What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by neorichieb1971 »

sunnshiner wrote:I'm having a laugh with X-Men:COTA and Marvel Super Heroes on (emulated) Saturn again (I had them both BITD but no memory cart for MSH :( ), they're a little less 10p-munchy than the arcade versions and they bring back soooo many memories. When I first played COTA at home I was blown away by the graphics and they're still brilliant today.
2D on Saturn doesn't age much. Can't say that for the 3D though :lol:
This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Sir Ilpalazzo wrote:DKC2 is probably the easiest in the series, and definitely the best of the SNES ones
DKC2 is a lot more challenging than 1! DKC1 is overall a super easy game IMO, where most deaths instead come from terrible level design and a camera that often lets enemies fly right into your face the moment they come on screen if you aren't super careful.
Not that DKC2 is a super tough game either (especially by shmup player standards :P), but it does have a number of stages towards the end that provide a very fun (and much more fair) challenge that's a lot higher than what you'd expect coming from the previous game.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Vanguard »

Volteccer_Jack wrote:potentially hot take: DKC2 is the only good one
hot take or not, it's the truth
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steven »

It's finally time for the Japanese PS2 version of Tales of the Abyss. I've had it since 2009 and I can do Japanese now and today is the 17th anniversary of its release, so I think it is finally time. Looking forward to finally doing all of the fun glitches and stuff that I learned about 17 years ago that were removed in the US PS2 and 3DS versions, especially super busted Guy, who sadly got fixed in the US PS2 version. It's really too bad that the sidequests in this game are completely ridiculous, but it's a Tales game and that's how most of them sadly are.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

High On Life - Xbox Series X via Gamepass

Essentially a bunch of leftover Rick and Morty jokes attached to a mediocre first person shooter. It wants to think it's nu-DOOM in its combat encounters... except there's no enemy variety and it takes ages to get anything other than a basic pistol (and even then it's a naff shotgun followed by a needler from Halo). Gunplay is imprecise, so you either rush baddies or let them rush you - countering this haphazard nonsense is a generous health recharge and equally generous armour drops. Level traversal feels like it wants to be a mix of Doom Eternal and Metroid Prime, except it's unchallenging and uninteresting. You get to revisit levels later with new abilities, Metroid-style... only there's no map and no fast travel (good luck finding your way back to the exit) and mostly only cash to discover anyway. There's a nav point system when you're on mission, which requires constant pinging as the marker only stays up for a couple of seconds. It's all style, with no thought for basic usability or interesting game design.

Yeah it's pretty funny but the actual gameplay is budget as fuck, I think I'm about halfway through and largely am still playing to see whether the story goes anywhere. It's ideal Gamepass fodder, because it's a tough sell as a full price game.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Air Master Burst »

Just finishing up a Transmissionary run of Dead Rising, and it's still a fucking masterpiece. The routing optimization and time management are even better tuned than an S rank run in a classic RE game. The b-movie atmosphere is earnest enough to have some conviction, which is something all the Western made sequels never quite figured out. Frank West doesn't really do one-liners in the first one (it's mostly the psychopaths who get these here), and is genuinely concerned and bewildered about the shit happening around him.

It is actually possible to save everyone and finish all the main story cases through to Overtime on a fresh level 1 file. Very rewarding challenge! Dead Rising 2 is next. It's still a great game, and the routing/time management is still great, but there's definitely some shitty filler (those poker missions can lick my taint), and the stupid combo weapons are a poor substitute for photography. The story has some good moments (Zack Snyder clearly played this right before making Army of the Dead), but nothing nearly as classic zombie movie as the tainted meat revenge plot from the first one.

Absolutely tragic that Case Zero is still exclusive to the 360. Case West and everything after is a depressing descent into mediocrity, but I might finally give DR4 a shot in the spirit of the season.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Lander »

Blew through Spark the Electric Jester 3 over the last couple of days. It plays great - a high-quality iteration on the old Sonic Adventure 2 formula with lashings of quality-of-life changes, a small touch of the boost games, and some selectively-picked elements taken from '06 and polished up to actually work well.

