The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:But gee whiz, why isn't this dusty old cobweb-covered spat
I wish, with Vice regaling us with tales of this "Pearl" broad's TWANSPHOBIER (read: "males are stronger than me") as of yesterday afternoon.

This shit is everywhere at the moment. "Why can't [male athlete BTFO female competitor] [male rapist share a cell with a female prisoner] [male cop cavity-search a female suspect]" - pick one, some smug pseud will be around to explain why dissenters are Hitler. Right now, The Grauniad informs me of dastardly JK Rowling's evil plot to... run a female-only rape crisis centre for the notably victimised females of Edinburgh. Shock horror.

Welcome to forever, if you're going to conflate objective biological reality - males' physical dominion over females - with racism, sexism, poverty, and other societal evils. Historically, it makes things exponentially worse. I wish things weren't so fucked up, but other things are fucked up too, and the magical thinking du jour (cf smug fat cunt a page back) isn't helping.

Medical science might help, eventually.

I miss taking the piss out of radfems and other zealots who want female soldiers in front-line combat roles. :/
Republican policy.
America being a badly-run shithole is another objective reality!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Women do have front line combat roles : (

They're used to frisk the ladies of the local population.

Dredging this up again has given me a thought. Here it is, internet blog:

A while back I got into an internet exchange over whether aging is a program or not. This is a pretty common idea, that we have the same aging mechanism as fish and certain species evolve out of it, like tortoises that could technically live forever as long as they don't get cancer or get run over by a car.

Someone took offense at this and called it a discredited idea. They used The Selfish Gene reasoning that if there's no advantage to living for a shorter period of time for a given individual, then there would be no mechanism from which this could evolve. I pointed out the seemingly arbitrary nature of maximum lifespans: house cats living to their 20's, dogs to their 10's, humans to 60's, etc. And various possible advantages that aging might bring to a population as a whole.

To use his own argument to demonstrate how flawed it is: there is no mechanism for women to be weaker than men. Because on an individual level, there is no advantage to being weaker. And the metabolic cost is marginal: we're talking about having a little more bone, collagen and cartilage here, not exactly the hungriest tissues of the body. Stronger women would out compete weaker women. QED!

Evolution doesn't always conform to our ideas of "better" or "worse", and not even to optimal objective reality. The peacock's tail and the human boob are both massive handicaps and wastes of energy.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Women do have front line combat roles : (

They're used to frisk the ladies of the local population.
As long as they're not in a position to repeat that ghastly, ghastly attempt at a Fireman's Carry I saw Ana Kasparian do, that one time. Christ almighty, I could feel the multiple hernias and sprains readying to burst forth from her twiggy little limbs and trunk.

Why do you suppose human sexual dimorphism is the way it is? Being a fairly incurious sort I'd assumed evolutionary pressures relating to one sex being useless most of the time. Fuck do I know though. All I know is bitches ain't shit and evil cunts like to prey on this. \(O_O)/
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Good god, Ana's a waif doesn't even squat or deadlift. Fireman's carry ain't exactly for smaller dudes, either. 180+ lbs on your back down 20 flights of stairs isn't happening for the typical ~150 lb weakling.

My cousin Robin could carry grown men around with one arm though. Girl's built like a gorilla.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Yeah, same - one aunt on my mom's side was legit stronger than average dudes in her day. A lifetime of unmechanised farm work, but even retired, she hauls around her cooking stuff on holidays like a battle-hardened removals guy. She'd have made an excellent powerlifter.

Descended from the ones who survived the slave ship and/or fetched top dollar, I suppose. Although, in that godawful situation, maybe smaller was better? Less space and less calories needed to survive. And a good chunk of my maternal family is Scottish and Welsh, arriving a century on, in entirely less harrowing circumstances. What a compulsive little Rubik's cube genealogy is.

