From Software 'n such

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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Austin »

Blinge wrote:
To Far Away Times wrote: The combat system is clearly designed around 1v1 combat. The prior games are built around this. DS2 wants you to engage multiple targets at once. Which means you just lead them into narrow hallways.

you're just regurgitating almost verbatim the talking points from matthewmatosis' shit ds2 video.
not impressed.
Yep, basically.

I remember watching the hbomberguy response video years ago and picking up on a few tricks from it, like.. not actually locking on a lot of the time and utilizing the second analog stick to control the camera, like you would in nearly every other dual-stick third-person game.

After getting used to that in DS2, it ended up turning into my primary play style in all the "Soulsbourne" games. I still lock on selectively but no longer rely on it the way a lot of players seem to.
guigui wrote:Gotta get back to it one of these days, was not that bad in my memories. Can you confirm this is the game where
you climb at the top of a windmill, still running sometimes, then find an elevator at the top that goes ... up ... to a fortress drowned in lava ?
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Blinge »

yeah i'm sorry for the harsh response Far Away Man, its just the whole " souls is built on 1on1 combat" is a take that triggers me every time. it is just wrong.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by To Far Away Times »

Blinge wrote:yeah i'm sorry for the harsh response Far Away Man, its just the whole " souls is built on 1on1 combat" is a take that triggers me every time. it is just wrong.
It's all good man.

There are good multi enemy fights in the other games. IMO, DS2's problems tend to be amplified when fighting multiple enemies.

DS2 has two boss battles with multiple rat enemies. The one where you try to find the special rat in the graveyard was great. One of the best fights in the game. I'm pretty sure they gave those enemies special AI to make it work. The one with the giant rat where 5 normal rats also bum rush you at the very beginning... is not.
Volteccer_Jack wrote:
To Far Away Times wrote:The targeting system is busted, randomly causing you miss enemies by 90 degree angles. Must be a glitch? Very noticeable playing with the rapier.
DS2 allows you to manually redirect attacks while locked on, it's janky but it's a feature not a glitch. Whether that feature is desirable is up for debate.
That's what's going on? Huh. 40-45 hours of play time and I never knew this.

Volteccer_Jack wrote:
To Far Away Times wrote:Generally, the game just lacks the carefulness and thoughtfulness that it asks of the player.
This is where I make people mad by saying the same is true of DS3 and ER.
I've not made it to DS3 yet (trying to play all of them) but I really liked ER, but I had nothing to compare it to. It was the first one I played. I thought it was a careful and methodical game with maybe the best exploration I've ever seen in a game, but... maybe I'd see it differently now.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Blinge »

To Far Away Times wrote: That's what's going on? Huh. 40-45 hours of play time and I never knew this.
Yeah, it's especially noticeable with Greatswords and the heaviest weapons. I think they added it because of PvP. you can lock on, then correct your attack midswing to catch people if you've predicted where they're going. It's... almost like you're doing a tracking overhead :lol: :lol: :lol:

It can lead to some annoying accidents for sure but once you get used to attacking while holding where you want to attack, or attacking with a neutral stick position - it's fine. Kind of like a fighting game where you want a neutral direction attack, not a towards attack.

I understand how this is annoying though especially if you're used to attacking while say, holding back.. because you want your character to back out of range or throw an attack out while backing away. It can still work, you just gotta let go of the stick momentarily.

as for " 1on1 combat" you're too focused on bosses.
Think about the very first area of Demon Souls. 1-1. It's a rush of dreglings, it's a you vs about 15 enemy fight. It teaches you right off the bat to approach methodically, or face the consequences of rushing in. 1-1 is full of multi-enemy encounters.

Or let's look at Undead Burg

That's two hollows getting slashed while a 3rd rushes in, and a 4th snipes with an arrow.

The statement "dark souls is built on 1on1 combat" sounds very authoritative and confident youtubers like matosis say it. People lapped it up. The fact that it's objectively wrong? Not a problem it seems.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

I swear, noobs need to learn to play unlocked. DS2 unlocked play against crowds is exactly the same as every other souls game. If your weapon has good arcs then you're good. If your weapon has shitty arcs then you best get some skill boi.

