ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

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ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by uwfan »

ST: Dangun Ferveron - created by Venom
Cave 1998

General Info:

- You can kill enemies offscreen to the left and right, but not the top and bottom. This can be very usefull for getting to later patterns. DM will still appear

- If you have your side-guns powered up, a quick change in direction can be used to 'whip' their spread to kill popcorn enemies. Useful for killing offscreen enemies as well.

- There are specific triggers, sometimes appart from killing things fast that cause new formations to appear. Many yet to be deciphered.

- At ~2200 DM a 1UP will appear at the center of the screen. Usually triggered late is stage 3 or early in stage 4.

- Seems it is best to use Ship B with bomb or roll. Bomb appears to be higher scoring (due to chaining explosions) and require more planning, while roll is move frantic but kills many large enemies quickly.

- Play as Uo Cat, insert a coin then press: down, up, right, left, up, down left, right, start. 1P cat's name is Uotaro and 2P cat's is Poko (81).

- Score Attack: Hold A + B after inserting a coin and press start

- There is a maximum saturation of DM that can be onscreen at one time ~80. After which no DM will spawn, this can be detrimental to score especially in Stage 3.

- If the sphere boss at the end of 5 is beaten having not died, you will get a level bonus, then face the true boss. You will be invincible unless you use bombs and will get another level bonus when you kill it.

- Bonus for clearing the game is 100k per bomb and 500k per life left. These are doubled if you finish by defeating the true last boss.



Well with bombs it isn’t really about remembering where the enemies are going to appear, saving for some parts. The important thing is trying to have an almost constant flow of bombs on screen, preferably from the middle to the top of the screen. It’s like laying a mine field, and as soon a bomb makes contact lay another one. This works quite well because bombs kill all small enemies on a group, even if the last baddies aren’t on screen yet, if a bomb made contact with the first enemy of the chain, as soon as the ones following the first enter on screen they will die. That is especially useful for getting those discos. Also as I said, they get rid quite easily of medium enemies. (Polaris)


The roll shot allows you to kill mid-sized enemies without point-blanking them. If you charge the roll for around a second -- not all the way, because it will spread out too much and actually deal less damage in most situations -- it'll do about as much damage as you would have done point-blanking, but from any area on the screen. Another advantage is the penetrating ability of roll. You can hit multiple parts of a boss at once or parts that are situated behind the core (level 2 boss). For best damage release when the circles have just begun to separate, this should form an elongated, concentrated attack a bit wider than your ship. (Dr.Shinobi, Venom)

Optimal charge and release.

- Stage 3 boss can drift off the screen after the second small dot is destoryed if near the edge of the screen.
- Stage 5 sphere boss can become invulnerable in its 2nd form as sometimes the main core never opens.

I will be compiling level and boss strats for B-Roll based off my play, Chtimi, I'm guessing you and/or Polaris are the authorities for B-Bomb.

Fell free to ask any questions about the game, add strategies, etc. I was going to copy and paste some of Chtimi & Polaris' stuff, but I haven't asked for permission.

A place for hosting images would be great as some enemies are difficult to describe, if anyone can do that or knows a way to please let me know[/img]
If I may speak freely, nasty like the freaky deeky at your local sleazy speak easy.

Last edited by Venom on Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:32 pm, edited 5 times in total

Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:49 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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Post subject: Trivia

The 1P cat's name is Uotaro and @P cat is Poko.

Just tellin' ya.
Prosecutedt to the full extent of the JAM


Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:04 am


Joined: 15 Oct 2003

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You can do what ever you like with my stuff, i haven`t played the game in so long now that the only thing i get out of it when i play is infuration for not been able to do what i did. And frankly i`m not going to take the time to be able to do what i was able to do.

Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:03 am


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Guide: These will deal with using B-roll and focus on the harder patterns, triggers and bosses. As there are many patterns that are easily delt with, I feel advising on them is unneeded.

Stage 1

- After the second set of 2 power up carriers, there next enemy pattern is delt with by being 2/3 up the screen and offset to the right a bit. Using rapid fire, kill the first enemy, move directly right killing 2, then straight left to kill the ones on the other side, finally over the right so your side-guns kill the one at the right edge, then back left.

- The first trigger is the enemy line on the left side of the screen:

Destroying them will make the next pattern come regardless of if the right side is killed.

- Use roll on the larger enemies and finish them off with normal fire if they don't die.

- The second trigger is the ground post:

Kill it with roll to trigger the next group of enemies appear sooner.

- If you are fast you should get 2 power up carriers at the end of the level, followed by small enemies (# depends on how fast you are).

- Boss. Destroy the 2 turrets on each side, I usually destroy the ones on the left using roll, then dodge towards the right while charging roll. Next, kill the ones on the right with a couple charge shots. Once the boss gets in the red for health, passive dodging works well.

Just line up with the gap and stay put.

Personal Scores: 383 DM, ~285,000 pts.
If I may speak freely, nasty like the freaky deeky at your local sleazy speak easy.

Sat Feb 28, 2004 12:01 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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STAGE 1 - B-Bomb-Spd 4
I'm going to detail the beginning to give you an idea of how to use bomb.
height for this stage : 2/3 - 3/4

Remember to be high upscreen during all the stage.
At the beginning, dash upwards to 2/3, and drop 1 bomb left, 1 right, 1 in the middle , this one will
kill the first item carrier (IC). If it kills zako instead, drop another immediately (at this time your shot is weak,
so even if the IC already onscreen, it's faster to kill him with a bomb). when you have release those 3 position
yourself between the left and middle one to destroy small ships faster. The right bomb will destroy a group of zako.
Then drop a bomb halfway right; it will kill 1 of the 2 coming IC, don't
wait until it does but instead dash left to kill the other with your B-shot (close so that all your shot connects).
drop a bomb up and right, the next zako formation from here will disappear in a nice chain reaction.
dash to the left and kill the symmetric formation with your B-shot or drop a bomb directly on them. When it's done
(and only then so that your kill rate doesn't fall) drop a bomb and go back to the right.
Now there will be waves of 3 small ships, left-right madly with shot, this will kill them faster (drop a bomb at each
direction change).
When the long rows of spheric ships appear on the left and right, do fullscreen left right, dropping a bomb
(at the edge of the screen) each time you turn around. When they're soon over, drop 2 bombs on the right and
only one on the left because hard-to-see zako will come from the right. don't crash in them.
At the end of the platform, you're at the section with 4 middle ships. Be extremely aggressive. Before you even see the
first one, drop 2 or 3 bombs at the middle-slightly right (upscreen to kill it immediately). Don't wait to see the next
to dash left, drop a bomb on him point-blank and finish him off with B-shot. Repeat with the rest.
Avoid their whole pattern instead of dodging inside it. For the 2 big missile ships, point-blank them
with B-shot shortly, drop 1 bomb, and finish with shot (it sounds long but it's very fast).
(Begin near their center and slowly tap to their border to avoid aimed green shot.)
After that, it's a mix of many weak ships, and a few green arrow ships and ground bases.
You have to be extremely aggressive here, how high you're upscreen has direct impact on your DM.
For the weak ships, madly left-right at 3/4 upscreen. Meanwhile, drop bombs on the side where the next green arrow
strong ship or ground base will be. The 1st one is on your left so drop bombs in a ratio of 2 left, 1 right.
Then do the same to the right, etc..
You're almost at the end (last platform). Now, be only 1/2 upscreen and drop bombs halfway left and halfway right
regularly. The wave coming from the left should explose on a bomb, and you will get 2 IC after that (and other zako
if you're fast).