She was also kinda homely-lookin' compared to her sisters, bless her. Maybe butch broads just didn't get picked as often? Getting into the most arrant broscience here, I know. Her husband was a stereotypical Chad, maybe she had photos of him sucking a dick or something :o
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

The crazy thing is when XX chromosome cis women get booted from competitions for having too much testosterone.
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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »


Bitches Ain't Bein Shit has been a disaster for competitive sport, on the whole. We even got the WNBA out of it. 3;
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

Yeah I don't really agree with MM's general thrust of "you're not allowed to talk about X thing because the group in X thing suffers from problems related to Y thing"

an earlier one I didn't respond to was don't talk about keffals because trans people are having a rough time.

no, keffals is a cunt.
You gotta call em how you see em.

Another one i've seen on the internet, again, i don't know what's hot button or not -
"Don't attack Balenciaga for doing weird pedo shit in their marketing campaign because people use pedo conspiracies and the term 'groomer' to attack LGBT community." or some shit.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Burinju i promise u when I say Prince Harry is a fuckin jammy cunt with a silver spoon up his arse married to a grasping muttfaced slapper, it's NAHT bcos he gingerman 3; 3; 3;

Post from an auld Internet Fren on the poor stupid twat I liek: ALL ALONE IN TEH DANGER ZONE
I really wonder about the quality of the therapy Harry has received, because none of the therapists he's seen have apparently covered a basic dictum with him: words have power.

Words have power. This is why therapists will often push clients to verbalise incidents of abuse, or name abusers, or simply name things that have happened to them as abuse, in the private therapeutic setting.

The private therapeutic setting is a crucial part of this, because there are things that once said - once articulated out loud even if only for a therapist to hear, once acknowledged by being spoken aloud - can't be taken back.

This is often the point when a client steps away from therapy, because the push to name and acknowledge is really painful, particularly for people who have a continuing relationship with the people they now identify as abusers. There are things you can't say, even in confidence, and then go and sit round the family dinner table on Sunday like nothing's happened. There are battles you simply don't have the weapons to fight right now, or ever, and you do not unleash your monsters until you think you can fight them.

The idea of therapy for trauma is to unpack things one at a time, like peeling an onion, until you are ready to confront the really difficult, most painful parts of your experience. Many people admit the most traumatic experiences of their life for the first time in therapy as an adult. Where and when it's finally safe to say out loud, "this happened, I have not been able to cope with it".

I watched that interview last night, and Harry is absolutely nowhere near the stage of therapeutic progress where he should be talking to even his nearest and dearest about this shit, let alone a television audience. That shit last night was shit for therapy. The feelings about 'sibling rivalry'? The feelings of being let down by his father? The feelings of being second best? You take that shit to therapy appointments for a long fucking time, quite probably years, before you are willing to cross that terrain in public. And by 'in public', I mean with understanding close friends. I do not in any way mean national television.

Harry clearly thinks he has made a lot of progress in therapy. He hasn't. He is hurt and angry and going Rambo on everyone he can find to blame. He's where you are when you start therapy. Not when you write a fucking book about it.

Words have power. Harry today and for a long time is gonna find out that that is a double edged sword. He lost a mother, and he's not processed that. The person he trashed the most last night lost the same mother. When you dig up your family wounds for everyone to gawk at it, they aren't just your wounds. It's not just you who is gawked at.

I honestly don't think he appreciates the magnitude of what he has done. His mother went ham on her ex and her ex's mistress in interviews; both people she could much more effectively cut out of her life and ongoing relationships than an only surviving parent and an only sibling. Harry thinks he's cutting the toxicity out of his life. He's sawing off the tree branch he's sitting on.

Any competent therapist would not have advised him to do this.
Reasons to be cheerful! Happened across Lamar Abrams' Remake. Funny dude, any fan of Rockman/Astro Boy and general oldschool VG/manga tomfoolery will recognise the affection.



