Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

I really hope Imgur didn't delete my upload of Dark Adventure's arcade flyer because it had a wuh-wuh-woman on it. That's the only reason I can assume it's gone, and I had to edit in a new one into my post up there.

That'd be hella lame d00ds! 3;<


Well, since they've already annoyed me, and the subject's current, there's A-JAX. What a nice lady! Look, she's posing as if the dick I mean gun's mount is a stripper pole! That's hawt lmao >¦3 I think I'm gonna enlist her for my upcoming pictorial extravaganza, the ultimate thread of the universe. :cool:

EDIT: hey! :O I just realised they used Super Scaler rounds for two outta three screenshots, despite the in-game ratio being the inverse! Smart move, they look great there. They don't play all that well, sadly. Tolerable, but will make you holler "Git this shit outta muh face" between harrowing bouts with the main game's punishing Xevioplan! That boss in the screencap there is a real motherfucker, his pattern is simple but - you know it's comin'! - the hitboxes make it a rather harrowing squeeze.

Cool game, lots of Super Contra vibes. And just the one, balls-hard loop! Yuss! Konami 1ALLs in their endless loopers tend to make me feel like a FIRUSI CASUARU - and then there's the ones that have a balls-harder second loop (Detana, XEXEX, Trigon), ouch!

Actually, I like to think of A-JAX as The Air Campaign Of Super Contra, like how HIYA!-sama related Air Duel to Geostorm.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

Does anyone know a reason why Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon would refuse to download on the Switch? It just says it can't access the card. At first, I freaked out and assumed my card must be going bad. But since then, I've booted multiple games from the same card and even downloaded and booted a different game using that card. So the card can download and load games just fine. But for some reason, it cannot download Curse of the Moon. I tried downloading from the archive link and also downloading direct from the store link. Both provide the same error saying it can't read/access the memory card. This makes no sense. Is it my card, or is the game buggy?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Rastan78 »

One more thing you could try is remove the card and see if you can dl the game to the internal memory on the Switch.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Image :lol:


Speaking of HIYA!-sama, I seem to remember some uh interesting dev tales of the VA contributions to Rosa's "Hip Attack." Probably get 'em in hot water these days! Or would it? Japan lmao! At any rate, it always seemed like a weird name. Looks more like an inducement to accidental self-asphyxiation! Image That's some tactical thinking! Image

"BAKANA! Hokuto Shinken has over four thousand years of BLPPTHHH"


Admittedly, I am the kind of lecherous beast who uploads DARK ADVENTURE arcade flyer, REPEATEDLY Image - I am amazed they have not nuked my account! You might think it harmless kitsch, but IMGUR knows it is MOST HARAAM Image

They even deleted my humorous edit, which pixelated the sinfully revealed woman shoulders and knees, while adding a comicbook speech-bubble to Mr. Skeleton! He admonishes the viewer to "Stop all the jerkin' off" and "Get sum REAL PUSSY from sum1 NOT UR OWN MOM LMAO." Admittedly, this is quite rude - I suppose it might've actually made it worse! Especially as now, our intrepid young actress appears to actually have gotten her EVIL, PERKY baps out for the poor credit-feeding punters! They should save their coins and just get a porno tape tbh, or a decent breakfast - anything but playing DARK ADVENTURE! Come to think of it, thanks to lovable Hamster, you can now have MAJUU NO OUKOKU and DEVIL WORLD and their unplayable garbage NA counterpart DARK ADVENTURE all for the price of a decent breakfast! :shock:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

Rastan78 wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:50 am One more thing you could try is remove the card and see if you can dl the game to the internal memory on the Switch.
Now I'm confused. I tried to play the mega man legacy collection and had the same issue, except that it was already installed. It said it needed to update, tried to update and then gave me the same error message. So I took the card out of the switch, installed both curse of the moon and mm legacy collection 1 to the internal memory and they seem to be working fine.

But I brought the card over to my pc and it seems fine. It says it doesn't need to be checked, diagnosed etc. I told the system to try to repair it anyway. *shrug*

I can only assume that the recent Switch system or game updates broke something with how the Switch and the card interact. I guess I could try resetting the card but it seems pointless since I don't know what's causing the issue. I could buy a new card but it seems kinda unnecessary when the card works 99% of the time and I assume this updating bug/glitch could happen even with a brand new card.