Easy, just don't forget to kill the 4 side parts.

personal score typical 420/350,000 best 437
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:26 am


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sorry, no image from me. venom, of course you have permission to use whatever you got from our PM's how you see fit.
feel free to criticize or point omissions, i will edit the stage by stage posts (more to come later).
this forum may be a good idea after all, it is less tedious to write up this way.
a general hint for beginners :
don't rush to collect the DM's, your top priority is destroying the next wave. typically i collect DM's when they have "rebounded" halfway upscreen.
don't be intimidated by the planning bomb requires, it is less and less true
the farther you are in the game because enemies will be more and more clustered (bomb is genocidal in stage 5 and to a lesser degree stage 4).
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:41 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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STAGE 2 - B-Bomb-Spd 4
height for this stage : 1/2
you will be at this height for almost all the stage
Beginning: drop one bomb left (edge,heighth=1/2), one right, etc..
when they start coming from top, stop bombing and dash to middle-left,2/3 upscreen to kill the first Item Carrier (IC). kill the 2nd on the right. (here it's impractical to use bomb)
immediately dash back to the left, 1/2 height and drop a bomb on the head of the first Four Way Middle Ship (FWMS), then another on the 2nd.
use shot to kill small ships, drop a bomb as a security in case you missed one, and dash to the right for the 3rd FWMS. do the same.
after that, it's the standard "go left drop bomb, go right drop bomb" (those bombs have to be dropped 1/2 of the screen) routine up until the platform. be fast to kill the next 2 IC, you can get up to 6 groups of 6 enemies that come alternatively from left or right.
here it is specially important not to collect the DM immediately, otherwise you can't dash to the other side properly.
kill the big tank with 2 bombs point-blank, then resume dropping bombs
left and right. after the 4 or 6 tanks there will be 2 more IC so don't waste time on killing the tanks, instead kill the IC's as fast as possible (point-blank shot is better here).
after that it's the small ship rush-hour, try to drop bombs left-middle-right (not only on the sides). don't be distracted by the second big tank, you still have to kill formations early. if you're fast you will get 2 more IC's before the big flying ship at the end of the platform. kill him fast with 2-3 bombs +point-blank shot. there is a slight pause after him but how fast you kill him still counts.
there will be a few small enemies, then 2 IC (the first on your left), then 4
FWMS : it's the same sequence as at the beginning of the stage, so do the same.
now, it's the part with small ships + middle blue laser shooting ships. just drop a bomb here and there, nothing special here. at the end stop dropping bombs, you will need them for the half-boss.

mid-boss: i try to kill asap to get more enemies after. the fastest way to kill is to BOMB him (when i use caps i mean B button screen cleaner bomb). but you don't want to finish him that way otherwise you get no DM. Push B just before he has finished going up in the background, so that the beginning of the bomb animation won't hurt him. This way the BOMB will only put him in 'red' condition and you can
finish him off with bombs (you're invicible at the end of the BOMB animation, go over him and hold A)
2nd part:
4 'blue bubbles' middle ships appears: drop a bomb directly on the one to the left, kill the one behind with shot. do the same to the right. (if you're very fast none will have time to fire, if you're medium-fast 2-3 will fire).
when they're all dead, dash to the bottom left to collect the first batch of DM and lure bubbles there, then go back to the right and up to clear the whole pattern. kill the 2 IC (the 1st one is no the left).
next, it's one more time the FWMS sequence of the beginning, do exactly the same as before.
after that it's messy, just drop bombs at (+-3/4,1/2) as usual.

this boss has 3 parts besides the core: 2 big 'eyes' on the side, and a 'plate' behind the core (it's where there are 4 little cannons, you have to attack it from the sides).
you want to damage equally the 2 side eyes, because the angry attack when there is only 1 left is annoying.
at the start (even before the boss can be damaged) , drop 3 bombs on the right eyes. go to the left and do the same.
now each time the boss attacks, you move one branch of a 'V' pattern. At the up-right and up-left tip of the 'V', you drop 2 bombs toward a side part.
Whe the boss starts firing blue aimed lasers, you have less time to stay on each time, so drop only one bomb each time.
For the pink spread burst repeated thrice, lure them on one side and dash to the other where you have ample time to drop bombs. The 3rd pink explosion is harder to lure completely, so you can dodge it in the middle.
By now the eyes will be blinking red furiously. Finish them off with shot (so that you don't waste bombs floating aimlessly).
The boss will stop briefly shooting, use this time to aim 3 bombs toward the back plate.
Now be careful. Position yourself on one side and attack it with the side of your b-shot. When it starts firing the blue aimed 3 way (small bullets then slightly bigger), tap to the other side only when you have to (otherwise you will get stuck on the side).
After that he will do the big pink bubbles attack, finish the back plate during this. If you don't it does not matter, the next attack is easy (only the center part of the formerly 3way blue attack, you just have to do full screen left right swipes).
When the back plate dies, he will alternate between a fast version of the pink bubbles and a green rotating vulcan.
fast pink bubbles: easy, do a small right or left move at the last minute and you will be in a 'safety hall'
green vulcan: this one can be tricky sometimes, don't have your eyes locked on your ships, instead look higher upscreen
to detect holes in advance. use a bomb if you're not sure.

i hope this make sense

personnal score: typical 870 best 920
this stage is b-bomb's weakest i find, roll does better unless i'm missing something.
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:50 am


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Sorry to all for letting this fall apart after a good start. I'll get to work on stage 2 tomorrow.

I'm going to try make an input file for MAME at some point too. (need a saturn pad USB adapter first).
If I may speak freely, nasty like the freaky deeky at your local sleazy speak easy.

Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:13 pm


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you're right, i let it slip too. maybe some feedback would motivate me more, because i'm under the impression only me and venom read this topic
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:12 am


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Stage 2: (revision 1)

Use rapid fire go to bottom right, kill all enemies off screen, go left kill enemies from left, center, kill 5 from top. Kill left IC then kill right as collecting DM as needed. As soon as the 2nd carrier dies, start charging roll and move left. Kill FWMS, kill second one, use rapid on other enemies, dash right, kill 2 FWMS and following ships.
Go to near bottom kill larger groups of enemies with sweeping rapid fire while located at the bottom of the screen. For the groups of 6 ships that come from the left and right, kill them with rapid and off-screen as fast as possible. You should get 2 IC before the laser grid. All enemies come from the sides in the grid; go left and right avoiding laser fire. (to trigger the item carriers, the some of the group of 6 tanks on the right must be alive, it you've killed them by taking out the groups of enemes from the sides, you will get the 5 enemies + 2 IC after the grid).
After the grid, kill the line-up of enemies, groups will come from both sides, try kill them is a 'sweep' so you get more DM. 2 IC should appear before the next big tank. Then 4 FWMS with accompanying ships. Use roll on the large ship that appears on the right after the FWMS.

You will have the same patterns after this large ship as at the beginning of the level. 5 ships, 5 ships, then a group pattern (2 x). Now, small ships and larger blue laser ships, use rapid and point blank the larger ships.

