Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

NYN wrote:Leave it to the latest issue of RAW BIL POWER to enthuse about qualities and especially the humour, bringing players to the fore for any action game.

What it did to me.

I heard about Huntdown when it came out, though through personal policy not to buy digital when its spaces are over 1 gig, I dismissed it.
Now that I know there is the physical cartridge, I certainly will hunt it down! Rightly snubbing that ridiculous sales offer. That's just me. Thanks again!
Splendid to hear! You know me, I serve fiends Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Hoping to make a thread soon, but my game has been coming along.


High mobility + directional blocking = offense, defense, and movement are all woven together. Combine that with some ZOE style clashing and I think the final package should be pretty high energy.

Gonna wait until I have the basics of the stage 1 tileset done before I make a thread though.
Also this promo art is almost done
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

BIL wrote: EDIT: This is damn good. Image Will knock off Normal this weekend, then see about Hard and Insane; the latter of which could well be retitled Arcade. As with GNGR's Legend and Huntdown's Badass, it feels like they designed a theoretical arcade game, then gradually shaved it back to create the easier difficulty modes. It's an approach I'm very fond of... there's nothing worse than a promising Normal - and good gravy, does TJ's hold promise, its latter half dialling up wickedly tight stage designs and superlatively multilayered boss duels - that falls apart on higher settings.
Glad to hear Normal mode isn't a complete turn-off in Tanuki Justice, as I heard it was in Steel Assault.
Knowing there was an additional notch higher, I didn't hesitate to jump right into Hard mode. I was captivated right away, so I haven't tried the lower one. Hard mode really feels perfectly balanced to me, a challenging but quickly attained 1CC, supported by the notably more challenging Insane mode ensuring there is more to go for once the former becomes second nature. The new Kiki Kaikai could have used a similar step above.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Nah, I never hold an easy default against a quality game. :mrgreen: I prefer to work my way up these days, too, in case I run into something like Contra III, where "Hard" is blatantly an AC Super Contra-styled deathloop that expects you to have seen the lay of the land at least once.

Stuff like Alien Soldier and GNGR where "SUPERHARD/LEGEND" is, in fact, the default is a different matter, ofc. :cool: In those cases I'll ignore anything lower. Especially if the game explicitly calls you a weenie for opting out, ala GNGR! And I suppose AS too - "SUPEREASY" sounds like yer dis me fookin mam m8 Image :shock: That is not pumping up, that is airing out Image

I always approach these games from one-life standpoint, too; so even Normal alone would be a perfectly decent time, with the designers using the plentiful 1UPs as something of a buffer zone. With a more stringent "one every other stage" extend rate, I'd put it roughly even with Metal Storm; a comfy quasi-arcade difficulty with AC-tight stages and pinpoint-accurate handling.

That said, just like MS's Expert Game could pass for the second loop of an IREM arcade contemporary, Insane bumps TJ up from FC insta-classic to AC-calibre standout. Suffice to say, whether they want FC or AC-styled S-Rank challenge, they'll find it here.

(love how if you survive long enough without POW, they'll airlift you one in Contra-style Image)
Squire Grooktook wrote:High mobility + directional blocking = offense, defense, and movement are all woven together. Combine that with some ZOE style clashing and I think the final package should be pretty high energy.
That learnedly imperious guard stance lookin' good. :cool: Even moreso when homie blocked the wrong way and got Haohmaru'd!

Speaking of ZOE, are grapples and/or guard-crushers for turtling bastards a thing? :3
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by velo »

Tanuki Justice has been pulled from the Switch eshop. That's a Tanuki IN-justice, in my opinion.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Does anyone know a rule of thumb/trick to making that one long jump in chinatown in Revenge of Shinobi? I can do it without the fushin magic, but not consistently. Same with the long jump over the water on 7-1.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

BIL wrote: That learnedly imperious guard stance lookin' good. :cool:
A bit inspired by Soma's "ABSOLUTE GUARD" alongside a few force field shields in two mecha shows

Gonna have a little animated energy shield to go with it (once that's drawn).
BIL wrote:Speaking of ZOE, are grapples and/or guard-crushers for turtling bastards a thing? :3
Am debating on that one! I prototyped a grapple very early on, but I removed it for reasons and also budget concerns. I'm toying with trying putting it back, one of the last few mechanical things to decide on before core gameplay is totally finished!

