The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Vanguard »

BulletMagnet wrote:What? Who the hell claims that? Nobody is "inherently" privileged:
Well that's essentially all that the stop woke act forbids teaching.
BulletMagnet wrote:if society gives any group a default leg up over another it's by design, the result of deliberate and ongoing decisions and actions, which can be both quantified and thus changed.

But we're supposed to believe that somehow the established, moneyed interests with the most to lose from just such a process are the ones really pulling the strings whenever anyone states that historically-oppressed minorities still have something to complain about, because too darn many of those silly geese - who, again, are the ones who have lived experience when it comes to institutional inequality - just can't reason well enough to respond in any manner aside from beating up random straight white Christian males, and thus are, dare I say, inherently doomed to play directly into the globalists' hands?
How about you write a reply to the real claims being made and not an imagined straw man? Those moneyed interests don't want white people or any other people to lead lives of comfort and leisure either, unless they are already wealthy or politically connected. The global ruling class wants to oppress the poorest 99.9% of humanity, and they're doing just that, with a great deal of assistance from the social justice movement. The elites want infighting and disunity among the working class and the social justice movement is doing a bang up job of intensifying racial hatreds, which makes systemic improvements more difficult, not less! It has failed utterly to reduce racial violence or to increase economic conditions among minorities. Indeed, the methods they are using cannot and will never be able to do so, and that is by design. Angry twitter mobs getting individuals fired from their jobs could never bring about social change. Empowering the state and corporations to censor "bigots" and various forms of media will never bring about systemic improvements. How could one fight the existing system by empowering it? Why do they never consider that the elites will turn these powers of censorship against the social justice movement, should it ever become an inconvenience? Any time it does seem like systemic change might happen, some extremely convenient leftists inevitably show up to demand it isn't good enough, that we need even more and end up sabotaging the whole thing. Reform the police becomes defund the police becomes abolish the police, and that obviously is not happening, so nothing happens at all.

The social justice movement is the second greatest obstacle there is to achieving any real economic justice, behind only the capitalist class itself. The social justice movement is an outstanding distraction for economic leftists that has worked time and time again. There is always some racial or gender issue happening, and no matter how minor or irrelevant it is, it will always take precedent in the eyes of the left over things like raising wages, restoring union rights, reducing work hours, enforcing antitrust law, addressing corporate corruption, taxing the rich, or ending wars for profit. Additionally, the social justice movement is by far the greatest recruiting mechanism available to the right and conservatives right now.

On an individual level, cancelling is a great way for the elites to deal with problematic individuals. Remember all of those completely baseless complaints of antisemitism that torpedoed Jeremy Corbyn's run for Prime Minister of Britain?

If the social justice movement were concerned with fighting racism and systemic oppression, they would, of course, take the most diplomatic and least confrontational methods possible when dealing with the general public. They would prefer to educate others rather than lash out angrily. They would hold themselves and their fellows to the highest standards, far beyond what they'd ask of outsiders and opponents. They would be more concerned with corruption in their own parties and organizations (in the case of American SJWs, that would mean the Democrats) than in opposing organizations. They would want to defend all people against all forms of injustice and not merely of an arbitrary selection of ethnicities against a cherry picked set of problems. They would set reasonable goals and be willing to take baby steps towards improvement. They would be willing to compromise. Finally, when and if they were cancelling someone, they would exclusively go after powerful individuals with decision making power. Worked on Weinstein! But the modern social justice movement does the exact opposite of all of those things, because it is controlled opposition for the ruling class that exists to protect all existing forms of systemic oppression.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Vanguard »

I wish liberals could at least stay focused on real problems like this without worrying about thoughtcrimes.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Some rapers actually had to spend some time in prison so I'm on the side of "it's ok I guess."

Voice actors getting unpersoned for being internet sex creeps is always an entertaining wednesday. It's just like Jared, dudes had their lives made on easy street, all they had to do is smile and hold up those damn pants, but they managed to fuck it all up in the most spectacular way.
On an individual level, cancelling is a great way for the elites to deal with problematic individuals. Remember all of those completely baseless complaints of antisemitism that torpedoed Jeremy Corbyn's run for Prime Minister of Britain?
Yes, but the ratfucking doesn't require words. (And the words can be anything anyway. Anything repeated enough becomes true.) They can just ignore election results. They can ignore everything as long as they have nothing to fear.

That's what having power means.

I do share your disgust at Hillary's "we can't have universal healthcare because it wouldn't eliminate racism" rhetoric, but that's as far as we can go. An angry memo to the manager that goes right into the trash can.

Hope is for the hopeless.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:
Vanguard wrote:Teaching that all members of any one race are inherently more privileged than all members of any other race is both transparently false
What? Who the hell claims that? Nobody is "inherently" privileged: if society gives any group a default leg up over another it's by design, the result of deliberate and ongoing decisions and actions, which can be both quantified and thus changed.
Rutgers employs openly violent racist Brittney Cooper, who is not at all exceptional. Her rhetoric is so plentiful, at the moment, I'm spoiled for choice. In classic wink/nudge mode, Cooper fantasises of "Taking these motherfuckers out" - gloatingly framing the thought as a fond, justifiable, but graciously-declined option. It would "hurt her soul," she says.

I dislike soundbites, but if you're pressed for time, consider this timestamp my source. I suggest watching the whole thing; it's soaked through with incipient murder dressed up as grinning smarm. The commissioners of an atrocity often do sport leering grins, come to think of it; the beast let out of its cage in a flood of endorphins and tribal well-being. A choice cut is the "What was she wearing?" implication that, without unquestioning ideological surrender, indiscriminate slaughter will be tacitly invited.

Her interviewer Michael Harriot, of frequent media acclaim, is only superficially less hateful. Harriot dedicates his writings to examining the purportedly inborn - not learned, or designed - features of "white people," with a nose-pinching disgust familiar to anyone who's read race-supremacist doctrine. Again, the implication is always there: It'd solve so many problems if we just took these motherfuckers out.

As said, it's trivially easy to find celebrations of this bigotry in both the US and English mainstream. If anyone wants me to back up that claim, just ask. I've been watching this build up for the last decade or so, knowing full well the roots extend generations further back.