DS2 even has one of the most broken swords available as a starting weapon choice, that being the humble Broadsword. Godlike scaling, speed and moveset for such an early weapon. You can ride that shit all the way to endgame if you want, never touching another weapon. I mention it specifically because you can abuse its r2 swings with the manual targeting to just body the game.

DS2's manual targeting of swings is annoying at first but irrelevant once you get used to it. You'll learn to go neutral or hold forward with the stick when you just want the default forward attacks. And the ability to modify your arc while locked on can be useful at times, even in PvE. Such as when you want to modify your sweep arc to catch a dense pack of nubscrub zombies. That said, I think it's fine they removed that little feature form subsequent games. Players were confused by it and most PvP is either played unlocked or with caffeine hamster levels of lock-mash-canceling.
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Re: From Software 'n such

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I just finished up Demons's Souls. The first 2/3's are awesome. Then I just plowed through the final 1/3 of the game in a few hours? I saved the third round of archstones for the end assuming they'd be harder. I thought I had another 10-15 hours left and they'd be full levels, but they're mostly just short boss fights. No real final boss? It just ends super fast with a Gradius defenseless brain style final boss, but there's no difficult boss before it like you would expect.

There's a lot of good here in the lead up to it, but it really feels like they ran out of time or money and had to get the game shipped.

I was really enjoying it up until the last few hours, and the ending kinda soured me on it. And even if they wanted to subvert expectations with the defenseless final boss, they had just played the same trick on me 10 minutes ago in the Valley of Defilement. :( I picked a bad stage order, I guess. Doing it one time is cool, doing it back to back to end the game is lame.

Since official support for the PS3 version has been turned off, I played on the Archstones custom server. Total Death Count: 52. Soul Level 72. Play Time 31:30.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Volteccer_Jack »

2-3, 3-3, 4-3, and 5-3 are essentially just gimmick bosses.

The real final boss was in 1-4, which is why it can't be accessed until you've beaten at least one of the above bosses.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Air Master Burst »

To Far Away Times wrote:There's a lot of good here in the lead up to it, but it really feels like they ran out of time or money and had to get the game shipped.
This describes most FROM games in the 00s, especially the rpgs.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sumez »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Bed of Chaos dealt with. While being able to tackle more Taurus Demons and Capra Demons is fun, there's way too many of those firebreathing statues in Lost Izalith.
Just be happy you're playing the remaster version, and not the original release which also featured dozens of hostile dragon butts in the lava area!
In the remaster, these will mostly just leave you alone, but in OG DS1 they'd aggro from across the room, making it hard to make any progress without slowly and painfully taking them all out. D:

Bed of Chaos is actually worse when you do know what to do. On your first playthrough you get the advantage of trial and error (as in, you'll die, but you'd probably die anyway :P), and progress being saved between attempts. It's a puzzle boss, so it actually feels easier than bosses that you need to learn how to fight first.
But when you're trying to ace the game, make it through quickly or deathless, the Bed of Chaos is way too likely to kill you in really annoying ways if you don't precisely remember weirdly specific things.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sumez »

As for the "is Dark Souls designed for 1v1 combat" argument, it might be rooted in different understanding of what that entails?

I think when Demon's Souls first came out, I had the same impression of the combat. Due to the way melee attack/block/roll mechanics work, especially when locked on, you're always at a massive disadvatnage when fighting groups of enemies, and you're generally enticed to separate groups, so you can fight them individually. It's obviously very different to something like God of War, where you'll press a button and Kratos spins his chains around hitting everything in the vicinity.

But while that is generally true, just saying "DS is designed for 1v1" is a really naive misunderstanding of the situation, because fighting dudes while managing some degree of crowd control is generally the intended challenge pretty much anywhere in the game, which very intentionally likes to pit you against multiple of them much more often than it gives you one at a time.
While it's not like a straight up belt scroller which typically only truly works with more dudes on the screen, it's similar. You can handle more guys at once, but you need to manage them in a way that it becomes possible, and ideally that aspect is pretty fun.

