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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by cj iwakura »

I enjoy the first and third Bayformers films for big screen high budget mecha action, and it probably resulted in stuff like Pacific Rim being greenlit, so there's that.
And Optimus steals both films, handily.

Effortlessly shows his badassery without uttering a single word. Peter Cullen is a national treasure.
heli wrote:Why is milestone director in prison ?, are his game to difficult ?

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

BIL wrote:I always assumed it was a relatively scrupulous commander in charge of a whole bunch of thoroughly evil dudes; once the organisation was decapitated, I'm sure it'd play out in might=right fashion - with the added wrinkle that these are still disciplined, elite soldiers, facing an immediate threat. Work together now, backstab later, depending on how things shake out.

Man. :o Cracking 90s action film, that. The tight scenario (both the prison confines and the ticking-timebomb plot) work together great to focus Bay. Forgot to mention, the Harry Gregson-Williams score is weirdly reverse-nostalgic now, after several decades of MGS fandom. Come to think of it, so is Big "Sean Connery" Boss. :cool:
I already know General Hummel was never a bad guy to begin with. He may have had those rockets, but he never intended to kill anybody.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I'd say it's more grey than that. Setting up a bioweapons holocaust to extort your own country, with the aid of ruthless and incredibly dangerous renegades, is a pretty heinous act in itself. Even if you don't intend to follow through (and I agree, he clearly was never going to), you've set the stage for horror, with yourself as the one and only safeguard.

It's a surprisingly thoughtful script, very much not a "FAWK YEAAA" no-brainer ala Under Siege (boobs! Image) et al.
Lander wrote:Much fun, though - bless him - I find Nic Cage can't help but trail wacky woohoo in his footsteps wherever he goes.
The man... the myth... the nephew! Image

"Michael Francis Rizzi, do you renounce Satan and all his works?"

I think of him as less a bad actor (he can clearly act, when he gives a shit), more a raging natural disaster that skilled hands can channel into harmless - even enjoyable! - spectacle. :mrgreen: Have you seen the recent Colour Out Of Space adaptation? Incredibly enough, it soundly parlays his mania; the story's dour patriarch not being a "BEEEEES!" sort, they swap in a nebbishly neurotic middle-aged sitcom dad... which genuinely enhances the sense of mundanity gone twisted. When Cage *PLBBBTH* "AUUUGH! FUCK!" spit-takes and spikes that first offending XenoTomato into the kitchen trash, it feels positively naturalistic. :lol:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

Cage is at his peak when he's allowed some flexibility to be... himself? I use to always cite Wild At Heart as the quintessential example of crazy Cage (and apparently he and Lynch were two peas in a pod, instantly hitting it off, synergizing, and became pals).
Then I rewatched Vampires Kiss, and read this
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Lander »

BIL wrote:I'd say it's more grey than that. Setting up a bioweapons holocaust to extort your own country, with the aid of ruthless and incredibly dangerous renegades, is a pretty heinous act in itself. Even if you don't intend to follow through (and I agree, he clearly was never going to), you've set the stage for horror, with yourself as the one and only safeguard.

It's a surprisingly thoughtful script, very much not a "FAWK YEAAA" no-brainer ala Under Siege (boobs! Image) et al.
Lander wrote:Much fun, though - bless him - I find Nic Cage can't help but trail wacky woohoo in his footsteps wherever he goes.
The man... the myth... the nephew! Image

"Michael Francis Rizzi, do you renounce Satan and all his works?"

I think of him as less a bad actor (he can clearly act, when he gives a shit), more a raging natural disaster that skilled hands can channel into harmless - even enjoyable! - spectacle. :mrgreen: Have you seen the recent Colour Out Of Space adaptation? Incredibly enough, it soundly parlays his mania; the story's dour patriarch not being a "BEEEEES!" sort, they swap in a nebbishly neurotic middle-aged sitcom dad... which genuinely enhances the sense of mundanity gone twisted. When Cage *PLBBBTH* "AUUUGH! FUCK!" spit-takes and spikes that first offending XenoTomato into the kitchen trash, it feels positively naturalistic. :lol:
Ahaha, that's the face alright :lol: and wait, nephew?
[One brief wikidive later]
You're shittin' me :shock: I wouldn't have guessed that family tree in a million years. Some interesting tidbits about his method acting too - the crazy comes through, but in a respectable commit-to-the-bit sort of way.