It's not perfect, missing some mechanics here and there like a roll equivalent to gain speed down slopes. It adds a DMC-lite combat system to the formula which is solid, but orthogonal to the speed platforming and not deep enough to really justify being such a pace-breaker.

The levels are both good and numerous, feeling like a collection of the best parts of SA1/2 that worked, with plenty of 'greatest hits' moments that call back to iconic stages while retaining enough originality to avoid being simple tribute. There are also a lot of ancilliary areas around the main path to free roam, find collectibles, and just have fun with the platforming - this is nice for making the stages feel like more than a built-for-purpose rollercoaster, though ultimately ends up a little shallow since no unlockables are actually tied to the medal pickups.

Story-wise, it's absolute nonsense. It probably lands a little better if you've played the first two, but it feels like Spark is a megadrive-era Sonic who wandered into the post-timeskip Season 3 of another character's shonen anime. There's fun to be had with SA2's over-the-top story formula, but this is much less cohesive by comparison - it backloads more or less everything, and ends up as a big mix-pot of tropes that are strong on their own but don't feel earned in the context of the wider narrative, thus losing most of their impact.
It's The Matrix meets DBZ meets Undertale with a pinch of Gurren Lagann - everything you know isn't real, but it can be saved by the power of friendship, hot-blooded yelling, and a bit of imagination. In this context Spark's detached-ness from the plot kind of works thematically, but the whole thing has such wonky pacing and strong english-second-language fanfic vibes that it's hard to take seriously.
All in all, well worth a play if you're in the market to see Sega's top franchise get served by a solo indie dev, but don't go in expecting Shakespeare.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Baba Is You is, unsurprisingly, one of the best puzzle games I have ever played.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Wolfenstein II is the latest to be binned. Shame, ir started well, but I quickly got bored of its linearity and forced 'stealth' bits.

FPS pile is now (from the top of my head) Metro Exodus, Chernobylite, Crysis Remastered, Quake, Powerslave Exhumed, Strife, Doom 64 and Deathloop I think. Had a quick go of Powerslave, and that certainly seems like fun
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »

PS4 Quake, ever since they patched in Mouse+Keyboard support, is such a treat :mrgreen: Has the full game plus both Expansions, and some new stuff I've only dabbled in, but it's well-loved and the architecture at least is mind-blowing. Cheap too, at least when I nabbed it on JPSN.

I just love the notion of a single console running perfect Castlevania, Quake, and Devil May Cry. That's like my entire Hard Gayming Genome right there, mayne. :cool: Got the OG carts/discs but you can't beat the convenience Image
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Gamer707b »

Got the 100% on the PS4 Spyro Remake. Really enjoyed it and i will eventually start Spyro 2. Also finished for the 2nd time, Cuphead. Didn't bother getting the A+ on all the bosses, but I might go for it eventually. I also still have the dlc, world 4 to do. I think the Dice boss gauntlet is way harder than the final, Devil boss. Devil boss was kinda easy actually. Modern masterpiece, IMO and looking forward to the Delicious Last Course.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by To Far Away Times »

I went to the arcade last weekend and became enamored with Groove Coaster and Wacca. Two games I've never played before and both are absolutely awesome. Wacca is like the absolute perfect music game with it's intuitive control scheme. This video shows off how it works.

Groove Coaster has a couple home versions. The PC version is no longer getting DLC but the Switch version is still going strong.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

BIL wrote:PS4 Quake, ever since they patched in Mouse+Keyboard support, is such a treat :mrgreen: Has the full game plus both Expansions, and some new stuff I've only dabbled in, but it's well-loved and the architecture at least is mind-blowing. Cheap too, at least when I nabbed it on JPSN.

