Ginga Force - Complete Translation

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Ginga Force - Complete Translation

Post by pestro87 »

I have transcribed and translated (to the best of my ability) all of the dialogues in Chapters 1-10 in the Story Mode in Ginga Force along with all of the menus. Any and all feedback is appreciated!

The Cast:


You can find my translations for Chapters 2-10 here:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Menu translations can be found here:
Score Attack
Story Mode - Score Report
Guide of Seven Tier
Character Profiles


Chapter 1 - 初出動 ! vs. ジャック

Chapter 1 – First departure! – vs. Jack
A robbery by armed criminals has occurred.
M.S.S. hurried to the crime scene as quickly as possible.

Intro cutscene

Brown: 初出動 での機体の調子はどうかね、アレックス?
Brown: How’s your first departure with the aircraft going, Alex?

Alex: はい、問題ありません
Alex: Good, I don’t have any problems.

Brown: All right. However, I think it’s good that you really know this so I will explain it to you again.

Brown: 今日からアレックスには、我々の警備会社である
Brown: Starting today Alex, you are a part of our Security Service: Mitsurugi Security Service.

Brown: 通称「MSS」の特殊部隊に所属してもらう
Brown: Aka. “MSS”. That is the Special Forces that you belong to.

Brown: 言うまでもないがMSSは、親会社でありここ惑星セブンティアを統治している。
Brown: It goes without saying that MSS governs this planet called “Seven Tier”

Brown: マグニ社の専属警備会社だ
Brown: MSS deals exclusively with security matters and operates under the Magni company

Brown: つまり、警察も同様と言うことになる
Brown: You could say that we are equivalent to the police

Brown: その意識を常に持って行動してくれ
Brown: So please always act with consciousness

Brown: パートナーの副パイロットは君の横にいるマーガレットだ
Brown: Your co-pilot is Margaret. She is your partner

Brown: マーガレット, アレックスのアシストをよろしく頼む
Brown: Margaret, please assist Alex whenever he has questions.

Margaret: 了解です、ブラウン隊長!
Margaret: Understood, Captain Brown!

Brown: 君のパイロットとしての腕は折り紙付きと間いている期待しているよ
Brown: It is to be expected that your skill as a pilot will be put to test

Alex: ありがとうございます!期待に添えるよう頑張ります!
Alex: Thank you! I will work hard to meet the expectations!

Nina: アレックス、オペレータ担当のニーナです。よろしくおねがいしますね。
Nina: Alex, this is the operator, Nina. Pleased to meet you.

Alex: こちらこそよろしく!
Alex: Nice to meet you!

Nina: 早速ですが、セントル通りにて強盗事件が発生中です。
Nina: This just in, a robbery has taken place on the Center Street .

Nina: 現場に急行してください。
Nina: Please hurry to the crime scene.

Margaret: 了解です、現場に向かいます。
Margaret: Understood, heading out to the scene.

Alex: 大したこと無さそうだな初任務は楽勝だな。
Alex: This first mission is going to be an easy feat. No big deal.

Margaret: パートナーが知ってる顔だからっていきなりくだけすぎだわ
Margaret: You've crossed the line, partners should know how to act professionally 
(I'm not 100% sure about this one...)

Margaret: もっと気を引き締めなさい!
Margaret: Please tighten yourself up a bit more; we need to be more careful!

Alex: へいへい分かってますよ.
Alex: Hey relax, I know that.


Margaret: それじゃあ出撃するわよ!
Margaret: All right, so these are the attacks that you can use!

Alex: よっしゃ!気合い入れていうぜ!
Alex: Alrighty! Let’s see what we’ve got!

Alex: えーっと、武器は。。。
Alex: Ummm, so this weapon…

Margaret: メインウェポンとサブウェポンの2種類よ
Margaret: You have two types of weapons, a main weapon and a sub weapon

Margaret: ってそんなことで大丈夫なの?
Margaret: Are you doing ok so far?

Alex: 分かってる分かってる大丈夫だって!
Alex: I know I know. I’m all right!

Margaret: いまのうちに操縦方法を確認しておきなさいよ
Margaret: Keep practicing how to maneuver your ship

Margaret: スペシャルウェポンの使い方も忘れてないでしょうね?
Margaret: Let’s not forget how to use your special weapon, ok?

Stage start

Margaret: 目標を確認さっさと捕まえて帰るわよ!
Margaret: Let’s complete our goals quickly so that we can go home!

Alex: 了解!さくっと仕舞いにしてやるぜ!
Alex: Roger that! It'll be extremely easy to finish this!

Jack: ふん、俺に追いつけるかな?
Jack: Well, can you keep up with me?

Alex: ふざけやがって!挑発のつもりか?
Alex: What wittiness! Are you trying to challenge me?

Alex: よし、ブースターを一丁破壊!
Alex: All right, first booster engine destroyed!

Margaret: すこしは楽になるかしら
Margaret: I wonder if it’ll be a bit easier now

Alex: なんだ?スピードを上げやがった!
Alex: What is this? His speed increased!

Alex: あのブースターは飾りか?
Alex: Was that booster just a decoy?

Margaret: ちょっと怒らせちゃったかもね。ほら、早く追いかけましょう
Margaret: Maybe he got a little bit offended. Let’s hurry up and chase after him.

Nina: 多数の小型機が接近中
Nina: Plenty of small aircrafts are approaching

Alex: ちんまいのがうざったいな。これじゃスピードをあげられねぇ
Alex: We're being swallowed by these annoying things. Let’s increase the speed

Alex: いくら倒してもキリがないぜ
Alex: This just goes on and on. How many more of these things do I need to destroy?

Margaret: おそらく作業用の無人機を改造したものよ
Margaret: They are probably drones created for work

Alex: いったいどれだけいるんだ?
Alex: Do they really need this many?

Margaret: 前方に一般車両。注意して!
Margaret: Regular vehicles ahead. Be careful!

Alex: ちょっとまて。上に砲台が乗っかてるぞ
Alex: Wait a second. There are turrets mounted on top of the vehicles

Margaret: どういうこと?相手はただの強盗犯じゃないの?
Margaret: What is this? Are they partners with the robbers?

Margaret: やっと追いついたわね
Margaret: We finally caught up with them

Jack: おっと、どこで遊んでたんだ?捕まえる気が無いならさっさと帰るんだな
Jack: Woah, where were you when I was having fun? You might as well go home if you can’t catch me

Alex: あいつ、どれだけなめてやがるんだ!
Alex: This guy, such sweet talking nonsense!

Margaret: 目標がアームで小型機を捕獲。どういうつもり?!
Margaret: The goal is to capture him by targeting the small aircraft on the arm. What is he doing?!

Margaret: アーム小型機の破壊を確認
Margaret: The small aircraft on the arm has been successfully destroyed

Margaret: 少しは大人しくしてくれないかしら
Margaret: I wonder if this will make him a little quieter

Alex: やった!
Alex: We did it!

