Movies you've just watched

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Lander »

Leaving this half-written last night was a mistake; time to employ some spoiler tags to save the page layout.
Edit: Aw shiet, top of page. PLEASE DISPERSE. NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

A different breed of classic, and logical extension on the first film. Much less OORAH than I expected given how many adaptations the marine corps ended up featuring in, with a smooth curve from full goon squad down through band of survivors all the way to the last hopeless few.
Even better effects this time round, with clinically executed shot timings and practical work, and all-round impressive finale. The industrial brutality of the power loader was just the ticket for the genre - far too unwieldy to be an easy power-fantasy win, but enough blunt force to do the job.
And who'd have thought that Hicks' jarhead helmet was surpressing his Samsonesque haircut - and corresponding power level - all along :)
All in all, a fine transition to action horror - worthy of a spot on the shelf of films that stuck the landing.
It's at this point that I realize I've already seen Ali3n one and a half times by way of late-night reruns in times long past, so I think it best to quit while I'm ahead and live content in the knowledge that they only ever made two films.
BIL wrote:Perhaps the best film to rewatch with newcomers ever. :mrgreen: A treasured memory is my old seadog uncle's muttered "Jesus! What a situation!" in the aftermath of the Macready Method's calamitous - yet vindicated! - first run. Image "Cut me loose God damn it!"

(speaking of a certain hated piece of furniture - now you've seen the film, please enjoy The Musical, if you haven't already! masterful!)
That takes me back to post-LAN movie night, rewatching Event Horizon on an equally-packed couch and feeling adjacent newcomer Jimmy silently go statue-rigid at the first snifter of ambient scare. An odd fellow - mercifully, his brand of weird was less horrifying metamorphasis and more gas masked industro-kink.

And oh lord - the Sinatraesque schmuzak transforming MacReady's shaky flashlight into a broadway spotlight. That's profound :lol:
BIL wrote:We had a particularly brutal storm once, in our neck of the Caribbean; we lads volunteered to scavenge our BTFOd docks for foodstuffs. You know, to bolster our resumes! I mean the local foodbanks! Image All going well, with one hulking container after another yielding non-perishable bounties! Aaand then, we opened what had been a mains-powered refrigerated container (what could go wrong lmao) full of rotten meat (aieee!). Instantaneous pratfalling hand-on-stove retreat is all I recall. >w<
Sounds like you lived in interesting times! My grey-and-green analog was a mercifully brief career in the cheese industry, cramming into a clown car of spliff-toting polish workers at the crack of dawn and beetling off to a remote factory for a sentence scraping away in the mold room - the day's stinking monotony broken by an agonized KURWA MAĆ! signaling the union of knife and hand.

By Crom, the smell :x worse yet it follows you home, needing to be exorcised with sanctified cleaning products like some sort of fetid ghast. Never trust a temp agency.
BIL wrote:I must confess to a spot of defintional wangling there; I was worried you'd soon find the film spoiled, with its latter-day ubiquity :oops: :mrgreen: In the word's true sense of "outrageously distorted figures," The Thing is indeed A1, exemplary. But I genuinely distinguish artful body/xenohorrors ala Cronenberg/Carpenter, where the grisly is more in service of the uncanny, or eerie, or weird. More ineffable than flat F-this.


Not to get preachy, just not my bag. Also not to say I can't enjoy films in those genres - but again, my favourites again tend to involve a bit more than meatspace. Argento's Tenebrae, for example... some horrendously cruel slaughters in that one, but the film's real forte is a story so floridly insane, I'm kinda cracking up just recalling it (it's nuts, and excellent! killer soundtrack too).
It was for the greater good 8) and I can relate to that - gore as straight-faced demonstration can dip below a certain line where the means become questionable relative the to effect they intend to evoke.