I just love the notion of a single console running perfect Castlevania, Quake, and Devil May Cry. That's like my entire Hard Gayming Genome right there, mayne. :cool: Got the OG carts/discs but you can't beat the convenience Image
Fired it up briefly last night. It looks absolutely glorious on PS5 and plays like a dream even on pad. Seems to be a LOT of game here.
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Dopefish Lives

Post by Lander »

In the original Quake design document, John Romero wrote:Castles Baby, Lots of Castles 8)
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Morir es Vivir

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I started a proper playthrough of RE4 for what must be the first time in about a decade. Been putting it off over and over waiting for the HD project, I think since sometime before the Ultra HD Edition released on Steam. Add an extra year to let them fix up teething troubles and get some helpful proton compatibility doco, and it's finally time to break the long abstinence.

And cor, what a result. I did myself dirty waiting so long, but the outcome is worthy indeed. A slick high-res presentation fully modded and configured with all the bonus content, higher FOV, tweakable stick aim sensitivity, run toggle, gamecube bindings, suplexes + JP-only fixed camera for Ashley's chapter, the whole shebang. I hear they're adding weapon switching keybinds soon too, so it's up there with the Devil May Cry series for quality fan hacking work.

They even added a hidden developer area just after the chainsaw sisters, with the unused handgun silencer item and just enough cash (stranger) to afford a re-spec. No idea if it actually does anything beyond making the standard pistol go pew-pew, but it's cool enough to make me pass up my traditional Red9 build for some of that government agent action.

And I don't know how, but they fixed Ashley's face :o her design is intact - jug-ears and all - but now with more girl and less monkey. Hats off all round.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »

Nicely done, but remember, always apologise for the double post in a separate, third post. Image

Or ninja it by edit/copy/deleting, then pasting into a new post, bumping the thread with all evidence of the shameful deed eradicated! But beware! If you lose the copied post, say by printscreening something (phwoaaar :shock:), they're all gonna laugh at you! Consider Notepad when handling Very Important Posts (pwhoaar :shock:). :cool:

Blew me fookin mind, seeing the JP fixed cam in Ashuri-chan's Doki Doki Pantsu Adventure. I'd no idea! Recently replayed the PS4 version, which is generally pretty well-behaved (60fps, quick loads, no apparent bugs), save for one minor irritation... the 60fps bump makes Leon's starter handgun idling animation fast-forward, for more aim jitter than intended. NBD in the grand scheme of things, all the other weapons are fine and I grab that fookin Red9 w/stock the instant it drops anyway. Stable genius handgun! Blap blap, blap blap blam!

Delightful game. I shat all over this fellow in genuine beany anger, but it was only in my usual, eminently justifiable defense of Hard Gayming Ethics. :cool:
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Lander »

I cache all my best shitposts in vi. Fully notarized and utterly impregnable to mouse users, for maximum security 8)
BIL wrote:Blew me fookin mind, seeing the JP fixed cam in Ashuri-chan's Doki Doki Pantsu Adventure. I'd no idea! Recently replayed the PS4 version, which is generally pretty well-behaved (60fps, quick loads, no apparent bugs), save for one minor irritation... the 60fps bump makes Leon's starter handgun idling animation fast-forward, for more aim jitter than intended. NBD in the grand scheme of things, all the other weapons are fine and I grab that fookin Red9 w/stock the instant it drops anyway. Stable genius handgun! Blap blap, blap blap blam!
Had chance to play through the Ashley section last night; rad to see fixed camera in all its RE4 engine glory, replete with swanky REmake segmented turn animation. Though the camera angles themselves seemed more restrictive and intentionally disorienting than the classics - enough to breathe some tense new life into the sequence, but also enough to get lost in an open-plan room :lol:

The jitterbug might be present here too, I've found myself wishing someone would get poor Leon some Pentazemin. Though that won't stop me from eventually cracking off some satisfying cross-map headsplosions.
BIL wrote:Delightful game. I shat all over this fellow in genuine beany anger, but it was only in my usual, eminently justifiable defense of Hard Gayming Ethics. :cool:
I'd be ready to bust heads too, after nine paragraphs of fart-sniffing blogger waffle :x some of my favourite tactics are thoroughly unrealistic.