Edit: Curse of the Moon is a pretty fucking cool game with banging music. Glad Rastan's tip got the game working. :wink:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Steven »

I don't know why I stopped playing Afterimage, but I've gone back to it after a long hiatus. Last time the only thing I really talked about was the controls (lol), but this time I must say that the game is stupidly big. Each individual area is like the size of the entirety of Super Metroid or Symphony of the Night or whatever and fast traveling is rather limited, so it takes a while to actually get anywhere. Movement speed is generally quite fast, but it still doesn't compare to Super Metroid's surprisingly quick speed when using the run button, let alone the Speed Booster.

The game seems to be built to let you do some minor sequence breaking if you can figure out how to do it, which is always good, but I hope there are some more interesting sequence breaks somewhere, as I haven't really found anything really interesting or particularly useful so far. Growing up with Zero Mission made me really like and enjoy sequence breaks and low % challenges, so if there aren't a whole lot of those here I'll be slightly disappointed. If there are, hopefully it's not one of those stupid Metroid Dread situations where sequence breaking ends up taking more time than playing the game "normally", and yes, I am still disappointed by that.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »


Most apropos recent discussion, Arcade Archives Shaolin's Road Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

Jeremy's up to Wai Wai World, coincidence it was released so close to Ninja Gaiden. I learned that the game has simultaneous co-op, which was insanely rare in platformers back then. (Which is another point that made Contra so special.) Rom Hacks that add it in to old games, like Super Mario World, always impresses me.

Hah. Wai Wai really should have been a great game. Dang bunglers.
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By Allah, I will give you a taste of my shoe!

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:02 am Jeremy's up to Wai Wai World
The cutting-edge, HAWT insights just keep coming, Bryan! :O How will HG101 compete?

I've been enjoying SHAO-LIN'S ROAD (Konami 1985) a lot, this past 48hrs! From the PS1 port, I'd recalled a model of arcade immediacy; a crisp hybrid of Mappy's scramble and Spartan's twatting snap. It is! But it has ideas of its own, too!

> ACA Caravan Mode 150,500pts

Just a sec, I'm testing this experimental Bobs Spoofer on Imgur's Anti-Bobs & Vegana Security Apparatus. We can't have another Dark Adventure fiasco. Image


^ mfw I DISS PRODUCT on DIE INTERNETZ and bystanders go "HEY STAHP HE HABE FAMRY" \(´・ω・)/

Righto! As said, SLR is a Mappyesque arena platformer that eschews plausible deniability - "Mappy, this man was our star informant!" "He slammed the door on his own head, repeatedly!" "Oh ok LMAO" - for systematic ultraviolence. Mappy, it's over! NOTHING IS OVER Image Five stages! Do twice! Second time, boss come out - twat them too! Get BIG BOUNS by connecting flying shoe to face, AND/OR felling multiple foes with one deadly blow - all that good IREM stuff!

Speaking of Namco, the superjump seems to presage next year's Rolling Thunder; its rocketing death from above (or below!) winningly Shinobiesque. If you can't safely approach a boss, or a tough crowd, consider getting the drop/pop on 'em. For contrast, the deadly toll of falling - or being struck - off ledges adds a dash of OG platform brutality; enforcing spatial awareness, and accenting the superhuman roof-to-ground killshots. Get ur KILLING HAWK.mp3 on Image
The 4HP allowance feels almost too generous, initially; with collision and design this good, a 1HKO ala Mappy/BB would've flown easily. But, beyond scoring finesse - a tidy 1,000pts per remaining hitpoint - its scrappy fightbacks enhance the HK aesthetic. While Piston Nishiyama's landmark has the license, Konami's game is nearer the artfully careening, pratfalling, rooftop-leaping spirit of Wheels on Meals. Which figures, as Spartan is ofc a balls-hard Game of Death pagoda raid disguised as an affable Jackie Chan caper!

It's a certain finer detail I find most remarkable; progressive, even. While enemies do bump damage - a chilly trait, SLR ostensibly on Green Beret's side of the Slasher v Brawler line - you are 100% invincible during jumps, both regular and super; and by extension, during jump attacks. Where GB's close combat demands icy precision, here, you've considerable ease tearing straight through varmints in a single, well-timed flying riposte; even passing through with no contact at all, if desired.