I'll have to give Color Out of Space a look; my cosmic horror experience has mostly been modern Lovecraftian by way of its pop culture boom, so something adapting the older more insidious work is long due. And probably a reading of the original texts, for that matter...
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

Mom and Dad is probably still peak Cage for me. That movie is fucking WILD, which I guess makes sense since it was made by one of the guys who did the Crank movies.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Cruising [1980]

Well that was quite a bit different than Sorcerer. William Friedkin film where Al Pacino goes under cover into the gay leather daddy scene to find a murderer... and for a 1980 major motion picture, it doesn't leave too much to the imagination. There's obviously no penetration or any of that obviously but simulated blowjobs a plenty, and even a close up of a guy lathering his arm in lube... about halfway to the elbow, and a facial expression of the gentlemen on the other end of the transaction. Very gritty view of New York, and that scene in general. I can't believe they got this green lit. Bonus for seeing small roles filled by Powers Boothe, James Remar (in some nifty looking underoos), and Ed O'Neill as a New York copy, as you'd probably guess.

As if this random scene wasn't enough (YT comments worth reading btw), they basically do it again to ensure you you didn't hallucinate it.

Some other tidbits about the film. Apparently there's 40 missing minutes that were basically porn. Read #26 on the list if you liked the two youtube videos above. :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »


Hirokazu Kore-eda's latest offering, but this time in a Korean production. Featuring Song Kang-ho of Parasite fame, we follow a couple of "Brokers" that find unwanted babies new homes. The usual sentimental/heart string pulling stuff that Kore-eda is famous for is present, with the usual subtle delivery. This one doesn't seem to be clocking in as high on IMDB as Shoplifters but I'd rate it neck and neck.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

GaijinPunch wrote:Cruising [1980]
Blimey, this sounds hardcore :shock: Friedkin and pre-Scarface Pacino sounds like a good time, will have to rubber up and check it out. :cool:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

BIL wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:Cruising [1980]
Blimey, this sounds hardcore :shock: Friedkin and pre-Scarface Pacino sounds like a good time, will have to rubber up and check it out. :cool:
You'll need more than one.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Some-Mist »

ah man, my favorite cage has to be between moonstruck, raising arizona, adaptation with some follow up enjoyable ones like matchstick men and conair
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Re: brava

Post by drauch »

NYN wrote:Would one or more of the lovely weirdos (you know who you are!) point me at a one or more movies by Mario Bava? Horror-wise.
I honestly don't know where to start.
Just to know what the guys signature is here. Thank you kindly!
OMFG, wrote you up like a page of shit and the damn thing refreshed!

I usually do my foruming at work, and I've been busy as hell lately, so I've been missing out.

In short, since I don't wanna type it all out again, it's pretty much all good. Black Sabbath, Black Sunday, Twitch of the Death Nerve, The Girl Who Knew Too Much, Baron Blood--the horror is all aces, imo. The only ones I didn't like were Planet of the Vampires and Five Dolls for an August Moon, the latter because it was a shit production and an objective failure. Vampires is just sorta bland 50s scifi.

My favs are some of his non-horror, like Rabid Dogs (takes place mainly in a car), Hercules in the Haunted World (horror-tinged peplum with all his trademark colors and shadows), and his great adaptation of Diabolik, which is a load of pulpy fun. I'm also quite partial to Knives of the Avenger. Still haven't seen his spaghetti westerns, and not in a hurry. I've seen over a hundred and for some reason the Italians had a hard time getting it right. Outside of the three Sergios (Leone, Sollima, Corbucci) and some of Enzo G Castellari, it's more miss than hit in my experience, and his aren't that revered.
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The people under the floor, dude.

