Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

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Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Plasmo »

Shmup goals 2019 - Life-giving planets and life-taking asteroids


Another year, another chance to ascend - or go down in flames!

Here are the links to the previous topics. Have you reached your goals? Failed hard? Tell us!

2013, 2014, 2015,
2016, 2017, 2018

You know the drill by now, kid!

(1) Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018: As the name suggests, post the stuff you're the most proud of here, whether you're an Easy mode survival player or a Lunatic scorerunner. Anything that stands out to you is what you want here, no matter how silly it may be!

(2) Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018: Did a Power-up carrier pick you off or ram into you and ruin the GOD RUN? Whatever comedies/tragedies pop up most clearly to mind go here! These don't have to be specific occurrences but can be generalities as well in your gaming endeavors.

(3) Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018: Whether it's a long-time goal achieved by a close friend or a new WR set in one of your favourite games (or both at the same time!), you can post whatever stuff you enjoyed seeing other people do this year here!

(4) Goals for 2019: What do you have your eyes set on achieving next year? List all the clears, scores, and crazy challenges you want to achieve next year here. Be ambitious!

(BONUS) CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: The fun one. Throw down the gauntlet and challenge someone else to something! This might be to beat one of your scores, or a race to a certain clear, or whatever you like. Remember to keep it a little friendly, but on the other hand, go totally nuts!

Alternatively if you want to be lazy then just post your goals for the year as usual.

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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by chum »

Favourite accomplishments of 2018:
I made 38 new scores in Double Spoiler. 4 of them particularly stands out to me:
12-7 Hatate 1,987,172
10-6 Aya 959,834
12-4 Hatate 1,398,372
10-1 Hatate 1,081,945
The first two in particular are probably my best scores so far.

Biggest screw-ups:
What comes to mind was losing a god-run in 10-6 Hatate. I just made a lot of mistakes and missed out on an opportunity to capitalize on some truly insane luck. I never had a run even half as lucky as that again or before. There were some other pretty major screw-ups but I think this one stung the most.

favourite accomplishments by others:
Lots of impressive Shoot the Bullet scores by Ia and 白花. This game hasn't seen much activity in the past few years but in 2018 these two strong players came back with a vengeance.
Ia is still the player I look up to the most and the scores he set in 2018 makes this more true than ever before.
Izumico's Embodiment of scarlet devil accomplishments. He's completely turned this game into his own personal onahole.
3,374b in Legacy of lunatic kingdom by RB. RB is a young player who is completely tearing it up. Probably one of the most skilled touhou players at the moment. I really hope he will keep playing because it is such a joy to see such strong players dedicating themselves to a game.
I didn't think this one through too much, so I'm sure I forgot lots of things.

Goals of 2019:
I'm just going to keep playing Double Spoiler as usual.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by OmKol »

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018
Gradius III AC clear.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018
Died on a last stage of Gradius III AC, nothing more.

Goals for 2019
Not sure is it possible for 2019 but DOJ WL 2-ALL.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by ZPScissors »

Favorire achievement of 2018:
I did quite a lot in Lotus Land Story. At the start of 2018, the best 1cc anyone had done was a Lunatic 5MNB, and thanks to the developments me and some friends have made this year, we've now gotten down to 2MNB and NMNB is a realistic possibility. I also learned how to score the Extra stage, and got a score of 79,085,070 with Reimu A, which is a shot type WR. I've also started playing arcade shmups and have come pretty close to getting a Maniac No Bomb 1cc in Mushihimesama, I've game overed to the final boss twice.

Biggest Screw-Ups of 2018:
So about game overing to the final boss twice... One of those was in the last few seconds of the fight. I also struggled hard getting DDP 1-ALL, it took me over a month and I started going for it right after I got my first Mushi Maniac 1cc in under a week.

Favorite achievements by others:
I have to agree with Chum, RB has been absolutely amazing. He only started scoring Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom in the summer of 2017 and got the WR in March of 2018. I also have to mention my best friend Starshine, who got both the Mystic Square Lunatic and Shuusou Gyoku overall WRs this year.

Goals for 2019:
I have 3 big goals for this year: LLS LNN, Undefined Fantastic Object Lunatic 2B, and DFK Omote 2-ALL. I also have a lot of smaller goals I'll be going for, but those are what I'm going to be focusing on the most.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Stevens »

Thanks for posting Plasmo.

