Movies you've just watched

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Searchlike »

Apocalypse, the one with bad cosplay Jill, was as huge disappointment to me after the very good 2002 film and I didn't return to the series until Retribution.
vol.2 wrote:But I don't necessarily feel that my enjoyment of a film is the primary metric of it's artistic merit. You want to be an populist extremist, fine, but that's not really how see things.

I'll read the essay later tonight, but I'm going in skeptical. The best HK films had more going on for them than stellar choreography.
Oh, I wasn't talking about the choreography. I'm a dirty, unapologetic auterist with a formalist approach to film watching so stuff like this is very appealing to me:

The way Anderson shoots that hallway, in all its symmetrical beauty, is movie bliss for me. I haven't seen anything else from him aside from Pompei, which I also love for similar reasons, so I can't comment on MK or MH.

BTW, this is good cosplay Jill, it's Julia Voth though.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

City Slickers 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold: **

Here's a little film school pop quiz: You made a movie that was a surprise hit, and the veteran actor you brought in for a couple of weeks to play a minor role unexpectedly won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Now it's time to make a sequel, but you killed off your Oscar winning character after about 20 minutes of screen time in the first film. Do you:

A) Bring the character back from the dead;
B) Figure out some way to make a decent movie without the character;
C) Have the character's identical twin he never mentioned in the first film show up out of nowhere;
D) Play around with A for a while, before finally settling on C about halfway through the film.

You can probably guess which answer they settled on. Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern (Bruno Kirby bailed on the sequel because he was horrendously allergic to horses and needed daily allergy shots during the first film to remain functional; Jon Lovitz filled the quota as Crystal's lazy brother) set off on a treasure hunt after finding a map leading to a million dollars in gold stolen from the railway by Curly's outlaw father, where they eventually run into Curly's identical twin brother Duke (at least they didn't name him Shemp.). Not nearly as entertaining as the first, and leaves a lot of dangling plot threads and unanswered questions which presumably would have been resolved by a sequel that never materialized since this film barely broke even at the box office. Jack Palance does the best he can with a bad hand here, but probably should have taken his Oscar from the first film and left well enough alone.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

Stevens wrote:Come to think if it, what are some movies based on games that weren't dog shit?
I actually liked Silent Hill as a standalone thing, but everyone else fucking hates it. Still, if the metric is "not dog shit" I'll stan it to the end: this was not dog shit!

I also think the first ~33% of the first Resident Evil movie wasn't bad. The stuff that had nothing to do with the games at all? Very cube-ish, a movie about a homicidal AI would have been way better. I also feel like there should be some kind of academy award for inflicting physical disfigurement to the audience - the second one gave me whiplash from its horrible fight editing and managing that on an 18 inch screen is quite an accomplishment.

Everyone loves Detective Pikachu, but I hate it.

You'd think making your own movie about your own game would be cake, but Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is solidly crap (what the hell were they thinking!), while Advent Children only has its fight scenes and fan service going for it. (I think it's fine if something is only loved by an enthusiast fanbase - think how many people in your life who have zero interest in horror movies have watched Alien. That's very creepy and the true horror, if you think about it. Social pressure is bullshit.)

I look at the upcoming Five Nights at Freddy's and wonder "how can you possibly fuck this up?" I kind of want to watch the Nicky Cage knockoff, but also do not want to.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

It's not Citizen Kane, not even Stranger Things, but Netflix's "The Witcher" is about as good as any direct videogame adaptation I've yet seen. Not a fan of Henry Cavill's Superman, but he nails Geralt of Rivia.

But for me the best videogame movies are Edge of Tomorrow, Crank 2, and The Last Starfighter. (Maybe Scott Pilgrim?)

Though I will say as far as trash cinema goes, the original Mortal Kombat is above-average trash. The pacing never drags, there are no idiot plot moments (Shang Tsung knows Liu Kang is the chosen one and does everything in his power to avoid fighting him directly), and Christopher Lambert is absolutely in his element as a timeless weirdo who doesn't take mortal concerns entirely seriously.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I flat-out forget Silent Hill exists. It's tied up in the unfortunate bean-counter driven self-annihilation Konami began in earnest ca.2006, but which was nibbling away at SH since at least 2002, when they decided KCET needed to work twice as fast with half the dev time, which is why SH3 and SH4 released barely a year apart and missing giant chunks of map.

