The worst game music you've ever heard...

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Post by jp »

Rob wrote:
jp wrote:Are we talking about A Boy and His Blob on the NES? 6 minutes? Uh... don't you have to get treasure from the sewers/underground to buy vitamins to even beat the final boss? In fact, don't you have to play through the first part to even get the neccessary jelly beans for the Blobobian world or whatever its called?
He must be talking about the handheld version.

Thats what I'm thinking. Though I never played the GB A Boy and His Blob... I just saw the map for it in a Nintendo Power. It looked like it probably could be finished in 6 minutes or so though.

But the NES A Boy and His Blob? Fucking excellent game with great music. Though now when I try to think of the tune my thoughts are diverted by the Bubble Bobble theme music. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
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Post by Alske »

Axon wrote:Ys 1&2 PCE.
You're gonna make black-baby-jesus cry talking like that...
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Post by Axon »

Alske wrote:
Axon wrote:Ys 1&2 PCE.
You're gonna make black-baby-jesus cry talking like that...
XD My hatred for Falcom music is as much as Gaijin's hatred of VGM, so I almost always try to make it known in threads like these.
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Post by SuperGrafx »

Impossamole (TG-16)

Give that a listen sometime...the title screen track in particular is pretty horrendous.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

rezon and tHat sonic and the dark brotherhood game
Axon wrote:
Alske wrote:
Axon wrote:Ys 1&2 PCE.
You're gonna make black-baby-jesus cry talking like that...
XD My hatred for Falcom music is as much as Gaijin's hatred of VGM, so I almost always try to make it known in threads like these.
lmao wtf there's sOlid melodic lead writing and timbres in falcom sHit. it's very evident tHat they know how to write music and have put in a lot of practice and study into their craft.
so, i dOn't you think you have an ear for music or really heard a whOle lot to say something like tHat =x

like christ dude, you like zuntata b/c you nAmed yourself axon, but then you sHit on falcom sound team? there's nO fukken logic to tHat at all. it'z just transparent contrarianism lmfaoooo
there's like nOthing wrong w/ these at all, dude. the guitar solo on the sOngie "termination" in the last track is pretty god damn respectable musicianship.

edit: didn't see tHat i responded to a post from 2006 of some1 who hasn't pOsted here since 2008. tHat was a fun few wasted minutes \m/
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by orange808 »

NES Hydlide is one of the worst offenders I remember. The music is more than just annoying, it's lazy. The hardware was capable of doing so much more. WTH?

I know the game was a port that aged poorly in a quickly evolving environment, but Hydlide was sharing shelf space with Dragon Quest in 1986. There's no excuse for just one rubbish looping track of incredibly annoying high pitched torture.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by mrsmr2 »

Gradius Galaxies.

Generic, soulless, repetitive rubbish. Unforgiveable when considering how good the previous games were (arcade, MSX 8 channel chip).
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Lander »

Nothing says Majestic Dinosaurs like the interminable drunken trumpets from EVO: Search For Eden.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Sumez »

Lander wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:23 am Nothing says Majestic Dinosaurs like the interminable drunken trumpets from EVO: Search For Eden.
Man, Sugiyama really had the worst sound-chip implementations of his work :D
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BryanM »

Hey! I like that song.

EVO was a game I really loved as a teen, but playing it these days it is pretty flat fare. (At least the previous game in the series went completely mental as it progressed.) Still liked it enough to take some inspiration in one of my early serious attempts at making a game.

The NES was pretty cursed at the high pitch notes; the FDS version of the Kid Icarus theme is a massive improvement. The FDS Metroid theme is a bit better, too.

... of course any game where the composer actually listened to what the song would actually sound like on the hardware did better. Uematsu is still knocking out bangers to this day.


This "worst music" thing is always one of those problem of the heap type things. Like how to make the "worst" Mario level. The worst thing possible isn't hard to key in: it's one super high-pitched screeching instrument that plays like six notes on a loop forever. Which makes the looping Ghostbusters theme absolute heaven to listen to in comparison.

