Your Dream Game Hackz

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Vanguard wrote:Has anyone mentioned a Saigo no Nindou hack that removes the ninjas from the ninja pit? That would be a good one.
After a few credits where samurai followed me down the pit, I came up with this: Have the mad monk return, in abominably necromantic state (face blown off, guts exposed, beard kinda singed), for a simple mid-air battle. Something apropos the heavy air handling - lunges to feint and projectiles to slash while jockeying for the kill. Have him go out in appropriately cathartic fashion, to bring his imperious st1 debut full circle. Later, old-timer!



Meanwhile, make the ninjas strictly background. The notion of "releasing endlessly" (there's one for the Evocative VGM Titles thread! EDIT: aw crumbs, it's actually a stage name innit!) is creepily cool and depressive. Are these the living dead you've been mowing down all along? Slay an evil ninja, and he'll just samsara his way back to the pit for disgorging upon the world once more? "The desperate fight of Tsukikage" indeed. You must destroy the scourge at its root!

It's rad action gaming cinema, on par with Strider's iconic ouroboros ride. Only with absolutely none of the game design sense. This is why I'll never dismiss Western-developed JP action sequels until I've had hands-on experience with them. Look you irem motherfuckers, you think I'd have let Holy Diver out the door in that state? How much bubble economy coke were you jokers hoovering up during playtesting anyway? You fucking what?! :shock:

Also (mentioned this in the scrolling action thread): give the st6-2 jumpslasher samurai a palette and/or headswap. They are easily as deserving of one as the st3 monks, being tactical near-inversions of the groundtypes. Had to laugh when I let a samurai follow me in from what I thought was 6-1... only to have him mirror my giant-dodging hop, realising with horror he was actually a freakishly early 6-2 spawn. Another time I had the brilliant idea of letting two grounders follow me in, to hog the jumpslashers' spots. The game promptly spawned a pair of jumpers anyway. :lol:


A few stage/boss tweaks:

Stages 1 & 2: delete the floor in a few spots, namely the broken wall and the forest beyond the second bridge. Add a little platforming challenge to go with the zako-swatting and powerup nabbing. Not fussed about creating real peril here, or padding the game's taut runtime - just a little early tension, before st3's haunted wilderness cuts the brake lines.

I'd be sad to see st1's water go, though - I love the ripple detail as player and enemies pass through, and it's a naturally effective contrast against the ruined scenery. I'd reshuffle things so the second building with its monks and leaping katanas had a flooded floor. Not like its crawlspace is being used for anything, with the spear lurkers confined to the stage's first half.

Boss 6: a cool "inexorably advancing wall of death" concept - just make the giants spawn in random locations, to foil the camping exploit. Maybe allow kites to spawn in at very low frequency, for a little extra peril.


Finally, minor quality of life tweak - make the weapon bar go Sword/Shuriken/Sickle/Grenade. The weapon balance is clearly slash/guard vs shoot/kill - quick toggle would facilitate aggressive, risky play. Shoot until you're halfway down death's gullet then slash your way outta there, repeat!
E: Oh yeah and also it should keep playing the ninja pit's music for the final boss instead of switching to the standard boss music. Given how much longer that track is than the pit I suspect that may have been the original intent.
Man, I knew about the track, but didn't realise how darkly electrifying it is in-game. Of course you'll never hear it without deliberately waiting. (for reference - Vamos indeed amigo!)

Always a shame when this happens - see also the slap bass artillery barrage of MOON FIGHT (CHRONICLES VER), and the secret rock n' roll odyssey of MOONLIT ARMY.


Echoing trap from back when Ruldra posted his Art of Fighting 2 No-Miss - wtb Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden: W2RKMF

That's "Walk To The Right KOing Motherfuckers."

Not even a beltscroller, I'm talking VIGILANTE babybee! Actually, I'm talking THE NINJA WARRIORS AGAIN because it better have the grapples, combos, guarding, crowd knockdowns and super attacks that seemingly only TNWA ever bothered to update the classic Spartan X with!


Metal Slug and Metal Slug X with Metal Slug 3's superior controls.

