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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari [1920]

Rocking a solid 8/10 on IMDB, this silent movie is quite the hidden gem. For this showing at the Roxie in SF, the audio was provided by Sleepbomb, a live act that whose body of work is largely film-adjacent music. I must admit, walking in and seeing them I wasn't sure I liked what I was getting in to. They look like pretty hard rockers, which is fine, but maybe not in a tiny art house theater. The accompanying soundtrack was excellent - starts off sounding like something Explosions in the Sky would play. For the record, the show sold out. I usually just walk up and buy a ticket but for some reason I thankfully bought this one quite early.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

Ticket to Paradise: **1/2

Fun fact: George Clooney is now 61 years old. Julia Roberts is 55 years old. Someone in Hollywood has decided that for some inexplicable reason they should still be making RomComs together. The two play a divorced couple who find themselves back together in Bali an effort to stop their recent law school graduate daughter from marrying an attractive local she met only a month ago, Just to complicate things, Julia Roberts' character has an airline pilot boyfriend who happens to be there at the same time all this is going on. It goes about as well as you'd expect it to given the genre the film is in.

Fairly standard inoffensive "RomCom in an exotic locale" stuff (except for the fact that even though the movie apparently takes place on Bali the actual filming had to be done in Australia due to COVID restrictions.) Mostly I'm just glad that Adam Sandler wasn't in this, as he seems to show up in these types of films on a suspiciously regular basis. Pretty average reviews, but it did make money for the studio.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

GaijinPunch wrote:The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari [1920]

Rocking a solid 8/10 on IMDB, this silent movie is quite the hidden gem. For this showing at the Roxie in SF, the audio was provided by Sleepbomb, a live act that whose body of work is largely film-adjacent music. I must admit, walking in and seeing them I wasn't sure I liked what I was getting in to. They look like pretty hard rockers, which is fine, but maybe not in a tiny art house theater. The accompanying soundtrack was excellent - starts off sounding like something Explosions in the Sky would play. For the record, the show sold out. I usually just walk up and buy a ticket but for some reason I thankfully bought this one quite early.
That sounds amazing! I love seeing live interpretations of silent films, and that's one of the very best. Totally unique film experience and awesome.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

vol.2 wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari [1920]

Rocking a solid 8/10 on IMDB, this silent movie is quite the hidden gem. For this showing at the Roxie in SF, the audio was provided by Sleepbomb, a live act that whose body of work is largely film-adjacent music. I must admit, walking in and seeing them I wasn't sure I liked what I was getting in to. They look like pretty hard rockers, which is fine, but maybe not in a tiny art house theater. The accompanying soundtrack was excellent - starts off sounding like something Explosions in the Sky would play. For the record, the show sold out. I usually just walk up and buy a ticket but for some reason I thankfully bought this one quite early.
That sounds amazing! I love seeing live interpretations of silent films, and that's one of the very best. Totally unique film experience and awesome.
Wanna know the bad thing? Had no idea what I was getting in to. Wound up befriending someone quite my junior who was dating a friend of a friend (long story). She got the film bug and lives down the street from this theater so we check out a couple of things a month. This was kind of a random "let's check it out" and kinda hit a bullseye by dumb luck! Will definitely checkout what these guys do next.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

BIL wrote:I do remember hearing the famous metal bikini was Carrie Fisher's innovation! What a character she was.


Sweet Jebus!

Well, on the off-chance George buys SW back from the mouse, he can have that scene FO FREE - you know it's what Ms. Fisher would've wanted! ;3
Carrie Fisher would be about 22 or 23 when the famous Jabba the Hutt's Palace scene for RoTJ was filmed. Hot damn -- plenty of skin showing on her indeed.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Watched the Super Mario Bros. movie, and it was awesome! Video game movies no longer suck!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Dungeons and Dragons. 7/10

I really had a good time with this movie. It was a whole lot of fun, and I thought it had a good script, and a good sense of humor. I even enjoyed Chris Pine, who I've recently started getting annoyed with. He gets kind of grating to me when they give him too much screen time because it feels like he's just playing himself over and over again. But it didn't feel that way to me here at all. I thought his personality was tempered well by Michelle Rodriguez, and Hugh Grant is just so awesome, he was the perfect bumbling bad guy.

