You can now buy official Sony PSP batteries by themselves

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You can now buy official Sony PSP batteries by themselves

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

Sony is now selling PSP rechargeable Lilthum Ion Battery packs (the same one that comes with the PSP Bundled Pack) but seperately at $39.99 U.S. dollars. I went down to my local Target store and they had several PSP battery packs for purchase.

Is it possible to buy a bigger capacity PSP battery pack that lasts longer than the standard PSP battery pack?

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Post by benstylus »

how long do the standard ones last?
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Post by iatneH »

Mine lasts at least six hours.

Pretty good considering my DS lasts about four hours... What was all that fuss the Nintendo boys were making about the PSP's short battery life?
Not to mention that you have maybe 5 or 6 minutes from the time the DS's battery light begins flashing orange to quit your game and charge before it completely fizzles out. No such problems with the PSP.

It depends on the usage, but I've found that there isn't much difference between playing something like Lumines, or watching *erhm* ..."videos"...

I remember doing my PSP's first complete charge and drain by playing Macross Zero episodes repeatedly, it just refused to drain for the longest time...
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Post by japtor »

Is it possible to buy a bigger capacity PSP battery pack that lasts longer than the standard PSP battery pack?
yes, but they dont exist yet. kutaragi said something about wanting to be able to play the psp on a tokyo-los angeles (or new york?) flight eventually, so id expect a higher capacity battery pack one day.

and the standard one is fine, not great but fine. my biggest problem with it is that it seems to lose charge pretty quickly while sleeping, at least during long periods of sleeping. just woke up my psp now, down to 1 bar and apparently in the middle of a game of lumines, it had 2 or 3 (full) when i put it to sleep a few days ago. once or twice it lost all power.

ds seems better in that regard, but yeah battery life aint great on that either. helps that ds games generally go quicker though. i had to charge in the middle of a lumines game a few weeks ago, takes 2+ damn hours just to play once. ds got me with the orange light when i left it asleep for a few weeks, otherwise after ive been playing heavily for a few days w/out recharging.

my main gripe about the psp battery isnt with the battery, but with the psp itself. the power light is on the its covered by your hand during play. a bunch of times ive been playing then paused to take a break to discover the power light blinking.
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Post by Ord »

iatneH wrote:
Pretty good considering my DS lasts about four hours...
:shock: :? Eh? That's pretty strange. My DS battery life usually lasts a good 8 hours before needing another charge. That's with the backlight on and marathon sessions of Zoo Keeper and Yoshi's Touch & Go. Are you sure your DS battery is ok?
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Post by it290 »

Supposedly developers for the PSP have been told not to utilize the full power of the console, so as to preserve battery life. Eventually we should see a better battery pack , and at that point the games will likely be unthrottled and thus more impressive.
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Post by joshschw »

iatneH wrote:Mine lasts at least six hours.

Pretty good considering my DS lasts about four hours... What was all that fuss the Nintendo boys were making about the PSP's short battery life?
Not to mention that you have maybe 5 or 6 minutes from the time the DS's battery light begins flashing orange to quit your game and charge before it completely fizzles out. No such problems with the PSP.

It depends on the usage, but I've found that there isn't much difference between playing something like Lumines, or watching *erhm* ..."videos"...

I remember doing my PSP's first complete charge and drain by playing Macross Zero episodes repeatedly, it just refused to drain for the longest time...
Sounds like something is wrong with your DS battery. mine lasts nearly an hour after turning orange and I'd say I get about 10-12 hours per full charge. just estimates of course. but much longer than 4.
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Post by iatneH »

Sounds like it might be it, because I know my DS craps out REALLY soon after it starts flashing orange, like within 3 or 4 races of Asphalt Urban GT. OK so maybe that's not 5 minutes, more like 12 minutes.

It's annoying but it's not a HUGE deal for me since I hardly play it anymore. Maybe after I get Nanostray I'll just get into the habit of charging it after every 3 gaming sessions or so.
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