I love all three, but holy fuck, MS1's HMG sweep is broken (at least on a pad - not sure if it's better on MVS/AES sticks?). And MSX's cockblocking of your attack inputs while turning around isn't fatal, but still jarring in an otherwise buttery-smooth game.

Afterward, give MSX and MS3 the small jump exclusive to MS1.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Mortificator »

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters is a solid improvement over the first arcade game in most regards. Boss patterns are more robust. Less sprites are recycled from Mega Man 7. There's a fourth playable character and each of them has an extra attack. Allowing only one player to copy a given weapon makes co-op more interesting.

The power-ups, though. Picking them up makes time freeze while an animation plays, and one is straight-up invincibility, which trivializes a boss rush game. So I'd like a dream hack that tosses them on the junk heap.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Marc »

Speaking of Ninja Spirit..... the addition of L&R weapon select buttons would be a godsend in this one.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Double Dragon AC grapple QOL hacks. [1] no auto grapple when enemy is stunned in grab range. I want to outbox and subsequently kick Williams and Roper in the jaw with laser-focused brain-wronging force. Naw mean? Unwanted grapples are a momentum-sapping, backstab-inviting nuisance.

Oh this goes TRIPLE for Splatterhouse Part III, where autograpple is bloody dangerous and requires learned workarounds. I gave good money to control an avatar of merciless justice, you dipshits! When I overcome cruel odds to beat a villain senseless, I do NOT want their limp bodies slumping all over me usurping command. That is REALLY outta line! Image


Scrambling for the metal bat while his homie got thrashed, kicked square in the temple and chucked down a hole with 'im. Image THIS BE MY KINDA SHIT Image

(SUPER PROTIP: leave weapons on the ground, enemies get distracted by them!)

[2] enable grapple on Linda and Abobo. I'm not going to hurt you, scum. I'm just going to smash your face in and leave you a statue of trauma painted in your own blood. Naw mean? Image

Why yes - I do own DD Advance! But while its beatings are definitive, its sound effects are NOWHERE NEAR AS SATISFYING Image Believe me! I've cranked it to max via GB Player on BIGGU SYSTEMU. Not a patch on DDAC via PS4 - I can feel that one's hit SFX in my sternum while I'm in the next room. Sounds like they were pulverising raw meat with maple bats for that crushing sound. God damn! DD1AC hit SFX could pass for other games' explosions. DD1AC explosions could pass for other game's car crashes.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Mischief Maker »

Disciples 2 is one of the most beautiful games ever created even with its aged gfx tech. Unfortunately the game is split into a main game + expansion and a second, standalone expansion (Rise of the Elves) that includes several crucial balance changes. You can import individual maps from the original game to the expansion, but not the expansion campaigns for high-level heroes.

I would like someone to do an HD remake that incorporates them all into a single exe with all the balance changes intact.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BryanM »

While playing Mario Kart 7, I thought to myself I thought "16 new courses and 16 old courses... this is really barebones, ain't it?" [1] In a sense it's similar to the gacha model of generating revenue through denying people things - they could trivially have a massive number of old levels in these games but don't provide them because it would devalue their product. In the PC market they would have long consolidated it to one game engine with a massive amount of content, but in the magical controlled market world of consoles and planned obsolescence, they can get away with it.

Apparently I'm not the only one to think this - there's an entire scene where there's a massive number of levels are available for the Wii version of this game. The CTGP Revolution pack currently adds 216 new tracks to the game. Kind of the definition of a "dream hack", non?

It's too bad Nintendo will never do something like that.

[1] The "50% old, 50% new" thing for sequels is a pretty old design adage. To square the circle on the "why make a sequel" problem from both ends. It's always amused me that Mario Kart takes it so literally and rigidly.
Mischief Maker wrote:Disciples
I still can't decide if this Ogre Battle fan game is as good as the original or not. I always quit after clearing the first map..
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Skykid »

Battlesmurf wrote:
Skykid wrote: ~ Edward Randy: The Cliffhanger / Collision detection & animation fix / Healthbar mod ~

Got a lot of love for Randy, but it's always been a damn shame that it's just that little bit too ropey for its own good. I would kill for a hack that:

- Makes the whipping animation faster. It's too slow, it needs to snap.
- Tightens up the controls to make them more responsive.
- Cleans up the collision detection so everything registers as it should, and perhaps add more obvious hit sparks.
- Give the game proper health bars instead of that HP crap! For both Randy and the bosses, so you can actually see what's going on at a glance.


