Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:That's interesting. The controls are one of the better things about the game. It's all SNAP! WHA-PAH!
Not to rag on poor edmond any more, but i'm surprised the controls were criticised by anyone.
Although I've definitely leaned a bit too hard on a certain beloved prop the last few pages, I think it's important to separate Edmans the haplessly ill-suited NG1 player from Edmans the forum outcast. The former is a genuinely useful example of how not to grapple with this type of game. Arrogance and blind rage will turn the best controls against you! Calm down FFS!

The latter's just a football. One with a memorable habit of poison-penning his sworn enemies via My Little Pony fanfiction and posts to RIVAL FORUMZ. :wink:
btw i'll be stealing that psyduck emote, Sir Biruford.
Platypus Privilege.
Here's another btw, you know my stash is for everyone. Image Image
kitten wrote:i remember staring at it a lot as a kid and wondering what on earth those electric balls being fired were. did the artist not understand what a grenade launcher was? did he just think it looked cool?
I thought they looked a bit cottony-fresh for their own good meself! But what stuck in my mind was the shit-eating grin on that alien mug, which I guess is meant to be Java. Looks evilly satisfied, a bit like Dorakyura on CV1's cover. That's cool! Meanwhile the FC box stars a random egg and... a Killer Zamboni? Huh. I've no particular attachment to it tbh, although I dig the hot pink backdrop!

Oh shi - nice HOD post Squire, and holy shit sorry to hear about the jury duty. I know you mentioned having a decidedly unfriendly schedule as it was, lately. I'm up way too late myself so will check back in tomorrow.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Jonny2x4 »

BIL wrote:
Interesting... kinda prefigures the later Nakazato games' thing for beeg tweests.
I don't think they're actually aliens in the gamebook, but the epilogue when viewed out of context almost makes it seem that the aliens were Bill and Lance and not the enemy fought. At any rate, it wouldn't even be the weirdest twist in an 80's gamebook/manga tie-in to a videogame.

You're probably familiar with the Mario anime where Peach has an OC fiancée who ends up stealing her away from Mario. Well there's a gamebook where...
...Luigi turns out to be a bishonen prince who disguised himself as Mario's brother after being exiled by Bowser.
Or the Zelda II manga where they actually had the balls to...
...kill off Princess Zelda (not the sleeping Zelda, but the one Link saves in the first game).
I already like it more than Shin Contra's
presumably mythos-expanding but ultimately reductive "the aliens weren't genocidal monsters, they just wanted their shit back!"
or Neo's
attack of the clones - which might've been fun, but dropped too late and went nowhere after Robot Bill Rizer Head exploded. I liked the tacit implication that ultimate killer instinct stripped of all humanity leads to unbridled Bad Shit™! Oh well, at least Neo Bill and Jaguar got to frolic with dolphins!
I always thought Neo Contra's plot was intended to be an over-the-top parody of MGS1, what with the main character taking out on his former unit, only to find out that he and the enemy leader are clones. Hell, Mystery G is even implied to be the original Bill serving as a some sort-of futuristic version of Big Boss (what with him wielding dual rifles and doing the spinning shot from Contra Spirits).
Also, total coincidence I'm sure, but that could easily pass for Lucia from Shin/Neo Contra.
It wouldn't be the last time they shoehorned a female OC into the original Contra's setting. I'll bring to you PACHISURO KONTORA 3D
My favorite renditions of Bill and Lance are these clay model versions from the cover of the April 1989 issue of MSX-FAN. I love how they used Bob Wakelin's art for reference.
MSX-FAN covers are amazing. Image They really captured the slight droop on Lance's features inherited from Stallone, haha. edit: There's a few more here in case it's of interest.
There's actually scans of all the issues on
I wish someone would do the same for other Japanese gaming magazines from the period, such as LOGiN and Micom BASIC.
kitten wrote:
man, i still love the nes boxart, even despite having lost fondness for american boxarts to an almost extreme level. i remember staring at it a lot as a kid and wondering what on earth those electric balls being fired were. did the artist not understand what a grenade launcher was? did he just think it looked cool?
It was actually by a British artist named Bob Wakelin, which he originally drew for the Euro PC versions that were released under the Gryzor name. Apparently Konami loved it enough to reuse it not only for the NES version, but also on the back cover of the MSX2 version.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Jonny2x4 wrote:I always thought Neo Contra's plot was intended to be an over-the-top parody of MGS1, what with the main character taking out on his former unit, only to find out that he and the enemy leader are clones. Hell, Mystery G is even implied to be the original Bill serving as a some sort-of futuristic version of Big Boss (what with him wielding dual rifles and doing the spinning shot from Contra Spirits).
Haha, excellent - never considered that! (I try to forget that move exists, tbh!)
Nice, thanks. :smile:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Well, that Holy Diver run wasn't too elegant. I think he was probably taking a lot more chances than Funkdoc did when he did it live, though.

