Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by DMC »

Arrange normal:
DMC - 308,272,390 - ALL - Meidi & Midi
DMC - 280,396,750 - ALL - Kasumi
DMC - 286,650,510 - ALL - Shasta
DMC - 263,383,520 - ALL - Lace

There is a big gap between a few 300M scores and the top 500M scores, so I feel there's a LOT of work to even get close. I think I'll satisfy with getting all characters to 300M, then I go to 1.01, then maybe I give 1.00 a shot or go back to arrange or MMP. Arrange has been a great way for a beginner like me to become familiar with all stages, since all runs typically ends with a 1-7 or ALL.

I got that second 1UP at the last stage btw. Thanks a lot for the help (I damn sure needed it that run I incidentally got it!). :)
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Marurun »

Arrange - Normal
MarurunLEB - 278921770 - 1-7 - Meidi & Midi
(Currently #11 on the leaderboard(MarurunLEB) Replay uploaded as well to see how stupidly I played many parts.)

By stage 6 I wasn't even playing for score and just trying to see if I could survive and 1cc the game. :lol: I lost at the final boss though since I've only played that part once and didn't know what attacks he was going to use. >:(
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Sapz »

All updated. Awesome Arrange sweep, DMC, and congrats on the 1cc, ebarrett!
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

I'm starting to like 1.01 a bit more. I'm still terrible at it though.

1.01- The Only Mode(Extended)
Enigma- 2,631,880 - 1-3 - Lace(A)

Let's see. Not sure which variant of Lace is best. I need to learn how to do the stage 1 boss without Special Power Up. At the moment, I need it to kill the boss during timeout and avoid dying to it. Being able to delay special power up to stage 2 would allow me to milk the destructibles on the midboss.

I need to learn how to consistently no miss stage 2, mainly the midbosses as well as the boss. I also need to learn how to milk the boss. I rushed in killing it due to all the lasers and bullets I had to deal with. I'm not really sure how the lasers work on stage 2 boss, and I pretty much lucked out in no missing it.

Missed stage 3 Extend, not that it matters all that much when dying makes you completely useless.

Broke my chain in stage 3 when I grabbed a medal right as another was about to go off screen. I should have waited for the one to go off screen then grab the one to save the chain.

Died 3 times to the midboss to lose the run.

Edit: Maybe not so much, but I'll keep trying some more. The midbosses and bosses are pretty stupid though. The randomized patterns on some of them make it so that I get some thing that can't really be dodged all that much. And of course since it's random, I can't know when to put the shield up to be ready to bomb the patterns. It's total BS. And if I try to charge the shield early, I'll just get killed by the destructible bullets that get shot instead of getting destroyed by the bullets that have to be bombed. There are so many deaths where I've died through absolutely no fault of my own though, and that's just bad.

Edit again:

1.01- Score Attack
Enigma- 4,673,950- Kasumi(A)

How is this stage even possible without infinite lives? There's so much ridiculous BS, that I don't think I would ever get past it in a run. As for Score Attack mode, I think I would need to hit at least 5,000,000 to get the All on it.


Arrange- Normal
Enigma- 135,462,700- Lace - Stage 6

When I saw the option to continue, I realized I selected to start normally rather than do a score attack run. Also, so many annoying laser deaths, which is pretty standard for me. And so many screw ups.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

Finally. Almost screwed things up at the end and was worried I'd game over. Extended during the final boss and finished with a life in stock. Did this one as a break from all the Gokujyou Parodius playing. Gotta get back to that game now.

Arrange- Normal
Enigma- 230,722,480- All- Lace

No replay on the leaderboard as I lost my Internet connection as I was uploading the replay. Thankfully I didn't lose connection during the run or score upload. But I wanted to upload the replay.

This exceeded my target score for a clear by around 30 million. Fun mode though, and maybe I'll try to get better sometime.

Also, I wonder how the hell you do that BS part before the stage 6 boss on 1.01 and 1.00. I lucked out on it with Rose Cracker and Hado Gun spam. No missed the first set of it in this run but died to the second set because my Rose Cracker wasn't charged up for it. Most of the strats for stage 6 from Arrange should transfer well to Arcade once I get there, which would be a while, but I have no clue how to handle that.

Edit: Not really sure what to say about 1.01. Kind of a love/hate thing going on there as sometimes I like some of it, then other things are just rage. And Extended's patterns get a lot more ridiculous before Normal course does. I wonder what the second loop would look like. Still the first 3 stages on Extended seem doable as soon as I figure out some things and stage 4 doesn't look all that bad. I tried maxing the rank out early on Extended and got completely destroyed.