Mid-Boss: Use 2 well charged roll shots one side panels, it should die.

2nd half: (edited)
Charge roll as soon as the ship mid-boss dies, go left, kill the 2 blue bubble releasing enemies, charge again kill the one's on right. Try to ignore the DM and kill the IC then collect while charging roll. Kill the FWMS with 2 roll shots, do the left 4, then the right 2. Collect DM when charging roll for the 2nd group of 6 FWMS arrives.
Then there are more FWMS that come from left, then right. Normal enemies, 2 sets of ICs can be had if you're fast enough. Really the final part is just dodging and common sense.

I charge roll and position myself to sit between the left panel and core, damaging the core, back panel and left one, then move to the bottom of the screen prior to it's first shot. Use roll to damage the 2 sides.
1st pattern (green): dodge left and right
2nd pattern (blue & green): dodge to a corner, get it to fire the green laser, tap over a bit then dodge to other corner
3rd patter (pink): Go left release roll, dodge right, release roll and dodge left. Stay in center and shoot 2 roll shots at the core.
A side panel should die, get DM, kill other side, collect DM, then weaken the core with rapid then roll the back panel. Follow Chtimi's advice for the boss’s final attacks.

Typical: 920 DM Best: 961 DM (1.7 mil)

I said I'd do it today, so here it is. Am I making sense in there? Please let me know.
If I may speak freely, nasty like the freaky deeky at your local sleazy speak easy.

Last edited by Venom on Sat Mar 20, 2004 2:40 am, edited 2 times in total

Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:56 pm


Joined: 27 Apr 2003

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chtimi wrote:
you're right, i let it slip too. maybe some feedback would motivate me more, because i'm under the impression only me and venom read this topic

I'm reading this thread too. It's just I'm crap at DF, so I have nothing much to contribute.

I do appreciate the effort though.
I wish a was a trapper, I would give thousand pelts
to sleep with Pocahontas, and find out how she felt
in the mornin' on the fields of green
in the homeland we've never seen

Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:16 pm


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Stage 3:
*This is the level where DM saturation is very important.

Using rapid kill ships as they appear in their left to right and back patterns. A the first large carrier, kill the 2 turrets and the small enemies the appear on it's right, then 1 roll shot to kill it. Collect some of the DM released, now focus on killing the larger greenish/brown ships. This pattern is repeated until you reach the 4 large ships (2x) that appear one at a time and shoot blue lines. Here use rapid, point blank the first one, and grab it's DM, then go to the next. If you leave all the DM from the first, you will reach saturation and on the second ship and get less DM released. Now the pattern is back to being left to right appearences. Use rapid, until you get to the 2 round ground enemies, use roll on the right one, then dodge to the inside of the linear shot of the 2nd and use another roll shot. Now some normal ships, take out the left 3 ground pannels with a roll, then the right one's you may need to dodge some fire. Kill the round ground enemies again. Now there are 3 panels and 2 IC. There are tanks from the left and right, kill them with rapid, then the respawning turrets on left and right, kill them going back and forth for lots of points. Use roll on the large tank.
Watch out for the spinning ships that fire green aimed lines of bullets here. Kill them off-screen if possible. Roll the 2nd large tank. Now some normal enemies to kill and 3 IC.

Use roll and kill one side as fast as possible. For the green line patterns the first shot is aimed and the others are semi-random (can be dangerous, use a bomb if necessary). Once one side is dead, patterns are easier, and destroy the other side. It fires large green orbs. For the 2 long series of shots, start 1-3 up the screen on the side of origin, tap dodge down, then to the opposite side (releasing a roll shot at the core). Now It should be on it's final pattern now, green spreads left, right and center (aimed), with dumb bullets mixed in. Dodge through the gap of the left and right shots if needed. It gets faster as the boss dies, use a bomb if needed.

Typical: 880 DM Best: 946 DM (1.66 mil) *should have been 961+ I died
If I may speak freely, nasty like the freaky deeky at your local sleazy speak easy.

Last edited by Venom on Sat Mar 20, 2004 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total

Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:06 pm


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I've been on a break from DF, but I am checking this thread out, and when i go back to the game I'll probably adopt some of the tactics mentioned.

Sat Mar 13, 2004 10:16 pm


Joined: 18 Jan 2003

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Venom wrote:
I said I'd do it today, so here it is. Am I making sense in there? Please let me know.

Absolutely! Although I'd already figured out a number of the survival techniques mentioned here, a lot of the DM strategies seem like they could be quite helpful. In particular, things like triggers. Perhaps I'm just not that observant, but I never realized some of the triggers were so specific (ie: just the LEFT column of enemies as the trigger in stage 1. I had always thought it was both, and killed the right side first!)

I also look forward to a stage 4 guide.

chtimi's guide also seems useful. Though I haven't used the bomb much, reading through some of that gives me some more insight into using that weapon, and maybe I'll try it now as a diversion from roll.

Thanks- nice to see a few advanced players putting together their knowledge of such a great game (and where else could an English resource for the game be found )
"Bah, give me the good ol' days when there were only 1D games. We didn't need length AND height." -JairX

Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:09 pm
Last edited by uwfan on Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bydobasher »

This is a newer version of the same thread; it includes Venom's various edits to his General Info and stage 1, 2 and 3 subsections, as well as his new subsections on stages 4 and 5, Icarus' analysis of the stage 4 boss, and sundry other items of interest.


ST: Dangun Feveron

Cave 1998

General Info:

- You can kill enemies offscreen to the left and right, but not the top and bottom. This can be very usefull for getting to later patterns. DM will still appear

- If you have your side-guns powered up, a quick change in direction can be used to 'whip' their spread to kill popcorn enemies. Useful for killing offscreen enemies as well.

- There are specific triggers, sometimes appart from killing things fast that cause new formations to appear. Many yet to be deciphered.

- At ~2200 DM a 1UP will appear at the center of the screen. Usually triggered late is stage 3 or early in stage 4.

- Seems it is best to use Ship B with bomb or roll. Bomb appears to be higher scoring (due to chaining explosions) and require more planning, while roll is move frantic but kills many large enemies quickly.

- Play as Uo Cat, insert a coin then press: down, up, right, left, up, down left, right, start. 1P cat's name is Uotaro and 2P cat's is Poko (81).

- Score Attack: Hold A + B after inserting a coin and press start

- There is a maximum saturation of DM that can be onscreen at one time ~80. After which no DM will spawn, this can be detrimental to score especially in Stage 3.

- If the sphere boss at the end of 5 is beaten having not died, you will get a level bonus, then face the true boss. You will be invincible unless you use bombs and will get another level bonus when you kill it.

- Bonus for clearing the game is 100k per bomb and 500k per life left. These are doubled if you finish by defeating the true last boss.



