"$750 for a damn book on why the PSP was delayed"

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"$750 for a damn book on why the PSP was delayed"

Post by Thunder Force »

Next time you think Radiant Silvergun is overpriced, remember this.

I got better "bang for my buck" by just reading the various user comments on that page :)

(the subject title is lifted from one of the user comments.)
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Post by Stormowl »

that's cheap compared to the other IDC reports you can purchase on amazon. wow. :shock:
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Post by Vexorg »

That's the cheap one. If you've got some bucks to drop you can get this one...

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Post by Andi »

This is fucking amazing!
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Post by uwfan »

WTF!! :shock:

wtf is an IDC!?!?! and why do they cost silly amounts of money!??

Also, there are really funny reviews at amazon.com, here are some of the best...

PDF Porn, February 4, 2005
Reviewer: Mr Nirvana "Mr Nirvana" - See all my reviews

After reading this PDF, I realized that I had to experiment with it's power. After setting the candles and aroma therapy crystals in place, I lured my wife to the bedroom, where I proceeded to serenade her with the symphony of words contained within. No sooner had I finished paragraph 2, when I could not contain her arrousal. It was the most erotic night of our 57 year marriage.
I highly recommend this to everyone over the age of 70, and even some youngsters out there... you won't be disappointed!

A rare treasure, January 25, 2005
Reviewer: Wayne Kerr (Bolivia) - See all my reviews

I am one of those people who are curious about how much my family spent on my presents at christmas. I found 'No PSP...' in my christmas stocking and couldn't resist heading over to Amazon to check it out. Even though it proves that my brother is a CHEAPSKATE I must admit that this tale of technological indecision has grown on me over time. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a last minute gift and not wanting to spend too much money.

Your love makes the hard work worthwhile!, January 23, 2005
Reviewer: Schelley Olhava - See all my reviews
Thank you all so very, very much. Really, you don't know how much your good words mean to all of us at IDC on the PSP-Holiday Watch team. This e-book was a real labor of love. I felt that I was giving birth, I had to push so much to get this out! Plus all the bribing of messengers and cleaning people at Sony headquarters really paid off. But what's most important is that we touched your hearts. Your devotion has inspired us on our next project, "Valentine's Day at Sony: from the Ethereal to the Venereal." Continuing the love theme, but with kind of a Satanic twist, it will leave you with tears of joy. God bless you all.

I bought one for evey member of my team!, January 21, 2005
Reviewer: N. Gazi "tuba wizard" (Barzakh) - See all my reviews

This rocks! This pdf does everything it says on the, er, cover. I couldn't believe the high calibre of technical writing that went into this. Sure, you can blow your money on more expensive items like a hand made Ferrari Testarossa minature or the Kohinoor Diamond, but at $750, this pdf is a steal!

It is about time!, January 20, 2005
Reviewer: Jamie Parker "SdogUnlucky" (In the doghouse) - See all my reviews

Starring at the bank statement and I was pissed, I have TOO MUCH MONEY and I can't spend it on anything. There is absolutely NOTHING I want enough to spend money on. Then I happened upon the "No PSP for the holidays" PDF. Thank you God, I can finally waste 750 dollars on something that isn't even real. The beauty of it is, I can keep buying it every time I feel my bank account creeping up to dangerous levels.

Meaning to Life Finally Discovered, February 21, 2005
Reviewer: Ben Hur (optional) - See all my reviews

I was pondering what to do with my unneeded $1500.00 tax refund from Uncle Sam but ever since I came upon this one page work of art titled "Sony Talks about PSP" I knew what I had to do. I did not hesitate for a minute to go over my Visa's credit limit and make this document part of my collection. It took me a few hours to read between the lines of nonsense but in the end enlightenment was mine!