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018: After four years and 400 hours getting the ALL in Under Defeat to the tune of 5.6 million. Only game I've cleared in its entirety.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018: Probably should have played more Zero Ranger the last month. Was getting close on the clear and then I just got away from it.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018: Bare Knuckle Roo slaying Giga Wing without using reflect. Unbelievable.

Lord Hypnos breaking two trillion in Mars Matrix (Thanks for the reminder Roo). Where are ya' Hyp?

Even though I haven't taken part yet - A special nod to FRO for running his shmup of the month club over on RF Generation. Anything that grows the genres fan base is a positive thing.

Goals for 2019: Dive further into Ketsui. Still looking forward to Xydonia and Crisis Wing. More Zero Ranger. Stick with games when I get close to the 1 CC.

Last edited by Stevens on Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by third_strike »

1- Accept the luck like a factor.
2- Fail in inp record to Metal Slug and Metal Slug X clears.
3- The level in this site is high!!!!!! But, I will go with M.Knight run in Shikigami no Shiro
4- Play and to have any fun.

BONUS- Kollision make the Brasil proud!!!
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by mrmccormo »

Personal achievement of 2018: reliable full-chains of Stages 1 and 2 in DOJWL.

Personal biggest screwup of 2018: taking two months off from practicing. It took me a few weeks to return to my former skill level.

Favorite achievements from others 2018: not a specific event; just happy to see the community livening up, talking to one another, and growing outside its comfort zone.

Goals for 2019:
First, High-scoring DOJWL 1-ALL
Next, a 1-ALL from the "backlog" (a game I've never beaten but already know the mechanics and scoring). Something like ESPGaluda or Gradius.
OmKol wrote:Goals for 2019
Not sure is it possible for 2019 but DOJ WL 2-ALL.
Since a 2-ALL in DOJWL is also my goal, I challenge you to see who can get the higher score.

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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by M.Knight »

Oh man, thanks a lot, third_strike! :D

(1) Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:
-Finally getting the clear in Radirgy, years after I first fell in love with it. It may not be such a difficult one as you can play it safe with the shield, but this is a shmup where doing so makes you miss out on the whole game's fun and I simply don't see the point in getting a Radirgy 1CC without trying to score in any way.
-Going to the Stunfest and meeting international players (as well as goofing off with them :lol: )
-Finally starting to record and share my runs online. While I am no superplayer, I play a bunch of shmups so providing videos and trying to garner some interest in those games is still a good thing to do.

(2) Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
-None in particular stands out to me. I fuck up a lot anyway. :mrgreen:

(3) Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
-Eiden doing an incredible job on Karous : beating the WR, nearly reaching 7bil, and even recording some of his runs, as he shared one on his YT channel and provided another one for a Milestone superplay DVD set.
-The charlie guy who put together said Milestone superplay DVD set. While it has a lot of fluff, it's still a helpful resource.
-Whoever it is that beat the Chaos Field WR.

(4) Goals for 2019:
-Get the ZeroRanger 2-All. I know I am not too far from it, but it's still not in the bag.
-A pipe dream if I don't start actually studying it, but 8 (or even 9) bil on Illvelo's Arcade Mode.
-R-Type Leo 1CC.
-Resume playing Blue Revolver and get a Hyper Mode 1CC.
-Play even more shmups, old and new. Hopefully WestGunne comes out so I can play it too.
-Record a Shiki 3 ALL with a score that's around or above my PB. I already cleared it with 8.5 bil but on the Wii so there was no replay/recording, just a photo of the final results.
-Record a Sin & Punishment Hard run with a Perfect Bonus, because it's such a fucking cool game and I am supposed to be rather good at it.
-Keep working on my own shmup project, and maybe release a new demo with more polish

-I dunno...Beat my Illvelo score?
-And beat my Shiki3 Batu score I guess
-Just post more scores in general, even terrible ones (especially terrrible ones!)
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by DenT4F »