What you describe sounds hopeful. In my adopted country, I described a similar process, in the reaction to Stephen Lawrence's murder. But given the mainstream acclaim your country and mine are currently lavishing on flirtations with tribal warfare and outright ethnic cleansing - do you understand why skeptics like myself have little faith in the discerning restraint you speak of?

We have a fine example right here, actually.
Mischief Maker wrote:I talk about broken policy creating perverse incentives that lead to racist outcomes, regardless of the individual views of actors within the system.
MM was so blinded with zeal, he interpreted my post affirming his premise, to the letter, as a sectarian attack. Because the racist outcomes I cited, documented exhaustively, happened to affect white children and their families. After covering the victims in precisely the racist scorn that facilitated their plight to begin with, he then attempted to twist my post into a narcissistic defense on my part; as if remarking on an outrage necessitates some personal interest on the part of the observer.

He had no such opprobrium, or acknowledgement at all, for my foregrounding of the Stephen Lawrence affair - as noted, one I'm entirely more partisan to, ironically enough. I'm forced to assume this was because Lawrence and his family were the correct colour for dispensation of sympathy; not just white people "looking for novel ways to frame themselves as the victims."

He did apologise, though only to me - neither requested nor warranted, again a bit ironic, given the preceding charge of egotism - and not for anything he said; only for expending munitions on what he later determined to be a neutral party. As if we are rival commanders in some virtue-themed war game.

I'm not at all convinced that this time, unlike every other time in recorded history that race became the determiner of virtue or vice - unfortunately, "whiteness" is no more extricable from notions of race than "blackness" - there won't be collateral. Exhortations to destroy "whiteness," not the people who allegedly benefit from it, didn't help Michael Mammone or his family, or the wider community he served. Equally demonstrably, it's not helping society's most vulnerable, with the US and England's atrocious levels of inner-city black-on-black murder.

What I am seeing there is a mountain of corpses, and the promise of a better tomorrow if I ignore it. And a sneering disdain for questioning the plan, unfailingly steeped in accusations of being in league with The Other Side. It's an old horror story. I hope you believe me, when I say it's not out of some personal affront or self-interest that I'm dubious of Cooper and Harriot et al's virtue. They don't affect me at all. Racists are just that universally despicable, I want to think. They're an affront to humanity at large.
BryanM wrote:Some rapers actually had to spend some time in prison so I'm on the side of "it's ok I guess."
What are you referring to?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:Do you think there's some genetic flaw in European bloodlines that prevents white people from fixing broken policy?
What explicitly, undeniably racist policy has survived the last 60 years? I'm not looking for TV recommendations.
Do you think police officers of color can't be agents of systemic racism,
The perfect example is the recent case of 5 officers sadistically beating Tyre Nichols to a pulp and then the ringleader taking/sharing photos of it. For me this highlights the utter ridiculousness of the systemic/institutional white evil theory of everything. Given how vociferously the official fact-checking apparatus has denied a link between the victim and victimizers, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one. It would certainly help explain the sadism multiplier of taking and sharing photos after. Regardless, the problem there lies with the individual officers involved and in the piss poor hiring standards in Memphis (because no one wants a thankless job policing a war zone). Do you understand how insane it looks to normal people to see "white people did this" when not a single white person was directly or indirectly involved?

I thought a bit more about what you said earlier and in a twisted sense centering white racism clearly can be "liberating" for some white people. "Systemic racism" allows white people to not think deeply about the complexities of the world they're living in. A lot of white people can't or don't want to deal with a reality in which other groups can have bad experiences totally unrelated to white actions. They can deal with journalists making a subway assault about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. If the answer to every problem is the same (white racism/whiteness/white people) it saves a lot of mental energy, and gives white liberals an out - you can not change the anti-white climate that's been created but you can be one of the good ones if you acknowledge your complicity and perform whatever it is that's demanded of you.


Some of you are locked into a quasi-religious mental framework that is totally illogical and looks as batshit to others as Quiverulls or whatever fringe groups look crazy to you. The language is repetitive for a reason. Article after article, lecture after lecture (sermon?) it's been drilled into your skull.
BulletMagnet wrote:
Rob wrote:This is how it goes in the minds of a lot of idiots:

systemic racism is the problem
whiteness is the problem
white people are the problem
No, this is how "nativists" like you need to construct, from whole cloth, millions of other people's mindsets
I'm definitely a bad guy who thinks the interests of American citizens should be prioritized by our representatives.

The funny thing to me about what you're saying is that I'm judging what other people think by what is coming out of their mouths. Like the lovely Brittney Cooper cited by BIL. A key component in the white evil theory of everything is unconscious bias, implicit racism, etc. That we not only know what someone is thinking, we know what they don't even know they're thinking. This is the belief system you subscribe to. I'm not pretending to know what happens and stays in someone's mind or how things people might not know they're thinking govern their actions, I just have my eyes and ears open.

Vanguard is also speaking a lot of sense. People with power can scuttle off to wherever if the U.S. burns to the ground. They are completely shielded from diversity mandates and violence on the streets.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Vanguard »

Yeah, the ruling class has essentially no incentive to do anything to reduce violence or other crime among the plebes. They want a more controlling police force and the public is more willing to accept that when their house keeps getting broken into. CEOs and politicians face zero danger of being mugged regardless of what happens.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BIL wrote:
BryanM wrote:Some rapers actually had to spend some time in prison so I'm on the side of "it's ok I guess."
What are you referring to?
I asked you a question, Bryan.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:
BIL wrote:
BryanM wrote:Some rapers actually had to spend some time in prison so I'm on the side of "it's ok I guess."
What are you referring to?
I asked you a question, Bryan.
That's pretty ominous >_>

Nothing that hasn't come up a million times before.

A couple o' historical rapers wot raped and raped until someone was like "hey did u kno these guys are rapers" and then they got cancelled and got to stay in prison for a couple years. You know these guys.

It's a little messed up they only got to face any consequence when they were like 300 years old and they get to keep being millionaires afterward, but hey. It's some kind of progress.