Post by Lander »

Color Out of Space (2019)

That was a veritable smorgasbord of horror devices - both lovecraftian and traditional - and excellently executed. I am thoroughly horrified.
And surprised by how large the bestiary ended up being. There would be enough in there to fuel a raging wiki-dive bender if I wasn't already spending the evening trying to textualize my impression of the film!

So, how would I describe Cage's performance? How about SLAM DUNK, HE'S ON FIRE? :)
Pitch-perfect mania, the man's innate wackiness camouflaged perfectly against the backdrop of slowly-corrupting idyll.
Start small with some neuroses, then gradually progress to full-bore lovecraftian madness; do not pass go, and do not collect any sanity tokens. Advance the doom track by two spaces.
I think the barn is my favourite of his scenes - a thespian feat of expression-based acting, his gurning face more than enough to inflame the audience's already-horrified imagination.

Structurally, I consider it the 2-ALL TLB of my lovecraftian horror experience. There were so many moments where it could easily have concluded - leaving the cast as setup for an impending Arkham Horror campaign - only to pull the rug and delve deeper into more gribblies.
A lesser film would have outstayed its welcome, but I think this one hits the sweet spot where the length and variety of scares serve to amplify the sense of dread.
The vision of an eldritch dimension was spectacular! Though I felt it dipped a little into Derleth there - it's a double-edged sword to give form to the indescribable, lending it graspable gravitas while simultaneously eroding the unknowable fear.

Though thinking back, I reckon there's an extra bit of Aesop in there with Girlie's Necronomicon ritual and self-inscribed runes.
It didn't register at the time - her directed self-harm coming off as just more degeneration - but the remarkably non-purple coloring of the Exploded Head God and its realm makes me think it wasn't a vision of the color's home plane, but rather an unrelated elder being invoked by said ritual.
"Get me out of here" was her wish, and it certainly did that :o

Also of note, I'm sure the triangle hair clasp and equally triangular attic window have some intentionality behind them. Couldn't say what without that wiki dive, but it smacks of iconography.

I got some strong Resident Evil 7 vibes in places. Specifically, the final form of the Mother/Son creature resembling Marguerite's monster form, and Nic beginning to exude Jack Baker good-dad-gone-mad energy in the latter half.
And of course, you have the cosmically-corrupted familial union in the otherspace pocket dimension, which calls back to the "we live in the mold now" scene from the final hours of the game.

Lovely on-theme closing monologue, though I felt the insect stinger was a bit R.L. Stine - the horse escaping would have been enough, but I suppose the law of balance means the movie needed a flaw somewhere :P
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by cj iwakura »

I loved Colour's batshit ending, it was like Blood Machines in that they just pushed the pedal to the floor then broke off the shifter.
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Re: The people under the floor, dude.

Post by BIL »

Lander wrote:Color Out of Space (2019)
Superb writeup, glad you enjoyed! Indeed, it develops into exactly the furiously sparking man-sized hamster wheel Cage thrives in. :mrgreen:

Have you seen Stuart Gordon (RIP)'s From Beyond? Broadly comparable sense of dimension-reaving pandemonium, though a bit B-gorier/raunchier, as was the great chap's wont. Its spiritual prequel Re-Animator is an evergreen, though the story itself isn't really archetypal HPL. One of those absolute bullseye horror comedies that's as raucously fun as it is macabre, ala Return of the Living Dead.

Christ I feel like rewatching all this stuff now. I gotta get on Vampire's Kiss too, rapoon's writeup and the attached article sound amazing.
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what is a man-hunter? a miserable hyde of dollar!

Post by NYN »


First watch. Directed by Michael Mannhunter, I was inclined to close this gab. Cautiously expecting a slightly cheesy 80s just-don't-call-it-horror thriller. Blown away by the highly stylized cinematography. DO YOU SEE? (yes). Experimental score meshed very smoothly with it. Brian Cox as the very first personification of Dr Lecktor (sic) with menace and more subtlety then the later Dracula version of Sir Tony. Insane? Me? Huh. Where I smell cheese is with the final showdown. Knowing the novel and the remake it's very plain that they were at budgets end, so they jumped the glass pane to get to it. Hypnotic shoot-out marks it, yet I don't think it doesn't fit. Very fun film, indeed. Will see again.
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Re: what is a man-hunter? a miserable hyde of dollar!

