The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote:It's been an interesting time in Kankel Kultur, with the release of Hogwarts Legacy revealing... NAZIS EVERYWHERE :shock:

Even in the highest echelons of Resetera! Image
GAFers calling Era toxic is the most Spider-Man pointing meme thing ever. They're both mental illness-inducing fever swamps, but at least the folks on Era are only partially doing it to be self-serving assholes. The current incarnation of GAF is pretty much just "I'm a horrible person who needs an outlet but I'm too introverted for Twitter and too old for 4chan. Free speech!!" Like, at least try to make jokes or something.

But the moral absolutist (when easy and convenient) black & white thinking behind that Harry Potter ban is Era to the core, as it was on GAF before that. I'm not kidding when I say it's mental illness-inducing to contort oneself to the arbitrarily shifting morality the community mandates. When I used to hang out there some of those characters were fucking bonkers, and not in a fun way. It got to the point where I just bookmarked the Destiny 2 thread and tried to shut the rest of it out.
I can't blame him too much tbh, even if his statements are patently racist. Nobody, black or white, likes being gaslit.
Nah dude. You don't get gaslighting sympathy when you're the multi-millionaire holocaust denier. His whole routine is just basic boring confirmation bias & association fallacies. If your go-to solution is apartheid, you were never arguing in good faith to begin with.
This is what I worry about. Most people aren't bigots. They don't hate anybody, as long as nobody's hating them. However, like any animal, they will get jumpy very quickly if threatened. And if you give them an easy, no-questions-asked escape from that threat, or better yet, a means of eliminating it? A good deal of them will flock to it. None of this is new or surprising, it's Race War 101. Lots of money and power in it, for those safely outside the line of fire.
I've read stuff that laid out the "make everyone in America a nazi" Overton-shift step by step, and it's older than the Overton concept itself. These people have been at it forever, but there's finally enough frustration & anger in society to make it work.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Oho! I found the video being referenced on the twatter! Then I watched it, and timestamped the relevant bit.
Sengoku Strider wrote:
BIL wrote:I can't blame him too much tbh, even if his statements are patently racist. Nobody, black or white, likes being gaslit.
Nah dude. You don't get gaslighting sympathy when you're the multi-millionaire holocaust denier. His whole routine is just basic boring confirmation bias & association fallacies. If your go-to solution is apartheid, you were never arguing in good faith to begin with.
That's one of the terrible things about canonising IDPOL lunacy, as a swathe of mainstream West has been feverishly doing for at least the past decade. Even the racists and hypocrites and assholes can point it out, and be more or less correct. Even if they typically only do this once the rot starts affecting them personally, as seen with GAF - vociferous moral watchdogs of Vidyastan, until their very own shower elf got collared, when it was suddenly time for compromise - and to a somewhat less contemptible extent, JK Rowling - aggressive promoter of IDPOL zealotry, until they started putting male rapists into women's prisons, when it was suddenly time for reason.

(needless to say, "BASED EVILORE" and "BASED JKR" are very silly things for the "anti-woke" to espouse)

Dillbro's not wrong that mainstream US culture is gleefully putting targets on white people's backs. "It's ok to be white" could never have become the touchpaper it is, otherwise. He's also not wrong that black criminals are being conspicuously overlooked, excused, and minimised by the same sources. RIP Stop Asian Hate, just too narratively inconvenient. 3;

He's not even wrong on the prudence of fleeing the casual urban ultraviolence he's apparently an avid watcher of via his Worldstar RSS feed. Black people the world over do the same, where they can afford to. Of course, like the boomer in a china shop he is, he then flails racismly all over the place, ascribing said depredations to "black people," not the universally criminogenic environments that African Americans disproportionately dwell in. This is another godawful bit of collateral damage.

He emphasises that he's not telling anyone to hurt black people, in the video, but that's exactly what he's done by making his stupid smug face synonymous with a rejection of arrant thuggery. In his own casually racist way, he's as bad as that Smithsonian chart urging "POC" to liberate themselves from whitey by missing appointments and flunking math.
Sengoku Strider wrote:
This is what I worry about. Most people aren't bigots. They don't hate anybody, as long as nobody's hating them. However, like any animal, they will get jumpy very quickly if threatened. And if you give them an easy, no-questions-asked escape from that threat, or better yet, a means of eliminating it? A good deal of them will flock to it. None of this is new or surprising, it's Race War 101. Lots of money and power in it, for those safely outside the line of fire.
I've read stuff that laid out the "make everyone in America a nazi" Overton-shift step by step, and it's older than the Overton concept itself. These people have been at it forever, but there's finally enough frustration & anger in society to make it work.
Probably older than the written word tbh 3;
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

So much of this shit is just people being angry at strangers online. If you wanna wage a holy war over something, there's always someone with the wrong opinion to be found out there. Somewhere.

