Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

BIL wrote:
Lander wrote:
BIL wrote:[Tortle Soles]
Ah, beautiful. A rare moment of serenity absent the hordes of bloodthirsty enemies just out of frame :mrgreen:
Also got some cracking shots of frogs! ^__^

I love them. :D

It's really the best feeling in the world when you transform a massive dogpile of enemies into a frog party.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:I have never been happier to be DEAD FUCKIN WRONG than with GNGR's aesthetics.
Imagine if it looked like Mighty Number Nine.

This is a lot of the appeal of mobile games for their players, the 2d art. People remember 2d art! And they feel super nostalgic for it. Where everything isn't just a polygon floating around in an imaginary conceptual space. Paper dolls can look very good. Can.

... Zook's metaverse using alegria art is the the most grotesque thing. "Hey you know that art style everyone hates, let's use that!" And you take a peak at a random VR Chat screenshot and everyone's avatar is some kind of colorful freak in wonderfully clashing art styles that actually conveys its intention to provide its users with fun and freedom. As opposed to living in an unliving nightmare of that wagie meme.

I don't even think it's alegria's fault that it's so hated, fundamentally it's very simple, clean and colorful. It's the content these evil soulless monsters use it for that's the issue. Have you ever seen Zook blink? Of course not!

Warning alegria art.

...Hey um, is there an alegria killing motherfuckers kinda game out there?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Ahhh, yes. Image Figured out an utterly devastating weakness in those annoying DaiMakaimura roots.
Don't hang back - it takes forever to kill them, and restricts your movement. Instead, get in close; they'll struggle to reach you, but merely make a nice, easily-speedkilled arch. Note the generous i-frames during their eruption sequence! Use 'em to break through seemingly-impossible gaps for the kill.
We MUST stop DICC (`w´メ)

No hog is too big! (■`w´■)

Super-annoying enemy, with a fatal flaw through which to skillfully dispense REVENGEONING - that's the classic stuff. Image

Also holy fuck, I went the whole first loop terribly regretting certain Umbral Tree choices... overlooking that you could take them back! :shock: :lol: Sweet Jebus! That woulda made things a lot easier! The designers really are nicer than you might think. :cool: Masterful.
BryanM wrote:
BIL wrote:I have never been happier to be DEAD FUCKIN WRONG than with GNGR's aesthetics.
Imagine if it looked like Mighty Number Nine.

Oh snap, Mno9 is EXACTLY the look I was subconsciously dreading! I'm a longtime Rockman-ambivalent, but that one's aesthetic despaired even me, some thousand miles away playing something else.

God damn. Or maybe it was the overall fiasco surrounding its development I'm recalling. Either way, it made me feel the sad! That's the opposite of what videogames should do! (mad =/= sad!)

It's enough to make a man do a MIGHTY NUMBER TWO! And then fire up Blaster Master Zero 2, legit a very good game.


Yes, that's better!


That is too! Inafune should've skipped the crowdsourcing palaver, and just begged Inti on his hands and knees to do a pixels for him!

*ring ring*
"Look, man, I got these onigiri..."
"Fuck sake! I terr you! Arready ate!"
"Man PLS!!! They all after me!!! I'll, I'll..."
"I'll suck yo dick!"

Yes, exactly! That kind of thing. 3; Would've made the backer updates more amusing, at least!

Disclaimer: absent BFF Obscura maintains Mno9 is the best Rockman ever! I told him I got no opinion either way but I am compelled to note for Fair And Balanced Rockman-Adjacent Non-Opinion ;3 ;3 ;3
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

Decided to go back and clear the other two intro stages before tacking stage 5, and hoo wee Execution Grounds is a real Universal Studios production! Thrills and excitement on every screen, or your Money Bee back!
BIL wrote:Man you keep bringing that oldschool FORUM MOTICON excellence Image
I figured it was time to ease off nicking all of your good stuff and innovate :lol: turns out a certain browser-extenders-only Twitch cult hosts all of its goodies on public HTTP - prime real estate to sneak in and scrump a few gems.
BIL wrote:Also got some cracking shots of frogs! ^__^
I dub thee Sir David Attenbirru.

And here, we see the Arremer Demon in his natural habitat. Meditating patiently at the top of a bell tower, its bestially-sharp hearing and eyesight keeping vigil for any sign of passing royalty.
BIL wrote:The civilising presence of an Ainsley Harriot commentary track would go pretty well with GNGR or any first-rate R2RKMF killathon tbh :cool: That tactical Heisenberg GIF is fuckin killer BTW :lol:
Well there's certainly precedent now Capcom has lost the plot and invented virtual fighting game commentators!
Legendary dungeon master Treguard from the UK's premiere arcade-hard children's adventure gameshow would be top billing for GnG:

Oooh, NASTY! Image

Pitch-perfect AMV opener as well Image Gets the blood up to tally ho and sally forth unto peril clad in gleaming plate. Zounds!
BryanM wrote:Imagine if it looked like Mighty Number Nine.
Lord, perish the thought. Plasticky rim lighting and specular on absolutely bloody everything.
That would be a real clanger after Goku's decidedly serviceable 2.5D efforts:
And christ, Arthur is DURABLE in that game. Three hits in and still no boxers feels like cheating.
Ech, at least I know the proper name for Corporate Abomination Art now.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

I had to watch a long play of the thing to give it a fair chance, and geez.

