[Soldier/Human], do you hear me?
[Soldier/Human], do you hear me?
The time has arrived.
[Their/Our] plan has finally reached its last step.
We have no more time to let flow.
So please...
Open your eyes.
Wake up.
Introducing the Thunder Force sequel fan project, "Project Thunder Force - R : REVERIETHUNDER".
As a long-time fan of Tecnosoft's shmup franchise "Thunder Force", I've been waiting for the sequel to the 6th installment for years.
But I figured that Sega isn't really interested in the idea for now, and decided to make my own!
The project started in the early 2023 when I was fiddling around with Godot Engine 3.X. But after a slow progress, it has been on a hiatus for more than a year now...
As I am (briefly) free from the real life stuff, I plan to resume the project and pick up from where the ex-team programmer has left off from (Thank you for all the works, Lighthex.) and recruit some new people, so that the project can keep going despite my busy life.
Here are the showcases of the current build of the engine.
https://youtu.be/Dmrl0szseCY?si=804kzEVL58xhZMfz https://imgur.com/a/L04BOK4
https://imgur.com/a/nTIidnN https://i.imgur.com/r49VGvF
"40 years have passed since the war against the ORN Faust menace.
The newly-discovered planet called "Earth" - where the savior hailed from - has struck a deal to join the Galactic Federation with a certain level of guaranteed autonomy after continued diplomatic efforts between the two.
And, ever since the war has ended, a new Golden Age has started - Which, did not last forever as a shocking revelation was made to everyone.
The terrible secret was within the wings of the savior -
A mystical fighter created from the fusion between Earth's, Federation's, and ORN's technologies.
Upon the inspection by the joined efforts of the scientist teams, the government has discovered the endless waves of militaristic marvels that could've been used to lay waste upon the civilizations.
First, there was paranoia.
「Their advancements in technology has already surpassed the level of merely absorbing ours. Can we truly say we are truly safe from their onslaught once they return to seek vengeance, like ever before?」
Then, came the insurgence.
With the silent supports from the politicians fearing the next invasion, a private group within the Federation Military Forces has launched a successful coup d'etat to take over the Federal Government.
Justifying their takeover with the sake of technological advancement and militaristic reinforcement, they named themselves 「Vastians」after the name the Earth Government once had given to the Federation before the contact, to further emphasize their superiority.
Upon the beginning of their dictatorship, the autonomous rights of the planets were taken away. Everything was concentrated to creating the war machines that could fight against the invisible threats that will inevitably arrive, and sometimes evening using the said machines to oppress any oppositions.
But that did not mean their ironfist was unstoppable.
Shortly after the mysterious disappearance of Guardian's Heart AI Unit embedded within SYRINX, an organization named 「Guardian Brotherhood」emerged, sabotaging the militaristic activities of the Vastians and abruptly escaping the scene with no hints of their hideout.
Their identities, origin, and the true motives are unknown to the Vastians..."
The Guardian has awakened within its new body, just like 40 years ago.
With the help of 「Dr. Brandish」, it is now able to carry out the final step of its plan.
The name of the new body - wing - is 「RVR-XxV Pauldron」.
There is no more time to waste.
For the sake of humanity, it now entrusts its wings to a former Federation pilot 「Ken T. Mars」.
Now, the legendary wings flap into the sea of stars again.
To sever the destiny of humanity -
Operation「Reverie Thunder」begins."
The newly-discovered planet called "Earth" - where the savior hailed from - has struck a deal to join the Galactic Federation with a certain level of guaranteed autonomy after continued diplomatic efforts between the two.
And, ever since the war has ended, a new Golden Age has started - Which, did not last forever as a shocking revelation was made to everyone.
The terrible secret was within the wings of the savior -
A mystical fighter created from the fusion between Earth's, Federation's, and ORN's technologies.
Upon the inspection by the joined efforts of the scientist teams, the government has discovered the endless waves of militaristic marvels that could've been used to lay waste upon the civilizations.
First, there was paranoia.
「Their advancements in technology has already surpassed the level of merely absorbing ours. Can we truly say we are truly safe from their onslaught once they return to seek vengeance, like ever before?」
Then, came the insurgence.
With the silent supports from the politicians fearing the next invasion, a private group within the Federation Military Forces has launched a successful coup d'etat to take over the Federal Government.
Justifying their takeover with the sake of technological advancement and militaristic reinforcement, they named themselves 「Vastians」after the name the Earth Government once had given to the Federation before the contact, to further emphasize their superiority.
Upon the beginning of their dictatorship, the autonomous rights of the planets were taken away. Everything was concentrated to creating the war machines that could fight against the invisible threats that will inevitably arrive, and sometimes evening using the said machines to oppress any oppositions.
But that did not mean their ironfist was unstoppable.
Shortly after the mysterious disappearance of Guardian's Heart AI Unit embedded within SYRINX, an organization named 「Guardian Brotherhood」emerged, sabotaging the militaristic activities of the Vastians and abruptly escaping the scene with no hints of their hideout.
Their identities, origin, and the true motives are unknown to the Vastians..."
The Guardian has awakened within its new body, just like 40 years ago.
With the help of 「Dr. Brandish」, it is now able to carry out the final step of its plan.
The name of the new body - wing - is 「RVR-XxV Pauldron」.
There is no more time to waste.
For the sake of humanity, it now entrusts its wings to a former Federation pilot 「Ken T. Mars」.
Now, the legendary wings flap into the sea of stars again.
To sever the destiny of humanity -
Operation「Reverie Thunder」begins."
Team members (as of now)
Pisfool - Lead Director, Artist, Writer, Assets
Sir Dee - Artist
Parsee - Artist
Aussenseiter - Artist
Lighthex - (Ex-) Programmer
Jozmeph - Programmer
DirektX - Assets
Sir Dee - Artist
Parsee - Artist
Aussenseiter - Artist
Lighthex - (Ex-) Programmer
Jozmeph - Programmer
DirektX - Assets
HELP WANTED!! (2025-01-13)
As I have stated above, the team does not have enough force to keep the momentum going, and we are currently open for new members for the team.
We currently need:
- Programmers who have experiences with Godot Engine (3.X / 4.X).
- Musicians
- Artists
If you are interested, Please contact me through any of the platforms listed below...
I am currently aiming to showcase a playable demo in SAGE when it's done.
I will be updating the thread whenever there is any progress or changes in the project.
If you have questions, feel free to ask!
You can also contact me through other social medias listed below:
Bluesky (DM)
Twitter / X.com (DM)
Discord: Pisfool