Well with bombs it isn’t really about remembering where the enemies are going to appear, saving for some parts. The important thing is trying to have an almost constant flow of bombs on screen, preferably from the middle to the top of the screen. It’s like laying a mine field, and as soon a bomb makes contact lay another one. This works quite well because bombs kill all small enemies on a group, even if the last baddies aren’t on screen yet, if a bomb made contact with the first enemy of the chain, as soon as the ones following the first enter on screen they will die. That is especially useful for getting those discos. Also as I said, they get rid quite easily of medium enemies. (Polaris)


The roll shot allows you to kill mid-sized enemies without point-blanking them. If you charge the roll for around a second -- not all the way, because it will spread out too much and actually deal less damage in most situations -- it'll do about as much damage as you would have done point-blanking, but from any area on the screen. Another advantage is the penetrating ability of roll. You can hit multiple parts of a boss at once or parts that are situated behind the core (level 2 boss). For best damage release when the circles have just begun to separate, this should form an elongated, concentrated attack a bit wider than your ship. (Dr.Shinobi, Venom)

Optimal charge and release.

- Stage 3 boss can drift off the screen after the second small dot is destoryed if near the edge of the screen.
- Stage 5 sphere boss can become invulnerable in its 2nd form as sometimes the main core never opens.

I will be compiling level and boss strats for B-Roll based off my play, Chtimi, I'm guessing you and/or Polaris are the authorities for B-Bomb.

Fell free to ask any questions about the game, add strategies, etc. I was going to copy and paste some of Chtimi & Polaris' stuff, but I haven't asked for permission.

A place for hosting images would be great as some enemies are difficult to describe, if anyone can do that or knows a way to please let me know[/img]
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Tue Apr 06, 2004 2:58 am, edited 6 times in total

Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:49 pm


Joined: 13 Nov 2002

Posts: 1156

Post subject: Trivia

The 1P cat's name is Uotaro and @P cat is Poko.

Just tellin' ya.


Sat Feb 28, 2004 4:04 am


Joined: 15 Oct 2003

Posts: 59

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You can do what ever you like with my stuff, i haven`t played the game in so long now that the only thing i get out of it when i play is infuration for not been able to do what i did. And frankly i`m not going to take the time to be able to do what i was able to do.

Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:03 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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Guide: These will deal with using B-roll and focus on the harder patterns, triggers and bosses. As there are many patterns that are easily delt with, I feel advising on them is unneeded.

Stage 1

- After the second set of 2 power up carriers, there next enemy pattern is delt with by being 2/3 up the screen and offset to the right a bit. Using rapid fire, kill the first enemy, move directly right killing 2, then straight left to kill the ones on the other side, finally over the right so your side-guns kill the one at the right edge, then back left.

- The first trigger is the enemy line on the left side of the screen:

Destroying them will make the next pattern come regardless of if the right side is killed.

- Use roll on the larger enemies and finish them off with normal fire if they don't die.

- The second trigger is the ground post:

Kill it with roll to trigger the next group of enemies appear sooner.

- If you are fast you should get 2 power up carriers at the end of the level, followed by small enemies (# depends on how fast you are).

- Boss. Destroy the 2 turrets on each side, I usually destroy the ones on the left using roll, then dodge towards the right while charging roll. Next, kill the ones on the right with a couple charge shots. Once the boss gets in the red for health, passive dodging works well.

Personal Scores: 383 DM, ~285,000 pts.
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:32 pm, edited 2 times in total

Sat Feb 28, 2004 3:01 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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STAGE 1 - B-Bomb-Spd 4
I'm going to detail the beginning to give you an idea of how to use bomb.
height for this stage : 2/3 - 3/4

Remember to be high upscreen during all the stage.
At the beginning, dash upwards to 2/3, and drop 1 bomb left, 1 right, 1 in the middle , this one will
kill the first item carrier (IC). If it kills zako instead, drop another immediately (at this time your shot is weak,
so even if the IC already onscreen, it's faster to kill him with a bomb). when you have release those 3 position
yourself between the left and middle one to destroy small ships faster. The right bomb will destroy a group of zako.
Then drop a bomb halfway right; it will kill 1 of the 2 coming IC, don't
wait until it does but instead dash left to kill the other with your B-shot (close so that all your shot connects).
drop a bomb up and right, the next zako formation from here will disappear in a nice chain reaction.
dash to the left and kill the symmetric formation with your B-shot or drop a bomb directly on them. When it's done
(and only then so that your kill rate doesn't fall) drop a bomb and go back to the right.
Now there will be waves of 3 small ships, left-right madly with shot, this will kill them faster (drop a bomb at each
direction change).
When the long rows of spheric ships appear on the left and right, do fullscreen left right, dropping a bomb
(at the edge of the screen) each time you turn around. When they're soon over, drop 2 bombs on the right and
only one on the left because hard-to-see zako will come from the right. don't crash in them.
At the end of the platform, you're at the section with 4 middle ships. Be extremely aggressive. Before you even see the
first one, drop 2 or 3 bombs at the middle-slightly right (upscreen to kill it immediately). Don't wait to see the next
to dash left, drop a bomb on him point-blank and finish him off with B-shot. Repeat with the rest.
Avoid their whole pattern instead of dodging inside it. For the 2 big missile ships, point-blank them
with B-shot shortly, drop 1 bomb, and finish with shot (it sounds long but it's very fast).
(Begin near their center and slowly tap to their border to avoid aimed green shot.)
After that, it's a mix of many weak ships, and a few green arrow ships and ground bases.
You have to be extremely aggressive here, how high you're upscreen has direct impact on your DM.
For the weak ships, madly left-right at 3/4 upscreen. Meanwhile, drop bombs on the side where the next green arrow
strong ship or ground base will be. The 1st one is on your left so drop bombs in a ratio of 2 left, 1 right.
Then do the same to the right, etc..
You're almost at the end (last platform). Now, be only 1/2 upscreen and drop bombs halfway left and halfway right
regularly. The wave coming from the left should explose on a bomb, and you will get 2 IC after that (and other zako
if you're fast).

Easy, just don't forget to kill the 4 side parts.

personal score typical 420/350,000 best 437
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:26 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 618

Post subject:

sorry, no image from me. venom, of course you have permission to use whatever you got from our PM's how you see fit.
feel free to criticize or point omissions, i will edit the stage by stage posts (more to come later).
this forum may be a good idea after all, it is less tedious to write up this way.
a general hint for beginners :
don't rush to collect the DM's, your top priority is destroying the next wave. typically i collect DM's when they have "rebounded" halfway upscreen.
don't be intimidated by the planning bomb requires, it is less and less true
the farther you are in the game because enemies will be more and more clustered (bomb is genocidal in stage 5 and to a lesser degree stage 4).
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:41 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 618

Post subject:

STAGE 2 - B-Bomb-Spd 4
height for this stage : 1/2
you will be at this height for almost all the stage
Beginning: drop one bomb left (edge,heighth=1/2), one right, etc..
when they start coming from top, stop bombing and dash to middle-left,2/3 upscreen to kill the first Item Carrier (IC). kill the 2nd on the right. (here it's impractical to use bomb)
immediately dash back to the left, 1/2 height and drop a bomb on the head of the first Four Way Middle Ship (FWMS), then another on the 2nd.
use shot to kill small ships, drop a bomb as a security in case you missed one, and dash to the right for the 3rd FWMS. do the same.
after that, it's the standard "go left drop bomb, go right drop bomb" (those bombs have to be dropped 1/2 of the screen) routine up until the platform. be fast to kill the next 2 IC, you can get up to 6 groups of 6 enemies that come alternatively from left or right.
here it is specially important not to collect the DM immediately, otherwise you can't dash to the other side properly.
kill the big tank with 2 bombs point-blank, then resume dropping bombs
left and right. after the 4 or 6 tanks there will be 2 more IC so don't waste time on killing the tanks, instead kill the IC's as fast as possible (point-blank shot is better here).
after that it's the small ship rush-hour, try to drop bombs left-middle-right (not only on the sides). don't be distracted by the second big tank, you still have to kill formations early. if you're fast you will get 2 more IC's before the big flying ship at the end of the platform. kill him fast with 2-3 bombs +point-blank shot. there is a slight pause after him but how fast you kill him still counts.
there will be a few small enemies, then 2 IC (the first on your left), then 4
FWMS : it's the same sequence as at the beginning of the stage, so do the same.
now, it's the part with small ships + middle blue laser shooting ships. just drop a bomb here and there, nothing special here. at the end stop dropping bombs, you will need them for the half-boss.