If the music is too bad, people will mute it and then not get to suffer. This is bad! So the worst music is the most miserable thing... that the average person can tolerate. There's no real qualitative difference between shit; dead silence is dead silence after all.

The truly demonic thing to do is to lead off with kickass songs, and then work in increasingly shitty ones as the game progresses. And slowly adjust the ratio as the game progresses, so they're about 55% shit and 45% pretty good. So the player is constantly torn on whether they want to mute the music or not, and constantly wondering why they remembered the music being really kickass. It's the kind of bastard thing that could only be tried out in an experimental indie game.

I'm also a bit fascinated in good music being too good, like the things become a cognito-hazard that traps you inside the game for far longer than you intended to be. ArKnights' soundtrack was like this - insidious lobby music you'd pause to listen all the way through. For a few loops, sometimes. The generic menu music is mostly gentle wordless ASMR, so it doesn't get old. Event music is often upbeat pop. Promotional music includes edgy white teen male music. Battle themes could be any unexpected bumfuck thing, including a sea shanty.

"Yostar is a music company" is something players say, when they forget there's a game attached to this music.

Anyway, I think the Cheetahmen Song is as close to what I'm talking about here that a single song can get. It's catchy, but not quite in a Barbie's World repetitive kind of way. So you kind of want to keep listening to it; you're probably thinking about going off and giving it a listen to right now even though there's no link to click on, right?! At the same time, there's a lot.... a lot half-assed and busted about the thing.

... freakin' youtube comments. Now I have to listen to the Silver Surfer soundtrack. "Good songs that make you remember bad games" is yet another kind of evil...
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Sumez »

BryanM wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:57 am ... of course any game where the composer actually listened to what the song would actually sound like on the hardware did better. Uematsu is still knocking out bangers to this day.
Yeah, Sugiyama exclusively composed for symphonic orchestras, even when making NES games, I doubt he ever even heard the in-game renditions.
The contemporary orchestral soundtrack releases for Dragon Quest 1 through 3 are probably among my favourite video game soundtracks, and very clearly what the tracks were composed for in the first place. But I think all of those games sound really awful on NES/FC.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BryanM »

Hm, I never really thought too much about it. Mostly because I know it isn't my thing and aren't crazy about the instrumental versions either. But I took the time to listen to Dragon Warrior 4's music just now, something I've never done before. And it indeed doesn't sound like it was designed for this sound system.

I still enjoy the castle themes and that one sound loop they keep re-using, like in that cursed game they made. Really when I think of "dragon quest" music those are all I think about, 'sides the battle theme and first game's town theme. Everything else I immediately forget.

Man, Dragon Quest's kind of a odd mash-up, when you think about it. A shonen manga artist who pumped out content for kids, with a orchestrator musician guy... think how different the games might have been if he hadn't sent that postcard, and someone else did the music. It feels wrong, but imagining it with pop/rock or more jazz could totally work? It's all arbitrary after all.

Stuff like Kill La Kill's soundtrack, where every character has their own theme song that's a completely different genre from one another, really goes a long way to keep things from blending together. "Diminishing returns on novelty" I calls it; like how a superhero team only needs one stretchy guy and one green lantern.

... but DQ1's overworld loop is the perfect song for the kind of games those are. They're extremely liminal experiences and that song really grasps the "timeless sense of time passing by."
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Blinge »

DQ11's music was pretty lacklustre and then i learned that a lot of it wasn't even new - it was taken from older DQ games. bah.

anyway- one hell of a necro bump. 2006 to current day? jesus christ.

there was another thread in a similar vein by yours truly.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Steven »

You guys disappoint me; this thread is almost 20 years old and nobody has mentioned the worst game "music" ever created, the CrazyBus title screen "music".

