バイラテラル -- [bilateral] -- demo 9 | GM5 port complete

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バイラテラル -- [bilateral] -- demo 9 | GM5 port complete

Post by null1024 »

Hello, I'm Null1024.
I'm working on a shmup called bilateral.

You are in a ship with a Ikaruga style shield. Dodge bullets that aren't the same color as your shield.
Each stage consists solely of a boss.
There are currently 10 stages.

Made in GM6, backported to GM5, all future releases will be based on GM5 version.

Runs on all Windows versions since Win98 to Vista.

Runs at a screen resolution of 640x480 for the GM6 ver, leaves resolution alone in GM5 ver.

DEMO 9+ GM5 link [you want this one]:

DEMO 9 GM6 link:

8 levels, several improvements, awesome.

Screenshots of demo 8.5 [not enough changes to be 9]
Last edited by null1024 on Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:14 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by worstplayer »

I'd like to ask you (and all other GM users): Please stop using popups. Think of people who play games on a TV and don't want to stand up and reach for mouse every time they beat a boss. Thanks.

P.S. joystick_xpos() and joystick_ypos() are in GM for a reason.
P.P.S. I enjoyed the game anyway. Reminds me of rRootage.
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Post by null1024 »


(PS: Use Joy2Key. (google it) Allows you to play ANY game that doesn't have joystick support. And you can use Enter to go past the message boxes. But they will be changed eventually. And I'll put in Joystick support.)

(PPS: rRootage was my main inspiration.)
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this is a funky game yo~!

the music is totally catchy xD It runs quite well, and the patterns are cool.
I finished the game with 28,808 ^^!

I only wish you put some way of changing the keys like in some txt because I'm not used to play with my right hand for movement.

Oh and I noticed ship movement was 2xhigher when moving in a diagonal. You must have put the sum of left + top movement when both keys are pressed. Maybe it was intentional though.
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Post by indstr »

null1024 wrote: Joy2Key.
Xpadder is a lot better for this ... easier to use, more user friendly, and just plain makes more sense. plus, most importantly, attaches directly to the joystick's drivers instead of the controllerID number, so if you remove or add a joystick, it doesn't ruin your whole configuration
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Post by null1024 »

New demo, 7 levels.


Next demo (out in 1-3) weeks will contain anywhere from 1-5 more levels.
Game will finish dev. in 1-6 weeks.
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Post by null1024 »

Ok, I know I'm gravedigging and double bumping, but I haven't made any progress on this for ages, until now, so...

Anyway, Demo 8 is out!

* added new boss
* updated BG
* added explosions at end of level

Total: 8 levels.

BTW, that 1-6 weeks I'll be done thing: is a lie.
Many more months!
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Post by jacob00 »

Impressive game; looking forward to seeing more. Thanks for posting.
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Post by worstplayer »

Nice, good to see you're still working on it.

I looked at the source code, and there are few things i would do differently. Mostly simple stuff that takes just a few clicks to change.

Bullets are hard to see. Simply making them brighter, less transparent and making background boxes darker fixed that.

Pixel-perfect collision detection is completely unnecessary. Bullets rotate so fast their shape doesn't affect collisions much and ship has reduced hitbox so it doesn't need pixel-perfect collisions at all. You can safely turn them off and save quite a few CPU cycles for other stuff.

And game runs at rather choppy 45fps. However, fixing that isn't as easy as above things.
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Post by null1024 »

Thanks for your comments. Now to reply to them:
I looked at the source code, and there are few things i would do differently. Mostly simple stuff that takes just a few clicks to change
Please tell me. The code is all hacked together, so anything that'll make it better is always welcome.
Bullets are hard to see. Simply making them brighter, less transparent and making background boxes darker fixed that.
Ok. Will do.
Infact, have done, will post a version with them [and another boss] soon.
Pixel-perfect collision detection is completely unnecessary. Bullets rotate so fast their shape doesn't affect collisions much and ship has reduced hitbox so it doesn't need pixel-perfect collisions at all. You can safely turn them off and save quite a few CPU cycles for other stuff.
Hmm... I don't know about changing this. I might, but...
And game runs at rather choppy 45fps. However, fixing that isn't as easy as above things.
Even if I could change it easily, I wouldn't. Everything moves so fast that it's not really noticeable. Also, it saves a [large] bit of processor time [on my original dev. machine, I coded the game at 50fps, and it was lagging a bit, going from 45-50fps, so I dropped it to 45fps, and did a little tweaking.]
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Post by Ixmucane »

