The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

sorry bro!! :cry:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Lander »

A hearty cheers to that, BIL :) and likewise, I find myself in excellent fellowship - such character is an inspiration.

And well Blinge, I wasn't going to hold you personally responsible for all the world's ills, but if you're offering I suppose it would be some philosophical anodyne... Naw, I wouldn't do a good fella dirty like that :mrgreen:

Fret not, it's just a pop-off - a sane person to an insane society must appear insane, after all 8)
And proximity to the similarly mad makes waxing deadpan all the easier - I've been without it all too long, having buggered off most of the internet after seeing my last Fresno Bob-a-like compatriot unjustly gunned down by an admin who woke up on the wrong side of the user CP. Bloody business, so it was.

Anyway, veering wildly off topic over here :shock: uhmm... Practice critical individual thought, kids!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Mischief Maker wrote:
Rob wrote:Things have progressed so far that many people profess to believe that heterosexual men must be willing to have sex with cross dressing men (or that's transphobic). The only sane option is to not play along.
I move in pretty leftist circles, but the only times I have ever, ever heard someone say that, it was from a catastrophizing right-winger.

I'm sure you have come across this one multiple times, it's just a variation of the "Trans women are women. Period." refrain, which is a very common one. I think I remember encountering that one as far back as pre Evilore-drunk-in-the-shower NEOGAF. It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if it were ban-enforced orthodoxy on Resetera (or at least if it was, I don't know how things have gone since the corporate purchase).

It comes down to the stance that one doesn't need to transition to be trans, gender being an ineffable inner quality which is an expression of true individuated Selfhood, distinct from assigned sex. Meaning if someone tells you they identify as a woman, you better chub up, 'phobe.

I don't know how much traction any assertion like that gets in real life though.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Sengoku Strider wrote:I don't know how much traction any assertion like that gets in real life though.
I'm talking about real life, not twitter.

Fact of the matter is, transwomen have no problem getting dick. If you aren't attracted to them, you don't have to worry about them breaking down the door down to suck your cock. Rush knew the magic word!

The reason people lean so heavily on the "having sex with transwomen isn't gay" point is because the #1 cause of trans murder is cis-het guys who have sex with trans women then go into a murderous rage/panic to prove they aren't gay.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Notably happens a lot to black trans women, sadly. But then, certainly where the US, the UK, and the latter's West Indies are concerned, black populations tend to strongly if not violently reject deviations from heteronormativity.

Which always interested me, as a lot of native African peoples get pretty fuckin gay. Of course we're talking about a massive continent. It's possible the populations enslaved didn't get down like that. An old professor of mine theorised that, in WI's case, it's a violent rejection of "massa," seen as imposing yet again on the black man and his woman. Anyway...

Coincidentally, rewatching The Sopranos brought up s2's "D-Girl," where Christopher gleefully recounts the tale of a mob friend who maimed a transwoman in much the same scenario. So, not to make it sound like a monocultural thing, David Chase and Frank Renzulli surely knowing their own hoods. Man is driven in toto by his insecurities, quoth Hesh.

Meanwhile, in BURIGHTY:


How is this pasty ho crying WACISM, again? She should let me drape my fuckin brown nutsack over her luminescent boat race, that'd get her the sympathy she craves! Or how about over her bitch-made hubby's bald fuckin dome? Could save him from skin cancer. :o
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

My theory is that tends to be stronger in extremely homoerotic cultures. Taliban+Afghanistan being the go-to example, where women are not even considered people to the point they're not even allowed to show a single inch of skin to anyone. Maybe those kinds of cultures, that have a permissive attitude to other people's behavior, instantly collapse for some reason like how dating robots kept causing apocalypes in Futurama. Dunno, maybe it was a product of evolution, or just an expedient minority scapegoat for those in power and fostered through that. An outlet valve for anger and dissatisfaction, and the worse off people are the more useful scapegoats are to have.

Just read some comments by a fashie saying George Carlin would "totally" make trans jokes and make fun of the "hysteria" over a mob storming the capital and wanting to lynch Pence. Just the dumbest shit, like they're not aware George was a textbook "woke feminist commie". Sigh.