If the Dick Cheney Immortality Serum or Cosby-out-of-jail-free card doesn't come through in time and Weinstein dies in prison instead of on top of a flesh pile of his latest victims, that's some small improvement to our cursed hellworld.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:That's pretty ominous >_>
Sorry. 3; ITT we'd just finished a screening of interactive political thriller/psychological horror Rapefest II: The Rapening, an unexpected sequel with some bleak twists. Shotgun mouthwash meter reset, pls disregard. ;w;

Last I heard, Weinstein's pen0r is now a tiny syphilitic corn kernel / mangina thing, which would normally elicit a "damn bro," but it's Weinstein, so it's more like the Zelda "Good!" meme, except instead of "I'm dyiiing!" the ham lich screams "My pen000r!"

The old fat micropen0r taking one for the team (bwaaa) is probably the best outcome anyone could've hoped for, in that den of fiends. The other day I learned of Francis Ford Coppola and David Lynch's fragrant opinions on unrepentant child molesters Victor Salva and Roman Polanski; then somebody asked me if I knew The Bryan Singer Story, and that was enough compromising of my Active Ignorance Field (insert stock electrostatic + alart siren SFX while shaking camera) for one evening.

Hooray for Hollywood! AND Jimmy Savile! Image

"...where do they keep finding these guys?" I mused last Tuesday, as Chris Hansen (a crook, but not a chomo, at least AFAIK, so help me Jebus) delivered yet another piping-hot slate of wacky varmints, like Glory Hole Jerry™ and Golf Cart Matt™. I know the answer, but it's so much less mouthwash meter-raising to act surprised, you know? This is how those old-tymey religionists got everybody self-flagellating and tithing when they weren't in hairshirts, I'm sure. And half of them are chomos too.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

It really takes awhile to find someone in Hollywood male or female who hasn't at least been repeatedly groped.. Kind of takes a bit of the joy out of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, eh.

These little kingdoms men create for themselves once they have power obviously expand beyond that; anyone surprised by Blizzard being what it is really has a rose-tinted view of humanity. (I'm sure you've already ingested that debacle if only to learn about wtf was up with stealing someone's breast milk. That's the fun light-hearted part you can share with your friends. Molesting/raping someone until they killed themselves... jesus. It's not something you'd want to talk about, but it's something we have to talk about. Keeping it in the closet just empowers the predators. Catholic church, et el.)

I look at other developers overseas like DMA Designs and want to believe they're not nearly as fucked. Perhaps that's just my rose-tinted view of the first world countries.
Chris Hansen
why the fuck is he still doing this >_<

why is he so old >_<

Half-assed catfishing always catches the dumbest motherfuckers. "Hey I made a show of the dumbest sickos ever, come and watch it and make me some money."

This is like what Norm said about people, nobody likes someone smarter than them. We can all pat ourselves on the back for not being as dumb or sick or pathetic as these cursed bottom dwellers.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by drauch »

BryanM wrote:It really
Chris Hansen
why the fuck is he still doing this >_<
'Cause he RULES. Who else are you going to share pizza with?
BIL wrote: "Small sack, LOTS OF CUM" - Nikola Tesla
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

drauch wrote:'Cause he RULES. Who else are you going to share pizza with?

It's like the desert scene from Casino :shock: Two men, predator and prey, surrounded by vast, ambivalent nature!

Not even DELICIOUS PIZZA could avert a sandy downfall 3;

Alimony is a motherfucker apparently. Image Although he seems to have some real piss and vinegar, looking to have dropped about 60lbs since his last outing "HANSEN VS PREDATOR" (Dawn of Justice), where he was like a fat, grumpy Bill Shatner; now it's like seeing a steely wraith of the 2000s meme machine, while the chomos haven't aged a day. Image Occasionally he'll drop all pretense and hit TEH TOOB, the real font of his meme power, to PWN fan favourite chomos. Like Maine's #1 son, Lorne Armstrong!

What saddens me (besides Glory Hole Jerry™'s strangely erotic moaning, AOOOH MAH BAAAACK~♫) is, the one big scoop that transcended Exploding Varmints-tier petit guignol - a one Bill Conradt, aka The Chomo ADA™ - was handled so appallingly, said big cheese elected to chow down on a lead salad as the local Einsatzgruppen Death SS surrounded his house and hollered at him to come out, hands up, realll purdeh nao Billeh Boi Image

I didn't follow the Blizzard thing too closely, but I did see it resurface recently when... IIRC, someone was tithing his Hogwarts Genocide Simulator II: Jumper Cabled Nutsack Boogaloo dues (back when it was the HAWT new virtue Image), and got ruh-ruh-ruh-RATIOED as the kids say, because his past white-knighting of Blizzard was promptly revealed. Owned!

It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear of similar depredations this side of the pond, sadly. As I suppose is to be expected, with such analogous genetic populations and social norms. Some dipshit numbnuts earns the .1% a little extra yacht money, gets his own little fiefdom to ravage, tale old as time. Just fortunately a bit better-documented nowadays.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by drauch »

BIL wrote: Alimony is a motherfucker apparently. Image Although he seems to have some real piss and vinegar, looking to have dropped about 60lbs since his last outing "HANSEN VS PREDATOR" (Dawn of Justice), where he was like a fat, grumpy Bill Shatner; now it's like seeing a steely wraith of the 2000s meme machine, while the chomos haven't aged a day. Image Occasionally he'll drop all pretense and hit TEH TOOB, the real font of his meme power, to PWN fan favourite chomos. Like Maine's #1 son, Lorne Armstrong!
Lmao. I love it. I didn't realize there was new content out there after chonky Hansen, but I guess I haven't looked! Thank God, aka Chris Hansen. This thread needs some positive derailment! Only Chris can help.
BIL wrote: "Small sack, LOTS OF CUM" - Nikola Tesla
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Crumbs! Forgot to add, he even had something of a Conradt do-over, when he collared this dude. Former headmaster, policeman, and parole officer, with a monstrous CP stash; not quite an Assistant DA, but definitely placed to do way more damage than the typical Glory Hole Jerry ™ (or even his mortal frenemy, Golf Cart Matt™!). A contender for Top Ten Maddest Chomos, joining Rabbi David Kaye (inventor of the John Cena "You Can't See Me" sign :shock:) with his simmering chomo rage.

