GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by orange808 »

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Oh well this looks promising! August 2016, you say? I guess it's out now!


Wait... what's that? Look out, comrades! :shock:


It is familiar, well-loved tale. >¦3 We have all heard it! Some dipshit says "gib moneh pls" on kickstarter, then fails to deliver the goods! Or perhaps, delivers a broken piece of shit. ;3


Mama mia, Zoe! >83 You are rivalling my waifu Brianna! But just like bulimic action/adventure Revolution 60 SPED, I am sure novelty FMV collaboration with Chuck Tingle will be worth it in end! Even greater than your landmark Choose Your Own Adventure book Depression Quest! Psst - fellow men of gaming! Do you know what project is codename? Mff... Image I am sorry, I cannot keep straight face! Is called... "Kickstarted in the Butt!" Aaahahaha! Excellent humour! Most down with the kids!

However, none of this is why we are here today. >;3 "Blowy Quim is talentless sack of shit always scamming rubes? Next, you tell us water is wet, you Captain Obvious! I cut you like yankee dog!" Please tovarisch, suppress brute gamer violence for one moment. Image I bring new field report, from front line of great culture skirmish! Image Please be settle in comfy chair.





Recently, known Enemy of Gaming Jason Schreier inexplicably receive Kunkel Award for services to game journalism. Perhaps is joke? Ha! Whatever case, good for him! However, Jason himself not so fond! In swift rebuke, he celebrate not with wodka, but by spitting on both Kunkel and Gaming! Ptoo, ptoo! Most principled and earning of his comrades' respect, you and I might think! Sadly for Jason, in his zeal he forget station...


...and in one brash move, found himself openly questioning Premiere Victim Status of Her Holiness Zoe Quinn! :o Even infamous beast man Brianna Wu know not to try such thing, at least not so brazen! :shock: Only abject prostration could save him now, and yet it did not come. Perhaps it was not political ambition, but some faint vestige of pride which make Jason stand ground against encircling pack of frothing curs? Whatever reason, this blasphemy upon name of most beloved martyr could not go unavenged. Image





^^^ hey look! :o It is that boozing cunt who once say "gamers are dead!" More like your career is dead, bitch! Ha ha! Image


Now, I am no admirer of Jason - in fact, not long ago, I kick him square in pasty mangina! I even take his money at same time via FSB archival tool. Image However, I am grateful to him - do you understand? To his futile struggle, and his inevitable going to knees to choke upon cock of social justice, before offering quivering behind to jeering crowd. Because it is hilarious. Image

It really make me glad I am just humble GiantSpaceKat employee. >¦3 Until next time, please consider send donations to - I do much CTRL+C/V of other peoples work to bring you frontline report!

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

Superb post.

Was keeping it together but once I opened PART IV: CASTRATION; and saw Leigh Alexander, the Vagina dentata herself; "that's all she wrote" :lol: Have mercy, BIL, ffs!

Watching theses creatures stand on each other, in an effort to climb higher on a house of cards, a structure they themselves have built from their own "victim-hood",
is like one of the Bard's own tragedies. Top notch entertainment.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

I would so ninja edit that GIF into the epilogue. :mrgreen:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Stevens »

You know what would have made that Twitter exchange more entertaining?

Pics from the dick stock thread.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Well-spotted. But although Gynoug Dickman's battering ram todger would surely make him haraam in enlightened progressive circles, he definitely has a place here! Image What better visual shorthand for Jason and the other strange men still orbiting Victim Supreme, than that molar-cracking grimace of sacred agony? Image You've inspired me to publish my own hard-hitting chronicle of this remarkable self-inflicted snipfest.

"Hello? Jason? I knocked, but... OH JESUS CHRIST!"
"Mff. H'lo Bn."
"Jason, who did this to you?! Was it Gamergate?! And what is that in your mouth?!"
"Wff mr mwn, m-mn't md wws."

Jason gave his weeping colleague a mildly irritated glance, and swallowed.

"I said, Ben, where we're going, we won't need balls."

Prepare yourselves. Image Coming soon from known shumpsfarm shitbird R. Soul...
By the way, do you want in on the royalties? We may get taken to court when I start cataloguing all the sex offenders this thing exposed - but the registry is public domain, so with a little luck we'll see 'em dismissed with costs. Image

As to the wider show, as Zen says it has truly sublimated at this point. Beautiful jet-black cannibalistic farce. Image
Squire Grooktook wrote:the feeling of weary, shambling half-human abominations gradually whittling eachother down with horrific blows fueled only by sheer determination.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Stevens »

BIL wrote:

By the way, do you want in on the royalties?
I would like that.

We make it a trilogy. The 1st chronicles the harrowing tale of a former man as he loses his nut sack. The 2nd will be the cash grab bridge film - we can write it later. The last part will be his redemption. He gets his balls back.