Margaret: アームの破壊を確認
Margaret: The arm has been destroyed

Alex: なに!?交差点に突っ込む気か?
Alex: What!? Did he just go straight into the crowded intersection?

Margaret: ぶつかるわっ!!
Margaret: Woah, he hit something!!

Margaret: きゃっ
Margaret: *cry*

Margaret: 何で事するのよ!!
Margaret: What is that thing doing!!

Nina: 下方から小型機接近
Nina: Small aircrafts are approaching from below

Margaret: 気をつけて!
Margaret: Be careful!

Alex: こんなところでドンパチやりやがって!初日から始末書ものじゃねえか!!
Alex: They’re firing guns at a place like this! I should get a written apology for giving me a first day like this!!

Margaret: 前方に再び交差点!
Margaret: Heading straight into another intersection!

Alex: またかよ!!
Alex: Oh shit!!

Alex: くっ、容赦ない野郎だ。ひやっとしたぜ
Alex: Damn, what a relentless asshole. My heart stopped for a second.

Margaret: また離されるわ。追いつける?
Margaret: Mine too. Can we catch up?

Nina: 後方から小型機が高速接近中
Nina: Small aircrafts are approaching fast from behind

Alex: 休ませてはくれないみたいだな
Alex: It looks like they just won’t give us a rest

Alex: あいつもシールドを張ってやがる
Alex: These guys have also put on shields

Alex: 作業用の機体をどこまでカスタムしてやがるんだよ
Alex: I wonder how much they really need to customize these worker machines

Margaret: なかなかしぶといわね
Margaret: It sounds a bit excessive if you ask me

Margaret: そろそろ捕まってくれないかしら?
Margaret: Shouldn’t we have caught up to him by now?

Jack: くそっ、シールドが切れたか
Jack: Shit, the shield has worn off

Margaret: 相手のシールドが解除されたわ。今よ!ブースターを破壊して
Margaret: The opponents shield has vanished. Quick! Destroy the booster engine!

Nina: ブースターの破壊を確認しました
Nina: The booster engine has now been successfully destroyed

Pre-boss battle

Nina: 犯人は高速下の側溝へ向かっています!!
Nina: The criminal is heading towards the trench at a high speed!!!

Alex: 下か?!
Alex: Down below?!

Margaret: 早く追いかけて!!
Margaret: Quickly chase after him!!!

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: All right!

Boss Battle

Margaret: え?今度はキャノン砲を付けてるわ
Margaret: Huh? This time he has a cannon

Margaret: こんなところに隠してたなんて。。。。。。
Margaret: What kind of thing is he hiding in a place like this...

Jack: ふん、振り切るつもりがとんだ誤算だ
Jack: Hmph, looks like it was a big mistake to think I'd be able to shake you guys off

Jack: これで地獄に送ってやる
Jack: So now I'm going to send you to hell

Alex: くっ、あぶねぇ
Alex: Damn, this is dangerous

Alex: こっちは初目なんでからもっとお手柔らかに頼むぜ
Alex: From witnessing all of this, I ask of you, please kindly surrender

Margaret: そんなこと言っても犯人はには通用しないわよ
Margaret: You can't say such a thing to a criminal

Alex: よし!キャノン砲一つ破壊したぜ!
Alex: All right! Canon destroyed!

Jack: くそ、捕まるくらいなら一緒に地獄に送ってやある!
Jack: Shit, I'd rather send us both to hell than getting caught!

Alex: 諦める気、全く無しだな
Alex: He refuses to give up

Margaret: もうちょっとよ攻撃を続けるて!
Margaret: Keep up the attck for a little bit longer!

Alex: 了解だぜ!
Alex: Understood!

Post-boss battle

Jack: うおぉーー
Jack: Woaaaaah...

Nina: 目標の沈黙を確認、別部隊が身柄を確保します
Nina: The target has been confirmed to be silenced. Another unit will ensure the custody of the target.

Alex: よっしゃー!
Alex: Alrighty!

Margaret: ようやく任務完了ね、長い一目だったわ
Margaret: Mission has been completed at last, that was a long one

Nina: おつかれさまでした、帰還してください
Nina: Thank you for the good work, please return
Last edited by pestro87 on Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:12 am, edited 51 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by sscamaro2010 »

:D Wow, this is awesome! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this!
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by shmuppyLove »

pestro87 wrote: Margaret: パートナーが知ってる顔だからっていきなりくだけすぎだわ
Margaret: (I have no idea what this means)
Google Translate says:

"I'm too much just because it suddenly crashed face that partners know"

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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by Alfred »

Hello Pestro87, Thank you very much for doing this. I will enjoy stage 1 more now i know the story.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Thanks guys! I should have the translation for Chapter 2 up here within a couple of days if all goes well :)
shmuppyLove wrote:
pestro87 wrote: Margaret: パートナーが知ってる顔だからっていきなりくだけすぎだわ
Margaret: (I have no idea what this means)
Google Translate says:

"I'm too much just because it suddenly crashed face that partners know"

Hahaha! Yeah... wouldn't bet my grandma's money on that translation :D

EDIT: I think that it's supposed to be something like "You've crossed the line, co-workers should act professionally" (the literal translation is something along the lines of "partners should know how to remain face, this is too much") but I'm not sure
Last edited by pestro87 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by Special World »

Any chance you could tell me what I'm earning points for in score attack mode? I have no idea what it says :O
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Special World wrote:Any chance you could tell me what I'm earning points for in score attack mode? I have no idea what it says :O

ミッション時間 = Mission time
被弾数 = Number of hits that you've taken / amount of deaths (thanks again ratikal for the correction!)
ターゲットパーツの被破壊 = Target parts destroyed
回収したCR = Amount of CR that was recovered
Last edited by pestro87 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by Special World »

Thanks, pestro! Still confused by that "number of hits with your bullets" one though, since I swear it's always a really low number. I'll check it out later today.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

I read through my translation again this morning and realized that this...:

Brown: マグニ社の専属警備会社だ
Brown: MSS deals exclusively with security matters

...should've been this:

Brown: マグニ社の専属警備会社だ
Brown: MSS deals exclusively with security matters and operates under the Magni company

This is actually a significant piece of information for the plot as some interesting facts will be unveiled later on about this Magni company so stay tuned... 8)
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by ratikal »

Maybe it's "Number of times hit with bullets" as in "How many times you've died." It does base your score on how much you don't die.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

ratikal wrote:Maybe it's "Number of times hit with bullets" as in "How many times you've died." It does base your score on how much you don't die.
Yes, you're right! It seems like you get an initial bonus and each time you die, a certain amount is deducted from it. Thanks!
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by drunkninja24 »

Any chance on menu translations coming soon :P

Great work though! Looking forward to more :D
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by BobbyNewmarkiii »

Thank you! (3-9)

This is awesome - stuff like this is exactly the reason I visit this forum.

:D :D
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

drunkninja24 wrote:Any chance on menu translations coming soon :P
Consider it done :D I just need to unlock everything in the shop first...
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 2 - 年少ハッカーディニー参上! vs. ティニー

Chapter 2 – M.S.S. receive a call about a young hacker called Tini! – vs. Tini
A hacking attempt to the terminal in the data center has been detected.
Seize the suspect as quickly as possible.

