GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

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Post by Rastan78 »

stratos wrote:Surprising, I always thought D types were the best choices... have to say that however the world record for Ibara is a bit higher than the records on the DVD, so the WRman probably used other ships...
I think this notion got started because Archer was using D type on the old replay he did so everyone assumed that it was the best one to use.

stratos, KMT is currently back in the top spot with a few more millions than he got on the DVD. Probably safe to say that all those extra points came from milking the final boss.

I kind of gave up on Ibara lately. Without milking, I got a 14M all clear and 15M score up the the last boss, so now it's pretty much all about the boss milking on stage 3 and 6 to see any real score increase of more than just 1M or so. It's weird to have 80 or 90% of the scoring tricks in a game down pat, but have only 50% of the new WRs because of the extreme boss milking points in a couple of areas. The whole hadou milking thing just feels a little bit awkward and random to me. Then again, Ibara is still a great game overall, so I may come back to it eventually.
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Post by stratos »

Rastan78 wrote:I think this notion got started because Archer was using D type on the old replay he did so everyone assumed that it was the best one to use.
Honestly, I thought D types were the best choices by myself the first times I attempted to learn the stage one strategy: the D types have that big explosion even with minimal bomb stock, so you can easily take down the two or three copters required to obtain a medal; also, if you chose Bond you have the faster ship in the game, very helpful to chase the medals in certain situations... bah, I shoul'd check this damn DVD to see by my eyes, and also try again qith the other ships to see what appens, also in the latter stages...

Rastan78 wrote:I kind of gave up on Ibara lately. Without milking, I got a 14M all clear and 15M score up the the last boss, so now it's pretty much all about the boss milking on stage 3 and 6 to see any real score increase of more than just 1M or so. It's weird to have 80 or 90% of the scoring tricks in a game down pat, but have only 50% of the new WRs because of the extreme boss milking points in a couple of areas. The whole hadou milking thing just feels a little bit awkward and random to me. Then again, Ibara is still a great game overall, so I may come back to it eventually.
You're right, the scoring sources are not so balanced as it shoul'd: the cause it's probably in the implementation of the Hadou Gun, that it's too powerful in some milking situations but these situations are really few...

Ah, you said also the game can be beaten 1CC with 15 mil... I'm interested in some strategy to easily complete the game, since I love it but I'm not a really experienced player, and I think if I aim for hi scores I'll complete it in four years :D

So, I'd like to know what are the basical tricks I'm FORCED to do in order to obtain the minimum amount of points to sucide and tame the rank to get to Teresa and beat her, or at least the minimum amount required in each stage to survive 'till the end.

Then, 1 credit obtained, I'll gradually improve my skills and learn advanced techniques. It's a personal matter: I really want the satisfaction of 1CC a Garegga style game :)

I have to say that, honestly, if you see it with the right eyes, this game is not so hard; the really difficult sections are few, aspecially boss section, and the power of the Hadou really helps... the most common cause of death its the beloved Garegga style confusion or the point blank surprise attacks youre enemies use to do often: the point blank distance in this game is preatty short, so it's really risky to move forward full speed when enemies are onscreen... and the memorization ef enemy position in stages really helps: stage two, three and four are really easy if you know them well, and I aften die for stupid mistakes... so, it's really different from DDP or similar games, in wich you need also a great dodging technique...
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Post by Rastan78 »

stratos wrote:So, I'd like to know what are the basical tricks I'm FORCED to do in order to obtain the minimum amount of points to sucide and tame the rank to get to Teresa and beat her, or at least the minimum amount required in each stage to survive 'till the end.
Rando would be mad at me for talking about less than optimal strategies, but here are some good stage strategies for completion and getting enough extends while learning the game.

Stage 1: A basic goal should be to finish the stage with 1 full hadou attack left that you will launch right down the center of the screen at the beginning of stage 2. Try to get the medal value up, but don't beat yourself up trying stage 1 over and over again just because you don't get them to 10k right away. A good way to destroy the boss after you have weakened him to the end is: suicide to give you that full hadou, then cover the boss' sprite during invincibility, grab all of the dropped powerups and then hold down B. The aura flashes will take him out. Don't unleash the hadou until stage 2 starts though.