Probably my favorite touch was:
The party from the 1980's cartoon appearing in the Maze at the end. I watched every one of those episodes when they came out, even though it got cancelled.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by To Far Away Times »

I liked the DnD movie quite a bit. Nothing groundbreaking, but I definitely noticed the tight script. Nothing is wasted, everything gets a call back. Very well made for what it is and it lands most of the jokes. Casting is mostly excellent. Chris Pine is his usual A+ self and Hugh Grant channeling Boris Johnson is great. Very entertaining and fun, exactly what a summer movie should be.

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Watched Kill Boksoon on Netflix. Pretty good.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

John Wick 3, 7/10

There was a lot of silly jump cuts that didn't make sense, and the plot didn't really hold together all that well, but it really didn't have to. JW3 was basically one long vehicle for amazing fight choreography, interspersed with some ho-hum plot points. Standouts were Angelica Houston and L. Fishburn; Haley Berry was just okay.

I mostly watched it so I can watch 4. I had fun with it, and it was a good choice, but, in retrospect, I don't think I needed to watch 3 before 4.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

Nope. Three is the weakest on all fronts. Halle Berry, while easy on the eyes, drags it down. The Chairman is great though.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

Stevens wrote:Nope. Three is the weakest on all fronts. Halle Berry, while easy on the eyes, drags it down. The Chairman is great though.
I thought 3 was by far the best. The horse and dog scenes alone are better than most of the first two because they go beyond the standard goofy "guys run in one-by-one from just off-screen instead of just shooting him" stuff that the second one especially had a lot of. At least John Woo usually had them coming out from behind walls or around corners or something that blocked LOS, half the time Keanu's just standing in the middle of an open room.

Then again, the story in these isn't even an afterthought for me, so I judge them solely on the quality of the action scenes. I imagine caring about that sort of thing could definitely impact one's rankings.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

The Super Mario Bros. Movie: ***

It occurs to me that getting Shigeru Miyamoto to make a movie is somewhere along the lines of trying to get Steven Spielberg to make a video game (and we aren't talking "come up with a concept for a video game" here, we're talking coding up a proper "racing the beam" VCS game on a six week deadline), but seeing his name almost immediately in the opening credits almost feels like Nintendo is trying to reassure the fans that they know what they are doing this time around, so if you wouldn't mind forgetting about that 90s trainwreck of a film we'd appreciate it, OK?

Trying to do a film out of SMB previous some interesting challenges for a filmmaker. Your entire audience already knows every character, every setting, the entire plot, how it ends and will probably even know every song in your soundtrack even though they haven't heard any of it. With all that in mind, how do you keep audiences engaged? And how do you introduce characters that need no introduction? This film takes the formula and tweaks it just enough to make it slightly less predictable.

That said, it does feel like half the film ended up on the cutting room floor. As is common for CG animated films the runtime is rather short at only 1:32, and it simultaneously feels like it's trying to do too much and not actually doing enough. It's still reasonably entertaining, with as many "blink as you'll miss it" references as you might expect from something like this, enough that you'll need a rewatch with a pause button later on. And it's certainly more entertaining than the Sonic the Hedgehog movies, mostly by not having Jim Carrey.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

John Wick 4 had some individual moments of inspired brilliance trapped inside an overly bloated movie with tons of wasted potential.


There was an absolutely fantastic overhead drone single-take where Keanu mows down a bunch of dudes with a shotgun with incendiary shells and it's GLORIOUS! At one point a dude he already lit on fire comes running all the way around and gets blasted a SECOND time and it was the dopest shit!

