Movies you've just watched

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Cromartie (reskin ver) was superb. Not quite my dream Terminator Gaiden of a purposeless roboman just melting into human society because that is what infiltration units do, with absolutely everything else completely incidental. But within the standard "Run From Bad Robomans" format he was excellent.

TSCC also packed one of the most chillingly fatal combat encounters with a Terminator since T1, the death of
Derek Reese
late in the series. I remember people going WAAA SO ANTICLIMACTIC but this is what will happen if you get into a close-quarters gunfight with a robot. Or a close-quarters anythingfight, really. I guess they expected the killing machine to hurl its target across the room a few times first, to disorient it? Nah. HUMANS ARE SUCH EASY PREY. Good job Salvation and Dark Fate addressed this criminal oversight.

(Yeah, I know TSCC DBZ Bullshit™ted that death away a few episodes later, but it's not like it matters now mirite :sad:)
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

: ( I liked the tv show too.

Keep feeling regret that I have no interest in watching any more of the movies after I saw T3.

I held off watching the RLM on Dark Fate, telling myself maybe I'll watch it someday. For about three minutes. Then admitted I was lying to myself.
GaijinPunch wrote:If they shelled out 250 million a film they've still grossed what - 3 bil? This doesn't even mention licensing and all the other ways to make dough on the name. Much harder to calculate but a cumpany in the theme parks business has to keep bringing huge ass shit in (like massive star wars rides) to stay relevant. Not to mention the higher ups jizzing themselves having the star wars library in their streaming channel. I don't think they're too worried.
The incidental passive income is surprisingly low, comparatively. Revenue sharing with the theaters is 90% to the studio the first week, which scales down to around 25% as the weeks go by. This is why every blockbuster spends 100+ mil on advertising and abhors word of mouth. Home disc sales are like a rounding error compared to their development and marketing budgets.

It'll be a couple trilogies before the opportunity cost is fully offset. I do accept that they wouldn't have been able to create a comparable franchise to whatever Star Wars will be worth 20 years from now, considering their current fare.

... there is something extremely depressing about all future blockbuster movies being fossils frozen in time in carbonite and the only company in the field that ever makes anything new is freaking Pixar. Guess big movies really are an undead medium.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

BryanM wrote: The incidental passive income is surprisingly low, comparatively.
I don't think his is really concretely quantifiable. I don't think it's low, either, though.
It'll be a couple trilogies before the opportunity cost is fully offset. I do accept that they wouldn't have been able to create a comparable franchise to whatever Star Wars will be worth 20 years from now, considering their current fare.
I'd love to see the math that backs that up that first part (eg, w/ real statistics.. not shmups chat staticstics). As for the second part, what Star Wars will be worth in 20 years is anyone's guess. (think of what they said exactly 20 years ago!). I'm not going to argue that the current stuff gives me high hopes for the future. But the bar for the public is way lower. I'd say the same for most of the Marvel films as well and that shit cost like 4x what Star Wars did. It makes shit loads of dough though.

I also think you're selling short how much dough these franchises bring in down the line...for example w/ streaming. To illustrate, let's go back 20 years and ask that same question for Friends, Seinfeld, and The Office then go see what people are shelling out for streaming rights. Apples and oranges but it's not zero for Star Wars (although the number has a lot of zeros). I'd argue those are less timeless than Star Wars anything, but then we're talking more about the product which is neither here nor there.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:: ( I liked the tv show too.

Keep feeling regret that I have no interest in watching any more of the movies after I saw T3.

I held off watching the RLM on Dark Fate, telling myself maybe I'll watch it someday. For about three minutes. Then admitted I was lying to myself.
Smart move - I watched DF and now I'm Mad On The Internet at Tim Miller. Image I didn't know he existed a week ago! I know you are a more sanguine type but I cannot imagine this movie improving your time (unlike Mike corpsing at Jurassic World Park Image).

WTB stand-alone film like Agent Ellison's Doki-Doki Daishingeki: Nazo no GEORGE LAZLOW plus the two or three other plotlines that'd have made excellent anthology What If? style pieces. The original movie stretched its concept to breaking point as it was, with T2 only working as a knowing encore / URA loop.

This time, there are two. Image
This time... Bad Roboman cannot be smooshed. :shock:

I'd just forget all the the movie baggage and get back to Cameron's Outer Limits-inspired roots. Small-scale, disturbing tech-noir stories.

