Diablo 3

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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Hae gaiz,

I see that Saints Row 3rd is only $16 and change on Steam at the moment (DLC, past and future, is at a discount too). Wonder if want. Probably not.

I'd love to have something worthwhile in the D3 genre to play with that's new, but I suppose I ought to really try out some of the older copycats first. I never beat the original Diablo, but it seemed to get pretty stale too soon for me. I never tried out the expansion, though.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

Ed Oscuro wrote:I never beat the original Diablo, but it seemed to get pretty stale too soon for me.
Play the co-op, just not with the random folks. Preferebly with a lass.
My two most-cherished memories of co-op are: Diablo with a pal on the PlayStation, no less (not even that great port) and Diablo online with a female (quite a few times). Never finished it either, but couldn't care less about it. Co-op is where it's at.
I wish Capcom turned Onimusha into this kind of game. Didn't happen. Oh well, at least I actually finished Crimson Tears.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Vexorg »

Necronopticous wrote:This game is filled to the brim with problems, missteps, awful design choices, and tired game mechanics, but fuck if it isn't addicting as all hell. I shit on it all day at work with my coworkers and then play all night when I get home. :oops:

Currently playing level 60 witch doctor on Inferno, Act 2. Hit me up if you're playing @ Pixelblip#1658. Lord knows I'll be on tonight.
Yeah, the game is flawed as heck in some places (I was reading a bit on the D3 forums, and the monk forum has a thread going where they're trying to see who runs into the most ridiculously unbeatable set of randomly generated elite mob attributes) but I can't seem to stop playing for some odd reason. I'm about halfway through act 2 in Hell difficulty now at level 56, and I'm pretty sure I'll at least finish this playthrough to unlock Inferno. I've actually got a character build that's pretty well suited for taking out big groups of mooks in a hurry, but it doesn't do so great for elites (although I'm getting a bit better at that too.)
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

im in act 2 inferno but right now farming act 1 cause the jump in difficulty is sick.
yes this game has flaws and blizzard is an atrocious company for this release and server issues but god this is addicting.
I have no idea how people reach lvl 60 in hardcore cause I only play soft and died hundreds of times already mostly to elites.
I play demon hunter and you get 1 shot by elites most of the time so its a "clear out the screen in 5 sec or die" game.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Ruldra »

How to (stupidly) cancel your auctions:

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mastermx wrote:
xorthen wrote:You guys are some hardcore MOFOs and masochists.
This is the biggest compliment you can give to people on this forum.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Ruldra »


Diablo 3 Item Duping Cues Indefinite Shutdown Of Asia's Server

NA players are reporting massive lag spikes due to asian players migrating to their servers.
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mastermx wrote:
xorthen wrote:You guys are some hardcore MOFOs and masochists.
This is the biggest compliment you can give to people on this forum.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Blackbird »

Online-only DRM once again completely fails in it's stated goals of improving user experience by preventing piracy, botting, duping, and other cheating/exploits. Instead, massive numbers of Hardcore players die completely unavoidable deaths to server lag, making the mode essentially unplayable.

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Why do we support these companies again?
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Ruldra »

From another forum:

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mastermx wrote:
xorthen wrote:You guys are some hardcore MOFOs and masochists.
This is the biggest compliment you can give to people on this forum.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by BryanM »

People who leave the jiggy number display on anger up the place. Like the

flashing strobe light every three seconds isn't enough to induce a seizure.

I did mention I hate the sound, right? It's headache inflicting, worse than Pac Man. Diablo was always so mellow and relaxing, and that was the entire point.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

RMAH just hit NA and is up tomorrow in europe.
sell everything you can you will make money the 1st few days.
a 1k dps weap sold for 250$ for example.
this absolutely nonsense but it wont last.
sell everything even your main gear if your fed up youll get more money than you paid for the game.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Blackbird »

Ugh, I knew this was coming, but I still feel ill. This person has nicely summarized my sentiments, paraphrasing:

"People are being reminded of real life have's and have-not's... ...Also making comparisons about robbers on Wall St., cheaters/hackers/exploiters being like the superwealthy, lol. People play these games to feel like heroes, not to be reminded of real money dynamics. It's an escapist valve, a sieve on the pressures of real life. By introducing real money into the game, it telegraphs real world inequalities into the virtual escapist world."

Further down the chat:

"Well this is the exact type of thing they [ActiBlizzard] would love. I mean it's like a market simulator piggy-backed on top of a famous franchise."
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

lol yeah I didnt think I would use real money but if someone buy somethiing from me I wont complain.
no idea what kind of people buy items I have more a shmups approach I guess.
AH is a fun part of the game though.
so many people complaining about inferno difficulty like you are supposed to clear the game in hardest mode like a due.
no one complained on doom or max difficulty on other games.
they just give up.
but here they call for nerf lol.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Blackbird »

I think Diablo is in a difficult position. In most games that include them, difficulty levels are discrete. You can set the level independent of the game's content for the most part. You can take or leave the harder difficulty settings. If you just want to see all the content without effort, you can play through the easiest mode.