Intro cutscene

Tini: これでよしっと、ちょろいちょろい
Tini: This is easy-peasy

Tini: こんな警備じゃ盗んでくださいって言ってるようなものだよ~
Tini: With security like this, it’s like they’re asking me to rob them

Margaret: こちらハウンド1。現場に到着しました
Margaret: Hound 1 here. We’ve arrived at the scene.

Nina: 容疑者がターミナルへ不正アクセスを行っています。直ちに確保してください!
Nina: The suspect is inside the terminal without authorized access. Please seize him/her as quickly as possible!

Alex: 了解!!
Alex: Understood!!!

Tini: うそ、みつかっちゃった?ちゃんとセキュリティー解除したはずなのに~
Tini: Crap, have they found me? I thought that I had disabled the security

Margaret: セキュリティーシステムはごまかせても、わたしの目はごまかせないわよ!
Margaret: You can trick the security system, but you can’t trick my eyes!

Stage start

Tini: こんなこともあろうかといろいろ用意してきたんだ~
Tini: Thankfully, I’ve already prepared for this

Tini: ボクをみつけられるかな??
Tini: Can you find me???

Alex: 消えた!?
Alex: It disappeared?!

Margaret: たぶん光学迷彩ね!並の機体じゃないわ
Margaret: Maybe it camouflaged? I don’t think that this is an average aircraft

Tini: ほい、ぽちっとな~こっちもあげるね
Tini: Pretty nifty innovation! It also has this thing

Nina: 周辺のセキュリティシステムにウィルス反応
Nina: The security system around us has been infected with a virus

Nina: 何が起こるかわかりません。十分注意してください。
Nina: I don’t know what’s going to happen now. Please be careful.

Alex: 注意するも何も、セキュリティメカが俺らを襲ってきてるぞ
Alex: Nothing to note so far, the security mechanism hasn’t attacked us yet

Margaret: これだけ数がいたら。避けて通るわけにはいかないわね
Margaret: Maybe it’s only a part of it that got infected. We can’t afford to be detected

Alex: こんなもん、叩きゃ直るだろ!!
Alex: We’ll just hit them with this again!!!

Margaret: ちょっとアレックス。あんたねぇ。。。
Margaret: Wait a sec, Alex. Hey are you saying…

Nina: アレックスの言う通り、衝撃を与えねば無効化できる可能性があります
Nina: As Alex was saying, there is a possibility that we might be able to disarm them without destroying them

Margaret: ええっ?それ本当なの??
Margaret: What? Is that really true???

Alex: ほれみろ!
Alex: I’m liking this!

Alex: それじゃあ遠慮なくやってやるぜ!
Alex: All right, I’ll try to hold back!

Nina: 衝撃を与えてもいいですけど、なるべく破壊しないでくださいね
Nina: It should be fine if you attack so that they’re disarmed, please avoid destroying as many as you can

Alex: えっ、マジ?
Alex: Oh, really?

Nina: 正常化したメカはセンサーライトが青く見えるはずです
Nina: The sensor light should appear blue when they’ve been normalized

Margaret: 青くなったのを目安にすれば破壊せずに止められそうね
Margaret: It wouldn’t be so easy to avoid destroying them if they wouldn’t have the blue light as an indicator

Alex: そんな難しいことすんのかよ。。。手加減するのだって大変なんだぜ?
Alex: This is really difficult to do… Those things are pretty tough, how am I supposed to hold back?

Margaret: え?なに、聞こえない
Margaret: What? Did you not listen?

Alex: なんだよその言いごさは!
Alex: Whatever!

Margaret: 冗談よ、冗談。できるだけ壊すな、ってことで良いでしょう?
Margaret: I’m joking. Am I not doing a good job of breaking it down for you?
(I’m not 100% sure about this one)

Alex: は~、了解。
Alex: Ye-… understood.

Alex: ようやく落ち着いてきたか?
Alex: Did they finally calm down?

Margaret: まって、この先の探知システムまで感染してる!センサーの光に当たっちあだめよ!
Margaret: Wait, this is the same detection system as before and it’s infected! We can be detected by the light sensors/spotlights!

This is the dialogue that occurs when you are spotted by the spotlights
Alex: おっとっと、そうは言ってもこの数じゃなかり無茶があるぞ
Alex: Oopsy daisy, I know that you told me to avoid them but there are so many of them

Margaret: ここはセブンティアの監視AI「スペシア」が稼働している場所ね
Margaret: This is the place where the AI, called “Special”, that monitors “Seven Tier” is operating from.

Alex: ああ、地球連邦からセブンティアの監視をまかされているAIだっけ?
Alex: Oh, have the people of our planet “Seven Tier” entrusted AI to monitoring us?

Margaret: そうよ
Margaret: Yeah

Margaret: マグニ社は私たちの感星セブンティアを一社で統治する代わりに、地球連邦から、スペシアの稼働を義務づけられているのよね
Margaret: The Magni company decided that instead of having one company that rule our entire planet “Seven Tier”, it would be better to hand over the responsibility to “Special”

Nina: おふたりさん、無駄話している場合じゃ無いですよ
Nina: Both of you sirs, talking so carefree like you’re all alone in this place

Alex: おっと、そうだった集中集中っと
Alex: Oops, that’s right, we need to remain focused

Tini: あれ~~あんまり効いてないのかな
Tini: That... it doesn’t seem like that one had any effect

Tini: でもまでまであるよこっちもいっちゃえ~~
Tini: But there is also this thing that I haven’t used yet

Alex: また来たぞ
Alex: Have these things returned again?

Margaret: 今度はスキャン能力が高いタイプね。しかも数も多いわ
Margaret: This time, it’s a new type that has a better scan ability. And there’s a lot more of them

Tini: ボクの組んだかんぺきなアルゴリズムにかなうわけないよ
Tini: I have created a new algorithm that’s nothing short of perfection

Margaret: 遊びじゃないのよ。自分が何してるかわかってるの?
Margaret: I’m not playing any games. Do you not know who I am?

Tini: へへへへ~~
Tini: Hehehehe

Alex: こりゃ捕まえた方が早いな
Alex: Shit, we’re going as fast as we can but we still haven’t caught up to her

Alex: 心なしか光学迷彩が薄くなって見えてきたような?
Alex: It looks like the camouflage is only a thin layer over the aircraft hull

Nina: ウィルスと光学迷彩は、なにかしらリンクしているのかもしれません
Nina: I wonder if there isn’t a connection between the virus and camouflage

Margaret: まずはウィルス退治、もといセキュリティの正常化を進めましょうか
Margaret: Let’s get rid of the virus first. We need to stabilize the security.

Alex: よっしゃ!どんどんいくぞ!
Alex: Alrighty! Speeding up!

Pre-boss battle

Margaret: やっと光学迷彩が切れたわ!つかまえるわよ!
Margaret: At last, the optical camouflage is broken! Catch her!