Pretty sure it's actually (somewhat?) randomized, but I don't really feel like torturing my poor Nomad to see if it's the same thing every time.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by cfx »

I too think DQXI's music is pretty bad, especially what I guess is the main theme. I saw so many claims that the problem was the midi instruments used in the first release and that the orchestrated versions in DQXI S were actually good. Nah, it's still insipid, just insipid with slightly higher quality instrument sounds. Doesn't make it any better. I've yet to actually play the game so I don't know how much it's going to annoy me in practice. I bought the original PS4 version because I found the graphical downgrade in DQXI S to be far more significant to me than the supposed music improvement.

My nomination for the thread though is Dariusburst CS's Freedom with that caterwauling woman. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't off-key in it, as the parts where she isn't aren't so bad really.

Though I think "worst you've ever heard" is hard to quantify really, because there are different types of bad. I find the sound on a lot of earlier arcade games pretty bad just because the sound hardware either wasn't up to the task or the composers didn't use it well, but that's a different category to something like Freedom or the DQXI music. Most of that hasn't stuck in my mind either so none in particular must have been incredibly bad.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BryanM »

One thing you can hand to them, it really goes in the opposite direction of the zazz inflation the brutal jincan-like market puts on everything. It really does harken back to a time when there were only five video games to play, and all music had to do was sound pleasant without drawing attention to itself. You could say it's similar to Garfield comics, there's a comfort in something still being around, without changing.

Dariusburst CS's Freedom

Hee hee, this sounds like the Wall-mart version of a Persona 5 song.

The songs in the actual Wall-mart version of Persona 5 are a mite more impressive. (... I also like how the main characters are canonically Wall-mart versions of the real cast in that game.)
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by AGermanArtist »

BryanM wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:58 am One thing you can hand to them, it really goes in the opposite direction of the zazz inflation the brutal jincan-like market puts on everything. It really does harken back to a time when there were only five video games to play, and all music had to do was sound pleasant without drawing attention to itself. You could say it's similar to Garfield comics, there's a comfort in something still being around, without changing.

Dariusburst CS's Freedom

Hee hee, this sounds like the Wall-mart version of a Persona 5 song.

The songs in the actual Wall-mart version of Persona 5 are a mite more impressive. (... I also like how the main characters are canonically Wall-mart versions of the real cast in that game.)
Seconded. Freedom's caterwauling blathering just melts my head like Antonowsky in Robocop.
Another - Task Force Harrier. I've never been a huge fan of FM synths, but this is just a tinny racket. The track itself sounds like a demo preset on a broken DX7. It's a literal din. It's difficult to listen to and somewhat spoils an otherwise fun game.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

I hate the song "Ceremony" in Secret of Mana. The fact that it's the dungeon theme for two major dungeons just makes it worse. It's so ear-gratingly tinny to me:
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:07 pm I hate the song "Ceremony" in Secret of Mana. The fact that it's the dungeon theme for two major dungeons just makes it worse. It's so ear-gratingly tinny to me:
yOu'd have a hell of a time w/ southeast asian classical gamelan music. there's nOthing really tinny about the sound of tHat secret of mana sOngie. it'z just inspired by tHat type of music and sound. it seems like you just dOn't like the sound of the instrument itself xdxd
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by cfx »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:07 pm I hate the song "Ceremony" in Secret of Mana. The fact that it's the dungeon theme for two major dungeons just makes it worse. It's so ear-gratingly tinny to me:
I agree with this, and it sticks out as most of the game's music I think is great.

I'm sure this is a controversial hot take, but I find a lot of the Super Nintendo music, in terms of sound quality or instrument sounds, to have aged much worse than other consoles like the Genesis. I think the fact the instruments sounded more "real" at the time, but comparatively today are rather poor, makes them worse than the type of sounds from other sound hardware such as the Genesis used, today.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BrainΦΠΦTemple »

cfx wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:40 pm
BareKnuckleRoo wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:07 pm I hate the song "Ceremony" in Secret of Mana. The fact that it's the dungeon theme for two major dungeons just makes it worse. It's so ear-gratingly tinny to me:
I agree with this, and it sticks out as most of the game's music I think is great.