For now, you could maybe compare it more to PS2 Shinobi: if your enemy is guarding, dash around them to mix them up! The AI is actually programmed so it's chances of guarding are drastically reduced when you left/right mix them up!
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

velo wrote:Tanuki Justice has been pulled from the Switch eshop. That's a Tanuki IN-justice, in my opinion.
God damn, that's a fuckin Tanuki War Crime. 3: I hope it's for some constructive reason, whatever that might be. Great game. At least (as Sumez says) it's surprisingly available on physical.
Sengoku Strider wrote:Does anyone know a rule of thumb/trick to making that one long jump in chinatown in Revenge of Shinobi? I can do it without the fushin magic, but not consistently. Same with the long jump over the water on 7-1.
I never bothered with a hard method for non-magicking Chinatown's, at least I don't think... I got it in my crusty ol' replay, but since it's non-lethal, I wasn't as bothered. In hindsight WTF, that'd be mortifying to miss.

EDIT: Ahaaa. I left the boxes intact. Can't recall what's in 'em. Was clearly worth less than my dignity, and also, the 10min needed to reach that point. Image Tanuki Justice, incidentally, makes frequent use of "don't blow up boxes willy-nilly" doublejump assists, too! Everyone should try out TJ!

EDIT2: lmao. Turns out the leftmost box is a backup POW, came in handy after Chunners down there caught me slippin'. I ain't even mad though, because the delay set up a second frame-perfect beat drop. :cool: *ping*

However! For The Breakwater's infamous killer leap, I most definitely machined together something, using Mr. Yuuda's gorgeously fine-grained pixelwork. Reposting from here:

Keep an eye on the battleship's hawsehole in the background (yes, I had to look up the term!). Notice how it's slightly to the left of the edge, moving to the right as you approach. Jump as soon as it's cleared the edge. You'll still need to perfectly apex the second jump input, but that's a breeze compared to the choking horror of under/overshooting the ledge dropoff.

A rather primitive GIF

BLAOW! Works every time! For me, anyway! Peep me ramming Musashi-sama hard to the left beforehand, don't wanna squander a pixel of runup.
Squire Grooktook wrote:[For now, you could maybe compare it more to PS2 Shinobi: if your enemy is guarding, dash around them to mix them up! The AI is actually programmed so it's chances of guarding are drastically reduced when you left/right mix them up!
Shinobi brings to mind that game's dastardly punt (back + atk while locked on, causes guarding zako to toss their cookies) - if you go that way, it's the sort of thing I could see being very animation-efficient; I could imagine a headbutting or knee-lifting variant that repurposes frames from another, lengthier move. See FC Double Dragon II's lesser-known knee strike, executed with [atk] next to a rising foe; it's the same frame as the notorious True Dragon Sovereign Rising Knee Bazooka, just grounded and stationary, with the enemy's bug-eyed damage frame and *BAPP* SFX to sell the staggering blow. (it's in the AC version too, but has its own bespoke frame... amusingly, the PCE interpretation brings that frame back, then uses it for its take on the FC-original TDSRKB)

Pardon the armchair designing. :oops: :mrgreen: To avoid detracting from the emphasis on mobility, I'd meter or limit it in some way (stocks ala KOF98?), so it's more of a "this motherfucker needs taking OUT" overheater for demolishing midbosses or zako hordes in the heat of battle, ala Vanquish's melee strike.

An instant of distraction. A LIFETIME OF PAIN (`w´メ)

At any rate, Shinobiesque dash n' gash with an emphasis on fatal outflanking sounds grand! Particularly if you can really punish the bastards, as seen in Shinobi, and that GIF! Fond memories of NTSCU Super Difficulty, where suddenly, that backstab damage multiplier was no longer a minor perk, but your only reprieve from a ravenously hungry Akujiki... green n' purple zako ninja blocking your way? Yeah that's now a fatal roadblock, get to the flank and turn that motherfucker into dogfood stat!