Boss Battle

Tini: むきー
Tini: Ahhhh!

Tini: せっかく仕込んだボクのウイルスがぁ~
Tini: It took a lot of effort to install my virus!

Tini: 天才ハッカーティニーさまはこんなことじゃ負けないんだぞ!
Tini: The genius hacker Tini won't lose to such a thing!

Alex: おいおい、あんな子どもがどこから、こんなもの持ち出してきたんだよ
Alex: Hey hey, where are children like you from who bring out things like these!

Tini: それ、それー
Tini: Hey...

Margaret: 子どもだからって甘く見てからやられるわよ!
Margaret: Don't underestimate her because she's a child!

Alex: その通りだぜ!気合い入れていくぞ!
Alex: That's right! Here comes my fighting spirit!

Tini: やーん、つかまりたくないよ~~
Tini: Waaah, I don't want to get caught!

Margaret: もうすこしよ!
Margaret: Just a little more!

Tini: まだだよ、まだおわりじゃないよっ!
Tini: Yet, it's still not over!

Post-boss battle

Tini: うわぁぁーー
Tini: Waaaaah

Tini: はうー、つかまっちゃったー
Tini: Aaah, I got caught

Margaret: いいかげん観念しなさい
Margaret: Let's just say that it wasn't a very thought-through idea

Tini: うわ~ん
Tini: Waaaaaaaaah

Margaret: だいたいアンタみたいなのがいったい何をしようとしてたの?
Margaret: What on earth were you trying to accomplish?

Tini: ここにあるデータを使えば、スペシアのクローンが作れるって聞いたから・・・・・・
Tini: I heard that using this data, you can create a clone of Special

Alex: おいおい、一線級のAIのクローンをそんな簡単に作れるわけ無いだろ
Alex: Hey hey, it's not an easy task to create a clone of such a highly sophisticated AI

Tini: でもでも、いま動いてるスぺシアは偽物じゃないかって
Tini: But but, they've already transfered Special. It's not false

Tini: ハッカー仲間では有名な噂だしもしかしたらって。。。。。。
Tini: It's a well-known rumour among fellow hackers. Maybe...

Alex: まさかなー
Alex: Unbelievable...

Margaret: そうねー、それはさすがに無いんじゃないかな?
Margaret: Yeah, perhaps it was to be expected?
Last edited by pestro87 on Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:18 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by ratikal »

Ah thats interesting that they mentioned to NOT destroy the security drones. I remember just destroying them over and over and wondering why her health wasn't going down.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Just a quick question here - would you guys rather see a translation of all of the menus or Chapter 3 next? Like I said earlier, I still haven't unlocked everything in the shop yet though so I would have to do that first if I'm going to translate all of the menus.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by ratikal »

I'd love to see the menu's. Even if you haven't unlocked it yet, knowing how to unlock it will be helpful. I could also give you pictures of stuff you don't have.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Menus it is then :) I think I'll have to rename the thread to "The Ginga Force translation thread" haha :D Thanks once again for all of the feedback guys! I really appreciate it!
ratikal wrote:I could also give you pictures of stuff you don't have.
That would be fantastic! I'll start off by translating what I have unlocked so far. I'll add pictures of the menus as well so that it's easier to see which ones I have translated and which ones I haven't.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by VixyNyan »

I had to double-check to make sure, but are you sure the hacker girl's name was Dini and not Tini (ティニー)? The katakana on the first symbol doesn't seem to have the " on the top corner of it, so it looks like a TI symbol to me. I always referred to her as Tini (ティニー) so maybe a correction would be good. ^^

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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Thanks, that sure looks like テ and not デ :D *sigh* that means that I'll have to remake the character portrait as well, haha.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by jigenbakuda »

Thanks so much for the translations pestro, and thanks even more for including the Japanese serif it really helps people like me, who are still learning.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1 & 2 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

jigenbakuda wrote:Thanks so much for the translations pestro, and thanks even more for including the Japanese serif it really helps people like me, who are still learning.
You're welcome :) I decided to include them partly because I figured that it would be easier for people to discern which dialogues appear at what point and partly because it's easier for people to make corrections that way. I'm glad that it helped for learning purposes as well!

I don't think I'll be able to post the menu translations tonight as I encountered a couple of kanjis that I had never seen before that slowed down the translation process :/ I've translated the "Main Weapon" part of the Shop so far (including the text with all of the details regarding each item) but the translation for Chapter 3 went by a lot quicker than I had expected so without further ado...
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 3 -人造湖 取水施設の攻防 vs. ガーナ

Chapter 3 – Artificial Lake, the battle of the Water Intake Facilities – vs. Ghana
Civilians claim that the Water Intake Facilities are under attack. They think that this might be the work of terrorists. Stop them at all costs.

Intro cutscene

Brown: テロリストと思われる人物から犯行声明が届いた
Brown: I have received a claim from civilians that these people could be terrorists

Margaret: ブラウン隊長直々とは珍しいですね
Margaret: Captain Brown, isn’t it unusual that we received this information directly from the civilians?

Brown: 今回は事が事だからな
Brown: Such is the case this time

Brown: 知っての通りこの人造湖は数ある取水施設の中でも重要な場所だ
Brown: As you may already know, the Water Intake Facilities are located in the center of this artificial lake that we’re passing over. They are important buildings however
(I assume that he means that the buildings are important to protect although they are located far away from the population)

Brown: 犯人はマグニ社に個人的な恨みがあり怒りにまかせて施設を破壊するつもりのようだ
Brown: It seems like the culprit has some kind of personal grudge against the Magni company and that’s why he/she has targeted these facilities

Brown: もし破壊されれば、影響はセヴンティア広域に及ぶことになる
Brown: A large area of Seven Tier will be impacted if these facilities are destroyed

Brown: そのような暴拳は絶対に許してはならない
Brown: It is vital that we prevent such an attack

Brown: 以上だ現場に向かえ
Brown: We are now approaching the scene

Alex: 了解
Alex: Understood

Margaret: 了解しました
Margaret: Roger that

Stage start

Alex: いきなり小型ミサイルのオンパレードか
Alex: Suddenly an array of small missiles appeared

Margaret: 相手は相当な兵装よ。アレックス、気をつけて
Margaret: The opponent seems to be fully armed. Be careful, Alex

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Ghana: 覚悟しな!これでマグニ社にひと泡吹かせてやる!
Ghana: Prepare yourselves! This will shake up the Magni company!

Alex: こりゃまたでっけ一ミサイルを放ちやがった
Alex: Shit, they’ve also fired a large missile

Nina: ミサイルはまっすぐ第一取水タワーへ向かっています
Nina: The missile is heading straight towards the first water intake tower

Brown: タワーの破壊は絶対に阻止するんだ!
Brown: It’s critical that you prevent that tower from being destroyed!

Margaret: やった、ミサイル撃破!
Margaret: We did it! We destroyed the missile!

Ghana: くそ、破壊されたか
Ghana: Crap, did you manage to destroy it?