Like 90% of its problems are the backgrounds. Almost all of them are made up of one color in various shades. That color will be grey, or grey adjacent on the color wheel. All places no one would want to be - they'll literally that grey wagie cage! And the places that break that rule are eye-meltingly distracting crap that makes it harder to see what you're doing.

Looking at the mansion stage was like a fountain to a man dying of thirst. A reasonable, normal background! With things in it! To look at!

There's a ton of subjectivity when it comes to art, but color is the one place where there is very little of it. It's as subtle as the tone of voice when you're talking to someone, and Mighty Number Nine is screaming at the top of its lungs that you need to get into that cagie, you wagie. There's no excuse, no one made them pick these colors. No technical or budget reason for it. Just like Fry's Pac-Man on the Atari 2600, they had dozens of colors to choose from and they decided these were the best ones to use.

I always loved color identity in old games, where you can tell characters apart from the colors their sprite used. And how old jRPG's would have to use lots of colors to avoid grass fields turning into a solid repeating tile or dungeons looking like uh, Mighty Number Nine's grey hellscape.

One grey hellscape dungeon is okay as a theme, but you're not supposed to give all of your levels the same theme...

Anyway. Color. It's the #1 most basic thing when it comes to making a game. It's easy to get right if you're actually aware of it as something that's critically important. If they can't do that decently, it makes one assume they're not gonna be able to do anything else right either. That guy who threw shade and said this guy doesn't know how to make games might've had a point..
BIL wrote:Figured out an utterly devastating weakness in those annoying DaiMakaimura roots.
Argh, I hate these things in Ghouls n Ghosts quite a lot. They have these weird invincible points on them that makes interacting with them unpredictable. I'd hate them far more than the turtles, if there were a lot more of them and they wasted more time. Nothing quite as jack-assed as shooting them all over and getting "ting ting ting" in response.

The sword is actually extremely effective on them, as it cleaves through their invincible bits and hits the fleshy goodness a knife or javelin might miss. The sword's actually a pretty great weapon, up until the second half of the second stage.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

BryanM wrote:
BIL wrote:Figured out an utterly devastating weakness in those annoying DaiMakaimura roots.
Argh, I hate these things in Ghouls n Ghosts quite a lot. They have these weird invincible points on them that makes interacting with them unpredictable. I'd hate them far more than the turtles, if there were a lot more of them and they wasted more time. Nothing quite as jack-assed as shooting them all over and getting "ting ting ting" in response.

The sword is actually extremely effective on them, as it cleaves through their invincible bits and hits the fleshy goodness a knife or javelin might miss. The sword's actually a pretty great weapon, up until the second half of the second stage.
I think the Ghouls and Ghosts/Daimakaimura roots are actually harder than the Resurrection roots. One of the few instances where this is the case. Why? Because I'm pretty sure that the roots in Daimakaimura have hitboxes as soon as they spawn. The ones in Resurrection are quite generous-it takes them a couple seconds from spawn before they gain the ability to damage Arthur. So you can rush past the wiggly hell-dick tentacles in Resurrection, but try that shit in Daimakaimura and Arthur will get sodomized.

Resurrection is a brutally difficult game, but it does redux a few encounters in ways that work better than the originals.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

It does look a lot more fair in some places. The OG Beelzebub fight, to my knowledge, moves in ways that are sometimes impossible to avoid. You can't jump over the stream of bees, you can't stand on an elevated platform, you can't run away, you just get hit. The entire fight requires you to kill him before he kills you.

The only way to avoid that is to cheese it by escaping out of the boss cage and he becomes a dog at the end of its leash.

Watching the fight in Resurrection I was like "what? Why isn't he performing unavoidable attacks? Is this even the same guy?"
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

GNGR is an even harder game than its predecessors, but it's very smart about achieving that. Gives lots of leeway in the immediate term, allowing a more diabolical gameplan overall. It's clear Fujiwara and co approached it as the continuation of a living, evolving series, not the nostalgia circuit throwback I was dreading. Ian Gillan talked about that, refusing to acknowledge Deep Purple as "classic rock," considering it a death knell. These guys are titans of their fields for a reason. Makes sense with Dai being one of the most deathless scrolling action games ever made.

Shadow Loop pulls some brutal psychological warfare with that Transformed Graveyard, it's an utter horror that might make you assume all the others are just as nightmarish. Image Stepped back and tried out Execution Yard and Town, no probs. Image They're wickedly tough, but geared more for arch mischief than outright punishment. Loop 1 Legend is absolutely balls-hard already, they knew they had room to offer "different" rather than just "meaner."

Like "Gatdayum! Turtle Town was already a motherfucker, what crazy shiet are they gonna do now?! ;w; Oh wait. This is kinda nice. ^w^" I actually found Loop 2 (normal)'s Execution Yard tougher than Shadow's. The latter has its 2HP SKELETON MURDERERS, but they're relatively few in number. Loop 2 cranks the regular blue bois through the roof into total onslaught mode, easy to artfully shred through four only to find a fifth's scythe mysteriously lodged up your ass.

Knowing the basic layouts from Loop 1 is a huge help, obviously, as are all the upgrades. Also, NUFF BEES Image

NYAHOOOOOO~ /zingzingzip


"Don't try this at home bairns, be some Legend shit"

The experience has been not unlike a Rockman X/Zero, taking down nails-hard stages piecemeal, with a view towards eventual single-sessioning.