Emphases on "single" and "well-timed" ripostes; it's more forgiving, but still no free lunch. Unlike GB, you're limited to one strike per jump; and while your leap is untouchable, it's every bit as unbending, its landing richly punishable. Blithely jump-kicking a boss on ascent will risk them socking you right back at touchdown. Resist the decades-honed urge to preemptively connect! Strike during descent, punting them clear of reprisal range. This goes for zako, too; if they've got backup, it may be prudent to sail clean through the immediate target, reserving your one shot for would-be ground punishers. It's a superbly-balanced bit of generosity; this having become my fourth AC design essential, after tension, brevity, and measured volatility.


The zako are an interesting lot. They're not conventionally great single-screener varmints, lacking the bloodlust of Mappy's, or the fiendishness of Bubble Bobble's. In the first few stages, they actually have more in common with Ninja Gaiden's dozy ledge guards; similarly "blind," milling about platforms with little intent. But likewise, it's surprisingly easy to find one lurking underfoot while focused elsewhere. The ACA release's brilliant Caravan mode intensifies this to humorous effect; it can't be overstated how badly a dozy wandering zako can torpedo would-be multi-kill masterplans. Image

Stage 5 onward (a couple minutes in, for scale) steadily increases their repertoire, with seemingly random but dangerous flying kicks, body tackles, and throwing knives; the perfect nebulous hydra for the dominating jump frames. Predictably, they're at their best when you're duelling a boss, potential backstabs bristling at all sides.
Hesistation is defeat (`w´メ)
A small handful of well-placed exceptions will foil your jump frames, further discouraging hop-spam. Namely, the latter three bosses' flame blasts and chain - horizontal menacers for deft vertical evasion - and the loop's addition of rock-dropping sparrows; these tailored conversely, to catch reckless superjumps.

Besides those strikingly liberated jumps, the powerups - uproariously destructive, calculatedly short-lived - offer further tactical wrinkles. The standout Iron Ball, punted with venom at distant foes, can be manually returned to the player, or even lashed back and forth at range; presumably, a ball-and-chain aesthetic was intended. With good technique, you can even grab it as it departs the screen, renewing the balls-out carnage! While not so sophisticated as Ninja Gaiden's Windmill Star, anyone who enjoys that weapon will be instantly reminded. The orbital shield, and especially the ki blast's two-way shot, are amusingly STGesque; departures into pure crowd-shredding. All of these options tend to decimate your score potential, a fitting tradeoff.


The aforementioned birdies are a good segue to a nigh-unimpeachable game's only major flaw: like so many contemporary highlights, SLR is an endless looper. Apparently, the WR involved some 32hrs of unbroken play, for what I assume was the counterstop. It's a mighty endeavour, certainly; but I can never help thinking of a certain cautionary tale. Image Happily, like its stablemate Green Beret, it's easily tailored for 2ALL; either for survival or, more compellingly in the relatively easy SLR, score.

As I'd hoped, with its nonstop pace and high finesse, it's also a wonderful caravan game; recalling another ACA gem of 2023, Tecmo's proto-Cabalesque Senjyo. I just about made #3 on the global release day leaderboards, before calling it a night. I wonder how it'll develop. The small matter of Food bonuses aside - I wonder if it's a killstreak thing? - it's almost certainly worth picking up the ACA version for this mode alone.

Strictly off the top of my head, it's striking just how many iconic, top-calibre AC titles from '86 and back do the infinite looper / try ur best not to pooper thing. Even critically important console relatives like SMB1 and Castlevania favoured it (both again fortunately 2ALL-friendly, with just the one difficulty boost). Amongst all these names, Rygar's carefully-crafted permanence seems all the more remarkable; NG1 providing an obvious counterpart in the consumer realm. Whoa, bruh, muh mind is blown - Rygar is a milestone action/platformer?! :O

A supremely likeable hybrid of single-screener and scrolling fighter; ACA's Caravan mode is especially recommended. Bonus points for an exceptionally peppy soundtrack from Miki Higashino, and also a very cool flyer! Hey, I recognise all of those dudes, AND Bobs-chan! Image WTB Stache Label, though!
Last edited by BIL on Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Stevens »

Ah ever dependable BIL. I love Shaolin's Road.

Simple and addictive. Reminds me a lot of Spartan X in its immediacy.

It also has one of my favorite tunes:
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Stevens wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:49 pmIt also has one of my favorite tunes:
Ha, I totally forgot to mention the SFII near-death tempo boost! Also the flashing aura when you or a boss is about to fall. Super handy, when a glance away could prove fatal. So much fine detail in such a compact game. There's the neat OTG sliding kick, too, handy for closing distance on walkabout zako.