mid-boss: i try to kill asap to get more enemies after. the fastest way to kill is to BOMB him (when i use caps i mean B button screen cleaner bomb). but you don't want to finish him that way otherwise you get no DM. Push B just before he has finished going up in the background, so that the beginning of the bomb animation won't hurt him. This way the BOMB will only put him in 'red' condition and you can
finish him off with bombs (you're invicible at the end of the BOMB animation, go over him and hold A)
2nd part:
4 'blue bubbles' middle ships appears: drop a bomb directly on the one to the left, kill the one behind with shot. do the same to the right. (if you're very fast none will have time to fire, if you're medium-fast 2-3 will fire).
when they're all dead, dash to the bottom left to collect the first batch of DM and lure bubbles there, then go back to the right and up to clear the whole pattern. kill the 2 IC (the 1st one is no the left).
next, it's one more time the FWMS sequence of the beginning, do exactly the same as before.
after that it's messy, just drop bombs at (+-3/4,1/2) as usual.

this boss has 3 parts besides the core: 2 big 'eyes' on the side, and a 'plate' behind the core (it's where there are 4 little cannons, you have to attack it from the sides).
you want to damage equally the 2 side eyes, because the angry attack when there is only 1 left is annoying.
at the start (even before the boss can be damaged) , drop 3 bombs on the right eyes. go to the left and do the same.
now each time the boss attacks, you move one branch of a 'V' pattern. At the up-right and up-left tip of the 'V', you drop 2 bombs toward a side part.
Whe the boss starts firing blue aimed lasers, you have less time to stay on each time, so drop only one bomb each time.
For the pink spread burst repeated thrice, lure them on one side and dash to the other where you have ample time to drop bombs. The 3rd pink explosion is harder to lure completely, so you can dodge it in the middle.
By now the eyes will be blinking red furiously. Finish them off with shot (so that you don't waste bombs floating aimlessly).
The boss will stop briefly shooting, use this time to aim 3 bombs toward the back plate.
Now be careful. Position yourself on one side and attack it with the side of your b-shot. When it starts firing the blue aimed 3 way (small bullets then slightly bigger), tap to the other side only when you have to (otherwise you will get stuck on the side).
After that he will do the big pink bubbles attack, finish the back plate during this. If you don't it does not matter, the next attack is easy (only the center part of the formerly 3way blue attack, you just have to do full screen left right swipes).
When the back plate dies, he will alternate between a fast version of the pink bubbles and a green rotating vulcan.
fast pink bubbles: easy, do a small right or left move at the last minute and you will be in a 'safety hall'
green vulcan: this one can be tricky sometimes, don't have your eyes locked on your ships, instead look higher upscreen
to detect holes in advance. use a bomb if you're not sure.

i hope this make sense

personnal score: typical 870 best 920
this stage is b-bomb's weakest i find, roll does better unless i'm missing something.
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:50 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

Post subject:

Sorry to all for letting this fall apart after a good start. I'll get to work on stage 2 tomorrow.

I'm going to try make an input file for MAME at some point too. (need a saturn pad USB adapter first).
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:13 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 618

Post subject:

you're right, i let it slip too. maybe some feedback would motivate me more, because i'm under the impression only me and venom read this topic
sprites go to heaven, polys go to hell


Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:12 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

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Stage 2: (revision 1)

Use rapid fire go to bottom right, kill all enemies off screen, go left kill enemies from left, center, kill 5 from top. Kill left IC then kill right as collecting DM as needed. As soon as the 2nd carrier dies, start charging roll and move left. Kill FWMS, kill second one, use rapid on other enemies, dash right, kill 2 FWMS and following ships.
Go to near bottom kill larger groups of enemies with sweeping rapid fire while located at the bottom of the screen. For the groups of 6 ships that come from the left and right, kill them with rapid and off-screen as fast as possible. You should get 2 IC before the laser grid. All enemies come from the sides in the grid; go left and right avoiding laser fire. (to trigger the item carriers, some of the group of 6 tanks on the right must be alive, it you've killed while taking out the groups of enemes from the sides, you will get the 5 enemies + 2 IC after the grid).
After the grid, kill the line-up of enemies, groups will come from both sides, try kill them is a 'sweep' so you get more DM. 2 IC should appear before the next big tank. Then 4 FWMS with accompanying ships. Use roll on the large ship that appears on the right after the FWMS.

You will have the same patterns after this large ship as at the beginning of the level. 5 ships, 5 ships, then a group pattern (2 x). Now, small ships and larger blue laser ships, use rapid and point blank the larger ships.

Mid-Boss: Use 2 well charged roll shots one side panels, it should die.

2nd half: (edited)
Charge roll as soon as the ship mid-boss dies, go left, kill the 2 blue bubble releasing enemies, charge again kill the one's on right. Try to ignore the DM and kill the IC then collect while charging roll. Kill the FWMS with 2 roll shots, do the left 4, then the right 2. Collect DM when charging roll for the 2nd group of 6 FWMS arrives.
Then there are more FWMS that come from left, then right. Normal enemies, 2 sets of ICs can be had if you're fast enough. Really the final part is just dodging and common sense.

I charge roll and position myself to sit between the left panel and core, damaging the core, back panel and left one, then move to the bottom of the screen prior to it's first shot. Use roll to damage the 2 sides.
1st pattern (green): dodge left and right
2nd pattern (blue & green): dodge to a corner, get it to fire the green laser, tap over a bit then dodge to other corner
3rd patter (pink): Go left release roll, dodge right, release roll and dodge left. Stay in center and shoot 2 roll shots at the core.
A side panel should die, get DM, kill other side, collect DM, then weaken the core with rapid then roll the back panel. Follow Chtimi's advice for the boss’s final attacks.

Typical: 920 DM Best: 994 DM (1.8 mil)

I said I'd do it today, so here it is. Am I making sense in there? Please let me know.
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:34 pm, edited 6 times in total

Sat Mar 13, 2004 10:56 pm


Joined: 28 Apr 2003

Posts: 221

Post subject:

chtimi wrote:
you're right, i let it slip too. maybe some feedback would motivate me more, because i'm under the impression only me and venom read this topic

I'm reading this thread too. It's just I'm crap at DF, so I have nothing much to contribute.

I do appreciate the effort though.
If you're game enough
you could place your trust in me
for the love of life, there's a trade-off
we could lose it all, but we'll go down fighting

Sat Mar 13, 2004 11:16 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

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Stage 3:
*This is the level where DM saturation is very important.