And I can see why that's an issue more than a few places in DS2. The game really likes to lead you to be jumped by multiple enemies at once in a way that gives you very few fun and creative ways to deal with them, opting instead for boring and trite ways to either deal with them if you don't want your ass spanked. More often than any other Souls - or souls-type - game, DS2 puts you in a situation where the ideal strategy is leading enemies down a road where you can deal with them one at a time.

At this point though, I think I've come to terms with any other issue I used to have with the game, and I generally like it a lot aside from a small handful of bad instances of the above.
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Re: From Software 'n such

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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

But while that is generally true, just saying "DS is designed for 1v1" is a really naive misunderstanding of the situation, because fighting dudes while managing some degree of crowd control is generally the intended challenge pretty much anywhere in the game, which very intentionally likes to pit you against multiple of them much more often than it gives you one at a time.
Yeah, I can think of several games where you're given the option to rush in and fight a crowd, but it's generally a bad idea and fighting them by carefully pulling them into a choke point is advised. Dark Souls still has plenty of viable crowd control options I think, as you've got many weapons with wide sweeping slashes for the purpose, numerous spells to use, and the option of stealthing or running past everything.

God Hand is a game I'd argue more where fighting crowds is a chore as it requires a ton of execution to manage them. You don't have any wide sweeping normal attacks to plough through crowds like God of War's swords or DS's polearm spins, forcing you to go for your universal attacks (uppercut -> laughing dragon punch -> jumping spin kick), or using resources and burning god hand meter or precious and limited roulette charges. Managing multiple enemies is a breeze in Dark Souls by comparison.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

The thing about Souls games and crowds is they ease you into the idea of fighting groups basically from level 1. That's why all those undead dudes attack in packs but have no health. This is your chance to learn how to move, manage the camera, fight unlocked, use your sweeping attacks to hit multiple foes etc... Before any enemies with real hp show up. Because the undead have such tiny amounts of health, any successful attack you make is going to pay off big and kill them in one or two hits. So the game provides really strong feedback of what works vs what doesn't when fighting groups. Fuck up? Enjoy eating this stunlock. Got a good hit in? Well, if it was a sweeping strike that hit multiple enemies, congrats. You just killed half or more of the enemy crowd. Maybe you even killed all of them in a single swing. Doesn't that feel nice?
God Hand is a game I'd argue more where fighting crowds is a chore as it requires a ton of execution to manage them. You don't have any wide sweeping normal attacks to plough through crowds like God of War's swords or DS's polearm spins, forcing you to go for your universal attacks (uppercut -> laughing dragon punch -> jumping spin kick), or using resources and burning god hand meter or precious and limited roulette charges. Managing multiple enemies is a breeze in Dark Souls by comparison.
This isn't the character action thread, but I disagree. There are many moves in God Hand which either crush lows/highs or sweep. Hell, your default upduck low sweep crushes highs and can hit multiples if they're crowding. But then you've got half-handstand-kicks, mule kicks, drunken kung fu moves and half-moon kicks which can all manage crowds. Besides, knowing how to pop up an enemy, activate your jumping spin kick and blast an entire crowd of enemies is a core skill of God Hand. It doesn't require resources, just knowledge of the game and its systems. Knowing when you have time to go for that kind of thing vs when you need to do a quick sweep or even quickturn and sprint away-man that's all part of the game. You definitely don't need to burn resources to manage crowds in God Hand. The game is just hard and has a high skill ceiling.

Souls games are generally easier than character action games because the barrier to execution is lower in Souls. In my opinion.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Sima Tuna wrote: Hell, your default upduck low sweep crushes highs and can hit multiples if they're crowding. But then you've got half-handstand-kicks, mule kicks, drunken kung fu moves and half-moon kicks which can all manage crowds. Besides, knowing how to pop up an enemy, activate your jumping spin kick and blast an entire crowd of enemies is a core skill of God Hand. It doesn't require resources, just knowledge of the game and its systems.
The point isn't that God Hand requires resources; I'm well aware of KMS runs and stuff like Drunken Twist duck cancelling. The point is that the execution level required to smoothly handle crowds is generally much, much higher than other character action games. The moves you've mentioned all provide some degree of safety, but are nowhere near as safe and easy to use, and don't have anywhere near the range other action games tend to provide in the way of resource-free crowd control moves. There's tons of games with far more devastating, reliable AOE options for mowing down crowds than what God Hand tends to provide you, so any situation where you get mobbed by a group can get quite stressful compared to other character action games where your weapons can freely sweep wide arcs like crazy or shoot through targets.