The st1 boss's "Sup homie" pose in that video's bezel art is so good, I'm tempted to av/sig it. :mrgreen:

EDIT: Inshallah, the Yamucha swine have once more tasted my shoe! Damn, I was planning on continuing Loop 2 of Mike Smith Daibouken in DS1 tonight. Mike is a tragic TB gardener-gone-samurai with inhuman STR/DEX/END but no VIT whatosever! He wields the feared Chaos Plow! Alas, SLR is a quintessential Just One Go Em Up, so Mike's plowing session had to wait!

Wanted to get the PS4 Caravan board's first 160k, managed 163. Image I think 170k is my theoretical max, and I'll probably leave it there for now. This run fell apart hard at the end; completely buggered my attack on the final boss, ended up doing a crafty suicide to salvage things. So tired I was going cross-eyed; spot the flop freeze after giving him the wrap-around boot. (not to be confused with the reach-around :shock:) Yet another neat detail! If not for that time loss, I'd have gotten nearly as many points from a perfect stage clear, and could've probably twatted a few more bastards in the loop.

Also I will give whoever signed off on the DS4's button underlays a taste of my shoe, too! Jebus, these goddamn things are good for like 6mos tops. It wasn't noticeable at first, SLR handling so generously, but score attack really emphasises its classical precision. Can't complain too much, admittedly. If ever there was a console to sort a stick out for it's this one.


> Stage 3 and 4's zako can be nicely corralled by fighting on the rooftop and ground, respectively. The former was a big timewaster for me, previously. Try to get both windows cranking 'em out for immediate dispatch, while letting stragglers come to you. Stage 1's zako are dozy enough to shut down despite the doors' awkward placement, and Stage 2's windows are ideally positioned for EZ patrolling.

> Powerups are less score-sapping than I'd thought; the Iron Ball and Ki Blast actually still net the 500pt jump attack bonus, while the Shield gets it even if you're on the ground. No 1,000pt multi-kill though, seemingly. Iron Ball's jumpshot hitbox is wild; useless up close, thunderously cock-slapping everywhere else. Image Looks cool too! *bonk*

> Orbs have a set order: Purple (Iron Ball), Yellow (Ki Blast), Green (Shield).

> Round Start enemy placement is also set; it's possible to devise patterns for quick wipeout and subsequent generator patrol. For the boss rounds, which start once all zako are cleared, it's good to be in/near your preferred position... eg, if you want st3's rooftop, don't be on the ground; the screen will be crawling with the daft buggers by the time you've made it up top.

> I noticed a few seemingly random 1,000pts bonuses on single zako. At first I assumed I was hitting them out of their attack frames, like when you nail a flying dagger and its sender in one shot; but I definitely caught a few as they hopped into the fray. I wonder if it's a glitch? It seems rare enough to not really factor in. EDIT2: Hmm, perhaps their jump is considered an attack. I should look up some JP sources on the scoring mechanics.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Steven »

Inti's new Love Live game released yesterday and I have played it for about 2.5 hours and it's good, just like I said it would be.

Initial impressions: so far level design is Super Metroid-ish, with very similar platforming, but unlike Super Metroid, you'll get fucked up really fast by certain enemies and some environmental hazards if you play carelessly. The random rooms basically choose from several pre-built rooms and connect a few of those together. Neutral on these overall, but they don't hurt the game.

Movement speed is brisk, probably comparable to Metroid Fusion overall, and jumping is about as floaty as SFC Dracula but without that game's fixed jump height, so overall movement feels really good. You can also do well-timed slides repeatedly during the sliding animation to move faster, but the timing is strict and if you mess up you will end up jumping instead.

Mixed feelings about attacking immediately halting all momentum; it does let you essentially float in midair semi-indefinitely if you keep alternating between your two attacks or use one of the highly spammable weapons, but it also means that platforming while attacking is fairly restrictive, although I guess this could be thought of as requiring you to plan more carefully instead of jumping in there without thinking and making it up as you go.

This game uses damage ranges and it does them in a very odd way. You can go attack the same enemy with the same attack four times and you may get something like the following damage values: 45, 48, 12, 36 *enemy dies*. Critical hits come often and do big damage, so I guess it balances out the occasional and odd super low damage values, but it is still strange.