Mike (I think it was the HITB review? lots of CRITICAL BEATDOWNS going around atm) nailed it, DF is a superhero movie. I don't like those much at all, but I can't believe this would make a good one. Maybe I'm wrong. Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by scrilla4rella »

This is bit off topic but have any of your guys read Scorsese's NYTimes oped? I think many of you will appreciate it. I legit enjoy the Marvel movies (haven't seen the most recent ones) but Scorsese is 100% spot on when he says this focus on franchises is leading to a lower tolerance for risk on the part of movie financiers. ... arvel.html

Many of the reactions to his initial comments were embarrassing.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Jonny2x4 »

The Abyss (1989) - Saw this last week and watched both, the theatrical cut and the extended special edition. For some reason, this movie, along with True Lies, are the only works in James Cameron's filmography that have been neglected for the Blu-ray treatment (even though a 1080p transfer of the movie apparently aired on some cable channel at some point), so I had to settled for an old non-anamorphic DVD release from the early 2000's.

I really don't know what to think of this movie. It's technically competently-made and I admire the fact James Cameron actually went through the effort of filming a good chunk of the movie underwater and not just faking the effects, but the story built around iy is just not that interesting. I actually felt asleep during my first viewing watching the theatrical cut, but even after watching it the second time, I still had trouble maintaining interest of what was going on or why I should care.

The gist of it is that the crew of an underwater oil rigging facility led by Ed Harris and his ex-wife are given a mission to go underwater to rescue a submarine crew who are trapped under the ocean with a team of Navy Seals (led by Michael Biehn, whose character's name is Coffey), only to find out that the entire submarine crew already drown by the time they got there and the whole rescue mission was a ruse to get some nuclear codes. However, a bunch of natural disasters happen and the oil drillers and Seals are cut off from the surface. And then they meet a bunch of underwater aliens (or non-terrestrial intelligence), which drives Lt. Coffey insane and he ends up dropping an active nuclear at the bottom of the ocean, leaving Ed Harris' character with the task of having to disarm the warhead.

The ending differs a bit in extended edition, revealing a bit of the NTIs' motivation and throws in a rather patronizing anti-war message. In some ways, this movie feels like a precursor to Avatar in its handling of its message but without the exciting visuals. Really would only recommend this if you're a James Cameron afficionado.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

Movies that put you to sleep are the best. Nothing better at killing time than a midday nap~
scrilla4rella wrote:This is bit off topic but have any of your guys read Scorsese's NYTimes oped? I think many of you will appreciate it. I legit enjoy the Marvel movies (haven't seen the most recent ones) but Scorsese is 100% spot on when he says this focus on franchises is leading to a lower tolerance for risk on the part of movie financiers. ... arvel.html

Many of the reactions to his initial comments were embarrassing.
Yeah, the profit motive strangles and kills art. Expressing an opinion or interest in a hobby only alienates potential customers. And things that are depressing? Complete poison.

I remember that scene in Summer of Sam ($22 million budget, $19.3 million box office) where the killer hallucinates the dog ordering him to kill people and that sticks with me way more than Anakin's possibly unwarranted hatred of sand. I didn't like SoS, but that scene was something else.

The Caveman's Valentine ($13.5 million budget, $687,194 box office... wait seriously?) has 5.8 on IMDB. Spoiler: it's a good movie. Just not to people who like movies or rate them on IMDB.

I always go on about how the Angry Video Game Nerd movie would have been a far better movie if it had been more honest to character - a movie about a mentally ill man who lives in his mother's basement who plays old video games to regress back to a time when things were better. But that would cut too close to home to much of his audience.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

^^^ That sounded ill as fuck and I dig a good command hallucination so after watching Sam swear his allegiance to Rover (love how the latter comes steaming into the scene before slamming the brakes to coldly order his blubbering thrall), I Youtubed "scary talking dog" and got some creepypasta with a familiar BGM! Some chap had asked two years ago and never got a response so I told him it was an arrangement of "Promise" from Silent Hill 2's OST. Pretty good one too! I hope he wasn't asking about the use of Moonlight Sonata further in, he'll think I'm a right wanker. :sad:

I'm trying to remember this really upsetting talking dog scene with unnerving facial tics but I suspect I may have dreamed it. It may have been a dog food ad actually. All that's coming up is The Neverending Story. That's pretty good!

Speaking of pants-shitting horror, it seems that Colour Out Of Space adaptation starring Nicholas Cage is getting some ok buzz. Hmm.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:Speaking of pants-shitting horror, it seems that Colour Out Of Space adaptation starring Nicholas Cage is getting some ok buzz. Hmm.
Wait what? That's a thing that actually exists?

shmups forum, you never let me down. This is the first Cage film I actually want to see.