You know you're dealing with true beasts in men's clothing, when their stash would flatten you like a pancake, were they able to manifest it in the thin air above, like some diabolical chomomancer. A solid short ton of pure evil. *thwomp*


Not really a fair comparison, admittedly, with Florida Man's list of superpowers amongst the most obscenely OP ever. How many times has the dirty bastard died, now? Worse than in my shonen animoos, ffs.

Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by xxx1993 »

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I know you meant to post in the other thread, but I love that dude so if you don't mind I'll post this now before I start to cry ;-;

Besides The Wire, he was great in Oz as the undercover cop with a fictional Jamaican backstory - one of the series' more memorably troubled side characters - and in The Guest as the head of the supersoldier program who's suavely imperious but not above taking to the field to bust a fuckin cap.

Everyone says Idris Elba would be a great black Bond, and I don't disagree, but I thought Reddick was a lot nearer the ideal, and he's bald too, just like Connery! (not saying I think it's a great concept, as always, I'd rather they just come up with a badass new character like our national icon CAPONE aka Third World Cop! but this isn't the post for squabbling so I'll leave it out)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by xxx1993 »

Sorry. Can someone delete it for me, please?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Nah it's here forever now because of me 3; But for real this thread has been upsetting lately, no small thanks to me. Despite the sad news, it's a good occasion to celebrate an iconic actor's work.

(you can ask an admin to nuke all of it off the server if you like ;3 ;3 ;3 but why would you ;w;)

Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by xxx1993 »

I don't know which admin to ask...
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Well BulletMagnet aka Bullet Man Get Image is infamously furied and known to wedgie users who annoy him, so maybe just leave it be (◎w◎;) ;3
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Vanguard wrote:Well that's essentially all that the stop woke act forbids teaching.
If this is truly how this law is intended to be interpreted, if you're truly on the lookout for a strawman there is no better example than brazen legislative trash like this: I can guarantee you that "inherent" privilege is not being taught in a single classroom because it's literally impossible nonsense. Societal privilege is 100 percent willful and deliberate: you might as well attempt to teach that certain people are "inherently" in different tax brackets. If cynical efforts by the ruling class to divide and distract are truly so offensive to you, than this one should be near the top of your list, right alongside the same administration's equally pointless and sadistically cruel efforts to "bring attention to" illegal immigration and, even more ludicrously, voter fraud.

While we're on the topic of the "stop woke" act, I find it darkly humorous that many of the same people singing its praises are the ones who constantly complain that due in no small part to "wokeness" kids these days "can't handle real life", especially the concept that life isn't always fair, and you just have to deal with it as best you can - well, guess what? Sometimes life is indeed not fair - but not always for you. Sometimes the balance is deliberately and unfairly tipped against others and, incidentally or not, in your favor: assuming you're not an Ayn Randian piece of shit, you, along with everyone else, also have some degree of responsibility to do the best you can to remedy this situation as well. When a society at large refuses to do this, it festers and dies.

For all their bellyaching about what coddled wimps kids are these days, the near-universal "belief" that the above idea will absolutely destroy their children from the inside out reveals without a doubt that the "stop woke" act and other culture-war garbage has nothing whatsoever to do with their kids' well-being, but rather their own uninterrupted, all-numbing comfort.
If the social justice movement were concerned with fighting racism and systemic oppression, they would, of course, take the most diplomatic and least confrontational methods possible when dealing with the general public.
By this logic Martin Luther King (to say nothing of the likes of Malcolm X or Medgar Evers) was actually a double agent for the white intelligentsia, especially later on as his demands and rhetoric grew more radical. To take this notion a step further, correct me if I'm wrong here, but judging by other positions you've taken I'm willing to bet that you subscribe to the belief that the government conspired to have King killed; even if you charitably suppose that he was only serving the interests of the ruling class unwittingly, if this is truly what was happening why would they have wanted him dead at all, as opposed to alive and whipping up ever more backlash against the Civil Rights movement at large?

With the disclaimer attached that obviously diplomacy and pragmatism do have their place in any push for change from within a society, I can't help but take the opportunity to note that your attitude here seems to very closely echo the sentiment a frustrated King attached to white moderates, which he called a greater threat to racial equality than the Klan and other such groups; more concerned with stability than justice, always willing to agree that the latter was needed, just not at such an inconvenient time as now.
BIL wrote:As said, it's trivially easy to find celebrations of this bigotry in both the US and English mainstream.
The question is, how willing should any of us be to so eagerly shine a spotlight on the truly fringe outliers - as you surely agree, there will always be some of those, no matter how benevolent the wider cause they affix themselves to - and use them as a cudgel to beat back much larger groups of much more reasonable people, if only to avoid broaching an uncomfortable subject? I mean, it's absolutely no secret that the "anti-woke" set has more than its share of literal fascists and Nazis openly calling for violence, but you and plenty of others have, perfectly reasonably, stated that this doesn't mean everyone with any criticism of any social justice initiative should be presumed equivalent to the very worst among them; by the same token, I am very skeptical that anything resembling a significant number of "woke" people or whatever you want to call them subscribe to theories like Cooper's.