EDIT: Mitsume Ga Tooru run was interesting, commentary taught me a few new things about the game, especially relating to the arrow upgrade. Makes me want to be pick it up again - it's probably one of the best Jap-exclusive FC games I've tried.
Hope you guys secured your copy, it's probably gonna get another price boost after this AGDQ.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

BIL wrote:Haha, excellent - never considered that! (I try to forget that move exists, tbh!)
i had someone point out to me that it was an MGS parody yeaaaars back and it was really obvious in retrospect. it's kind of cute, but it saddens me that the last big contra game was just parodying the big konami franchise :[
Sumez wrote:Hope you guys secured your copy, it's probably gonna get another price boost after this AGDQ.
just bought one very recently!! grabbed one with a slightly stained label for under 2k yen, real cheap. i tend not to care about complete materials or even too much about label condition on most licensed stuff, so i'm happy with it. this is one of the last notable natsume action games from before the 32-bit era i've yet to play, i think!
i wanted them to never end Image

i've also got their jetman game on the way, but i'm frankly not expecting much, there. what put me off mitsume ga tooru for so long was the money system and having to figure out what to buy, i'll definitely have to either experiment a bit or watch someone else's play to get a sense for that. that kind of stuff in an action game is always a "ehhhhh, i'll get to it later" kinda thing.

and!!! i just won a really nice condition copy of captain saver last night. ended up spending a whopping 20k yen on it, but i've been after this for two and a half years, losing auctions by minimal bids and watching the price slowly ascend the whole time. i also just replayed power blade and played power blazer for the first time and just had to finally get this one. a nice copy popped up and i went for it! the last one sold for 22.8k and was in worse condition and without the reg card, so i don't feel too bad. this is one of the only major bullets i've had to bite in terms of searching for something for a long time and just having to cope with the price never going back down. could have realistically spent ~15-17k for a worse condition copy if i continued to be excruciatingly patient, but mine will likely retain larger resale value if i ever end up having to ditch my collection, so *shrug*

i'm able to cope well enough with the all-around raising prices realizing nothing could be done about it and i can only split my focus in so many ways at once, etc. i took a while to find out how much classic games were my passion, too, but that's also useless to kick myself for. what really gets me is when i'm after something and i play it smart, safe, and patient, and i still end up paying more ;[
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Blinge »

Soz late reply. busay.
kitten wrote:james seems upstanding enough to own up to something like that. he doesn't ever try to pass his stuff off as competent play and just enjoys his games. i genuinely don't understand why he keeps mike around as company - i'm not saying james is a "good person" or anything along those lines, but mike is really obviously a liar and shifty scumbag who definitely tried hard to usurp his buddy's fame. i guess they were just good pals as kids or young adults?
It's fine to dislike a youtuber but isn't this too vitriolic?
I think Cinemassacre/ avgn wouldn't exist without Mike. Yeah they're college buddies. He's always been putting in work behind the scenes, and convinced James to really give it a go after his first throwaway video or two.
That's the impression I get from their conversations and James' history of the channel.