Sarcasm and grim nihilism is how we cope in an insane world, keep your hands off his memory you bastards..
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

my girl DESTINY in the hotseat again :lol:

First of all some zoomie streamer does muh wacism against a chinese football fan but it's not racist because he's black so its fine.

In the followup comments to this in a 5 hour stream or something one of destiny's chat asked what he thinks about some group of streamers. he says "there's a new legion of black zoomer streamers and most of them yell. I don't know maybe there's more to it i haven't seen enough. maybe i'm just old"

I think that quote's almost direct, it's fascinating how quickly the original comment is buried by reactions to it and misquotes.

cue part of the streamer world exploding at him. People giving takes yelling in the chair saying DON'T ACT LIKE U DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!!!111 "
The internet: "he's racist! he's racist! why is he judging!!"
"he can't stand the fact that black creators are successful"
"his well concealed racism is finally coming out"

So where is the fragility here? He didn't even insult them?
You can't make a throwaway comment on a streaming genre/community you don't know, and you must also LOVE IT.

Looks like the end of this one is D-man himself going on a podcast by that community - essentially to be judged in an online star chamber. There's a kind of balloon deflating moment when he shows up to defend himself and not self-flagellate / beg for apologies. All the while he's playing Factorio, dafuq.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Lander »

The stony faces on that kangaroo court. Lordy, you'd think they were sitting for the Hague rather than circumnavigating a particularly stormy teacup.

That said, dude could have dodged the whole mess by qualifying "dumbass no-brain-cell-having football hooligan" instead, or even leaving it at "zoomer" since both tidily encompass the relevant points.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Oh nice, imma enjoy that later :cool: The wee man does attract (or engineer?) some superb crossfires, I can't help MIRIN :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, in BURGERTOWN USA: Mangled and dying children littering the streets, LMAO! A 3,000lb SUV bucking and heaving and crushing grandmas dragged beneath, ROFL! Compound fracturing of both legs, pelvis broken in half, and 80% tracheal stenosis from chronic intubation mandating eighteen surgical procedures including windpipe resection in 11y/o girl - will never walk or talk normally again, LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

"Hang on, that's a bit dark!" you might say - echoing my nan's response to my tiny newborn nutsack! But wait! :shock: I'm merely regaling you with hilarious joke from hit TV show! Image Isn't it funny how your body works? Try this: lie down, and have a friend reverse his SUV over your chest. As your sternum cracks, and your ribs cave, and your bone-pierced heart and lungs rupture and explode beneath the inescapable force, you will experience a pretty decent high in your last moments of consciousness; a futile flood of endorphins and adrenaline, combined with cratering oxygen levels!
Some shit-eating cunt wrote:"On behalf of the entire team at The Conners, we’re deeply sorry and extend our sincere apologies to those who are still reliving the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy," ABC's statement said. "We would never consciously make light of such an event and are mortified that it was perceived that way. We have pulled the episode in its current form and will ensure this dialogue is removed from future airings. Our hearts are with the victims and their families."
AYKSHUAL CANCELLATION returns to The Cancel Culture Thread! O_O Personally, I think the historical record should be prioritised - as noted philosopher Solid Snake said, "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing" - and pace the grieving families, I certainly hope the unedited, originally-aired ep will not vanish from this world. I prefer it when people let you know exactly who they are - it greatly expedites things. Image

Ahh, who remembers flamethrowering that marching band in late 90s ultraviolencer Postal? I know I sure do. :3 "SO UR SAYING WE SHOULD CANCEL POSTAL, HMMMM?" No you handy strawman! But if Postal had made specific, detailed reference to the recent IRL flamethrowering of a marching band, and the victims said "Fuck you asshole," and the creators' response was not "LMAO" but "NAW, IT WAS TOTES COINCIDENCE! TRUST US BRO WE'RE TOTES DOUBLEPLUS VIRTUOUS!" - I'd think they were a nest of disingenuous worms in need of fumigation. Or a flamethrower!