I have to co-sign this one. The controls, whipping, and collision detection keep the game from being something truly special o.o
Been 8 years and I just want to say neither my Edward Randy or Earnest Evans hacks exist. Meanwhile they've managed to supplant just about every character imaginable into Streets of Rage 2, including the Marvel men.

On the upside the heavens opened up the other day with Goemon 2 and 3 finally translated, so that's good.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by opt2not »

Been playing around with my Saturn lately, and I noticed that Command & Conquer (a really good DOS port) doesn't support the use of the Saturn mouse. This might not even be possible but a hack to get the mouse supported for this fine RTS would be sweet. Doesn't feel right using a controller.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »



A hack to let you drop the gun, either deliberately or upon exhausting its ammo. Holy fuck, this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Image Neat little zone n' pwn system, needlessly kneecapped to Ikari III-style jumpkick ad nauseum. Even avoiding picking up the gun is no good, because 1) it's actually pretty difficult to disarm a gunner without doing so, and 2) who plays hardcore R2RKMFs to not violently slaughter the enemy? Dumb as dogshit. Image


Pic unrelated. Well not really, very related actually. Drop your gun by emptying it in a motherfucker's face? Now that's thinkin'.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

FORMATION Z (Jaleco, 1984) VALKENIZE LABEL This game has so much going for it, on a conceptual level. A hybrid of mecha sidescrolling and hori STG with kicking guns, ripping airspeed and ageless Moon Patrol-styled deep parallax, the player switching bipedal and jet forms as the terrain requires. The jet has limited fuel, so you can't just zip over the battlefield, plus you need it to cross water. Action seems elementary, as is stage design, but with such a charming player vehicle, it's hard to object. It's fun just blasting shit with the mean charge shot and skimming over the water.

Unfortunately, it controls like shit. Easily the most natively laggy 2D action game I've played in memory (tested via ShmupMAME, mulling getting the ACA version). Totally misjudged. The 1HKOs (even on the mech) are a bit of a downer, but they'd be more than tolerable without the godawful drag. I'd snap up a hack with Valken's perfectly-judged arcade/sim heft, and I'd add a small healthbar for the mech (enough to take a bit of flak, with rockets and other major attacks still doing 1HKO).
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Hornet »

Shinobi III
Take the fantastic 6-button hack and adjust the difficulty as follows:
- Normal = 3HKO (every hit counts the same)
- Hard = 2HKO (every hit counts the same)
- Expert = 1HKO

I would be interested in revisiting the game like this, especially in a melee-focused run. I'm not sure I want to ask for deeper changes because this can be tricky territory for a rom hack, but I definitely want to see the room for sloppy play being decreased. I want the game to keep me on my toes from beginning to end and, unfortunately, this doesn't happen even when you're playing on the Expert difficultly.

Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
I've actually kinda fallen in love with this game in recent years, but I would still be interested in a hack that allows you to choose from 3 types of movement/handling.
- Default
- NES-style
- Rondo-style
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Konsolkongen »

I would love a much harder version of ToeJam & Earl for the Mega Drive. My friend and I play that a lot, but no matter how much we drink we still manage to complete it every time :(
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Sumez »

Hornet wrote: Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
I've actually kinda fallen in love with this game in recent years, but I would still be interested in a hack that allows you to choose from 3 types of movement/handling.
- Default
- NES-style
- Rondo-style
I'd be kinda interested in having a go at making this hack. People tend to complain a lot about DracXX's controls feeling too slow compared to the PCE DracX, so I'm sort of curious what it would take to "fix" that.

As I don't personally have any issues with the controls in the SNES game, I'd probably need to articulate exactly what parameters need to be changed though.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

XX's main screwup is Richter walking slower. It's only a tick, but since he was already on the slow side in Rondo, it's noticeable. Comparing the games' walk cycles side by side, it's obvious how XX differs - both in terms of ground covered, and animation. Richter kinda glides along the floor in Rondo, while in XX he thrashes his arms like he's stuck in mud.