It reminds me of Matt from SuperBestFriendsPlay, my favourite gaming entertainers. I didn't like him as much before (I do now), thinking he was less talented/funny, but always respected the fact that he was the one that brought them together and pushed them into doing things. Behind a lot of great talents, there's a workhorse.

As for the falsificare, have you actually confirmed this? Aren't some of his feats performed on livestreams?
Not to doubt your claims, i wouldn't be that surprised if you're correct.

Sorry, allow me to shuffle your quotes a bit..
it's just video games. they're fun! there's no politics, they're just entertainment.
was lying in bed unable to sleep one night and went searching and really stupidly got into a protracted argument with one of the really prolific ones where i tried desperately to get them to admit that a nomiss they'd done wasn't legitimate
i feel like a total psychopath digging through all of someone's youtube videos like this
It's not worth it, Kitten! :shock:
I've wasted enough of my life arguing about Dark Souls on the internet to know..
Catch me in the trenches later I guess.
i feel like some sort of doddering old weirdo whenever i try to convince people to sit down and just enjoy some of this stuff
Haha.. yes. For this reason i've all but given up talking games with CoD girl at work.
i see the term "inaccessible" used so often - weaponized terminology meant to pull on your heartstrings, like rockman making you start a level over is somehow in any way similar to a library without a wheelchair ramp.
Horseshit isn't it. That journo defeated by Cuphead's tutorial springs to mind.
there's this one channel - shadowserg - that shows "no damage" runs of bosses that is quite popular. no mention of it being cheated, however. look them up and watch their play of TNWA if you want a serious laugh at how they don't even know most of the basic moveset and are blatantly cheating. iirc, they fight the last boss for like 2 solid minutes before realizing you have to throw enemies into him and were too lazy to rewind that footage. they also curiously host a lot of videos by the player who goes by arektheabsolute, who as far as i can tell is a genuine player and enthusiast. really threw me off for a little while, and i don't know why a genuine player would want their videos on a channel like that.
Oh what? That's the channel I go to for Castlevania boss strats! :|
You saying it's Falsificare? I mean,it is feasible that somebody could ace Vania bosses after some practice then go get shat upon by a beat 'em up. I suck at beat 'em ups compared to every other genre!
Unless all their vania bosses are done by Arek. I've seen his stuff before too.
everyone here seems quite trustworthy, open, and honest about their aptitude and application with games.
it's deeply refreshing! Image
Yeah I'd never cobble shovel knight stages together in a video heh heh :wink:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Agh I already forgot most of Mitsume Ga Tooru even though it's only been half a year, but the money system isn't bad at all. You get plenty of money, few items are actually useful, and as far as I recall you lose all upgrades whenever you lose a life. So I see it more as a Contra spreadshot than a Euroshmup upgrade store.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

kitten wrote: just bought one very recently!! grabbed one with a slightly stained label for under 2k yen, real cheap.
2K yen?? Wow, I feel real cheated now :O
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

Blinge wrote:As for the falsificare, have you actually confirmed this? Aren't some of his feats performed on livestreams?
Not to doubt your claims, i wouldn't be that surprised if you're correct.
his feats on livestreams are way less considerable and often show him failing frequently and pitching a fit, which was the whole reason i didn't let go of my suspicion on watching his recorded play of hard corps & contra 3. it's extremely unlikely he would stitch footage as stealthily as he did (that part is 100% proven) without the intent to cover up foul play. i forgive/look past his well-known, old racist comics and whatever other bigotries he had - holding people accountable for something they've disowned from that long ago is not fair. what bothers me is how much he took over james' channel, complete with deleting comments irritated with his presence when he started the whole takeover. a lot of fans were really upset by the whole thing and just wanted him to make his own channel. there are just too many instances of him being a prick.
Unless all their vania bosses are done by Arek. I've seen his stuff before too.
quite a few of the castlevania and makaimura vids on his channel are indeed by arek, who i believe to be a legitimate player. video description reveals which, though imho you can tell by the play which are legit and which aren't.
Horseshit isn't it. That journo defeated by Cuphead's tutorial springs to mind.
it is deeply irritating, yes :[

