the first person shooter game thread (eew fps)

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Post by worstplayer »

Right now i play Soldier of Fortune 3. It's not as bad as reviewers want you to think.
Sure, it's dumb and pointless, but it's also a lot of fun.
And it's nice to see developers finally abandoning healthbar. Yes, selfrepair isn't realistic, but increasing health by PICKING UP a medkit isn't any better.
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Post by Twiddle »

I liked how Perfect Dark Zero handled it. You still had recharging, but it's a two-tier health system. There are attacks that did "permanent damage" and "temporary damage." Melee does a lot of temporary damage, while firearms did more permanent damage but less temporary damage. The only health pickup to speak of was body armor.
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Post by shoe-sama »

shield damage onoz
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Post by Spazicon »

Call of Duty 4 is the last FPS I played. Currently to busy playing Devil May Cry 4 to give it anymore time, though.
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Good solo FPS for me :

Doom 3, Half Life 2 (those 2 were the best) ; Painkiller, F.E.A.R, Prey.

For multiplayer :

if you like skilled games the best is definitely Quake 3 or 4 (in 1vs1), if you just play for some easy fun CS might be the way to go. UT is in between and quite great imo, UT3 online should be a lot of fun.
twiddle wrote:2) my dexterity has been suffering a bit so i have to make that part relax
what do you mean ? Dexterity is a big part of FPSs.
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Post by worstplayer »

Timeshift kicks ass. That's all.
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Post by Never_Scurred »

PROMETHEUS wrote:Good solo FPS for me :

Doom 3, Half Life 2 (those 2 were the best) ; Painkiller, F.E.A.R, Prey.
Doom 3 was good until you had to go back to hell A SECOND TIME. Afterwards, I pretty much godmoded that bitch till I got bored. I haven't even finished it. That and Halo 2 were the games that reinforced what I hated about gaming all along ever since the days of SNES and the main reason why I refuse to play rpgs and pseudo rpgs like GTA. I'd rather spend a week trying to whoop a game that can be otherwise finished in a coupla hours on easy vs. grinding through a boring, convoluted, pretentious ass story to get to the gameplay. The only FPS's I can wholeheartedly cosign are the Unreal games, Serious Sam, and Portal. I especially loved Portal cause it was a puzzle game and I love puzzles and its storyline actually serviced the gameplay-not the other way around. Everything else FPS wise is shit, even if I haven't played it yet and it has an "awesome story" and "nonlinear gameplay". I've been hearing some good things about CoD4. Would it be a good fit for me considering my tastes?
"It's a joke how the Xbox platform has caught shit for years for only having shooters, but now it's taken on an entirely different meaning."-somebody on NeoGAF
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Post by Neon »

Half Life 1+2 are two of the most boring games ever made, but I like their mods and have been playing Team Fortress 2 and DOD:S a lot lately.

Everyone should get DOD Source, it's down to five bucks and is awesome despite being WW2 themed
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Post by KBZ »

I've been playing DOD for 5 years now, on my 2nd year of DOD:S.

At first I didn't quite like what they did to DOD, but after seeing the transition fromTFC to TF2, I'm pretty happy that they kept to the hardcore gameplay instead of catering to noobs and console gamers.

Those are probably the biggest games I play. My real bread and butter is just about any Quake 1 based game. You guys should check out Nexuiz and Warsow. Totally free open source games. Beware though, competition is fierce.
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Post by Udderdude »

Doom 1/2. Forever. :O
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Post by Ruldra »

Battlefield 2142 veteran here. Currently not playing, but I've spent many hours on this awesome game. Good times.

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mastermx wrote:
xorthen wrote:You guys are some hardcore MOFOs and masochists.
This is the biggest compliment you can give to people on this forum.
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Post by Neon »

Kingbuzzo wrote:I've been playing DOD for 5 years now, on my 2nd year of DOD:S.

At first I didn't quite like what they did to DOD, but after seeing the transition fromTFC to TF2, I'm pretty happy that they kept to the hardcore gameplay instead of catering to noobs and console gamers.
We have the same brain but different bodies, King.

My body is the sexier of the two but you're still a cool guy. Whats your screenname? I've been going by SmellyFarrelly lately, used to be Gleek. Been playing about the same length of time, we've probably played together before even
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Re: the first person shooter game thread (eew fps)

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Twiddle wrote:1) team fortress 2 - the gameshow cum cartoon theme of the game really makes it stand out, while the mechanics won't win faux-complexity epeen awards it promotes teamplay excessively to the point where how well you work as a team is the only thing that matters
I play dis gaem a lot, I should add you to Steem frends or something. EdOscuro, Go Go Go!

p.s. I'm not a complete retard, which helps in this game. I like medic and pyro the bests but I play most classes competently. I play that Orange map too much though (the one with a single tower in the middle).