Diablo, however, is unusual in that the difficulty setting is directly integrated into the game's progression. In order to completely clear a game of D2/D3, you begin in Normal, then advance to Nightmare, and finally Hell&Inferno. In a sense, the difficulty settings are the second and third "loops" of this game, and it creates an implication that you have not fully completed the game unless you complete the entire campaign through all 3/4 difficulty levels. The game's best loot (content?) is also reserved for the best difficulty level as well. In short, in order to "really" beat Diablo, you cannot ignore the harder difficulties as you could in a normal game.

For this reason, casual players get upset because they pretty much just want to see the game's content to it's end and move on to the next game. However, because they cannot remain in easy mode for the entire game, they cannot reach the implied end of the game, and therefore gripe that it's too hard.

In the defense of the casual players, though, Inferno mode is kind of imbalanced/crap, though. The difficulty level is extremely erratic, unpredictably spiking between moderately threatening white mobs and extremely threatening packs and/or one-shotting instadeath attacks. A combination of four completely random attributes on champion packs means any individual pack could either be merely threatening or, with an unlucky roll of several nasty affixes, a nigh impossible death machine that will kill you over and over. Some champion attacks are instant and completely unavoidable. Jailer freezes you with no chance to avoid it, and if the mob also has Mortar (Horde for more lolz) you're unavoidably immobilized, -then- exploded a couple dozen times with powerful attacks. The only way to survive the more nasty affix combinations is to not even fight the pack; just run away before it aggros and reset the level. Either that or get so overgeared that you can survive the unavoidable beatings. Unavoidable attacks basically cheapen the mode (the game in general, really) and reduce it to a gear check. Better go buy some items on the RMAH to survive that gear check (Blizzard thanks you for the cut).

There is also the lag throwing you back into damage zones, DC deaths, invisible projectiles and crappy hitboxes, and the fact that the safest and fastest way to farm for good gear is by killing treasure goblins over and over (the most boring farming ever).
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by CloudyMusic »

Personal recommendation: Hardcore Mode is tons of fun, and the only way that I really enjoy Diablo games. Rather than a loot-farming-based game where you grind up towards Inferno difficulty and then hunt for the best gear by farming bosses, it effectively turns the game into an action-based Roguelike with all the high stakes that that entails. As long as you don't plan on making it to Inferno in HC (because, in all likelihood, you won't; the focus is on getting as far as you can before you inevitably die), you can have tons of fun as the moment-to-moment gameplay of the game is way more exciting when your death could be lurking around any corner. It also requires you to think a lot harder about your skill and gear choices too. I'd advise anybody who is curious about it to try it out.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

yeah Im def gonna turn into hardcore mode someday.
one char is enough for softcore imo,just for farming but in the end hardcore will be the true endgame and last players on this game will end in hardcore.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Vexorg »

I'm starting to think I'm just about done with this. I might finish my current Hell mode playthrough on my monk (now L60, near the end of Act 3) but doubt I'll do it with another character. I've played a demon hunter up to about level 15 now, and have found it to be pretty boring up to that point. I couldn't see myself doing much more than farming for the AH after that point.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by damakable »

I've got a monk in Act II Inferno. I've been having fun with the game but really I've just been in it to try and understand why this franchise is so ridiculously popular. I'm starting to get it. Randomized content can keep a game fresh for a long time, at least in theory. And the game is hard enough in Inferno that it will take a great deal of farming before I can clear Act II, even if I do use the gold auction house as I still have to earn a few million gold in order to progress.

I'm not the type who cares if others pay to win a game like this. A couple of my coworkers do care, though, so I convinced them to start hardcore characters with me. I also added a couple house rules:

1. No using the auction house.
2. No grinding / farming. We can never repeat an area of the game.

That second rule is a bit crazy, but it always bugs me that Diablo seemingly takes place across an infinite number of parallel dimensions, forcing you to complete the same quests many times over in order to progress. We're not going to do that. In softcore mode it's easy to do this up until the end of Hell, but only because you can afford to die every so often to powerful elites. But on hardcore mode this will make the game much more challenging.

So in softcore mode I'm going to play with the auction houses and see if I can make any money, and just generally goof off and have fun with it. Meanwhile hardcore with these rules will probably be fun the first few times, or for however long I have a couple friends or co-workers to play with, but I'm not a Diablo vet and I won't be hugely disappointed if I get bored of the game in another few weeks and move on to something else. It's not like I'm going to run out of games to play any time soon.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by CloudyMusic »

damakable wrote:1. No using the auction house.
2. No grinding / farming. We can never repeat an area of the game.
Good luck to you. I can't imagine trying to play HC without doing either of these things (moreso #1 than #2, but grinding is still probably necessary before certain boss fights; NM Belial is a notorious character-killer for the underleveled/undergeared). Loot luck can be really terrible oftentimes, and without being able to either farm or buy gear and just sort of rolling with what you get, that's a seriously hardcore challenge.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Necronopticous »

Sounds very similar to Ironman style play in Diablo 2.


I have also fully transitioned to Hardcore and can not go back. I'm level 52 on my Demon Hunter.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by damakable »

Ironman, eh? I was going to call it Kamikaze, but that works too.