1.01- Extended
Enigma- 3,691,880- 1-4 - Lace(A)

Figured out how to handle stage 3. Not sure whether I would consider stage 2 or stage 3 easier as they both have parts where it's quite possible to screw up. I missed the stage 3 1-up, yet again though and got my first variable extend on the boss's attack where it tries to bomb you. But I completely screwed up the stage 3 midboss on this run. Then I completely screwed up stage 4. I broke my medal chain after the first stage 4 midboss then quickly game overed soon after. Those snakes are tough to deal with.

1.01- Extended
Enigma- 4,538,600- 1-4 - Lace (A)

Stage 4 second half is a mess at max rank. Had some derp deaths on stage 3 boss and lucked out through the snakes part and midboss in keeping my chain. Also, that snake midboss is terrible. Had to go against the boss at low power but thought I'd get to 1-5 anyway, but I screwed it up.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Sapz »

Got back to this and played a little more after getting fed up of Daioh, I'd forgotten how fun this was.

Version 1.01 - Normal
SPZ - 6,793,950 - Stage 6 - Shasta (A)

Still find Shasta way more enjoyable to use than Lace, so I'm going to stick with this shot type, I think. Hoping to make it to stage 7 soon - I have stage 6 mostly down at this point, despite getting a game over before the second midboss in this run.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Enhasa »

Version 1.01 - Score Attack
Enhasa - 5,744,230 - ALL - Kasumi (ST)

For some reason I played Arcade for score with 1.00 and Score Attack with 1.01. And for some reason there are separate boards, but it's no biggie.

BTW stage 6 aka score attack is like one of my favorite stages ever, so awesome. I don't really care for the visuals and sound elsewhere in the game, but it works perfectly here. I'm always like speeding down the highway and putting it on full blast. :lol:
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

Tried Harder out

1.01- Harder
Enigma- 2,147,870- 4- Lace(A)

Mode sucks, will not play it again. Normal course and Extended is where it's at.


Okay, I'm done with this. It's just not a good game. I really tried to like it, but stage 6 is completely stupid, and the stage 7 midboss is completely stupid too. Not to mention the luck required to get the better scoring boss patterns chosen at random. The stage 6 boss scoring stupidity with the lightning attack, and other stuff. Stage 7 midboss seems like it's luck of whether it does bad patterns or not. Stage 5 always breaks my medal chain when I try it in practice, and I never even got there in full run. The very last boss can screw you over by constantly choosing bad patterns instead of ones that can be avoided or milked. And these are from practice on Normal Course, not the Extended one that has even more ridiculous patterns. I'm really going to stick to Arrange if I play the game now. Going to go back to Muchi Muchi Pork which is actually fun unlike this horrible mess of a game.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Sapz »

I just got a Hori pad with turbo on it and tried it out with PS 1.01, and holy shit, it turned into a completely different game instantly. I was completely massacred by stage 4 at max rank, haha. If any of you guys have something like this, I recommend trying it, it's obscene. :)
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

On Extended, the rank is pretty much maxed before or during that stage. Even without turbo. And on Normal course, it should be maxable by then without it.

But as mentioned I pretty much gave up on this. But try the max rank versions of Stage 4-7 on Normal, Harder, and Extended courses at max rank in training. Major difference between the modes. I'm not familiar with stages 5-7 of Harder, but stage 5 on Normal Course and Extended are on just different levels of difficulty.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by marus »

Version 1.01 - Normal
marus-MPO - 5,263,530 - Stage 5 - Kasumi (A)

I didn't even make it to the midboss - I still don't understand exactly how those green lasers work. Stage 5 is going to be a fun hurdle.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by marus »

Ver 1.01 Normal
6,328,070 - marus-MPO - Stage 5 - Kasumi(A)

At least this time I made it past the midboss :|
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by ebarrett »

1.01 Harder
EBR - 4,501,330 - Stage 6 - Lace (A)

Did a 1.01 Harder run for lulz during a break in a 1.00 stage practice session, just spammed the rose cracker everyfuckinwhere. Could have made it a lot further if I had practiced stage 6 in any mode during the last six months or so :roll:
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by marus »

Ver 1.01 Normal
7,892,260 - marus-MPO - Stage 6 - Kasumi(A)

It started out as kind of a bad run (missing a lot of points from not properly milking the stage 2 1st midboss, then messing up one of the medal fountains in stage 4), but then I actually made it past the stage 5 boss. I died at the lasers, just before the laser snakes. Stage 6 went pretty well considering I haven't really practiced it yet.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by KAI »

Are Mame Scores allowed?

