Breakthrough Gaming's Track (PlayStation 4 - PlayStation 5)

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Sturmvogel Prime
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Breakthrough Gaming's Track (PlayStation 4 - PlayStation 5)

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »

Looks like someone is putting God's patience and MY patience to its limits, 'cos we have ANOTHER...BREAKTHROUGH GAMING...GAME.
Just when I've thought I was done reviewing these trash games, all of a sudden, they release another of their mediocre games.
This time, it's Breakthrough Gaming's Track.

Improvisation: Works in fiction, but rarely in reality*
* = Unless you know how to make it work.

In the episode "The Vines of Evil" from the cartoon G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, our heroes Mutt, Roadblock and Flint used spare parts of a wrecked Skystriker XP-14F to build a makeshift helicopter to escape from a Cobra deathtrap. The helicopter itself looked more like a Gadget Hackwrench creation from Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers instead of a military engineered vehicle, along with the fact that the idea of ripping appart an F-14 to make a helicopter sounds as outrageous as ripping appart a Ford Mustang to build a trycicle.
But in the end, the improvised helicopter worked perfectly as the Joes made it out of their predicament. Not just because "It's only a cartoon", but also because they knew how to make things work.

Now, ¿What in the Holy Name of God does this have to do with reviewing Breakthrough Gaming's Track? The answer is simple: When improvisation is done right, it works. Otherwise it will fail catastrophically regardless if its fantasy or reality. Breakthrough Gaming's Track is that example of failed improvisation in reality. They grabbed a potentially good idea, in this case, hurdling just like Konami's Track and Field and made their own product with a odd-to-horrible design. But unlike the Joe's makeshift helicopter, this one is a failed product that will blow up in someone's face with disastrous consecuences.

Running around like an idiot.

Looks like I've reached the bottom line of gaming, Breakthrough Gaming's Track is a "Sports" game and I put it in quotes since its place in this category is very questionable. Like in Football, the game consists on running a specific distance while jumping the obstacles. Under these circumstances, all what I've said on the Breakthrough Gaming's Football review applies here. The only difference with Football is that the obstacles are fixed and won't jump on you. The range of error tolerance has been reduced, if you screw up once its Game Over and you have to start all the way back to Level 0, It's quite odd to start from zero instead of level 1 after playing games all your life (with exceptions like "Stage 0: Prologue" in Castlevania Rondo of Blood and the Faintear-exclusive Stage 0 in Triggerheart Exelica Enhanced, I guess), so I think the game designer forgot to make a standard "stage count" and this little screw up is the result.
Anyway, in case you're wondering, the obstacle order goes like this for all the levels:


That's right, a 1,511 feet long course which the same obstacle pattern that repeats every single time. So, what does the game do to "add" challenge: Increase the speed drastically in (what I calculated) is a 15% gradual increment. Once you've reached Level 6, the room for error will be reduced to pixel perfect precision and you'll finally lose.

Trophies can't justify this game's existence.

After wasting 1 dollar in this sorry attempt to a videogame, is there a virtue left?; No, only 12 trophies. 11 Regular ones and the Platinum for unlocking everything.

Graphics *sigh* pathetic as the other games from this "company", just put a black screen, white sprites and there you're done. Looks like this pseudo-attempt to be retro looks more like "Let's see how many idiots fall on this thinking this is retro-inspired". Even Atari 2600 games and Space Invaders were better looking than this.
The music of this game UGH!, Holy "¿Who's playing the music so badly?", Batman!. The title screen of track sounds like the trashbag version of the 66's Batman's theme song. Yeah, it's "Batman wrong". The rest of the game is musicless and the only sounds you'll hear is this "CLKCLKCLKCLKCLKCLCK-BRRRM" as your character runs and jumps. It's as bad and irritating as the bullet firing in I, AI.

It's all in the training.

Lessons learned of all of this? All what I've trained troughout all these games is the tolerance to stupidity and clumsiness, as none of these games have a redeeming quality that justify their existance. Using God and the Bible as a shield is really, really, really a bad idea.
However, this game might work as a discipline method. Just look, take a bunch of criminals of the worst kind, force them to play any of these games and they will be begging for death regardless of the execution method.

Here's another three lessons to learn from these trash games.