Alex: まずはセーフだな!
Alex: The first one is now safe!

Margaret: そうね
Margaret: That’s right

Margaret: まって、犯人が向きを変えたわ追いかけて!
Margaret: Wait, the criminal has changed direction! Follow her!

Alex: 了解!安心してる場合じゃねぇな!
Alex: Understood! Why don’t these guys give a break already!

Ghana: もう一発だ!
Ghana: Here’s one more shot for you!

Alex: またか
Alex: Another one as well?

Margaret: 後ろからも小型ミサイル!注意して!
Margaret: There are small missiles incoming from behind! Be careful!

Alex: うおっと、あぶねぇー
Alex: Uh-oh, this is friggin’ dangerous!

Margaret: ちょっとそこのアンタ自分が何をしてるかわかってるの?
Margaret: Hey there! Do you even know what these things are?

Ghana: いまさら説得しようったって無駄だよ
Ghana: It’s no use following me, it’s already too late

Ghana: お前らなんかにアタシの恨みがわかってたまるか
Ghana: I don’t understand why you guys seem to have some kind of resentment towards me

Margaret: アレックス、いい?ミサイル本体に集中して攻撃するのよ?
Margaret: Alex, are you ok? Are you focusing your attacks on the body of the missile?

Alex: 了解、わかってるよ!やってやるぜ!
Alex: Roger that, I already know that! That’s what I’m doing!

Alex: よっしゃ!ミサイル撃破!
Alex: Alrighty! Missile destroyed!

Ghana: くそ、先敗か
Ghana: Crap, did it fail just before it reached the destination?

Ghana: まあいい、お前らだけで湖の底に沈めてやる!
Ghana: Well then, at least I’ll make you guys sink to the bottom of the ocean!

Margaret: 小型ミサイル小型の敵機立て統けに来るわよ!
Margaret: Small missiles from the tiny aircrafts are incoming!

Alex: 了解!こりゃあ息つく暇も無いぜ!
Alex: Copy that! Shit, I don’t even have the time to take a breather!

Margaret: まだまだくるわよ!
Margaret: There are still missiles incoming!

Ghana: ふん、予備の兵装じゃだめか
Ghana: Well, I guess my primary weapon is useless now

Ghana: こうなったら直接相手してやる
Ghana: I’ll have to become your main opponent now

Pre-boss battle

Ghana: 魚の餌になりたかったら、かかってきな!
Ghana: You'll become food for the fishes, incoming!

Boss Battle

Alex: 望むところだ!
Alex: You wish!
(tr note: slightly lose translation

Margaret: アレックス、あまり熱くならないで、油断せずに行くのよ
Margaret: Alex, don't become so hot-headed that you let your guard down

Alex: 了解だぜ!
Alex: Got it!

Ghana: くそっ、これでもくらえ!
Ghana: Shit, take this as well!

Alex: 急に攻撃が激しくなりやがった
Alex: Suddenly the attack became more violent

Ghana: アタシの本気を甘く見るんじゃないよ
Ghana: Don't underestimate how serious I am

Margaret: 挟み撃ちのガトリング砲に螺旋ビーム、何でもありなの?
Margaret: A spiral beam shooting out from the pincer of the gattling gun, did such a thing even exist?

Alex: おいおいおい、きっつい攻撃のオンパレードだな
Alex: Woah woah woah, a barrage of intense attacks

Margaret: ちょっと、大丈夫?
Margaret: Hey, are you all right?

Alex: ごれぐらい、意地でも避けてやるぜ!
Alex: Somehow, I'm trying to dodge the attacks at all costs!

Post-boss battle

Ghana: うぁーー
Ghana: Aaaah

Margaret: やったわ、完ぺきね
Margaret: We did it, flawlessly

Alex: へへへ、まあこんなもんだろ
Alex: He he he, well I suppose we did it with this one

Margaret: 今回ばかりは褒めてあげてもいいわよ
Margaret: This time you can also receive some praise

Nina: あらあら、珍しいですね、マーガレットがアレックスを褒めるなんて
Nina: Oh dear, this is unusual, Margaret complimenting Alex

Nina: 明日雪でも降るんじゃないかしら
Nina: I wonder if it will snow tomorrow

Margaret: いくらなんでもセブンティアに雪なんて降らないわよ
Margaret: It doesn't snow very much in Seven Tear

Alex: おいおい、なんて話してるんだよ
Alex: Hey hey, what are you two talking about

Margaret: でも、ちょっと見てみたいかな雪が降るところ
Margaret: But I'd like to see a little bit of snow
Last edited by pestro87 on Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:20 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

And here's translation for all of the menus in the Shop:


Main Weapon Shop

Stat bars on the right
攻撃力 – attack power
連射性 – shot speed
燃費 – fuel/energy consumption

Item list
イオンガン – Ion Gun
---- CR
連射性に優れた直進型ショット – Straight shot with excellent firing speed
連射性が高く扱いやすい、The rapid firing speed makes it easy to handle
標準支給武器 – Default weapon cost

へヴィイオンガン – Heavy Ion Gun
20,000 CR
連射性に優れた直進型ショット – Straight shot with excellent firing speed
強化版– Enhanced version

イオンブラスター– Ion Blaster
50,000 CR
連射性に優れた直進型ショット – Straight shot with excellent firing speed
上級版 – Advanced version

ヘヴィイオンブラスター – Heavy Ion Blaster
80,000 CR
連射性に優れた直進型ショット – Straight shot with excellent firing speed
最強版 – Strongest version

デモリッシュイオンブラスター – Demolisher Ion Blaster
120,000 CR
連射性に優れた直進型ショット – Straight shot with excellent firing speed
極限版 – Ultimate version

ミニビームマシンガン - Mini Beam Machine Gun
1,000 CR
やや広角をカバーするショット – The shot covers a wide angle…
若干の連射性を犠牲にし、– …at the expense of some shot speed
攻撃力を高めたタイプ – It has a high level attack power

ビームマシンガン - Beam Machine Gun
20,000 CR
やや広角をカバーするショット – The shot covers a wide angle
強化版– Enhanced version

へヴィビームマシンガン - Heavy Beam Machine Gun
50,000 CR
やや広角をカバーするショット – The shot covers a wide angle
上級版 – Advanced version

ビハイヴビームマシンガン - Behavior Beam Machine Gun
80,000 CR
やや広角をカバーするショット – The shot covers a wide angle
最強版 – Strongest version

ビームキャノン - Beam Cannon
1,000 CR
強力なエネルギー弾を放つ – Shoots a powerful blast (the literal translation here is actually “bullet energy” and not “blast”)
発射後に隙ができるため注意 – Be aware that you’ll be exposed after each blast

へヴィビームキャノン - Heavy Beam Cannon
20,000 CR
強力なエネルギー弾を放つ – Shoots a powerful blast
強化版– Enhanced version

ジェノサイドキャノン - Genocide Cannon
50,000 CR
強力なエネルギー弾を放つ – Shoots a powerful blast
上級版 – Advanced version