(ruefully, XX Richter's walk doesn't feel all that different when he's actually stuck in mud. Still a problem, mind, as you'll sink and drown. I almost wonder if someone bungled a flag toggle, ala SMB Collection's boned brick-breaking physics for SMB1/2J)

I can't remember if the damage knockback arc, or the invincibility window were altered - but regardless, the slower walk also makes it harder to get away from zako. It's adjustable to, but you know noobs tend to lose their shit when hit, so XX is disliked for juggle hits as a result. :wink:

The backflip's input window is also subtly tighter (read: crummier-feeling) in XX. Again, it's only a tiny difference, but anyone who puts hours into both games will notice.

Interestingly, Rondo has a minor bug not found in XX. And as covered in that post, XX has a unique, useful mechanic - hit [forward] to dampen an advancing jump, a real lifesaver during overshoots. Meanwhile, you can only backflip out of a retreating jump in Rondo:

Really useful when you're pushing your luck vs Giant Skeletons, Armour Lords and other rangey punishers:

TLDR: the simplest solution for XX would be a hack that simply replicates Rondo's handling as directly as possible. However, reading that old post of mine, I'm reminded of XX's unique forward jump dampener. So yeah, I'd be down with a multiple system select, too.

Type 1: X
Type 2: XX
Type 3: XXX (unite Rondo's super backflip with XX's momentum cancel, while fixing Rondo's backlip glitch, and XX's slower movement) :cool:
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Sumez »

I'm a little curious what exactly covers "handling" though, as you're getting at there are a lot of different aspects at play. :)

"Simplest" fix is of course the walk speed, but the difference honestly isn't huge. I guess it's big enough for you guys to notice, but small enough that I never really paid attention to it. :P

I looked into the code of both games, found the logic that handles movement, and it's done very differently in each of them. Rondo adjusts the sprite position, and scrolls everything in relation to that, while XX gives Richter a proper "world coordinate".
The more important difference though, is that Rondo works in decimals - or "subpixels" as a speedrunner would call it. For every frame walking forwards, 0x01 pixel is added to his coordinate alongside 0x40 to his "subpixel", which adds another full pixel whenever it carries the zero.
In simpler terms, Richter walks 1.25 pixels per frame.

In DracXX, these variables don't exist, he has a hardcoded velocity for each direction, +1 moving right, and -1 moving left, moving him at exactly 1.00 pixel per frame, which sounds kind of like lazy programming. I'm surprised they didn't just reuse the logic from the PC Engine game which runs on a very similar CPU.

I'd be interested in modding XX to add that fraction of a pixel to its movement logic, but such an addition might splinter into the collision detection in fun and surprising ways. :D Rondo seems to ignore the subpixel everywhere outside of movement though, so it might not be too complex.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Sumez wrote:I'm a little curious what exactly covers "handling" though, as you're getting at there are a lot of different aspects at play. :)
Yeah, I should've said this, basically (quoting you from a bit further down):
I'm surprised they didn't just reuse the logic from the PC Engine game which runs on a very similar CPU.
I'm pretty sure Saigo no Nindou and Vigilante's PCE versions did something like this. No idea how compatible the M72 board is with the PCE, but both of those games reproduce their character controls precisely - to the extent that even glitches made it through.

But since XX actually introduces at least one interesting new mechanic of its own, I think its model would be worth keeping around as one of three options. Looking back at my old posts, I'm also reminded that XX's enemy hitbox cancelling is different from Rondo's, too. You can attempt the below trick on Rondo's Axe Armours, but the effect is too brief for it to work:
"Simplest" fix is of course the walk speed, but the difference honestly isn't huge. I guess it's big enough for you guys to notice, but small enough that I never really paid attention to it. :P

I looked into the code of both games, found the logic that handles movement, and it's done very differently in each of them. Rondo adjusts the sprite position, and scrolls everything in relation to that, while XX gives Richter a proper "world coordinate".
The more important difference though, is that Rondo works in decimals - or "subpixels" as a speedrunner would call it. For every frame walking forwards, 0x01 pixel is added to his coordinate alongside 0x40 to his "subpixel", which adds another full pixel whenever it carries the zero.
In simpler terms, Richter walks 1.25 pixels per frame.