Using rapid-fire, kill ships as they appear in their left to right and back patterns. At the first large carrier, kill the 2 turrets and the small enemies the appear on it's right, then 1 roll shot to kill it. Collect some of the DM released, now focus on killing the larger greenish/brown ships. This pattern is repeated until you reach the 4 large ships (2x) that appear one at a time and shoot blue lines. Here use rapid, point blank the first one, and grab it's DM, then go to the next. If you leave all the DM from the first, you will reach saturation and on the second ship and get less DM released. Now the pattern is back to being left to right appearences. Use rapid, until you get to the 2 round ground enemies, use roll on the right one, then dodge to the inside of the linear shot of the 2nd and use another roll shot. Now some normal ships, take out the left 3 ground pannels with a roll, then the right one's you may need to dodge some fire. Kill the round ground enemies again. Now there are 3 panels and 2 IC. There are tanks from the left and right, kill them with rapid, then the respawning turrets on left and right, kill them going back and forth for lots of points. Use roll on the large tank.
Watch out for the spinning ships that fire green aimed lines of bullets here. Kill them off-screen if possible. Roll the 2nd large tank. Now some normal enemies to kill and 3 IC.

Start by fosucing charged shots on one dot, the turrets will die, reducing onscreen fire as well. When the fast green line attack occurs, remain relatively still and dodge small (the lines will cut off large dodges). The multi-direction turret spread, use rapid fire and got back and forth between sides to kill the turrets and dodge. After 1 side is dead, the pattern gets a lot easier, finish it off with charge shots. It fires large green orbs. For the 2 long series of shots, start 1-3 up the screen on the side of origin, tap dodge down, then to the opposite side (releasing a roll shot at the core). Now It should be on it's final pattern now, green spreads left, right and center (aimed), with dumb bullets mixed in. Dodge through the gap of the left and right shots if needed. It gets faster as the boss dies, use a bomb if needed.

Typical: 880 DM Best: 985 DM (1.8 mil)
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:56 am, edited 5 times in total

Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:06 am


Joined: 08 Dec 2003

Posts: 60

Post subject:

I've been on a break from DF, but I am checking this thread out, and when i go back to the game I'll probably adopt some of the tactics mentioned.

Sun Mar 14, 2004 1:16 am


Joined: 18 Jan 2003

Posts: 532

Post subject:

Venom wrote:
I said I'd do it today, so here it is. Am I making sense in there? Please let me know.

Absolutely! Although I'd already figured out a number of the survival techniques mentioned here, a lot of the DM strategies seem like they could be quite helpful. In particular, things like triggers. Perhaps I'm just not that observant, but I never realized some of the triggers were so specific (ie: just the LEFT column of enemies as the trigger in stage 1. I had always thought it was both, and killed the right side first!)

I also look forward to a stage 4 guide.

chtimi's guide also seems useful. Though I haven't used the bomb much, reading through some of that gives me some more insight into using that weapon, and maybe I'll try it now as a diversion from roll.

Thanks- nice to see a few advanced players putting together their knowledge of such a great game (and where else could an English resource for the game be found )
"Bah, give me the good ol' days when there were only 1D games. We didn't need length AND height." -JairX

Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:09 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

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Thanks for the response Warpzone, and it's nice to know that we're making sense. Funny you should mention the triggers, I don't know what they are in later stages, in fact I only figured out the stage 2 trigger a few days ago.

WarpZone wrote:
I also look forward to a stage 4 guide.

Thanks for reminding me, I'll have to start on that when I return to Dangun later this week. I think you know how painful it's going to be trying to put 4 and 5 into words. There is so much stuff and it all shifts depending on how fast you kill it.

I kind of feel like someone is going to take all my advice, combine it with their own knowledge and ream me out in the HS thread.
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:33 am


Joined: 18 Jan 2003

Posts: 532

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Well, by sharing strategies you do help others out, with the cost that they could surpass your score even though it seems you had to work harder for yours. It's just one of the tradeoffs, I guess. In general though, I think shmuppers have a definite respect for those that paved the path and figured most of it out on their own.

That said, I don't think anyone will be surpassing your score (much less the clear) anytime soon.
Ch'timi seems fairly close, but I know he's worked hard on the game too.

I see what you mean about level 4- it seems to play out differently every time for me, and difficult to get consistent.
The intro section (when you're still in space) actually seems pretty straightforward. Usually where I have trouble is keeping the chain throughout the middle of the level without bombing like crazy.
"Bah, give me the good ol' days when there were only 1D games. We didn't need length AND height." -JairX

Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:50 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

Post subject: It's a freakin' essay...

Stage 4:
-I use rapid fire for nearly this entire level

Start the stage using rapid fire, there will be a series of enemies, center, then from the left and finally from the right. 3 IC. There will be a row of ships that shoot blue bubbles, then swooping patterns from upper right and left, lastly 6 larger ships that will shoot a double row + aimed shot if you let them live. 3 more IC. There is a large ship at the top of the screen, I charge roll release it close to the right side of it. Just as the ship fires, dodge back then to the left, you should see a nice opening near the corner (hold rapid fire the whole time). 6 large ships appear from left and right, kill 2 from top row, all from bottom then final top one. 3 IC. Now a series of formations with a column of 3 larger ships appearing in the center, then repeated to left and right. After the 3rd series a large blue ship from right, kill with roll, some ships in top right corner, and another blue one from left. 3 IC. Now group patterns from top that come out firing, # depends on your speed. Use a horizontal figure 8 pattern for dodging and collecting DM.


Kill dual patterns of 4 ships from sides off-screen right, kill bubble shooter, kill the 4 ship patterns on left. Just go back and forth in here killing bubble shooters. At end of corridor there is a ship on a red platform, make sure to kill any side patterns before you go after it, point blank with rapid or use roll. 2 large floor panels with tracking shots. Use rapid and go in the center below them, they will die, dodge back and left or right. Exploding enemies, stay relatively still as the shot isn’t aimed. Kill the tank to the right of the next red panel ship. Kill the ship. Deal with next floor panels the same way. Huge carriers now come from the top, kill the middle one with roll dodge left, roll the side one, dodge right and up while killing remaining enemies/charging roll, kill center carrier, then dodge right, roll the 2nd one. Kill the 3 IC fast, then get to bottom left corner with roll charged (the edge of roll must be above the bottom of the screen) move right when pattern ends. When the left side shoots at you, dodge behind them, release roll then grab DM and kill any on right. Now there is a pattern of fast green bullets, stay still during the shots, using rapid, then collect DM, making sure not to kill at the enemies. Preferably have this first pattern occur near the beginning of the turret section. Be at the right and tap dodge left. Then for the 2nd wave, be at the left and tap dodge right to avoid turret fire. This should clear most turrets (requires some practice, use a bomb if necessary). On the exploding enemies, be at the bottom of the screen and dodge slowly to one side, all the explosions should miss you. 3 IC. Here, if you want to play it safe and some ground turrets are still present, use a roll shot on the left and right IC killing the turrets too, then kill the middle one. After the IC, go right, point blank the flying turret, grab DM, dodge down then left under the from behind enemies. Repeat for opposing pattern. 3 central flying turrets will appear with exploding enemies then 3 IC (you may not want to kill these as it triggers more exploding enemies and if you’re worried you can just wait and they won’t come). Then 5 more IC.