Weapons are all useful in some places and most of them are fun, but the piercing crossbow is probably the best overall since it goes through everything, including walls, and does good damage for an acceptable DP cost. Summon attacks are quite well balanced so far. Lailaps is kind of weak but is fast, has good vertical range, and is free, Dia is about as weak but lacks vertical coverage and is not free but can attack three times, potentially outdamaging Lailaps and letting you move around while she kills things for you, Kanon is ultra strong but super slow and costly and needs careful positioning or she will miss entirely, and Chika is slow but can stun and has okay range, so yeah, good overall so far. No idea about the rest since I haven't found them yet, and although Zuramaru was in the older demo I played several months ago, I don't remember anything about her other than that she does a hilarious impression of Sonic's spin dash that breaks spikes for some reason.

Boss difficulty seems inconsistent, but that's unfortunately kind of how Inti seems to roll. Might get better, but so far it's been a few easy bosses and then one that is significantly harder than everything else for some reason, although the sudden increase in difficulty is not unwelcome.

I am moderately concerned about replay value since I doubt that sequence breaking really exists and there are no difficulty settings, but if you play without equipment, some of the enemies will kill you in one or two hits and you'll probably take big damage from lava and stuff, so if you want to increase the difficulty, that's probably about as good as it's going to get for now. In the week prior to release I replayed the demo and became somewhat worried about the map size, but I'll see how it turns out. Crafting is weird since you have no idea which enemies drop what stuff, but I don't feel that I've really missed anything so far.

Graphics are quite excellent, as expected, but I wish there was more parallax scrolling. I absolutely love parallax scrolling and Sonic 2's Emerald Hill really spoiled me with its horizontal interrupts creating a massive amount of glorious parallax scrolling, so it's mildly disappointing to have such a beautiful game with so much attention to the foreground and sprites but relatively little parallax scrolling. There is some parallax, and there is really only so much you can do when you set your game inside a cave underwater, but I do wish there was more of it overall. The character sprites are all really cute and Yohane's walk cycle has a large amount of animation frames, which is great, and it does indeed seem to use square pixels at 1920x1080, but that's as high as my monitor can go and I haven't checked the other resolutions and I am too lazy to do so.

Soundtrack is nice, but I am not sure I'd really listen to it outside of the game.

Skipped consoles entirely since I'm trying and mostly failing to convince myself to not replace the Switch entirely with the new OLED Steam Deck (which this game will look absolutely glorious on for sure), and on PC you get support for 120Hz refresh rates, full remapping for keyboard with limited mouse support, almost full remapping for console controllers, and loading times are so short that they may as well not exist at all. I wish menus could be navigated with the mouse, but keyboard is good enough. Maybe I'll do a full review if I feel like it once I'm done, but I don't really have anything else to say at this point. I know I have said some negative stuff, but it is a good and nice game.
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another boom in the wall

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Anyone got locked up with PRIS0N CITY, yet?

From all the scam-scum styled as "RETR0" coming down the chutes, this looks actually like a game. How does it play, sweet fellas?
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

I was wondering about that one! Looked like a fairly legit Captain Saver-esque. Thing is, I'm kinda lukewarm on Captain Saver. :lol: Will have to take a closer look.

Speaking of closer looks!
Steven wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:24 pm Inti's new Love Live game released yesterday and I have played it for about 2.5 hours and it's good, just like I said it would be.
Thanks for the writeup! I have to admit, it takes a lot for me to get into search action nowadays, but Inti's always of interest, and they've exceptionally good form with Blaster Master Zero 2. Another for the backlog.

Been putting Double Dragon Advance and Return of Double Dragon's recent PS4 releases through their paces. ArcSys-published, ITL-developed. DDA being DDA, I ended up playing it all week on Hard. What a game. Image Quite a bit more to write up.

In brief, the emulation quality on both releases is decent. I note some minor input latency on DDA, but it's well within adjustable limits. RoDD, bless its heart, plays sludgy even on real hardware; if it's got similarly minimal added lag, I suspect I couldn't notice. Most interesting feature by far is RoDD's speed adjust; you can bump it all the way up to 2x. That's overkill, imo; 1.1x feels great, making this release genuinely more responsive than the cart.