In DracXX, these variables don't exist, he has a hardcoded velocity for each direction, +1 moving right, and -1 moving left, moving him at exactly 1.00 pixel per frame, which sounds kind of like lazy programming.
Really interesting (and vindicating :cool:) to see Rondo and XX's respective walk speeds in hard numbers! Thanks for looking into it.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Sumez »

It turns out I was completely wrong, and stupid for thinking XX doesn't deal with fractions in its velocity, there's no way the game would work without it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to adjust your movement speed mid-jump and such. It's just that the regular movement doesn't make use of it (since the player as described does walk exactly 1 pixel per frame)

In fact, as far as I can tell from randomly poking in the code, both games seem to move you forward at the same 0x01.50 (~1.31) pixels per frame during jumps.

That means adding the 0.25 extra speed in DracXX was actually incredibly easy. I'm sure a full hack would involve a lot more tweaks, but here's a quick simple IPS patch that just changes the base movement speed to be the same as in Rondo:
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Hwaaa! Much better! A veritable HOLY BENGAY to XX RICHTER's arthritic knees!

Recorded a quick shitclear of stages 1-3 (haven't played in years, PLS dun bully 3;). Much less stultifying, crossing those empty stretches! Also feels a bit easier to outzone Pikemen, I remember it being a nervier process on default speed. From st4' on, the stage design gets busier and I always forget about the trudging walk anyway. ;3
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Hornet »

Sumez wrote: I'd be kinda interested in having a go at making this hack. People tend to complain a lot about DracXX's controls feeling too slow compared to the PCE DracX, so I'm sort of curious what it would take to "fix" that.

As I don't personally have any issues with the controls in the SNES game, I'd probably need to articulate exactly what parameters need to be changed though.
Oh, I don't have any issues with the controls either, I actually like them. It's definitely the most "tank" control scheme that ever appeared in a Castlevania game, but it's a good fit for what XX is going for IMO. I just think that revisiting the game with a Rondo-style handling would be interesting.
Sumez wrote:I'm a little curious what exactly covers "handling" though, as you're getting at there are a lot of different aspects at play. :)
Besides the stuff already mentioned by BIL (which I co-sign), I think that important handling-related differences can also be seen when you're dealing with stairs in the two games. Unlike XX, where's there's a tiny delay, in Rondo, the moment you land on the stairs you can also walk on them. More importantly, though, when you land on the stairs you can almost instantly jump off of them, Ninja style. In XX, on the other hand, the process goes something like this:

Richter lands on the stairs -> glue mode on ----------------> glue mode off -> Richter is now able to jump.

If there's a "glue mode" in Rondo's handling it definitely doesn't last as long. It's differences like these (and, of course, Richter walking slower) that give XX its "tank controls".

There are also some minor stuff like:
- The input window when you try to perform an insta-jump after landing seems to be somewhat stricter in XX compared to Rondo. It's only a super tiny difference, but they don't feel 100% identical and I know for a fact that I occasionally miss the timing in XX which never happens to me in Rondo. (OK, I just spent 30’ testing this and... I don't think I'm just imagining things)

- Not 100% sure, but the backflip seems to be performed a tad faster in Rondo compared to XX, which also affects the timing when you want to "whip cancel" Richter's slide.

- Crouch spamming goes full animation priority in XX.
Sumez wrote:here's a quick simple IPS patch that just changes the base movement speed to be the same as in Rondo:

Thank you so much!
BIL wrote:Hwaaa! Much better! A veritable HOLY BENGAY to XX RICHTER's arthritic knees!
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Sumez »

BIL wrote:Recorded a quick shitclear of stages 1-3
Haha, maybe I should also speed up that behemoth that's chasing you on the first stage. Any other enemies/stage elements that need to be adjusted for the added mobility? Easier outpacing of pikemen might be good enough to stay.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Hornet »

Sumez wrote:
BIL wrote:Recorded a quick shitclear of stages 1-3
Haha, maybe I should also speed up that behemoth that's chasing you on the first stage. Any other enemies/stage elements that need to be adjusted for the added mobility?
The bridge in Stage 2 and the water corridor in the lake stage come to mind, but I haven't tried the hack yet.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Hornet wrote:I think that important handling-related differences can also be seen when you're dealing with stairs in the two games. Unlike XX, where's there's a tiny delay, in Rondo, the moment you land on the stairs you can also walk on them. More importantly, though, when you land on the stairs you can almost instantly jump off of them, Ninja style. In XX, on the other hand, the process goes something like this:

Richter lands on the stairs -> glue mode on ----------------> glue mode off -> Richter is now able to jump.