Actually, this is worse. Three actors got on camera and let those words into their mouths, spitting them up like so much rancid jizz, payment obligingly received. Normally, I am the first to divest even the most vicious words of the self-soiling power IDPOL would grant. Whatever foulness they convey is expressed from within; they cannot stain the fingers or tongue of a neutral reporter, from without. And neutral report and examination, they must always be available to; no differently than any other pathogen. Of course, there is a time and a place for pathology, ie, well outside the scope of polite company. That's just basic etiquette.

Acting, however; serving as the willing instrument of another's malevolent heart? A mark is made, I think.

Ultimately, be a gaping, stinking, herpetic asshole all you like - just don't bitch at the rest of us for holding our noses, you know? :o "Be your true mind," as another famous intellect once advised.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

No idea if this is a bit too serious for cancel land but here we go

Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking in Romania.
to quote Nate Diaz - i'm not surprised mothafucka

From Romanian news:
Translated article from Romania's biggest newspaper, Digi24.

Original news: The two Britons, accused of abducting two young women in their villa in Voluntari, have been under investigation since spring.

Thursday's searches take place in this case where DIICOT prosecutors have been gathering new evidence for several months.
The accusations are of forming a criminal group and rape, and the two are to be picked up and taken to hearings.

During the searches in April , the prosecutors found two young women in a building in Voluntari. The police officers from IPJ Ilfov had received information from a representative of the Diplomatic Security Office of the US Embassy in Bucharest, that a young woman with American citizenship, aged 21, was seized in that building. The police went down to the respective building, where they found the 21-year-old young woman, as well as another Romanian girl. The women claimed they were being forcibly kept there by two brothers who have British citizenship. Tristan and Andrew Tate were then questioned for nearly five hours at DIICOT headquarters, but were then released.

UPDATE 23:10 - On Thursday, DIICOT police and prosecutors carried out five home searches in Bucharest and Ilfov at the homes of four people suspected of forming an organized criminal group, human trafficking and rape, and they were detained.

According to a statement sent by the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, the four suspected persons (two British citizens and two Romanian citizens) would have constituted an organized criminal group, for the purpose of recruitment, accommodation and exploitation, by forcing some women to create materials with content pornographic, intended for distribution for a fee on profile sites. From these activities, he would have obtained important sums of money.

The police say that the injured persons were recruited by the British citizens who misled them that they wanted a marriage/cohabitation relationship and that they had real feelings of love for them (the loverboy method). The women were allegedly later transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, through acts of physical violence and mental coercion (intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the invoking of alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members by forcing them to perform pornographic manifestations in order to produce and disseminate, through some social media platforms, material having such a character and by submitting to the execution of a work, in a forced manner,

in order to obtain important financial benefits consisting in the sums of money obtained as a result of accessing the materials by the users, it is stated in the aforementioned press release. So far, six injured persons have been identified who were sexually exploited by the organized criminal group.

With regard to the crime of rape, it was held that, in March 2022, an injured person was forced, by a person, on two different occasions, through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure, to have sexual relations, states the IGPR.

Also, 11 luxury cars, owned or used by the suspects, were discovered.

The operative action was organized by the policemen of the Bucharest Organized Crime Brigade, together with the D.I.I.C.O.T. prosecutors. - Central Structure. The activities were carried out with the support of the Special Operations Directorate - I.G.P.R. The action was attended by police officers from the Service for Combating Organized Crime Ilfov and the Service for Combating Trafficking in Persons, as well as gendarmes from the Special Intervention Brigade of the Gendarmerie.
What really strikes me about this is the conspiracy mindset from terminally online weirdos that this is in fact a set up and Romanian police are coming after him because he traded insults with Greta Thunberg on twitter.
you can't make this shit up
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Blinge wrote:What really strikes me about this is the conspiracy mindset from terminally online weirdos that this is in fact a set up and Romanian police are coming after him because he traded insults with Greta Thunberg on twitter.
If there's one thing the past few years have taught us in the worst way, it's that so long as you're enough of an enormous, unrepentant asshole - literally no other requirements needed - there's a segment of the population that will be loudly and proudly willing to follow you off of any and every last cliff you care to lead them over.