Speaking of, I noticed the Shadow Kamaitachis seem a bit slash-happier than their Loop 1 counterparts; which is handy, as the attack is trivially avoided, and leaves them wide open... the thing is, you're not just dealing with Kamaitachis, now. :lol: :cool: If they were as defensive as before, it may have caused a total crapshoot trainwreck. Good peeps.

While the Dagger remains canonically Strong As Fuck, those extra weapon slots really help the balance; Boulder is absolutely devastating in certain spots, with its lob shot, infinite piercing, and ground-hugging properties. Tears straight through Roots, it'll hit every weakpoint in succession. Breaks Flying Knight shields, too. :shock: You can even launch a couple, then switch back to your main and follow them as they mow through hordes of zako. (I know it's more of an Iron Ball, but Boulder suits its mechanical action better ;3)

The way it hits twice on upshots is rad too, and after a significant delay; perfect for guillotining pursuers! :o Reminds me of Kunochi's Hair throw from TNWA/OA. You gotta keep the three-shot limit in mind, and that same piercing makes it unsuited to speedkilling hard targets - but even one Doppelganger will give you six, and they'll smash up even the toughest buggers in short order.

Noticed that if you cast Doppelganger, then switch weapons, your clones will continue firing the previous choice. Could see some S1CK STR4TZ BRAH coming out of that!


Also, holy fuck that Boulder downshot (complete with \M/ETAL \M/URDERFACE Image) is SATISFACTIONS Image *SPLATT*



SEE YOU AT DE PARTEH RICTUH(^w´ ) ok I feel kinda bad about that one ;w;

Actually brr, I guess that's what became of all the villagers. Makes up for the loss of Dai's Arremer skull throne.


Currently going with Dagger/Boulder/Crossbow, the latter two making up for the former's lack of lob or angled fire. Feels damn good coming across an awkwardly-placed nuisance, and just crushing/sniping him before swapping back to the ol' cardinal-fire killing machine. Of course, using all three slots, rather than keeping one as a landmine absorber, brings you back to the classic Makaimura conundrum of unwanted weapon drops; GNGR is consistently astute at tempering its generosity. And in yet another smart touch, Revenge Pot Drops will vanish after a bit, so it's never quite the end of the world.

Used the PS4 menu to invert [triangle] and [R1] for easier weapon-switching on the fly, feels rad. I keep a small Magic roster, so losing two-way selection is NBD. I'm so used to games with one-way realtime switching, anyway (Saigo, FC Batman, GUN-DEC, like a million STGs ala Garegga/TFIV, etc). Got the bee net in last place, so it's just a quick tap of [triangle] to nab the elusive little chaps. :cool: Assuming you haven't just blown your load on something else ofc!

It just hit me - the Steep Slope Slidin' after the Dai Roots n' Piggus area is a direct expansion of the little dropoff just before Shielder in the earlier game. :o
Lander wrote:I dub thee Sir David Attenbirru.

And here, we see the Arremer Demon in his natural habitat. Meditating patiently at the top of a bell tower, its bestially-sharp hearing and eyesight keeping vigil for any sign of passing royalty.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

Ended up satisfied with my beekeeping activities ahead of loop 2, and cleared stage 5 :)
That was a proper well-rounded challenge. Consistently difficult, but with a continuous drip-feed of new information to keep the inch-by-inch progression smooth, and a great boss setup. Doppelganger pays enormous dividends throughout.

I was surprised the game let me have the victory, since the arcade versions to memory are a lot more blunt about telling you that once won't cut it.

Interlude: Does anyone else find their gaze strangely drawn while climbing a ladder at 1HP?
What makes a King?

Dashing good looks.


And man, what a reveal for loop 2! The sudden difficulty hike and Nic Cage-worthy bee count are a huge change to the nature of the game. It becomes clear that the umbral tree isn't simply a crutch to lift up lesser players under standard rules; it's a fully-fledged set of mechanics that the game intends to explore in full whether you like it or not.
Case in point, the jaw-dropping total cost of Armormend seems a little less like a cruel joke now :lol:

I've not been much for the nuke spells so far, but Medusa I has become a go-to in light of the newly-frequent musou ambushes packed into the base stages.
Huge range (note the way the camera kind of "snaps back" before release), really short recharge, no embarrassing death to stray frogs, and seemingly-extra score items:

Stoner Magic Wagwan Image
In a nice touch, it even calcifies the otherwise-inaccessible background birds.

Speaking of score items, is there some known rhyme or reason to GnG chest drop logic?
Certain chests seem dialed in to provide mercy armor when you're at boxers, but the reasoning behind gold armor eludes me.
Perhaps something to do with the other pickups?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sir Ilpalazzo »

They're on a cycle, I think. The first chest that you expose in a stage will be a weapon, the second a score item, the third gold armor (or replacement armor if you need it). It might vary from stage to stage to some degree, though: the first chest in stage 3 will give you armor if you're naked, but the chest in stage 4 will not. (The chests in Ghouls and Super are the same, with each one's contents depending on how many you've exposed in your play of that stage and your status (naked / armor / green armor / gold armor all giving differing results).