Stage 2: I would focus on learning to get all of the medals from the little oil tanks that spout medals. This is a relatively easy thing to master (learn to get the extra full hadous from the medium sized tanks by using a small bomb directly over them) and will give you enough points to have some extends when you get to the boss. It's better to save extends and be able to die at this boss than trying to worry about dodging his tricky patterns.

Stage 3: Just concentrate on keeping the medal value up and use the hadou whenever the screen fills up with 2 or 3 trains. If you can survive the boss' first form with shot and then launch a hadou dead center as soon as it's changing forms, it'll go down easy.

Stage 4: Learn to get the 1 up from the midboss every time. Try to survive the final boss without wasting any lives or hadous. It really isn't very hard with practice, just takes a long time due to his bizarre amount of durability. Just remember, if the screen fills up with the destructable bombs that shoot out blue spreads, stop shooting until things get calm.

Stage 5: Focus on keeping the 10k medals and use a hadou at the part where tons of small ships come down from the left side of the screen. Instant extend. Otherwise, save your hadous for the boss. Survival should not be very tricky on this stage with practice. Don't be afraid to use up hadous on the difficult attacks of this boss.

Stage 6: Just try to survive and save up as many bombs as possible for the boss.

Also, a little trick about using the hadou to quickly take out bosses. Stop shooting and just let the bomb do its damage until the large circle disappears. It would make sense that if you keep shooting at the same time, you'll damage the boss even more, but this is not true. There is more damage per frame from just the bomb blast.
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Post by stratos »

Thank you very much!

I already use most of the strategies you wrote for me, but I found some tricks very helpful, especially for the first boss (I didn't thought I coul'd use the stand by aura flash to finish the first boss after the last suicide), and you gave me a the confirmation that I'm doing the right things.

Basically, this game it's not hard as it coul'd seem: even if I milk some Bosses, I'm not required to do as many hard tricks or maneuvers, so this statement coul'd be true also for scoring runs...

Garegga is much more difficult, and also many other shmups are far more difficult than this, unlike most people thinks...

However, as we use to say in Italy, "don't say cat if it's not in the sack" (LOOOOOL), so it's better if I try at least to get to Teresa before I dare to say such things in public :D

At the moment I got 4.9XX.XXX at stage 4 (AAARRGHHH), and I missed the midboss extend, that I normally obtain... how unlucky... but Yagawa's games are meant to make players mad killing them instants before the next extend, so... :)

Speaking about the ships: as I said, at the moment my choice is Bond D, since I like the bomb and I need the hi speed to chase the medals, but I'm curious about youre regular selecion... and also Cigs, Plasmo and Icarus ones, if they like to join the discussion.

Rastan78 wrote:Rando would be mad at me for talking about less than optimal strategies

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Post by zlk »

I have a few questions:

What exactly do I need to do to get full bombs from the tanks on stage 2? It seems that I have to destroy certain parts of them and then use a bomb to finish them off? What precisely needs to be done?

How do I get full bombs from the stage 5 large tanks?

Finally, is there any easy way to defeat the stage 5 boss? In the videos there is a purple barrage of bullets that is easily dodged. Then these blue circular bullets come out and you can circle around them. My problem is, that unlike in the video, frequently the blue attack starts while the purple attack is going on. Any way to prevent this? During the final attack is there any way to avoid the small blue bullets from going everywhere? Can you force the boss to keep shooting the longer purple bullets?
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Post by Gakidou »

Tank on second stage: you simply have to bomb it to get the full bomb. Just place your ship over it and bomb. If you destroy to much of it you will not get the bomb, though, so don't shoot too much before bombing. Hard to describe exactly which parts you can destroy and still get the bomb, so just try different things until you can get it without getting killed.
Another method is shooting all the wheels before destroying the body. Then you get both a full bomb and four medals, but it's very tricky to pull off.