I'm sure this is a controversial hot take, but I find a lot of the Super Nintendo music, in terms of sound quality or instrument sounds, to have aged much worse than other consoles like the Genesis. I think the fact the instruments sounded more "real" at the time, but comparatively today are rather poor, makes them worse than the type of sounds from other sound hardware such as the Genesis used, today.
how has it aged pOorly? the snes soundchip excels at orchestral classical soundz while the genesis excels at guitar shredding influenced synth leads. neither 1 is bAd.
hell, are you gonna sit there and really say tHat about the snes soundchip when david wise used it? xdxd
like w/ roo's post, this criticism soundz more like a lack of experience w/ javanese or indonesian classical gamelan music and a dislike of the timbres used in it rather than any fault w/ the soundchip or composition or w/e =x

mana sOngie:

gamelan songie:

soundz like hiroki kikuta studied the heck up on his gamelan sHit, dude
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by Sumez »

cfx wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:40 pm I'm sure this is a controversial hot take, but I find a lot of the Super Nintendo music, in terms of sound quality or instrument sounds, to have aged much worse than other consoles like the Genesis. I think the fact the instruments sounded more "real" at the time, but comparatively today are rather poor, makes them worse than the type of sounds from other sound hardware such as the Genesis used, today.
Both the SNES and MegaDrive suffer a lot more from the limitations of the music engine bundled with their official SDKs, than any actual hardware limits.
The Nintendo one (dubbed N-SPC by the community) shipped with a default sample pack ("sound font") that you'll probably recognize anywhere, even the familiarity of those samples holds it back, but the bigger problem is that the way it is implemented, it has a pretty severe limitation on the size of any individual sample (which isn't enforced by the hardware), so even if companies would use their own sound fonts, they'd still suffer the same unnecessary compression. And writing a completely new music engine from scratch on the SNES really isn't a small feat. I should know, I've done it.
The Sega one (GEMS) is super notorious. I don't know if I can properly describe the artifacts it produces, but you'll recognize it a mile away. Basically, think of any MegaDrive game that has that signature "awful" MegaDrive sound, and that's probably it. It's not the sound chip's fault, but it definitely gave it a bad rep.

Ultimately FM synth will always sound synthetic, so that's a real limitation of the MD hardware, but if you do aim for that synthethic sound you'll also get a very clear version of that, and personally I have a pretty solid affection for that raw FM bassline, so any sOngiez that use that well will definitely have "aged better" to me. MegaDrive games that try to sound orchestral however tend to fall flat on their face.

Meanwhile, the SNES can do practically any sound, since it relies purely on sample playback, but is limited by the compression and storage requirement of samples used (outside of the N-SPC implementation I mentioned, it still needs to consider limitations in audio ram or rom capacity, the latter of which was often a limiting factor early in the console's life). It also suffers from the gaussian filter used to smoothen out low sample rates being a little too aggressive, resulting in samples very quickly getting that signature "muddled" sound.
The funny thing is, if you tried to emulate more synthetic sounds akin to what the FM and PSG chips of the MegaDrive produce natively, you could actually get a very similar sound out of the SNES, it's just most composers didn't do that because they wanted to make the "best" use of the hardware.

At the end of the day, I don't think anyone listening to the Sonic 3 and Donkey Kong Country 2 soundtracks back to back could seriously claim that either have "aged poorly" based on the hardware alone. It's all about how it's implemented.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BIL »

I enjoy collecting examples of SFC doing FUCKEN METAL FUCK YEAAAA and MD doing bloodening soaring orchestrals :cool:

>BASTARD!! Ankoku no Hakai-shin

110% mahfuckin SONGIEZ! :o Proud owner of SFC Bastard even though the game's a fuckin dog, just so I can blast that title BGM ;3