Regarding Resurrection's arsenal - the gold armor-powered bow combined with a doppelganger for backup is some of the most satisfying, best-feeling firepower the series has ever had. Using the doppelganger's ability to keep a prior weapon equipped to combine the powered-up bow spreadshot and dagger is also cathartic, in the right situation. The additional weapon slot is a lovable mechanic - as discussed earlier, GnG weapons are frequently so situational as to be penalties, but having a free weapon slot finally allows things like the ball or bow to shine.

Resurrection kicks ass; I'm glad the discussion here has gotten me playing it again.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BryanM »

Played a little bit of Bad Dudes today for old time's sake. Noted how the zakos barely change from stage to stage, but don't really have to. Noted the fire ninjas don't really have any ninpo, they just use gasoline. Noted how it's kind of ridiculous video game logic how being smol is always so much better than being big. Felt a little dirty by how much the developers debased themselves with the themes, all it needed was a South Parkian "large american penis" bit to complete; they sure had an end user in mind. (Remember that if you ever find yourself trying to write up a blurb in a personals or something. I always found those things tragically unfocused and useless, no one ever bothers to provide a basic tutorial even though never was there a place where one was more needed..)

I noticed there was an up-punch in the dude's arsenal, which I had zero recollection of. Tried to find some places where it might be helpful, was mostly unsuccessful. Oh, and you can get one-shot helicopter'd.

Am I crazy or is the start of the melody in this song similar to that Etrian Odyssey song they had to put in every game because they obviously had to?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Felt a little dirty by how much the developers debased themselves with the themes, all it needed was a South Parkian "large american penis" bit to complete; they sure had an end user in mind.
Nah, that's just DECO being DECO - goofy but harmless theyaboos. Even their Japan-only stuff is identically Reaganomic.

Actually, I'm not sure the "theyaboo" label even applies fairly; what with Matthew "Kurofune" Perry and Harry "Kuroiame" Truman's collective antics!


A historic toll, indeed Image

SOUL OF NEW YORK CITY: The Art of DECO Title Screens






Well I guess Midnight Resistance's might be Detroit. Which figures, as it won a spot in the quintessential American police drama, Robocop 2:

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari


Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection still has bs that you have to collect like in the psp game. If you don't get all of it it won't let you finish the game. Totally put me off of the game. Some of the windows to trigger the chests are really specific and annoying.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Klatrymadon »

I'm nowhere near that becoming a problem, but I've definitely heard a few people say they didn't bother getting the 'true' ending because the conditions for it just weren't much fun. I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough!

My only gripe with the game is a total non-issue, really. It's that the modernised structuring of the game, with its unlimited lives and Progress Pennons acting essentially as bonfires, makes the proceedings feel relatively low-stakes. Deaths feel insignificant for the most part because you're only ever a few seconds away from your next attempt at the same obstacle. Obviously, nobody wants to lose a 40-minute run to a silly mistake, and dying just short of the next checkpoint still hurts, but it feels to me as though some element of risk or investment has been lost...

(Of course, the simple solution to this is just to put my money where my mouth is and go for the 1LC...)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

Finally clawed my way kicking and screaming to the halfway checkpoint in Shadow Graveyard. And you can bet I treated That Platform with a downright scientific degree of rigor after the church!
Jesus wept. It feels like the dev team removed all ethical constraints, r-r-re-examined their concept of fairness, and drew dark new conclusions :shock:

I think the visibility gimmick is approaching questionable with the difficulty ramped up this high. There's a specific Skeleton Murderer whose peek-out is obscured by a bush just before the manor, which coupled with the lack of audio cue, renders him essentially un-reactable if you've made the mistake of snuffing the nearest candle before scrolling forward.

And I got telefragged by Marvelous Jizzstain, again :x ended up employing the welwaffitm8 tac-nuke to brute force past in the end, which works in 99% of cases, but ooh that 1% and the four-ish lines of code it would have taken to fix. Speedrunning community in shambles.

Outside of that, Fair and Balanced. Shadow Arremer is a right bastard with his buffed mixup game, gaining a new ground fireball to disrupt the patient wait for a charge. It may have been down to the terrain / altered AI, but staying crouched seemed to bias his behaviour toward landing on the ground - will have to experiment with that and see if regular Arremer does something similar.

Edit: The latter half and boss were more in-line with a remixed version of the loop 1 stage; much less crushing overall, though still plenty evil.
And ah, finally enough bees for that third weapon slot! (And the sudden "oh fuck which way does it cycle" that comes with having a knife and cross already slotted :lol: for posterity, the rightmost item is the one you lose.)
Sir Ilpalazzo wrote:They're on a cycle, I think. The first chest that you expose in a stage will be a weapon, the second a score item, the third gold armor (or replacement armor if you need it). It might vary from stage to stage to some degree, though: the first chest in stage 3 will give you armor if you're naked, but the chest in stage 4 will not. (The chests in Ghouls and Super are the same, with each one's contents depending on how many you've exposed in your play of that stage and your status (naked / armor / green armor / gold armor all giving differing results).
That makes sense. I feel like enemy item pots might factor in too, since I got two successive gold armor drops from the same enemy at the same point in today's attempts, which was preceded by two chests that dropped a lance / cross (lucky!) and king statuette respectively.