Some truly fantastic car stunts where I was sure the stuntman must have died.

The martial arts segments with little/no shooting are still fantastic.

The dog is a very good boi, although his action scenes aren't quite as cool as the doggos in John Wick 3.


Okay, I HATE the stupid bulletproof suits. They make everyone look like the fake Bela Lugosi double in Plan 9 From Outer Space every time they get shot at:


Also, why stop at just a suit and not make a full ninja outfit from the stuff? You'd be unstoppable!

They went to all the trouble of renting out the fucking ARC DE TRIOMPHE for a car chase, and it's fucking TERRIBLE! It's all jump cuts and close shots so you can't tell how ridiculous it is that traffic hasn't stopped for GUYS SHOOTING EACH OTHER WITH ASSAULT RIFLES and it's a real shame because the start of that chase was really cool!

Similarly, but somehow even less forgivable, they went to all the trouble of renting out the fucking SACRE COURE for a staircase fight and it's fucking TERRIBLE! One of the worst instances of "why do they keep trying to charge into melee with him instead of just shooting him? HE'S RIGHT THERE!" in the entire franchise.

The entire Berlin segment could have been cut and the movie would've been better off for it. I don't know what the deal with the grown up mob boss Augustus Gloop was, but it was stupid.


So the tonal dissonance in this movie is... odd. Keanu kills a few dozen people through a crowded nightclub, and not only do NONE of the civilians get so much as a scratch, THEY KEEP DANCING! Civilians never get hurt in this movie no matter how many automatic weapons are discharged in their direction, and they usually NO-SELL THIS AND CONTINUE ABOUT THEIR LIVES! And it would have been DOPE if they WOULD have showed civilians getting mowed down too and have the rest keep on dancing, but as it stands, it's just fucking WEIRD!

Honestly, this thing really needed another pass in editing. There were so many obvious breathing corpses and driverless cars that it just felt really sloppy, especially compared to the previous entries. Also should have cut down the plot, it's clear someone watched Ronin and thought "hey, that looks cool!" but didn't really know how to actually pull it off.

Still, great way to spend a few hours watching stuntmen die for our entertainment. Solid B, recommended if you like this sort of thing.
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Vexorg wrote: so if you wouldn't mind forgetting about that 90s trainwreck of a film we'd appreciate it, OK?
Naw. I dug that one as a shorty, what the cuss did I know or care about cinema? I'm sure it influenced me in measure on seeking out and appreciating the weird and strange in creativity. The Lynchness, if you please. That Goomba-dancing-in-elevator-scene? Incontestable charmer! What could this new CG possibly offer? Images of numbness I can't play. Have yourselfs a grand ol' time with the prison of memes, everyone.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Finally watched Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Really should have seen it in the theater.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

Checked out "The Menu". Quite dazzling & quite colorful dishes fit for a foodie -- food stylists sure had a field day with the dishes captured on film indeed. There's a very exclusive & trendy restaurant that only certain clientele can be admitted to it (if you're not on the RSVP list to attend, you might as well just stay home and order "take out" instead). What follows next while there, the dinner guests are in for an uber-extravagant full-course meal of a lifetime.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by cj iwakura »

Air Master Burst wrote:The entire Berlin segment could have been cut and the movie would've been better off for it. I don't know what the deal with the grown up mob boss Augustus Gloop was, but it was stupid.
While I agree with most of your critiques, this stood out as odd to me, since literally everyone seems to love the Berlin scene, myself included. :lol:

It was my favorite part, since it reminded me of the amazing club scene from 1, and Wick was genuinely getting bodied for once, it was a nice surprise.
(Also enjoyed the poker game tension, reminded me of Casino Royale.)
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

cj iwakura wrote:
Air Master Burst wrote:The entire Berlin segment could have been cut and the movie would've been better off for it. I don't know what the deal with the grown up mob boss Augustus Gloop was, but it was stupid.
While I agree with most of your critiques, this stood out as odd to me, since literally everyone seems to love the Berlin scene, myself included. :lol:

It was my favorite part, since it reminded me of the amazing club scene from 1, and Wick was genuinely getting bodied for once, it was a nice surprise.
(Also enjoyed the poker game tension, reminded me of Casino Royale.)
The fight was fine, it was everything ELSE that was stupid. They could have replaced the goofy Dick Tracy baddie with someone cool, replaced one of the crappy fights in one of the other locations with this one, and suddenly you're looking at a much more reasonable 2-hour flick.

The poker game was kind of stupid to me because it was happening in the one dude's nightclub. The tension in Casino Royale worked so well because it was a neutral location, so Hannibal couldn't just order the guards to shoot everyone. Here it was a foregone conclusion.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

According to Entertainment Tonight, the entire John Wick film franchise has earned a whopping $587 million worldwide at the international box office and John Wick: Chapter 5 has been officially "greenlit". It might be released in 2025 or perhaps in 2026 (considering that John Wick: Parabellum was released back in 2019 and John Wick: Chapter 4 for it's March 26th, 2023 USA theatrical debut date).

So John Wick: Chapter 4 isn't the end of the famous stylized action thriller genre franchise, far from it indeed.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

John Wick 5 better give us a hardcore action cat, the doggos are played out now.

I'm thinking something like Special Agent Jack Bauer:

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Another trip across the pond, another handful of movies knocked out. In order of watching:

Lethal Weapon
Obviously, a rewatch. It's been ages since I have seen this, and surprisingly most of it holds up quite well. Some pretty dark moments as well as some decent laughs. A couple of bizarre pieces watching it now: Glover was only 42 or so at the time, despite playing a 50 year old. Also, Mel Gibson being a pretty well known racist. Oh, well. I'm in the camp that the dialogue could have been tightened up and taken this to God Tier, effectively changing the question from "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" to "Which is the better Christmas movie?". If you want pure 80's, this definitely delivers.

Lethal Weapon 2
An all around better film than its predecessor, but still has some of the flaws/features from the first. A handful of times the humor is forced, which now I feel makes it show its age. But, definitely forgivable. The action is better, story tighter, and the bad guys are definitely bigger assholes. When I saw this the first time I was too young to have any clue what Apartheid was. Looking back, what a bizarre choice. But, hey, go big or go home I guess.

Bullet Train
Japanese aesthetics, as interpreted by America, from Brad Pitt's character's attempt at living an Eastern philosophical life, to the Japanese version of the title. Not particularly accurate (except the part where Pitt mentions it's rude to talk on the phone on the train in Japan), quite ridiuclous, and pretty fucking rad. It wasn't sold as anything more than a romp, and while there's a distinct lack of subtlety at times, it's still entertaining. Could definitely have 20 minutes shaved off. Nice to see Masi Oka doing his broken English.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Top Gun Maverick has me a bit horny for Cruise at the moment, so in preparation for the upcoming MI movies, I figured I'd catch up and watch the ones I had missed. I may have seen this one but didn't remember anything other than the sky scraper scene. Usual fair I guess. The only thing in the series up until this one that I found memorable (other than a couple of explosions) was Phillip C. Hoffman in the 3rd installment, but that's not much of a surprise. I always thought the masks were stupid, and still do.

The Fabelmans
Pretty interesting concept, and I'm sure Spieldberg absolutely loved every minute of making this. Not surprised it didn't get best picture, but it was nice to get an origin story of someone so integral to modern day film. Solid performances all around, but the mom absolutely stole the show.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by emphatic »

Ghosted (2023, AppleTV+ exclusive) | 3/5

Decent entertainment. Romantic action adventure with Chris Evans starring. He's portraying a down to earth farmer with a past in academia who meets a woman at a farmer's market (they failed to make it a true meet/cute) who turns out to be this unstoppable #girlboss CIA-agent (it's 2023 after all) with a Cuban accent who more or less saves this white CIS-male from any physical trouble that comes their way. He may be bigger and stronger, but he's a civilian after all, I guess. Also, she wears an obvious wig for some reason that's never really explained.