On-topic, Rezon is one of the very few games where I have to mute it and put something else on to enjoy myself. And by "something else," I mean R-Type II's OST, totes germane \M/ETAL CRUSHER BGM Image It's not even especially bad music, just exhausting with the combined 5sec loops and lack of groove. 5secs is plenty when you know what you're doing with it!
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BrainΦΠΦTemple wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:23 pmt seems like you just dOn't like the sound of the instrument itself xdxd
Nah, this is fine. The instrument's used way better in the video you linked. I think my problems with it in SoM might be exacerbated by the deliberately discordant / off-key sounding flute melody (it's only used in haunted/uncomfortable areas). The fact that it's used multiple times also sucks, and there's music I vastly prefer to listen to in games for "spooky" areas like the one used for Prinky's Mansion in Robotrek:

If we're talking instruments I don't like, bagpipes suck, but that's only because of that low drone that plays the entire time the piper's playing the pipes. The strange thing is why it's so popular; I'm pretty sure they make pipes now that don't have that low drone sound constantly going on.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by cfx »

Sumez: Interesting info, thanks.

That Genesis Gauntlet soundtrack is awesome. That game is also by M2 so it isn't surprising, and I see Hitoshi Sakimoto among some others are credited for the music.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Yeah, I think I generally prefer the instrumentation used more in SNES games personally (a lot of Enix RPGs and Square RPGs come to mind, Brain Lord's soundtrack was amazing), but the SNES had some really grating instrumentation in some games. Was not fond of SNES Mega Man X3's instrumentation compared to the later releases that redid the soundtrack.

Genesis Gauntlet IV and Gunstar Heroes are my two go-to games I think of when I think of how far the sound hardware can be pushed, but there were plenty of other games on the system with soundtracks like Rocket Knight Adventures.
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by neorichieb1971 »

Xevious. Rather grating on the ears.
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Post by BIL »

cfx wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:53 pm Sumez: Interesting info, thanks.

That Genesis Gauntlet soundtrack is awesome. That game is also by M2 so it isn't surprising, and I see Hitoshi Sakimoto among some others are credited for the music.
Indeed! It was M2's pro debut; they were fans of the arcade version, and had produced an amateur X68000 port of such excellence, Tengen bought it from them. Sakimoto (and his frequent partner Masaharu Iwata) have a whole raft of killer MD soundtracks, often in full epic grandeur; strong antidotes to the GEMS badness that made the console a musical whipping boy in the press. Bad Omen is just as killer, and while it was composed by a colleague and later collaborator of theirs, Master of Monsters uses Sakimoto's custom Terpsichorean driver to similar excellence. While it's very much in the MD's techno/metal strong suit, Verytex always needs mention here too.

There's also his trio of DECO ports that leave the PCBs standing: Vapor Trail (if you're gonna have one stage BGM, it better be this good!), Crude Buster (monstrous clanking bassline balls!), and especially chest-thumpingly galvanic Midnight Resistance, one of those home conversions whose storming OST forever haunts the arcade original! Speaking of M2, it's my dream to see them do a DECO ARMY MAN FILES unifying the MD soundtrack with the PCB.

It's funny, when I got back into STGs with Gradius V, I thought "Oh, it's the Vagrant Story guy! Interesting! Wait he did RSG and Souky too, aaand..." Gradually I realised he'd been doing killer STG music since REVOLTER on PC-88. :cool:
BareKnuckleRoo wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:57 pmGunstar Heroes
Another hero of FM synth and VGM in general, Norio Hanzawa aka NON! Only a man of his skill could make The Castlevania Adventure not just playable, but compelling! :shock: :cool:
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by cfx »

Bad Omen's soundtrack is killer. I discovered that game practically by accident. During the time the Genesis was current, there was a small independent video store near me that rented games pretty cheaply, something like $5 (maybe less) for a weekend. They didn't have a lot of games, and didn't get different ones very often, so I eventually tried nearly everything they had, and finally as choices were running out picked Devilish one weekend. Was blown away both by the game and the soundtrack, which I would have never suspected because the US cover art was so horrible. After that I bought the Bad Omen import which I still own.