Chances are I've been getting hit too much to see gold consistently :)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Klatrymadon wrote:My only gripe with the game is a total non-issue, really. It's that the modernised structuring of the game, with its unlimited lives and Progress Pennons acting essentially as bonfires, makes the proceedings feel relatively low-stakes. Deaths feel insignificant for the most part because you're only ever a few seconds away from your next attempt at the same obstacle. Obviously, nobody wants to lose a 40-minute run to a silly mistake, and dying just short of the next checkpoint still hurts, but it feels to me as though some element of risk or investment has been lost...

(Of course, the simple solution to this is just to put my money where my mouth is and go for the 1LC...)
I think they found a Gordian solution to the mainstream's ancient Catch-22, re: arcade games ("Too easy, lmao!" vs "TOO HARD, WAAAAAAH"). In Legend, they designed an authentically lean, mean, uncompromising arcade game, then put a ton of permanent upgrades off to the side, to use as the player sees fit. They also added the lower tiers, plus the Banners of Resurrection and Magic Metronome, all entirely optional, and enough to keep all but the most truly indisposed player happy.

IIRC, it was Ganelon who once likened solo arcade play to golf, in that you're really competing against your own best run. GNGR is a master-level course that can be dialled down as one sees fit. They've catered to the absolute diehards (a Legend+Shadow 2ALL, with oldschool "three lives and a few extends" rules, or even a 1LC, would be an Arthurian undertaking; and coinop-concise, at that)... the absolute casuals (plenty of leeway)... and the majority in-between (a Souls-esque journey of hard-won checkpoints and treasure-driven character expansion).

IMO, it's the best solution to an old dilemma - at least, without trading in the classically single session-friendly runtime for something like Metal Slug XX's grab bag of bitesized Missions (also quite excellent, but undeniably a departure from the cabs). The usual learning process that would see hard-bitten veterans preparing for The One Run, 45 minutes of hell, seamlessly doubles as a Souls-inflected odyssey to take down piecemeal over a couple of weeks.
Lander wrote:I think the visibility gimmick is approaching questionable with the difficulty ramped up this high. There's a specific Skeleton Murderer whose peek-out is obscured by a bush just before the manor, which coupled with the lack of audio cue, renders him essentially un-reactable if you've made the mistake of snuffing the nearest candle before scrolling forward.
That was my distinct reaction to the turret-lined gauntlet of Roots, Snippers and Zombies, topped off by light/shadow camouflage, and that bell-headed bellend Marvelous Jezter - "Oof, they've finally overdone it..." and worse, I'd assumed the Dark hazard was some universally-applied trait of the Shadow Loop (fortunately it's not; the stage merely inherits the mechanic introduced in Zone 3/Grotto)

But even in sheer difficulty terms, the Transformed Graveyard really does feel like psychological warfare, a feint; given the rest of the Shadow Loop, up to Zone 4 (reached it this evening) has been, imo, not much harder than Legend Loop 1; even before considering upgrades (obvious caveat being that Legend Loop 1 is hard as goddamn balls). Very different, often fiendishly so, but it's not the exercise in sadism the Graveyard might forecast; actually feels as much like an Arrange Mode. The Grotto is positively agreeable, not in the least because its Dark hazard (and Shadow Arremer!) is on loan to the aforementioned Graveyard. :mrgreen:

Feels like they deliberately front-loaded, wanting a suitably imposing introduction to the corrupted domain of the Shadow Loop; its first sight, a lonely bonfire in a silent ocean of inky black, a real Welcome To Hell moment. Image

The Master Of Horror Adventure (■`w´■)

(also, I know I thought "Well let's go with Graveyard, Execution Yard is probably gonna be even tougher" Walked right into that one! Image)

I continue to find GNGR's defining trait not its impressive difficulty, but rather, Fujiwara and co's lifetime-honed good judgment. It's a meticulously well-considered game, from the foundations up. I finally noticed in last night's session, the brutal cooldown penalty associated with the more extravagant spells. Was always a bit skeptical of Armormend, particularly given its staggering cost. Did a little rerouting to try it out, and yeah... holy fuck. You better make that new suit count, because backup won't be there for a while. :lol:

Absolutely invaluable, and would likely open up devastating strategies for a skilled-enough player able to bust out the Gold Armour and shred all before him, sans magic; but it's no free lunch, and frankly not even much of a crutch. It's amazing, a Makaimura giving you an armour repair spell, at absolutely zero compromise to its fundamentals - if anything, only expanding its tactical scope. :o

I'm glad they put the effort in, giving spells diverse cooldowns; I'd worried the upper tier would flat-out obviate the lower. Instead, it's the classic SF Alpha / Strikers 1945 II dilemma; the occasional L3 SOOPER big bang, or artfully-deployed smaller detonations? I was always more into the latter approach, enjoying regular limited boosts and making up the shortfall with a bit of improv. I'd rather a relatively smooth trip than cyclical feast/famine. Of course, with mean enough Big Bads, the odd L3 isn't entirely out of the question.

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

BIL wrote:I think they found a Gordian solution to the mainstream's ancient Catch-22, re: arcade games ("Too easy, lmao!" vs "TOO HARD, WAAAAAAH"). In Legend, they designed an authentically lean, mean, uncompromising arcade game, then put a ton of permanent upgrades off to the side, to use as the player sees fit. They also added the lower tiers, plus the Banners of Resurrection and Magic Metronome, all entirely optional, and enough to keep all but the most truly indisposed player happy.
One thing I've noted is, despite its uncompromising difficulty, GnGR has never once dipped into the playthrough-killing pit of pyhrric victory. I've played easier games whose punishment tips over the unfair line - often due to some unaccounted-for edge case in design - and curses the player with the knowledge that they'll be too pissed about it to enjoy the win if / when it does come.