Both include the subtly but definitively more complete Japan revs, plus three save slots and full button remap. They're not M2 boutique, nor Hamster airtight, but they land well within the narrow no-man's land between Those Two and the dread Everyone Else-ville. Very decent pickups, especially going at just a little over ACA price apiece.
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2 Evol Ution

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Anyone remember Noitu Love 2, the PC indie before indie became a household term? I was reminded of it after one of Sima's posts about Bot Vice, which seems to share a comparably Treasure-y lineage of vibrant rolling chaos.
Boob Warning
It's a quirky little title; R2R melee baseline, but with a detached mouse reticle for instant-transmissioning between dudes. Feels like an idealized GBA game in the mould of Gunstar Super Heroes; colourful and quirky, with a slightly sinister undercurrent.

One of the real showpieces of the Clickteam era of 2D game engines, even if it pushes so hard as to drop frames in some of the bigger setpieces.
Better than Konjak's later Iconoclasts, by my measure; arcade fun that exists within its means without any undue delusions of grand theming.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

BIL wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:46 pm full button remap
I found a remap that even works well for the Hori RAP EX-SE for DDA. The game even supports 2 players simultaneous.
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Re: 2 Evol Ution

Post by BIL »

Lander wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:20 pm Anyone remember Noitu Love 2, the PC indie before indie became a household term? I was reminded of it after one of Sima's posts about Bot Vice, which seems to share a comparably Treasure-y lineage of vibrant rolling chaos.
Ah yes! I was just going to grab the link for Sima's post, as both titles share the same ruefully yet-to-play niche in my mind. Looks rad, and the classic single-sitting format was an immediate hook. IIRC, it had a demo... I recall playing it, and getting a laugh out of background boss dude's loony swivel-eyed mug, clearly enjoying the scene as his mecha cannons blasted chunks out of the plaster. Image

I'll get round to all these goodies someday, or cark it - one's as inevitable as the other. Image
BrianC wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:08 pm
BIL wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:46 pm full button remap
I found a remap that even works well for the Hori RAP EX-SE for DDA. The game even supports 2 players simultaneous.
Indeed, the no-hassle 2P mode is a huge plus! Totally forgot to mention that.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Steven »

BIL wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:46 pm Thanks for the writeup! I have to admit, it takes a lot for me to get into search action nowadays, but Inti's always of interest, and they've exceptionally good form with Blaster Master Zero 2. Another for the backlog.
Sure. I was about halfway through when I wrote that. 100% completion time on first playthrough was 5 hours, 30 minutes, 2 seconds.

About halfway through you'll start to notice some stuff: lack of enemy variety and lack of new abilities are the biggest offenders, as there are probably only about 8 to 12 non-boss enemy types in the game and there are only like 3 new abilities that are not just using your friends to do new stuff, so it almost feels like they rushed the game and pushed it out without being able to realize everything they wanted to put in. I'm not sure how well it stands up to being replayed, either, but the initial playthrough was generally good. Overall I think it's probably at least better than Blaster Master Zero 3 but not as good as 2.
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Re: 2 Evol Ution

Post by Lander »

BIL wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:13 pm Ah yes! I was just going to grab the link for Sima's post, as both titles share the same ruefully yet-to-play niche in my mind. Looks rad, and the classic single-sitting format was an immediate hook. IIRC, it had a demo... I recall playing it, and getting a laugh out of background boss dude's loony swivel-eyed mug, clearly enjoying the scene as his mecha cannons blasted chunks out of the plaster. Image
I remember that demo being wild when it came out; the MMF engine was well-served for resources at the time by way of dubious fangame communities, but still a bear to get good results from (some things never change!) And here was a full-production blowout with special effects everywhere, fit to make a generation of starry-eyed I'll be the next Pixel Amiya! hopefuls drop their sandwich.

It certainly channels the goof effectively. Moreso than its predecessor iirc, which was a more straighforward Mega Man hardnut affair. Bit of a Hard Corps vibe to the transition beyond the obvious visual inspiration, now I think on it; escalate hard and don't look back!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

Been working on learning to music a little more seriously this year. No ambition to be good at it, but maybe to be able to cobble together music that isn't completely unpleasant, eventually. Isolating small sections of songs or sounds that I like so as to know how to recreate them, is a current focus. One of these sounds: the chimes that play at the start of the leaf section of Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion. Its official name is "Giant Leaves."

Searching the internet for a midi of this thing gave me wonderful flashbacks to 90's internet. Extremely incomplete song lists of things. Very poorly composed midi's almost certainly made by a teenager just starting to figure out how music works (I currently emphasize with them). Simple websites with an avant-garde use of color. (How excited we were for a medium that didn't have to be black text on white paper all the time!)

I still haven't found a midi of Giant Leaves.