Personal Favorite Achievements of 2018:
- Gun.Smoke 1CC. This game always was a favorite of mine since I was a kid. I have very fond memories of spending many quarters in it despite never making it further than stage 5, even by credit feeding. Recently, I decided to take my revenge on it. I stubbornly credit fed the Capcom Cabinet version on PS3, it took me 6-7 hours but I managed to do it. Might seem ridiculous to those who haven't played much of this game but it's not exactly an easy task "blind". After this success, I kept going back to it here and there... making it further every time. Until one day, I was actually able to make it to stage 6 on one credit regularly and that's when the thought of clearing the game sparked in my mind. So I started playing it more seriously. A couple of weeks later, I was able to reach the Wingate Family on one credit. Was a matter of time at this point.. still took me a handful of sessions but I got it done and I'm damn proud of it. Feels great to conquer a game you love after more than 30 years xD

-Getting over 1 billion in Mushihimesama Futari Black Label (360 port). This game quickly became a favorite of mine, so I've been putting a lot of time into it but honestly I've surprised myself getting that score. I must mention that it wouldn't have been possible without smc's help. He believed in me more than myself, his support and insight were tremendously valuable.

-Mushihimesama Futari Black Label Maniac 1CC. Another case of clearing something I never thought possible. You could think that I simply have low self esteem (you'd probably be partially right..) but honestly, this difficulty just seemed like way too much for me to handle not so long ago. It still isn't something I can clear regularly but it's definitely a personal favorite achievement of 2018.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
Screwing up is a specialty of mine haha.. but I guess the one that still resonates with me the most is..
-Cutting the training and research short when going for the R-Type clear. I had done my homework and did some save state practice for stage 4, 5 and 6.. but failed to understand just how easy the final boss is when you have two bits. What ensued was a rather embarrassing stream. After a couple hours, I reached the final boss 2 or 3 times in a row but failed the run stupidly every time. Got scared by one of the spiral balls and moved out of position... rip. Failed to pull back against the left side in order to put the bits in front of the ship.. rip. At that point, I was getting pretty tired. But since the chat explained what I did wrong and that I just made it to the finish line twice in a row, I had to see it done. From there, I started playing like absolute crap. But I kept playing... after going nowhere for about 4 hours since learning about how to fight the final boss properly, I surrendered and stop the stream. It was (still is) kind of shameful that it took me so long to clear this game. I got it done on my second or third attempt the next day (on stream) but yeah.. if only I had the smarts of being thorough when practicing, this would've been avoided. Kind of a lame story, idk lol.

Favorite Achievements by Others of 2018:
-DinirNertan's 2-ALL on ZeroRanger. Check it out on Youtube, it's fantastic.

-Aquas Gun.Smoke 1CC. Again, a favorite game of mine. He got it done way faster than I did (big surprise hah) but watching him progress through the game was delightful.

-fufufu's 2-ALL at Stunfest. Not something new.. but I mean, to see him do it on stage was just astonishing. I was really impressed by that.

Goals for 2019:
- I don't really have any specific goals. All I'm going to ask myself is to keep on playing STGs and keep improving.

I challenge all my followers on Twitch to play Gun.Smoke in 2019 :mrgreen:
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Mills »

Goal for 2019:

2ALL Strikers 1945, no miss, no bomb.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Ajora »

I'm aiming to complete Crimzon Clover on Arcade Original right now. I dunno if I'll ever attempt Unlimited or not.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by x91 »

Goals for 2019:

Make a return for shmups.

1. Update the 5-year-old Ketsui PB;
2. Get a Strikers 1945 2-ALL with Shinden over 1800000pts, 1st loop is ready;
3. Clear ESP Ra.De. with Irori, 25mil+

some other low-priority missions: Mushi Futari BL Original recovering, get some points in ZeroRanger, learn to play Crimzon Clover WI Original Type-II
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Mills »

[quote="x91"]Goals for 2019:

Make a return for shmups.

2. Get a Strikers 1945 2-ALL with Shinden over 1800000pts, 1st loop is ready;

Only completed once by powering down to use the 3-way charge shot on 2nd loop. Very easy to get highscore milking on 1st loop, near impossible to perfect 2nd loop run.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Plasmo »

I might give it a go myself!

(1) Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:
-Being invited for a live demo at Stunfest was a great honor! I was happy being able to promote one of my favourite games! :D
-Getting back into Pink Sweets.

(2) Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
-Failing to beat any of Eaglet's scores in Garegga. And I really tried, no excuses. I will have to try harder in the future.