Comes from that deranged orbit of "children's cartoons" *coof* you know, Steven Universe et al. Apparently, at some point, he were CANCERU for drawing an oldschool mammeh-ish heroine, in the show's planning stages. On one hand, I went "Hm yeah, that is kinda quaint!" but on the other, so fucking what? I realise black people are a strange and exotic quantity to most of y'all racist cracker assholes, but dem big beautiful lips are a thing. Just like my underwhelming quarter-Irish prick. 3; It's not small - I swear lads! - but it'd be bigger, if me dad had been a big Black Irish ditch digger, not a pasty-white potato famine POUSYBOI 3;

Then again his dick is bigger than mine and both of my brothers'. Image Not combined, we have him beat there. That'd be very unfortunate! Plot of a John Cassavetes horror movie, that.

Christ, I can't imagine working under such lunatics. "Cartoons" my fuckin ass. Then again, maybe it's enjoyable, for arch sorts? Plenty of Interent Frens would kill for a trolling sniper post like that. Hmm.

Oh! It seems one "Adam Sessler" has gone berserk. All the mediocre GAYMERGAYTE hanger-on channels are talking about it! I won't link to any, pick your poison. 3; I vaguely recall him as the bald blonde cunt opposite the cute-ish milfy redhead on GameSpot TV ca 2000. I'd forgotten about all that stuff, but apparently they were popular? Reminded me of the Tales Of Tales diarrhoea implosion, some years back. Nothing to do with those WolfTeam/Namco Jarpigs, calm down lads. Image

Ha! Yes, those ones.

Well no, I do remember one thing of ye olde GSTV: the uniformly, seemingly deliberately fuck-awful quality of their gameplay footage. Best was a Goldeneye N64 clip: the player dumping an entire magazine over a guard's shoulder, just barely catching him in the throat with his last round - then, as the poor fuck did his "grasping throat staggering back" death animation, the guard behind him's gun emerged from the dying man's crotch, like a big black metal cock, and promptly sprayed its burning JIZUM all over our intrepid gamer, killing them too. :cool: What Werner Herzog termed the elusive magic of cinema. Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

Yeah if we lose ed sheeran too the momentary time of tolerance and favour for my people will elaborate and we'll be hunted in the streets again :cry:

gingerstan calls for aid, will muttfordshire answer?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

I wonder what Brits would do with themselves if they didn't have a family of useless, casually rich, idle royals to obsess about. Can't mention that without someone clapping back at you and waving waving a Union Jack. Definitely can't mention it with an American accent.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote:Anyhow, all the stress and handcuffing was awfully funny. It lost its shine when one of my jackass friends was trying to swing a girl while she was sitting next to her boyfriend (and apparently making progress)
so you're saying the handcuffing was necessary then.
Biology and evolution are very clever and often entertaining.
Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote:I'm not particularly comfortable with anecdotal pseudo psychology about people that live in other cultures and (furthermore) I've found people to be very much the same everywhere I've been. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
sorry to make you uncomfortable.
I have no problem with dudes sucking each other off btw, just don't chuck guys off roofs for doing it :wink:
You've put words in my mouth and painted me up as villain, but you're not arguing honestly.

I'm not comfortable with the generalizations about a culture that isn't yours. I'm also not convinced that life around a prison is identical to living in the middle east, either.

Finally, you all keep throwing around pseudo science about "imprinting" that I don't buy.

My theory is: you're projecting. Some people feel attraction thats flexible and others are focused on one sex. I have a family member that I knew would be bisexual or gay when we were seven. It just "is", so deal with it. Believe it or not, there are people walking around that really never felt any attraction to one sex and they aren't holding anything back. It just depends on the person. It strikes me that some people are (at least) suggesting that everyone is bisexual. They aren't.

There's also a fib related to gender programming. I know of plenty of kids right now that have presented with all sorts of toys for both genders. Even before preschool, they are still interested in their share gender appropriate behaviors--without prompting and with "liberal" parents that are firmly against it.