Post by GaijinPunch »


First watch. Directed by Michael Mannhunter, I was inclined to close this gab. Cautiously expecting a slightly cheesy 80s just-don't-call-it-horror thriller. Blown away by the highly stylized cinematography. DO YOU SEE? (yes). Experimental score meshed very smoothly with it. Brian Cox as the very first personification of Dr Lecktor (sic) with menace and more subtlety then the later Dracula version of Sir Tony. Insane? Me? Huh. Where I smell cheese is with the final showdown. Knowing the novel and the remake it's very plain that they were at budgets end, so they jumped the glass pane to get to it. Hypnotic shoot-out marks it, yet I don't think it doesn't fit. Very fun film, indeed. Will see again.
I've been meaning to go through this as I crashed hard the first time very early on and never got back to it. Will try to make that happen this week. Good inspiration.
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Re: what is a man-hunter? a miserable hyde of dollar!

Post by Mischief Maker »

A zillion times better than Red Dragon.
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Re: what is a man-hunter? a miserable hyde of dollar!

Post by drauch »


First watch. Directed by Michael Mannhunter
Apologies if I missed it, but have you seen Thief or The Keep yet? The Keep has this one nuts shot in it that gets my pee-pee all tingly. :shock:

I like Heat, but I think his first three have a more defined style, rather than the more refined, big-budgeted stuff starting the next few years. And the later stuff... ugh, it's so gross to look at. He used to make it so bootiful :cry: . Always one for great tunes, though. Of course the Tangerine Dream stuff can never be over-talked about, but Promontory (and the scene, in general) in Mohicans is so great. I'm not sure how I feel about the movie as a whole, as I'm sure most of the blame could point to the source material, but there's some great stuff in there.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

The difference between Heat and Thief and his earlier efforts is that Heat feels somewhat timeless. Nothing wrong with a movie being in a moment in time, but it is nice going back to it and nothing really feeling too out of place, besides a pay phone or two.
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keeping the thief/ hunting the drag

Post by NYN »

drauch wrote:Apologies if I missed it, but have you seen Thief or The Keep yet? The Keep has this one nuts shot in it that gets my pee-pee all tingly. :shock:
No to both. Of Thief I know only the album (fave: Dr Destructo), dig it, so I want to see the pictures to it. Didn't know about The Keep. From the premise alone it sounds nuts-o, so I get the hots about it now. Read up that there was no DVD issue until 2020. I know that there are other means, but that's a bum to hear.

Many thanks for your Mario Bava write-up. I will use it to gain orientation.

Mischief Maker wrote:A zillion times better than Red Dragon.
No contest.
One is a almost surreal genre flick with a cult following and the other is...what? Forgettable? I remember it as pretty dull. Pity, since I like to see many of the faces in it. Did you know? Both movies share the same DP. So my short answer is one director was a budding artist and the other "the right man for the job" studio-wise.

edit: spelling. Forget-table with two 't' ?! fog'et'bout tit
Last edited by NYN on Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

The main thing that stuck out to me with Red Dragon is it starts with Professor Hannibal deciding to kill and eat a flutist during a performance. Does the flutist make one tiny, human, yet unforgivable mistake in the eyes of an insane perfectionist?

No, at this point Hannibal Lector was a cultural touchstone so the worst he could be is an antihero.