Anyhoo, the movie is indeed not dog faeces, nor are even the worst outsourced SH games from this period, though I only remember any of them when prompted. Because I am a fucking nerd, I have to dock a few points. Image The movie makes an unfortunate mistake of Origins, buffing up the cult from a handful of creepy fucks in the back of a drugstore seen in all of one flashback to Super Jonestown. It also makes a mistake of Homecoming, buffing up Pyramid Head from malformed thing to X-TREEM BADASS BUTCHERMAYNE.

Spoiler for SH2
"I don't need this anymore. It's just a corpse." Jimmy James, after robbing dead Pyramid Heads.


Sanguine Image

"Pyramid Head won't move any more." - James regards a dead PH one last time


Goodbye PHs. Image
And the director turned Harry into a woman, because he didn't think movie audiences would accept a father going through all that shit for his daughter (PFF, GIRLS ARE RUBBISH) - which is so depressing I want to stab myself in the carotid, then return from the dead to systematically demolish my corpse.

Otherwise, yeah, very watchable! I will file it with RE1, Event Horizon (which may as well be a VG movie), and MK1!

Event Horizon is one of those horror flicks that gets funnier with age. Keep an eye out for the dude getting it up the ass from his strap-on wielding mistress, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

EDIT: I guess the strap-on has been treated beforehand with Carolina Reaper extract, y-yeah that makes sense, my god his arsehole must be on fire. Image GET THAT PEPPERY DILDO AWAY FROM MY ASSHOLE YOU CRAZY BITCH :shock:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Witcher doesn't count because it's a series of novels that was fully-baked before it was even made into a game. IIRC, there's a PnP that predates the games, and also the show is based on the books, rather than any departures that the games took (so far). But I like it too.

I own SH DVD got at a thrift store. I'm waiting to watch it with my cousin; it's the kind of thing we'd cue up at a summer BBQ after it gots dark out. Heard is was better than not plenty of folks so far.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

As much as I wanna be PBR-drinking hipster with everyone else, if you wanna watch a good "Silent Hill" movie, just watch Jacob's Ladder.

Man, if any movie SCREAMS for a director's cut, it's Jacob's Ladder. Not only are the deleted scenes really intense, the plot makes way less sense without them.

EDIT: Oh fuck me, they did a remake in 2019? Looks terrible.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Jacob's Ladder, Eraserhead, Lost Highway, and I would argue Possession (the extreme melodrama isn't very SH, but the psychodrama sure is) are all fine viewing in SH mode, unsurprisingly with the first three being major influences on KCET themselves.

I don't know if Svankmajer was ever cited by them, but I like to think of Neco z Alenky as what a Silent Hill movie based on Laura's scenario from SH2 might be. Never quite scary, but very weird. His later Faust, while more avowedly horror (being based on the old legend and all) has a similar line in DIY surrealism. An awww hell yeah, is be on TEH TOOB in full. :cool: Great movie, recommended!

EDIT: Haha, it's been too long (like a decade or so). Alice is indeed right there in Lost Memories, too. And I see they've updated their website with lots of snazzy images, very cool! (LM is a SH1-3 bible of sorts, lots of official commentary from Owaku, Ito, Yamaoka and co... though not Toyama, because he left Konami after creating SH1. that site transcribes it into English word-for-word, which is cool, as the actual mook is in Japanese)

For stuff post-1999, I thought Enemy was pretty good.
Mischief Maker wrote:EDIT: Oh fuck me, they did a remake in 2019? Looks terrible.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I had no idea. I might give that a look.

Isn't it nice that all these shitty remakes of beloved 80s/90s properties are swiftly disintegrating from public consciousness? I was a little sceptical that we wouldn't need to say "Robocop 1987" but here we are.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by drauch »

Off the top of my head, one of the most video game-like movies I've seen is Blood Hands (1990) by action maniac Teddy Page/Chiu.

The main dude fights like the same four guys over and over. Then at the end, he ascends these stairs in this ramshackle building and fights what are essentially mini-bosses before he tackles the bad dude. Then he gets the girl. The audio is also really insane, so each punch sounds like two.