I have a movie poster in mind for the finale - Think Shawshank Redemption, except raining balls.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

BIL wrote:
I think you've got something there, by God!
I see the makings of the greatest DooM wad eva!

After the book, "The Film" . . .
We all know there is only one man for that job; Rapey Weinstein. A scifi/body-horror? He'd produce the shit outta that!

Perhaps an "sjw" type kickstarter is in order?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Skykid »

BIL, the work you do will be remembered.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

The only TV I need,

is BIL's posts in this thread.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Thank you comrades Sky Boy and Final Baton ;-;7

Now, to tell you truth though? Real MVP is comrade BulletMagnet, who has provide safe space for lowly men such as we to commit ultimate cyber violence: laughing at scammers on internet! Last forum I stay at, moderator call me misogynist for saying Zoe Quinn have documented track record of ripping off innocent chumps. :evil: I get really mad - tell him "Listen buddy, that serious charge to throw around! Trivialise real bigotry against woman, and give cover to unrepentant scam artist! Now how about you make like tree and go fuck self!" He get strange look and ask me if I have wife Image I slightly taken aback but say yeah - she kill me if catch chatting with cute little suka like you Image I thought I land solid hit in verbal joust! But then he ask if I have kids, and I tell you - I suddenly considering reaching for nagaika, because this one creepy fuck I might actually need to hurt. Image

But then! I receive emergency communique from Gamer Control - he actually infamous convicted pedo Amir0x aka Christopher John Goldberg in disguise, police en route to grab at very second! :shock: I frown in disgust at unknowing proximity to human excrement as SWAT break door down, and drag him kicking and screaming into party van! Then I grab wife and kids and take next flight out of GAFburg. Nonces at top levels of company?! Not safe, comrades!

So thank you comrade BulletMagnet for maintaining new home safe for woman and children! Image
Zen wrote:Perhaps an "sjw" type kickstarter is in order?
Good idea! Also remember other first principle of scam, straight from Brianna Wu herself! Image

Last edited by BIL on Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

Meanwhile, on the good thread Krasniy Oktyabr;
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Gamers, my great regret is that our departed Southie friend AG99 isn't here to share in the rise of Senator Wu. Image I think it may have given him a focus, and tempered his abnormally potent Sperg Force to normal Gamer levels. Then again, none of us were able to tutor him back then... perhaps it's for the best he not see this. We retain our Gamer HQ strictly at master bloodf's hospitality - it would not do to repay his generosity with another Wu casualty, after their elder son Crash's regrettable winter sortie on the Commander's recon unit.

Somewhere in Massachusetts...


The race is heating up! :o Surely after the sterling achievement of Revolution 60: SPED (only half a million USD down the shitter, just two and a half years late, and almost not broken), my waifu will guide District 8 to similar heights!


Feeling intimidated yet, GG scum? I think it's pretty clear my waifu would beat your waifu's ass. Image And not just brawn, but a cunning political brain too! Behold, a punishing blow to the incumbent's rep!


Yeah! Where was that shitbird? Image



How dare he. :shock: :evil: What about Crash?! I bet he's in league with the Gamers... keep up the good work boss. More need to know about this vile man. Image
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Skykid »

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Stevens »

A fool too? She will win:D


We were able to tutor him, he didn't want to listen.

I work with a fucking guy (not directly or I would murder him) like AG 99. Imagine a full grown adult who has done a job for 25 years and is more or less utter shit at it and refuses to take any advice (specifically asked for by him) from people who are far better at their jobs.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

BIL wrote: I think it may have given him a focus, and tempered his abnormally potent Sperg Force to normal Gamer levels.
The WU brings many gifts and may well have saved his . . . ass?
Understanding of the peace, (or perhaps piece?) of the WU, brings temperance.
Incomplete understanding brings DuckTales - rent boys, sensitive farmers and blasphemous impostor GG threads.
Oh the humanity!

Re. Congressman Stephan F. Lynch;
He will be no match for J. Dubya's bulk.
Besides, there is always Frankzilla!
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BIL wrote:snip
The fact that Lynch wasn't in the country was pointed out to her immediately on Twitter. I checked, and to absolutely nobody's surprise I'm sure, she hasn't made an attempt at an apology or even mentioned it again.

If she actually manages to be elected, I can only imagine the damage someone delusional like her would manage to do.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Zen wrote:blasphemous impostor GG threads.
Oh the humanity!
Indeed! For a sec, I thought we might get a little Red October VS Konovalov action going on - but I guess not. Image


BareKnuckleRoo wrote:The fact that Lynch wasn't in the country was pointed out to her immediately on Twitter. I checked, and to absolutely nobody's surprise I'm sure, she hasn't made an attempt at an apology or even mentioned it again.