Tenebrae looks darkly intriguing, I see it wears the UK's 80s-prestigious 'video nasty' honour badge! The blurb sounds as wild as you say, especially the parts about metafiction. I've been a right sucker for that since reading King's Dark Tower cycle, though that may be a way more literal form of it.
BIL wrote:Investigate They Live post-haste! A film for all seasons, with David opposite an astonishingly capable (or maybe just expertly-deployed?) ROWDEH Roddy Piper. You may be aware of its legendary Alley Fight - a microcosmic masterpiece of cinema, all on its own - but it's even better in full rueful context! :cool:
And done - I'm fresh away from the movie couch and feel that recommendation was as precision a tactical strike as Roddy's casting :mrgreen:
The opening is a nice slow burn, and before long it was hammering on all my philosophical buttons. It feels like a film that came out, immediately became zeitgeist, and just stayed there - as relevant today as it was then, if not moreso. A fine vintage with oaky notes and strong overtones of pulp.

Love the way the horror stuff is all shot on old monochrome film stock with borderline-goofy props straight out of 20s sci-fi - not only a shrewd production choice, but perhaps also an extra potent bit of seasoning for the broader theme of established control :idea:

And I'd seen the No-DQ Loser Eats Bin match as a wrestling gaiden piece in my earliest days of kayfabe-awareness, but a decade more experience in battle, life and wrestling make the proper context all the better. A real rollercoaster of prideful cheap shots, signature moves, weapons from the apron, and the brief sense of it all being a big playfight when Roddy let out that laugh. Perfect aftermath as well - fat lips and natty shades all round.

I found myself actively questioning how things would end given the familar hopeless scale of the problem, but it did not disappoint - the grin persists five meticulously-edited paragraphs later. Filmmakers like George Romero and John Carpenter really need to start showing some restraint :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

I got nothing nearly as high caliber as all the rewatching y'all mofos doing now. 13 hour and 22 fuck me minute flight to the land of weebs, so I crushed some shit I had stored on HBO Max.

The Big Chill
I can see how at the time this probably spoke to a lot of people. A ton of friends that lost touch, and now living in probably the most boring fucking era of western society. The decor and fashion in this speak volumes about where we were creatively, and it was not in a good place. Nonetheless, an interesting tale, just a bit hard for me to relate to as I was 8 when it came out, and the by the time I was old enough to relate, I feel like I had been through 3x more than the worst any of the characters had endure (sans the Hurt's Vietnam Vet... yikes). I do applaud them for bringing plenty of weed and coke to a funeral though. Meg Tilly looks like she's 13.

The Dead Zone
Another one from 1983. Good to see some young Walken, but this one feels exactly like what it is: a book compressed into a 90 minute movie. Not bad, but it needs a bit of help gluing some of the transitions together. The love interest of sorts is pretty cringe worthy. Would be made into a 10 episode series if it was made today which would probably work a bit better.

Waiting for Guffman
Unsurprisingly hilarious in all the awkward ways. I still find Best in Show better, but there is classic shit in here. I think mid-90's Parker Posey makes the short list for long term Hollywood crush's of mine. She made me want to go to Dairy Queen.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by emphatic »

GaijinPunch wrote: Waiting for Guffman
Unsurprisingly hilarious in all the awkward ways. I still find Best in Show better, but there is classic shit in here. I think mid-90's Parker Posey makes the short list for long term Hollywood crush's of mine. She made me want to go to Dairy Queen.
Best in Show is hard to beat. I read somewhere (or maybe it was in the commentary track) that there was supposed to be a flashback to when the Guffmann realtor was in college (pre penile surgery) running hurdle and dropping them like dominoes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

GaijinPunch wrote:I got nothing nearly as high caliber as all the rewatching y'all mofos doing now. 13 hour and 22 fuck me minute flight to the land of weebs, so I crushed some shit I had stored on HBO Max.

The Big Chill
lol. I'm surprised you watched this on a plane; I usually go for fun movies that I can peel myself away from easily.
Nonetheless, an interesting tale, just a bit hard for me to relate to as I was 8 when it came out, and the by the time I was old enough to relate, I feel like I had been through 3x more than the worst any of the characters had endure (sans the Hurt's Vietnam Vet... yikes).
Yeah, I was little then too. The thing I remember the most was the soundtrack made quite a big splash. It was significant in that it collected a large number of hits from the Motown era and introduced a lot of younger folks to it. It was very much a part of kick-starting the high-profile Motown revival of the mid-80s (eg Murphy Brown, California Raisins).