Gotta say, I'm getting a mite twitchy at the prospect of unlocking the Mercs crackpipe. It was busted in the OG release due to a bad case of the PC gremlins, so I had to make do with Mercs 3DS and Wrestledent Evil 6. Give me that RE4 hit :o :shock:
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by sunnshiner »

Outrun 2006: C2C on PC. I've decided that I'm going to try and get better at games I've already got than continually chase new/different stuff. This might be the year I finally bite the bullet and get myself a proper FFB wheel too.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mischief Maker »

sunnshiner wrote:Outrun 2006: C2C on PC. I've decided that I'm going to try and get better at games I've already got than continually chase new/different stuff. This might be the year I finally bite the bullet and get myself a proper FFB wheel too.
Here's the fix for the missing lens flare:
Mischief Maker wrote:Turns out it's a misplaced file on the PC version:

1. Go to <path-to-game>\Media\.
2. Copy lens_flare_offset.bin.
3. Paste in <path-to-game>\Common\.
Merry Christmas!
Last edited by Mischief Maker on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Lander »

sunnshiner wrote:Outrun 2006: C2C on PC. I've decided that I'm going to try and get better at games I've already got than continually chase new/different stuff. This might be the year I finally bite the bullet and get myself a proper FFB wheel too.
An all too familiar sentiment :mrgreen:

OR2 with the FXT mod is marvelous - I built and programmed a custom NeGcon adapter to play it with, so have been using that as basis to argue myself down from a full FFB wheel purchase. Damn if it isn't still tempting though.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by sunnshiner »

Mischief Maker wrote:
Here's the fix for the missing lens flare:
Mischief Maker wrote: Turns out it's a misplaced file on the PC version:

1. Go to <path-to-game>\Media\.
2. Copy lens_flare_offset.bin.
3. Paste in <path-to-game>\Common\.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks- you too!
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Always nice to see more people appreciating OR 2SP / C2C. One of my fave arcade racers. 8)

I'm currently playing Wrath of Earth with the intent of documenting it enough to do a walkthrough. It's an amazingly ambitious MS-DOS first person shooter that's a lot of fun to explore, even if it has some janky elements to it. It's hard to find any real discussion on it. While there's some videos here and there, there's a lot of disappointing Twitch footage of people who don't "get" the game complaining about how bad it is, and numerous "how do I solve X puzzle" posts that never got a response across the internet.

It turns out there's a detailed Russian walkthrough but there's several inaccuracies, including that it complains that one of the later puzzles requires is bugged and requires brute forcing to complete. You have to turn 3 different valves on 3 different atmospheric processing pipes to one of 8 directions. It turns out this isn't true and no brute forcing or guesswork is required, the puzzle just requires a bit of thought and observation to work out what's expected of you (in part because there's no "you solved it" message, just a very slight hissing noise and moving machinery from one side of the room, and a big panel that now says "Atmopheric Processing" that lights up at the room entrance, which makes it a bit more obtuse):
There's an arrow showing which what the valve is turned. Because the pipes are atmospheric processing pipes and you're underground, and because all the pipes descend from the ceiling vertically with the arrows pointing up initially, you can deduce you likely have to turn the valves so the arrow is pointing to something else. If you look at the pipes, all 3 pipes exit at different angles, with two going into the floor and a third going back into the ceiling at an angle. The solution is to make the arrows point at the direction these pipes are going.
I also discovered a beneficial bug where you have to put 5 explosive charges in specific areas. Turns out you can place ALL 5 of them in one spot and then just leave the level, the only check for whether or not you've planted them all is if your inventory's empty. I accidentally placed 2 of them in one spot by accident and was worried I'd softlocked the game by not putting one in each of the 5 spots, but I tried beating the level and it counted it as a win! Oops! Speedrunners of the future will appreciate that info I hope. :P