If you think there should be more criticism of her from "within the ranks" I'm not terribly inclined to argue (though, again, there's at least an equal argument to be had on that front concerning those on Team Pushback), but in all honesty I'm inclined to guess that a lot of people haven't criticized her because they simply have no idea who she is or what she says.
Rob wrote:I'm definitely a bad guy who thinks the interests of American citizens should be prioritized by our representatives.
Pray tell which citizens, Rob? :roll:
A key component in the white evil theory of everything is unconscious bias, implicit racism, etc. That we not only know what someone is thinking, we know what they don't even know they're thinking. This is the belief system you subscribe to.
Huh, so I actually subscribe to the "white evil theory of everything"? Talk about being criminally cocksure of what other people don't even know they're thinking. :lol: You either have no earthly idea how institutional bias actually works and how people are attempting to raise awareness of and react to it, or, far more likely in my view, are deliberately disregarding what you obviously do know - again, it just ain't that hard - in hopes that it can make people who call your endlessly self-pitying nonsense precisely what it is come across as even more odious than yourself. Tell us again how illegal immigration isn't about finding work or fleeing violence but a Jewish plot to replace white people, among your other timeless classics. :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:The question is, how willing should any of us be to so eagerly shine a spotlight on the truly fringe outliers - as you surely agree, there will always be some of those, no matter how benevolent the wider cause they affix themselves to - and use them as a cudgel to beat back much larger groups of much more reasonable people, if only to avoid broaching an uncomfortable subject?
It's true, there will always be cringemaking wingnuts. I'm a firm believer that however inconvenient the truth is, it has to be stuck to (this is why I enjoy arcade-bred gaming, and was drawn to this community; don't blow smoke up my ass, just tell me when I suck, that way I can improve). Using a blatant outlier to tar those of vanishingly remote positions isn't much better than calling someone a serial killer because guess who else breathed oxygen? Ted Bundy!

The English cases I mentioned - one of the most instrumental people in finally addressing the disgrace was a Pakistani-British barrister. And wouldn't you know it... emerging from the courthouse, after a hard day's work, he gets accosted on the steps by some white brainlet thug, who saw him and thought brown man = bad. It didn't dissuade him one iota, he continued fighting on those mostly-white children's behalves, until the outrage had been well and truly dragged out into the sunlight. I try to adhere to that grace, certainly in the infinitely milder context of the internet.

Two things worry me about Cooper at al. As you mention a bit further down, one is the lack of criticism from those in her ballpark. It shouldn't be difficult for her employer, an internationally-renowned US university, to say "Countenancing ethnic cleansing is bad." Rutgers said nothing. Ok, fair enough, united front, ends justify the means, etc. I detest it, but it happens.

My other, larger concern is the tacit expectation that nobody else criticise her ilk, either. Not without being instantly bleated down. That is absolutely dangerous. At least, nobody who doesn't possess the correct ethnic bonafides, itself a dreadfully racist notion.

To that point: Nick Cannon, a mainstream celebrity, invited Professor Griff, an oldschool hip hop legend and racist boomer lunatic, onto his podcast. It was a largely productive conversation, I thought. Griff is a nutter, but I like his extolling of self-discipline, self-interrogation, and community service. I also respect his repudiation of rap's near-ubiquitous epithet, even in its ostensibly defanged "soft R" variant. I've no trouble believing it can be used in the most genuine camaraderie. I don't tend to myself, unless I've had a few in close company, but I had a happy youth growing up with people of all colours who reeled it off 24/7 to describe everything from the weather to their grades and their pets. But I also believe it's a word uniquely caked in atrocity, too much to ever really power-wash clean, and if someone declines its presence, I think that wish should always be granted. I wouldn't wave about photos of death camp inmates willy-nilly, either.

Unfortunately, because Griff, but also because of a starry-eyed Cannon, they arrive at the familiar Hotep talking point: that white people are genetically predisposed - again, inborn, not taught or indoctrinated - to rape and murder, being "less than" black people, on account of the latter's humanising, soul-granting melanin. You might think dermal melanin is an evolutionary adaptation, proportional to equatorial proximity, offering protection from UV radiation, or easier absorption of Vitamin D, as needed. But no - it's the determiner of humanity itself. (apologies if you've heard that one already; it's a classic hit dating back to at least the 1950s, when Farrakhan was in short pants, if not far earlier)

They also called Jews "tricksters," who surpassed even white devils in "taking our stuff," and would now be forced to "give it back." Both these statements should get anyone with the slightest grasp of 20th century history's Nazi alarm blaring. We've got racist pseudo-science; a premise for just race-war; and a perfect translation of the Stabbed In The Back legend. Wakanda denied, by Yakub's legions of subhuman albino rape chimps, and small-hatted shysters yet more predatory still.

Despite Cannon's mainstream presence and following, there was absolute zero censure of the former statements, even with their being palette-swaps of standard KKK rhetoric. The latter statements saw Cannon (justifiably) fired from his extremely visible, lucrative job as host of some daft but ultra-popular TV show, whose name I won't torment either of us by typing. He was eventually let back in, after apologising, again for the latter statement exclusively.

I assure you, as someone who'd be first against the wall in a Turner Diary LARPer's wet dreams (whites get their ethnostate; blacks get deported; mutts are people of no ethnic allegiance, and therefore get liquidated), I'd have an identical reaction to this story, were the races of all parties involved swapped around, shell game-style.

As I say, I try to deal with reality the best I can. It's very late here, so I will have to continue this tomorrow if I've forgotten something (this post is also rather wordy for the same reason, apologies) - but suffice to say, I believe mainstream Anglosphere discourse has been very noticeably addled by the casually brutal doctrine of Cooper's lot, and its apparent invulnerability to reasoned objection (NB this is by no means an exclusively black club; it's just I'm too bleary to fetch the million lily-white professors espousing same).

I think if you can swap out [race], and turn a mainstream-acceptable statement into a nuclear-hot potato - say, [black/white] people are naturally predatory - then there's a problem. One of regulation - there'll always be background levels of this stuff, tribalism is way too ingrained into our species. The problem is letting it run amok.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

BulletMagnet wrote:I can guarantee you that "inherent" privilege is not being taught in a single classroom because it's literally impossible nonsense. Societal privilege is 100 percent willful and deliberate: you might as well attempt to teach that certain people are "inherently" in different tax brackets.
The "literally impossible nonsense" is called "white privilege". Are you trying to tell people that this concept or anything similar has not been taught in a single classroom in the U.S.?

The swap here is incredible
"societal privilege" About 9,710 results
"white privilege" About 5,340,000 results
You either have no earthly idea how institutional bias actually works
I'd love to read your explanation.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:My other, larger concern is the tacit expectation that nobody else criticise her ilk, either.
I can't completely disagree with you on this, though in part I'd place the blame on the fact that those on the "social justice" side who wish to employ the "bludgeoning" tactics I described in my previous post simply have a more established and impactful bludgeon to wield; if you want to paint your opposition with an overly broad, extremist brush, it's tough to beat Nazis to immediately get most people to recoil. Fringe university professors just don't have quite the same "oomph".