I certainly judge Harry Potter enjoyers, but not because it was written by a tory on welfare. It's great you like that particular instance of a wizard school story. Ok. Now read another book! At least fifty million of them feature wizard schools. Here's one. Here's another. (Oh fuck never mind, that guy's an Amazon taker-backer. Laaaame. Such people must be cancelled, they're up there with Hitler. Imagine, giving someone something, getting lots of patreons paying you a living wage, and then taking back the stuff you did that made you money in the first place. $6,661 a month apparently isn't enough. SMH) Here's one about an orc mage who gets isekai'd into a superhero world. It doesn't really have a wizard school, but you were already sick of wizard schools by now.

(Smaller forums are far healthier for the human mind. Communities of no more than around a hundred people. Posts can linger for years before getting a response. We've all had punch-ups here, but for the most part actually see one another as people, instead of just text that whizzes past on its way into the garbage can...)

(.. shit, now I'm regretting not PM'ing Friendly back when he was angry at me for bullying Sony. I actually liked having him around, he just needed to chill out a little and see there wasn't a feud there, it was something he was assuming on his own...)
So even a barbarian like me could not help narrowing his eyes, the chew of wallmeat slowing uneasily, when this arrant shite started gaining mainstream credence in the Anglosphere, ca. 2020:
It's kind of convenient how they portray capitalism as "white culture". It's almost like they intentionally want to avoid the core material issues.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:(Smaller forums are far healthier for the human mind. Communities of no more than around a hundred people. Posts can linger for years before getting a response. We've all had punch-ups here, but for the most part actually see one another as people, instead of just text that whizzes past on its way into the garbage can...)
Modern internet does bring to mind Dunbar's Number, the old theory about there being only so many people your brain can actively give a toss about. I remember a theologian remarking that the great innovation of Abrahamic religion was the omniscient big guy ostensibly noting - in disapproval, like - how many randos you'd barbarised. Hopefully incentivising what we nowadays optimistically call "humanity." Not a very flattering image of our species, but then I suppose it shouldn't be.

I used to wonder, circa 2000 when we first got dialup in my little backwater ~nostalgic modem sounds~ - Why would anyone want to be able to talk to everyone, all at once, about anything and everything? Imagine all the disagreements and fights! The internet back then being a backwater itself. The thought of engaging with social media the way some do sounds absolutely nightmarish. It's not surprising it's having an effect on meatspace. Now we can blow past Dunbar and Jebus both, laying into entire populations, and they can't even (quoth Mike Tyson) punch us in the mouth! We can even rally armies of "friends" to join in the fun.
(.. shit, now I'm regretting not PM'ing Friendly back when he was angry at me for bullying Sony. I actually liked having him around, he just needed to chill out a little and see there wasn't a feud there, it was something he was assuming on his own...)
I'm the same with my old frenemy Drum. 3; We were just starting to get along, after years of fierce scholarly debate on the merits of static vs random arcade game design - and then he had to go call master BLOODF rude names, twice, and get himself Uncle Phil'd. Which sounds like rhyming slang for "killed," now I think about it, but no, AFAIK he was just hucked out the door and never even came back on an alt.

Drum if you're lurking, every time I play a weird, kinda shitty but kinda cool game I think "Wow Drum would dig this!" The last one was the arcade version of Ikki, it's legit rad no joke! Who am I kidding, you've probably played it. This is the same guy who knew what Markham was prior to its shock ACA release. (that one's genuinely rad, no charity needed! did you ever wonder where the revered STG NES TALE SPIN got its beloved nose up/down mechanic from?)


BIL wrote:So even a barbarian like me could not help narrowing his eyes, the chew of wallmeat slowing uneasily, when this arrant shite started gaining mainstream credence in the Anglosphere, ca. 2020:
It's kind of convenient how they portray capitalism as "white culture". It's almost like they intentionally want to avoid the core material issues.
Indeed! By hook or by crook, keep the little people squabbling, and actively self-sabotaging if possible.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

The early days of the internet when it was a handful of nerds sure were something. I can't even imagine a chronicle like John Titor spreading these days.