Man fuuuck. This talk of supercharged 2D brawling reminds me of my dream The Ninja Warriors 2, where the series finally matures from "Banglar's army discovers to their horror that Mulk has five functional killbots" to "Banglar sends in his own *record screech*

Nah. "The unstoppable techno-dictatorship TNW1's ending speaks of came to pass. Mulk is the new Banglar, and his forces are built expressly to kill dissenting androids and cyborgs, just like yours." The opening pop would be a Knife Army squad, those poor bastards, witnessing a SamSho clash between P1+2 and Rival Homies - KAs getting fucking atomised Dr. Manhattan-style by the blast wave, windows imploding and cars flipping in the release of unfathomable kinetic force. Just absolute Power Is Losing Control / Humans Think About What You Have Done throughout, with the same concept of ancient Eastern martial arts driven by artificial physiognomies of unholy destructive power. Anti-personnel weapons = irritants / hype builders. Rifles do mild tick damage, pinging off impervious hyperalloy chasses and impenetrable nano-augmented tissue (cue SFIII/Garou "Shimatta...!" collapse, if you somehow get killed by a fucking grunt :shock:). Grenades are an underfoot annoyance. Anti-tank landmines and other heavy ordnance (*Vulcan Raven spinup SFX*) still hurt. Rival Homie #1's ZOE2 anti-battleship laser will cut you the fuck up, as will RH#3's mono-molecular blades, never mind RH#2's pulverising bunker-busters aiding his armour-shearing mitts. Non-augmented humans and rando loadbots are basically mobile scenery to chuck at other cutting-edge killing machines for a quick stagger, if they're not backhanded away.

Except for Jubei and his bros, the kinds of beasts who'll blithely catch a katana barehanded and snap it off like balsa wood. That's KI, mind power, a rage that makes flesh harder than steel! Oh hell no. Don't tell me even Jubei has partaken of the nightmarish biotechnology! :shock: I mean he clearly worked his ass off, after getting beaten up by those ragtag protos in TNW1, I suppose even he might resort to the gear!

/tangent Image :cool: I wish Taito and Natsume would pop that fuckin cork, no more "Again" or "Once Again," just TNW2. I'd die if it somehow made it to arcades in full multi-screen glory ala DBACEX.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Steven »

Apparently Mikado finally put that supposedly badass Sailor Moon game back in the arcade at Ikebukuro. I have some stuff to do tomorrow, but I will try to go there and check it out. It can't be any worse than that weird and unbalanced Mega Drive game... right? Joker Jun worked on it, so it has a little bit of Toaplan in it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Fun ideas BIL ^_^ both for my game (I actually do have meter options prototyped out a bit) and TNW2! Also I did just replay Shinobi a month or two ago, and it absolutely held up for me. Masterpiece of a game, I think I had an even more rollicking good time then the first playthrough.
BIL wrote: Except for Jubei and his bros, the kinds of beasts who'll blithely catch a katana barehanded and snap it off like balsa wood. That's KI, mind power, a rage that makes flesh harder than steel! Oh hell no. Don't tell me even Jubei has partaken of the nightmarish biotechnology! :shock: I mean he clearly worked his ass off, after getting beaten up by those ragtag protos in TNW1, I suppose even he might resort to the gear
It's okay, you just have to have the reveal after you beat him doing some insane impossible bullshit that "oh...I guess he was vanilla after all"
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

> Was this outcome necessary



Christ, what an all-star cast that game has. Image I dug MGR plenty as a R2VKMF. But as playable seinen anime, it's GOAT of GOATs Image

I'd redeem Jubei though 3; I'm way too big a softie for Shiva-esque amoral badasses driven by their BURN 2 FIGHT (something Double Dragon Advance did well, reverse-importing FCDD2's last boss as the heir to a rival school looking for a good showdown, quietly lamenting his participating in Willy's appalling scheme to get it). Have him do a header off the building to take out a gunship that's about to BTFO the bridge you're on, with his surviving bros leaving the combat zone after, as the battle for Once Prosperous Nation descends into utter Stalingrad.

