RQ: Torus Trooper mechanics

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RQ: Torus Trooper mechanics

Post by Shatterhand »

I think I am pretty stupid.. but..

I just can't figure this game mechanics

Could someone please explain it to me? Why should I shoot if the bomb gives me more points?

If someone could also add some scoring tips, I would be grateful :)
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Post by SpooN »

I am sorry to answer that late but I don't visit this section frequently (shame on me).

This is aready in the highscore section but here is my scoring advice:
In the first levels (1-3 or so) go for speed, then go for speed if the torus is complete and use the bomb/break if the torus is incomplete. If you go near to enemies (without shooting) they will be thrown back and so you can build up huge masses of enemy ships and the bomb-bonus will be very high.
It needs a bit of training to decide when it's useful to wait and when not but some tips:
In curves you dodge automatically so you can mass easily.
There are some big enemies which shoot many bullets direct on you. They are the fundament of your highscore (you can get two times +15s with one bomb here).
Don't underestimate the small ships if they shoot three bullets or more they will produce also enough bonus for a good bomb.
In the later levels bomb to survive. If you don't die you will never run out of time (the bosses and the score you get from always bombing are enough).

As far as I can see the reason for nor bombing is the speed. If you survive while you are at 9000km/h you score damn fast and you can pass the levels faster because how long they are depends only on how fast you kill the required number of enemys (ok...it won't last forever if you don't shoot). So you get the bos time bonus faster and your time will increase.
But indeed bombing is almost always better because without bombing you dying too fast in the later levels.
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