As for the movie I haven't watched it since I was too young to understand.
The Dead Zone
I was a big fan of that movie when I watched it. I'm sure it could easily be done better now, but I thought it was the tits when I was younger. Walken is such a bad ass.
Waiting for Guffman
I thought it was funny the first time I saw it, but I went to undergrad at a primarily performing arts-related college in the early 2000s and you have no idea how much theater dork energy is tied up in that film. I probably had to watch it like 8-9 times at various silly dorm parties.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Lander »

Threw Die Hard 2: Die Harder on last night. Enjoyable, though it felt more in service to straight action than the first film's well-rounded drama package.
Also, fuck whoever mixed the volume on the logo drop - damn thing almost blew me off the couch!

I feel everything after the ejector seat scene sort of lived in its shadow, outside of perhaps the explosive climax. Curiously, it doesn't feel like McClane has crossed the superhero quite line yet, still presenting as a (hardy and very lucky) regular joe caught up in over-the-top situations.
So I wouldn't call it the series' shark jump moment, but it's not difficult to extrapolate where things will go from here, creeping closer to the "fuck science lol" era of Willis action that brought us Ben Affleck's legendary Armageddon commentary :)

Though I have to give credit to the big setpieces - for the time those were some blockbuster stunts, and the combination of planes and smoke made for superb vortex effects.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

Die Hard 2 was always my favorite of the series by far, it's pure 80s action (although sadly lacking in homoerotic subtext). The first one took itself far too seriously, and Die Hard 3 was pretty toothless (the ultimate example of this being their refusal to use the FAR SUPERIOR alternate ending). Die Hard 2 has the all-time classic icicle kill, as well as that dope-ass scene where, instead of just using his words to explain the situation, McClane decides to unload a whole clip of blanks at a room full of cops.

Also, I liked John Amos more than Rickman or Irons. They should've made him the main antagonist instead of that boring white guy.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Air Master Burst wrote:Die Hard 2 was always my favorite of the series by far, it's pure 80s action (although sadly lacking in homoerotic subtext). The first one took itself far too seriously, and Die Hard 3 was pretty toothless (the ultimate example of this being their refusal to use the FAR SUPERIOR alternate ending). Die Hard 2 has the all-time classic icicle kill, as well as that dope-ass scene where, instead of just using his words to explain the situation, McClane decides to unload a whole clip of blanks at a room full of cops.

Also, I liked John Amos more than Rickman or Irons. They should've made him the main antagonist instead of that boring white guy.
Far superior? I mean, I know it took place on Christmas, but I didn't really expect McClane and Simon's climactic showdown to be a modified version of Russian roulette with a Chinese rocket launcher. It's not as action-packed as the final battle at Simon's hideout in Canada.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

xxx1993 wrote: Far superior? I mean, I know it took place on Christmas, but I didn't really expect McClane and Simon's climactic showdown to be a modified version of Russian roulette with a Chinese rocket launcher. It's not as action-packed as the final battle at Simon's hideout in Canada.
Yeah, Die Hard has always been a quality-over-quantity series; 1 and 3 barely even reach double digit body counts. The rocket launcher alternate ending was cooler than any of the other kills except the ship cable slice and maybe the elevator fight. I thought a helicopter crash was a pretty mundane way to end it, especially after Die Hard 2's ridiculous plane explosion.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Some-Mist »

My 8 y/o nephew keeps trying to talk to me about Marvel movies. I've seen one off movies during the holidays w/ my s/o's family and really only cared for the Guardians movies, but I just made my way through phase one so I can try to relate.
for my enjoyment the ranking would be iron man 2 > captain america the first avenger > iron man > thor > the avengers > the incredible hulk. I'm actually surprised I made it as far as I did but they were a bit better than I was expecting. The incredible hulk movie w/ Edward Norton was okay, but seeing Mark Ruffalo as the hulk in the avengers and his background chatter was making me laugh pretty hard. Always liked the guy and was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to see him, tony shalhoub, and danny devito star in arthur miller's "the price" on broadway, so I always enjoy seeing him in movies. Hulk vs Thor in the avengers was the best fight in the first phase, but Mickey Rourke in Iron Man 2... is definitely my favorite villain in marvel so far. Here's to hopping I don't fall off (though I probably will)

my favorite super hero movies are batman begins, dark man, and watchmen which I'm sure is pretty lame
GaijinPunch wrote:I think mid-90's Parker Posey makes the short list for long term Hollywood crush's of mine. She made me want to go to Dairy Queen.
90s Parker Posey is so hot and I'm on board.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Lander »