i had to watch people all around my "side" of twitter defend this guy or say the play was reasonable or the tutorial was bad or etc., etc. instantaneous, enormous strings of excuse-making on his behalf when i think it was revealed the rest of the team put him on that just to laugh at his bad play and he was sort of in on it, anyway. i don't think it's political to think someone covering a game should be able to play it!
Sumez wrote:Agh I already forgot most of Mitsume Ga Tooru even though it's only been half a year, but the money system isn't bad at all. You get plenty of money, few items are actually useful, and as far as I recall you lose all upgrades whenever you lose a life. So I see it more as a Contra spreadshot than a Euroshmup upgrade store.
appreciate the info, but i'd definitely be giving it a shot, either way. natsume has won an immense amount of good faith from me for their design from this era.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

To this day I still love Jame's reviews of older movies, be it horror, Godzilla, etc. His knowledge is incredible in that field and he's got such a good stance/perspective, his breakdown of series like Godzilla but also say the Hammer Dracula films, is invaluable to me. Guy is a great critic and every october, his Monster Madness marathon is a must -watch for me (as is all his reviews of movies from the '80s and before).
So I really hope his channel will continue to thrive so we'll keep getting more movie stuff from James.

Part of me thinks that Mike's output of the last few years is what kept the channel/Cinemassacre afloat, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't think Mike's videos took the place of James videos, instead I think they just filled a void. Without Mike's videos there would be huge stretches of like months without content, and many stretches of several weeks. That can't be good for a video content creator's channel/site.

Having said that I'm pretty disappointed to learn that Mike is stitching runs together. I thought he was a pretty good player but now I have to reconsider. James is a shit player, and his play is shit from what we've seen so far so it's safe to say he hasn't cheated in a video yet. Lol. Bootsy is the best player of the 3.
Mike's behaviour recently is damn weird, that really paints him as a despicable guy. Can't say he's a guy I'd love to hang out with...

Overall I tend to echo Blinge's sentiment that Mike is crucial to Cinemassacre's creation, and still is essential to the site/channel today. He's almost as important to Cinemassacre as James is, whether we like it or not. I guess he could launch a sister-channel for his streams and longplays. But the Cinemassacre channel guarantees him an audience of like 100k viewers and up. So I don't think he'll be doing his streams elsewhere.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

contempt for him is far from unpopular and pretty widespread, i'm hardly digging and i'm refusing to bring up anything underhanded, which i feel a lot of people do against him. i think he'd have honestly been more successful and less disliked today if he had gone and done his own thing instead of his overzealous control of cinemassacre (starting fights/deleting comments/becoming primary source of content/etc.). past is the past, but his stealthy stitching of videos is from this last year and pt funny/pathetic.

some people just get really obsessed with chasing fame, i guess! perhaps i would dislike him less if he didn't raise prices on games by commanding a legion of collectors lookin' to stuff their shelves :B
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Mike never disowned his "old" comics, quite the contrary.
I don't believe he's racist though. He's obviously just a confused and selfish kid who hopes to be something more than he is, and absurdly insensitive to anything around him.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

^ really? i thought that's why he was trying to delete everywhere they were uploaded. yeesh.