If there's a "glue mode" in Rondo's handling it definitely doesn't last as long. It's differences like these (and, of course, Richter walking slower) that give XX its "tank controls".
Excellent point - I was totally overlooking stairs.
- Not 100% sure, but the backflip seems to be performed a tad faster in Rondo compared to XX, which also affects the timing when you want to "whip cancel" Richter's slide.
I've always noticed this too. Feels like the window for double-tapping the input is slightly meaner in XX. One of myriad tiny flaws that add up to an especially ornery traditional Dracula. The sad thing is, Rondo's Richter is already a perfectly punishing character, so XX gets shoved over the line.
- Crouch spamming goes full animation priority in XX.
Yeah, I tried doing a "WTF? Dammit!" duckspam after failing at the st3 axe knight, only to get nailed again by the animation lock. Image
Sumez wrote:Haha, maybe I should also speed up that behemoth that's chasing you on the first stage. Any other enemies/stage elements that need to be adjusted for the added mobility? Easier outpacing of pikemen might be good enough to stay.
Oh wow, I completely forgot about him, too, and I even got hit by him in that replay. :mrgreen: He could use speeding up a bit, now that I look at the replay.

I thought stage 2's collapsing bridge felt comfier, but not at all nerfed. At default speed, there's a stronger sense that any hesitation will kill you, but it relies on cement boots... I don't miss the effect. I like that there's a split-second more time to whack candles without instantly grabbing whatever's in them.

Otherwise, as Hornet mentioned, there's Stage 5 / Good End, the rising water. I guess that might need a boost.

Incidentally, in the interests of quality control: There's a nasty bug in that scene, which you'll trigger if you kill the Red Skeleton with your invincibility aura. Amusingly enough, it's XX's prolonged enemy hitbox cancel that lets you escape. How 2 :cool:
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Bloodborne. It's perfect! Almost! Got some silly little issues, easily-corrected ones at that. Bit less pie in the sky than usual, this post, as I'm hoping either a PC release or literal fuckin haxx0rz might make this a reality.


Move [sprint] from [circle] to the left stick's outer edge. The stick's radius is 90% [walk] as-is; plenty of room for [run] and then [sprint].


Rebuke: No, just have [sprint] kick in after a delay, like it already does.

Result: able to navigate stages and bosses at top speed while freely maneuvering the camera, like in fucking Shinobi (2002) and DMC3 (2005). Image

WHOA, IT'S BEAUTIFUL (;`w´;) - "lololol y did u nawt just stop and spin teh camera" because, cunt, there's a fuckoff massive sharkman just off-camera, and if I stop sprinting en-route to the sniper up top, he'll rape me in my asshole Image

"but aykshually u are sidestepping the super intelligent game design only FUROMUSOFTU could-" You think I'm afraid of the shark? I fucked him in the ass like we were in prison. I just can't afford to let him bash me over the back of the head while he's offscreen, particularly while his sniper pal tears me to ribbons.

Stopgap: Clawgrip can accomplish this. If From wanted to force a choice between sprinting and looking around? It's easily defeated with minor muscle memory. I just picked up my DS4, having not played BB in many months (I'm feeling a ferocious urge to plunge back in, it's like a hideously alluring pink cosmic horror punani! :shock: one full of spikes, aieee me knob!). BOOM, instant clawgrip that I'd used for probably half of the 250hrs I put on it, 8-looping it over the summer.


Now that [circle] is purely for evasion, nix the negative edge required for quicksteps/rolls to actually register. It's a tiny, TINY delay, to be sure - but why have it there at all? I only noticed it at the very end of my eight loops, when That Bitch Larry kept tagging me with his haymaker for 80%HP, despite my seeing and hearing it coming miles off, thanks to BB's insanely good body language cues.