If she actually manages to be elected, I can only imagine the damage someone delusional like her would manage to do.
I concur with the popular Wu-Watcher theory that she has absolutely no desire to win. That would mean actual work! OTOH if she fails, she can waltz away with the campaign donations (free money!) and leverage yet another "Gamergate murdered my dog / STRONG WOMYN IN TECH foiled by NEO-NAZI GAMERS" sob story. There's never any real career goals with Wu, just further self-aggrandisement and grifts galore.

"Brianna Wu, AWARD-WINNING GAME DEV, TRUE & HONEST WOMAN TECH EXPERT, #1 VICTIM OF GAMERGATE and FORMER CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE" would make a great layup into a cushy talking head gig for some shitty news network. It's all provably bullshit, but the media's been wolfing it down with both hands for going on five years now.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Durandal » ... ce=twitter
Valve gives up on responsibility

By Ben Kuchera Jun 6, 2018, 3:52pm EDT

Valve has stopped trying.

Today’s blog post makes something explicit that many of us have seen for a while: The company doesn’t really care about the content on its platform. It doesn’t want to be put in the sticky situation of being responsible for the things being sold through Steam, so it won’t anymore. Anyone can sell their game on Steam, with a few tiny exceptions.

“...We’ve decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling,” Valve’s Erik Johnson said in a blog post. “Taking this approach allows us to focus less on trying to police what should be on Steam, and more on building those tools to give people control over what kinds of content they see.”

The wording is important there, because you’d think what is illegal is a question for laws and courts, and not Valve, but this allows them to wash their hands of most decisions while keeping the control to interpret which “illegal” games should be removed and to be the final arbiter of what is and isn’t trolling. It’s a way of making sure the peasants know that they, and only they, are responsible for themselves, but the king is still the king.

There are also no stated mechanisms with which Valve will find games that are illegal or trolling. Why pay to do something yourself when you can just tell the audience it’s their job, or responsibility, to do it for you?

Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming

You can say the thought process behind this decision is profits, since it costs Valve very little to allow a game on its service and the company takes a large percentage of everything that’s sold on the platform, but the blog posts makes it clear that it’s also about cowardice.

“The harsh reality of this space, that lies at the root of our dilemma, is that there is absolutely no way we can navigate it without making some of our players really mad,” Johnson said.

Saying there are no rules is a good way to make sure no one gets mad, and if people get upset about the flood of abusive and hateful games that now, by policy, have a home on Steam ... well, tough shit. It’s your responsibility to not look at them, if you don’t like them. Valve doesn’t want to have to think about this stuff, it gets in the way of counting the money.

This isn’t a free speech issue, because Valve isn’t a government entity. This isn’t an issue of lack of resources, because Valve makes enormous profits from Steam and could easily afford to put more robust vetting in place. It isn’t an issue of lack of people, because more people could be hired to work on the problem if it was something Valve actually cared about solving.

But this solution keeps things simple, and profitable. Anything goes, and Valve is going to make money on all of it. If you don’t like it? Well, that’s your issue. There’s plenty of money to be made selling games that seek to profit from hateful ideas and images, and it can only cost money to run your company with basic decency. This blog post isn’t a statement, it’s an excuse. And in 2018, it’s a lazy excuse.

“If you’re a developer of offensive games, this isn’t us siding with you against all the people you’re offending,” Johnson said. Valve isn’t picking a side, because that would mean turning down money from someone. The argument is made that someone in Valve may even agree that some games shouldn’t be on the service, but this policy means that no one at Valve ever has to feel responsible for how they make money. It’s an open declaration of for-profit sociopathy. You can’t give something a home, take a percentage of its sales, and say that the product doesn’t reflect your beliefs. Your beliefs are being reflected perfectly in that situation, in fact.

This was probably a simple decision for Valve, and if you’re upset, just remember that your anger isn’t the anger that Valve cares about.
I believe moderators should be the ones to decide in our best interest what content we get and don't get to see in order to make our experience a more pleasant one. I also believe content ought to be moderated to protect others from harmful content. It is cruel to expect everyone to be able to simply ignore what's being displayed on their monitor and pretend like it's not there and not spreading.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

I'm really only here to savagely torture people who are bad at Ninja Gaiden, so pardon if I've missed something obvious, but why are all these self-appointed moral exemplars infesting games journalism so rapey and/or pedoey? It seems to be a real trend, and it makes me feel unsafe. For my kids. It also makes me think listening to a bunch of fucking internet autists - bearing the crucial distinction that unlike you or I, they get paid for their daily forum upchuck - on these matters might not be the best idea.
"B-b-but that was so long ago!" Got you covered bud!
Durandal wrote:I believe moderators should be the ones to decide in our best interest what content we get and don't get to see in order to make our experience a more pleasant one. I also believe content ought to be moderated to protect others from harmful content. It is cruel to expect everyone to be able to simply ignore what's being displayed on their monitor and pretend like it's not there and not spreading.
But if we can't trust the judgement of super intelligent and morally sound gaming journalists, then who?!
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