.. I guess Casey Serin and the like are kind of like that, but they themselves are the content, not some fantastical lies on a public bulletin board.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by rapoon »

BIL wrote:

Shame they didn't bother making for every race, that shit is hilarious. seriously though, it looks like it was pilfered right outta /r/starterpacks/
BIL wrote:I used to wonder, circa 2000 when we first got dialup in my little backwater ~nostalgic modem sounds~ - Why would anyone want to be able to talk to everyone, all at once, about anything and everything? Imagine all the disagreements and fights! The internet back then being a backwater itself. The thought of engaging with social media the way some do sounds absolutely nightmarish. It's not surprising it's having an effect on meatspace. Now we can blow past Dunbar and Jebus both, laying into entire populations, and they can't even (quoth Mike Tyson) punch us in the mouth! We can even rally armies of "friends" to join in the fun.
one of my first online experiences was asking for assistance for Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero. the responder, thanked me for using the correct title, referred to anyone who still used "Heroes Quest" as a fucking idiot, and then answered my question. :lol: was a interesting precursor to the information superhighway, particularly the revision we're in now.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Read a different book!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Blinge wrote:Image
Didn't the Hogwart's Legacy programmers add a trans character to the game who looks just like JKR?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

If so that's hilarious

Hogwarts Legacy boycott is a total own-goal
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Failed videogame boycotts are universal.

Go to any discussion of Shadow Warrior 3 and you'll inevitably have some rightoids start wheezing about how they hired an Asian voice actor to play the Asian protagonist for this sequel instead of the original Polish guy and this is TEH GRATE REPLASEMENT!!! Nevermind that SW3 is one of the best Doom Eternal clones with the best gameplay in the SW series and you're missing out if you join the boycott. And ESPECIALLY never mind that the new voice cast for SW3 is way funnier than the old ones.

I just wanna play games.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Man were a lot of people pizzzed at the main character in San Andreas. Unfortunately the gamefaqs board only goes back to 2008 so I can't go back and read those posts : (

Damn internet. You think some things will be around forever, but they can poof on you in a second.

... yahoo mail poofed on me when they completely changed the deal on how often you have to log in, those bastards >: (
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

rapoon wrote:Shame they didn't bother making for every race, that shit is hilarious. seriously though, it looks like it was pilfered right outta /r/starterpacks/
I'd give it a shot, but I think they already kinda did :lol: With the implication that non-white people don't possess rational thought, or an understanding of linear time, amongst other slurs that'd delight literal (not rhetorical) Nazis. Image

I remember a story in Total Guitar, about Stevie Ray Vaughan and B.B. King attending a blues festival, and getting onstage for a jam.

SRV opened in full blitzkrieg, tearing up the frets with blistering technique. B.B. replied with a sparely haunting phrase; enrapturing the crowd, and effortlessly making SRV look a bit of a wanker. The place erupted in delight - everyone, Vaughan most of all, applauding BB's transcendent grace. SRV detonated anoter stack of dazzling heavy ordnance. Again, with painterly ease, the older man cast a plaintive, sublimely-held note, once more spellbinding all present - including the kid who was the subject of the article, and would go on to guitar success in his own right, keeping the two players' exchange close to his heart.

That's how I'd feel, going up against whoever made that chart. The easy command of a learned master... if I didn't know better, I'd swear it came straight from the vilest bowels of Xchan. Or Joe Biden's old BFF, Bobby "Burned The Cross to Be The Boss" Byrd! :o

Priceless dark comedy - just a shame about the IRL collateral. Image I hear Baltimore's maths programs aren't doing so hot, and people are surprised. I wonder if virtue-parading iPhone junkies rationalise their slave-laboured hobby similarly, the way I'm doing with the swindling of entire generations.

Christ, I'm in a blue mood tonight. Bringing to mind Patrice O'Neal's heartbreaking old bit on Terrell Owens, and, I suppose, Curtis Jackson's rather more brusque but similarly moving paean.