Even with some pushback as a kid, my family member didn't change. You can't be anything but yourself. Less loving parents might have been more forceful and changed things. Peer pressure didn't do anything. The dolls and playing house weren't negotiable. I didn't have anything else to do, anyway. Anyhow, it wasn't imprinted. That's just how it always was. And, what of it? Nothing.

Obsessions with specific methods of transport and warfare seem to be imprinted on the boys throughout history. Although, the actual purposes of things like cars and guns remain very close to well bred horse or a sword.

BIL made mention of this subject as well. We don't choose and program everything.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:gingerstan calls for aid, will muttfordshire answer?
We'll show those white devils the true meaning of Social Justice, my young gingerfriend. ImageImage
orange808 wrote:I wonder what Brits would do with themselves if they didn't have a family of useless, casually rich, idle royals to obsess about. Can't mention that without someone clapping back at you and waving waving a Union Jack. Definitely can't mention it with an American accent.
In my experience, the country's overriding sentiment is a resounding "meh." Royalists are a thing (There's this week's Hello! magazine for grandma...), but so are abolitionists (...and here's Private Eye for Uncle Harbl, ta FedEx :cool:).

If someone seriously gives you shit over that opinion, it's probably a St. George's Cross you'll see brandished. :lol:

In a heartening bit of human universality, the world loves a good shitshow - cf Burgerlanders Netflix generously financing this latest Hotdog Eating Contest Aftermath - and this daft cunt is bringing the HAWT brown goods by the barrow-load.


I'm dying at the "No we never said u was racism!" walkback, five-star materials. Image Seriously, that's a fucking grave accusation, or at least it should be. Is it shame, or pure craven self-preservation? Either way, I'm glad to see them pulled up on it.

"Big bro you and your wife are racists, anyway how's the weather?" Wh... what?
BIL made mention of this subject as well. We don't choose and program everything.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

orange i don't really disagree with anything you've said, so chill. either that or i'm too dumb to understand
arguing dishonestly? I'm not arguing at all.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Blinge wrote:Yeah I don't really agree with MM's general thrust of "you're not allowed to talk about X thing because the group in X thing suffers from problems related to Y thing"
You said:
Blinge wrote:transgender athletes, especially combat sports is such a fascinating, and maybe hilarious topic..
It really is where the rubber meets the road

Where the progressive's ought meets is
My interpretation was that you said trans athletes in sports is the most important trans issue, "where the rubber meets the road," and that progressives should focus on it more.

I responded that there are actual life-and-death trans issues that progressives prioritize over trans athletes.

I also added that trans athletes is an over-emphasized issue on the right because it's an edge case to mask a more overtly bigoted anti-trans agenda and draw attention away from more overtly anti-child and anti-women laws passed by the republican party.

If you're asking whether I think there's a debate to be had over trans people in sports, sure! I don't think you'll find a single progressive who'd say it's remotely fair to force cis-women to compete against trans-men. But I don't think the people harping on it are innocently doing so without any political agenda.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

Mischief Maker wrote:My interpretation was that you said trans athletes in sports is the most important trans issue, "where the rubber meets the road," and that progressives should focus on it more.
But I don't think the people harping on it are innocently doing so without any political agenda.
While I could agree that there are some vested interests rubbing their hands at the thought of such juicy ammunition, I don't think they're the majority of people harping on about it.

I think it's an area that the wilder progressive stuff treads on the toes of normies and becomes a talking point. So way more people weigh in.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Today in Lunatic Prince: Chronicle of the Mad Ginger
Prince Harry has finally taken up the role he was always destined to fill. If Diana was, as Tony Blair dubbed her, the Princess of Hearts, Harry is her true heir: the Prince of Lolcows.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Wasn't expecting that, nice to be surprised occasionally!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

Exploiting birth to the royal family in the media is status quo tradition.

Moving away to America and starting a business (a real firm, not a reality show) would have been a disrupting independent move; that's not what happened. The only way to stop a reality show is to quit and disappear. Literally anything you do in the media is theatre. Surely, Harry understands that, yet he chose to brand himself and sell his celebrity.