Predictably enough, tonight's showing was Die Hard 3: Die Hard With A Vengeance. Or just Die Hard: With A Vengeance? Either way, you get the idea.

Not at all what I expected - after 2's action escalation I thought we were going to end up in straight ridiculous territory, but it was more revolution than evolution formula-wise, and surprisingly reserved by comparison.

I was delighted to see The Patwician starring as the villain. He's not up there with Hans, but is decidedly more flavourful than the military crew from 2. In particular, his scenes opposite McClane where they laugh at the irony of the situation provided a unique bit of characterization.

Sidekick-wise was similar, with Sam Jackson pulling off a textbook Sam Jackson. As energetic as ever, and with more going on than the technician fellow from 2 whose core role was rerouting the capacitor banks and degaussing the deflector dish to push the infrastructure side of things along, but neither of them can touch Al Powell for character arc.
Air Master Burst wrote:Die Hard 2 was always my favorite of the series by far, it's pure 80s action (although sadly lacking in homoerotic subtext). The first one took itself far too seriously, and Die Hard 3 was pretty toothless (the ultimate example of this being their refusal to use the FAR SUPERIOR alternate ending). Die Hard 2 has the all-time classic icicle kill, as well as that dope-ass scene where, instead of just using his words to explain the situation, McClane decides to unload a whole clip of blanks at a room full of cops.

Also, I liked John Amos more than Rickman or Irons. They should've made him the main antagonist instead of that boring white guy.
For pure action 2 takes it, but my overall favourite is 1 for balancing that with character development and lower-key hostage drama. Agree on John Amos - his charisma would have been better placed earlier in the film. The general had a bit of dictatorly charm, but not enough screen time relative the the piece of toast in charge for most of it.

Interesting to see the alternate ending to 3 so soon after the main one - the exchange has an almost James Bond vibe about it, though Willis' smirk makes it look like one of the crew cracked a hilarous joke before they started rolling :)

I'd pick it over the final cut, since the action was beginning to blur together at the back of the 2 hour runtime; a more understated finish would have capped it nicely. I can see why they dropped it since it leaves the McClane character in a sticky spot, but by the same token would have been fertile ground for a vindication plotline.

Though looking back to Escape From LA after tonight's viewing, I don't think the comparison to Die Hard 3 holds: the latter is diluted compared to its predecessors, but with conceit recognizably intact. If anything, I'd compare it to Die Hard 2 - both are an escalation, but where Die Hard stopped the needle on the disbelief sweet-spot, Escape From maxed out the meter and then ran with it.
Air Master Burst wrote:Die Hard 2's ridiculous plane explosion.
I want a Mythbusters episode for that in-flight fuel ignition :lol: ludicrous on principle, but with enough movie magic to second-guess.
Last edited by Lander on Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BIL »

I can't recall DH2 without a couple favourite scenes: Bob Patrick's expertly villainous "A sitting duck!" and, ofc, Bill Sadler's NAKED TAI-CHI :shock: The man's naked combat prowess, ofc, besting our everyman Wllis, and figuring directly into the latter's legendary improvised plane explosion! Now that's foreshadowing! And quite possibly foreskin, or lack thereof, depending on how hard you squint! Image

EDIT: Bahahaha! Figures this is a TOP result! (geddit lmao!) NWS you randy bastards! I feel a song coming on...

<-- holy fuck! it's a cross-media conspiracy! :shock:
Some-Mist wrote:dark man
Darkman is killer! The real Robocop 3 as far as I'm concerned. A cruel tale of heartbreak and mayhem, amplified to blistering pain-killing volume and played utterly straight by a manful lead and despicable villains. I'm due a rewatch actually. It'd go sublimely well guesting on a Verhoeven movie night with the mad Dutchman's obligatory Robocop/Total Recall/Starship Troopers triptych.