- - -

anyway, in more relevant news, i played through mitsume ga tooru twice, today! i... am frankly disappointed, here. a lot of the enemies & bosses have annoyingly high HP, uninteresting/repetitive patterns, and the whole money system feels like it just hits the pacing even harder in making it more sluggish. once you get good you can navigate through it without needing to really stop and get most of the money, but that only makes it and the shop mostly superfluous at best. why not just get rid of them for a more traditional power-up system that doesn't make you stop dead in your tracks to juggle shinies? shatterhand was a year before this and already had a better system in place.

on my 2nd play, i only died twice. once to a very stupid platforming mistake and once on the final boss, who i only died to because the cat walked in front of the screen. that's also why i've still yet to record mutant apocalypse - she's been going fucking nuts lately and i can't leave her alone, and the recording equipment and TV i usually use are in a separate room i can't let her into. normally i just go in there and let her chill in the hallway, but she starts pitching a fit lately :[ she's 6 months old and we're about to get her fixed, maybe she'll start to mellow.

anyway, mitsume ga tooru - it's okay. i mean, it's decent, it's just i was expecting a lot better from '92 natsume on the famicom. not a lot of substance, it's just an above-average fc platformer. there's at least the usually high production value and good tunes, though! hoping i'm not let down by captain saver like i was with this. i'll try to record a nomiss on the same day i do mutant apocalypse, which will hopefully be tomorrow. i kind of worry this is going to be boring, though, hard to make this game look cool without some obnoxiously precise tricks with the spear that would require more practice than the game deserves.

- - - - -

ah, snap, might as well mention this in here, too. i also played jungle no oja tar-chan for the sfc a couple of days ago. a friend sent this to me as a gift along with a couple of games i bought from him. holy fuck this game is terrible and quite frankly worse than many western platformers of the time. incredibly slow, awkward movement that requires bizarrely tight precision as the game goes in, including familiarity with the total nonsense hitbox of his hover mode. you jump really bizarrely high and most of the (five) levels are incredibly vertically-oriented mazes. there are trial-and-error traps that can harm you, and despite them only taking one of your ten hit points, that starts to add up really quickly between what porn mags (yes, really) you can find to restore your, erm, masculine vitality?

considering the absurd length of the stages and the amount of trial-and-error, surprises, and platforming you're meant to re-attempt (lots of bits where you'll fall and have to redo a large portion of the stage), i ratcheted the difficulty down to easy (this game is pompous enough to have a hard, as well) so that i could take 20 hits just to get through it. even then, i died a couple of times and was sent back to the beginning of the agonizingly long stages. every boss fight after the first is some sort of fighting match with an opponent who will block almost all of your attacks, and you just kind of wait to figure out how to bait their openings. if you don't kill them quickly - and you won't on at least a couple - they restore health and it goes to another round, thus further prolonging an already miserable game.

i was kind of holding my breath for this to be semi-decent throughout the first stage, where i was charmed by the sprite art, but man it is a nearly straight downhill plunge after that (stage 4 is a slight bit of a reprieve before stage 5). this feels like a euro platformer or something, don't be fooled by the distinctly quality japanese visual design. it's apparently based on an anime that appears to be outrageously stupid -
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Last edited by kitten on Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Shatterhand's system is actually really bad I think. I don't like having to juggle those symbol cards in a way that requires me to know exactly where and when I'll get upcoming ones for the best advantage.

Mitsume Ga Tooru isn't a top notch Natsume game, but I think it's comes close enough. No way as challenging as it could be, but that doesn't make it a bad game. Can't understand why you feel let down.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

^ i was more referring to the way money in the game works and how you can refill health/get powered up by just pressing a button on the pads that show up. the robot system could be much better and is highly flawed, for sure, but you can go pretty far just using the grenade bot all the time. i've done several nomiss runs doing exactly that! i didn't even have a stage order planned when i did them, too.

i'm let down w/ mitsume ga tooru because i had high expectations, and it was merely decent (maybe kind of good). you compare it to both gremlins 2 & akumajo special, which are way better games that i would call good without hesitation and that do not feature such pacing issues. it's not just the money system that makes mitsume ga tooru slow, it's the enemies that are too beefy, the bosses that stay invulnerable too long, the platforming having platforms that can linger offscreen for longer than 10 seconds in a few parts, the unnecessarily long charge on your spear, etc. i mean, i wasn't expecting something to get close to the power trio of dragon fighter, shatterhand, and kage, but i was hoping for better than this.

still happy to have it in my library, mind you. i enjoyed myself with it and had this been by nobodies, i would likely be calling it a flawed gem.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

I think Akumajo Special is a much more uneven game than Mitsume, which is just overall great production. But the end result is a bit more boring in the latter - I would definitely rather play Akumajo again.