Here, I've been right there with Arthur for the post-boss victory shout, every time.
BIL wrote:I'm glad they put the effort in, giving spells diverse cooldowns; I'd worried the upper tier would flat-out obviate the lower. Instead, it's the classic SF Alpha / Strikers 1945 II dilemma; the occasional L3 SOOPER big bang, or artfully-deployed smaller detonations? I was always more into the latter approach, enjoying regular limited boosts and making up the shortfall with a bit of improv.
Yeah, that top line of spells is a real jaw-dropper on first look; the idea of running faster, healing, getting free powerups and coming back to life is borderline Gameshark next to the series' more traditional magics.

I put resurrection in as a slot-fillter at one point, and even that is balanced - triggering infrequently enough for the player to have dropped out of flow state by the time the respawn star appears, forcing attention to be held on each and every death for fear of wasting it, their inner Franky Four Fingers clinging to the hope that run-saving triple 7s are just around the corner. Bugger that :lol:
BIL wrote:I'd rather a relatively smooth trip than cyclical feast/famine. Of course, with mean enough Big Bads, the odd L3 isn't entirely out of the question. Did a panicky spray n' pray and managed to get three Arremers after you? L3 Thunder can help with that!
Same. There was a time when I'd pick the Shun Goku Satsu equivalent on principle and damned be the consequences, but that golden [Also Affects BossesImage] opportunity comes all the more frequently when applying the right tool for the job.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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TFW misunderstood literally fundamental stage mechanics :shock: Back in Loop 1, I thought you were racing against time in Zone 5's upward climb. Not how it works - fortunately, with all the artillery up there in Shadow.

Obliviously hauling ass like the Flash to not get dunked. :mrgreen:

Right the way through Shadow Loop, I found it mostly comparable with Loop 1 Legend. I'm really pleased... Loop 1 is absolutely redlining it from start to finish, as-is. Several spots are arguably milder, and there's the upgrades on top of that. Emblematic of Fujiwara's total command of his series and artform. No need to willy-wave with X-TREEEEEEM punishment, lots of room to cut back here and there.

Exception being the Shadow Graveyard and Forest, which are a whole motherfucker and a half. Brutal visibility hazards throughout, on top of already punishing layouts. I left it to second-last, was easily the hardest time I had in the Shadow Loop. Suffice to say, it's not all like that! I'm definitely convinced they deliberately made the ostensible "babby's first stage" the killer of the bunch. :lol:

Yeah Lander, I thought the substantial Good End for Loop 1 was surprising too! As Sil from The Sopranos might put it, I watched Arthur and Prin-Prin's reunion on one ass cheek, certain some awful thing was gonna crash into frame and cockblock the long-suffering couple. :mrgreen: Characteristic good humour from Fujiwara and co - even a loop of this beast is no joke - and I like the almost Colour Out Of Space (gimme that purple drank!) setup of the Shadow Loop. Looks like it explodes out of the final enemy, like you've inadvertently popped a cosmic horror pustule. Back into the breach, leal knights Image

Welp, it was a lovely ~2wks, ta again Sumez & Ebbo & Tuna for getting my procrastinating ass in gear! 1CC/1LC play remains, of course; a titanic undertaking, sure to loom large in even the hardest of hardcore's estimation. A fitting coda to this thread's first decade. It started from the Makaimura thread, after all. :cool:

Unfortunately I'm a bit pressed for time, so I went and looked up the TLB requirements. Was mostly worried about killing the endboss and nuking my file back to square one, Furomusoftu-style. For anyone else who can't quite afford blind trial/error (it's nothing too esoteric, honestly):
You need all stages cleared in Normal and Shadow (sorted m8), plus all fourteen Hell Holes (faaaaaack m8!).
Sounds like it's TIME 2 HUNT Image Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Excellent work, BIL! Two weeks seems quick - I'm only managing about 15 minutes a night at the moment, and it feels like I've been at the loop 1 Crystalline City midpoint for two weeks. :P
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Thanks bud! I'm sure I've died at least a thousand times altogether, it all evens out. :mrgreen: It felt no different than going balls-out on a tough checkpoint-based coinop, except GNGR's actually designed for that - no rankdowns, or powerdowns, or other annoying things that tend to make credit-feeding a distant facsimile of an unbroken run.

This clip about sums it up... I'll never complain about Arthur's bones picking up weapons again :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Lander »

Killer! I didn't think stage 5 could even be hero-moded after getting beaten into a slow pick-your-jumps rhythm by its honking great hazardboxes.
As ever, the solution is a lead foot, bigger guns, and more munitions downrange.