While we're on the subject of higher education in particular, I think it's worth noting that part of these institutions' hesitance to take decisive action against out-there faculty members/guest speakers/student groups/etc. is their desire to portray themselves as "bastions of free speech" and "accepting of alternative viewpoints", especially in response to not-entirely-unfounded criticism of their increasing political polarization - if you want a particularly poignant example of this phenomenon coming from the other end of the political spectrum feel free to look into Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania, among others (and for an indication of "mainstream" acceptance outside of the college realm, Google Michael Knowles' recent remarks at CPAC, the USA's largest conservative convention). Of course, the farther you go down this road the more you step into the territory of the so-called "tolerance paradox", i.e. how obligated are you to offer freedom to those whose literal stated mission is to take freedom away from you, especially when such an assumption on their part is an explicit part of their strategy.
Rob wrote:I'd love to read your explanation.
I've already covered this to fucking death, but as always with conveniently-dense charlatans like you, what the hell, here it is again, for those in the back: the central canard you and your fellow "nativist" assclowns absolutely refuse to stop furiously humping is the notion that if you believe our societal structure is built around any notable degree of deliberately-implemented advantages for whites/males/Christians/heterosexuals/etc. then you are not only encouraged but required to both directly blame, consider inherently inferior, and openly hate, possibly up to and including to the point of violence, literally everyone who benefits from said advantages, which is - say it again, kids - absolute, self-evident nonsense confined exclusively to profiteers ("race hustlers" seems to be BIL's preferred term; you might have happened to notice his occasional presence within this very thread :roll:) looking to gain prominence on the backs of those working towards actual progress on this front.

You, of course, are no more interested in changing things for the better than they are (to say the very, very least), and in the explicit interest of preventing this outcome project their manifest garbage onto anyone and everyone making genuine efforts to achieve this end, thus performing the exact same deplorable sleight of hand as those you constantly decry as "calling everyone who mildly disagrees with them Nazis". And here we stand, with me wasting keystrokes on your "explain it to me again" bullshit for the millionth time, and there's no way in hell it'll be the last, because this perennially-steaming pile of masturbatory shit is literally all you have. :roll:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Nowhere in all of those words was an explanation of how institutional bias works or even what it is, but at least you mentioned the beneficiaries this time rather than trying to obscure it under "societal privilege". How does one turn off their white privilege (since benefiting from this white-benefiting system is "willful and deliberate")? Is it only through daily readings of Mediaite and repeated online whinings or are there more concrete tasks one can perform to signal to random people that their white privilege has been actively disabled? (Is there something Dr. Mammone could've done to show that he was down with the cause?)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:While we're on the subject of higher education in particular, I think it's worth noting that part of these institutions' hesitance to take decisive action against out-there faculty members/guest speakers/student groups/etc. is their desire to portray themselves as "bastions of free speech" and "accepting of alternative viewpoints", especially in response to not-entirely-unfounded criticism of their increasing political polarization - if you want a particularly poignant example of this phenomenon coming from the other end of the political spectrum feel free to look into Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania, among others
I thought that name was familiar. Turns out I was recalling her from Glen Loury's podcast, a few months back. Oof, that's Jared Taylor-chan, alright.

Ruthless as she is, and as gross as I feel playing barrister for the ornery hound, I think there are important distinctions between Wax and Cooper. Wax isn't countenancing murder, for one. Her comments on America being better off with less Asian immigrants bolstering the Democrat base certainly can be read that way. But they're also well within the realm of progressive pinings that utopia will arrive once the old white people die off. I could, at a stretch, extend the same lenience to Cooper - maybe she meant "Take these motherfuckers out to brunch for a healthy dialogue?" - but she immediately clarified she was, indeed, talking about murder; declining to endorse it not out of compassion, or even pragmatism, but because the carnage would "hurt [our] souls." That's one hideous rickety door left ajar for rough men ready to do violence. Dirty job but someone had to do it.

And Wax's statements on Affirmative Action are undeniably callous, but again, they're not murderous. They reflect the reptilian mindset of a tenured law professor at an elite school. Those places and the people within them are willfully brutal, as is the profession they train students for. I choked up a bit when I first heard that ep, at Loury's anecdote on "not belonging." I technically didn't belong at university either, my transcript was shite. I only got in because a family connection knew I wasn't the shitbird my numbers suggested, just terminally unmotivated, and what she recognised as clinically depressed. I'm sure it's easy to become unmotivated and depressed in the places African American students disproportionately come from.

However cold-hearted, this is ultimately a discussion on academic performance. It's not a polemic branding vast swathes of humanity as "committed to villainy in the aggregate," needing righteous extermination by their racial superiors. And most of all: Penn issued a sharp rebuke of Wax's "race realism." IIRC, she was barred from teaching first-year students.

I can't say I'd find Cooper any less objectionable if Rutgers had distanced themselves similarly. But it would have sent an important message: that her comments were indeed fringe, extraordinary, tolerated for the sake of balanced discourse. And I wouldn't have been compelled to bring her up here.

I also don't think Cooper's ilk should be silenced or fired (whether students elect to attend their lectures is another matter). I like my racists like I like my paedos: exposed. Although, I find myself wondering... what is the academic value of mooting genocide? Any random Roof or Breivik will do that for you, and follow through, too. However cruel it may be, I can at least see the rationale of a disgruntled law professor questioning whether diversity enrolments are leading to subpar outcomes.

What you have is the equivalent of the "Kill them crackas babies" guy as the tenured professor of Black Studies at an internationally-renowned American university.
(and for an indication of "mainstream" acceptance outside of the college realm, Google Michael Knowles' recent remarks at CPAC, the USA's largest conservative convention).
Again, I'm forced to distinguish celebrity TV star / open white (and formerly Jewish) dehumaniser Nick Cannon, and the Daily Wire crowd who want Queer Theory obliterated from school curricula. I find the Ta-Nehisi Coates and Robin D'Angelos thoroughly wrong-headed, but I can't accuse them of endorsing genocide, even when they speak of "tearing down white identities." They are, ostensibly, advocating for the disempowerment of ideologies they find harmful. I'm sure lunatics like Dr. Mammone's murderer are liable to be pushed over the edge, but that goes for virtually any controversial speech.