ヘヴィジェノサイドキャノン - Heavy Genocide Cannon
80,000 CR
強力なエネルギー弾を放つ – Shoots a powerful blast
最強版 – Strongest version

レーザーガン – Laser Gun
1,000 CR
自機の前方にレーザーを発射 – Fires a laser from the frontal part of the aircraft...
若干の貫通性能を持つ – …with a piercing thrust

へヴィレーザーガン – Heavy Laser Gun
20,000 CR
自機の前方にレーザーを発射 – Fires a laser from the frontal part of the aircraft.
強化版– Enhanced version

ピアースレーザー – Pierce Laser
40,000 CR
自機の前方にレーザーを発射 – Fires a laser from the frontal part of the aircraft.
上級版 – Advanced version

ヘヴィピアースレーザー – Heavy Pierce Laser
60,000 CR
自機の前方にレーザーを発射 – Fires a laser from the frontal part of the aircraft.
最強版 – Strongest version

ウェーブブラスターWave Blaster
1,000 CR
敵を貫通する渡動弾を発射すべての遮蔽物。- Fires bullets that will pass through all enemy shields
エネルギー体を通り抜ける- They will also pass through objects

へヴィウェーブブラスターHeavy Wave Blaster
40,000 CR
敵を貫通する渡動弾を発射 - The bullets will pass through all enemies
強化版 – Enhanced version

ペネトレートウェーブ – Penetrator Wave
60,000 CR
敵を貫通する渡動弾を発射 - The bullets will pass through all enemies
最強版 – Strongest version

スプレッドミサイル - Spread missile
5,000 CR
前方に高感力のミサイルを発射 – Fires high caliber missiles from the frontal region
着弾後に貫通性の爆発を起こす – Explodes upon collision

へヴィスプレッドミサイル – Heavy Spread missile
30,000 CR
前方に高感力のミサイルを発射 - Fires high caliber missiles from the frontal region
強化版 – Enhanced version

メガトンスプレッドミサイル – Megaton Spread Missile
60,000 CR
前方に高感力のミサイルを発射 - Fires high caliber missiles from the frontal region
最強版 – Strongest version

クラスターアルファオメガ – Alpha Omega Cluster
100,000 CR
パワーの回復星が多い優秀なショット – Regenerates power and has a high frequent shot

エスカトスフロントショット – Eschatos Front Shot
10 CR
エスカトス機体 FV-30MZ アーカ – Eschatos aircraft FV-30MZ archive
ムのフロントショット(エスカトス実績特典)- Frontal shot (Special deal for having an Eschatos save file)

Sub Weapon Shop

Stat bars on the right
攻撃力 – attack power
攻撃範囲 – attack range
燃費 – fuel/energy consumption

Item list
サブビームスマートガン – Sub Beam Smart Gun
---- CR
自機の前方に扇形に発射 – Fires from the frontal part of the aircraft
前方の広範囲をカバーする標準装備 – Standard equipment that fires a wide range of bullets from the frontal region

ビームスマートガン – Beam Smart Gun
6,000 CR
自機の前方に扇形に発射 – Fires from the frontal part of the aircraft
強化版 – Enhanced version
威力を若干向上 – Slightly improved fire power

へヴィビームスマートガン – Heavy Beam Smart Gun
20,000 CR
自機の前方に扇形に発射 – Fires from the frontal part of the aircraft
上級版 – Advanced version
連射性と威力を向上 – Improved fire speed and power

ビームスマートライフル –Beam Smart Rifle
30,000 CR
自機の前方に扇形に発射 – Fires from the frontal part of the aircraft
最強版 – The strongest version
連射性と威力をさらに向上 – Further enhanced fire speed and power

ヘヴィビームスマートライフル – Heavy Beam Smart Rifle
60,000 CR
自機の前方に扇形に発射 – Fires from the frontal part of the aircraft
極限版 – Ultimate version
攻撃力、攻撃範囲、連射性、扱いやすさの – Attack power, attack range, shot speed and ease of use…
バランスを極限まで追求したサブウェポン - …has been balanced in the pursuit of creating the ultimate sub-weapon

ショットガン – Shotgun
3,000 CR
自機の前方に強力な散弾発射 – Fires a strong shot from the frontal region of the aircraft
広範囲をカバーし威力も高いが、 - Covers a wide spectrum and has high firing power…
射程が短い - …but short range

へヴィショットガン – Heavy Shotgun
30,000 CR
自機の前方に強力な散弾発射 – Fires a strong shot from the frontal region of the aircraft
強化版 – Enhanced version
威力と射程距離が向上 – Improved fire power and range

クラスターショットガン – Cluster Shotgun
60,000 CR
自機の前方に強力な散弾発射 – Fires a strong shot from the frontal region of the aircraft
最強版 – Strongest version
エネルギーがあれば十分な範囲をカバーできる – Will cover the range if there is sufficient energy

ホーミングミサイル – Homing Missile
8,000 CR
敵を追尾するミサイル – Tracking missiles
目標に着弾後、小爆発を起こす- Causes a small explosion upon collision

へヴィホーミングミサイル – Heavy Homing Missile
15,000 CR
敵を追尾するミサイル – Tracking missiles
強化版 – Enhanced version
追尾速度と威力向上 – Improved tracking speed and power

アドバンスドホーミングミサイル – Advanced Homing Missile
50,000 CR
敵を追尾するミサイル – Tracking missiles
上級版 – Advanced version
追尾速度と威力がさらに向上 – Further improved tracking speed and power

神剣(ミツルギ) – God Sword (Mitsurugi)
200,000 CR
敵を追尾するミサイル – Tracking missiles
最強版 – Strongest version
極秘のテクノロジーにより目標を瞬時に捕捉 – Top-secret technology that instantly locks on to its targets

トラッキングビームスコルピオ– Scorpio Tracking Beam
20,000 CR
敵を追尾するビームを発射 – Fires a tracking beam
連射性・追尾性とも高い – Rapid fire and high tracking capabilities

トラッキングビームジェミニ– Gemini Tracking Beam
30,000 CR
追尾ビームを2方向に発射 – Fires a tracking beam in two directions
大抵の小型機を一掃できるが、- Wipes out most small aircrafts
エネルギ一消費に注意が必要 – Be careful with the energy consumption of this one

バンパーバスターインライン– Bumper Buster Inline
8,000 CR
自機の左右にショットを発射 – Fires a shot on the left and right side of the aircraft
前方に対して手薄になるため、- Since it’s lacking in the frontal department…
主に特殊任務において使用される- …this weapon should be mainly used in special types of missions

バンパーバスターハーモニカ– Bumper Buster Harmonica
20,000 CR
自機の左右にショットを発射 – Fires a shot on the left and right side of the aircraft
強化版 – Enhanced version
連射性および威力が向上 – Increased fire speed and power

バンパーバスターディバイダー – Bumper Buster Divider
40,000 CR
自機の左右にショットを発射 – Fires a shot on the left and right side of the aircraft
最強版 – Strongest version
連射性および威力がさらに向上 – Further increased fire speed and power