edit: unfortunately this game has got a couple of soft lock bugs I've encountered later on in Aragon Satellite - Mining Complex (past the part where most complain or give up on the game!), one where a Lift Control Module you need to install failed to drop from the enemy that's supposed to drop it (I know where it's supposed to be because I used cheats to warp to that level to kill the enemy again and it dropped it fine the next time). There's also a mapping bug where an elevator only works one way, because they forgot to make sure you can operate the button from the other side (you can use the walk through walls cheat to get through it, the "elevator" is basically a teleporter behind a door).

edit2: Replaying this has reminded me how bad it ends up getting. It relies a lot on darkness to make things tough, but with corridors where there isn't room to dodge. Even on the default Easy mode, the later levels have mechs and aliens that can rip your shields apart in a few hits, and damage your HUD and weapon systems before you even take physical health damage. The major issues with the game don't really pop up until later, so I think it's interesting to see what the best looking FPS running on a heavily modified Wolfenstein 3D game looks like. But it's got some serious issues:

• Several bugs, including one that requires cheating to progress (!!).

• The shots of your main weapons are so big and centered onscreen that you can't see anything when firing.

• The lack of a spreadfire, or a hitscan weapon makes sniping unnecessarily tricky. Doom & Quake's shotguns were a great tool that's sorely. Catacomb Abyss lets you rapid fire for coverage, whereas doing that here with the Rapid Ion Cannon is a good way to sap your battery for minimal effect.

• The lock-on system is flaky and way too wide; you'll often lock onto an enemy behind a wall while trying to shoot one in front of you. The only non-battery weapon that doesn't lock on and thus works well in any situation are your very limited Dumbfire Rockets. The Plasma Cannon can be used on enemies that resist locks too, but it'll prioritize lockable targets, which is a problem if that's not what's in front of you!

• The strongest weapon, the Guided Missiles, can't be used on half the enemies in the game, including all the high tier enemies! You can't even fire it unless you have a lock on, which means you're often encouraged to use it first on fairly weak targets, just so you have other non-battery weapons to use on the mechs that resist lock ons.

• You really can't hold much in the way of ammo. It gives the game a very survival-horror kind of feel which is nice, until you get to the super dense levels that are sparse on weapon caches, and the larger enemy hordes that basically force you to play conservatively and hoard your ammo.

• The puzzles vary widely in quality. Some of them are pretty good, others feel a bit trial and error-y (the switch puzzle for the teleporter at the start of level 4, having to find the Laser Cutter to destroy the cables that can't just be shot for some reason.

• It takes way too long to recharge in lit areas compared to how often it feels the game wants you to escape and recharge at times.

• Levels are huge, so it's easy to miss that one key item an enemy dropped that you need, forcing you to explore everywhere with Search Mode to find it. Combining the Search and Attack modes into one honestly would have saved a lot of switching and headache. The first alien homeworld level is particularly bad about this; if you miss the blue key card early on you'll have to backtrack through a huge portion of the level through multiple trapped conveyor belts!

• Search Mode notably does NOT alert you to switches or keycard readers on walls. This is rather obnoxious because of their relative importance; unlike something like Doom or Quake, the various things you can interact with on walls blend in a lot to the rest of the electronics in the environment. It gets especially bad when textures are reused for unique, completely different devices. You have to set a self destruct trigger at one point after inserting various control rods, and the panel you interact with is a unique new texture you've never seen before... but it's used in the next level multiple times as a Red Card reader for some reason! You might not even realize this, because to try using the card you have to enter your inventory and manually use it.

I love the game's aesthetics and atmosphere, but man, the game has a lot of janky elements and I can't seriously recommend it to anyone. :( Oh well.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Stevens »

Outrun 2 is in my top three favorite games ever if you're going on how long I've been playing it. I mean I'm not very good at it but it is just so much fun.