I don't like the flying rectangles added in beta 8 because they are meaningless visual noise.
A simple scrolling texture (like in Gunroar or rRootage) would be easier on the eyes and suggest movement better; on the other hand, flying objects should be enemies, bullets or pickup items.

Bullet patterns have some problems: too much use of random spreads (which throw memorization and planning out of the window), almost constant intermixing of the two bullet types (requiring either unreasonably fast and precise switching or very conservative dodging), reliance on rather boring "rakes" of straight-flying bullets (you dodge one, which is sometimes difficult but straightforward, and wait comfortably in a huge gap for the next one, with no need for coherent and interesting tactics).
Adding non-boss enemies and/or long appendages that shoot from the sides and require the player to move around on purpose might improve variety and depth.
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Post by null1024 »

I don't like the flying rectangles added in beta 8 because they are meaningless visual noise.
A simple scrolling texture (like in Gunroar or rRootage) would be easier on the eyes and suggest movement better; on the other hand, flying objects should be enemies, bullets or pickup items.
Hmm... I'm definitely keeping the BG.
No pickups will be added, and I may add non-boss enemies.
Bullet patterns have some problems: too much use of random spreads (which throw memorization and planning out of the window), almost constant intermixing of the two bullet types (requiring either unreasonably fast and precise switching or very conservative dodging), reliance on rather boring "rakes" of straight-flying bullets (you dodge one, which is sometimes difficult but straightforward, and wait comfortably in a huge gap for the next one, with no need for coherent and interesting tactics)
On the contrary to no memorization and planning, the spreads aren't usually wide [except in some sections], and the patterns will eventually loop [you'll probably notice this]. Also, the switching is meant to be very fast, and bullets are intermixed to allow some way to die [because if they weren't, this would be an EXTREMELY easy game]. I also can't parse the "reliance on rather boring "rakes" of straight-flying bullets (you dodge one, which is sometimes difficult but straightforward, and wait comfortably in a huge gap for the next one, with no need for coherent and interesting tactics)" line you said [It might be because it's 6:18 AM, but...].
Adding non-boss enemies and/or long appendages that shoot from the sides and require the player to move around on purpose might improve variety and depth.
Appendages+satelites are probably going to be put in. Normal enemies WILL be put in.

[sorry if my post looks like crap, it's 6:21am, and Chrome screws the textbox rendering up]
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Post by Momijitsuki »

Okay, here's my honest review.

I like the quick, speedy gameplay and the minimalistic look, and the Ikaruga style addition always adds a little fun to the game.

However, the BGM is sort of annoying after a few minutes, and those falling rectangles are incredibly distracting (actually, I spent the first 2 stages dodging those AND the bullets, until I realized they aren't harmful). The bullets could be a little darker, as well.

My suggestion: An option to turn the BGM off, and an option to turn off the background images.

I got to level 5 on my first playthrough. I enjoyed it.
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Post by null1024 »

Will do. I've honestly been thinking of redoing the BGM too.
As for disable-able BG, will do as well. I should probably make it more transparent too.

Also, thank you for replying, I now have motivation to work on it.

PS: You can replace the BGM with your own files [in MP3 format].

PPS [in reference to an earlier statement I made]: There may not be non-boss enemies.

PPPS: I'm about 50% done with the options screen. The settings work when you change it, but I haven't implemented the text switching for when you toggle the options. It's going to look kind of rough for a while, I'm focusing more on making the rest of the game more polished [namely since I'm not really going to use the options screen].
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Post by null1024 »

Demo 8.5 is up.