Of course, the real "lolcows" are the masses that lap it all up and keep the entire grift going.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Limited Run taking care of business by kowtowing to Bronycon founding trans activist pedophile. ... 9133776896
I believe this probably has something to do with them firing their community manager after a trans rights activist discovered that she (the community manager) had followed Twitter accounts from persons deemed transphobic by the activist. The activist was subsequently discovered to be an advocate for legalizing sex with underage teens (I am not making this up), so the company is probably now being bombarded for having fired an employee at the behest of a stone cold pervert. I don't know much more about it than that but it seems like a PR disaster.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Glad to see Brendan Fraser is doing better. I don't go for Aronofsky's films, outside of his fizzingly energetic debut Pi (has aged beautifully; its crisp b&w, blitzkrieg para-noir, and blistering score suffusing into timeless, primal fury). Good movies, but I don't do agony tourism. However I was saddened to hear of the Golden Globes thug sexually assaulting him in the past, hence Fraser not attending despite his nomination.

All too easy to armchair quarterback, but I wish he'd have glassed the cunt. I couldn't help noticing a certain strain of off-white - Aussies, Kiwis, and as here, Afrikaners - a little too at ease with "jokes" involving their fingers and other men's arses. These jokes - and similar violations - would see the merry prankster fetal with a belly full of hot lead where I grew up; so the contrast of going from one extreme to the other upon moving rather leapt out, as it did here.

Oh well. Would be good if he ended up winning lmao!
orange808 wrote:The only way to stop a reality show is to quit and disappear.
Indeed, the author's thesis. Have to say, I was impressed by her sensitivity. Like fuck was I gonna buy a copy from the mountainous stack outside my favourite little coffee place today (glad for the owners' roaring trade, though - "Fookin blindin m8!"), but the barrage of *clicks* as Harry reached for his father's hand, at his mother's funeral procession, was affecting; and eerily echoed in the similar artillery salvo heard on tonight's 6pm news, of punters buying their copies on the high street.

"TEH FASTEST-SELLING NON-FICTION EVAR" apparently. Hope it was worth it!
Of course, the real "lolcows" are the masses that lap it all up and keep the entire grift going.
You're not wrong, hence Community Watch threads. :cool:
Rob wrote:Bronycon founding trans activist pedophile.
Ah, the auld GG classic (tale old as Nick Nyberg) - recently revived by Lucas Roberts and his Quest To Get Your Kids. I would call it a hat trick, but IDPOL grifters with paedo/rapist tendencies are an entire haberdashery.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

I didn't know whether to post this here or apocalypse thread lmao

zoomie hot takes on white people. (timestamped)
I like the girl who can't even say the word without making a vomit sound.
and the girl who wants to breed crackers out of existence, I'd probably put a baby in her tbh.

Really over time this stuff could be the biggest own goal ever. I can't think of anything more effective in birthing more alt-righters or even far righters.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

There's oceans of that swill, honestly. (another auld fave) Dollars to donuts, the Asian-looking broad you timestamped would be team #stopasianhate until yet another Vietnamese grandpa got his skull caved by an angry black guy. Then they'd be radio-silent.

On one hand, I want to say it's not to be taken seriously. On the other, it's not my place; both as an ex-pat with the option of buggering off, and a passive beneficiary of the same mass neurosis (considerably greater leeway than most to ignore these bigots, race card baby :cool:).

(lots of righty sorts gave The Batman shit for Catwoman's "white privilege" line, but I thought it was meant ironically; her obliviously commiserating with one of the whitest, most privileged of all, later being saved from death by his valorous intervention.

the real howler, I thought, was the opening: an inner-city black dude going out with his mates for a spot of #aznhate, only it's revealed he's the junior hire in a gang of crackers. :shock:

that's cultural appropriation! Image Image Image)
Blinge wrote:I can't think of anything more effective in birthing more alt-righters or even far righters.
Some theorise this is the endgame among IDPOL extremists, to perpetuate conflict by fracturing populations into ever more treacherous shards. Divide and conquer, Balkanisation 101. Personally I think humans are tribal to the bone, whatever the higher reasoning, and it's our collective responsibility to tamp that shit down. Fortunately these petty demagogues' LARPs are highly realityphobic, and they also REEE hard at the mildest rebuke.

