Late realizations

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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

I'd no idea Poison Dart Frogs aren't innately poisonous. They acquire that via their native diet, which includes lots of bugs, who in turn eat toxic Amazonian flora. Even the dread Gold, reputedly the most poisonous organism on Earth (2 inch critter packs enough neurotoxin to kill ten men), is harmless when raised in captivity. Seems they're pretty facety in temperament, regardless; not accustomed to worrying about predators. I suppose that much is inborn. Poor little devils! I hate to think of an irresponsible owner just abandoning one without its natural defenses.

Then again, maybe the predators are none the wiser, much as I wasn't? :o Hm.


Googled keeping one as a pet out of morbid curiosity, expecting to get RED ALART - apparently they're quite popular. I've never been an exotic pet person; I prefer plain ol' doggos, and their unambiguous love of domesticity. But who couldn't admire those colour schemes? Straight outta GI Joe's Annihilators, Alley Vipers, and Heat Viper mkIIs. Wouldn't surprise me if Hasbro's art directors were well aware of such things, ala Taito finding an entire ready-made STG mythos via ichthyology.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by null1024 »

I have an old 5:4 Dell office monitor and like, despite knowing that the thing could rotate 90deg on its stand, I never really made use of that fact until today. :oops:
Being able to play games in proper tate orientation feels great.

Really, I'd probably just run my desktop in vertical orientation if I didn't have so much software that expects a screen wider than it's tall.
Come check out my website, I guess. Random stuff I've worked on over the last two decades.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

I blame the famous NEOGEO FORUMS.COM for turning me onto internet freakshow watching. Image But now I must offer grudging thanks! I had no idea my poor Burgerfriends were subject to the same HOLDING BGM as Crumpetland! I heard those irritatingly vacant clapclapclapclaps in the background of ranking tune Poopsquatch Gets Arrested For Trying To Gas His Parents, and was going "Faaack! Where's that from? Ohshi-"

(Warning: ear-piercing racket, also disgusting subject matter)

Commiserations, that sucks! Oof, those handclaps make me want to burn my Wolfteam games! Almost! :cool: I suppose Sakuraba's are more like castanets, much cooler.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Lemnear »

Late realization:

i was so afraid of accidentally wasting a bomb when starting a shmup...that i NOW discovered that there's a second fire button in ProGear (yes i played it without "slowing down" lol :lol: )
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