Kai - 5,076,490 - 6 - Shasta (start)
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Plasmo »

Are Mame Scores allowed?
No, because 1.01 and Arrange are not available on Mame. :P

Just joking, wrong thread.
Good job on reaching stage 6! Wasn't the stage 5 boss the worst nightmare you've ever encountered?
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by KAI »

I'm a moron, thanks Plasmo.
Is not so hard if u r dancing with her.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Frenetic »

Version 1.01 - Normal
Frenetic - 2,843,120 - Stage 4 - Lace (A)

Taking a break from Mushimesama Futari 1.5 Original scoring. I like mixing it up!
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by BulletMagnet »

Had a decent (for me) run on Arrange last night:

BulletMagnet - 154,480,030 - 7 - Shasta

Even on Arrange this game gets nuts later any of you guys manage to do as well as you do on the "regular" game with no extends blows my mind.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by ebarrett »

1.01 Extended
EBR - 14,301,100 - Stage 2-4 - Lace (A)

didn't expect the snake midboss to do the harder mode suicide bullet wave thing in the loop :roll:

sloppy run, also botched the stage 7 extend(s), stuff dies way too fast in 1.01
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

hopefully you can upload that to Youtube. It'd definitely be useful for studying strats.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by ebarrett »

Chaos Phoenixma wrote:hopefully you can upload that to Youtube. It'd definitely be useful for studying strats.
I can't and I wouldn't, 1.01 is just for lulz (and 1.01 Extended is double lulz). Besides the replay is up on the leaderboards. Just behind a 24M 2-ALL by some other dude, who also uploaded the replay.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Marurun »

I have some new Arrange mode scores to submit.

MarurunLEB - 328551050 - Stage 6 - Meidi & Midi
MarurunLEB - 274239470 - ALL - Kasumi
MarurunLEB - 235586830 - Stage 6 - Shasta
MarurunLEB - 217555000 - Stage 6 - Lace

Stage 6 doesn't agree with me very much.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by xris »

I'm playing arrange with Shasta and I'm having a hard time with the stage 5 boss. This big yellow boxy surprise drill wang of death tosser takes so long to go down. And I'm retarded with this bomb as well. Should I put the red circle of death (and shield) on the front of it, or try to catch it up high on the side? Or, do I want it to cross through the 'stem'? It seems like this thing eats three of these for breakfast, all while I'm blasting it nonstop with my cannon as well. I'm losing lives here every time. Once I reach stage 6 it actually kind of a breather, I played the score attack for awhile without knowing it was that stage. I'm currently making it just before the stage 6 boss.
Stage 5 is one of the craziest, most colourful, bullet heavy stages ever.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by dog$ »

Arrange, Normal.
366200590; Meidi & Midi, Stage 7

Made a point to not upload it to the online boards so that I could finally publish a 1CC there when I did. Little did I know that it would be the next day.
xris wrote:I'm having a hard time with the stage 5 boss. ... Should I put the red circle of death (and shield) on the front of it, or try to catch it up high on the side?
Given the choice, I would think that you would want to have the circle hit the top of him, because his main frontal attacks of the quad laser or the big green shot spray won't be absorbed by that and continue to damage him. If you carry the 64X from the last wave before the battle starts you'll only be able to get the first one on its head regardless. Either way, you are right and he will use up just about every last cannon and life before dying if you are trying to keep combo alive.
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Korszca »

Not amazing, but I get to add it to my 1CC list.

Arrange - Normal
Korszca - 137,552,500 - All - Shasta
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by DEL »

Failing with proficiency :|

Ver 1.01
DEL - 6,878,360 - Stage 6 - Lace (A)

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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by marus »

Ver 1.01 Normal
marus-MPO - 8,813,330 - Stage 6 - Kasumi(A)

Just started playing this game again after a long break. Everything up to stage 6 went pretty well, but it fell apart real quick halfway through the stage. It was a pretty cool run until then though so I'll try to have a video up sometime soon.

EDIT: youtube
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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by Illyrian »

Pink Sweets Arrange Normal
ILL - 119,633,000 - Stage 5 (boss) - Meidi and Midi

Apologies for the atrocious picture quality, the autoflash on my camera decided to have a nervous breakdown. I'll understand if given the shit quality, the score can't be counted.

I'm not clear on the whole "arrange normal" thing. Is there a not normal arrange mode??

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Re: Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara (Version 1.01 and Arrange)

Post by CStarFlare »

There's an Arrange Score Attack mode as well. It's worth your time :)
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