TLDR: You have a good heart, don't let them take it from you. Tell the aggressive ones to fuck off, though. 3;
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Vanguard »

Blinge wrote:I can't think of anything more effective in birthing more alt-righters or even far righters.
That's because that's the real point of this stuff. Not that the dummies in the video are secretly participants in a conspiracy or anything, but that kind of stuff is encouraged because it's beneficial to the ruling class. It convinces people that they have to support the Democrats/Republicans (or whatever) not because those politicians will do you any good, but because the alternative is too odious to consider, and that means those politicians now don't have to pretend that they're going to do anything to improve ordinary people's lives, they're free to serve their corporate donors full time. It's also a good way to convince people that their worst enemies are their fellow working class civilians and not the billionaires, corporations, and politicians. The ruling class doesn't have to worry about people organizing against them if everyone hates each other.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Lander »

Interesting. I was convinced pasting that zoomie link into my terminal was going to result in hating the world just a little more, but nah man that shit is hilarious :lol: maybe I've reached saturation?
Truly, the facecam pundit wielding non-logic and implication-laden hmmm thinkaboutit noises - far from being exclusive to mad old shedbound stoners with a UFO fixation - is a cyclic construct just like everything else *slurp*

And indeed, weaponized hate simply breeds more hate. I'm reminded of Mr. Nancy from American Gods, and his emphatic "angry gets shit done" catchphrase - perhaps so, but at a destructive cost all too easily ignored by individuals who would wield it in self-righteous furor.
If memory serves, Orlando Jones departed the show on poor terms a season or so later, grabbing that line as an improvised weapon while marching out the door toward the twitter frontlines.
Naturally, the intersection of Getting Shit Done with corporate quietude kicked up enough fog-of-war to make following the battle pointless for all but the most ravenous of drama vampires, but it's notable as a piquant self-fulfilling prophecy all the same.

Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Blinge wrote:I didn't know whether to post this here or apocalypse thread lmao

zoomie hot takes on white people. (timestamped)
I like the girl who can't even say the word without making a vomit sound.
and the girl who wants to breed crackers out of existence, I'd probably put a baby in her tbh.

Really over time this stuff could be the biggest own goal ever. I can't think of anything more effective in birthing more alt-righters or even far righters.
No doubt a lot of people are using this cultural moment to feel some true hatred. When a guy tweets about knocking white people out and then runs his car through a parade of white people it is clear that hatred can translate into real world harm, but what are these women going to do? Stop dating and marrying white men? The joke is that a lot of these women are some of the most hardcore white supremacists in the U.S. The "white genocide" one in particular is trying to mask her fetish in attention seeking activism. It is pretty funny. The video itself has good points despite the unseriousness of some of the TikTok examples.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Andrew Callaghan of Channel 5 & All Gas No Brakes fame has garnered himself a whole passel o' sexual assault accusations.

This sucks, he's gotta be the best young independent journalist out there right now. He's got a talent for turning both a critical and compassionate eye towards America's underbelly, often at the same time, and for getting hilarious material out of his subjects. Good enough that HBO plucked him off of YouTube and gave his Jan 6th piece a big boost.

A lot of the accusations are of the "...and he just wouldn't stop pressuring me for sex no matter how many times I said no. So anyway, the next time we hung out he..." variety which smacks of attention or money seeking now that he's got a network deal. But there are enough accusations out there in enough different cities with enough consistency in the stories going far back enough that it's pretty damning and he might be done.