TF2 is hilarious, which I like. I think the Pyro is the only class that deserves a lethal taunt, though (especially after the heart-wrenching sadness of Ignis Solus). Heavy seems to be the only class that'll comment on the status of the cart in pl_goldrush (LITTLE MEN HAVE STOLEN OUR CART) which is strange given that you really want to be a scout on it, o well.

Surf maps are horrible (at least the ones I've played); people should be shot for making them.
2) fortress forever - the playerbase for this mod is an intolerable circlejerk that denigrates anything related to teamplay, which is (disregarding potential lawsuits) the reason why "team" was dropped out of its name
I installed this and ran around the maps. Then uninstalled.

I do have Team Fortress Classic installed on my PC as well, and the maps I remembered being cool to just run around aren't included. Avanti is a pile of shit visually (almost sub-Counter-Strike non-Source Inferno, oh the joys of early HL modding).

TFC's balance issues are really glaring now. Didn't stop me from having fun with spy back in the day, but whenever I get into a sniper battle in TF2 I am reminded just a little of how hateful sniper battles were (and I'm not even talking about the release-to-shoot mechanism).
what other first person shooter game have you been playing and why
Can't think of many. I recent memory I played some of DOOM 64 via Project 64, and I just finished (mostly) Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, which isn't an FPS and doesn't really deserve being mentioned (but I'll give it a post somewhere else anyway). I'm looking forward to seeing how Battlefield: Heroes will turn out, as I've said before.

Just a few minutes ago I was describing Jurassic Park: Trespasser to an old buddy:
Ed Oscuro: this reminds me that I kinda want to try out Alone in the Dark
Ed Oscuro: I dunno if it's moddable or not, sounds like it'd be a good target for it though
Archeoptrix: It sounds like great fun except it sounds like they screwed up mission design
Ed Oscuro: fish sticks + box of bullets + can of soda = explosive, horrifyingly traumatic and humiliating deaths
Ed Oscuro: it sounds like they wanted to make "mcguyver: the game" but only came up slightly ahead of JP Trespasser
Ed Oscuro: it looks much nicer though
Archeoptrix: heh
Archeoptrix: The horror of being stuck in a giant park and actually having to walk
Ed Oscuro: without arms
Ed Oscuro: but you had boobs
Ed Oscuro: did you play Trespasser?
Archeoptrix: and you are a jogger and someone might mug you
Ed Oscuro: olol
Archeoptrix: Naw, tresspasser?
Ed Oscuro: jurassic park: trespasser
Ed Oscuro: look it up on youtube for the lolz
Ed Oscuro: I have it installed on my PC right now, haven't tried it out for a while though
Ed Oscuro: need to get some user mods to get it to look at all proper
Ed Oscuro: it's just so strange on so many levels
Ed Oscuro: checking health by looking at a heart tattoo on your boob
Ed Oscuro: aiming by waving around your whole arm
Ed Oscuro: (and no inventory so you get to do that when carrying keycards too)
Archeoptrix: Does your character have asthma?
Ed Oscuro: Something worse, I guess.
Ed Oscuro: there were lots of fun physics puzzles like
Ed Oscuro: er
Ed Oscuro: monorail sections that were like giant seesaws
Ed Oscuro: also, velociraptors everywhere trying to rape you
Ed Oscuro: oh jesus the bomb cart almost pushed me into the final terminus
Ed Oscuro: KABOOM
Ed Oscuro: but anyway, trespasser is hilarious
Archeoptrix: Why would you tresspass on a place full of dinosaurs?
Ed Oscuro: I don't know, there's some explanation though
Archeoptrix: Unless you are Turok and need more ankylosaur scalps to give to your indian chief
Ed Oscuro: also something that isn't explained but is hilarious is that they have the old guy from Jurassic Park talking about his vision for the park and stuff
Ed Oscuro: and somehow your character is having this go through her mind so she makes dumb comments about it
Ed Oscuro: meanwhile velociraptors are chasing you
Archeoptrix: lol
Ed Oscuro: when you kill a velociraptor (wich a gun that can't be reloaded), it sinks into the ground and its legs spin around
Ed Oscuro: great game
Ed Oscuro: since the game was from 1997 or so the graphics turn into sprites at a distance, but a user mod corrects that
Archeoptrix: Sounds like a Postal 2 mod
Ed Oscuro: so you can have these pretty huge areas of detail all over the place
Ed Oscuro: if it wasn't so hilariously broken, it'd be a cool game
Ed Oscuro: I say, look it up on youtube and be amazed
Ed Oscuro: while you're at it, did you see Ignis Solus/
Ed Oscuro: aka a pyro's day
Man that was a great chat.
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Post by Pixel_Outlaw »