Fishing for counterhits to get an uppercut and a spin kick as a means of crowd control is way more finicky than numerous examples of character action games I can name which give you far more user friendly crowd options. I agree you don't need to use expendable resources in God Hand to do crowd control, but crowd control without them is exceptionally demanding, moreso than in any other character action game I've played.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

You don't have to fish for counterhits. I don't remember which moves exactly, but there are moves that pop enemies up on normal hit. And crush highs. And can crush highs from multiple opponents at the same times. I can't recall if you can actually hit more than one enemy at a time with a handstand kick or not. I'd have to go back to the game to check.

Pretty sure the default charge upper cut pops up on normal hit and only requires timing (to hit the enemy when they're approaching/not blocking). A bit of timing and then you get an invincible spinning jump kick to wallsplat the rest of the dudes near you. I used to cheese the fuck out of crowds using tricks like that. You can spend so much time 100% invulnerable in God Hand if you exploit all your standard actions. You can even chain dragon punches (fully invulnerable) off a floating dead body until the other enemies get close for the spinning jump kick.

If your argument is God Hand makes managing crowds harder than a souls game, I agree. If your argument is God Hand makes managing crowds harder than other character action games, I don't agree. God Hand might be a harder game overall than some other character action games, but that's a separate issue entirely. God Hand doesn't have any many difficulty sliders as most modern character action games, for one thing.

Probably the roughest time I've had managing crowds in any punching game is Final Fight arcade. Hit Squad, anyone? God Hand is a font of generosity compared to frame 1 Holly Wood knife stab on wakeup with no iframes.

I guess you'd have to provide me some examples of what other character action games give you to manage crowds that's so much superior to what you get in God Hand. I dunno if you mean jump i-frame spam in devil may cry 1 or dodge offset in bayo 1 or what.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

If your argument is God Hand makes managing crowds harder than a souls game, I agree. If your argument is God Hand makes managing crowds harder than other character action games, I don't agree.
Those are both my argument, yes. A matter of opinion really, but that's generally been my experience.
I dunno if you mean jump i-frame spam in devil may cry 1 or dodge offset in bayo 1 or what.
Bayo 1 has ridiculously versatile crowd control options that don't involve any dodging or simply get better when using dodges such as Shuraba's PKP and Tetsuzanko wicked weave (dodge on the last P to cancel the recovery delay, you don't need to even to know how to dodge offset to figure this one out), all of the gunfire you get from doing PPKKK or PPPKKK charge combos with guns or shotguns. Durga Fire gives you massive AOE blasts that stagger many enemies, and the rocket launchers are powerful, stagger groups, and give huge amounts of combo points to the extent that the rocket launchers alone mop up most enemy types, with the only ones they can't really stagger being Fairness and Fearless. Against F&F, you've got Shuraba PKP/Tetsu, or even more hilariously, Handgun Heel Stomps which consume no magic and straight up stunlock them to death in a wide area. You've also got crazily overpowered ones that work in the bonus chapter where you can earn your Platinum combo on easier fights, and sweep the tougher ones with Rodin's sousaphone spins or Pillow Talk charges.

All of these are easy execution, and that's before getting into the crazy good accessories like Evil Harvest Rosary, Pulley's Butterfly, etc. The people who I've seen complain about Bayonetta's difficulty when streaming it all generally button mash and don't ever use charge attacks, which are her bread and butter.

God of War as mentioned has lots of wide sweeping attacks to choose from that outrange enemies. DMC games are the same with ranged options being readily available. Transformers Devastation has vehicle attacks, Grimlock's bite grabs, and various other attacks to sweep crowds up close with relative ease. Dark Souls has tons of weapon types that feature strong pokes with sweep attacks as a backup for crowd use such as the Claymore, Partizan, all one handed polearms, the Scythe/Gargoyle's Halberd/Giant's Halberd normal attacks. Sekiro lets you evade mobs and choose exactly what and where you fight with sheer mobility, plus gives you numerous useful free attack skills that hit crowds hard (as well as one that works well with 0 emblems in the form of big red a.k.a. MD).