A very long time ago I was hanging out in town with my ungirlfriend and that guy that everyone at my work didn't like. Someone (not me) came up with the brilliant idea we should go see a movie. The options on the menu were utterly wretched, as November fare is wont to be. The only thing I saw a little bit hope in maybe not hating was Steam Boy. So I offered that. "I don't watch anime. Let's watch National Treasure instead, I like Nic Cage!" the feller says. 'What kind of nerd doesn't watch any kind of anime and likes Nic Cage' I thought to myself and didn't say out loud.

So we saw National Treasure because he just cared about it more. Well, he really liked it, I didn't literally die (tho my head did hurt as expected), and I still haven't seen Steam Boy to this day, so it was the correct path.

That's the story of my last interaction with Nicholas Cage.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by it290 »

I actually kind of like Steam Boy. Yes, it's wretched as a story, but its renditions of the Crystal Palace are magnificent and it evokes an alternate time and place quite well. I think everyone just hates it because it's not fucking Akira.... well, nothing else is, either.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Wait what? That's a thing that actually exists?

shmups forum, you never let me down. This is the first Cage film I actually want to see.
I'm just amazed it doesn't star Marky Mark! (I love Marky Mark! but he ruined TRANSFORMERS XMCLIII for me)

Have you seen Die Farbe? I thought it was pretty decent, with caveats... which of course is HPL adaptation-speak for raving effusive praise. I think there's also an 80s/90s adaptation where it's a zombie flick. Image

Obligatory mention of the HPL Historical Society peeps and their Dark Adventure Radio Theater / various flicks. They're pretty good!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:Obligatory mention of the HPL Historical Society peeps and their Dark Adventure Radio Theater / various flicks. They're pretty good!
I was particularly impressed by their Call of Cthulhu silent film pulling off the whole "angle that shouldn't be there" detail from the book.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Ah yes, I'd forgotten about that shot! Excellent translation of the dreamlike horror to film. Scrambling over oily non-Euclidean stone structures sans climbing gear, brr. Don't even need grouchy star-spawn for that shit to get cosmic fast.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Sumez »

The Perfection (Netflix)


Reminded me a lot of Get Out in how it starts out incredibly tense and super intelligent, but then by the second half it just starts getting comical and more and more silly. It shares a prolific actor with Get Out too, but I didn't notice that until afterwards.

Either way, it's an incredibly well made movie, the direction is spot on, and great performances from everyone. It really peaks leading up to the halfway point, but it's worth watching for the entire thing, as well as the ridiculously absurd ending.
It's also not afraid to be super gross when it really wants to. I had to look away from the screen at several points.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

I just watched the real Terminator 3:

No Country for Old Men
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

At this point It Follows is a better Terminator 3 than anything to come out of the series itself. (Follows is also a decent Scooby Dooby Doo: Shin Bakemono Monogatari - JIGOKU no S.T.D. Image)

The pop cultural world is in deep shit when FRAGILE HUMANS FLEE ENDLESS PURSUER™ is apparently some kind of arcane lore. :sad: This isn't even the sigh of the oppressed nerd, I know they don't want our money, but they're doing so badly they're not even getting normie money.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by it290 »

Samurai Cop. Finally got around to it. What can I say? Worth it.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:At this point It Follows is a better Terminator 3 than anything to come out of the series itself. (Follows is also a decent Scooby Dooby Doo: Shin Bakemono Monogatari - JIGOKU no S.T.D. Image)

The pop cultural world is in deep shit when FRAGILE HUMANS FLEE ENDLESS PURSUER™ is apparently some kind of arcane lore. :sad: This isn't even the sigh of the oppressed nerd, I know they don't want our money, but they're doing so badly they're not even getting normie money.
Yeah, but IT FOLLOWS doesn't have a self-surgery scene or a Kyle Reese character, unlike No Country.

For those wondering:
Javier Barden is the Terminator
Josh Brolin is Sarah Connor
Tommy Lee Jones is Kyle Reese
Woody Harrelson is the cops assuring Sarah she'll be perfectly safe at the police station
Kelly Macdonald is Sarah Connor's mom at the cabin
Barry Corbin's speech and Jones' dream at the end are Kyle Reese's future flashbacks
The coinflip scene is the "menu of possible responses landing on, Fuck you, asshole!" scene
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

The Wind (2019)

Well, this was a digital innovation. 3;< Youtube recommended me creepy-lookin' horror game The Wind - NOT to be confused with #1 Lovecraft Videogame El Viento. This is about a young frontierswoman and the ambiguous menace scratching at her window and stealing her laundry. After saying "that's pretty good!" I scrolled down to the comments. "Is actually movie promotion" said someone. "Oh hell no" said I, knowing I'd just seen all the movie's best shit in superior elliptic format!