Stage 5 tanks: destroy all wheels before the body. The easiest way is to use two hadous (like in the old ACR video). Fire the hadous with a little gap between them and they will take out the wheels, making the tanks stop in the middle and then exploding. Just remember to place your ship over the tanks as they explode, since they sometimes send lots of medals flying towards the top of the screen (like the houses in the second stage). You can also use just one hadou and destroy the other wheels with shot, but that's a lot harder to do (the players on the INH DVD use this method in order to save bombs).

Stage 5 boss: I think the attacks of the last form are random or maybe rank dependent. Easiest way to destroy the boss is using hadous of course. On the first form I usually circle around the boss like in the ACR video, the second form I take out with an hadou and the last form I usually don't have to use an hadou to destroy (if it doesn't fire the small blue bullets, which are possible to dodge by circling around the boss, but also very risky).
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Post by yojo! »

I'm having a really hard time to consistently get the auto search feature enabled (i.e. the guide says to drop 5 small bombs and then pickup any option). Can anybody offer any clue ?
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Post by jpj »

hey guys,

i'm slowly getting better (A,6), and have started milking the stage 3 boss, which i'm pretty confident with now. main thing fucking me up is losing my medals at the start of stage 5, but oh well :roll:

regarding the tanks on stage 5, i just can't seem to get this right. is it possible to just get a full bomb from each, instead of full bomb + medals, by bombing them and sitting on top of them?? i usually reach that point with only one hadou, and i can't seem to replicate the inh technique, so i'd rather not be wasting a hadou, whilst trying and failing. and it would greatly with the second half of the level if i had a few more hadous to work with :)
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Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

zlk wrote: What exactly do I need to do to get full bombs from the tanks on stage 2? It seems that I have to destroy certain parts of them and then use a bomb to finish them off? What precisely needs to be done?

How do I get full bombs from the stage 5 large tanks?
Yeah as mentioned, the rule with all the large tanks is just to blow off all 4 wheels and then they drop the full bomber. The other way is to knock off the 2 large gun barrels but don't destroy the main center turret, then bomb right over top the center turret. This is the easiest way but is worth 40k less points obviously. :I
Finally, is there any easy way to defeat the stage 5 boss? In the videos there is a purple barrage of bullets that is easily dodged. Then these blue circular bullets come out and you can circle around them. My problem is, that unlike in the video, frequently the blue attack starts while the purple attack is going on.
Yeah I still haven't figured out what causes this. Someone said 'rank' but I've had high rank and low rank and it's come out at different times for whatever reason. I've found it seems like it never comes out early though if I just sit right on top of where the blue bullets would be coming out. But that may be something to do with how many of the small front bits you've knocked off or something.

Anyway, the real easy way to beat Boss 5 is to do as much damage to its second form as possible, then nail it with a side-hit Hadou-gun. If you do it right, you can kill both forms flat out with one shot. If you need a visual example, think of how you instant-kill the midboss of stage 6. Same idea.

In terms of trying to actually dodge that blue shit in the final form... nope, it's just a huge pain in the ass. Just avoid it from showing up or use a Hadou for the boss.
jpj wrote: regarding the tanks on stage 5, i just can't seem to get this right. is it possible to just get a full bomb from each, instead of full bomb + medals, by bombing them and sitting on top of them?? i usually reach that point with only one hadou, and i can't seem to replicate the inh technique, so i'd rather not be wasting a hadou, whilst trying and failing. and it would greatly with the second half of the level if i had a few more hadous to work with :)
Yes you can just bomb the center of the tanks as you would do in Stage 2. I think though that you might need to weaken them up a little more due to rank.

The problem is, doing it that way you lose a LOT of points. The medal shower you get from these tanks is when the next tank runs it over, same as how you get the 1-ups in Pink Sweets. You get like uh... 10 medals or so for each runover, so in addition to not hitting the wheels you probably lose like 250k if you don't do that part properly.

Double Hadou is really easy to do. You'll just want to start saving on bombs earlier in Stage 4 to have enough to do it. Single Hadou-ing is way better though, you get more bombs to spam on Stage 4 (which gets you a lot of points). The trick to the Single Hadou is just to put the first one at the same place you'd do the double, but then use your rockets and pierce shot to act like the second one. The real trick here is to move up fast enough to grab the medal shower, then get back in time to shoot the next tank. If you miss some medals, just don't grab all of the ones that spawn from the tank wheels and you should be good.