He's not as muscular as while playing Captain America now, so maybe it's not too far of a stretch to suspend your disbelief, but it's a pet peeve for me I guess, which takes 1 point off the overall score. If only the fights were more focused on guns and using objects for her to get the upper hand (the TV show Alias was really great at this, much more believable than this Peggy Sue shit, pummeling guys twice her size with her tiny fists).

The lack of physical FX is a sad fact in today's action movies as well, where there's no risk to any of the lead characters at any time, unlike the Mission Impossible movies where you know Cruise does perform some bad ass stunts himself. Would watch again.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

Evil Dead Rise was a fucking blast. Fantastic practical effects, some truly inspired gore. You know how when they put kids in horror movies it's usually lame because they never have the guts to really hurt the kids? Yeah, Evil Dead Rise don't play that weak shit AT ALL.

I'm not spoiling shit, but this thing got me HYPE. Go in cold and prepare to cackle with glee.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by ryu »

Black Adam

Thought it was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. I don't even read comic books let alone watch Super Hero movies. A friend brought this along for a casual watch and explained the context. Apparently a villain character was forced into a hero's role because his actor was too popular to play the role he was cast for. What? And you sure can tell. Lines such as this feels wrong! and you're not supposed to be here! really stand out given the origins of the movie. What a fuckfest. :lol:

And that's just scratching the surface. All those off-tone jokes. The anecdotal political commentary that goes nowhere and has little to no relevance to the movie. Who writes scripts like that?
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Just saw Ghosted on Apple TV+. If you ever wanted a gender-swapped True Lies or Knight and Day, this is it. Still loved it.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

Evil Dead Rise.

As someone who has watched all the predecesors all I Can say is it tries something new, but falls flat in many areas.
One thing Jurassic Park has taught me is that if a kid is in the jaws of a T-Rex, the kid is getting away. Adding a child to the ED series puts that element of "plot armor" in it.
I've seen a kid killed twice in movie history and I believe they were both off screen.

Its a mixed bag.. One thing I didn't like is how they split the movie into 5 minutes of "cabin in the woods" and spends 90 minutes in a crumbling multi storey building. Its an average gore movie and only pays a couple of homages to the originals.

This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

neorichieb1971 wrote:Evil Dead Rise.

As someone who has watched all the predecesors all I Can say is it tries something new, but falls flat in many areas.
One thing Jurassic Park has taught me is that if a kid is in the jaws of a T-Rex, the kid is getting away. Adding a child to the ED series puts that element of "plot armor" in it.
I've seen a kid killed twice in movie history and I believe they were both off screen.
Did... did we watch the same movie?
They killed at least 3 kids on screen! Even if you don't consider the oldest one a child anymore, they killed the shit out of the brother and that little neighbor kid down the hall and showed all of it.

Like, of course one of the kids is your final girl, because you have to have a final girl, but the other 2-4 kids (depending on your age cutoff) were absolutely butchered for our enjoyment.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

Air Master Burst wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote:Evil Dead Rise.

As someone who has watched all the predecesors all I Can say is it tries something new, but falls flat in many areas.
One thing Jurassic Park has taught me is that if a kid is in the jaws of a T-Rex, the kid is getting away. Adding a child to the ED series puts that element of "plot armor" in it.
I've seen a kid killed twice in movie history and I believe they were both off screen.
Did... did we watch the same movie?
I suppose I got tunnel vision on the girl.
This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

The upcoming John Wick spinoff film, Ballerina, with Keanu Reeves & Ana De Armas should be well worth the wait. Still no word when it will get the proper theatrical release date though.

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