GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

Gotta love The Shat. A trve canadian hero
Uncompromised & Uncucked.

Damn I had forgotten about the moon rocks comment :lol:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

What the... :shock:


Indeed he is, Brian! :o And clearly, he's more than recovered from the loss of his todger and his rights to Revolution 60's character designs - using those years of isolation to hone his Mean Tweets no Jutsu to a bonce-lopping edge! Can anyone withstand this brutal power resurgent? Reaching the battleground too late to test the fiend myself, the sad remains of fellow GiantSpaceKat operatives gave scant encouragement...

Image Image




I must rush to my employer's aid! (strictly between us, Gamers, I feel a certain excitement at meeting the devil Flynt on the field... I have heard much of his perving ways, and have seen his obvious bloodlust - I sense a kindred soul Image) But enough! It is no talk for mercenaries. I wonder what my boss has been up to.


EXCELLENT COUNTER-OP BRIBRI, THAT'LL PUT PAID TO LYNCH'S SHAMELESS LEBANON EQUALISER (and unlike that stuffed-shirt bourgeoisie fuck, you even got a refreshing jog in, too! "Hard on the campaign trail," eh boss?! Nudge wink etc! Image)

Wait - bring camera #3 on the main screen. What's he... Image



FUCK! :evil: He's recovered his lost campaign schmoozing ground, and harnessed the Kryptonite of BriBri's campaign - children! (they run screaming in ancient instinctive fear at the sight of her. babies straight-up burst into flames. Image we're working on it)

I'm on the phone to rent out some little people for a photo op as we speak, boss. (・`ω´・)
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

:lol: BIL, you must have had the biggest grin on your face, upon discovering this Bizarro Brianna Wu Twitter account. I'm talking Joker-style, ear-to-ear slit visage here
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

You know me too well, old friend. :oops: I love the smell of Image in the morning! :twisted: However I am also slightly uneasy - between his savage tweets and insider knowledge of my boss's methods, Flynt is not an opponent to scoff at! :shock: I sure hope all the perving Revolution 60 stuff he drew for her on commission doesn't resurface - it's pretty haraam, and wouldn't impress Anita-senpai!



There are people... (・`ω´・)
Who think I run this thread solely to promote my client Ms Wu. (・`W´・)

I am also here to chronicle the aftermath. >¦3


Damn, it's almost like you gave money to a career scammer's latest racket. Image Let's ask Chuck Tingle for help!


"Rectally prolapsed in the butt with my three-foot horse dildo, the cake is a lie, XD XD XD"

You make me laugh, chumps. And laugh, and laugh, and laugh. >¦3

I'm gonna hang it up after my boss gets elected though. Image While Juanita and Blowy continue their tired routines ("muh oppression" "muh quirky gamer grrl"), ONLY my WAIFU has consistently escalated onto bigger and more audacious scams! All others are just used up has-beens, out of the game!
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Randorama »

Just posting in what I consider the worst thread produced by Mankind (yes, women are innocent at least in regard to this bit) to remind everyone that BIL can only "climax" by reading Ian Bogost' I will not read the reply, but consider this the beginning of a spam chain. Once you will read what the guy writes, feel free to wait for me at my place with rusty weapons.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Guidance appreciated as always, Rando. >:3

However I suspect Bogost is not my prey. >¦3 I personally have no interest in fried air merchants, provided that is what they profess to be. This is why I am content to ignore Juanita, while LITERALLY MURDERING Blowie and Johnny on the regular. It's the difference between Billy Graham and L. Ron Hubbard.

I desire the red meat of scams exposed and sacred cows brought low. >:9

However I certainly do not speak for anyone else here!
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Obscura »

...who the heck is Juanita?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Jonathan Macintosh. Or Anita Sarkeesian. Or both! It doesn't matter really.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

The biggest unanswered question is where is the money? [1CCS]
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by charlie chong »

i notice a lot of people saying that you cant be racist to whites because of white privelige so i feel free to call all us whiteys a bunch of honky cracker roundeyes
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

In your toxic oppressiveness, you fail to see that as a White Male, you are mocking minorities by offering to let them mock you, when this is impossible as you are in a position of power!