... I'm sure you could find every single song from Dragon Quest 11 in midi format, though. huehue :frogduck:

(Gamesack's parody does make me wonder why AVGN hasn't done this game yet. It's a game where Mickey Mouse destroys his enemies... using his ass.)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

<3 Castle of Illusion aka I RABU MICKY MOUSE. That game made me say "FUCC" when I saw it in OG EGM as a little kid, making do with Ducktales aka NAUGHTY DUCK BIG ADVENTURE. In hindsight I put 'em about even. Super high-quality easygoing arsebouncers. Mickey's more straightforward, but Ducktales' treasure-strewn crisscross is the kind of casual memory trial I like, ala DOOM. Ducktales 2 is same but worse. 3;

Aesthetically 99% perfect. Only thing that kinda jars is Mickey's grin during his standing idle frames, the nearest-to-camera ones. He looks A1-perfect while walking, and especially arse-bouncing (veteran hip flexion :shock:), but he's got a bit of a glassy-eyed Glasgow smile while stationary. Then again, that's some hardcore erotic violence to keep cocked and loaded at all times, figures he looks kinda rattled.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

I had a lot of fun with Game Boy Ducktales; it's a rare game that takes treasure items - ultimately worth nothing but points, in a setting where points are just kinda there - and makes them feel genuinely desirable and fun to find. Mario coins are just kind of a compulsion, but Ducktales treasure? Knowledge is power, and wealth, m'lad!

Traps 'n' Treasures on the Amiga kind of has that feeling to it; cute little explorey pirate game that captures the good bits of 2D DOS-era platformers in a surprisingly non-euro prism, and has heaps upon heaps of secret booty to find. Unlike Scrooge's purely extrinsic concern, charming corsair Jezza can actually spend his hoard at a suitably gnarly-looking merchant, but that doesn't erode the sense of treasure hunt.
It also has an island map straight out of Master System Sonic, and a butt bounce, which I assume is obligatory for inclusion in the subgenre :mrgreen:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

BIL wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:34 pm <3 Castle of Illusion aka I RABU MICKY MOUSE. That game made me say "FUCC" when I saw it in OG EGM as a little kid, making do with Ducktales aka NAUGHTY DUCK BIG ADVENTURE. In hindsight I put 'em about even. Super high-quality easygoing arsebouncers. Mickey's more straightforward, but Ducktales' treasure-strewn crisscross is the kind of casual memory trial I like, ala DOOM. Ducktales 2 is same but worse. 3;

Aesthetically 99% perfect. Only thing that kinda jars is Mickey's grin during his standing idle frames, the nearest-to-camera ones. He looks A1-perfect while walking, and especially arse-bouncing (veteran hip flexion :shock:), but he's got a bit of a glassy-eyed Glasgow smile while stationary. Then again, that's some hardcore erotic violence to keep cocked and loaded at all times, figures he looks kinda rattled.
Interesting thing is the SMS/GG Castle of Illusion plays more like Duck Tales and even borrows the Capcom font for the SMS version (still made by SEGA). Layout is similar in places (especially the first stage) too.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by XoPachi »

YO that new SHINOBI game is beautiful!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

BIL wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:34 pm Ducktales 2 is same but worse. 3;
Surprising to me someone would prefer the first Ducktales, after playing both of them.
The original game has a ton of shortcomings, and at least the sequel does a bit to address some of them. We get full stages instead of the waste of cartridge space that was the transylvania one in the original game, inexplicably used twice, and there's actually some enticement for hunting out treasures, compared to all the ultimately pointless dead ends of some stages in Ducktales 1.

Game is still too short and far too easy, but the original game shares the same problem. I'd put them at the same spot on a /10 scale, but DT2 absolutely wins out between them, few pros but no cons.
I'd actually rank the WayForward remake slightly above them both. It's a very sensible remake, changing little, but adding a tiny bit more substance to the game, and deals with the original's lack of a true final stage.