(3) Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
-WY getting world records in DOJ WL and BL (3,7 holy shit...).
-SOF-WTN's 92mil in Donpachi.
-iconoclast winning the Deathtiny competition.
-Mark's progress in Dodonpachi.
...and so many other achievements. Can't list them all!

(4) Goals for 2019:
-Clear Pink Sweets 1.00

-Play Pink Sweets (arcade or port) for score. It's tough, but actually a really good game!
-Don't hoard survival 1ccs and take a look into scoring systems instead.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Zaarock »

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:
- 1.2mil score in ZeroRanger
- Stage 5 hard mode clear w/ all patterns in Murasaki Tsurugi

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
- Burned out on ZeroRanger by playing it too much at launch
- Didn't play StellaVanity or Hellsinker

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
- 1.37 million in ZeroRanger by Erppo. I wonder how many people can get close to this.. probably harder than any shmup run I've ever done.
- Iconoclast winning M2's Ketsui Deathtiny competition
- Judgement Silversword Hard mode 219 million ALL by Megapulse with a bunch of new tech. Likely WR by a large margin.
- Really strong year from various shmup developers. lots of good games released this year. and a couple more coming up at the start of 2019.

Goals for 2019:
- Improve score in Ketsui
- Improve score in ZeroRanger

- Break 1.2 million score in ZeroRanger
- StellaVanity high rank clears or higher difficulties
- Murasaki Tsurugi hard mode & st6 no bombs
- Ginga Force hard mode score attack
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Durandal »

Personal favourite achievements:
-Getting an R-Type 1-ALL in the span of two days
-ZeroRanger 2-ALL
-Sin & Punishment Hard clear

Personal biggest screw-ups:
-Not being able to get the R-Type 2-ALL even after nine months due to sheer anxiety (and that fucking 2-5 boss) despite having a working and thoroughly practiced route firmly embedded in my muscle memory
-Losing the replay file and my video recording both of my Infinos Gaiden Hard clear because I thought the cloud would save it

Goals for 2019:
-Getting that fucking R-Type 2-ALL
-Improve my ZeroRanger score
-Find some time to redo a Infinos Gaiden clear and save it on my external HDD this time around
-Getting a Metal Black clear
-Practicing Raiden Fighters 2 more
-1lc'ing each stage individually in Sin & Punishment: Star Successor on Hard Mode w/ Isa & Kachi (trying to clear the whole game in a single stretch would take like two hours which is absolutely ridiculous, on top of the game being much more stringy with health than the first game was)
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by zoydo »

Hi everyone :)

so this is my list:

(1) haven't had any specific goals for 2018, i just took what i could get.
Managed too clear Darius Plus (PCE), Sturmwind (Arcade Mode) and Dariusburst AC EX (ORV) on one credit and was quite very happy with that.

Also i finished every stage in endless-mode of R-Type Dimensions EX with 0 lives and beat my former score (stage 5) in arcade mode.

Biggest highlight was the participation in an FB-Group-Tournament (shoutouts to Bloody and CRI ;) )

(2) no specific situation, but i failed on clearing Darius II, R-Type (again), and Cyber Core (damn that last stage!!!)

In general i might have the habit to play too many games mixed up, so my progress in single games is rather slow.

(3) again nothing specific, it's always impressive (and informative) to watch other players pushing their limits and improving their scores.

(4) personal goals for 2019 are:

- To improve and post some more of my current scores.

- Trying to clear Fast Striker (normal/PS4) when it arrives an Darius (Arcade/Cozmic Coll.), when it's released.

- Keep on trying to clear Darius II and R-Type.

- Clearing Guwange 360 Arr. and maybe Garegga 2016 rev. Premium Arrange
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by mrmccormo »

Plasmo wrote:Don't hoard survival 1ccs and take a look into scoring systems instead.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Stevens wrote:Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018: Bare Knuckle Roo slaying Giga Wing without using reflect. Unbelievable.

Thanks! Can I still be mad it was a timeout and not a kill of the TLB, though?

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:
• The No-Reflect run of Giga Wing (it's on my Youtube page and on STGWeekly) was probably my most satisfying clear this year. It was on my to-do list of things for some time, though I'd like to go back to it and actually gun down all the bosses this time (and not have that awful screwup on Stage 5).