There's a fine art to playable shonen/seinen, especially in single-sessioner AC context. I like to think of it as a test of minimalism. Image The Super Shinobi's entire trans-Pacific revenge odyssey being plausibly charted stage-by-stage is a quiet masterpiece of the form, imo. There's a reason Joe catches so many planes and trains and boats, that's a Revenge Road for you! Also opens up the hilarious possibility of a Japanese ninja master infiltrating the heart of Detroit, slaying a T-800 in single combat, then being promptly ran over by a Toyota. :cool: And there's Valken, of course, a game I think would be genuinely improved by voicover to eliminate the (pretty minimal) text breaks.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by velo »

Sumez wrote:
Sumez wrote:I completely forgot about Deathwish Enforcers (somewhat amateurish, but well-meaning looking SunsetRidersLike). Looks like it came out last week. Did anyone take a plunge and try it?

Seriously no buzz at all?
I'm guessing the game is a dud.

EDIT: Can't figure out if this "mechanic" is a bad thing or a badass thing:
I went for it and overall having a good time, but I think the controls need patching -- I've got slide inputs coming out as jumps and jump inputs coming out as nothing, and I don't think it's all in my head. If you have an automatic weapon, I think you want to release the fire button before you hit jump. Some QoL issues: can't mash to run down the continue timer, exiting and restarting a level is slow, no button remapping on the Switch version (B=fire, A=jump, Y=bomb, take it or leave it).

That's the bad news... but the level design is solid and the presentation is pretty on point, if you're half as immature as I am. It earns that M rating right away, and get this, there's a Splatterhouse-themed level. I'm going to stick with it and see if I can't stop jumping straight into bullets I'm trying to slide through.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Thanks for the impressions! I only had time for Tanuki or DWE and with Sumez's endorsement, the former was an easy choice.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by velo »

BIL wrote:Thanks for the impressions! I only had time for Tanuki or DWE and with Sumez's endorsement, the former was an easy choice.
I'm legit a bit mad about TJ getting delisted on Switch. Okinawa Justice and Wallachia are gone too. Let that be a lesson to carpe diem and clean out your wishlist. Whoever's answering the publisher's (No Gravity Games) email did not immediately respond to inquiry. Oh well, there's always Steam.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sir Ilpalazzo »

BIL: That post on Kunio-kun (rad game, I played a bunch of it last year while on a brawler tear and was really impressed by it) is too heartwarming. Love it.

Squire: Fantastic to see more progress on this project! The concept kicks ass, and I love seeing that it's coming along; I hope you can nail it. I wish I had more meaningful commentary to offer, but I think the decision on whether to include grappling is an interesting one - it's what gives TNWA a lot of its character, but focusing on broad-strokes mobility and crowd control instead could make for a very different and extremely compelling game in its own right.


Tanuki Justice is stellar. The mechanics are brilliant - love its Shattered Soldier strafing, which enables aggressive approaches for assertively shutting down enemy bunkers, love the limited shot distance that forces you to stay at mid-range, love the focus on building up energy for your super and discharging it at the first needed spot (often useful as a shield of sorts) so you can quickly build it up again with accurate shooting. The level design flows perfectly, too, staying constantly exciting while always feeling very deliberate, and its bosses rule (my favorite is probably the st3 one, the big guy on the waterfall). The enemy placement changes on higher difficulties seem perfectly thought-out as well.

A hard 1CC only took a couple tries due to the very generous amount of 1ups - a no-miss would be a very different matter, and I agree, I'm fine with a technical 1CC being pretty easy if the real interest is in getting a 1LC or close to it - but I haven't gotten down insane mode yet. I love it though; certainly the best way to play the game. Definitely one of the best indie western action games I've played.

The panda character unlocked after beating the game seems interesting; has anyone messed with that? He has a charging tackle super - 8-way, I think - instead of the tanuki's giant shot, which he charges up much faster but also seems more difficult to use against bosses. Interestingly, he can only be used on a variant of insane mode that has no 1ups at all (except maybe score?) and that disallows continues, making his mode definitely seem like the most rigorous thing in the game short of an insane no-miss. Promising mountains to climb here for sure.