Ultimately all three games are a great foundation that fails to live up to its potential, probably forced out for Capcom to make quick bucks off their licensed property rather than taking the time to craft a truly memorable action platformer. Yet, given the game's apparent "classic" status, what they made was clearly sufficient. I just find it regrettable, they could have made a really fun challenging platformer out of the groundwork in both games.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Sumez wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:25 amSurprising to me someone would prefer the first Ducktales, after playing both of them.
The first could never hold my affection if its pace was dialled down, and that's exactly what the second did. Image DT1 is a breezy pogo rampage; DT2 takes the same featherweight model and crams it full of block-dragging filler. 3; At one point, there is a literal screen full of rocks to chip through. And now there is a drag mechanic - you must drag the blocks to succeed! Awoo-hoo! *cough* Breaking and dragging rocks all day is not a Naughty Duck Big Adventure! That's the day after the Naughty Duck Big Adventure, in the slammer! Wanpaku Unca Scrooge Gekan: I.R.S. GYAKKUSHU

Even when not putting the player on work detail, DT2 is notably slower-paced overall. The Bounce Per Minute level is crippled. 3: Every time I revisit it, I go "Crumbs! Is my fondness for DT1 a nostalgic sham?!" Is it fuck m8 Image DT1, power on -> ALPS, a nonstop barrage of goofy sounds as Naughty Duck's surrogate arse (cock? a fowl daibouken!) pogos a procession of rabbits and goats! DT2's TRVE FINAL stage just about gets on par, barely.

Not games I'll wage jihad over, I just know what I like. ;3 If I want The Science Of Bouncing, I put on ruthless 1HKOer Tiny Toons. Image :cool:

Which is another technical non-arsebouncer, but what can you do? Isn't it interesting how Mario himself technically never arse-bounced until the polygonal days? Before that he just stomped on his enemies. Like a man. Image Shoes of peace! Stompin' the enemy! UHH!

I wonder, is there a TRVE Darkness Bop™ with Arse Bounce Credibility? I cannot recall one - all my examples involve the foot impacting the skull, as God and Jesus intended. Perhaps a somersault, as with Trio Teh Punch's Ninja, or Downtown Nekketsu's Acro Circus tech - but I would classify those as body tackles. I am talking cheeks, here! Nothing more, nothing less!

In fact, the only time I have seen the mirthful - yet lethal! - technique deployed in proper KVLTIC battle, was in a certain Scandinavian porno tape aka Chronicle of Holy War. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Stevens »

XoPachi wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:25 am YO that new SHINOBI game is beautiful!
Announcing five is nuts. I wonder what the and more is? OutRun 3 would be amazing.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by XoPachi »

A GunStar Heroes 3 would be insane.
Thunder Force 7 and Phantasy Star 5 would also be some pleasant surprises. Admittedly I'm not impressed with the Goldenaxe game and I don't care about Streets of Rage honestly. But the other 3 I'm absolutely waiting to see more of. The new JSR is gorgeous.
Oooo or Sega Rally!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

I got to hang out with colour_thief today and play the Sega Mega Play arcade version of Gunstar Heroes. He wanted to watch me run the game solo, and I managed to get the 1cc! It was pretty dicey on the last level due to a totally avoidable screwup (I took like 40 damage in the section with the big glowy white balls). So, as a followup to my writeups on Gunstar Heroes, here's some infor on the Sega Mega Play version!

• Difficulty is set to Normal on the default dip switch settings. I suspect there might be non-default tweaks to select Hard or Expert, or maybe adjust starting health. Enemies behave exactly as per Normal difficulty with no changes to attacks, level layouts, or enemy AI.

• There's a coin counter beside each player's weapon icons showing how many extra credits are inserted.

• You start with 80 health on every level instead of 100 health + 20 per level beaten. This means that there's no practical difference what level you start with and you'll have to beat all levels with 80 starting health. It's tough, but not as bad as you might imagine; all the health items are still present in the levels.

• The last level changes health significantly; you start with 80 health but all the 10 health items are now 40 health resulting in getting nearly as much total health as what you start with in the Genesis version.

• There's no time limit in levels. You can sit around in a safe area and no timer will kill you if you dawdle, which is unusual for an arcade release.

• You can no longer rapidly tap the shot button to quick fire the grenade gun (Force + Fire). You raise the gun as soon as you tap the button but don't shoot it unless you hold it for about 7 frames or so. This means this weapon is less versatile for close range combat, but is still generally useful. Probably a deliberate rebalancing effort.

• Damage appears to be the same for weapons and melee attacks as in the Genesis release.

• If you're playing co-op, your partner cannot steal half your health to revive. They have to insert a credit to continue.

• The Timeron fight is present and unchanged. Theoretically, you could spend an hour and a half in that fight alone if you wanted to try and beat it, but you'd be starting with a mere 80 instead of the usual 200 Vitality, making it much harder. I've never managed to beat it, though I haven't tried that hard I suppose...
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