• It was at the beginning of 2018 but I was pretty stoked to get a good score in a perfect run of Raiga: Strato Fighter. Still can't figure out where the WR gets all those extra points, but apparently this is the currently the highest scoring recording known to exist, so that's something.

• I also 1CC'd Trizeal this year which was a bit unexpected, I had no real experience with the game and more or less learned it on my own after picking it up bundled with Shooting Game Love. It's actually pretty neat, albeit in a very rough sort of way. Not super difficult to clear, but satisfying nevertheless.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
• Having to resort to a timeout of Giga Wing's TLB to pull off the No-Reflect clear. One of these days I'll get the kill for real...

• I thought I was in range of Raiga's WR and was getting hyped but then I realized I'd misremembered how much the bonus lives were worth on a clear and was still way off from WR. Oops.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
So many amazing clears keep popping up in the 1CC accomplishments thread that's it's hard to single out a few. LordHypnos got an amazing Mars Matrix score in 2018 that's great to watch, and then there was Shepardus's 1-All of Battlantis, a game I would have imagined would be maddening to play.

edit: oh, and Stevens's 2 loop All clear of UD - I couldn't remember who the heck had gotten that UD clear earlier this year and it took me a few minutes to look it up and of course I missed Stevens mentioned it in his post, lol (was there ever a replay recorded of it? UD is always fun to watch)

There was also KyoKusagani1999 who was streaming some really impressive live clears of some of the Raiden Fighters games, very cool stuff to watch.

Pestro87 also cleared DFK 1.5 Omote route live at a meet which was super rad (I had to leave before I saw the full clear, but I saw him play a run that made it to the middle of 2-5 Omote, was damn impressive, apparently he got the clear on the run after I left).

Goals for 2019:
• Get a decent Giga Wing score. I want to get a perfect NMNB run for that sweet bomb reward at the end of the last stages, and I've been playing the game long enough that I frankly should be able to do this.

• Clear Mushihimesama Futari God mode. There's a lot of local players who can crank out clears of this and I still struggle, though I haven't put as much time into it lately as I should. So many great games to be distracted with.

• Make progress on Futari 1.5 Ultra. I likely won't nab a clear this year but it's on my wishlist to get some time...

• Clear a few arcade games I shockingly haven't 1CC'd yet but have owned for a while (Espgaluda II, Ketsui, Saidaioujou, Crimzon Clover: World Ignition)

• Play more Solid State Survivor - this is a neat little doujin I keep meaning to give more attention. I used to be pretty good at it and now I have sadly neglected it and I'm rusty as all hell.

• Play more shmups in general. Lately I've been distracted by non-shmups (gasp) like Bayonetta and Snake Pass.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Stevens »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
(was there ever a replay recorded of it? UD is always fun to watch)
Sadly no.

I could never figure out why they didn't include the ability to record full runs within the game itself, especially since you can record full stages via the practice mode.

At least then I could have recorded it in game and then ghetto recorded it for the site.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

Yet again, I barely played at all in 2018, well for this genre at least.

Quite a lot of stuff I'd like to do, so no way I'd get them all due to time, but it'd be nice to get at least some of these.


Finally finish what I haven't done in Judgement SilverSword yet (Hard Mode and Special Mode clears Default Ship)

Perfect Bit.Trip Fate(only have the first level right now, 5 others that I'd need to get)

1cc Blue Revolver, at least Hyper preferably Parallel

Actually learn Deathsmiles level 999 as well as some scoring in the original version

Finally clear ExZeal 1cc (had gotten to stage 6 on the 360 version but never finished it, picked game up on Steam recently)

Learn Mushihimesama 1.0 Ultra, 1.5 Original Max, and 1.5 Ultra Max

Then if I decide to mess with emulation again then

In the spirit of Giga Wing No Reflect, Guwange No Shikigami clear(my PB for no Shikigami was getting to stage 5, but I doubt I could get that far now)

Gradius II 1 loop clear

Gradius III 1 loop clear

Maybe mess with Parodius if I get both Gradius II and Gradius III. I don't have Gradius either, but I don't care about the first game.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Jonst »

personal favourite achievements 2018:

Beating my pb akai katana shin score by a couple of 100ml
still being able to clear ketsui 360 mode despite not playing it for years
finally scoring a ps4

personal biggest crew - ups 2018:

Not clearing under defeat despite having the whole game down. I just couldn't deal with the bs of the final form of the final boss. Disappointing after putting in so much time.

favourite achievements of others 2018:

I don't really know who's done what as I've spent a fair bit of time away from here, but have been lurking again recently.

goals 2019:

get a better score on ketsui deathtiny
get a better score on battle garegga premium arrange
maybe go back to espgaluda 2 as i was making some progress before getting the ps4
play all the shmups i have but have never played before
try and spend less money on stuff

challenge to others:

play and love any mode of akai katana
Last edited by Jonst on Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Lyv »

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:
2-ALL'd Strikers 1945 and completed the Strikers series collection.
Also that random PoDD Lunatic Chiyuri 1cc.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018:
I was 5 seconds away from a decent score in Strikers 1999.
Stopped playing Sengoku Blade because it's too hard.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
I don't know, I live in a cave.
Saito's and fufufu's runs at Stunfest were pretty rad though.

Goals for 2019:
Get a decent score in Strikers 1999.
Clear Ketsui Omote or Sengoku Blade.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Mark_MSX »

(1) Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018:

I would definitely say my biggest achievements for 2018 have been the work I've done on my podcast and discord. It's the first time I've actually seen one of my various projects over the years through ha. Gameplay wise, I am proud of all the progress I've made in DDP. It's a shame I couldn't get the 2-all before xmas, but I grinded the game way more than I would have otherwise and I did make it to final form hibachi at least. The 2-all is getting close now though, so I'm hoping to achieve it within the next few weeks or so.

(2) Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018: I actually don't consider me not getting the 2-all a screw up. I'm a little disappointing I didn't pull it off, but I put in a crazy amount of hours studying and practicing the game, so I honestly think I did the best I could. I wasn't too far off, but not so close as to feel I messed up in some way. No, my biggest screw up of 2018 is the audio quality of the 2nd episode of the podcast. It was the first time I tried to capture guest audio and my original method of doing so kept having problems. I regret the audio quality because it was a fantastic interview and I wish I could have done it more justice. Definitely an important lesson though, and my audio engineering skills have greatly increased since then.

(3) Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018: My favorite achievements this year have been from people who have joined my discord who didn't play shmups previously and have gotten some 1 credit clears since then. Dingo beating RefRain comes to mind. Plasmo and Eaglet's Garegga duel at Stunfest is another highlight for me. I really like the concept and hope to see more demonstrations like this in the future. Oh, another player I have been following over the year is VioletHatPurple, I've been happy to see his recent progress with getting 2-alls in CAVE games, I kind of like to think I'm doing the same thing, just a year or two behind him.

Record wise, the top achievement for me certainly goes to Bananamatic's 608 million record with C-L. Someone finally beat Prometheus's score, which I think has stood for quiet a few years! I asked Prom if he considered this passing his score, since it was a different ship type from his and he said that he felt the ship balance in the game is equal, so C-L would count in his mind.

Lastly I have been impressed with WY's recent records in DOJ. Sounds strange but I think it's exciting to see players outside Japan take over world records, especially in CAVE games.

(4) Goals for 2019:

1. Finish up the DDP 2-All within the next few weeks or so.
2. Get 350 Mill with C-L in DDP
3. Get around 150 Mill with A-L
4. Maybe get 100 Mill with B-L, just for kicks
5. Start working on Ketsui Omote clear.

(BONUS) CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: For sure my number 1 challenge is for Blackisto to return to DDP (which I believe he has done) and beat Prometheus's A-L score. Then, if the stars align, maybe Prometheus will be motivated to return and beat Blackisto's new score (he said he might in the interview, so you never know). I also have a top secret challenge by another player -- I'm like Plasmo now with hidden info ;-) -- I'm looking forward to possibly coming together this year. If so it will be awesome for sure!
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Stevens »

Mark_MSX wrote:Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018: My favorite achievements this year have been from people who have joined my discord who didn't play shmups previously and have gotten some 1 credit clears since then.
This is bad ass. Respect for helping the community grow.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by EmperorIng »

I missed last year's thread, but I gotta commit this time. This thread like many new year's resolutions is always a good pick-me-up.