What do humans have going for us, other than an ability to learn? You convince people to give that up, it's a freefall into hell/Hobbes.
Mischief Maker wrote:Didn't the Hogwart's Legacy programmers add a trans character to the game who looks just like JKR?
Looks like a bloke and sounds like one too, bless him. Many twatter sorts very mad at the name "Sirona," ignorant of this being the name of a goddess revered by the ancient Celts. Stupid ignorant gingerphobic cunts. Image

An impish soul modded in a more feminine voice, and was promptly banned off Nexus. Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Tossing murder-sticks, honestly. Reach always beats melee.

I constantly bemoan the incentive structures we've created for ourselves. This place would have been a Star Trekian utopia thousands of years ago if technological development and providing for the common welfare were priorities.

This sums up so much truth. Being one of the 12 nerds that watches some of Sheeky's videos on an anti-aging or anti-cancer thingy, puts me in like the 0.001% bracket of the population.

There are actually so many young people who want to live a life of poverty just because they want to make things better, but there are only so many slots. Academia is its own kind of hell..
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Tossing murder-sticks, honestly. Reach always beats melee.
Even then, the best-organised murderers consistently come out on top. Life being a bloodbath entered amidst piss and shit doesn't make illiteracy, or innumeracy, or other blights the IDPOL zealots call emancipation any less ruinous, to the victim or those in their proximity. Proximity, I suspect, determining whether these grotesques are recoiled from, or gamely nibbled upon; virtue canapes to sample over well-meaning chitchat, before retiring to the leafy suburbs and trendy lofts as inner-city murder records shatter like an Asian grandpa's skull on sidewalk.

Illustrated in another recent, choice bit of Woke Gone Wrong™, TEH WUMMAN KING - which shat itself and died at the box office, thank God, and was based on DAHOMEH: a mighty slaver nation who PWNed the locals into bondage, only to get buttfucked by a bunch of frogs. Image

As noted philosopher Clark Steel put it, "Losers have no rights. That's what history is all about." 3;
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Hot off the Hogwart's discourse, MAGA twitter is calling for a boycott of Hershey because they had a trans in a commercial or something.

TOTALLY gonna succeed, not an own-goal at all!

Remember when they boycotted M&Ms last month and now Mars candy company is out of business?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Mischief Maker wrote:Remember when they boycotted M&Ms last month and now Mars candy company is out of business?
They did succeed at getting rid of the woke M&Ms though. They put out some ad saying "We don't like being divisive!" and replaced them with some woman who was on Saturday Night Live in the 90s or something, who I guess didn't piss off either focus group.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Sengoku Strider wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:Remember when they boycotted M&Ms last month and now Mars candy company is out of business?
They did succeed at getting rid of the woke M&Ms though. They put out some ad saying "We don't like being divisive!" and replaced them with some woman who was on Saturday Night Live in the 90s or something, who I guess didn't piss off either focus group.
Even that didn't last:


Let us not forget the whole thing started because the green M&M's switch from go-go boots to sneakers no longer appealed to Tucker Carlson's shoe fetish.

So he went on a rant on national TV about how this was the end of western civilization or some shit.

Parents, never let your children trick or treat at Tucker Carlson's house. You do not want to know what he's been doing with that candy!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

An absurdist classic.

If Tucker weren't literally the most influential journalist/angertainer in America while also a shameless authoritarian would-be aristocrat, I might even be a fan. His show is a dadaist fever dream, like Eric Andre except way danker.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Me, a crazy insane person:

Sees the front of an Aunt Jemima box. "Oh yeah, they took her picture off the box." /proceeds to immediately forget about it again until I look at a box again in three or four years.

Them, normal people:

They took Aunt Jemima off the box? HOW DARE THEY. THEY MUST BE STOPPED. /proceeds to dwell on this endlessly until they die in eight or twelve years.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by guigui »

Damn I would like to read this thread, and understand what's actually going on in the US with those Cancel Culture, Wokes, and more stuff.

But I'm just too far away from the US, both distance and culture wise, to understand anything said here without putting lots of efforts in it, raising even more questions, and ending overwhelmed in less than 10 minutes.

Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ? Who are the goods ? the bads ? What do goods want ? What do bad wants ? What is love ?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

guigui wrote:Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ?
A small but loud minority of pampered, bored North Americans and Europeans were frustrated by the 21st century's lack of Nazis to fight.

So they decided to call everyone else Nazis instead. Endless war! Dopamine galore! And so convenient - now you can fight the Nazis on your phone! :o

Everyone else proceeded to call them a bunch of slack-jawed faggots. Image

~Fin~ Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:A small but loud minority of pampered, bored North Americans and Europeans were frustrated by the 21st century's lack of Nazis to fight.
Man, I wish we lacked Nazis to fight in the 21st century!