Though it did make my day that the video response he posted to Thunberg's burn - because of course he did - might have helped to lead the police right to him. :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Lander »

This bust sponsored by Jerry's Pizza - the enforcement delivery experts :lol:

It baffles me that someone would mix active social media presence with criminal activity; if the object of the exercise is to keep a low profile, then stroking your own ego loudly and publicly seems like a fool's move.
Ah well, I suppose I'm simply out-of-touch with the sociopathic e-celeb mindset - always been more of a superego man myself.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Lander wrote:It baffles me that someone would mix active social media presence with criminal activity; if the object of the exercise is to keep a low profile,
On top of the sex trafficking he was also running a crypto pyramid scheme that was heavily based on his public persona as a self-help red pill guru of true masculinity. This other grift heavily relied on videos of him wearing sunglasses at night and strutting between luxury cars in slow motion.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I see Whoopi J. Stagename (the "J" is for "Jewface") is trying her hand at the ol' Holocaust revisionism again. Image What better venue for point-scoring IDPOL fuckery than the grave of the industrially mass-murdered?
The reporter said, "Nazis saw Jews as a race," referring to Goldberg's comments in January, when she claimed the Holocaust was "not about race."

“Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it?” Goldberg told The Sunday Times reporter. “The oppressor is telling you what you are. Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying?"
A fractally - almost impressively - grotesque knot of vicious pathogens. Like a dog turd marinated in cat piss and left up a dead cow's ass for a week before being hit with a sledgehammer. All parties impugned and erased by our fat, pampered overlord - even the Nazis.
“It wasn’t originally” about race, Goldberg continued. “Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision.”
Whoopi herself is an excellent counterpoint, here; liable to gassing for being black, retarded, and fat. Image
When the reporter told Goldberg that "the Nazis measured the heads and noses of Jews to 'prove' they were a distinct race," Goldberg replied: “They did that to Black people too. But it doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them. That was the point I was making."
Yo fuck a "Never," welcome to "Again" that's what I'm sayin Image

Get on Nick Cannon already! Oh wait, he already got Buck Broken for going Metal Gear Hotep on THA REAL JOOZE, never mind. She could still go on and let off steam calling white people subhuman rape chimps, though! Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

Man i heard a couple of vids of Tate talking
I hope it sticks and they throw away the fucking key
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

"Swedish girl got a sexually aggressive Muslim arrested, that's a first." Image Image Image


I will say it again, there is no better Sunday rest than browsing teh farms from deep within a comfy chair, with snacks and a beverage of choice. Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

Blazing Saddles becoming a symbol of anti-wokeism is particularly ironic considering the entire point of the movie was to take a giant hammer to that current culture. Fifty westerns were on TV at time, across four channels. Every one Hayes code compliant, cops were always heroes, criminals were always bad guys, and women were always in the kitchen. Not a single black or mexican cowboy to be seen among them; the suits loathed Blazing Saddles and begged Brooks to cast a white actor as the star.

The fash utterly loathed the movie back then, and it's a farce they pretend to like it now. Cultural appropriating vampire vulture bastards.

Almost nothing that can be used for profit gets cancelled. Louis CK and Cosby just got little time outs. Limbaugh had to literally die to get cancelled.

The only people they can't offend are the truly powerful and advertisers. I totally forgot about this little cancelled bit from Saturday Night Live. (Heh, they even called out how Norm was fired for making fun of OJ.) Between it and the Star Wars special, I can't think of any corporate media they don't want people to ever see.

.... also my cousin's old girlfriend once called Blazing Saddles "that boring cowboy movie". I don't have strong feelings for the movie... but that was when I learned she and I could never be friends.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

BryanM wrote:Blazing Saddles becoming a symbol of anti-wokeism
Unless you're deaf, blind and have no clue who Mel Brooks is how the ever-loving fuck do you manage that? :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BulletMagnet wrote:
BryanM wrote:Blazing Saddles becoming a symbol of anti-wokeism
Unless you're deaf, blind and have no clue who Mel Brooks is how the ever-loving fuck do you manage that? :lol:
A still evergreen video from Lindsay Ellis before she was cancelled so hard she quit the internet.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

My theory is that tends to be stronger in extremely homoerotic cultures. Taliban+Afghanistan being the go-to example, where women are not even considered people to the point they're not even allowed to show a single inch of skin to anyone
That's not homoerotic. That's a bunch of rich little pencil dicks that realize other dudes will bang their girlfriends.

