have the original arcade game on the list), but I need to go back and figure out which one. Going to be tough.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by AeroCityMayor »

nZero wrote:
I thought it was an instruction to the voter. If the highest score given to a game on your list is 25, you need to allocate a xxxtotalxxx minimum of 100 points.

xxxxxxxxxxxA list where one game gets 25 points and the rest get 1 point is invalid.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's how I read it and this seems to be born out by experienced members' votes.


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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Erppo wrote: Cho Ren Sha 68k: Suffers somewhat from a long and easy first loop but overall contains a lot of cool fast paced dodging. Chaining extends silly and fun.
I agree with you about the first loop. Personally I think the game really shines on hard mode, the random suicide lasers add a ton of very reflex based random dodging and make it a lot more vibrant and intense game. It's just a shame that it doesn't change in any other way (bosses still exactly the same pretty much), and the rng adds a slight element of luck to grabbing some power up rings.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by EmperorIng »

Here's hoping for a bit more variety in this Top 25. After all, it wouldn't be fun to have a [Cave game] / Battle Garegga duel each and every year in a row.

I doubt SaiDaiOuJou is going to make it onto the list, but an honorable mention is probable. It doesn't seem to have nearly the same hallowed reputation as Cave's other releases, and I suspect it's not just because it's a "recent" release.

Of course, this is the YEAR to get Darius Gaiden and RayForce back where they belong. I feel somewhat confident with all the activity in the Darius Love thread and DG's high placement in the honorable mentions list. And RayForce really deserves a distinction. If RayForce is snubbed again, it's clear that this forum needs, in the words of Skykid, to "get an education." :x

My list will probably change quite a bit; I've played a LOT more shmups and have a better appreciation of what I already have played. It'll be fun to put a list together again!
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Squire Grooktook »

EmperorIng wrote: It doesn't seem to have nearly the same hallowed reputation as Cave's other releases, and I suspect it's not just because it's a "recent" release.\

Seems to be almost universally well received. I doubt it'll make it high, but only because of how recent it is.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
Aeon Zenith - My STG.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by To Far Away Times »

I don't think mine will be too much different this year. I know R-Type Delta and R-Type II will be somewhere on my list, R-Type Delta probably somewhere near the top 10 and R-Type II closer to 25 or so.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Cagar »

[25] [Crimzon Clover] [PC]
The best feeling of all shmups ever is the double break mode, especially in optimal scoring spots.
Awesome mix of cancelling and dodging, great patterns, great visual effects.
The game has lots of laws, but nesica version literally fixes them all. I'd vote the nesica version if I could.
The nesica version seems like it is the perfect shmup

[24] [Ketsui]
I feel like this game is the most polished CAVE-shmup. No asshat safespots, simple as hell scoring which is flexible beyond flexible and you'll end up doing some frame-perfect empty-locks if you're going for the WR. Awesome game, even with it's flaws like invisible hitbox and having a whole 2nd loop, the game is too polished to be hated.

[23] [Mushihimesama Futari]
THE HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS -video got me to this genre, enough said.
Scoring is simple and fun, and for advanced players there's black label's god mode (which is not simple but ****ing awesome)

[22] [Dodonpachi Saidaioujou]
THE dodonpachi game IMO. No dumb memo-shit chaining, the score comes from simply no-miss no-bombing before the spots where you should cash-in your surviving with the hyper you have stored up. Unfortunately the patterns in stage 4 and 5 feel weak (different designer?)
and dying is still too punishing (even for a dodonpachi-game)

[21] [Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5]
I don't know why I have this so high in this list, but I have to admit that I've had lots of fun with this game. The scoring is hell, the game has literally impossible-to-dodge patterns, laser-rings...
Yet still somehow I end up enjoying it while playing

[20] [Akai Katana]
Especially akai katana shin. The game goes in wrong direction (xDDDDD) but still damn fun goldfest

[19] [Espgaluda II]
Pretty nice patterns & scoring.
The only (huge) minus being the stage 3 extend being such a secret.
(along with some other little secrets)

[17] [Mushihimesama]
The patterns after this game have been worse and worse.
What happened after this, CAVE?

[16] [Dodonpachi Dai-ou-jou black label]
Jou jou jou eli dodonpachi dai-ou-JOU (xDDDDDDDDDD)
The first game that I took seriously. I have over 700 hours in mame-timer, yet I haven't 2-ALL'd it. (I gave up)
Hibachi is way too hard and random, which is why I ragequit.
(Also, dying is too punshing like pretty much in every cave-game)

[15] [Dodonpachi]
Erppo explained this pretty well, the hitboxes are a little too big for being invisible for my taste and the scoring is too memo/route-based.

[14] [Mountain of Faith]
The best touhou game. BEST touhou patterns, simple and fun.