The trick to getting through the first part of Stage 5 without dropping a medal is to make sure you have a Rocket on your right option. Then when the two large ships appear, lock the right option shooting slightly to the right. Then just start way on the left and move slowly to the right. You do this so all medals that drop are dropping in the direction you are moving in.

What I'm still stumped on is how exactly to get the Stage 6 large tanks to drop medals. I know it involves shooting off the wheels but it seems really random when they actually come off. I think you can get the rest of the same bonuses on these large tanks you can get on the other ones but it seems really hard to do reliably... I've seen them drop full bombers and have medal showers before.
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Post by jpj »

thanks dude. although my problem with stage 5 is more just rotten luck. i had one run the other day where i suicided when the two large ships with pointy bullets. got two medals falling from the same height, but half a screen apart. ie it was impossible to collect them both :roll: a lot of the time it is my fault too, i just wish i could hold my medal chain goddamnit :)

i can totally see what i'm doing wrong now - i was destroying those tanks, instead of letting them roll over each other. thanks dude :D

regarding the blue pattern on the stage 5 boss, you can move round him 360 degrees like his earlier forms. just gotta watch out you don't get shot by that cannon.

and i've had that with stage 6 tanks at the start of the level :? i thought it was just getting them to roll over each other, but maybe not... :?:
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Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

Also maybe this is well know but I feel retarded for just noticing, the missile of the Hadou-gun does not cause enemies to always drop items like bombs do. Only the trail does. Very important to know in a lot of places.
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Post by jpj »

you only just noticed..? :P
it's a shame cuz in black label they changed that, and i think it's slightly cooler that way (plus in IBL *all* hadou'd flying enemies drop a medal, instead of just an item)
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Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

Never really occured to me why stuff didn't drop some times. Finally figured it out watching Boss 3 carefully. ;I

I managed to clear stage 3 with A,8 million but fucked up immediately after. Game is random and annoying to get down things perfectly to get the really big points.
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Post by jpj »

jesus christ. i can only make about 1 mill milking the stage 3 boss at the mo :oops: (~8 mill)
RegalSin wrote:Videogames took my life away like the Natives during colonial times.
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Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

A million isn't that bad really. I can do 2 million usually just casually trying to milk it, which is just carefully picking hadou shots. Biggest trick is to be very, very careful when you shoot the hadou. It's better to just plink away at the missiles and wait for a better opening.

Boss 3 is fucking retarded though. It moves randomly, as far as I can tell, which means you spend a lot of the time just plinking away until it moves somewhere correct so you can hadou. Meanwhile you've got to dodge its fan attack, catch all of the medals that drop, somehow manage to see all of the invisible missiles that are obscured by explosions, and not hit the missile pods on the boss! Also you need to find times to suicide so your rank doesn't skyrocket (which it will if you don't keep suiciding down to your last life). Messing any of those things up nets you little points and/or a game over.

That isn't even getting into the ridiculous setup for it. Especially if you want to last-suicide to get enough bombs for a LOT of points, which involves getting to the boss with almost full bombs and almost exact x,9 million points, then not fucking up the timing of your death, activating a hadou while catching the large bomber as it falls down the screen while avoiding shots from the boss, then actually shooting the hadou you're holding with the usual issues involved there.

Best I've ever done is ~3 million from it. You can get 4-5 million being very careful.

Boss 6 is much easier by comparison. :(
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Post by jpj »

for real. i try and play it like KMT on the dvd, minus the x,9 suicide technique. so i arrive with one spare life; shoot down his first form; hadou and immeditaely suicide. then i've got three or four hadous, and once i generate an extend (thinking about it, i probably do 1.5 mill or so on the boss), suicide when there are no drones on screen. but i hate it when you release a hadou and the drones fly out from the opposite side of the boss to where your ship is. i guess that's another random factor :? and the frequency and amount of drones released tends to get less and less, so often i kill the boss with one hadou remaining, and then use that at the start of stage 4 instead.