PAGE TURNER!, February 11, 2005
Reviewer: John Porter (Mobile, Alabama) - See all my reviews

When the news of the PSP release finally hit the AP I did not rely on CNN or even MSNBC to give me pricing details or the drop date. I relied on IDC! Hey they have never steered me wrong and for $1500 I was able to find out that I only have to pay $249 for the PSP on March 24th!! Sure I could have gotten this information free from CNN however when I walk down the street and people see my Just In Time: Sony Talks About PSP hanging from the chain on my belt, they know who the PIMP is!

DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!, February 1, 2005
Reviewer: Young Hitchcock - See all my reviews

Take some good advice, would you rather waste 1500 *gasp* on ... a download, or buy something you can feel, like a Porche, Jag, DS, a few dozen video games, how about a new computer with Alienware? At least that's worth 1500!!!


$1500 A Page, January 19, 2005
Reviewer: Frank Krieger (Frederick, MD) - See all my reviews

At first I was hesitant on buying "Just in Time: Sony Talks About PSP" from IDC. Heck who wouldn't be!
Not being able to preview the document, and only having one page in the document, I started to wonder...
"Is it a really long page?"
"Are the words really complicated? Sometimes big words make things more valuable."
"Are there pictures?"
Well, needless to say after shelling out the $1500 I can assure everyone that this is really the most amazing book in the world!
I lost weight, quit smoking and drinking, grew hair, got a PHD, won the lotto, and can command sea animals!

LOL!!! :lol: :roll:
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Post by uwfan »

further investigation has led me to The main IDC page at amazon.com:

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/br ... 38-2539137

welcome to a crazy world, where you too can spend $4,500 on reports with thrilling titles like:

U.S. Utilities Billing Outsourcing 2004-2008 Forecast and Analysis [DOWNLOAD: PDF]


The Allure of Utility Computing: Is There a Clear Road Map? [DOWNLOAD: PDF]

WTF?!!? :shock:
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Post by Specineff »

I wonder if 8.5 is writing those reports. :P

Remember it's 8.5 we're talking about.
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Post by brand1bil »

Those comments on the PSP-IDC-reports are so funny! I still don't get what IDC is thought... :?:
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Post by GaijinPunch »

2nd funniest thing I ever saw at Amazon. The first was the OLD comments on that Harry Potter broom that kids could ride, but mysteriously "vibrated". Comments were like, "not only does my 5 year old daughter enjoy it, but my 16 year old as well!" :D
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Post by vek »

I would have thought it was blatantly obvious what IDC was, looking at the prices and subjects of their publications. But for those who are still confused:


Click on the 'About' tab. They are IT industry analysts, the people who will buy these things are not (well, not usually, at least) crazy Sony fanboys, but people who will be able to use the information to benefit their own companies.

People who write things like this:

"DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!, February 1, 2005
Reviewer: Young Hitchcock - See all my reviews
Take some good advice, would you rather waste 1500 *gasp* on ... a download, or buy something you can feel, like a Porche, Jag, DS, a few dozen video games, how about a new computer with Alienware? At least that's worth 1500!!!


on the other hand, are morons.
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Post by uwfan »

vek, you need to develop a sense of humor.

Seriously dude, chill out a bit ok........ those comments i posted above are hilarious, and i wish you could enjoy them too.
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Post by vek »

uwfan wrote:vek, you need to develop a sense of humor.

Seriously dude, chill out a bit ok........ those comments i posted above are hilarious, and i wish you could enjoy them too.
Hey, I'm perfectly chilled. Most of them did make me laugh. The one I actually quoted stood out from the rest because while most of the reviews were posted as jokes, this guy was clearly being serious! Or at least, not funny :)
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Post by captain ahar »

GaijinPunch wrote:2nd funniest thing I ever saw at Amazon. The first was the OLD comments on that Harry Potter broom that kids could ride, but mysteriously "vibrated". Comments were like, "not only does my 5 year old daughter enjoy it, but my 16 year old as well!" :D
i remember first hearing about the recall. funniest serious news i have ever heard :lol:
I have no sig whatsoever.
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