And particularly when you have DQSH and friends proclaiming the following, in their own literature, declaring other people's children theirs for the taking:
Queer worldmaking, including political organizing, has long been a project driven by desire. It is, in part, enacted through art forms like fashion, theatre, and drag. We believe that DQSH offers an invitation towards deeper public engagement with queer cultural production, particularly for young children and their families. It may be that DQSH is “family friendly,” in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship. Here, DQSH is “family friendly” in the sense of “family” as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street.
I have to extend the same reluctant tolerance.

My personal misgivings notwithstanding. I think this lot have overplayed their hand. You can't publish stuff like this and not expect a backlash; at least not if you've any insight on parenthood. Many say a backlash is precisely the goal, but these discussions would grow even woolier, second-guessing the actors at every step. So I'm going to take their word, and assume they're merely hubristic. Claims of satire ring hollow, when their comrades are espousing the very indoctrination that cringefest was purportedly sending up.

Not that their satire is much better. "Someone's got to teach [your children] not to hate," they croon. You'll note that "not hating" meant sacrificing an entire generation of vulnerable children on the altar of IDPOL, here in sunny Blighty. It also means ignoring a whole swathe of other inconvenient tragedies. No thanks, fuck off. Expect millions of other moderates to respond identically, as these zealots grip that third rail with everything they've got. I wonder how far back they'll have set gay rights, when it all inevitably burns out.

(speaking of collateral damage by smug extremists - holy fuck @ the Bacha Bazi apologetic the above Norman Bates-looking dude starred in. Those Afghanis were not pleased, the poor people)
The musical romanticizes and promotes the practice of “bacha bazi,” which translates to “boy play,” a form of pederasty, or pedophilia, where young boys are typically kidnapped from their families and forced to dance at parties for groups of men. Bacha bazi is linked to sex trafficking, sexual assault, and rape. The producers of this musical have said that this is a part of Afghan culture. It is not. As members of the Afghan diaspora, we reject such a vile and racist portrayal of our culture. Not only is it deeply problematic that two white men are at the forefront of a musical attempting and failing to depict Afghan culture, the musical fetishizes and trivializes sex trafficking and rape, and harms victims of sexual exploitation and violence.

This musical is deeply insulting to Afghans as a whole, but also reinforces immensely painful stereotypes about queer and trans Afghans, a severely marginalized community. The wrongful association of pedophilia with queerness is nothing new but a heteropatriarchal violent agenda that has historically attempted to dehumanize queer movements across the world. The musical inadvertently adds to this agenda. Since the early days of the US military occupation of Afghanistan, from occupying forces to foreign journalists, travel bloggers and researchers have attempted to associate bacha bazi with Afghan queerness, damaging queer liberation in Afghanistan and in its diasporas.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:Ruthless as she is, and as gross as I feel playing barrister for the ornery hound, I think there are important distinctions between Wax and Cooper. Wax isn't countenancing murder, for one.
I wish I could find a full transcript of this exchange, as it would be much easier to parse than rewinding and fast-forwarding the video ad nauseam (if one exists, please point me in the right direction), but even going by the snippets of text I managed to sniff out (side note: if you really want your "soul to suffer", subject yourself to the Daily Mail's relentless avalanche of ads targeted directly at the slimiest recesses of the reptile brain :P), I really don't think that's what Cooper is doing here. Assuming what I found is accurate, a slightly expanded version of the infamous portion in question reads:
There is no answer that is sufficient. The thing I want to say is that we’ve got to take these muthafuckas out. But we can’t say that. I don’t believe in a project of violence. I truly don’t. Because in the end, our souls suffer from that.
Moreover, immediately before that exchange, she states this:
And I wouldn't be mad at the black people who want to get them back but what I believe about black people is that we have seen what a shitshow this iteration of treatment of other human beings means. And my hope is that we would do it differently in the moments when we have some power.
With the caveat that only she truly knows what she means here, for my part I interpret what she's saying more or less as follows: "Considering how long Blacks have been forced into submission by violence it can seem tempting, or even inevitable, to just say 'hell with it, if we really want this legacy undone we'll have to resort to violence as well', but that would only make us a new version of the people who have done so much harm to humanity, and if we truly believe that the cycle needs to be broken instead of repeated we have to aim higher than that."

Not to make assumptions about your thoughts, BIL, but to read her words and come to the conclusion of "See? She wants to kill whitey!" strikes me as what results from looking into something with a very clearly defined preconceived notion of what you're going to find; granted, she definitely could have chosen her words a lot more carefully, not to mention it's entirely possible that I'm still missing something here and/or failing to check my own biases, but I'm very skeptical of the notion that she, and others staking out similar positions to hers, are effectively attempting violence by proxy.
Rob wrote:Nowhere in all of those words was an explanation of how institutional bias works or even what it is
Speaking of strategy... :roll:

Sorry, I've already wasted more than enough of my weekend on the likes of you. To yet again throw your totally good-faith request back at you, which you have literally ignored for years - tell us again what was in all those conspicuously deleted posts of yours within this thread.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