But fight them we must!


The best part is he was in the middle of explaining the nazified pepe the frog meme to a reporter right before that antifa super soldier turned him into one.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by blackoak »

guigui wrote:Damn I would like to read this thread, and understand what's actually going on in the US with those Cancel Culture, Wokes, and more stuff.
Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ? Who are the goods ? the bads ? What do goods want ? What do bad wants ? What is love ?
There's lots of ways to look at the "woke" phenomena in the US, but one thing you might not know about in Europe is the effect that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had here. While the original intent was ending segregation, subsequent legal rulings established a doctrine called "disparate impact", which held that you don't need to prove intent or malice to find actionable discrimination in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution. This has led, over time, to a whole body of law where once a group is designated a "protected class", any discrepancy between that group's performance/representation in society and others can be held to be discrimination. - translated game developer interviews and more
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

blackoak wrote:
guigui wrote:Damn I would like to read this thread, and understand what's actually going on in the US with those Cancel Culture, Wokes, and more stuff.
Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ? Who are the goods ? the bads ? What do goods want ? What do bad wants ? What is love ?
There's lots of ways to look at the "woke" phenomena in the US, but one thing you might not know about in Europe is the effect that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had here. While the original intent was ending segregation, subsequent legal rulings established a doctrine called "disparate impact", which held that you don't need to prove intent or malice to find actionable discrimination in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution. This has led, over time, to a whole body of law where once a group is designated a "protected class", any discrepancy between that group's performance/representation in society and others can be held to be discrimination.
Yep. As Martin Luther King jr. said of his followup pan-racial poor people's campaign months before he was assassinated:
MLK wrote:"What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesn't earn enough money to buy a hamburger and a cup of coffee?"
Anyhow, I don't understand how any white person could feel attacked by the concept of systemic racism as opposed to personal racism. If anything systemic racism should be a liberating concept for whites. You don't need to feel personally culpable when the problem is defined as systemic, even if you are a beneficiary to some degree, and you aren't barred from benefiting from social justice when it takes on injustice that spreads beyond color lines.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:Man, I wish we lacked Nazis to fight in the 21st century!
I've shat on Nick Fuentes and his ambiguously gay cohort more than you and the rest of this forum put together. If the IDPOL junkies, in their lust for easy virtue, stopped at self-professed Nazis, or those who hold similar ideals, instead of expanding and appropriating the label to anyone and everyone who gives them so much as a peep of dissent, I'd have nothing to say on the matter.

Instead I can reliably field a Greek chorus with such slavering bigotries as "Let's not put the multiple-time male rapist in the women's prison" (twansphobic!), or "Paedophilic grooming gangs should be deported after serving their sentence where applicable" (iswamophobic!), or "Yeah, the cop had to take that shot, knives can kill with shocking ease, you should read William Fairbairn." (wacism!)

Or even in our little community, that situation few years back, where I pointed out a case of self-defense that wouldn't pass muster as a problem question for a first-year Criminal Law seminar, and you lost your shit at me in a fit of tribal rage, then popped up in another discussion to go for what you must've assumed was an easy virtue dunk, only to commit an inadvertent racial slur that didn't bother me at all (I'm very proud of who I am :cool:), but apparently bothered you enough to enter a plea of diminished responsibility. Image

It's become very trendy among the IDPOL set to tell people what's in their hearts. It's an incredible arrogance, and easily shot down by anyone with a crumb of backbone. But then, bringing down Nazi Germany required incredible feats, too - so why not go all-in against the great evil of our time?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

guigui wrote:Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ? Who are the goods ? the bads ? What do goods want ? What do bad wants ? What is love ?
A lot of olds are still butthurt over cultural acceptance of "weirdos" getting gentler over time. Late stage capitalism has left no new lands to conquer, so these olds find their quality of living falling off a cliff as they're brought deeper into the exploited class as well. Faced with death being at most a decade or two away, and realizing horrible awful Young People will inherit the world and toss the statues of slavers into a garbage bin, makes them very angry.

It really is facing imminent death and loss of control that's feeding all this fear. Our owners like to groom the dim to be even more symbol-minded, as out of touch idiots that hate the young are always useful tools to leverage to devour the under classes. It's incredible how easy it is to crowbar these parents apart from their kids by turning the parents into intolerable shitheads no one wants to be around. As if the "learn to code" liberals aren't horrible enough, sheesh.