2 well charged roll shots to left panels, 1 to right. Use rapid on the left panel. It should die quickly during the blue radial shot pattern. Grab DM while charging roll, release roll at right panels and then rapid the front right one. It will die during or shortly after the blue shots (don’t dodge into a corner during that pattern). Grab DM, roll top left panel, grab DM, roll top right. Now it should start a green circle based pattern, rotating clockwise with pink aimed shots. If you want DM you need to kill the yellow flashing core without doing much damage to the real green core, so watch were you release your roll. Dodge along the bottom of the screen going through the green shots at the left. There is an aimed pink rapid shot at the end so have dodging room. If you haven’t killed it the pattern repeats, only counter-clockwise for the green shots. For the last patterns you get lines and balls that are easy to dodge, until it gets low on life. Desperation attack: Use roll, be offset left, and tap dodge quickly, trying to be below the boss to avoid angles shots. You can also go to the left corner and dodge up and down along with some side to side to avoid shots. Use a bomb if you’re not absolutely confident in your dodging. This pattern is extremely difficult to live through.

Typical: 1.8 mil Best: 2.07 mil.

You asked for it, so here you go.
I knew the risk when I decided to try make this, so I guess it's ok. I downed dragon blaze, I'll try get RF Jet out of the way this week, then I can really concentrate on Dangun (hopefully I can get a new HS soon).
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total

Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:53 pm


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

Post subject: It is done

Stage 5 (aka death becomes you)

First a word of warning: The harder you go at this level, the harder it will come at you, far more so than any of the other levels (it’s the last, be thankful). The strat I’m covering is for the best chance of survival, with a decent score. Much higher are possible, however the last third of the level becomes extremely difficult.

Hold rapid. Kill IC fast, move halfway up screen offset left, kill ships from top right, kill bat enemies, kill ships from top right corner, kill bat enemies (you must not let a single one escape, this first part must be done FAST). Kill IC, go to the bottom of the screen offset left, tap dodge right letting your sideguns kill the enemies from the left. Stay central, tons of enemies from the top, after a large horde that can cause slowdown, ships from both sides appear. Dodge to a side, about ¼ up screen then under their fire going to the opposite side (*** You want this pattern to occur prior to the turrets, that is why you must be fast early, if you aren’t a bomb may be needed). 4 IC, kill turrets with them, bats from top right & left. Watch for respawning tanks and turrets at the sides in this section. Roll large carrier at top left, rapid one on right. Bats from bottom left and right, carriers in opposite order (a bomb may be needed here). The section ends with a central large ship then enemies from both sides. 4IC, for safety, delay killing the one on the right until it is near the bottom of the screen.

Bats from the top, be at the bottom, dodge in-between their fire. Medium spheres, roll 2, then get to the right side of the screen to kill the small ships off-screen, roll or rapid the last 2. Bats from bottom left and right. Sphere’s from left, do the same. Bats at the top, then 4IC, delay killing one. Lager ship swoops in at top right, be 2/3 up screen and to right, use rapid and it should die, then tap down while still firing and you should kill all other ships with sideguns. 2 laser fire ships, be at the bottom, dodge to right with the fire, go left killing all ships. Swoop from opposite side, another set of laser fire ships. A set of small aimed dot ships, kill all of them as they will keep firing as they leave the screen often trapping you. Pallet swap FWMS, roll left, charge longer and release inbetween middle and right one to kill them all, roll the left and right one that show up later (be wary of the slow blue bubbles mixed with aimed laser shots). 4 IC including a bomb delay killing them a bit. Sets of 3, 3 and 2 larger green ships mixed with small ones. Be near the top left, kill 1st green ship before it fires, and dodge to bottom right, kill rest. Do a swoop to collect DM, pattern repeats starting at right,. Last one has one on left and right with ships in the middle. Be careful not to get trapped in a corner. As soon as they are dead charge roll and fire at white carrier on left then kill 8 IC. Aimed dot enemies, roll carrier on right then 8 IC. More aimed dot ships, then 4 IC. Kill the one on the left last, get against left side of the screen rapiding, kill 3 large green enemies as they appear, then 8 bats. Pink swarm of ships, stay central at bottom of the screen, if slow they start firing white lasers. 3 large green ships from right, use same tactic, another pink swarm. You should now be at the gauntlet of tanks. Just roll them one at a time.

After gauntlet, a screen full of IC, kill them with 2 roll shots, 1 bomb is included, if you have full stock, let it bounce. Another swarm, white carriers appear left, right, left, roll them as they appear. Rapid them up close, from directly below and dodge small and quickly away from their central shots. Be careful of turret fire. Another swarm, white carriers R, L, R. Pink Swarm. Now 4 IC, one releases a bomb. If you are near the end delay killing one. If you want more points kill them and 3 spheres will be triggered and more patterns depending on your speed.

* The screen full of IC can be before or after the gauntlet depending on how much patterns were delayed by slow killing ICs.


Use full roll charges, alternate between hitting left and right side dots. When side opens and shots pink shots, roll it twice to kill both dots on the extension. Kill all the dots on one side, charge a second roll while grabbing DM, kill all on other side. They will be firing explosive green shots, use rapid to explode the bubble quickly and make them easier to dodge.
2 large turrets come out after the dots. Kill left one, and then just as right starts to spin kill it then hit the core. Repeat; dodge the spin fire by circling between fast green and slow blue shots at bottom of screen, offset right. After some damage it will shoot blue aimed shots, then settle, do a R, L, R dodge of swooping pattern of blue arrows then another set of blue aimed, then L, R, L, R dodge. roll it when still still.
Med sphere’s emerge, be at left, kill the first one, wait for some of the aimed fire, dodge through the gaps to the right, kill a couple, dodge to left. (This is kind of a wait it out pattern, stay low on the screen and kill the spheres, draw aimed fire then dodge under it through mini-shpere fire).
After taking enough damage, it starts spazing out, shooting thick fast aimed shots mixed with circular line based spreads. I recommend bombing it twice. If you want to try dodge, see when a radial shot is released, dodge to that side, dodge through the next then back to the other side after the next radial shot, all the time avoiding the aimed shots. Or, you can go near the bottom right, use a circular dodge, going between the seperation in radial shots and avoiding the aimed shots. This is slower as you can't roll it very often, but relatively safe.

Best: 2.4 mil

If you life past the boss, you are presented with the true boss, which you are invincible against. So if you reach it laugh and be glad you can’t be hit.
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total

Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:49 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

Post subject: Dangun SLC strat

Bomb distribution for a no miss clear (could be modified for SCC)

Stage 1: none

Stage 2: Green spatter final attack

Stage 3: Let the bomb bounce that is before the boss, use 1 bomb to weaken a dot
Use 1 bomb on the boss’s final attack

Stage 4: Large white carriers after 2nd set of floor panels
Boss’s final attack

Stage 5: 2nd set of large ships near beginning
One on each set of large white carriers near end of level
One on 3rd (mini sphere) boss attack
2 on the final attack

I really don’t know if anyone else is crazy enough to try this, but just in case…
Want not, waste not, front not.

If anything, it's the opposite of insanity. It's like being too sane. You become hyper vigilant of your existence and things around you.