Poor Goldeneye 64. Fond memories.
Some of the best shmups don't actually end in a vowel.
No, this game is not Space Invaders.
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Post by Ed Oscuro »

worstplayer wrote:Timeshift kicks ass. That's all.
how Iz multiplayer? I heard the game got repetitive but that the crossbow was "the tits" the whole time through.
Ruldra wrote:Battlefield 2142 veteran here. Currently not playing, but I've spent many hours on this awesome game. Good times.
Me too, but I think it's inferior to Battlefield 2 due to balance issues (remember the hilarious correction for the shotgun upgrade? I got the shotgun just before they upgraded the fire rate), which generally has been the bane of the series.

Ugh, achievement servers and lots of newbs. Team Fortress 2 really excels and bringing out the multiplayer whereas BF2/2142 make it optional to a great extent. Both types of game are interesting but having optional teamplay and 24/7 Karkand servers with Friendly Fire off makes the Battlefield series as realistic a depiction of modern warfare as Quake.

As mentioned before, I have some hopes for Battlefield: Heroes. The designers seem somewhat articulate (Ben Cousins?) about the allure of perceived chaos in warfare games and it seems like they have a decent shot of pulling it off to an extent.

Still, TF2 did it without any speeches of that sort.

The main thing I want outta Heroes is not so much a TF replacement as being freed from TF2's claustrophobic environments (of course, the epic swims of the BF series are hated and not forgotten).
Pixel_Outlaw wrote:Poor Goldeneye 64. Fond memories.
Ohcrap, I played this against my cousin when I first met him recently.

He did decently but didn't win a single game.

Of course, I unlocked Invisibility twice and he hasn't found time to finish the whole game yet, so my half decade of playing the game on and off puts me at an advantage.

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Post by Diabollokus »

You should all get online to Halo 3, Hell I'll even rank you up
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Post by Erinu »

Do people play CounterStrike 1.5 still? That game ruled. :D

Then they made 1.6....
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Post by DBH87 »

Just finished Battlefield Bad Company. Great single player not played online as I dont have Xbox Live. Oddworld Strangers Wrath has got to be one of the best FPS made.

Other good FPS I like are:

The Darkness
Orange Box
Painkiller hell wars
Timesplitters Future Perfect
Quake 2 was a good un
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Post by worstplayer »

Ed Oscuro wrote:
worstplayer wrote:Timeshift kicks ass. That's all.
how Iz multiplayer? I heard the game got repetitive but that the crossbow was "the tits" the whole time through.
Singleplayer isn't repetitive at all. There are new weapons and challenges in pretty much every level.
Crossbow sucks, it's hard to hit anything with it.

Multiplayer is ummm...mediocre. You can't use any special powers and grenades are almost useless. At least there are lots of maps and game modes (you can even make your own MP rules).
Oh, and you have to be lucky to even play it. At the time i'm writing this, there are only 2 active servers. First is private and second is empty...
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Post by kengou »

Currently I play TF2, DOD:S, and HL2:DM. Rarely CS:S too but I've barely touched it since TF2 came out.

Also Half-Life 2 is the greatest game/series ever created. That is all.
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Post by Super X Gamma »

The mother in law was watching me play TF2 and made the comment about it looking like the Incredibles, just before I blew someone to bits with a soldier's crit rocket - Hilarity ensued. I will take on all non-glitch chalengers on 360 just send me a message.

My acheivement whoreness comes out on The Orange Box, all I need to do is beat 9 more golds on Portal ans I will have everything. I am not looking forward to the timed variations, ughhhh.

I really did enjoy COD2, plus the acheivements were not for the weak of heart. I enjoyed that 11 of 13 can only be received by playing on the hardest difficulty.

I need to pick up Doom again as I am not in the top 30 anymore, and I was ranked 22... Just not looking forward to it as I played it to death. Nightmare is bullshit.
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Post by subcons »

Super X Gamma wrote:My acheivement whoreness comes out on The Orange Box, all I need to do is beat 9 more golds on Portal ans I will have everything. I am not looking forward to the timed variations, ughhhh.
Are you playing on a console, or a PC? I'd thought some of the portal achievements to be near impossible with a controller, especially the step challenges.