The "goods" accept the collapse of civilization is inevitable due to material incentives (physical things like, you know, oil) that have nothing to do about what's on TV or what soap opera Twitter wankers are on about this week. There's nothing anyone can do about it because no one has any power to change anything, including the zillionaires at the top of our collective death cult. (If they tried to change course away from collective suicide, they'd be replaced.) So it's better to try to ignore it and enjoy what little life we have life. They call this ideology the "grill pill".

8% annual inflation compounded every year means prices will double in a decade. And that may prove to optimistic in hindsight.

tldr: go grill some meat. While there's still any left.
Anyhow, I don't understand how any white person could feel attacked by the concept of systemic racism as opposed to personal racism.
Unfortunately I've been exposed to family members and I understand the sociopathy perfectly. It's extremely popular with pathological liars.

You or me, we see a pathological liar and wonder "Why do they lie when they don't have to? Don't they know that destroys their credibility and only serves to make their lies less effective?"

It's all a coping mechanism to manufacture their ideal reality. If you think there is no problem, then there is no problem. As George Carlin always said, bullshit is the glue that holds society together. Our ancestors who didn't at least give lip service to bullshit were cast out of their tribes and devoured by the elephants.

In this case, it's the narcissism cranked to the max. All of my suffering is the worst thing to happen to anyone. Everyone else's suffering is lesser than my suffering. I can't possibly have had it easier than someone else in any way. Truly, I have it tougher than Jesus on his cross.

Just-world or martyr complex..... either way, people with horrible fantasy worlds that probably have zero elves but like a hundred cops solving every problem in the world using violence.

Just horrible....

At least Demolition Man was cool....
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I don't know if I'd conflate genuine activists with twitter jerkoffs who want to condemn a teenaged white girl to lifelong penury for the war crime of wearing a cheongsam to prom. (#placeholder for the million other fiascos I can't be bothered to CTRL+V atm)

The latter are a frothy layer of surface scum, peppered with active pathogens like scammers and sexual predators like John Flynt and Lucas Roberts. (#placeholder for the million other grifters I can't be bothered to CTRL+V atm).

As odious as they tend to be to their targets, they're arguably even worse for the causes they pretend to support. Occupy Wall Street was a good illustration of IDPOL cancer eating a legitimate movement to the bone, at least I seem to recall. It's been a while, I cared more about Burgerland back then, living in Florida at the time.

Then I left, and a decade later, a bunch of Assata Shakur cosplayers trashed Tinkletowne High St. off the corner of RumpyPumpy Ave. and WeeWillehWinkeh BLVD, and I realised the aerosolised fecal matter had made it across the pond. Then the lead cosplayer got her brains blown out, not by the longed-for HUWHITE SUPREME, but that reliable central casting standby, The Spray n' Praying Yardie. And everything was nice and quiet again, because who wants to think about boring things like the socioeconomic roots of rampant inner-city crime amongst minority youths? Yawn! :o We've got Nazis to cancel! I mean fight!

Take that, #racism!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by emphatic »

The "stop woke act" looks like this:


Wokeism is a racist cult.
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RegalSin wrote:Street Fighters. We need to aviod them when we activate time accellerator.
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Sengoku Strider
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote:
guigui wrote:Anyone able to sum up quickly what's happening ?
A small but loud minority of pampered, bored North Americans and Europeans were frustrated by the 21st century's lack of Nazis to fight.

So they decided to call everyone else Nazis instead. Endless war! Dopamine galore! And so convenient - now you can fight the Nazis on your phone! :o

A small but loud minority of pampered, bored North Americans and Europeans were frustrated by being called out on their obvious hypocrisy and sociopathic retrograde views.

So they decided to call everyone else Nazis instead. Endless war! Dopamine galore! And so convenient - now you can fight the Nazis on your phone! :o


Unfortunately neither logic nor first world constitutions were on their side, so they just gave up on those losing battles and retreated into a crazy bubble where they fell into a downward spiral of freaking out over ever more completely absurd non-issues.


Which I'm thankful for, because this is a billion times more fun than complaints about taxes and people-on-welfare-who-are-not-them which is all conservatism was about 20 years ago and now I have an awesome new hobby. #BLESSED
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