So the flutist is hitting sour notes one after another, flubbing his fingering, missing his entrances, and sometimes just sitting parts out. He's doing everything in his power to get the audience rooting for Hannibal murdering him, like he's a camp counselor at Silver Lake neglecting the kids so he can smoke pot and have premarital sex.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Aykshualy is CRYSTAL lake Image (just supplying the real modern audience feel :wink: aka numb-dicked sperging myopia :shock:)
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Re: keeping the thief/ hunting the drag

Post by drauch »

NYN wrote:Didn't know about The Keep. From the premise alone it sounds nuts-o, so I get the hots about it now. Read up that there was no DVD issue until 2020. I know that there are other means, but that's a bum to hear.
Yeah, there's some good HD prints of it out there, but sadly no disc yet. Can't remember why, presumably rights or some nonsense.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

drauch wrote:My favs are some of his non-horror, like Rabid Dogs (takes place mainly in a car), Hercules in the Haunted World (horror-tinged peplum with all his trademark colors and shadows), and his great adaptation of Diabolik, which is a load of pulpy fun.
Rabid Dogs sounds amazing, cheers bud :o ERCOLE IN HAUNTED WORLD still on me shortlist, Christ what a title! :shock: Think I'll knock both off this weekend. :cool:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

The Verdict [1982]

Courtroom drama with a very gray but dapper Paul Newman. Has most of what you'd expect from an early 80's drama - actual character building, no rush nor force feeding the obvious. I've only been to Boston once, but this definitely felt like a Boston flick. Probably could have used a better clencher in the actual case, but doesn't kill anything. LOTS of indoor smoking.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: ***

Based on the character from the Shrek movies (and one previous movie of his own released in 2011), Puss in Boots finds himself on his last life and facing his own mortality as he is stalked by Death (literally) and seeks for a map that leads to a fallen star that can grant one wish, also being pursued by the notorious crime family Goldilocks and the Three Bears and a cartoonishly evil Jack Horner. Apparently it all makes sense in context...

My wife found it a bit morbid for a PG-rated film (Jack Horner's minions don't fare particularly well in this one) but it was reasonably entertaining, and fortunately seems to ditch most of the off-putting toilet humor from the earlier Shrek films. I had the day off work so my wife and I went and saw it in a mostly empty theater (only 5 people including us) and you could tell the animators had some fun with this one. Even so, it could be a bit of a slow burn with a few good action scenes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Infinity Pool, Brandon Cronenberg 2023 6.5/10

It felt like a rich-people Lord of The Flies to me. There's a bunch of weak points made about rich people going to resorts in poor countries, and the weird relationship between the need/want for their money and the reality of life for the people who live there. There is an awful lot of good points that could have been made, and it felt like they almost did, but then it just succumbs to Cronenberg nepo-baby-itus.

I did like some of the scenes; a few of the montage sequences were really beautiful, and the Tim Hecker soundtrack was amazing. It absolutely didn't fit most of the movie though; it felt like the soundtrack was just forced onto an unwilling film at times. There is a beautiful scene where a group of vacationers are travelling along the coast in a car, and the imagery is amazing, but the soundtrack is all hyper-paranoid early 90s IDM. Like Aphex Twin's Classics compilation level paranoid, and there's absolutely no reason for it. Again, the music is fantastic, it just doesn't fit at all. There's a drug scene where the music is okay fine, and the scene is very realistic, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it definitely is an accurate depiction of being on psychedelics and having sex and then realizing there's a bunch of other people around you having sex, but on the other hand, I don't really want realistic with that, I'd rather have some embellishment. Also the whole film is really bland as far as cinematography goes; the whole thing is shot with a dark filter, and it's just sucky drab. I think they were trying to evoke a feeling of oppression, but it doesn't work and just makes things feel boring.

Final thoughts are that it's a confusing movie. It's clearly about very specific things, and trying to be kind of a psych-thriller Black Lotus or whatever, but it also falls flat. It takes things to such an extreme that it comes off as goofy, and that ruins the impact. To top it off, the narrative just doesn't hang together very well.

However, there are a few touches here and there that are really brilliant. I don't want to give away anything that's outside of trailer territory, so I won't go into specifics, but there's a reason I gave it a like C minus and not an F. Also, the over-the-top stuff which is supposed to be horrifying but is actually funny is really, really funny at times, so it actually gets some points for being unintentionally silly.

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

After a two-week delay, I finally watched Plane! And what a way to start off 2023.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

xxx1993 wrote:After a two-week delay, I finally watched Plane! And what a way to start off 2023.
Is it a worthy sequel to Airplane?
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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