And guh, clearing that TLB requirement is going to be a doozy!
What with how sneaky some of those black chests are. I found the Shadow Antlion Nest one on accident by flubbing the last jump with full armor - something I didn't even realize you could survive!
Speaking of, I foolishly spoiled myself on the true completion reward while googling around for chest lore :|
I shan't pass on the curse, but it sounds legitimately additive and worth the effort. Unlike the concept art viewer / sound test / lore notes / collectible bobbleheads / novelty golden poo that many games seem to so love disappointing completionists with.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

Klatrymadon wrote:Excellent work, BIL! Two weeks seems quick - I'm only managing about 15 minutes a night at the moment, and it feels like I've been at the loop 1 Crystalline City midpoint for two weeks. :P
Yeah, I'm in a similar boat. Some evenings I just lack the energy to power through. I knew the skilled fiends in this thread (like BIL) would body Resurrection much faster than I, once they got hooked on it. :P I'm still going slow, and occasionally being tempted by other games too.

Resurrection is still a fucking sweet game though. Seems to follow the trend of good games never recognized in their own eras. It even has its own 3/10 God Hand review.
Speaking of score items, is there some known rhyme or reason to GnG chest drop logic?
STGWeekly on youtube has an Awesome Game Replays episode where DJMikeHaggar explains exactly how the chest drop cycles work. They alternate on a cycle that varies by which stage you are on (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 etc.) Alternate or main stage don't matter IIRC. If you check out that video then you can look at the images the dude made for chest drops.

I recommend watching this video anyway, as you will learn a ton about the game.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

^ Excellent video! mikehaggar is truly the Makaimura man for all seasons.

tbh this game ruined my shit Image It's testament to Fujiwara and his team's mirror-sheened brass balls that, even with the infinite lives setup, it was exactly like attacking the earlier games head-on. I was supposed to be finishing up the new index for the thread's big one-oh tomorrow, but didn't have any free time or energy for it. :lol: I Bob Rossed it that a long-overdue GNGR playthrough would do just as well, given the Makaimura Miscellanies thread directly inspired this one. Image


I do wish they'd included a checklist for cleared Hell Holes, but that was readily solved by the arcane magicks of parchment and graphite Image Image Hunting down Alablasters and Hell Holes amidst these brutal stages is an interesting change of pace from pure survival/advancement. Kinda Rainbow Islands-esque in the context of a 1LC attempt, I suppose.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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I almost cleared that checkpoint last night, on my first attempt since the previous post. Stupidly, I haven't been using magic at all so far, but I grabbed Doppelganger and it really helped against the big rocky guys near the top of the tower, who love to surprise tag-team you at the most inopportune moments. I was almost at the boss when I somehow blew myself up by shooting a barrel on the platform above me. :P

I'd love to be able to power through but I only have a few minutes a day to make these attempts, at the moment. I have the Easter holidays off, though, so I'm hoping I'll have an evening of solid Arremer-bothering at some point!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Doppelganger in particular is a real equaliser, I found; not just the boss-shredding firepower, but also its i-frame burst, which is perfect for turning certain death into resounding victory. Time it right, and that heavy about to crush you underfoot will eat pointblank Knife Salad while Arthur scarpers. :cool: Not unlike Saigo's Shadow Train, come to think of it!

Fighting Men of the Occident and the Orient! Evade! Deceive! Destroy! Image

Actual footage of my first time reaching the Shadow Giant's Tower summit - had the Doppy locked and loaded for just such an uncharitable welcome. :mrgreen: Even if you get totally blindsided, it'll grant you a heavily-armed burst of invulnerability that might get you clear of the danger.

Of the other spells, I found Frog invaluable versus Jesters, and Piranha Turrets (who tend to accompany them). As Lander says, Medusa can swap in if stray Frogs are a concern (it happens :shock:). Lightning was great for Zone 4-1, where stray fire is lethal, and its L3 variant is an Arremer Skipper, though you must factor in the cooldown. Umbral Net was nice to have, with Shadow Loop's love of spawning BEEEEEES en masse.

And that was pretty much my lineup. Quickening sounded nice, but I dislike how its running speed doesn't translate into jump momentum... maybe I should have another look, as boss pounce attacks (specifically Unicorn and Ser Pounce of the Cerberus Trio) were my Achilles throughout. Depends on the cooldown, really. I thought Boulder LV2 might be killer in the right spots, too - LV1 seemed pointlessly fragile - but never quite came around to testing it. Armormend just seemed way too big a commitment, especially with my liking for short, sharp L1 bursts; the cooldown is brutal. I could see it saving a 1LC attempt, certainly, but I'm nowhere near that kind of proficiency atm.

I wanted to love Fire, being a huge fan of IREMesque Bit Devices and other Lethal Options, but its susceptibility to gravity was just more complication than I like to deal with. It did help early on, with Graveyard's Giant Piranha ambush... which honestly, I consider a rare example of over-egged difficulty (Shadow Graveyard likewise, with the vine setpiece it places immediately after; I get what they were going for - "pay attention, motherfucker! we're rolling out the red carpet, here!" - but it's a bit too IWBTG for my taste; certainly a footnote in the long history of oversteps common to even the greatest action games)

As for weaponry, I was Dagger 90% of the time, until realising Kitted Out is effectively a landmine absorber. From there it was Dagger and Iron Ball - devastating in certain contexts - with Cross's bullet-eater as backup (great for Zone 4-2's harrowingly slippery, claustrophobic, turret-lined autoscroller). Equipping Cross, casting Doppelganger, then switching to Dagger will give you a really nice wall of counter-offensive death.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

I prioritized frog magic over doppleganger because the frogs are too cute. I don't care if I'm wrong! I can't go back!

