Somebody with Japanese skills please help me!

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Somebody with Japanese skills please help me!

Post by Rastan78 »

Sorry if this should be in the strategy section, but I thought it would get noticed more easily here.

Basically, I've been busting my hump lately trying to master Battle Bakraid (and it's a really tough game to score high multipliers on believe me). My problem is that about half way through one stage there is an enemy that when destroyed sometimes maintains your multiplier and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, you can lose a chance at several million points all at once and ruin a perfectly good run.

By looking at a Japanese capture guide with an auto translator I was able to find a section pertaining to this problem but it's still unclear to me what the explanation is.

Here's the text:


And here's what I got from an auto translator:

When it revives, way it is piled up to the left half of the green medium-sized machine, the bomb. The aura is repeated to the center simultaneously, destruction
* When (why magnification ratio does not spend, it is, but in that case this way continuation
* Unless (somehow the part it remains, useless it seems

The basic technique seems to be to bomb the left side and then attack the center with the aura which seems to be still hit or miss for me, but if anyone could clarify what they're saying about it that would be GREATLY appreciated. :)
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Post by GaijinPunch »

Something like that. I've never played the game, which doesn't make it any easier to trasnlate.

When "it" revives could actually be you, or the thing you're trying to bomb. I would actually say "at the same time, destroy the aura.

The parts in the parenthesis:
-There are times when [score] multiplier isn't applied, but if it is, continue [doing what you're doing]
-Won't work if there are no parts remaining. (Not sure what parts those are... maybe the enemy ships).

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Post by Rastan78 »

GaijinPunch wrote: -Won't work if there are no parts remaining.
That may actually be helpful. It must have something to do with whether or not you destroy all of the smaller parts of the ship before the main body is destroyed. I'm going to experiment with leaving one wing and gun intact. Thanks GP.
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