クロスガン – Cross Gun
8,000 CR
斜め4方向にショットを発射 – Fires shots in a 4-way diagonal pattern
前方の広い範囲をカバーしつつ、- Covers a wide range on the front…
後方への対処も可能 - … as well as on the back

へヴィクロスガン – Heavy Cross Gun
20,000 CR
斜め4方向にショットを発射 – Fires shots in a 4-way diagonal pattern
強化版 – Enhanced version
連射性および威力が向上 – Increased fire speed and power

クロスデストロイヤー – Cross Destroyer
40,000 CR
斜め4方向にショットを発射 – Fires shots in a 4-way diagonal pattern
最強版 – Strongest version
連射性および威力がさらに向上 – Further increased fire speed and power

オプションビットダブル – Double Option Bit
10,000 CR
自機の左右に小型機を配備 – Deploys small planes on the left and right hand side of the aircraft
シールド中チャージ中でも攻撃が可能 – Makes it possible to attack while the shield is charging

オプションビットIVクアドロ– Quadro Option Bit IV
40,000 CR
自機の左右に小型機を4基配備 – Deploys 4 small planes on the left and right hand side of the aircraft
シールド中チャージ中でも攻撃が可能 – Makes it possible to attack while the shield is charging

オプションビットダブル2– Double Option Bit 2
60,000 CR
自機の左右に強化小型機を配備 – Deploys strengthened small planes on the left and right hand side of the aircraft
シールド中チャージ中でも攻撃が可能 – Makes it possible to attack while the shield is charging

オプションビットIVクアドロ– Quadro Option Bit IV 2
80,000 CR
自機の左右に強化小型機を4基配備 – Deploys 4 strengthened small planes on the left and right hand side of the aircraft
シールド中チャージ中でも攻撃が可能 – Makes it possible to attack while the shield is charging

インターセプターディスカス– Interceptor Discs
10,000 CR
自機の周囲に程距離ショット発射 – Shoots bullets around the aircraft…
全方位をカバーするが、- …that covers all directions
近距離専用のため、- Can only fire a short distance…
狭い場所での対処に有効 – …but is useful in tight places

インターセプターヘッジホッグ– Interceptor Hedgehog
20,000 CR
自機の周囲に程距離ショット発射 – Shoots bullets around the aircraft
強化版 – Enhanced version
威力がおよび連射性向上 – Increased fire power and speed

インターセプターピーコック – Interceptor Peacock
40,000 CR
自機の前方周囲に短距離ショットを発射 – Fires a short-ranged shot around the frontal region of the aircraft
最強版 – Strongest version
敵に密着可能な状況において屈指の破壊力を誇る – Boasts one of the most destructive forces in close encounters with enemies

エスカトスサブショット – Eschatos Sub Shot
10 CR
エスカトス機体 FV-30MZ アーカ – Eschatos aircraft FV-30MZ archive
ムのワイドショット(エスカトス実績特典)- Wide shot (Special deal for having an Eschatos save file)

Special Weapon Shop

Stat bars on the right
パワー – power
有効範囲 – effective range
燃費 – fuel/energy consumption

Item list

シールド – Shield
---- CR
自機の前方に展開するシールド – Expands/opens up/creates a shield on the frontal region of the aircraft

カウンターシールド – Counter Shield
18,000 CR
自機の前方に展開するシールド – Expands/opens up/creates a shield on the frontal region of the aircraft
▼付加効果 – Additional effect
吸収した敵弾でカウンター – Absorption, counters enemy bullets

カウンターシールド II – Counter Shield II
60,000 CR
自機の前方に展開するシールド – Expands/opens up/creates a shield on the frontal region of the aircraft
▼付加効果 1– Additional effect 1
吸収した敵弾でカウンター – Absorption, counters enemy bullets
▼付加効果 2– Additional effect 2
シールド展開中、- When the shield is deployed...
残量25%以上で – ...and more than 25% is remaining...
被弾時にオートバリア - ...and you get struck by a bullet, it creats an Auto Barrier

チャージボム – Charge Bomb
8,000 CR
溜めた時間に応じて攻撃範囲が拡がるボム – The bomb’s impact radius depends on the amount of time that the attack has been charged

へヴィチャージボム – Heavy Charge Bomb
48,000 CR
溜めた時間に応じて攻撃範囲が拡がるボム – The bomb’s impact radius depends on the amount of time that the attack has been charged
▼付加効果 – Additional effect
チャージ25%以上で – If more than 25% has been charged...
被弾時にオートバリア - ...and you get struck by a bullet, it creats an Auto Barrier

アルティメットチャージボム – Ultimate Charge Bomb
80,000 CR
溜めた時間に応じて攻撃範囲が拡がるボム – The bomb’s impact radius depends on the amount of time that the attack has been charged
▼付加効果1 – Additional effect 1
チャージ25%以上で – If more than 25% has been charged...
被弾時にオートバリア - ...and you get struck by a bullet, it creats an Auto Barrier
▼付加効果2 – Additional effect 2
吸収した敵弾で増幅 – Amplifies when enemy bullets are absorbed

ハーフスロー – Half Slow
8,000 CR
周囲の時間経過を半分にする – Halves the rate at which time passes for its surroundings

クリアルィハーフスロー – Clearly Half Slow
30,000 CR
周囲の時間経過を半分にする – Halves the rate at which time passes for its surroundings
視認性を向上させた上位モデル – Improved model with increased visibility

クォータースロー – Quarter Slow
50,000 CR
周囲の時間経過を4分の1にする – Decreases the rate at which time passes for its surroundings by 4

ストップ – Stop
200,000 CR
周囲の時間を止める – Stops the time around it

シェルシールド – Shell Shield
40,000 CR
全方位をカバーするシールド – The shield extends/covers in all directions

シェルシールド II – Shell Shield II
80,000 CR
全方位をカバーするシールド – The shield extends/covers in all directions
展開範囲をより狭めた上で防御力を向上 – Expands in a larger radius and has improved defense when it’s smaller

Engine Shop

トライエンジンスザク – Tri-engine Suzaku
---- CR
3速式 最低速~最高速の間を往復 – 3 speed mechanism, switch back and forth between the fastest and slowest speed

デュオエンジンベンヌ – Duo-engine Bennu (many thanks to autumnmotor for clarifying that "Bennu" is the name of a bird in Egyptian mythology!)
8,000 CR
2速式 通常速タイプ – 2 speed mechanism, normal speed type

トライエンジンヤタガラス – Tri-engine Yatagarasu
13,000 CR
3速式 速度差が少ないタイプ – 3 speed mechanism, minor speed differences between the types

デュオエンジンホルス – Duo-engine Horus
20,000 CR
2速式 高速タイプ – 2 speed mechanism, high speed type

ユニエンジンワイバーン – Uni-engine Wyvern
2,000 CR
変速のないオーソドックスタイプ – Orthodox type that does not shift

ユニエンジン飛竜の翼 – Uni-engine Wings of the Flying Dragon
7,770 CR
伝説の巨竜の機動力を得る – Gain the mobility of the enormous legendary dragon