WRT the game being taken off Switch: it apparently went through some kind of publisher change on Steam lately, and was delisted there briefly. Hopefully it does make its way back to consoles.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by velo »

Sir Ilpalazzo wrote: WRT the game being taken off Switch: it apparently went through some kind of publisher change on Steam lately, and was delisted there briefly. Hopefully it does make its way back to consoles.
Thanks for the info... fingers crossed!
Sumez wrote: Glad to hear Normal mode isn't a complete turn-off in Tanuki Justice, as I heard it was in Steel Assault.
I'm going to expose myself and admit I didn't think Normal in Steel Assault was especially easy. I thought it was about in the ballpark of a "hard" console sidescroller like Castlevania or Super Shinobi, except for the benefit of infinite lives, and even factoring that in, I think Magnus is harder than the average Dracula.

It's very obvious that it wasn't designed around granting a full life refill at every checkpoint, though, but they painted themselves into a corner there: since there's no "lives" in the game, there would be no reason not to suicide at the start of each checkpoint for a free refill, so might as well spare you the trouble. Makes some sense but certain segments are totally trivialized, and some Life items are superfluous.

I haven't messed with Expert too much, but I wish there was some happy medium in there: either an Arcade Junior mode where you go for a 1LC on Normal, or Expert but with mid-level checkpoints, or a stage select for every checkpoint, or something. Basically, not really looking forward to trying to learn Expert-Magnus while replaying the whole final level on every attempt (unless you get a checkpoint before him? I'm assuming not).
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote:I never bothered with a hard method for non-magicking Chinatown's, at least I don't think... I got it in my crusty ol' replay, but since it's non-lethal, I wasn't as bothered. In hindsight WTF, that'd be mortifying to miss.

EDIT: Ahaaa. I left the boxes intact. Can't recall what's in 'em. Was clearly worth less than my dignity, and also, the 10min needed to reach that point. Image Tanuki Justice, incidentally, makes frequent use of "don't blow up boxes willy-nilly" doublejump assists, too! Everyone should try out TJ!

EDIT2: lmao. Turns out the leftmost box is a backup POW, came in handy after Chunners down there caught me slippin'. I ain't even mad though, because the delay set up a second frame-perfect beat drop. :cool: *ping*

However! For The Breakwater's infamous killer leap, I most definitely machined together something, using Mr. Yuuda's gorgeously fine-grained pixelwork. Reposting from here:

Keep an eye on the battleship's hawsehole in the background (yes, I had to look up the term!). Notice how it's slightly to the left of the edge, moving to the right as you approach. Jump as soon as it's cleared the edge. You'll still need to perfectly apex the second jump input, but that's a breeze compared to the choking horror of under/overshooting the ledge dropoff.

A rather primitive GIF

BLAOW! Works every time! For me, anyway! Peep me ramming Musashi-sama hard to the left beforehand, don't wanna squander a pixel of runup.
Thanks, the battleship trick worked perfectly the first time. I actually forgot not breaking the boxes in Chinatown was an option, they contain a POW & a 1up so they're worth getting. You can make the jump clean from the upper platform, it's just extremely pixel-tight timing.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Excellent to hear it worked! I do wonder if that visual marker was a deliberate touch. It's a harrowingly ruthless magic tax, otherwise. Super Shinobi is a remarkably fine-brushed game, overall... lots of devious little details both gameplay and audiovisual-side. (the little "YU DA" decals stamped into various industrial surfaces are for Thomas Yuuda, the game's art lead... see also "ZEED" helpfully marking the eponymous crime syndicate's shipping containers, now that's some brass balls! I wonder what's inside. drugs? weapons? the rather more horrible prospect of human trafficking? Christ! well, Joe systematically dismembered/decapitated the organisation, anyway...)

I was reminded watching that replay of the invaluable Enemy Turnaround Delay... you get a generous window to backstab crossed-up foes, invaluable when hopping over ledge-guarders... backslashing being something the PS2 Shinobi expanded into a foundational mechanic. And it wasn't untl re-reading the NTSCU manual, decades post first-contact, that I realised the Shuriken Burst is expressly designed to stomp enemies lurking directly below Joe while he's falling into offscreen territory.