Durandal wrote:“...We’ve decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling,” Valve’s Erik Johnson said in a blog post. “Taking this approach allows us to focus less on trying to police what should be on Steam, and more on building those tools to give people control over what kinds of content they see.”
Only the likes of Kuchera, could have a problem with this statement and perhaps more importantly, this level of freedom.
Durandal wrote:I believe moderators should be the ones to decide in our best interest what content we get and don't get to see in order to make our experience a more pleasant one. I also believe content ought to be moderated to protect others from harmful content. It is cruel to expect everyone to be able to simply ignore what's being displayed on their monitor and pretend like it's not there and not spreading
"Harmful", could get real subjective, real fast.
I am unaware of what is "spreading". Have I missed some Steam scandal :shock: ?
BIL wrote:I'm really only here to savagely torture people who are bad at Ninja Gaiden, so pardon if I've missed something obvious, but why are all these self-appointed moral exemplars infesting games journalism so rapey and/or pedoey? It seems to be a real trend, and it makes me feel unsafe. For my kids.
You are no doubt well aware, the "The Kooch" has a long and shameful history of "Screwing The Pooch".
These chaps never fail to surprise, as they emerge from a camouflage of cartoon-like projection, so effective as to be impenetrable by most healthy minds.
Which is a long way of saying; he's a fucking twat!

On a side note; I am really bad at Ninja Gaiden and am brazenly unashamed to admit it 8)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

To tell you the truth the torture thing is just shameless self-promotion - it's only those in denial that should fear the whip. Image (naturally this includes quite a number of games journalists, who are routinely thrashed without mercy)

Ben's actually the cover star of "A Vic Supreme," but I thought it'd be more amusing to portray him via Mark Waid (he of frothing comicsgate blackmail infamy). They all kinda look the same tbh.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

Poor AG1999... he wanted so bad to get hardcore with the hardware, that he was going to sell his ass on the street for a couple o' carts.
Then again, the guy didn't even knew what he wanted : got a Sony BVM but was lauding the picture quality of RF-modulated signals. A troubled young mind...

His innability to take any(and I mean ANY) advice, as well as not responding to posts sent his way but instead being in constant monologue(AKA ramble) mode, truly made him insuferable. lol.

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:The fact that Lynch wasn't in the country was pointed out to her immediately on Twitter. I checked, and to absolutely nobody's surprise I'm sure, she hasn't made an attempt at an apology or even mentioned it again.
This is Bri-Bri's prefered defence : ignore the rock solid rebutal completely, and instead, start talking about something else, acting as if it never happened. In short : not holding yourself accountable for your own actions/words.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

It keeps happening. Image


It almost feels mean-spirited to object at this point. After years of fruitless pandering, a dying industry remains gaga to choke down yet more no-sales, no-results social justice cock - and even were I more than a bemused, detached onlooker, I'd say "have at it old boy." Any of you watched The Sopranos? You know when
Johnny Sack is breathing his last, and his wife tearfully tries to give him that last cigarette she'd taken off him just a minute before?
Yeah, that scene always breaks my heart in half. So have at it, old boy.

I wonder if she'll find the cheat code to pay off the backers of her latest scam?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by charlie chong »

i need the cheat codes to reality
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Skykid »

charlie chong wrote:i need the cheat codes to reality
Ha ha :)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

The "Fifth Reich." Image
Image're really shaking my credulity tree here, waify. Image I'm gonna headcanon this away as the result of that time you mentioned getting stabbed in the brain and/or busting your skull open falling off your motorbike. Yes, pedants, I know it was technically John that got brainfucked! You know what I meant! Image

I'd assume she was banking on LITERAL GG MURDER SQUADS heckling - I mean, LITERALLY ASSASSINATING her for pity points, but she shitcanned this one pretty quickly. Good thing MOMBOT is here to protect the children.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by charlie chong »

the fith reich sounds like some b movie i'd watch :lol:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Maybe where she got it from, much like Robert Heinlein's The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress gave us the gift of Moon Rocks. Image

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

BIL wrote:Maybe where she got it from, much like Robert Heinlein's The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress gave us the gift of Moon Rocks.


Mr. Shatner's "calling out the spoiled brats of generation horrible", nailed the entire situation to the wall. Wu, took the bait.

Perhaps The Shat's generational insight, also explains John's "Fifth Reich".

If you squint your eyes a little;
"Fifth Reich" becomes "Filthy Rich", with (appropriately) little effort. Which, of course, explains why John never had to actually learn anything.

It tells you a lot about the naïveté of these people, that they thought it advisable to "engage" Bill Shatner.


If your going to sling shit with The Shat, you better pack a lunch!
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