It is the Newspeak of Marxist > Frankfurt School > Social Theory > Critical Theory > Feminism > Third Wave Feminism > Intersectionality.

In short; two people have consensual sex.
In steps the Marxist.
"As there is a disparity of power, says Xir, the sex cannot be consensual", therefore "muh rape".
This is like catnip to "the oppressed".
The result, is massive discord, and a golden opportunity for the Marxist to "offer" a "solution" to these "social ills".
Hence, "Cultural Marxism". That is to say, ass cancer.

Which then leads us to why slagging off "Privileged" "White people", because of their "position of power", cant be racist.
All of this also means, of course, that because of their "position of power" "all White people are Racist"
Cultural Marxist mental gymnastics.

PSA to the gentlemen of the GamerGate thread;
Put on your helmets, lovely boys! INCOMING!

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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Bananamatic »

charlie chong wrote:i notice a lot of people saying that you cant be racist to whites because of white privelige
are slavs wh*te?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by charlie chong »

yor white but not very privelidged i guess . gammon is a new good white person slur i heard .
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Yes, there is something for you. Zoe says thanks for the eighty grand. Image


TIL "raving" means "trembling in emasculated supplication." Image

Still, he is not wrong! Compared to the abject saps who tirelessly shovel cash into Zoe's scammer furnace, these guys are indeed raving mad. How dare they question her beneficence! Her allowing them to redeem their sinful white cash, via her socially-conscious FMV shitfest! :shock:

They are heretics fomenting holy war... and we all know how that worked out for a (former) Mr. Jason Schreier. Image


How will it end? My money is on a total "thank you sir may I have another" non-event, ala The Feminist Deck, but I'd love to be wrong. Even a bedgrudingly shat-out wreck ala Revolution 60: SPED could be amusing. Oh man... she may actually end up making the garbage Tom Zito was peddling in the 90s look good. :o


"You still whoring yourself out to that mongoloid praying mantis hybrid?"
Two months left. -_-
I'm worried she's gonna kill another dog before it's over.
"It's summer though."


Does this absolute fucking cretin not realise that toy dog is going to collapse and die? Just like Crash did, after she left him outside overnight in freezing temperat... oh. :o I get it. Spectre of GG is hungering, I suppose. :sad: "You know your mic is on, right?" Tits.

Ahem! I mean, just like Crash did after heroically driving back Jace Connors' advance guard! Please reconsider, boss!

Now, to put paid to the problematic lack of gender representation in this godforsaken backwater... I am back to ensure my client's campaign remains in the public eye during these critical last two months! Image However, just between us, gamers, I'm sad to say things are looking... problematic!


Boss, what are you thinking? This is the third time you've tried this and it's not working! Rather like your various fictitious careers. Image


Is the bastard Lynch (WHAT A RACIST NAME)'s jaw-jacking comeback even surprising at this point?

Wait... what the -
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Aw yee, tangent! :o




(that's ME in the bushes, ready to snipe anyone who attacks my majestically lumbering waifu!)

Well, in the spirit of charity, I suppose I can offer you a spot as our coffee getter. Because this has been a week when... MANSPLAINING GOES WRONG :shock:


>game writer person opines on difficulties of her job, on twitter
>community member offers criticism, on twitter

Now I know what you're thinking! "I bet that brute male threatened her dog, and her cat, and even her goldfish too!" You're wrong though - unlike me, he is rovely chap!

I maintain my mission statement. Image However I liked this result! I've always thought it was kinda rich, denigrating individuals for their gender with the full blessing of the woke clerical class... as long as it's the right gender! It reminds me of the English cultural mainstream's pillorying of gingers - ha ha, their hair is orange, M I RITE - but shrieking in outrage at the notion of doing the same to those of African or Asian descent. Why's one group halal and the other haraam? Is it because the approved victims are "historically less oppressed?" How very principled! You have pogrom in your country too, ja?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Durandal »