Generally speaking, my experience was all of these 3D games have much more generous timing windows, execute with less effort, and hit far harder than God Hand's resource free options crowd control options do. No arguments with Final Fight being a brutally tough game, though!
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Air Master Burst »

Sima Tuna wrote:God Hand might be a harder game overall than some other character action games, but that's a separate issue entirely.
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Generally speaking, my experience was all of these 3D games have much more generous timing windows, execute with less effort, and hit far harder than God Hand's resource free options crowd control options do.
So, you're not wrong here, but that game list is quite telling. Other than maybe DMC on DMD, none of the games you listed are in the same league as God Hand difficulty-wise. It's one of the harder character action games out there. That said, Sima's correct that it gives you plenty of viable crowd control options that don't have much higher level of complexity than just learning how the game works. God Hand also plays differently enough than most everything else out there that your muscle memory from other games doesn't help a ton, but once you learn it, it handles like a DREAM.

Then again, I also find Final Fight arcade to be an incredibly fair game outside of a couple bullshit spawns in stages 2 and 4.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

Air Master Burst wrote:
Then again, I also find Final Fight arcade to be an incredibly fair game outside of a couple bullshit spawns in stages 2 and 4.
I have to preface anything I say about Final Fight with "I am bad at it." But the hardest aspect of Final Fight for me to get to grips with are the lack of i-frames on wakeup, which allow enemies to put you into unblockable setups that lead to death. I have heard "you can mash and get up faster." Yeah, sure. You can. You can quickrise or slowrise based on what you do. But no matter which option you choose, you can STILL get instant on-standing 1-frame stunlocked into death by the computer if they guess right/read the inputs. So that's the part of Final Fight that feels bullshitty to me personally. Managing the crowds is fair, but once I take a hard knockdown, I have to pray.

I don't think that happens in Streets of Rage 2. I'd have to go back to check, but I'm pretty sure you can superjoy as soon as you regain control from being knocked down and always prevent damage that way.

The thing about God Hand that maybe some people don't realize is just how much of the game you can spend 100% invincible without using resources. It doesn't really matter what the enemy crowd is doing if you are completely invulnerable. Which is the main way that I've found to handle hard situations in that game. All your context sensitive actions are fully invincible and they usually end with a massive explosion that CCs. To me, the hardest parts of God Hand weren't crowd fights, but bosses and demons on level DIE. Those guys have no chill and they will insta-punish the slightest fuckup. Crowds are a challenge, but all those bodies are also a resource you can use to activate your copious i-frames. I think you even have i-frames when you're booting a guy off the ground (to prep him for the flying spin kick or shoryu.)

When all else fails, Gene's sprinting speed is faster than any (non-boss) enemy in the game IIRC. It's not hard to escape from groups. Boxes, weapons and throwables can also be considered meterless crowd control options available in the environment.

Man, I really need to play God Hand again. God Hand is probably my favorite character action game. I struggle to think of a game I like more. NGB and DMC3 are close.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Air Master Burst »

Sima Tuna wrote:I have heard "you can mash and get up faster." Yeah, sure. You can. You can quickrise or slowrise based on what you do. But no matter which option you choose, you can STILL get instant on-standing 1-frame stunlocked into death by the computer if they guess right/read the inputs. So that's the part of Final Fight that feels bullshitty to me personally. Managing the crowds is fair, but once I take a hard knockdown, I have to pray.

I don't think that happens in Streets of Rage 2. I'd have to go back to check, but I'm pretty sure you can superjoy as soon as you regain control from being knocked down and always prevent damage that way.
So, the trick in Final Fight is actually to hold down one of the buttons and mash the other, which USUALLY gives you an instant superjoy upon recovery. It's still not quite infallible, but it will get you out of most stunlocks.