Also, in Legacy of Rage, Brandon Lee's only HK film (and best imo), there's an excellent scene like a light-gun gallery where the camera shows dudes pop up behind chairs to take a shot, then eat it. It's phenomenal.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:Isn't it nice that all these shitty remakes of beloved 80s/90s properties are swiftly disintegrating from public consciousness? I was a little sceptical that we wouldn't need to say "Robocop 1987" but here we are.
That scene from Our Robocop Remake I mentioned does invoke some philosophical thoughts that linger with ya. Yes, it's farcical in how over the top it is, but that was what the original movie was, for its time. But since we've grown desensitized to it, the only way to recapture that feeling is by taking the logical next step. There's also the reminder that these Bad Guys exist simply to be murdered by the hero, a catharsis for our own violent urges. Dehumanized bags of human-shaped meat.

All implicit in a stupid few-minute long joke.

While the Hollywood Robocop Remake only asks the question "what if Robocop was bland useless crap?"

... they couldn't even make Steve Jobs the crooked, pure evil monster he was, their heads were so full of their own farts. As others observed, it's like a Robocop movie made by the corporate Bad Guys from Robocop. Because it is.


Seeing an alternate design for the monster they didn't use in Alien, I thought to myself how much better new Alien movies would be if they, you know, had new kinds of aliens. As dumb as Prometheus was, I have to give it credit for that much.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Onibaba [1964]

During the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States Era) A mother / daughter-in-law pair trying to make ends meet fuck shit up for unfortunate soldiers who wander a bit too far from their platoons. All is well until one of the locals returns from a war he was made to fight with a next level case of blue balls. This has an 8.0 on IMDB and I'm going to say I concur w/ the rating. It's on HBO max now. Sadly, seems there's nothing better than DVD quality available, but worthy of a watch.

Rather large screen grabs in the spoiler.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

The Warriors [1979]

Probably the only person on the planet that hadn't seen this. I guess I can see it's appeal as a cult classic to an extent, but other than atmosphere in general, this lacks quite a bit. Can you dig it?
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

drauch wrote:The main dude fights like the same four guys over and over. Then at the end, he ascends these stairs in this ramshackle building and fights what are essentially mini-bosses before he tackles the bad dude. Then he gets the girl. The audio is also really insane, so each punch sounds like two.
This sounds amazing, cheers bud :cool:
BryanM wrote:these Bad Guys exist simply to be murdered by the hero, a catharsis for our own violent urges. Dehumanized bags of human-shaped meat.
Tangentially, this is the heart of The Videogame Action. Image Catharsis without collateral. It's refreshing! A good shonen manga works the same way. "Turn your sorrow into rage." If you do this IRL, disaster and horror ensue!
Seeing an alternate design for the monster they didn't use in Alien, I thought to myself how much better new Alien movies would be if they, you know, had new kinds of aliens. As dumb as Prometheus was, I have to give it credit for that much.
This is why I prefer the anthology approach in horror, and why I'll always wish MM's Alien sequel had been filmed instead of Bald Spacejesu VS Monster Squid: Backyard Wrestling In Future. (Hell, I would've been down with both those alien fucks, in anthology context - sometimes, a dick in the mouth is just a dick in the mouth!)

Create a canvas, with some very general tenets, then tell unique stories. Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, Tales/Crypt, etc etc. Familiarity and horror are mortal enemies!

Familiarity and most intense emotional reactions are, innit. This some caveman shit. 3;

RE: More post-1999 horror in the "World of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life" (cf Best Dad Mr. Harry Mason): I'll give The Wind a nod. For the love of god, don't Youtube it! You'll be treated to a very cool oldschool PC point/click promotional game... which will spoil most of the film's best shots. Any good work of this sort should be revisitable on story alone, imo, but it's a shame to hobble that sense of discovery. I suspect I'd have enjoyed it more without the heads-up. As noted, it gets a bit daft, but while I'd forgotten that aspect, the story's stuck around my tormented dome!

Also, February aka The Blackcoat's Daughter. Superb. Image
GaijinPunch wrote:Onibaba [1964]
Just that title is givin me chills in context :o Sounds superb, onto the list!
GaijinPunch wrote:The Warriors [1979]

Probably the only person on the planet that hadn't seen this. I guess I can see it's appeal as a cult classic to an extent, but other than atmosphere in general, this lacks quite a bit. Can you dig it?
RLM's Re-View (featuring famous star Jay Baumann and some asshole pizza delivery guy) nailed it, I think. It's a cartoon through and through... or more charitably, Homer's Odyssey via comicbook late 70s NYC. They mentioned it's based on a novel, which was apparently a lot grittier (apparently the characters were significantly younger), which sounds interesting.
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...................................the best

Post by NYN »

GaijinPunch wrote: but other than atmosphere in general, this lacks quite a bit.
Just try and tell me you wouldn't have Mercy! Yeah, that's right, Warriors! Keep walking. Real tough mothers, aintcha?!