I also used to have Verytex but no longer do. I remember some of the music in that and quite liked it as well. Game was ok, better I thought than what reviews generally say about it, though certainly not one of the system's best.

Back at that time I've played Vapor Trail, Crude Buster (or Two Crude Dudes as it was called here) and Midnight Resistance, but don't recall their soundtracks. I don't think I've ever played or heard master of Monsters.

Another newer (relatively speaking) Sakimoto soundtrack I quite like is the one for Final Fantasy XII.

Kind of off-topic, but maybe relevant to the thread in some way, I have one Genesis 2 with odd sound hardware. I'd have to dig it out again to see what the motherboard revision is. I know there's endless discussion online about various models of the console sounding better, worse, amp mods, all that stuff, but at leat to me that's all pretty minor, most every Genesis I've ever heard sounds similar enough to me that I just don't really care about the differences. The late Genesis 2s that have the smaller motherboard have less background buzz and that's the only thing that I find a notable improvement.

But this one particular one is different; various games on it truly sound different, because some instruments are louder or softer than they are on any other Genesis I've heard which truly changes how some music sounds. I notiiced this immediately on some games' soundtracks that I was very familiar with such as Street of Rage 2. Other than this one, I don't read hardware tech sites anymore, so this may well be common knowledge, but I remember years ago when I brought it up on some forum I got a reaction like I was crazy and didn't know what I was talking about. :shock:
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Re: The worst game music you've ever heard...

Post by BIL »

cfx wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:04 pm Bad Omen's soundtrack is killer. I discovered that game practically by accident. During the time the Genesis was current, there was a small independent video store near me that rented games pretty cheaply, something like $5 (maybe less) for a weekend. They didn't have a lot of games, and didn't get different ones very often, so I eventually tried nearly everything they had, and finally as choices were running out picked Devilish one weekend. Was blown away both by the game and the soundtrack, which I would have never suspected because the US cover art was so horrible. After that I bought the Bad Omen import which I still own.

I also used to have Verytex but no longer do. I remember some of the music in that and quite liked it as well. Game was ok, better I thought than what reviews generally say about it, though certainly not one of the system's best.

Back at that time I've played Vapor Trail, Crude Buster (or Two Crude Dudes as it was called here) and Midnight Resistance, but don't recall their soundtracks. I don't think I've ever played or heard master of Monsters.

Another newer (relatively speaking) Sakimoto soundtrack I quite like is the one for Final Fantasy XII.

Kind of off-topic, but maybe relevant to the thread in some way, I have one Genesis 2 with odd sound hardware. I'd have to dig it out again to see what the motherboard revision is. I know there's endless discussion online about various models of the console sounding better, worse, amp mods, all that stuff, but at leat to me that's all pretty minor, most every Genesis I've ever heard sounds similar enough to me that I just don't really care about the differences. The late Genesis 2s that have the smaller motherboard have less background buzz and that's the only thing that I find a notable improvement.

But this one particular one is different; various games on it truly sound different, because some instruments are louder or softer than they are on any other Genesis I've heard which truly changes how some music sounds. I notiiced this immediately on some games' soundtracks that I was very familiar with such as Street of Rage 2. Other than this one, I don't read hardware tech sites anymore, so this may well be common knowledge, but I remember years ago when I brought it up on some forum I got a reaction like I was crazy and didn't know what I was talking about. :shock:
Yeah, I consider Verytex a classic FM synth record that includes a nifty free Compile-esque to play while you listen. :mrgreen: Formally decent with sharp controls and hit detection, and even has a notable highlight in those gleefully swarming homing missiles, but it cycles through the same few waves per stage a bit too transparently.

Always found it interesting how Bad Omen's NTSCU title (and subtitle) actually upped its Satanic Panic factor, rather than concealing it. If I remember the inimitably charming intro (warblingly whimsical yet earth-shakingly thunderous BGM! :shock:), it wasn't even particularly occult-themed, just prince and his waifu turned into pong paddles, sheeit! Getting the paddles right up in a target's face for rapid ricochet is the best :cool:
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