The likeness to Gremlins 2 was just the shop system, where survival is directly tied to your economy.

I'm more surprised though that you would elevate Dragon Fighter to the level of Shatterhand and Kage. It's by far the worst Natsume game I've played on NES/FC (probably even worse than that Jetsons game), and I don't really see a lot of redeeming qualities in it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

holy wtf sumez dragon fighter rules :O it's the weakest of those three but it's still a very good game.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Yeah, Dragon Fighter is an incredible game. It takes some time for it to click and really shine, but it's a beauty. Might be my favorite of those three, actually.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by __SKYe »

Blinge wrote:Yeah I'd never cobble shovel knight stages together in a video heh heh :wink:
Yeah, but you just glued stages together for a smooth run, and also made it clear that you did.
And like you posted way back, it enabled you to play through the stages in a more daring manner than you'd do if you played the entire game in one run. :wink:

Stitching stuff together without saying it, or indeed, doing it mid-stage, is what I can't respect.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Blinge »

Haha yeah I know.

I am always entertained when famous record speedruns are confirmed falsificazione.
Like the long standing super meat boy record.

Or the Goldeneye Frigate 'WR' in which Bond steps onto the boat holding an SMG and then is curiously holding a pistol in the end-cutscene :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

Squire Grooktook wrote:Yeah, Dragon Fighter is an incredible game. It takes some time for it to click and really shine, but it's a beauty. Might be my favorite of those three, actually.
i feel shatterhand has the most refined production of the three and is the best game (only one of the three i give a full 4-star rating to), but i this is one where i completely respect someone picking another. dragon fighter has the least fat of all 3 and a seriously tight hard mode i've yet to fully tackle. i really think it has both the highest skill ceiling and the most push to actually see the player reach it. i feel its main flaws are some bumpy visuals and a few annoying enemies, but they're not at all killers.

kage & shatterhand often tend to get their due, but dragon fighter is borderline obscure (the jp cart is also incredibly cheap at like 1500-2000 yen) and it's a damn shame. i really feel like its rockin' nagoya team soundtrack would propel it into being more noticed, alone. i was really shocked when i picked this one up a couple years ago and found it to be so good! its reputation as the outcast weirdo of the three struck me as totally undeserved.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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I used to consider Dragon Fighter the junior member of Natsume's Compact Action Man FC trio, but after getting into its Hard mode, I've no hesitation putting it level with them. And even though Shatterbrain's sophisticated mechanics and towering stage designs far outstrip those of its predecessors, DF reigns supreme over it and Kage on a vital matter: body count. DF's what I put on when I want that immaculate Natsume handling with a near-total focus on killing technique.

It must be reiterated: Hard mode should be regarded as DF's default. The total absence of HP/Meter drops puts a new, deadly emphasis on finesse play - every kill down to the tiniest zako must be executed with grace, lest attrition bring you down. Meanwhile, the suicide bullets add a vital wrench to Dragon Mode's easier kills and unlimited maneuverability. This is no quickie parameter tweak.

A time limit would've been good, to discourage meter farming... but frankly, I know when I'm slumming it - being forced to stop and farm is a fate worse than death anyway!

Kage is naturally enough the middle child here. I'm certainly not down-ranking it (I'd be without none of these games), but its respective combat/platform-centric halves don't quite reach the heights of its more singleminded peers. However it again has a unique edge in its brutal powerdown mechanic - possibly the most exhilarating and unnerving to play at breakneck speed.