I've always been a bit critical of SS's tight camera zoom, writing it off as part and parcel of the game's Assault Course Sidescroller ethos (same feedback loop as Vampire Killer and Alien Soldier, all providing nonstop carnage with transformatively-powerful weaponry reserved strictly for master operators; effectively stealth 1HKO games). But between the advancing POW crossguard and the stomp, it's surprisingly easy to reacquire the layout. Main thing is, rather like Metal Slug and similar Finite Ammo affairs, knowing where to bank shuriken and when to expend them (st3-1's enemy-packed airfield being the first big occasion to really let rip like a human tornado).
Last edited by BIL on Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Sir Ilpalazzo wrote: Squire: Fantastic to see more progress on this project! The concept kicks ass, and I love seeing that it's coming along; I hope you can nail it. I wish I had more meaningful commentary to offer, but I think the decision on whether to include grappling is an interesting one - it's what gives TNWA a lot of its character, but focusing on broad-strokes mobility and crowd control instead could make for a very different and extremely compelling game in its own right.
Thanks, and indeed! It's one of those beeeeg tough decisions for sure.

Either way, I am confident I've developed a pretty unique pace and flow thanks to a few different things, so I hope people will find it an interesting combat system when I get everything locked in and put out a short demo!
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
Aeon Zenith - My STG.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Sir Ilpalazzo wrote:BIL: That post on Kunio-kun (rad game, I played a bunch of it last year while on a brawler tear and was really impressed by it) is too heartwarming. Love it.
Haha, thanks. :mrgreen: It really made me think, just what must it have been like, witnessing this game in '86? The heart and soul of reckless valour, one dude taking down entire gangs singlehanded... the one-man army is an ancient cliche, but this is more of an immortal archetype ala Beowulf gone early 80s rokudenashi. Hot blooded valour in the righteous heart is universal.

"No-one is able to do anything..." "I WILL, THEN!"

No mugging to the camera or god forbid irony - you are genuinely about to get your ass handed to you. :lol: No wonder the credits poured in, it's an invitation to make the legend real. No surprise it exploded an entire new genre into existence.

Reach For Heaven From Hell

Best of all is the game itself being no museum piece, but a foot-through-the-floorboards model of tension and brevity that outdoes countless later, infinitely more technologically-gifted imitators. It's pretty wild that it pioneered the walljump attack, crowd-controlling throws, and ground-pounds right out of the gate... getting even one of those in later, even very polished affairs feels like a rare treat, never mind all three.
love the focus on building up energy for your super and discharging it at the first needed spot (often useful as a shield of sorts)
Absolutely killer. One of many marks of TJ's veteran pedigree, the way the Super's massive hitbox doubles as both a targeted shotgun blast, and an omnidirectional area-defense bomb. SUPER comfy, launching it at something in front and obliterating would-be backstabbers in back with one decisive blast. They nailed the meter management too; it's an invaluably powerful asset, but recoupable enough that you'll never feel penalised for proactively unleashing it.
Last edited by BIL on Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Oh yeah one more feature I wanted to mention: ZOE style clashes.


The way it works: a few frames into an attack start up (around frame 4 or 5) the attack gains "clash" frames. How do you break through? Dash behind, death from above (hoping to get a little rock/paper/scissors trinity going with ground/air/anti-airs), or a heavy attack. Between this and the guard system, you'll basically always be moving around for both offense and defense.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

It's my dream to see more games with really pointedly mean overheads/DFAs :cool: Like Kamaitachi (TNWA/OA)'s sweep-baiting overhead (down+atk while at overlap range). Just rude. Or his answer to chumps who wanna play pattycake, come to think of it. Why wrassle when you can kick the shit out of them?

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine!

Or even just Adam's big boot in Bare Knuckle IV. Any occasion to defuse a clash with a short, sharp response that sends the target sprawling, or leaves them imprinted face-down in concrete with BLAST CHIPS flying up, all that quintessential "you done fucked up" goodness. Image Or, of course... plain' ol Things You Shouldn't Run Into





That's an easy pickup. :3 What a lovely surprise! Bravo, SriK and company!