1.- When your idea of gaming is to improvise, pull an effort, even simple things require that.
2.- Even if you're gonna sell your product for a buck, it doesn't mean it has to be bad. Learn from miHoYo's Genshin Impact or any other free game on the console stores.
3.- Using God's name to make trash is not the way and only works to make the Lord upset.

Now you see what I mean when I called this game "a product that will blow up in someone's face with disastrous consecuences"?, This game blew up, but instead of hurting someone physically, it does monetarily on both sides. On the player for taking its money away, and in the developer since despite somone buys it, the remaining 99/100 persons will not buy it, resulting in financial losses. Unfortunately, the developer is who takes the major losing part of this situation.

All these games look like crap browser games from the internet early days of Terra and Newgrounds when they used Java-based games, but if Terra and Newgrounds were in the DOS days of the mid-late 80's when Windows bundled games like Tetris were made with ASCII. I'm sure that even if they're done with ASCII graphics, they'll look more professional than this.
Breakthrough Gaming's catalog are essentially BAD IMPROSIVATION, BAD GAMEPLAY, BAD GRAPHICS, TERRIBLE SOUND (except for Skateboarding which makes an effort) AND A BAD EXCUSE TO GIVE YOU ALMOST-FREE TROPHIES. I've could recommend you to buy them if you're hunger for trophies, but that will mean to feed bad developers and that will only encourage them to release more atrocities like these ones in the future.
So, please. In the name of God and for its love, don't buy anything from Breakthrough Gaming. I hate to say it, but Breakthrough Gaming makes LJN look good, even when their catalogue was pelted to death by gamers and reviewers alike.

*Sing "They are putrid junk" to the tune of "You are not alone" by Michael Jackson*

A bunch of trash games, no.
Not two, three or four,
Seven, What the hell?
It's an atrocity.

All of them are crap.
Someone tell me why
Who came up with this?
Its some kind of sick joke?

Now I'm gonna sit and ask myself
"¿Who made these stupid things?"
These lame games have no reason to exist.

They are putrid junk.
They have no excuse.
Get the hell away,
You're not gonna stay.

You are putrid junk.
You have no excuse.
Go back to the trash.
That's where you belong.
Cause you are putrid junk.

Junk, Junk, Junk.
Crap, Juuuuunk.

"Old school" and "Arcade like"
A bunch of God-damned lies.
To justify the buy,
And to take your seven bucks.
Terrible gameplay.
A burden are to play.
Quick trophies to get.
Uninstall the games comes next.

Now I'm gonna sit and ask myself
"¿Who makes these stupid games?"
These lame games have no reason to exist.

They are putrid junk.
They have no excuse.
Get the hell away,
You're not gonna stay.

You are putrid junk.
You have no excuse.
Go back to the trash.
That's where you belong.
Cause you are putrid junk.

Stupid excuses for games, God damn it, man!
You are not gonna stay. Get the...
...Hell awaaaaaay!

They are putrid junk.
They have no excuse.
Get the hell away,
You're not gonna stay.
You are putrid junk.
You have no excuse.
Go back to the trash.
That's where you belong.

They are putrid junk. (They are putrid junk!)
They have no excuse. (They have no excuse!)
Get the hell away, (Go Far Away!, Hell away!)
You're not gonna stay.

You are putrid junk.
You have no excuse.
Go back to the trash.
That's where you belong.

You are putrid junk. (Putrid junk, Oh!)
Junk, Junk (Putrid junk, You are putrid junk), Junk.
(Say it again.)
Junk (You are putrid junk), Junk (You are putrid junk), Junk.
Junk, (Putrid Junk! Putrid Junk!) Junk, Junk.
Junk, Junk, Junk.
Junk, Junk, Junk.
Last edited by Sturmvogel Prime on Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breakthrough Gaming's Track (PlayStation 4 - PlayStation

Post by Blinge »

What in the ever loving fuck.

Great read, not sure I followed any of it.
oh look that's an Atari styled game, what?! it's only a dollar? Guess I'll buy it. :lol:

also why's that guy getting bummed at the top of post
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Re: Breakthrough Gaming's Track (PlayStation 4 - PlayStation

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:also why's that guy getting bummed at the top of post
Oh nice, crackin' pick for Up The Arse Corner! :o

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