made my first trip into stage 6 on 1 credit late last night (it's only 0.1 mill higher than my current score, so i can't be bothered to update the thread). but no bomb stock, and rank really high. panic bombed my way through the first section. reached the midboss, and managed to survive six volleys of his attack before i bocked out (some of the best bullet dodging i've done in my life, considering i've never actually seen his attacks). i can totally see rastan's point though. you could play the whole game expertly well up until theresa, and be only around 50% of the world record :?

i haven't played it today, so hopefully i can practice your tips on the stage 5 tanks and up my score a bit :)
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Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

jpj wrote:for real. i try and play it like KMT on the dvd, minus the x,9 suicide technique. so i arrive with one spare life; shoot down his first form; hadou and immeditaely suicide. then i've got three or four hadous, and once i generate an extend (thinking about it, i probably do 1.5 mill or so on the boss), suicide when there are no drones on screen. but i hate it when you release a hadou and the drones fly out from the opposite side of the boss to where your ship is. i guess that's another random factor :? and the frequency and amount of drones released tends to get less and less, so often i kill the boss with one hadou remaining, and then use that at the start of stage 4 instead.
Don't think there are less drones as it goes on. When the boss is right about to time out is actually the easiest time to milk since it doesn't move horizontally at ALL during this part. Drones coming from both sides is a good thing, you want to kill as many as possible with the hadou to get as many pickups as possible. Just hide on the other side of your trail and you should be okay.

The real killer for me is when the missiles start eating a lot of hits due to higher rank. Doing a last-suicide really drops the rank like a rock though which helps some.
you could play the whole game expertly well up until theresa, and be only around 50% of the world record :?
It's something like 30-40% of your total score is from Theresa yeah. It's on the order of ~10m. But it's a lot less difficult than Boss 3 and the payoff is bigger.
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by TLB »

Wow, guys, awesome thread! This gives me a lot of insight :)

I just got the PCB yesterday, and I already think it might be my favorite shooter =X I love everything about this game. Everything.

So yeah, thanks for posting all this great info in here! And where's that damned ST, Icarus ^_-
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Icarus »

m3tall1ca wrote:And where's that damned ST, Icarus ^_-
I'll consider putting the framework for a fully-featured ST together next week. It'll be a very slow WIP when it arrives, however, as I have a design commission to take care of this month, as well as building the Batrider ST and clean-up of the Garegga ST :p
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by TLB »

Just pulled the supergun out again, and I think I'm going to stick with it this time (DOJ disgusts me now...I totally understand why Henry Dark hates it and I'm beginning to agree :>). Thread is still as badass as ever; glad it's here to read through again :)

Now I have a question. Sometimes when I bomb or die, there's no explosion (maybe an aura flash, but I didn't notice). It's pretty rare, but it happens often enough that I've noticed it. Also, after the initial boot, there'll be no color during the Cave and AMI demo screens. There's a vertical, yellowish bar a bit left and off-center, too, and the screens are a bit shaky. Anybody know what the dealio is? Bug? Damaged PCB? Gonna get worse? If it's not going to degrade on me, then I couldn't care less. This is my favorite game. It's like crack. Mr Tie suggested last night that perhaps it just doesn't like my supergun, as his was a bit odd with all the SH-3 boards until he got his cab.

Also, am I the only one that autistically mimics the deep electronic voice? "I-BA-RA"
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Plasmo »

Sometimes when I bomb or die, there's no explosion
When you bomb there should always be an explosion, no matter where or how you bomb. However, getting no explosion when you die happens here and there. Probably only occurs when there's too much other stuff going on at that time, but I'm not too sure. But this shouldn't be a problem anyway.
Also, am I the only one that autistically mimics the deep electronic voice? "I-BA-RA"
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by TLB »

Well, I know for sure that there will be no explosion if you have a hadou/trail on the screen, but I don't think I'd used one the times that it stuck out.

Also, is there a way to adjust the screen in the service menu? I can't see a lot of the screen on my TV. I'm missing the scores and Bond's full bomb stock. Maybe Dyne's, too. Lots of the time I can't see life stock, too. I can see the edge of Dyne's last ship, but with Bond, unless it's two or more, I have no idea.