EDIT: It's perfect Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

BIL wrote:Thanks for the impressions! I only had time for Tanuki or DWE and with Sumez's endorsement, the former was an easy choice.
I'm genuinely humbled that you put so much value in my recommendations, and I'm equally happy to hear that they also manage to live up to your high expectations.

Tanuki Justice is a massively overlooked game, so it's great to see it get some recognition in this thread which feels like a natural home for it.
velo wrote: I'm going to expose myself and admit I didn't think Normal in Steel Assault was especially easy. I thought it was about in the ballpark of a "hard" console sidescroller like Castlevania or Super Shinobi, except for the benefit of infinite lives, and even factoring that in, I think Magnus is harder than the average Dracula.
I should clarify, that it's less about how easy/hard a game is, and more about how difficulty changes might potentially compromise the core design of the game.
With the checkpoint refills of Steel Assault's easier modes, you can just keep taking hits and just brute force your way through most of the game (though I imagine Magnus would still be as much of an obstacle as he is on harder difficulties yeah).
I've seen people refunding the game on Steam due to it "being too short" which is really unfair. It took me over a week just to clear arcade mode, which is more than enough beef for a game like this to me.
velo wrote: I haven't messed with Expert too much, but I wish there was some happy medium in there: either an Arcade Junior mode where you go for a 1LC on Normal, or Expert but with mid-level checkpoints, or a stage select for every checkpoint, or something. Basically, not really looking forward to trying to learn Expert-Magnus while replaying the whole final level on every attempt (unless you get a checkpoint before him? I'm assuming not).
I think Expert is a really good happy medium as it is. But I agree, the game really needed at least a training mode with level select! With arcade mode having no checkpoints at all, my only option for practicing chokepoints (primarily the first midboss of stage 4) was playing up to that stage in Expert mode and keeping a save file for that, since that allows you to repeat the stage as long as you want.

Steel Assault is a fantastic game, one of my favourite action games of the past many years, but it definitely does have shortcomings in its overall structure in terms of game modes.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Sumez wrote:
BIL wrote:Thanks for the impressions! I only had time for Tanuki or DWE and with Sumez's endorsement, the former was an easy choice.
I'm genuinely humbled that you put so much value in my recommendations, and I'm equally happy to hear that they also manage to live up to your high expectations.

u will always be my cho aniki for that ACA Bubble Bobble greenlight :3 I had written off hardcore pixel-perfect R2RKMF on anything PS3/360-onward back then, what a boner mirite!

EDIT: Oh damn! :o Here I was a page back, musing about whether Tanuki Justice was designed with a Hit Ratio system in mind, only to discover there's an in-game trophy for exactly that. Real recognise real. :cool: Totally apparent this is Shattered Metal Soldier Blade, looking at the wave designs with 100% shootdowns in mind.

Hard is perfection, yep. It could've happily been the default, with Normal bumped down to Easy - but I know these devs are in the usual Catch-22 with the mainstream. Even Normal has some bitchy reviews. :lol:

No harm done either way. Normal's a perfect approximation of the typical first-rate FC sidescroller. Easy to clear, trickier to no-miss. Hard, Insane, and the higher-end trophies affirm this is 110% by and for hardcore lifers. Image The stage-by-stage practice mode is so damn good for that, paired with the ban on pausing/restarts for performance runs.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BurlyHeart »

Nice thread on the history of Splatterhouse: ... 52193?s=20
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by copy-paster »

KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja has been robbing me so hard, WHY are you using the ass CV Adventure GB system for the powerups? not to mention any non lv3 weapons have tiny hitboxes and it's impossible to hit those st4 turrets without lv3 sword or grenade either. I need to beat it cause the OST slaps, every single track have zero flaws.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

That weapons+subweapons system is RUFF Image It's one thing to have Powerdown On Damage... another to have ultra-situational subweapons replace your goddamn main weapon. 3;

Also, look at this. :lol:


It's particularly noticeable with its stablemates Dragon Fighter and ShatterBrain having such excellent systems. Still love Kage though, those stages have some blitzkrieg flow once routed. Those same crummy homing stars can do some UNDERWATER NINJA DEMOLTIONS TEAM shit in the right venue. Image

Also possesses the rare Actually Good Autoscroller, at the finish. That staff roll BGM is stunning, too, even from a team who tended to really finish strong (see also The Ninja Warriors Again's heartbreaking sign-off)
BurlyHeart wrote:Nice thread on the history of Splatterhouse: ... 52193?s=20
Gorgeous thread! :o For a relatively short-lived series, they really packed in the art talent... it's funny, looking at them, I never thought of Rick's design as a Jason Voorhees ripoff, any more than I do Contra's heroes as Ahnuld expies. The pop-cultural pastiche worlds they inhabit are so thoroughly charming, enough to transcend even the most iconic lifts.

I always loved those AC enemy names. BIGGY MAN and MASTER DEAD... :lol: SHp3 has the illustrious FATMAN DEAD, too!

...I never really noticed what an attractive figure Biggy Man cuts in those shorts. :o He should help FATMAN DEAD trim down a bit! :cool:

Body By Jashin™

For those not already aware, Arcade Archives: Splatterhouse is out next Wednesday on PS4+NSW. :cool:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Volteccer_Jack »

copy-paster wrote:KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja has been robbing me so hard, WHY are you using the ass CV Adventure GB system for the powerups? not to mention any non lv3 weapons have tiny hitboxes and it's impossible to hit those st4 turrets without lv3 sword or grenade either. I need to beat it cause the OST slaps, every single track have zero flaws.
You can stand on the turrets, and from there crouching slash can damage their weakpoint. The kusarigama even at lv1 has longer reach than the lv2 sword, in addition to the ability to attack diagonally and vertically, so I recommend using it instead of the sword when learning the game. The last 2 bosses especially are rough if you happen to be stuck using the lv1 sword, but totally manageable with the kusarigama.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Randorama »

Real life (TM) has struck again, so I am "busy with things".

It also happens that I had a 1-CC/grudge completion in the first semester of this academic year that left me quite satisfied but also not so keen on pursuing the few, really though grudges that I have left in my arcade ga(y)ming career (e.g. Magician Lord, ahem). I recently 1-CC'ed Ninja Kazan, so I will probably upload a write-up soon(ish). Spoiler comment: I played this as a kid and with rose-tinted glasses so thick, that when I decided to 1-CC it recently I was wondering if the port was missing graphics or something, eh.
Chomsky, Buckminster Fuller, Yunus and Glass would have played Battle Garegga, for sure.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

BurlyHeart wrote:Nice thread on the history of Splatterhouse: ... 52193?s=20
Damn, I never saw or heard anything about that 2003 cancelled reboot. Honestly kind of dig it: even though it looked (just going by those concept pieces) like it would have been a more fanciful, gothic approach to the premise (complete with a cute anime girl supporting role), that last illustration suggests the brutality and body horror would've been preserved.

One thing that I have mixed feelings on that's shared between this "what could have been" ps2/xbox era project and the western reboot that actually did get made, is the decision to redesign Rick into an Incredible Hulk-esque simian muscle monstrosity. I understand the choice from a character design perspective, emphasizing and visually telegraphing the inhuman strength with which eldritch fiends get splattered, but almost completely sublimating his humanity and human vulnerability (even outside of a limited super form) makes the premise lose something of the toothy action-horror atmosphere IMO

It reminds me of how in the artbook for Dead Space, the devs mention taking a significant amount of time in designing Isaac's space suit so that it looks tough and empowering, yet also vulnerable enough to preserve the horrific possibility of being turned into screaming red paste by the games various necromantic horrors.
Made me also realize that despite being a Resident Evil 4 style blastathon instead of a pummeler (though it does have melee combat) Dead Space is pretty tonally close to OG Splatter House as a pastiche of Slasher, imaginative body horror, necromancy, and lovecraft, with brutal but fun combat
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
Aeon Zenith - My STG.
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