Nets a 55/45 on the Movie Entertainments to Inescapable Despair Of Man gauge, or two and three-quarter stars out of five. Stark, occult-tinged tale of madness and loss via grueling frontier subsistence. Gothic AF. Well-acted, sharply-written, and competently shot, until suddenly, it's not.


Narrative structure is deftly fractured; discomforting yet easily followed and therefore engrossing. The sunny prairie radiates an air of waking nightmare, the besieged nights playing like harrowing abyssal descents. Sadly, it shits up its mortal tragedy and artfully primal wolf/door horror with later body-slamming, window-imploding X-TREEM antics. A step too far, no matter how charitably schizo-interpreted, but the surrounding material is pretty decent.

Compatible with what certain quarters are excitedly terming "feminist horror." Ha! Men, mirite! The Witch seems a common comparison point - the similarity is unmistakable, but I would rank this firmly behind its relative restraint. February another cited, superior film. The Babadook also gets brought up, and I agree, having found that strongly creepy until its own histrionic (zing! no remorse) finale.

The promotional game: (will spoil the movie's best stuff, but it's not that memorable a flick anyway tbh! Watching until Day 2 won't give away too much, it's pretty cool)
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by it290 »

Caught Bong Joon-ho's Parasite tonight. There's a lot of films I'm excited about seeing right now, and it was a tough pick this evening between this, The Lighthouse, and Pain and Glory, but I think I made the right choice. Really stunning and phenomenal film that's super overt in its metaphors but doesn't suffer at all for it. Like The Host, it contains horror tropes but is really about family (three families in this case) and mixes a healthy dose of comedy with the trauma. I think I need to let it settle in a bit (and maybe watch again) before really pronouncing judgment, but I don't think it's a stretch to call this movie a masterpiece. Highly recommended.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Jonny2x4 »

Black Dynamite - I used to watch the animated series on Adult Swim a few years ago and at the time I wasn't aware it was based on a movie. Really hilarious stuff, although it makes me curious to see more actual blaxploitation movies, since I'm really only familiar with exaggerated parodies like this and those "Son of Dolemite" sketches on MadTV. Michael Jai White really manages to sell you the idea that he's this over-the-top badass mofo.

Also rewatched Redline and Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke recently, having gotten them on Blu-ray recently.

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Roland Emmerich's Midway, may or may not be related to the 1976 movie of the same name which also was inspired by the Battle of Midway. It's what Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor should have been, a greater emphasis on the battle scenes than on cheesy romance.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by kitten »

cannot stop thinking about eros + massacre after watching it last week. incredibly powerful film that hit surprisingly close to home in a lot of ways.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

I'm totally stealing BIL's thunder and posting the link to the new Sonic trailer here:

Looks like they've traded in the Lovecraftian horror for generic and forgettable.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Jonny2x4 »

Hobo With A Shotgun (2011) - Trashy wannabe-Troma movie that's barely salvaged by Rutger Hauer's performance as the titular hero. I wouldn't really recommend this movie to anyone, but Goddamn it if Hauer didn't know how to deliver a speech. If nothing else, this movie inspired me to look deeper at his filmography (Ladyhawke and the underrated Split Second are two that I'm already familiar with, and Blade Runner is an obvious given)
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

If you've not seen it, Verhoeven's Flesh+Blood is quite good. Live-action Berserk prequel starring Hauer as Gambino, pretty much. Image EDIT: or more universally put - medieval atrocity exhibition starring MERCS GONE WRONG Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Mischief Maker wrote:I'm totally stealing BIL's thunder and posting the link to the new Sonic trailer here:

Looks like they've traded in the Lovecraftian horror for generic and forgettable.
wow - you like the original one better? Personally I don't give much of a shit about this flick, but the original design didn't look anything like Sonic. If he was gonna smoke and get laid, cool, but I don't think that's what they're going for unfortunately.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

GaijinPunch wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:I'm totally stealing BIL's thunder and posting the link to the new Sonic trailer here:

Looks like they've traded in the Lovecraftian horror for generic and forgettable.
wow - you like the original one better? Personally I don't give much of a shit about this flick, but the original design didn't look anything like Sonic. If he was gonna smoke and get laid, cool, but I don't think that's what they're going for unfortunately.
wow - you think "Lovecraftian Horror" is a term of endearment?
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Mischief Maker wrote: wow - you think "Lovecraftian Horror" is a term of endearment?
Guess I wasn't thinking in context. Although you say the new is generic and forgettable. It looks like Sonic to me.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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