What the hell is this shit?
ArenaNet have fired two Guild Wars 2 writers for tweets they made this past week. In doing so, they’ve thrown their lot in with players and harassers who make unreasonable demands of game developers. Good work, ArenaNet. Let’s start at the beginning.
"Unreasonable demands" how? This article never makes a point what these exact demands are, how they are even unreasonable, or how they are even demands. In fact, if you were to look at Deroir's tweets and history with GW2 itself, he's a long-time streamer of the game and most likely loves the game for what it is already, if anything Deroir was just trying to start a discussion concerning MMORPG narrative design in general rather than trying to get his desired changes implemented immediately in GW2 by making "unreasonable demands".
On July 3rd, Jessica Price wrote an interesting Twitter thread about the challenges of writing compelling player characters in MMORPGs. In response to one of those tweets, Guild Wars 2 YouTuber and ArenaNet content partner ‘Deroir’ responded to disagree and argue in favour of branching dialogue. On July 4th, Price quote-tweeted Deroir’s response, correctly connecting it to the all-too common situation of women game developers being condescended on Twitter.
"Correctly connected" how? Because this article sure as hell doesn't make me see it. All I see is someone playing the Mansplaining card and RPS immediately placing Price in the right because they assume it's just another "all-too common situation of women game developers being condescended on Twitter" (as Price did), even though that's not remotely apparent here at all. They don't even try to make the connection to Deroir and actual mansplaining here, because even RPS knows that with Deroir's tweets they have absolutely no leg to stand on to call him a troll or harasser of the sorts, else they would have already. Most people looking at these tweets would see some guy trying to have a discussion in the most as-polite-as-it-can-get-on-Twitter way possible, until Price brings gender up out of seemingly nowhere, in response to which Deroir expresses his displeasure but says he'll leave her be, which I'd also consider as-polite-as-it-can-get-on-Twitter.

Meanwhile Price could have more politely expressed her wish that she were to be left alone or not be responded to by any male rather than responding passive-aggressively seemingly out of nowhere. Something like: "Sorry, but I'm currently feeling stressed out a bit. I'd appreciate it if only women would reply to me, only they can really understand how I feel". People would be (somewhat?) more prone to sympathizing with that, and this situation wouldn't have blown up as much if she said so.
For further context, Jessica Price joined ArenaNet around a year ago and the r/Guildwars2 post announcing her arrival was eventually locked by moderators because some posters took instant umbrage with Price’s Twitter account, fearing that the game might be affected by “SJW agendas.” Price worked previously at Paizo Inc, makers of the Pathfinder pen-and-paper RPG, and had been open on Twitter, in interviews and in PAX panels about sexism in the tabletop industry, including specific instances of harassment she had experienced.
I'd appreciate it if RPS could be a bit more subtle in trying to paint Price as the good guy.
Price’s tweets on July 4th were clearly responding not to a single tweet but explicitly addressing the broader reality of “being a female game dev” today. By this point, it’s no secret that women in online spaces are frequently condescended, bombarded with criticism not levied at male peers and often held to a standard that requires them to be silent or play nice.
That's what's expected out of any employee working for any company. Look around, people get fired all the time regardless of their gender if they act completely unprofessional in public spaces, and if it's determined that they pose a liability to the PR image of the company they're working for. Twitter accounts are not exempt, even if it is your personal one. It should have become common knowledge by now that companies will sift through your social media accounts before hiring you. They don't want someone who can't hold in their spaghetti, else customers start complaining about how you could have hired someone who's indirectly insulting them. I find it utterly hilarious that the notion of the other writer, some non-descript white male, getting fired for the same reasons but only being treated as a side-note in this article. If Price was unreasonably held to a standard that required her to be silent and play nice, what was the deal with Fries?

I actually would love to see developers vehemently defending their game and the decisions they took more strongly, but without devolving into namecalling/semantical/shitposting bullshit. Sidestep the whole nonsense and go straight for the core, at least that way you give something of actual interest for others to read.

The argument I think RPS is trying to push in defense of Price is that she's being harangued with "microaggressions", and that when she says she's being harassed is the moment when everyone should take her feelings into consideration and lay off her for a moment. Thing is, Twitter is a public forum. If you bring stuff up in public, people are naturally prone to responding to whatever you brought up and Twitter does give you the tools to keep things private. Yes, I get it, you're feeling fragile at the moment. But this does not excuse 'toxic' behavior and appearing like you have no self-control.