Truth be told I didn't play as many shootemups seriously this past year. 2018 was the year I discovered a lot of PC games I've never had the chance to play: Thief 1-3, Dishonored, Prey, FEAR 1 (great!) FEAR 2 (shit). Thief was an obsession for me for several months; in hindsight I'm almost sorta glad I didn't have my current job so I could consume multiple hours of it per day.

I hope to make a bigger splash in 2019 and finally work on whittling down my backlog. It's now or never!

1) Personal Achievement of 2018

-This has been a scant year of shmup clears for me (see above), but I did manage to get a 2ALL in ZeroRanger, which I feel is pretty respectable. I really got to appreciate the care and detail put into the game and see the potential for growth if I ever learn how to get the overdrive multipliers down. I am looking forward to the hard mode update!
-Thanks to the scheduling tail-end of TRP-STGT, I managed to clear Gekirindan several times (with Anne and the two Elves). Geki is not the hardest shmup in existence (especially with 2C), but it had been on my "to-clear" not long into my introduction to this genre, so getting it down and for a tourney no less felt pretty good.

2) Personal Screw-up of 2018

In the waning months of 2018 I was practicing every day for an ESPGaluda clear, getting to Jakou a few times. I wasn't able to pull it off as time dwindled (holidays are ultimately more important than shmups). I feel like if i had practiced earlier, or had developed more consistent strats I could pull off a shitty clear with Tateha.

3) Favorite Achievement of Others of 2018

-The Deathtiny progress made by Iconoclast; really cool to see someone tackle the game so effectively.
-Roo's No-reflect of GigaWing. I didn't think this was even possible. I don't even know if Takumi was aware it was possible.

4) Goals for 2019

-Get that 1CC of ESPGaluda! I am almost there, and I know that Jakou the Wacko can't last that long with sustained practice.
-I need to make serious headway into a Psikyo 1ALL. I am thinking either Sengoku Ace or Sengoku Blade (leaning towards Blade). Psikyo games are too fun not to play, and I really want to try and put the effort into surviving those later, hellacious stages.
-RayForce has been sitting un-cleared in my queue for 6 years. I really need to change this.
-Another Cave 1cc? I'm trying to decide which would be a good one to dedicate time to that is on the """easier""" side (potential read: no loops). DonPachi (exception made here)? Guwange? Mushi?
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Mark_MSX wrote:Oh, another player I have been following over the year is VioletHatPurple
Oh yeah, his account is PurpleTheGuy but I think he signs the scoreboards as VioletHatPurple? He's an amazing up and coming pro, lots of impressive clears recently, including a couple really difficult 2-ALL clears.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Mark_MSX »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
Mark_MSX wrote:Oh, another player I have been following over the year is VioletHatPurple
Oh yeah, his account is PurpleTheGuy but I think he signs the scoreboards as VioletHatPurple? He's an amazing up and coming pro, lots of impressive clears recently, including a couple really difficult 2-ALL clears.
Absolutely! It's great to watch the progress he's making, he seems to be knocking out some impressive clears! I get a feeling we're going to see some more awesome stuff from him in 2019 :-)
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by FRO »

As a loose goal, I'd like to get a clear on each of the games I have lined up for the Shmup Club this year. A couple of those might be pretty hard.
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Re: Shmup Goals 2019 - Doomsday Edition

Post by Shepardus »

(1) Personal Favourite Achievements of 2018: Reaching 1 million points in Parodius Da! - I almost forgot that that happened in 2018 (it was January), but remembered when seeing my failure to reach that in my post from last year. Also want to make note of my Detana!! TwinBee high score and my Battlantis 1-ALL.

(2) Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2018: Can't think of anything really... Not clearing TwinBee Yahho? Not clearing Cambria Sword?

(3) Favourite Achievements by Others of 2018:
Some guy was crazy enough to beat my Wing Force record.
Dent4Face wrote:- Gun.Smoke 1CC.
I missed this, but congratulations, I know you had your eyes set on this for a long time!

And a special congratulations to everyone who released a new shmup in 2018. The act of creation is what keeps this genre (and others) alive.

(4) Goals for 2019: Nothing in particular.

Post scores for Parodius and TwinBee! Clear Battlantis! Play Cambria Sword!
NTSC-J: You know STGs are in trouble when you have threads on how to introduce them to a wider audience and get more people playing followed by threads on how to get its hardcore fan base to play them, too.
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