Item Shop

ターゲットマーカー – Target Marker
---- CR
優先破壊ターゲットが明示される – Displays destructible parts on the targets

耐久度表示 –HP display (the literal translation is actually “degree of endurance display” but I decided to take the liberty and translate it to “HP display” since that’s what it is)
50,000 CR
敵の残耐久(%)がわかる – Know the remaining endurance/HP (in %) for each enemy

ジャミングユニット – Jamming Unit
30,000 CR
レーダーに発見されにくくなる – You’re less likely to be found on the radar

FCSE(同軍機衝突安全表置) – FCSE (battle aircraft crash safety mechanism)
80,000 CR
同軍機と接触してもミスになるない – Contact with other aircraft will not result in a miss/death
(攻撃や弾に対しては無効)- (Ineffective against bullets)

アンチデブリ – Anti Debris
90,000 CR
自機に触れた石や岩を破砕 – Destroys stones and rocks if they make contact with your aircraft

パワーチップ自動回収 – Power Chip Recovery Attractor
80,000 CR
パワーチップを常に自動回収 – Makes regular Power Chips that have been recovered, move towards the player

パワーチップ減少率10%削減 – 10% Decrease of the Power Chip Consumption
2,000 CR
パワーゲージの減少率を10%削減 – Makes the Power Gauge decrease at a 10% lower speed

パワーチップ減少率20%削減 – 20% Decrease of the Power Chip Consumption
20,000 CR
パワーゲージの減少率を20%削減 – Makes the Power Gauge decrease at a 20% lower speed

パワーチップ減少率30%削減 – 30% Decrease of the Power Chip Consumption
60,000 CR
パワーゲージの減少率を30%削減 – Makes the Power Gauge decrease at a 30% lower speed

パワーチップ減少率40%削減 – 40% Decrease of the Power Chip Consumption
80,000 CR
パワーゲージの減少率を40%削減 – Makes the Power Gauge decrease at a 40% lower speed

パワーチップ減少率50%削減 – 50% Decrease of the Power Chip Consumption
100,000 CR
パワーゲージの減少率を50%削減 – Makes the Power Gauge decrease at a 50% lower speed

SP消費量10%削減 – 10% Reduction of the SP Consumption
3,000 CR
特殊兵器のゲージ消費量を10%削減 – 10% reduction of the consumption gauge for Special Weapons

SP消費量20%削減 – 20% Reduction of the SP Consumption
30,000 CR
特殊兵器のゲージ消費量を20%削減 – 20% reduction of the consumption gauge for Special Weapons

SP消費量30%削減 – 30% Reduction of the SP Consumption
60,000 CR
特殊兵器のゲージ消費量を30%削減 – 30% reduction of the consumption gauge for Special Weapons

パワー・SP消費量10%削減 – 10% Reduction of the Power and SP Consumption
20,000 CR
パワーおよび特殊兵器のゲージ消費量を10%削減 – 10% reduction of the consumption gauge for Power and Special Weapons

パワー・SP消費量20%削減 – 20% Reduction of the Power and SP Consumption
100,000 CR
パワーおよび特殊兵器のゲージ消費量を20%削減 – 20% reduction of the consumption gauge for Power and Special Weapons

シェルコレクター – Shell Collector
120,000 CR
特殊兵器で消した敵弾をCRに変換 – Special Weapons convert enemy bullets to CR

capture (回収) – Capture (Recovery)
10,000 CR
武器のリリースでCRを自動回収 – Automatic recovery of CR when the weapon is released (as denpanosekai and guigui have noted, this item doesn't seem to do anything...)

seizure(押収)ー Seizure (Seizure)
30,000 CR
CRを常に自動回収 – Always recovers CR automatically

タイムエクステンド+3 – Time Extend +3
4,000 CR
制限時間を3秒延長 – Extends the time limit by 3 seconds

タイムエクステンド+5 – Time Extend +5
8,000 CR
制限時間を5秒延長 – Extends the time limit by 5 seconds

タイムエクステンド+10 – Time Extend +10
16,000 CR
制限時間を10秒延長 – Extends the time limit by 10 seconds

タイムエクステンド+15 – Time Extend +15
24,000 CR
制限時間を15秒延長 – Extends the time limit by 15 seconds

タイムエクステンド+30 – Time Extend +30
50,000 CR
制限時間を30秒延長 – Extends the time limit by 30 seconds

20,000 CR
斜め移動時の減速補正を無くす – Corrects the loss of speed for diagonal movements

ベクタードスラスター – Vector Dethruster
150,000 CR
自機の左右移動で武器の発射方向を制御可能になる – Makes it possible to direct the weapon shot to the left and right side of your aircraft when moving

サポーター - Supporter
20,000 CR
スタート時の残機数+1 – Start with one more aircraft unit

アーマー – Armor
20,000 CR
スタート時の残機数+1 – Start with one more aircraft unit

ダブルプレート – Double Plate
60,000 CR
スタート時の残機数+2 – Start with two more aircraft units

ゴッド/モード – God / Mode
300,000 CR
自機が無敵になる(装備中はスコアおよび一部の実績解除が無効) - Makes the aircraft invincible (the score will become invalid and you will not be able to unlock some of the achievements when this item is equipped)

Color Shop

This section is pretty self-explanatory
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by ratikal »

Awesome job. I can get you pictures of the weapons you missed if you want me to.

ベクタードスラスター – Vector Dethruster
150,000 CR
自機の左右移動で武器の発射方向を制御可能になる – Makes it possible to direct the weapon shot to the left and right side of your aircraft when moving
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

ratikal wrote:Awesome job. I can get you pictures of the weapons you missed if you want me to.

ベクタードスラスター – Vector Dethruster
150,000 CR
自機の左右移動で武器の発射方向を制御可能になる – Makes it possible to direct the weapon shot to the left and right side of your aircraft when moving
Thanks, that would be much appreciated! :D

Yes, your weapon usually fires straight even if you move to the sides. If you equip that item, you'll find that your shot fires at an angle towards the direction that you're moving in.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by VixyNyan »

I didn't find the Vector Dethruster that useful in the long run, might be useful for hard-to-reach enemies, but mostly I just stuck with shooting straight instead, along with the Spread Missiles (specially the high level ones), since the explosions it emits deals a lot of damage. :3
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

VixyNyan wrote:I didn't find the Vector Dethruster that useful in the long run, might be useful for hard-to-reach enemies, but mostly I just stuck with shooting straight instead, along with the Spread Missiles (specially the high level ones), since the explosions it emits deals a lot of damage. :3
I agree. It would be pretty useful if you could enable/disable it during the stages though. That way you could enable it to quickly wipe out popcorns that are incoming from the sides. However, since you can't do that it's rather hit or miss imo and I prefer to play without it as well.

I added some pictures to complement the translations.
Last edited by pestro87 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by Kollision »

Thank you so much for doing this! :D

Qute could use it and patch the game with an English option for the menus later on, huh?
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