The fire magic is good to counter fire foxes in stage 2, but gravity does negatively impact areas where you can use it. Watching your fire orbs fall off a cliff into the abyss is soul-crushing.
Graveyard's Giant Piranha ambush... which honestly, I consider a rare example of over-egged difficulty
Yeah. I wonder how many people who had a negative reaction to GnGR had that reaction specifically because of this one section? It hits you so early and has to be defanged in such a particularly specific way... The typical noob player is probably going to die at least five times before they even understand how the spawning pattern works. To solve the puzzle will take much longer. That and the Burrito Flavor Rush are the hardest parts of stage 1.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Frog's random hop RNG is brutal, though. :lol: Frog be like "Do it pussy ;3 ;3 ;3" "You motherf... God dammit! OK I WILL" *hop* "FUUUUUUU-" Image
Sima Tuna wrote:Yeah. I wonder how many people who had a negative reaction to GnGR had that reaction specifically because of this one section? It hits you so early and has to be defanged in such a particularly specific way... The typical noob player is probably going to die at least five times before they even understand how the spawning pattern works. To solve the puzzle will take much longer. That and the Burrito Flavor Rush are the hardest parts of stage 1.
I almost wonder if it was a deliberate callback to Makaimura and Daimakaimura's respective strains of balls-hard. Dai is relentlessly volatile, but also pretty improv-friendly... Makai often demands studied, exploit-aware solutions. Learning exactly how the Piranhas work - the long cooldown after shots, and the proximity for chomp attacks - isn't something you'll be able to improv around, especially with the all-sides ambush spawn arrangement.

Oof. Basically, Graveyard+Woodeh Pig Woods is a motherfucker and a half. Go with Execution Yard+Vilevine Falls, if you're a Johnny-Come-Lately Dai Boi, like me. :lol:
Last edited by BIL on Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sima Tuna »

BIL wrote:Frog's random hop RNG is brutal, though. :lol: Be like "Do it pussy ;3 ;3 ;3" "God dammit! OK I WILL" *hop* "FUUUUUUU-" Image

Yeah, but if you position the enemy above a pit or your head before transforming them, their froggy self will drop straight to hell! :twisted:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Fist-fucking a Jester into a Frog Spawn is good stuff indeed. :twisted: This works with Medusa, as well - Arthur's raised Billy Idol fist will go straight through the petrified target, in TRVE & HONEST KVLTIC fashion Image


EDIT: God damn. Gave ACA Ninja-kun (UPL, 1984) a whimsical go. It's the sort of foundational-yet-obscure title I love having around. I noticed it's one of those early/mid-80s games, like many of Tecmo's and SNK's, that seems to default to Easy. Thing is, while those tend to have the typical Easy/Normal/Hard/V.Hard range, this one is just Easy/Hard. And it's quite a jump!

I remembered it feeling a bit sleepy, compared to its benchmark-setting sequel Ashura no Shou (also on ACA), so I bumped it up. I'm still haunted by survivor's guilt over my default Ikari and Dogosoken 1LCs. Aaaand mein gott in himmel - absolutely ruthless ninja combat! :shock: Motherfuckers kicking me in the face while their buddies unleash body-shredding shuriken flurries on my poor dizzied Ninja-kun!

This must've seemed absolutely mind-blowing in 1984. It's a real high-precision action/platformer killfest, with a far more personal, aggressive style than, say, Taito's Kage. It feels like the action/platforming equivalent of Gun.Smoke, where each and every zako is a lethal threat unto itself, and must be outplayed thus.

Really cool game. I see why it's revered by Hideki Kamiya, who, while he's a bit of a douche on the twatter, is nonetheless an accredited oldschool arcade head.


WTF? I just got lit up by a goddamn Burrito. Image Twice! :lol:

A New Level Of Burrito Confidence And Firepower

Thought I had the basic jump-rope rhythm down, then young homie dumps the clip on me from behind cover. That was one smart Burrito! :shock: Nastiest Hell Hole yet by far. Image

BATMAKU done in one. Bats (and their fire/snow variants) are hellaciously annoying when you can't move around freely, but with their simple "home in on Arthur's XY value on first active frame" routine, they're trivially sidestepped. You can even stream them in the staple STG method. Super comfy enemy design, as always; dangerous, but carefully limited.

God damn though, Shadow Graveyard+Forest is just mean as balls. In particular, the manor is just a complete hellscape now. The bat onslaught and even the Shadow Arremer aren't too bad, but once they're gone, the ground just explodes with giant shadow zombies and Shadow Snippers. Taking the high route via the floating graves feels like the overwhelmingly safer choice, not sure why you'd go below except for style points. Then again, the Shadow Arremer itself is effectively a boobytrap.

EDIT: Ooor, I suppose you could just blast a straight line through the whole tangled mess. :o This game, man, god damn it's good. Image

I found my own answer to the Fennecs' curious idle animation. As always, it's a pisser... incredibly disruptive when you're enjoying a nice, orderly bouncing screenload of the bastards. Just gotta charge up my magic while this little guy obligingly bounces out of the wOH FUUUCK YOU Image :cool:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Klatrymadon »

Got to the dragon without breaking a sweat tonight. This game is so full of "why didn't I simply do that three hours ago?" moments (often hot on the heels of "fuck this, I can't be arsed" moments). From seeing it in others' videos I'd assumed the dragon was a piece of piss, but it's currently sending me to bed humbled.
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