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Post by EOJ »

edo wrote:Just to clear things up a little, whenever you perform a combo, your new multiplier is evaluated as follows: 1/2 previous multiplier (round fractions down) + number of enemies killed with combo.

So for example, you start a stage and slash a group of 12 for a x12 multiplier. A few seconds later after your sword guage has filled, you slash another smaller group of 10. Your new multiplier will most likely be x15 (your previous multiplier would have dropped to x11, halved and rounded = x5, + the x10 for the group you just killed). So it's actually possible to slash a smaller group yet still increase your multiplier.

I hope that's clear enough for you all.
Why would a multiplier of 12 drop to 11 right before the next wave? Your equation for a new multiplier is 1/2 the previous multiplier + # of enemies killed. Are you saying the multiplier also decreases with time? Where did you get this equation by the way?
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Post by BulletMagnet »

twe wrote:Are you saying the multiplier also decreases with time?
Er, it does, last I checked. Wasn't that mentioned a ways up on the thread?

As for the exact equation at work here, I'll hafta test it out...
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Post by edo »

The multiplier decreases by 1 every 5 seconds. 5 seconds is also the length of time it takes for your sword gauge to refill for the next slash.

The equation is just something I worked out myself, I'm fairly confident that it's correct, but if you want to verify it for yourselves, I guess the easiest way would be as follows: get a big multiplier going (e.g. x40 or so) and then shoot the screen clear of all enemies except a few that you can easily count. Then do a combo and see how the multiplier is affected.

While I'm about it, here's something else you might not know:
For those of you wondering how the stage clear bonus is calculated, it is evaluated as the sum of:
1) destruction: number of enemies killed x destruction rate x 100000
2) combos: number of combos performed x 20000
3) multiplier: highest multiplier achieved x 10000
4) lives: number of lives remaining x 50000
5) options: number of options you have currently x 30000
To clarify, if you shot down, say, 92% of enemies, your destruction rate would be 0.92

If you need to know anything else about the scoring, just ask and I'll try to help out.
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Post by Acid King »

Kiken wrote:Interesting theory, ZweiHander. I'm going to have to pay closer attention to that.

One thing that I accidentaly stumbled across is the ability to skip a barrier slash during the Mad-Dash. If you rapidly tap the fire button when Homura is mid-Mad-Dash he will actually skip the next barrier which will result in a lower multiplier. The trade off is that you can complete the mad-dash faster (the max number of barriers created during the Mad-Dash is 7 [the original translation for the attack being "Seven Barrier Slash"], but if there are fewer enemies than 7, Homura will be able to complete the dash in less time than normal).
I don't think that's true. I was fiddling around with tapping the slash button yesterday during slashing combos and was coming out with the same number as I normally do. Doing this brings you out of the slash combo faster and gives you a chance to kill more enemies and recharge you slash quicker.
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Post by kengou »

I just picked this up, it's lots of fun and I'm loving the scoring mechanics so far. My highest scores so far are a little over 400 million, somewhere in stage 3. I have a few questions though.

What exactly is the impact of bullet reflecting on your score, and what effect does your dash multiplier have on that bullet reflection (I often notice little x3 or whatever on the bullets when I'm reflecting them, is that just from the number of bullets or is it based on the dash multiplier?)

Also, what are some good strategies for the bosses? I see some people in here talking about strategically bombing the bosses to kill them quicker and thus get a higher multiplier on them. Any more details on that? Are there any bonuses for finishing off a boss using a bullet reflection?
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Post by Carmen »

I haven't played in a while, so I may be a bit rusty with these answers, but I'll try. I *think* that your dash multiplier also applies for bullet swats. Actually I just found what's used on the earlier page:

"Counter-slash points:
(1000 * Multiplier) * (Number of Bullets Canceled)"

The first part is the base value. So a 40x multiplier will give you a base value of 40 000 per bullet slashed, if you know what I mean?

Theres no bonuses for beating a boss in any specific way, really. Generally its a good idea to keep them alive until they do thier most crazy attacks, so as to maximise the score from the bullet sprays, rather then just destroying them as soon as possible, in my opinion (though I suppose it can vary from fight to fight.) I think settled on that because the payout from having a slightly higher overall multiplier didn't seem to be as rewarding.
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Post by edo »

It's nice to see people are still enjoying this great game!

I totally agree with Carmen that bombing bosses to kill them as quick as possible is generally not a good idea. You want to learn which bullet patterns give the most points, and then milk away by slashing. For example, the boss of stage 1 spits out a big blue 8-way star pattern that is very dense, which you can slash for 300 bullets each time. With a bit of practice, the first stage alone can yield 380 million points, 110 million of which will come from the boss. The stage 4 boss is also good for milking, the stage 2 boss slightly less so, and then lastly there's stage 3 where your dash multiplier is likely to be quite low anyway.

Some other bits of scoring advice:
* Your top priority should be getting a high dash multiplier. Work out your own path through each stage that gets you the biggest multiplier. Off the top of my head, max multipliers for stages 1-4 respectively are approximately 55, 65, 40, 80.
* Secondly, simply having a large multiplier doesn't mean much unless you're killing lots of enemies. Go for as high a destruction rate as possible. At certain points (especially in stage 4), you'll have a few really tough enemies on screen. It might be tempting to not use a dash combo and just let these enemies slip by, as obviously, your multiplier will drastically decrease if you combo only a few enemies. However, there are other ways to finish them off and keep your destruction rate high. Bombing is one way, another way is to concentrate fire on one in order to release suicide bullets that you can then reflect to kill the others.
* As you start to get comfortable with your stage strategies, start working in more bullet reflections. Whenever you don't need your sword gauge for dash combos, it can be used to reflect bullets.
* Finally, you can squeeze a few more points out of each stage by mopping up all the point tokens that the enemies drop.

With patience, you should be able to get a final score over 2 billion points. Good luck!
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Post by Carmen »

"At certain points (especially in stage 4), you'll have a few really tough enemies on screen. It might be tempting to not use a dash combo and just let these enemies slip by, as obviously, your multiplier will drastically decrease if you combo only a few enemies."

I agree with this, this is important, especially since so many points are available in Stage 4.

Edo, you should join the high score thread for this game! ... sc&start=0 You seem to have very much experience with it, so it'd be nice to know your best score!
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