I remember spring break in younger days. We were rolling laughing the entire time, because every dude had his arm around his girl at the beach--all the time. We came up with a word for it: handcuffing. The handcuffing was only rivaled by the intense beef looks from every dude. The panic and paranoia was entertainment.

How the fuck they got talked into going on spring break with their girlfriends is beyond me. What were they thinking?

Anyhow, all the stress and handcuffing was awfully funny. It lost its shine when one of my jackass friends was trying to swing a girl while she was sitting next to her boyfriend (and apparently making progress) before he started a fight, but that's another story... Didn't need that drama.

Regardless, the entire "hide all the women" thing is about handcuffing and fear. Base animal sexual competition. Nothing homoerotic about it. She may be with you to get money, but that won't stop her from finding penis on the side. People in the middle east figured that out, but it didn't require much explanation, did it? Dudes that play out of their league or shop birds decades younger usually get cheated on.

If you want homoerotic, the Romans are a better example.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

Yeah but in those super repressed 'macho' countries a lot of dudes end up sucking each other off cause the girls ain't giving them any.
Idk, i've heard it from a couple of muslims.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

orange808 wrote:That's not homoerotic. Nothing homoerotic about it.
Sexual desire imprints before the onset of adolescence. If the only thing around to imprint on is sexy cartoons or sexy trees, a lot of people will imprint on that. In this case, if only dudes are around what would you expect to happen. Who the hell else are they supposed to have sex with? It's like prison culture, and everyone's in it.

The affectionate touching between men in these cultures is not pure and innocent. Despite the cartoonish lies the NYTimes would try to have you believe. (NYTimes, your propaganda is having the opposite effect of whatever it is you're trying to do here... whatever it is... is it a "don't worry, our president isn't gay?" thing?? Makes sense, I'ma go with that...)

One of the most baffling things I learned after leaving high school was that many, many men were grossed out by menstruation. A quote from an Afghan always struck me as the epitome of that: "Why would God make us lay with women, who are unclean, instead of men, who are clean? Why?"

The fash always try to make it sound like if we let people just be gay and happy, everyone would be gay and happy and then civilization would collapse. Utterly absurd in our culture. But in these misogynistic cultures that 100% capture the ideal fash fantasy world? Ah, I can kind of see that. Women exist only as broodmares to extend the line there, nothing more.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

I'm not particularly comfortable with anecdotal pseudo psychology about people that live in other cultures and (furthermore) I've found people to be very much the same everywhere I've been. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BryanM »

It ain't anecdotal. They're super, super gay by our culture's standards. It's a near universally accepted fact about some of these regions. Read up on it if you're interested.

And yeah, we would be the same if we were that extreme about women being property.

Just saying these extreme anti-gay laws seem a lot like alcohol prohibition here, or the few states that make first cousin marriage illegal. Wouldn't need a law if they weren't such popular things to do.

It's just one way of looking at it; scapegoating is of course by far the larger reason. Dehumanizing and murdering other people is also a way to give one a perceived increase in social status, as well as redirecting anger to keep other people in line. "Ignore the people with all the money and all the power, worry about this other group with no money and no power." Control and power acquisition is always the underlying drive behind all hierarchies, yeah.

People at the very bottom of society need to have someone to point to and feel like they're better off than them, for some reason. It's a reason why we actively choose to make people homeless.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Mischief Maker wrote:A still evergreen video from Lindsay Ellis before she was cancelled so hard she quit the internet.
Appreciate the link; the simple notion that even "edgy" comedy still needs both clear purpose and clear limits - i.e. actual thought and effort - to work is depressingly foreign these days. Of course, as in so many other areas, the actual and incredibly obvious aim of so many "free speech" zealots is not to further, let alone protect (as they simultaneously scream for library books to be banned) the medium but giving themselves yet another flimsy excuse to cruelly treat certain groups of people like complete and utter shit.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote:Anyhow, all the stress and handcuffing was awfully funny. It lost its shine when one of my jackass friends was trying to swing a girl while she was sitting next to her boyfriend (and apparently making progress)
so you're saying the handcuffing was necessary then.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote:I'm not particularly comfortable with anecdotal pseudo psychology about people that live in other cultures and (furthermore) I've found people to be very much the same everywhere I've been. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
sorry to make you uncomfortable.
I have no problem with dudes sucking each other off btw, just don't chuck guys off roofs for doing it :wink:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Oho! Now this is a juicy - and potentially fatal - CancelBurger, as South Sudan's 71 y/o president pisses all over himself, and six journalists are detained for (mff!) leaking (bwaaa!) the footage!