ETA: Autofire makes this more reliable. Just remember to do the quick mash to get up if Andore jump attacks at you, it's the only time it matters but it's pretty essential.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

Air Master Burst wrote:
Sima Tuna wrote:I have heard "you can mash and get up faster." Yeah, sure. You can. You can quickrise or slowrise based on what you do. But no matter which option you choose, you can STILL get instant on-standing 1-frame stunlocked into death by the computer if they guess right/read the inputs. So that's the part of Final Fight that feels bullshitty to me personally. Managing the crowds is fair, but once I take a hard knockdown, I have to pray.

I don't think that happens in Streets of Rage 2. I'd have to go back to check, but I'm pretty sure you can superjoy as soon as you regain control from being knocked down and always prevent damage that way.
So, the trick in Final Fight is actually to hold down one of the buttons and mash the other, which USUALLY gives you an instant superjoy upon recovery. It's still not quite infallible, but it will get you out of most stunlocks.

ETA: Autofire makes this more reliable. Just remember to do the quick mash to get up if Andore jump attacks at you, it's the only time it matters but it's pretty essential.
Thanks mate, that should be very helpful actually. Maybe I can finally stop cursing level 2 Andore/Holly Wood enemy rushes.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Air Master Burst »

Sima Tuna wrote: Thanks mate, that should be very helpful actually. Maybe I can finally stop cursing level 2 Andore/Holly Wood enemy rushes.
The trick to these is to stop as soon as the andore comes onscreen and mash punch at him as fast as you can, it'll catch him in your combo every time. Throw him to the same side as Hollywood and you should be good to go. If you use Cody, the knife will even hitstun both of them if you get them offscreen.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Blinge »

whats a superjoy?
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Re: From Software 'n such

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It's the Japanese term for the desperation move that costs health you get when you press attack + jump (I'm not sure of the etymology/where the name comes from).
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Sima Tuna »

Blinge wrote:whats a superjoy?
It's when Holly Wood tweaks your penis without consent while you're lying on the ground after being piledrived by Andore.
BareKnuckleRoo has the real answer.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by BIL »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:It's the Japanese term for the desperation move that costs health you get when you press attack + jump (I'm not sure of the etymology/where the name comes from).
It's also sometimes rendered as "Extra Joy," which makes me think it's referring to the user-wired third button for P+J seen on many Japanese cabs and superguns, plus the equivalent option in many home releases. ("extra" and "super" both having connotations of "beyond standard," and "joy" obviously connoting with standard JAMMA panels)

Final Fight is technically a two-button game, but there actually is a secret third button which will instantly break enemy grapples. A leftover dev tool, basically.

Funny how these things take root. See also the Kick Harness, which everyone here probably knows is named for its typically facilitating SFII's additional row of buttons.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by To Far Away Times »

I beat Sekiro today.

What in the fuck was that difficulty spike on the last boss? Holy shit.

I don't think I've ever had to work so hard to clear a game that wasn't a shmup/arcade style game.

Jesus fucking Christ.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Stevens »


If it makes you feel any better you'll curb stomp him in ng+.

He took me 50+ tries over three days in ng, only needed one in ng+. You going to keep playing?
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by To Far Away Times »


I started the Isshan fight on Saturday night. Played all day Sunday, and then came in fresh on Monday and beat him after a few attempts. I was probably about 50 attempts as well.

This game really does make you git gud. I know the souls games are "hard" but there are levels to this. Having played all of them now except Dark Souls III, this one was definitely the hardest. Demon's is the easiest. Elden Ring has the best new player onboarding.

I think difficulty wise I'd put them like this:

Easiest to hardest

Dark Souls 1
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2

I'm not too much of a NG+ player (so many games to play, I can't keep up!) but we'll see.
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Austin »

Dark Souls 2 one of the hardest?

That's... an interesting take.

Actually, pretend I said nothing. I realize even commenting on a Souls game's difficulty will send us back around in circles for the thousandth time. :lol:
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Re: From Software 'n such

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Stevens wrote:Awesome!

If it makes you feel any better you'll curb stomp him in ng+.

He took me 50+ tries over three days in ng, only needed one in ng+. You going to keep playing?
I know some souls vets that quit the game over him. Most eventually went back to it and beat it though.

I think it was...third try for me? It's hard to remember now.
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