My fave scene is when these dopey couples show up near the end. And get stared down. Uh, awfully late, we better get off now...
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Leads to one of the movie's best lines too! "I just hate seein' things go to waste." Image

Could only have been improved by Mercy asking if Swan was GOIN FAGGOT on her :shock: Image (RIP RapeJax Image)


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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Yeah, James Remar dropped the F-bomb (faggot, not fuck) like 3 times which has aged whorably as everyone knows. I did see in the opening credits it was based on a book, and when it was over I thought to myself, "I bet the book was way better". Specs from The Thing's demise seemed somewhat... dunno... edited. Oh well. It was fun, just cringey. Like, the whole plot of the movie occurs b/c some guy tattles on them and everyone believes it.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I forget the exact sequence of events leading up to it, but yeah, that was indeed a quick n' dirty shot, featuring another actor in a wig. :lol: Fox's actor was pissed off about something, and just walked away from production when he heard he was getting killed off.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by drauch »

Yeah, the dude got fired which is why that's so sudden.

One of the times where the Director's Cut isn't really the best way to watch it, imo. I love Walter Hill, but the addition of comic panels and shit in the DC is really jarring. Shame, as the DC has a bluray and the original cut isn't on it. Hopefully some day.

*edit. Been awhile since I've checked, but looks like the theatrical streams in HD sometimes. Might have to screen grab that 8)

**double edit. Thanks for the reminder. Finally bought Sol Yurick's original novelization. Keep putting it off for years hoping I'll find it in the wild, but no dice. The time is now!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:the anthology approach in horror
Uzumaki and You Will Hear The Voice of the Dead demonstrate worthwhile continuity is in the characters and to a lesser degree, general theme. Not knowing what you're going to get is part of the reward - one day your cousin is maybe a little too obsessed with the abandoned theme park, another you're goofing with talking interdimensional police cats hunting down a runaway criminal.

Always a good time.
... nah, let's throw our characters into the garbage offscreen and keep doing the same thing over and over again.

... who exactly was The Company planning on murdering that required the xenogoofs, again? I kind of need closure on this wily Coyote style shaggy dog story...
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

drauch wrote:Keep putting it off for years hoping I'll find it in the wild, but no dice. The time is now!
I used to always do that, but that stuff has dried up too much over the past 15 years to hope anymore. I still find weird cool stuff, but it's almost never something on one of my lists.

I remember digging The Warriors, but I'm sure I watched it when that didn't register so high on the collective cringe meter. Anyway, the protagonists of the movie were effectively anti-heroes. Ajax is not supposed to be a role model.

They are, essentially, juvenile delinquents running around NY during a period of extreme social unrest and violence. Was it wrong to portray Ajax as a flawed, immature homophobic? How far off do you think that is from reality? Do you think it's wrong because the portray is somehow trying to make it seem "cool" to express homophobia in general? How does this compare to, say, Tarantino's use of the N word in Pulp Fiction?
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by drauch »

Yeah, most bookstores have closed around here. It's the pits.

Regarding the portrayal of the anti-heroes, Sol Yurick wrote the book in response to the more colorful bubblegum gang stuff like West Side Story since that sort of glamorized them. Nothing will beat the roving gangs of Fist of the North Star, though ;)
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back in mothers belly

Post by NYN »

GaijinPunch wrote:Specs from The Thing's demise seemed somewhat... dunno... edited.
Yeah, The Fox-Thing Waites-Windows incident. No name drops. :shock:
Wikipedia wrote:Finally, after eight weeks into principal photography, when the tension on set between Waites and Hill reached the breaking point, Hill demanded that stunt coordinator Craig Baxley improvise a stunt scene in which Waites' character would be killed. "Stunned, Baxley demurred. Such a critical scene would take careful planning. But Hill was insistent. 'I don't give a shit how you kill him,' Baxley recalls the director saying. 'Kill him.'" Baxley found a crew member who resembled Waites and staged a scene in which the character is thrown off a subway platform in front of an approaching train. "It was like someone cut my soul out and left a shell", Waites remembers. He would later demand that his name be removed from the cast altogether; he remains uncredited to this day.
GaijinPunch wrote:Like, the whole plot of the movie occurs b/c some guy tattles on them and everyone believes it.
I was going to correct that, then stopped. Realizing I'm way too infatuated with the piece. You said you had fun. That's all it takes for me to step off. :lol:

Remembered that we recently saw Peter Jackson's Braindead for the first time. The gal went laughing like a howling demon at the grossest sfx. I was kinda sweating she would try to shame me for picking it. :shock: When the whole mayhem starts, it's nothing short of genius. The best is you never see it coming. Never.
What's Jackson up to these days? Still kicking arse for his corporate ring lords? It's OK, we understand. Loved my millions, only respected by freaks.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Ronyn wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:Specs from The Thing's demise seemed somewhat... dunno... edited.
Yeah, The Fox-Thing Waites-Windows incident. No name drops. :shock:
Wikipedia wrote:Finally, after eight weeks into principal photography, when the tension on set between Waites and Hill reached the breaking point, Hill demanded that stunt coordinator Craig Baxley improvise a stunt scene in which Waites' character would be killed. "Stunned, Baxley demurred. Such a critical scene would take careful planning. But Hill was insistent. 'I don't give a shit how you kill him,' Baxley recalls the director saying. 'Kill him.'" Baxley found a crew member who resembled Waites and staged a scene in which the character is thrown off a subway platform in front of an approaching train. "It was like someone cut my soul out and left a shell", Waites remembers. He would later demand that his name be removed from the cast altogether; he remains uncredited to this day.

I remember thinking Fox's death was just the token quick, unglamorous kill to establish that AIN'T NOBODY SAFE UP IN THIS MUHFUCKA Image I mean IRL, people in mass brawls trip and bust their heads open on the curb, shit's no joke.

But in hindsight, the director personally ordering the character's assassination makes sense. :lol:
Ronyn wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:Like, the whole plot of the movie occurs b/c some guy tattles on them and everyone believes it.
I was going to correct that, then stopped. Realizing I'm way too infatuated with the piece. You said you had fun. That's all it takes for me to step off. :lol:
TBH if David Patrick Kelly told me some bullshit, I'd probably believe it - look how the man sells sandwiches :shock:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

GaijinPunch wrote:The Warriors [1979]

Probably the only person on the planet that hadn't seen this. I guess I can see it's appeal as a cult classic to an extent, but other than atmosphere in general, this lacks quite a bit. Can you dig it?
If you want a period piece and more pomade with your NYC street gangs, check out The Wanderers (1979).
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

BIL wrote: featuring another actor in a wig. :lol:
Jerry Horne
Ronyn wrote: I was going to correct that, then stopped. Realizing I'm way too infatuated with the piece. You said you had fun. That's all it takes for me to step off. :lol:
I am positive I'd have been a bigger fan had I seen it as a younger man.
rapoon wrote: If you want a period piece and more pomade with your NYC street gangs, check out The Wanderers (1979).
Will do!
Last edited by GaijinPunch on Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

The Mitchells vs. The Machines. Pretty fun movie!

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Without Remorse. It was... average. My biggest complaint is that the whole movie, especially the final battle, were way too dark to see. I just hope Rainbow Six is an improvement over this one.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

bestazy wrote:Heat (1995) - Watched it two weeks ago and this was such a good movie that I feel like I should mention it. Unlike so many other action directors, Mann more than anything is concerned about the broken souls in between all the gunfire and explosions. There's something deeply beautiful here about men who are so focused on living by their codes and doing their jobs that they leave behind their human connections. Each gesture made by the characters carries so much weight to them. Just astonishing stuff.
Was it your first time watching it? I saw it at the theater first run many moons ago... and have owned it ever since (including LD). Other than Michael Mann's fantastic visual sense, there's some great trivia in the film, mainly around those gun fights.
To make the long shootout more realistic they hired British ex-Special Air Service special forces sergeant Andy McNab as a technical weapons trainer and adviser.[19] He designed a weapons training curriculum to train the actors for three months using live ammunition before shooting with blanks for the actual take and worked with training them for the bank robbery.[20]
Legend has it it has been used as reference material by at least some military outfit.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

RANDY MACKNOB a bad dude Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Necronopticous »

I finally watched The Killing of a Sacred Deer and loved every single godawful moment of it. Pro tip: don't watch Yorgos Lanthimos movies alone at night while you have evolving COVID-19 vaccine side effects.
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