BulletMagnet wrote:
Rob wrote:Nowhere in all of those words was an explanation of how institutional bias works or even what it is
Speaking of strategy... :roll:
You spend all of your weekend posting time sidestepping a simple request and then it's an "alt-right" trick that you couldn't explain anything. This entire exchange reminds me of these silly street interviews where young dopes clam up and disappear when they're asked to untangle the fashionable views they got from NPR. I guess we'll never know what these "deliberately-implemented advantages for whites" are, but we'll continually be told that they exist.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Rob wrote:I guess we'll never know what these "deliberately-implemented advantages for whites" are, but we'll continually be told that they exist.
Nope, absolutely nobody has ever presented countless books' and studies' worth of evidence and/or statistics that, literally everything else being equal, on-the-books or off, minorities will frequently and consistently be given a significantly harder overall time in our society than the dominant majority, and they certainly haven't been doing it for countless decades on end, it's just a complete mystery why anyone would ever think this happens, it's all complete news to you and you need some hapless cuck to explain the whole goddamn thing to you, top to bottom, while refusing to so much as acknowledge questions concerning your views. :roll: Fuck off.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:
BIL wrote:Ruthless as she is, and as gross as I feel playing barrister for the ornery hound, I think there are important distinctions between Wax and Cooper. Wax isn't countenancing murder, for one.
I wish I could find a full transcript of this exchange, as it would be much easier to parse than rewinding and fast-forwarding the video ad nauseam (if one exists, please point me in the right direction), but even going by the snippets of text I managed to sniff out (side note: if you really want your "soul to suffer", subject yourself to the Daily Mail's relentless avalanche of ads targeted directly at the slimiest recesses of the reptile brain :P), I really don't think that's what Cooper is doing here.
I think I'd throw my back out attempting to bite my own dick off before reading the Mail's website, let alone subjecting others to it. :wink: That's last resort territory!

As much as Teh Graun's loonier side raises my hackles, in the way all pampered white autofellatists do, they have a universally admirable trait: discretion. You won't find Cooper and Harriot's exchange anywhere on their site, despite its providing truckloads of juicy red meat to the extreme right for well over a year now. Total quarantine, less destructive than direct engagement. You can buy Cooper's book Eloquent Rage from their store - or at least you could; seems to be sold out, currently.
The Publisher wrote:Far too often, Black women's anger has been caricatured into an ugly and destructive force that threatens the civility and social fabric of American democracy. But Cooper shows us that there is more to the story than that. Black women's eloquent rage is what makes Serena Williams such a powerful tennis player. It's what makes Beyonce's girl power anthems resonate so hard. It's what makes Michelle Obama an icon. Eloquent rage keeps us all honest and accountable.
To be blunt, angry black women ain't shit. They are currently being murdered at atrocious rates - by black men - on both sides of the pond. This is what futility looks like: a feted black avenger, left a vegetable after being shot in the head in front of thirty witnesses. Old story that apparently found a new audience, judging by England's bewildered reaction to the case collapsing. That reward money won't help, it never does. Hard to enjoy money as a pariah with a bullseye on your back.

Being adjacent to higher education, and coming from a "black" political background (US/UK designation, not my own), I tend to notice noisier black pundits and academics across the spectrum in the course of my work; I know an hour is a hefty ask of someone's free time. I'd still genuinely recommend watching the full interview at The Root's channel, inflections and all; it's remarkably saturated in latent violence. Well worth observing.
Assuming what I found is accurate, a slightly expanded version of the infamous portion in question reads:
There is no answer that is sufficient. The thing I want to say is that we’ve got to take these muthafuckas out. But we can’t say that. I don’t believe in a project of violence. I truly don’t. Because in the end, our souls suffer from that.
Moreover, immediately before that exchange, she states this:
And I wouldn't be mad at the black people who want to get them back but what I believe about black people is that we have seen what a shitshow this iteration of treatment of other human beings means. And my hope is that we would do it differently in the moments when we have some power.
With the caveat that only she truly knows what she means here, for my part I interpret what she's saying more or less as follows: "Considering how long Blacks have been forced into submission by violence it can seem tempting, or even inevitable, to just say 'hell with it, if we really want this legacy undone we'll have to resort to violence as well', but that would only make us a new version of the people who have done so much harm to humanity, and if we truly believe that the cycle needs to be broken instead of repeated we have to aim higher than that."
This is unfortunately not the mitigation you might think. While superficially less outre, Cooper and Harriot situate themselves squarely in the same territory as fantasists like the aforementioned Sasha Johnson and Professor Griff; a black-utopian/revisionist view of history that is not merely tendentiously-selected, but piteously, cartoonishly fanciful. It's not helpful to anyone, least of all impoverished black Americans and English, to repackage Hotep theology of black angels and white devils as historical fact.
Not to make assumptions about your thoughts, BIL, but to read her words and come to the conclusion of "See? She wants to kill whitey!" strikes me as what results from looking into something with a very clearly defined preconceived notion of what you're going to find; granted, she definitely could have chosen her words a lot more carefully, not to mention it's entirely possible that I'm still missing something here and/or failing to check my own biases, but I'm very skeptical of the notion that she, and others staking out similar positions to hers, are effectively attempting violence by proxy.
I actually don't think Cooper was being careless at all; I think she mooted the prospect of exterminating her opposers with knowing satisfaction, an energy reflected by her host Michael Harriot. This is why I use the word countenance.

Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, aka Carl of Swindon, is a Youtube pundit who attempted a parlay into elected office, running in the 2019 general election as a candidate for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). As many warned Carl, his colourful online history rendered him political thalidomide; and indeed, he and UKIP alike imploded spectacularly.

One of the choicest bits of chemical warfare Carl gifted his opposition was a tweet to Birmingham MP Jess Phillips, advising that he "wouldn't even rape her." "What's the problem lmao! He's saying he wouldn't rape her, lolololol!" said Carl's fans.

Was he joking? Yeah, clearly. But telling someone out of the blue "I wouldn't even rape you," or simply "I wouldn't rape you," unavoidably moots the act in question. The unconscionable has been placed at one's disposal, however remotely.

While joking moots of hideous violence upon his enemies torpedoed Carl of UKIP, Cooper and her ilk's countenancing of ethnic cleansing and race supremacism consistently draws mainstream indifference, if not applause. They are in the correct industry for demagoguery. If you watch that interview, you'll also note Harriot's apologetic musing that, since "white people" have proven so stubbornly resistant to "black people's" prescriptions, wholesale slaughter may well (unfortunately!) prove inevitable.

"Kill whitey?" No. "We have every right to kill whitey, and it'd be a terrible shame if it came to that, but then again, they are the enthusiastic villains of history, so hmm..." In abundance.

That it's all cartoonish fantasy - from the premise of minority-led genocide, when said minority is murdering itself at nightmarish rate, to the myth of Wakanda lost, when contemporary Africans were selling one another into bondage at industrial scale - doesn't make it any less diabolically unhelpful, to all but the well-paid pseuds churning out this ahistorical sludge.
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