Which is a shame, because if this is all true it'll ruin his pick up artist bootcamp documentary forever.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »



Apparently he's been cancelled off te Amazon telly! For summat he said boot ARRY N MEGUN! I knew nothing good would come of this!
ROVABLE JEZZA wrote:“Meghan, though, is a different story. I hate her. Not like I hate Nicola Sturgeon or Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level. At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowd chants "Shame!" and throws lumps of excrement at her.”
Hm that is pretty rank tbh. Bit rapey! Yes, I've watched Game of Thrones. I've even read te books! :O

Oh well. I don't really know the chap's work tbh. I hear he's popular though! I remember an episode of Top Gear bitd, when he and his little buttbuddy were watching an AZN bloke in full rice paddy gear cross a bridge. "ITS A NICE BRIDGE" said bumchum "YES, BUT THERE'S A SLOPE ON IT" said JEZZA. "lmao! hilarious!" I remarked while clapping like a well-fed seal, "now do one about a black guy, or an Arab!"

Like have an XMAS SPECIAL where you're served a hot egg beverage by a black chap, and Lt. Pillowbiter says "MM NICE" and you say "CAN'T BEAT A GOOD NOG."

Or swap in a towelyhead sort who's a bit huffy, and remark he must be "OFF THE RAG!"

Never mind. This is England! And so, it figures he'd be brought down for making a crack about Ms. BLACKEDY-BLACK-A-BLACK-BLACK YALL Markle. :sad: Christ, I'm such an easily-amused chimp, but that never stops being hilarious. It's even better when lovable ARCHIE is referred to as same. The boy is fucking bioluminescent, you could use his little bonce to light your way out of a dank subterranean cavern - or Jezza's gaping arsehole!

At any rate, it would appear to be a rare instance of JUSTICE 4 GINGER! Image Only because said ginger is shagging a *COOF* black bird, but whatever!
Rob wrote:No doubt a lot of people are using this cultural moment to feel some true hatred. When a guy tweets about knocking white people out and then runs his car through a parade of white people it is clear that hatred can translate into real world harm, but what are these women going to do?
Having avidly CONSOOMED this case, I'm pretty sure Brooks is just a narcissistic coward who'd attack anyone for "disrespek" - once he felt safe from retaliation, of course. His favoured victim group is black females, and he's awaiting trial for shooting at his nephew, the son of his deceased twin sister, at that.

This said, it was bleakly amusing watching the US media's "Nope! Nothing to see here!" act, after the absolute clawing desperation to paint the likes of Sandmann and Rittenhouse as HUWITE SUPREMES for reasons. A guy posts exhortations to brutalise white people, elderly ones in particular, then slaughters five of them in the street, immediately after a pair of the devils thwart his latest battery of "baby momma?" And you've got nothing? Fuck off.

I hear rumblings one of Brooks' appeal targets will be the all-white jury, which I'm sure will delight certain quarters. Brings to mind certain Americans' unlovely tendency to regard black people as childlike subhumans. As if he's anything less of a grotesque anomaly among black Americans. As if running over a Christmas parade is going to play any better among black audiences.

"Sheeeit muhfugga, dem crackaz be in the road and sheeit, fuck a brotha gon do?" This is how Brooks thinks. Good luck finding more of that, god help you if you can.

Should move the trial to Kingston, not that he'd be considered black out there. Image A child-killing RSO with five elderly victims? If he was lucky, he'd die of his wounds sometime between hoisting up the lamppost and the match being tossed.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

bioluminescent had me howling :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I've not seen a shinier bonce since that ol' RACIST NIHONGO Hideki Kamiya!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

can't wait for Archie's autobiography about how difficult his life has been as a PoC.

and is Harry a PoS? stay tuned, shitmunchers!
BIL wrote:At any rate, it would appear to be a rare instance of JUSTICE 4 GINGER! Image Only because said ginger is shagging a *COOF* black bird, but whatever!
So that's the trick... okay
I'd better get busy :lol:
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