Stopgap: Started dodging slightly "early" - all good. But again, why? I paid good money, hard-earned plowing chubby rich older men night after night, to enjoy my low-lag display. You think I want to replace missing lag? What - that I got nostalgic? This is why I don't talk about these games outside of this here farm, or my own skull!


L3 click does something trivial, can't recall offhand. Shunt it elsewhere, and institute a three-tier zoom toggle. "Default" is exactly like BB's existing camera. Click once for "Far" - the zoomed-out view tantalisingly seen in a handful of places. Go to Redeyed Saif's little garden in Hunter's Nightmare, you'll see what I mean. Gorgeous. Use this view when getting close to supermassive beasts, so you won't lose sight of their hands and heads, as well as navigating big scrums like Hunter's Nightmare's courtyard.

Click again for "Close," basically RE4's aim view, except you can move around as normal. Great for tight confines, like the Research Hall, or the occasional snipe, or just when you want to focus on something directly in front of you, whether for tactical or aesthetic purposes.


Complaint: "LOL THIS NOOB WANT TO PLAY GEARS O WAR, LMAO GB2 PC NOOB" (this seems to be the stock response to camera complaints in shitholes like REE and Reddit... often directed at players visiting BB from other, much harder action games :lol:)

Rebuke: Both proposed alt. views already exist in the fucking game.

Not for honour, but 4 u ~ (■`W´■)

WOOF WOOF WOOF *AROOO* Receive my rigid shaft balls-deep you sopping wet cunt (■`w´■)


Who the FUCK is knocking at my door (`w´メ)
Hold on a sec.

Oh! Hi, how's it going? You look good.


Haha, same. No I'm just styling on imaginary Reddit scrubs. You know a bunch of them refused to believe you could kill Wiggy before he stomped you? Yeah they were so shit at BB, they could barely escape him with their lives. I tell you mate. What? Post this over there? No fuck that m8, I know better than to jizz into an ocean of shit, haha! Spread your seed in worthy soil, that's what my granny told me! Sorry, forgot you'd lost your jaffers m8 3;

Like Clawgrip, keeping the Monocle in favourites isn't a big deal. It's just a needless complication. Click L3 a third time to return to Normal view.


Have walls, scenery, and models (including the player, if desired via toggle) go translucent, when they're blocking the camera's line of sight. It's rare that a branch, or a vase, or a fuckin curtain blocks my viewpoint at a critical moment - but when it happens, it unfailingly makes me scream FUCK SAAAKE MAN - WORRYA FOOKIN DOIN?!

Spot the problem ;3 ;3 ;3


Uniquely among BB's otherwise rock-solid handling, the leap attack input (fwd+atk) feels tatty and uncertain; finicky enough that I never bothered using it, outside of quasi-taunts and finishers. I can get 'em 95% of the time, that's not my problem; it's about feedback. In a game where death can strike with hellacious speed, I'm not gonna bother with a merely decent option that's uniquely annoying to execute.

God damn it do feel good though Image Image

Solution: Add a Final Fight-style shortcut: [L2+R2]. Keep the existing input - it is very cool, especially in PvP, that the "forward" input can point wherever you like, allowing sneak pounces on enemies to your back or sides.


Self-explanatory. True, you can learn to avoid accidental taunts/gestures. Yet again though - why should you have to? Just allow a simple [y/n] toggle.



Oh FUCC! That sounds rad! :shock:

God, deez tweaks PLUS quickloading? Fuck me new carpet. I'd bust all over me new ceiling. Image
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

I think it's absurd that dodging, one of the main elements of the game, is registered on the up-input. You don't even need a big change to have dodging and sprinting on the same button, just have sprinting trigger if you hold the button after a roll. You have to do a roll to initiate a sprint, which might seem odd, but it's better than dodging registering when you push and release the button.
Am I understanding correctly that the game has motion controls you can't turn off and will just sometimes decide to do an emote? LOL.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BIL »

Emotes: Basically yeah, if you're holding [X] for more than a second or so, and move the DS4 about, you'll get an uncancellable emote... which, yeah, not great in a game where bosses tend to do 2HKOs at least. :lol:


It's easy to avoid, honestly - even in the heat of battle, it's incredibly unlikely to think a player would be holding the [confirm] button... even while snatching up HP restores on the run. It demands a long, uninterrupted press. It's just bizarre you can't turn it off for 1P play, especially when you can just select an emote from the quick menu, if you wanna mess about (certain people/things will react to certain emotes, some just for fun, others granting valuable treasures).