[13] [Perfect cherry blossom]
Awesome patterns and simple but flexible scoring.
(I don't like grazing, which is probably why I don't like touhous that much)

[12] [Ten Desires]
Awesome patterns, nice hyperish-scoring system, which gets a little too gimmicky if going for good score though

[11] [ChoRenSha]
Music & fun fast dodging makes this game, like said, the hard mode is a minus for not being a hard mode but a quick lazy thing from the developer.

[10] [Double dealing character]
Enemies having high HP is a nice feature. Stage 5 ruins this game, otherwise it would be my fav 2hu :33 :3333

[9] [Espgaluda]
Like espgaluda 2, nice patterns & nice scoring. Feels 'dead' at times, though

[8] [Imperishable night]
The shot switching mechanic feels sloppy, but it earns this place for patterns.

[7] [Undefined Fantastic Object]
Damn nice and hard patterns, addicting scoring system, which usually makes me suicide because of ballzy scoring.
Minus points for stage 5 and strange stage 6

[6] [DonPaccin]
Thanks CAVE for making the best iOS game.

[5] [Deathsmiles]
The difficulty-selection thing is nice, scoring feels satisfying and simple. Great game for beginners.

[4] [Gunbird 2]
Best psikyo-game.

[3] [Embodiment of scarlet devil]

[2] [Dangun feveron]

[1] [Ibara]
asdasdasd etc.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by royalfan84 »

I'm fairly surprised Einhander has gotten such little love on the voting so far.....I admittedly don't understand that.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Herr Schatten »

professor ganson wrote:I want a fantasy zone game on my list (currently have the original arcade game on the list), but I need to go back and figure out which one. Going to be tough.
While the original is a great game in its own right, I feel that the Sega 16 version of Fantasy Zone II is pretty much the perfection of the formula.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by chempop »

What part of top game must = or < 1/4 of total allocated points do people not want to understand?
"I've had quite a few pcbs of Fire Shark over time, and none of them cost me over £30 - so it won't break the bank by any standards." ~Malc
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by professor ganson »

Herr Schatten wrote:
professor ganson wrote:I want a fantasy zone game on my list (currently have the original arcade game on the list), but I need to go back and figure out which one. Going to be tough.
While the original is a great game in its own right, I feel that the Sega 16 version of Fantasy Zone II is pretty much the perfection of the formula.
Cool, I've been debating between that and Super Fantasy Zone. I'll try to spend time with both until the poll closes.
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by soupbones »

I hope Ginga Force gets some votes - it was such a refreshing change for the genre IMO. Strategizing your load ours before missions felt new (even though it's been done before to a degree), and the levels/bosses were really creative (that drilling boss being among my favorite).
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by nasty_wolverine »


[25] [Hellsinker]
why, because its HELLSINKER, otherwise great graphics, great soundtrack, perfect gameplay with so many styles to play in. Did I mention it has a story too.

[24] [Battle Garegga]
rank mutherfcuker rank,also
Black Heart

[23] [Armed Police Batrider]
I started reading the newspaper since new year, and still no hover bikes and giant robots in new york

[22] [Ketsui]
intense music and scoring system

[21] [Dodonpachi DOJ BL]
tbh, i love the balls to the walls difficulty and the hyper system

[20] [Dodonpachi DFK BL]
dat music, and reddo gauge.

[19] [Mushihimesama]
more for the PS2 arrange

[18] [Akai Katana Shin]
its really fun once you get into it

[17] [Ibara]

[16] [Dodonpachi]
seriously how could you not like the original

[15] [Soldier Blade]
awesome music, really great old school shooter

[14] [Recca]
the NES masterpiece

[13] [Gley Lancer]
great soundtrack, really great game

[12] [Gradius Gaiden]
the only gradius i can actually get into

[11] [R-Type Delta]
one of the first shmups i played and really got into, but never really could ever clear it.

[10] [Elemental Master]
really neat concept and great music

[9] [Cho Ren Sha 68K]
need i say anymore

[8] [Psyvariar]
buzz, buzz, buzz.

[7] [Einhänder]
tbh, apart from the graphics and the cinematic style not much in there, but it is one of a kind

[6] [Parsec47]
so much abstract goodness

[5] [Batsugun]
[4] [Dogyuun]
[3] [Blue Wish Resurrection Plus]
[2] [ESP Ra.De.]
[1] [ESPGaluda]
Elysian Door - Naraka (my WIP PC STG) in development hell for the moment
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Re: 11th Annual Top 25 Shmups of All Time - Discussion Threa

Post by Jeneki »

DMC wrote:[7] Brave Blade - extremely suitable for 2-3 months gaming and then you got some closure, becuase unlike other raizing games there are no tons of secrets or loops. Interesting design but 3d Graphics havent aged well. Nice addictive gameplay nonetheless.
I'm glad someone mentioned this one. I started playing it last year and found it surprisingly more fun than I was expecting.
Typos caused by cat on keyboard.
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