Gotta say I dig his style, bit of a later Lemmy thing going on with the Stetson and mutton-chops.

EDIT: Well damn! Who'd have thought that same post contained a very similar tale of autocratic tyranny! The forbidden image of King BumBum or whatever the fuck his name is, rocking his "Elderly Homeless Benimaru" look! Love the midriff, looking good for his age! Hope nobody lost their fingernails over it!

Not Safe For Thailand!

Also, a fat dumpy cunt and an upjumped dyke pour scorn on a professional female athlete with the temerity to object to competing with biological males. Such a juicy point in history, where I can remind women they are shit at fighting, and shit at sports, and be considered a chivalrous rogue! :cool:

"Have you tried confidence" Have you tried a man's fist shattering your orbital? Image

Who the fuck am I kidding. -_- Nobody I've seen advocate for this deranged fairytale isn't some variant of soft-as-shite pussyhole who'd crumple to a decent slap. An epidemic of armchair quarterbacks as familiar with realities of physical violence and domination as that sneering heifer is with a balanced calorie intake.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Blinge »

transgender athletes, especially combat sports is such a fascinating, and maybe hilarious topic..
It really is where the rubber meets the road

Where the progressive's ought meets is
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Mischief Maker
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Blinge wrote:transgender athletes, especially combat sports is such a fascinating, and maybe hilarious topic..
It's been nearly 10 years since Joe Rogan feuded with Fallon Fox. For fuck's sake, the topic's already come up.
Blinge wrote:Where the progressive's ought meets is
You're acting like this decade-old feud is happening in a vaccum, and there's no other trans issues that might be more immediate and pressing. Like the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida, or the Trans registry in Texas, or laws that threaten to jail parents for taking their teenagers to gender therapy.

And those are just on the government side of things. Stochastic terrorism fueled by trans panic is happening all over the US. From restaurants being firebombed for hosting drag brunches to librarians getting death threats because LibsofTikTok said they had a drag queen story hour, to, oh yeah, Gay hangouts like Club Q getting massacred by internet-poisoned freaks.

But gee whiz, why isn't this dusty old cobweb-covered spat that Joe Rogan once had the #1 priority of "progressives" right now? It's a mystery!
Blinge wrote:It really is where the rubber meets the road
The rubber of Satanic Panic distractions from terrible Republican policy road.

Did you know the band KISS played the super bowl? And nobody batted an eye? I'm old enough to remember back in the 80s when parents were freaked at this band. It's a bunch of men wearing heavy makeup and women's fishnets, and singing about how they want to rock all night and party every day! In the 80s movie Highlander, the Kurgan was a bad guy who killed, raped, and mutilated; but when they really wanted to emphasize how evil he was right before the final battle, they had him recite Def Leppard lyrics... in a church!


Meanwhile Reagan was breaking the PATCO strike, a move historians refer to as The Murder of the Middle Class. But nevermind that, I heard that if you play a Bon Jovi record backward, you can hear satanic messages! These hair metal bands are corrupting our children and leading them down the path of degeneracy!!!

They say the CARES act cut child poverty by nearly half. HALF. And the Republicans unanimously voted to end it. Proving that child poverty in the United States is a choice, and the Republican party CHOSE to make these children starve...

...But you know the REAL danger to children in the US??? Men in heavy eye makeup and women's fishnets reading to children about the Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar. Not Republican policy. These men in prom dresses are corrupting our children and leading them down the path of degeneracy!!! Also do poor kids really need to eat lunch every day?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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