Added options screen.
Fixed bullet colors [same colors as screenshots on first post].

NOTE 2: This is stable code after doing some testing. Demo 9 to be released tommorow. Currently working on the second of 2 new bosses.

PS: Sorry for the double post, but I haven't updated in ages.
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Post by mister. jones »


Awesome. :o I like it. I also enjoy the feedback you give to those who comment, so I figured I'd throw in my two cents as well.

I'm sitting at a lab computer that is without speakers, so I cannot comment on the music or anything -- so that's out.

I enjoy that it's just boss battles. It reminds me of Chaos Field in that regard. At first, I felt a severe lack of boss health bar, and didn't know when those things were close to doom-time; then I noticed the hit points in between battles. Once I noticed it, I was comforted. The fact that it's numbers instead of a bar is nice too. Health bars make me think of loading bars, and loading bars make me think of looking at a 98% that doesn't move for ten minutes. So it's satisfying to watch those numbers cycle down as you pummel the boss.

I don't know if you were thinking of adding those "non-boss enemies" you mentioned before or during (or after, perhaps) the boss battle, but I think it's fine without them. During the boss battle, I could see other enemies as being annoying, as it's hard enough to focus on the small (for a boss) boss drifting around and the hail of bullets coming at you. The only benefit I could see from pre-boss enemies would be to collect some power-ups before the fight, but as you already stated: there will be no power-ups.

I agree with Ixmucane that some of the bullet patterns are a little lacking. I see what (s)he means about the "boring rakes." The first few levels, felt a little like Space Invaders, because I had little motivation to move beyond the very bottom of the screen; I could simply move left and right to dodge everything. Later levels definitely had me moving though. I think earlier levels could use a little added incentive to get the player moving around a bit more.

I like the color changing. Ikaruga is ALWAYS a great place to start for inspiration. As far as that feature is concerned, the circular bursts were great for that -- a lot of quick switches. I think it could use something more though. Maybe an extra color (purple? blue + red) that you HAVE to avoid. Or some kind of reward for absorbing shots -- whether it be points, a points multiplier, a charge weapon, 100x=a new life, etc. The color dualism is a great shmup concept, and I think you could add your own spin to it.

I like the speed of the game. I saw no problem with the 45 fps. There was a bit of an issue when a cluster would come at me and I needed more precise control to get in between the cracks. It's hard to move just a smidge, without feeling like you "teleported" a few pixels too far. But when I when I wanted to "get the hell out of there," the speed was great. The only way I could think of solving this would be to have a little bit of acceleration in those first few pixels of travel, for precision flying. Then after that the ship could just be in "fifth-gear." Just enough acceleration so that if you tap the arrow key you move just a smidge, but if you hold the arrow key, you don't notice the acceleration and you're just buzzing around like you've been. I hope that makes sense.

The button layout is great. I like how I don't have to move my hand to pause the game. I hate reaching around for the 'p' key to pause a shmup (as if I'm not having a hard enough time). So THANK YOU for that. The fact that the same keys are used for the menu is nice too; I never have to move my hand. Are you going to spruce up the help screen a little bit? I like how it looks like coding, with the curly brackets, but I think you could add to that with a black background and green font or something. Or just change the help screen altogether.

I don't know what the rectangles in the background looked like before, but they didn't bother me in the slightest when I played the latest build. A little variety from level to level wouldn't hurt. Even if it's just different shapes and/or colors.

Sorry about how long this post was. I love shmups and hope to make my own soon (once I finish reading my giant java book). So in the mean time, I'll look at what other people are doing. And what you're doing is pretty swell. I've been meaning to really take a crack at GM6, so I may want to pick your brain on advice for working with it for a shmup.

This is a great game with a lot of potential. Keep up the good work. I'm gonna see if I can get a higher score now.

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Post by null1024 »

Thanks. BTW, absorbing shots is the main way of gaining score.
Also, demo 9 is out!