Last edited by Venom on Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total

Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:46 am


Joined: 09 Aug 2003

Posts: 348

Post subject:

I believe you can avoid all of the second boss' attacks without the need for a bomb. the green splatter attack (the one the boss does when it's secondary weapons are destroyed) is aimed, so all you need to do is tap-dodge to avoid it. a good marker for when the boss is about to fire is the scratchy sound effect that accompanies the attack - if you keep your ears out for it, you can anticipate it firing, which is handy for when it fires them in a fast moving volley.
_________________ - replays etc.
Guides: Shikigami / Garegga
Scoreboards: Shikigami 1

Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:56 am


Joined: 12 Nov 2002

Posts: 797

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I guess I should have explained something about that plan. You can only hold 4 bombs at a time and because it is based only on lifing the game, the +5 bonus from collecting a bomb with full stock is ignored.

So, in most cases, dodging would be fine, but becasue I have a bomb to drop or just want to speed things up or have some extra safety I will drop one. An attack I would like some insight for is the 4th bosses's final attack.
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Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:17 pm


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okay, as you requested in #shmups, I've been looking into the stage 4 boss' attack patterns, and have made a tiny bit of headway. there is a hidden pattern to the green arrow spread that is very hard to pick up, but it involves small tapping cut-across movements from one side of the screen to another.

the attack itself is only partially aimed at your ship, so you can possibly get away with sitting in the same spot for a few volleys before you're forced to move out of the way. also, the spread's "line of fire" is dictated by it's position on screen compared to yours. in practice, I've found that slight movements around the bottom middle of the screen to keep as far away from the boss as possible is the most effective method to dodge the attack. I've managed to take the boss down to one hit left, before a fast moving volley caught me off guard

the only way you can beat this boss during this attack is to damage it as much as you can, as quickly as you can (which is easier said than done, I know, since the boss moves very quickly from one side of the screen to another). Lock-On players will have no trouble here, and can concentrate on dodging the hellish attack, Bomb players can send a volley up screen and dodge, or during the recoil before the pattern starts, pointblank Bomb attack the boss, Roll players will have to concentrate all their damage when the boss recoils from your attacks (before the actual pattern begins). a smartbomb may still be required to pass the boss safely.

a few more thoughts:

Speed 3 players can probably dodge this attack a lot more consistently than I could, as I'm a Speed 4 player. the smaller tapping movement distance with Speed 3 could make all the difference between life and death with this desperation attack.

if possible, explore the possibility of a safespot against this attack. in one attempt, I was able to sit right up against the side of the screen, halfway up, and use Type C's shot to damage the boss for a good few seconds before the speeding up attack took me out.

and another thing, since the boss moves so erratically, it could be possible to make it sit outside the screen, in much the same way you can exploit the bug against the stage 4 boss in DDP, where triggering a certain sequence of events forces the boss to sit outside the screen, making you technically invunerable to its "attacks".

I'll check back with more when I get it.

EDIT: I was also practicing in MAME, and since MAME has a faster framerate than the actual PCB it might be even easier to dodge the final attack with the slower speed.
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Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:59 pm


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I updated a few things in the ST and changed some dodge strats completely.

If going for the SCC or SLC, I have to recommend using B-Bomb rather than roll. The final level is easier to deal with using bomb, as the chain reaction will take care of many of the 'from the side patterns' also the turrets along with swarms after the turret gauntlet.
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Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:32 am
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Post by GaijinPunch »

I was reading something somewhere that there's a part in the game where if some Cyborg escapes, your score (both players in 2P mode) goes to zero. Any clue what this is referring to?
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Post by Venom »

I have heard about a glitch in 2p, I've never triggered it (then again I've played very little 2p in this). I'm guessing it's just a random error, I've had the 3rd boss drift completely off the screen and the final boss never open its core during plays. Weird things can happen...
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Post by GaijinPunch »

Well, this was something that a developer said, which is why I'm very curious.
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Post by japtor »

GaijinPunch wrote:I was reading something somewhere that there's a part in the game where if some Cyborg escapes, your score (both players in 2P mode) goes to zero. Any clue what this is referring to?
cyborg = disco man i think, in which case its just referring to the scoring system. same as in 1 player, if you let any go off the top (after bouncing off the bottom), your points per enemy will reset to 0. in 2p i believe each player has their own tally (otherwise combined), but same thing once either of you miss a disco guy, it resets the point/ship counter for both of you to 0, like it would in 1p.
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Post by GaijinPunch »

You rock! That helps a lot, but bring on another question. There's another portion when asked, "is there a particular part of the game you made to challenge top players?" he answered, "try to beat 'Cyborg Heishi's' personal record". Cyborg Heishi [soldier] is how he refers to the discoman in the previous portion.

One last, weird, question. Can someone let me know about the soft-reset function?
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Post by japtor »

GaijinPunch wrote:You rock! That helps a lot, but bring on another question. There's another portion when asked, "is there a particular part of the game you made to challenge top players?" he answered, "try to beat 'Cyborg Heishi's' personal record". Cyborg Heishi [soldier] is how he refers to the discoman in the previous portion.

One last, weird, question. Can someone let me know about the soft-reset function?
i have no clue about 'cyborg heishi's' personal record, never heard of it. maybe just referring to time attack as a 'particular part of the game'? really have no clue at all there.

and dont know about soft reset either, but ive discovered hitting the coin switch a bunch quickly seems to reset my pcbs. or somethings messed up with my wiring, who knows. i just wired the coin switch to a button that sits in the coin return slot, my nephew screws around with that button a lot and its caused some random resets.
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Post by WarpZone »

I have a question:
I'm wondering how you trigger the medium-size disco ball enemy in Stage 5 that shoots out a VERY fast stream from the top of the screen that follows you around the screen? (I'm not talking about the normal sets of three, though I believe the 'special' one appeared right around or before them.)

They were discussed briefly in the old forum's high score thread, but it wasn't made clear how they appear. I can't seem to trigger it based on speed so maybe it is some other criteria...
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Post by Venom »

WarpZone: The only way I've been able to trigger them is by not shooting. I think they are some safeguard against being too slow. I forget exactly what you have to leave alive to trigger them unfortunately.
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by lgb »

Occasionally play the 2P side.
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by bkk »

lgb wrote:Occasionally play the 2P side.
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by tinotormed »

I am having problem getting to time attack because when I hold a+b and then pressing start, I still couldn't get to it. How?
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by captpain »

tinotormed wrote:I am having problem getting to time attack because when I hold a+b and then pressing start, I still couldn't get to it. How?
Insert credit, hold A+B, press Start -- not working?
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by Despatche »

bkk wrote:
lgb wrote:Occasionally play the 2P side.
Different colors are different shudders.
tinotormed wrote:I am having problem getting to time attack because when I hold a+b and then pressing start, I still couldn't get to it. How?
Your keyboard is probably having problems with multiple key presses. Use a version of MAME that supports "custom keys", and map a key that would press button A and B at once. Alternatively, you could just do the same with regular MAME key binding.
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by captpain »

Conveniently, the new 3.0 release of ShmupMAME plays Dangun laglessly and includes a 'custom buttons' feature.
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Re: ST: Dangun Feveron - created by Venom

Post by borislaw »

I know in Dodonpachi mechanics for chaining and scoring are slightly different owing to which side is being played. Is there anything like this in Dangun Feveron?
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