Negative Edge: As much as I'd nix it, it's really a tiny thing. Again, just bizarre... as a newcomer to Miyazaki From, the heart and soul of BB was the razor-slicing evasion... plays like a hybrid of ZOE2's cagey orbiting and explosive speed, with Shinobi (PS2)'s vicious backstabber feint tactics.


^^^ oof, that feels AMAZIN. Image For me, I mean. But I guess him too? Image Quickstepping into/under/through so tight, it feels like you're ghosting through the inch between the decapitating blade and the cruel ground.

Spam attack OR evade and DIE (■`w´■)

That's more fuckin like it (■`w´■)

Not meaning to sound down on BB at all, I had a fuckin incredible time with it, without even scratching the surface of its vast weapon toybox. It's just got this bizarre running theme of getting things 99% right only to inexplicably leave the last crumb on the table.



That fuckin Shinobi step, so rad... Image
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Emotes: Basically yeah, if you're holding [X] and move the DS4 about, you'll get an uncancellable emote... which, yeah, not great in a game where bosses tend to do 2HKOs at least
This... seems bad. Do something you can't accidentally register easily like hold a button and then use the D-Pad to select emotes (the EDF games reserve the D-Pad exclusively for dancing while godzilla runs amok - REAL SOLDIERS HAVE DANCE PARTIES).
It's just got this bizarre running theme of getting things 99% right only to inexplicably leave the last crumb on the table.
I've played a few of those kinds of games lately. In some cases, it's like, one or two glaring issues that actually ruin the game (someone plz make a hack that fixes Halley Wars GG's control issues with diagonals, ick).
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by copy-paster »

Sumez wrote:It turns out I was completely wrong, and stupid for thinking XX doesn't deal with fractions in its velocity, there's no way the game would work without it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to adjust your movement speed mid-jump and such. It's just that the regular movement doesn't make use of it (since the player as described does walk exactly 1 pixel per frame)

In fact, as far as I can tell from randomly poking in the code, both games seem to move you forward at the same 0x01.50 (~1.31) pixels per frame during jumps.

That means adding the 0.25 extra speed in DracXX was actually incredibly easy. I'm sure a full hack would involve a lot more tweaks, but here's a quick simple IPS patch that just changes the base movement speed to be the same as in Rondo:
I applied the patch on my XX rom and.... nothing's changed. Did I do something wrong here?

EDIT: Got it working now after searching for different ROMz, could grind for nomiss good and bad end.
Last edited by copy-paster on Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by JBC »

I want people to make new Alien games built off Alien 3's SNES & Genesis roms based on the comics, novels, and RPG.

I don't know why it's never happened but I swear if someone doesn't do it soon I'm gonna learn to code.
Godzilla was an inside job
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Rastan78 »

A rom hack for Gun Frontier called Gin Frontier where instead of guns, everything is made out of a bottle of booze.
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Re: Your Dream Game Hackz

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

I have a few ideas, by now are only for shmups.

DARIUS TWIN - ALLOW CONTINUES (Either limited or Free Play)
Zone L is a mess for average gamers and the no-continues rule is too strict.

'Cos we deserve to play with either Proco or Tiat rather than the unnamed green Silver Hawk.

DARIUS FORCE / SUPER NOVA - Simultaneous 2-Players
If Rom hacking made possible to play Super Mario Bros. with two players simultaneously, why not Super Nova?

THUNDER FORCE VI - Translation and Alternate Soundtrack
The idea would be to allow the player to switch between the original soundtrack and the unused Project Thunder Force VI songs (Omitting Metal Squad was a sin).

Along with the english translation, grant the option of switching the reused music from the XBLA port with the soundtracks of the original arcade, Dreamcast Arrange Mode and as a bonus the music from Shienryu (kinda like the PS port of Raiden DX where you could play with Viper Phase 1's music.) and being able to hear the original voice samples of the Arcade/Dreamcast/XBLA for Exelica, Crueltear and Faintear Imitate (That would be perfect for those who hated the voice change on the PS2).
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