From what I've played of Jetman, it's basically Dragon Fighter's simplicity minus its intensity, plus some daft rock 'em sock 'em boss battles. I need to revisit before I formally revoke its membership of the Compact Action Man club. It does have Natsume's customarily smooth handling, at least.
Blinge wrote:I am always entertained when famous record speedruns are confirmed falsificazione.
Like the long standing super meat boy record.

Or the Goldeneye Frigate 'WR' in which Bond steps onto the boat holding an SMG and then is curiously holding a pistol in the end-cutscene :lol:
zomg, was there any salty drama around these? >:9

I don't follow this stuff, so the nearest I've heard is infamous sped Chibi's Paper Mario antics. And IDGAF about him or PM.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

BIL wrote:zomg, was their any salty drama around these? >:9
oh, man, tons. the super meat boy speedruns getting revealed as false started a whole wave of other stuff getting revealed and tons of speedrunners openly weeping about the source of their inspiration for getting into the hobby, entirely, being revealed as a sham. speedrunning is quite frankly the most volatile drama pot in all of video gaming :O

this video is a pretty good summary of many recent events.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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kitten wrote:this video is a pretty good summary of many recent events.
Nice, thanks. Image No lie, I've got a nice big bag of Doritos ready to go. :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by soprano1 »

Holy Jeebus, just saw that video. I didn't know things were up in so much shit in that community. :?
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote:I'll make sure I'll download it illegally one day...
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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I'm just amazed to learn Ron Jeremy is into speedrunning! :o
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

kitten wrote:
BIL wrote:zomg, was their any salty drama around these? >:9
oh, man, tons. the super meat boy speedruns getting revealed as false started a whole wave of other stuff getting revealed and tons of speedrunners openly weeping about the source of their inspiration for getting into the hobby, entirely, being revealed as a sham. speedrunning is quite frankly the most volatile drama pot in all of video gaming :O

this video is a pretty good summary of many recent events.
I knew about Todd Rogers. He used to post quite a bit on the Atari Age forums and often "competed" in the high score competitions with ridiculously high scores.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

the thing with todd rogers is patently hilarious (seriously, the drama on this one is immense and a huge rabbit hole. THE HUMAN ELEMENT!) and really exposes how fraudulent twin galaxies is, as if their credibility wasn't already ripped to shreds. many of his high scores are obvious lies - one of the most curious ones i was surprised to see people not challenging was his counter stop in blazing lazers/gunhed, which afaik is not a thing that can happen (please prove me wrong if this is not true, but i know some of the bosses have time-outs).
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

BIL wrote:I'm just amazed to learn Ron Jeremy is into speedrunning! :o
I'm all over the Todd Rodgers drama. Been reading Dragster record-contesting thread on Twin Galaxies too.

Ben Heck made a video where he hacked a real 2600 to feed it commands, and tried a bunch of strategies in Dragster with Todd himself. The result? best time of 5.57. This checks out with Omnigamer's chart.
(is record isn't erased yet though; the process is ongoing, and it's a long, almost philosophical discussion (the choice of a particular process over another, is an interesting part for me : I've always wondered how they resolve these things, and why they chose to do it that way), where they weigh in the credibility of each person who give their input, and also there's some politics there, with the TG owner choosing to handle things a certain way and knowing Todd personally.... It's a huge tangled web of a mess.)

Todd already has a couple "records" removed by now, and you can bet that all of his records will be questionned now. The self-proclaimed "king of videogames" might very well fall soon. (man, what a bunch of weird people we have in this hobby).

I don't like watching speedruns, but I sure do like seeing speedrunners get caught redhanded :)

Last edited by FinalBaton on Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

BrianC wrote:I knew about Todd Rogers. He used to post quite a bit on the Atari Age forums and often "competed" in the high score competitions with ridiculously high scores.
If I remember correctly, he submitted a score of 999 999 for a game, where all the runner ups are scoring between 15k and 20k :lol: Yeaaaaaah right on bud, we believe you :lol:

There's just too much eveidence against him at this point.

"The Human Element", lmao what does this even mean?
-FM Synth & Black Metal-
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