D/l: http://s_a_2_d.sitesled.com/bilateral.zip

1 new level
Several changes that I forgot that I put into a late unreleased build of 8.5
Level number shown in HUD [note: report any bugs with this, like if it jumps numbers, it hasn't been tested too well]
Fullscreen + res switch added back.

Coming in final version [formerly demo 10] [edited May 28 2009]:
Final boss. Time limits per stage. Slightly less powerful enemies [shorter lifebar, not lessened attack]. Possibly denser patterns. Possibly savable options.

Also, I like the idea of an absorbed counter. Maybe I could have some multiplier in there, and possibly combine that with chaining.

PS: I need more posts like yours.
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Post by Aru-san »

If you need any help making bullet patterns, you can hire me and see what I can do. This will be the first time working with Ikaruga-like stuff, though, but I can always take a programming challenge.
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Post by null1024 »

If you want to help, sure.
Latest build is the one posted, I haven't worked on this in a while [I've been meaning to, but Shmup-Dev's Rapid Prototyping Sessions eat up my time].
It's mostly done with timelines, the patterns, with 1 object that gets created [a rotating bullet stream] to save myself the time of actually putting the sequence in the timeline over and over.

But I could always use help with patterns. There's 1 more level and the final boss to do.
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Post by Aru-san »

...let me fork over 25 bucks to get a license for Game Maker first. (Still uses the Lite version of Game Maker)
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Post by null1024 »

Aru-san wrote:...let me fork over 25 bucks to get a license for Game Maker first. (Still uses the Lite version of Game Maker)
Oh. Hope it doesn't give you problems, GM7's registration is sort of flaky [thanks to Softwrap], which is why I still use 6.1...
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Post by captpain »

I feel like I'm just dodging a big circle pattern, then maybe some aimed shots, then more circles. Or half circles. :P
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Post by null1024 »

captpain wrote:I feel like I'm just dodging a big circle pattern, then maybe some aimed shots, then more circles. Or half circles. :P
I like circles. :P

Also, I was trying to make it consistent, back in `07 when I started, I wasn't much of a shmup player [all I played was DonPachi and DoDonPachi back then...], and I sucked at doing stuff in GM. I'm amazed I'm still going at this...
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Re: [bilateral] -- demo 9 released 2.22.09

Post by null1024 »

Apparently, Sitesled is gone. New link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?omhwz52jjti

Holy hell, Sitesled is back up. Just in case it's ever down again.... ---^
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Re: [bilateral] -- demo 9 released 2.22.09

Post by Aru-san »

I hope the final version comes out soon. On the other hand, I still need to work on my shmup, which hasn't really been getting enough love lately because of people's want for aimed bullets and my own laziness (I need to make Level 100 and the X levels).
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Re: [bilateral] -- demo 9 released 2.22.09

Post by null1024 »

Man, I really do need to work on this. Especially on fixing level 10, it's way too easy...

Right now, I'm doing new music [the music here is rather annoying].

PS: Aimed bullets are *really* easy to do.
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Re: バイラテラル -- [bilateral] -- still not updated yet... demo 9...

Post by null1024 »

Woo, Wine tolerates GM6 enough for me to work on this!

Expect a new demo within the week. Stuff might be screwy, Wasn't working on it due to lack of XP on this machine. XP machine is screwy, and is a public machine, so I can't just do a reinstall. Also, I don't have a copy of XP in the house, and I am NOT putting Vista on it.

Demo 10 release date: 9.27.09mdy
Estimated final release: Demo 13 [don't hold your breath for this, sorry].

Currently: making level 10 harder, it's a pathetic boss, especially compared to some of the others [like level 7 IIRC, haven't played through that far in a while...].

PS: One benefit of this is that Linux is now the main supported platform. Almost all testing will be done in Linux, because switching OSes to test... not fun.
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Re: バイラテラル -- [bilateral] -- demo 9 | GM5 port complete

Post by null1024 »

Bump, because of a reasonably major update: I've backported it to GM5 so I can work on this more.

Linux is no longer a supported platform [GM5 games run too slowly], however, it's no longer ungodly inconvenient to work on this anymore.
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