If you say that you don't want to talk about it but then keep talking about it after telling everyone else they can't talk to you, then that's having your cake and eating it too. It's nothing short of disingenuous to shut down the discussion but keep mentioning it every five minutes under the expectation that if anyone else starts bringing it up too that they're the assholes.

People in the comments trying to drum up a "don't you have some sympathy with her tough position as a woman in gaming" excuse and conflating saving yourself the time time and effort of not speaking up against every shittweet with trying to push the "women should be nice and quiet" stereotype. Some fucking shit :evil:
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

BIL wrote:snip
discussion = OMG MANSPLAINING!!!!
Wow. she's nuts. she brought in the gender card when it had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It's a breath of fresh air, to see that there has been sweet justice in this case(and that it didn't take long for it to be handled). She tried to pull off some edgy nonsense(and in the process acted unprofessional af) and they were having none of it. Good on the studio.

EDIT : wow, that RPS article is garbage. Nice breakdown of it, Durandal
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

FinalBaton wrote:Wow. she's nuts. she brought in the gender card when it had absolutely nothing to do with it.
That's what gets me, the sheer foolishness of pulling that card here. If what that guy posted is grounds for it... what sort of boot-licking supplication are Price's ilk, and their enablers in the gaming press, expecting here? I can't imagine this inspiring anything but contempt from most, outright invective from some.

Maybe that's what they're banking on, and to hell with innocents in the crossfire. Image

The guy I linked previously posted an update today. Covers much of the same as Durandal's post. TLDW: ITS ALL YOUR FAULT Image
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

I love his last point cause I actually wanted to adress this :

I hope people won't send her death threats and nasty messages/harass her. that would resolve nothing and is just really mean and pointless. and it would also give her ammunition for potentially going on a professional victim career (reading her response to the firing, it's clear that she's learned nothing and is still acting just the same. so who knows how she could spin this)
Last edited by FinalBaton on Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Zen »

BIL wrote:Maybe that's what they're banking on, and to hell with innocents in the crossfire.
My guess, is that this is most certainly part of it.
Although there are "true believers", I think it not too great a stretch, to say that part of the "Toxic Gamer" narrative, has been a stunt pulled over the past few years and I could also take a fair guess at some of the well know names involved.
Speaking of which; Here's Nathan Grayson's expected fiction on the situation; ... 1827401422 (of course, clicking on the Kotaku link, is probably the whole point!)
Here is a refresher, on the creature Grayson;

Re. "Notorious SJW Jessica Price"; she has "form". ... ica_price/ First post may be of interest. It is from 1 year ago. It also contains mention of and a link to, a defence of Price by Brianna Wu. GO TEAM WU!!
(a defence, I may add, that The Wu apparently continues to this day)


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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I generally just don't care about this stuff, but that whole situation was a hot mess. The guy is a long time player of the game and was just offering thoughtful feedback in a public forum. I literally fail to see the issue.

And yeah people get fired for being dumbfucks on twitter and facebook all the time. It's literally nothing new. If you do something that is bad PR and you aren't amazing at your job, you're gonna get the ax.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

Exactly. How many employees could get away with publicly calling customers "asshats", whatever the field the company's in? Not much, if any, I'll tell you that
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Oh hey. Turns out the "hand on your throat" post so richly dined out on in those articles was a complete bullshit troll. :lol: ... _you_post/
I just got so mad, so upset and felt so powerless and surrounded by individuals who are so thoughtless and shitty I was hoping I'd appeal to some sort of sense of decency by writing the most vile shit I could think of.
What I'm saying is that the gw2 userbase is horrible and I'd beat it into submission if I was in charge of Arenanet.
Always with the impotent fantasies of violence, these people. Image

In addition to the estimable authors of said articles, Jason Schreier, the poor chap who had his knackers ritually excised a few months back, has also been bandying around said troll post. Jason, I know you must still be in a fug of semicoherent medicated agony. Please issue a retraction explaining this. :sad:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Obscura »

In fairness to Wu, it wouldn't surprise me if most active Guild Wars 2 accounts were bots or farmers :lol:
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Also in my boss's defense, she's currently being chased around by some instagram nutter with allegations of the dread #metoo! But from what I can tell...