Anyways picked up Shotgun King: The Last Checkmate. The Black King makes his last stand (he's sort of an asshole) against his enemies with his trusty shotgun. Has sort of a crpg/strat feel to it in that it is turn based except you're only managing one unit. Looks and feels like a c64 game that was undiscovered until recently. Very addicting and worth the $8.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Lander »

Steam doesn't track my OR2 time, but it would certainly be up there. Cleanly conquerying that savage S-bend drift in the lower-route city area is still on the to-do list, however.

I finished up my normal campaign + extras run of RE4 - excellent as always, and the HD project is seamless. Though in a feat of shameful laxity, I missed the free broken butterfly, so will have to say fifty "You're small time, Saddler"s in penitence after I finish typing this.

I love the way Capcom present their subgames, where you get a whole separate title screen like it's Kirby Super Star. Speaking of, I forgot how goofy Separate Ways feels; while poor Leon was desparately struggling with Chainsaw McBag, Ada was just offscreen at all times, megaman running her way around the village, hoovering up all the pickups, and gleefully triggering time paradoces left and right.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Stevens »

More thoughts on Shotgun King:

-Incredibly addicting, nailed the one more run feel.

-Quick and was easy to learn.

-Several upgrades have synergy.

-The oppositions upgrades also have it, can end your shit quick.

-Can't use a controller, I thought this would bother me. It doesn't. If anything I see it as a plus.

-Amazingly satisfying to be cornered only to kill the white king and clear the board.

-Has three game modes: Throne (12 stages, ends in boss fight), Endless (my best is stage 19), and Chase. Chase is the most interesting and also the hardest. While the first two have enemies spawning standard chess style chase has them entering from all sides of the boards. Your upgrades also are not permanent (you get a card when you kill a king), every five you lose one to make room for a new one.

-There are five(?) different guns for Throne mode. Endless and Chase you can only use the standard one.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

https://www-old--games-ru.translate.goo ... r_pto=wapp

A Russian fan on Youtube by the name of WERTA directed me to where he got an interview with the developer of Wrath of Earth, and it turns out while he was making a Russian translation he was able to fix the one fatal bug in the middle of the game (it's a mapping bug where there's an error in one teleporter tile) so now that I've got that patched that's nice! I'm nearly done with the game on this playthrough, about 3 levels to go. It looks gorgeous, but the really dark levels with limited places to recharge or where it's so dim your suit charges slowly can be a bit of a slog. Ah well! The game looks gorgeous at least.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:A Russian fan on Youtube by the name of WERTA directed me to where he got an interview with the developer of Wrath of Earth, and it turns out while he was making a Russian translation he was able to fix the one fatal bug in the middle of the game (it's a mapping bug where there's an error in one teleporter tile) so now that I've got that patched that's nice!
Ha, that's amazing. :smile: I love it when the internet gives older games new leases on life like that. Sounds like an ornery sonofabitch by nature, but less crash bugs is always good. Image
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

Vanguard wrote:
Volteccer_Jack wrote:potentially hot take: DKC2 is the only good one
hot take or not, it's the truth

Anyway, I've been playing dat nu Tortles game on the Nintendo plus Rolling Gunner, which feels amazingly lke a Cave game except for the butt ugly graphics (backgrounds are ok, though).
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Stevens »

Picked up 20 Minutes Till Dawn.

Lovecraft inspired rogue like with guns and an art style reminiscent of Zero Ranger. You know the drill - kill things, level up, get upgrade, kill more things. Tension ramps up as the clock ticks down. Build correctly and you are a machine of death. Build wrong and you're just uh...dead.

Great deal at $4.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Gamer707b »

I started the Cuphead DLC yesterday. Once again, they did an amazing job. I liked the run n gun levels in the original game a bit, but don't mind that they're not here. The only thing that I'll really mind, is that I'll be finishing it soon. I'm greedy. Wish there were more isles to explore and play. I only wonder what game the studio will come up with next.
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