CoD4 pretty much owns my 360 any more. I picked up Gears again (not FPS, I know... same mentality though) in anticipation for Gears 2 dropping this November. Still fun, if not a bit lame that every ranked match you join has completely lopsided teams and people just drop after a couple rounds.
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Post by Ed Oscuro »

Erinu wrote:Do people play CounterStrike 1.5 still? That game ruled. :D

Then they made 1.6....
I know... :(

Also, I'm silly. After I turned off the PC last night I immediately remembered some other FPSes I'd played recently:

- Rainbow Six 3: Athena's Wrath.
Embarrassingly bad. The first couple maps were alright, I thought, but it goes downhill from there. Worse than the free expansion Iron Wrath by a long shot. They reuse a couple of levels twice (an open-air factory thing, and also a pretty lousy hotel map). The last mission is terrible too. I haven't played it multiplayer, though; this version includes the apparently cool idea of "capture the enemy" which could be entertaining.

- Max Payne/MP2, not technically FPSes but I beat both within a week recently. So much awesome, and only a decade after I found out about them!

- Portal
I got most of the way through it, just need two more achievements, but I'm putting it off for a while. Did all the advanced maps with ease. It seems to me that Aperture Science Unstationary Platform + Commentary balloon + hall of mirrors = graphical glitch!

- Half-Life 2 Ep Two
Got all the achievements. Thank god for the console, env_setname gnome is teh winner. I really hate that Magnusson device; much better just to go flying around with a grenade launcher loaded up with 500 grenades.
DBH87 wrote:Just finished Battlefield Bad Company. Great single player not played online as I dont have Xbox Live. Oddworld Strangers Wrath has got to be one of the best FPS made.
Bad Company makes me worried that EA's abandoned the PC for rolling out major BF releases. Oddworld:SW left me feeling empty. Pretty easy game as well, although still highly underrated. The loading system alone made it worth buying; death to load screens!
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Re: the first person shooter game thread (eew fps)

Post by Twiddle »

Ed Oscuro wrote:
Twiddle wrote:1) team fortress 2 - the gameshow cum cartoon theme of the game really makes it stand out, while the mechanics won't win faux-complexity epeen awards it promotes teamplay excessively to the point where how well you work as a team is the only thing that matters
I play dis gaem a lot, I should add you to Steem frends or something. EdOscuro, Go Go Go!

p.s. I'm not a complete retard, which helps in this game. I like medic and pyro the bests but I play most classes competently. I play that Orange map too much though (the one with a single tower in the middle).

TF2 is hilarious, which I like. I think the Pyro is the only class that deserves a lethal taunt, though (especially after the heart-wrenching sadness of Ignis Solus). Heavy seems to be the only class that'll comment on the status of the cart in pl_goldrush (LITTLE MEN HAVE STOLEN OUR CART) which is strange given that you really want to be a scout on it, o well.

Surf maps are horrible (at least the ones I've played); people should be shot for making them.
need steam account name, please pm that
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Post by Gungriffon Geona »

ArrogantBastard wrote:<3 tf2
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Post by Super X Gamma »

Subcons: I am playing on 360 which makes it extremely difficult for the steps. I use a lot of savestates to get my way through, call it cheating, but I dont care, since i don't get digital control for movement. I have all of the least portals and 3 least steps. In the last 15 minutes I got the gold time on test chamber 14. Hooray only 8 more, since I refuse to not get all 3 "Science" achievements at once.

Don't forget that jumping moves you forward faster than just walking.
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Post by Ed Oscuro »

Gungriffon Geona wrote:
ArrogantBastard wrote:<3 tf2 ... wl0001.jpg
what the ninja jesus

p.s. I'm EdOscuro on Steam (link), for anybody who wants to look me up.

We should put together a SHMUPS Steam community, rly
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Post by orange »

quakeworld is the DOJ of FPSes
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Post by Damocles »

After playing split-screen with a friend, I'm now back into COD4. However, it's hardcore mode only. I'm still rocking the M14 on most every map, so things havn't changed much.

If anyone, friend or not, wants to hook up for some COD4, send me an invite. Part of the reason I stopped is because it's no fun killing people you don't know.

My friend and I also screwed around in the Halo 3 map "Cold Storage". Damn...I remember rocket matches being extremely great there. ...not so much now with the nerfed launchers.
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Post by TLDragoon »

I haven't played any FPS recently except Resistance (which it's been a couple of weeks since I've played that). However, I have been thinking about loading up Deus Ex and giving it another go. It's been a long time since my last play-through.
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