Classified field dossier

Now, with even despicable human/jello hybrid bottom-feeder "Mundane Twat" reporting on the matter, it is time to shitcan this line of inquiry.


Poor boss. She is one creepy, dog-neglecting fuck with more scams than hot dinners,


but she genuinely does attract some total BS! Recently, marginally infamous indie dev Chloe Sagal friggin immolated herself. :shock: Jesus fuck, hard way to go! This one time, Sagal hit up boss for cash and was gently but firmly turned down. Sagal try same with literal shitlord and unfathomably rich fat baldy Notch! So now, while Sagal corpse still smouldering, some thirsty-ass gilbertgottfriedgate motherfuckers tried to spin it as boss driving marginalised trans person to horrible fate. Image Now, they trying same with this crazy instagram bitch!

You may as well pin Sagal on me, your humble GiantSpaceKat liaison! And I not kill anyone. Not even hit in face! Five star prisoner after-care with free breakfast and dropoff at ER. That is Deagle Nation way™. Image

What I am saying is, stop pinning outlandish shit on my boss you fucking scandal-hungry nerds! She have lifetime of humiliating dirt as is. All you do is give her plausible escape as she plunges headlong into next career grave! Amateurs.

HOWEVER there is a certain amusement in boss getting taste of merciless #woke justice! I not deny that. Image These idiots wanted to create a world of cunts. Perhaps it is good they occasionally feel skin-crinkling backblast of Perpetual Victim Engine.
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Skykid » ... iter-fired

Is it just me, or is Polygon the most appalling agenda-driven shitrag in all of game journalism?
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by BIL »

Given they employ Ben "pedophilia is not a moral wrong" Kuchera, I couldn't pretend to offer neutral comment. But yes, I was slightly taken aback at just how nakedly partisan they're being here.

It's almost like they're trying to jumpstart the spectre of GG! Unfortunately, I don't think there's nearly the damsel potential in this one. Ardent cucks naturally lined the block for the holy victim trinity of Juanita, Blowy and Johnny. It's a far rarer specimen that's drawn to outright ball-crushing hatred. I want to believe most know malice when they see it, and will recoil from lionising it - if not out of some common decency, at least base "them then me" self-interest.
Price said she has no regrets about her response to Deroir, although she said she might have moderated her language a little. “Given that the term ‘asshat’ was apparently a sticking point for ArenaNet, I’d maybe use ‘condescending jerk’ instead,” she said. “Men pop up in my mentions to tell me how to do my job all the time."

The "sticking point" was your dumping a bucket of bile over some poor sap and proceeding to beat him with it as he retired to the showers, you absolute cretinous disgrace to functional adulthood. Grab a piece and go full Death Wish already. Of course you kneecapped that guy for striking up a conversation in the bar - he was a white male!



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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by FinalBaton »

Good ol' Polytaku is always there to not only side with these nutcases, but also help them drum up a counter-attack on the basis of a shit, 100% fabricated narative. *facepalms*

Or should I say : a "second attack wave". as there's never been any injustice done to her in the first fucking place :lol:

Their call to arms against "if Reddit decides to strangle you dev to death, it will. We must "castrate" them gaming communities!!!" is riduculous

No, Polytaku. The community didn't "go" after her because she was a female dev. They just showed support for a decision made to remove an unprofessional af dev who publicly shat on a player (who was super polite in his intervention in a PUBLIC discussion btw)
I mean, the Reddit troll post BIL mentionned, as been downvoted to hell by the community. (but the screen cap used by journos doesn't show that now, doesn't it?)

Also, her excuse now is that her PUBLIC twitter is a PRIVATE space now? :lol: Good fucking grief... that is such a weak fucking defense
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Re: GamerGate - and it's continuing aftermath.

Post by Durandal »


"You know ma'am, maybe we're overdoing it with the ba-"
How good we have it here. You just know they'd turn this into a firing line if they could.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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