In other news, I still love this game :) I got down the timing on blowing up that thing on Midi, but I blew up a wheel in the process. Yay for getting four eckastendus and another 100k today :)
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Plasmo »

Also, is there a way to adjust the screen in the service menu? I can't see a lot of the screen on my TV. I'm missing the scores and Bond's full bomb stock. Maybe Dyne's, too. Lots of the time I can't see life stock, too. I can see the edge of Dyne's last ship, but with Bond, unless it's two or more, I have no idea.
I have exactly the same problem. You can adjust the screen in the service menu, but only a little bit. At least for my TV it didn't help that much and I had to rely on counting my lives and bombs. You'll get used to it. :?
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by TLB »

I was afraid of that, but it's worked so far, I guess ^_~ Thanks, man.
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Plasmo »

Just to have this very useful post saved where it belongs to:

Some infromation on rank in Ibara
Gwyrgyn Blood wrote:Sorry if already posted, but in Ibara if you hit both players' start buttons you will reset back to the title screen.

If you choose to Stage Select, you get a completely different scoreboard called 'Direct' I believe.
Also, the stages are out of order in the select. They go, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6. No idea why.
Tapping up or down selects the mode you play in, and it'll stay activated even after you play. Kind of strange.

Is there a way to adjust rank on the title screen? I see the indicator in the upper right for it.

Quick rank notes. All of these are in hex of course, the lower rank gets the harder the game gets. Most of these are just ballparks, it's hard to get rank info with a hand held camera.

Starting Rank: DFF,EE0
Also the minimum rank, rolls down from there. Extended mode is the same.

Harder Mode Starting: 8FF,EE0
Also the minimum. Yikes.

Per Frame Rank Increase is listed as the R-## number next to your rank. I haven't found anything that causes it to increase yet though.

Shooting increases your rank but not by very much. Seems around 2E per volley with Dyne at minimum power, no options.
Increasing Autofire doesn't do anything at all it seems. Kind of knew that just from play experience but now you know for sure, jack up that autofire whenever you feel like it.

Roses: ?? Something small but it's there.
Full Size Medal: 1000
Bomb Fragment: 2000(?)
Filling Bomb: ??
Full Bomb Pickup: 1D000 (?)
Extend Pickup: 80000

Power Up via Small Powerup: 1000
Excess Small Powerup: 1000
Power Up via Large Powerup: 10000
Excess Large Powerup: 10000

Grabbing an Option: 10000
Same effect if you grab one for points.

Dropping a bomb: 8000
Activating Hadou: 10000
Firing Hadou: 0

Sealing Bullets: ??
I'm not entirely sure but I think this might be really nasty. Need to test a little more first.

Dieing with 1 Extend: -200,000
Dieing with 2 Extends: -100,000
Dieing with 3 Extends: -80,000

Nothing really unexpected here. Grabbing excess options and powerups jacks up your rank a lot, and keeping your extends low is really important for keeping rank low.

Shooting doesn't really effect your rank much. Fully milking boss 2 only maybe increases your rank by 80000 which is peanuts.
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Siren2011 »

Couldn't find this anywhere in the forum, so I had to ask here.

Does anyone know of a consistent way to get the special (auto lock on) shot? At first I thought it had something to do with getting two of the same weapons on the left and right (say, machine guns), then once the back of the ship has a different one (Five way shot), then picking up another five way or whatever from the front of your ship would initiate the lock on special. Turns out I was wrong, and one of my pet peeves is inconsistencies getting in the way of solving a problem. :( Am I just flat out wrong, and this is completely random?

Another thing I've noticed is that it's never a for sure thing that collecting a weapon from one side of your ship will equip that side with the weapon, especially if you are fully equipped. For example, I have the same combination of weapons I mentioned in the example above. If I collect an option from the front of the ship, it seems that it can go either back, left, or right, and it can't always be influenced by the player. No?