And of course we're going to die. The point isn't to win, just to see how far we can get. At least with a few of us in the party we'll be able to share loot drops and crafting materials.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Vexorg »

One thing to note is that hardcore has a completely separate auction house from normal, so it's not like someone can grab a bunch of gear in normal mode and transfer it over to HC.

Oh, and I'd be curious what the stats for your monk look like in Inferno. I'd have to go look mine up, but I think I'm somewhere around 16,500 life and 8200 DPS.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

2 days ago I won the drop lottery

there is only 4 weapon currently on EU server with higher dps to sell (1h and 2h included,for DH)
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by BryanM »

omg, I have number diabetes.
Blackbird wrote:casual players
I think the definition of "casual" is one playthrough, maybe. If that. They're not playing the loops, they're already through with the game. I actually knew a man who didn't even know what a "unique" was, he gave a shat so little.

Honestly, I'm shocked they kept the higher-monster-stat-numbers loops and didn't broaden the base. Hamster tubes. In 2012. Really?

Ironically, in Diablo 2, my goal is to get to the place with teh itemz. Once I reach Hell, I just start a different character; all drive to continue is drained, outside of the Panda sidequest. All these years, not a single Stone of Jordan has dropped for me, and I've never even made that merc runeword that gives you Infinity MP.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Aguraki wrote:2 days ago I won the drop lottery

there is only 4 weapon currently on EU server with higher dps to sell (1h and 2h included,for DH)
sell it, roll in your new millions

and forget about DIII
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Op Intensify »

I think it's most realistic to think of Diablo 3 The Game as a lobby room for Diablo 3 The Real-Money Online Casino. That's why it's impossible to die on Normal unless you really try.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

Ed Oscuro wrote: sell it, roll in your new millions

and forget about DIII
put it up for 250€ I have good hope it will sell people are crazy lmao.
and i enjoy this game and a lot of people do too.
most people complaining about have 100+hours played which I can´t fathom for someone who dont like the game.
this game has tons of defaults yes,but I have very few games I have played 160h+ already.
I had a great time playing it so far and Im just gonna try to suck the RMAH for a while then only play hardcore after this.
Ill play way less by then but that was good for a good month of gaming :)

btw I have no idea how one can buy an item for real $$ in a game that just seem odd to me lol.
you dont own your character and blizzard can ban you at any moment for any reason or reset items or whatever they want.
the money to be made is gonna be in the 1st few days of RMAH and after that you ll need to put insane hours to be competitive I think.

I love to play games,everykind so Ill go in time to another one :)
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Vexorg »

Right now, it seems like the only things that even sell at all in the AH (I haven't tried the RMAH yet) are the really powerful items, anything that isn't thoroughly overpowered is basically vendor trash at this point. As is, I don't think I've ever had more than 250,000 gold on hand at any given time, so the 50m pricetags people stick on some items are just way out there.

In other news, I've started playing a witch doctor, and so far I'm finding it a lot more enjoyable than the demon hunter I started earlier. Only level 15 so far with Act 1 normal completed, but I might stick with it for a bit.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Necronopticous »

Vexorg wrote:I've started playing a witch doctor, and so far I'm finding it a lot more enjoyable than the demon hunter I started earlier.
I had the exact opposite experience. I played a Witch Doctor to 60/Inferno in softcore and am now playing Demon Hunter in hardcore and having more fun with it. However, this may be because:

A) Softcore mode is a completely joyless experience for me.
B) When you get to Inferno mode, every interesting build is rendered completely useless.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Blackbird »

RMAH is shit. Every terrible thing I predicted would happen with this system is happening.

Player accounts getting banned, costing them hundreds of dollars of real money, with no obvious legal grounds to protest or protect their wealth? Check.

Transactions going through improperly, so money or valuable items are lost (essentially stolen). In game support offers no help at all either because they just don't care or because Blizzard is not a financial institution. Check.

RMAH ruining the fun of the game for players, who find that all the best drops have disappeared from the gold economy and now cost real money. Players that discovered loot legitimately over the course of a month find their accomplishment belittled when Players using the RMAH pay to win and get superior gear in an instant. Check.

Players cannot enjoy the game casually because they now have to consider the saleable cash value of every item they find before thinking about equipping it or selling it to a friend for gold. Check.

Botters, exploiters, and cheaters convert their gold to real money and become the wealthiest people both in game and out. Check.

The only mode that has any credibility left is Hardcore. It's more difficult to bot because character death is permanent, the economy has thus far remained stable because character deaths remove items and wealth from the economy, and the RMAH is not enabled in this mode.
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Re: Diablo 3

Post by Aguraki »

nah you can sell ton of stuffs you just need to price it right and make research in AH.
even if you sell an item for 10k that adds up very quickly at the end of the day.
Ive sold up to 50 items in a day and didnt spend all my time in AH.
I wasnt selling anything and all 10 slots dying forever and then I watched some videos on youtube about how to sell items efficiently and it clicked.
check this video it helped me grandly:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4ty-bmG ... ature=plcp

easiest items to sell are magic find items,I sold hundreds of these literally,from 8k to hundreds of thoushands depending of the item.
btw I cant talk for <lvl60 market.

edit:was answering to vexorg.
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