Great thread, BTW. Very insightful, and I appreciate that. That third boss is a colossal cunt. I can't even count how many times I've died at her hands tonight alone. It's super frustrating, because I know exactly what to do (hadou at second phase), I just never execute the strategy properly without dying first, or I end up not having enough bombs for it. :evil:
Also, am I the only one that autistically mimics the deep electronic voice? "I-BA-RA"
I do that every time the title screen shows. :P
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Gwyrgyn Blood »

Siren2011 wrote: Does anyone know of a consistent way to get the special (auto lock on) shot? At first I thought it had something to do with getting two of the same weapons on the left and right (say, machine guns), then once the back of the ship has a different one (Five way shot), then picking up another five way or whatever from the front of your ship would initiate the lock on special. Turns out I was wrong, and one of my pet peeves is inconsistencies getting in the way of solving a problem. :( Am I just flat out wrong, and this is completely random?
Don't shoot me if I'm wrong about this, but I believe it's the same as Garegga. You need to miss 5 small bomb chips, then grab an option. Doesn't work if miss more than 5.

The reason I don't know is because it's almost completely worthless in Ibara. You die very, very frequently and there's only a slim few sections where you could benefit from it. And bomb chips are so valuable in Ibara, it's hard to recommend dropping any of them.

Give it a try though and see if it works. :I
Another thing I've noticed is that it's never a for sure thing that collecting a weapon from one side of your ship will equip that side with the weapon, especially if you are fully equipped. For example, I have the same combination of weapons I mentioned in the example above. If I collect an option from the front of the ship, it seems that it can go either back, left, or right, and it can't always be influenced by the player. No?
- If you don't have all of your option slots filled, you can't overwrite an option. It'll just put it into another available slot for you.

- If you have full options, the place on your ship you run into the option with determines which option gets replaced. It's very finnicky at first though, and it will take some practice to get used to. For Left/Right, the rule of thumb I use to make sure it goes into the right place is to get off to the side of it, and run into it diagonally (keeping in mind the falling speed of the option of course). This image might help you see what I mean:


Sticking stuff to your back is similar, as long as it's behind you and you run into it, it should stick to the right place. I usually give it a little room for error just to make sure it doesn't hit a side slot.
Great thread, BTW. Very insightful, and I appreciate that. That third boss is a colossal cunt. I can't even count how many times I've died at her hands tonight alone. It's super frustrating, because I know exactly what to do (hadou at second phase), I just never execute the strategy properly without dying first, or I end up not having enough bombs for it. :evil:
If you're still new to the game, don't try to score on boss 3, it's the hardest thing to score on reliably in the game. Instead, just blow through it and use your Hadous on the popcorn in stage 4. You'll still get enough points from that.
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by Muchi Muchi Spork »

These are (I think) the biggest tips for a first clear on Ibara.

-Suicide 1 man at the beginning of stage 1.

-Suicide all spare players on the stage 2 boss to go into stage 3 with no spares.

-From there, make sure you never get 2 spare lives in stock again, even for 1 second, unless you are in the end of the final stage. The reason is because suiciding down to 0 lives in stock lowers your rank way more than suiciding to 1 or 2 in stock. So play with 1 spare in stock and whenever you are about to get an extend, suicide to no spares before it pops up. If you die a man otherwise treat it as your suicide and then work back to having 1 spare.

Demo of this:
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by brokenhalo »

quick dumb question. i'm playing on the pcb and sometimes the stage 3 midboss jumps up off the screen and just disappears. is there a reliable way to trigger this event?

and just so we're all on the same page, sometimes when i go into the fight, the very first thing he will do is hop up the screen, but he will actually jump too far up and just disappear. no explosion or anything, and the screen just starts scrolling again like the fight is over.

also, if i suicide at the start of the game for the rank control purposes that muchi muchi spork described above me, is there anything specific i can do with that first hadou?
i try to increase my medal chain, but it seems as if a.) the enemies die too quickly and keep spawning 100 pt medals, or b.) if i go up the screen to try to collect medals as they show up i crash into an enemy because the hadou trail doesn't kill them fast enough.
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Re: GD: Ibara (PCB/Arcade mode PS2 only)

Post by trap15 »

Watch Archer's replay here:

Fantastic stage 1. Takes a fair bit of practice to really 'get' it, but once you do, it's fantastic to be able to pull it off. max medals before the first warehouse awww yeeeeeah
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