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Air Master Burst wrote:
xxx1993 wrote: Far superior? I mean, I know it took place on Christmas, but I didn't really expect McClane and Simon's climactic showdown to be a modified version of Russian roulette with a Chinese rocket launcher. It's not as action-packed as the final battle at Simon's hideout in Canada.
Yeah, Die Hard has always been a quality-over-quantity series; 1 and 3 barely even reach double digit body counts. The rocket launcher alternate ending was cooler than any of the other kills except the ship cable slice and maybe the elevator fight. I thought a helicopter crash was a pretty mundane way to end it, especially after Die Hard 2's ridiculous plane explosion.
Speaking of which, The Long Kiss Goodnight has a very similar ridiculous explosion at the end.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Lander »

Some-Mist wrote:My 8 y/o nephew keeps trying to talk to me about Marvel movies.
My attempt at keeping up with the MCU lasted all of 3 movies. Iron Man, Cap, a terrible cam copy of Avengers... Then came the point where you started needing a PDF continuity map to understand what to watch next, along with the the realisation that I was no longer with it.
BIL wrote:Bill Sadler's NAKED TAI-CHI :shock:
Oh yeah, I had quite forgotten that after all the explosions and shooting. A strikingly quiescent window into the morning of a singularly driven individua-
BIL wrote:And quite possibly foreskin, or lack thereof, depending on how hard you squint! Image

EDIT: Bahahaha! Figures this is a TOP result! (geddit lmao!) NWS you randy bastards!
...Ffffahaha fuck's sake :lol: only 3 stars too, for shame.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Lander wrote:...Ffffahaha fuck's sake :lol: only 3 stars too, for shame.
I have done my part to right the historic wrong! ;3


EDIT: WTF! I think they deleted my comment, the cheeky gets! 3: Almost as cheeky as the great man in question he very self :cool: "Sent successfully" my ass! Image Oh well, got some decent new smileys. Image (and I know my five-star rating stayed - it wouldn't let me do it twice! Image)
Some-Mist wrote:My 8 y/o nephew keeps trying to talk to me about Marvel movies.
My attempt at keeping up with the MCU lasted all of 3 movies. Iron Man, Cap, a terrible cam copy of Avengers... Then came the point where you started needing a PDF continuity map to understand what to watch next, along with the the realisation that I was no longer with it.
Teh Winter S.O.U.L.J.A.H. is genuinely quite good, imo. Some shmuppin as fuck setpieces, pretty decent fight choreography too. Bit of *clannng* bad acting from Ms. Johansen aside, I'd no regrets, despite not giving one nano-angstrom of a fuck about superhero guff! By that, I suppose I'm saying it's not particularly superhero-ey. :cool:

Ah Ms. JoJo. :3 "Phwoooar lads, that ScarJo eh? btw, I'm TOTES STR8 me ;3 ;3 ;3" I said loudly, when randomly catching GHOST WORLD on cable bitd! "Crikey! With that husky voice and fat little butt and gorgeous milkers, this broad will go far - INTO ME JPG FOLDER ;3 ;3 ;3 " When she caught on some years later (LOST IN TRANSLATION iirc?) I felt most vindicated! ...aka most scuzzy, now I write this down! Oof, Christ, is this how Hollywood vulture types see people? :shock: Oh well. 3; Look I was a young man ok. Image I know one thing: my braciole isn't a necrotising syphilitic stump nowadays, unlike a certain Harvey Weinstein's! Yeowch! Hooray 4 Hollywood lmao!

Decent movies altogether, those three! I don't instinctively yell "AWW CHRIIIST! NAWWWWW!" when I see her, unlike say... you know, I can't even name any? Oh. Brie Larsen, is it? Christ. Hit it with a shovel and get back in the car lads!

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

Dr. Strange 2 was a fantastic slice of steaming hot Sam Raimi, highly recommended!

The first one was fucking garbage, skip it.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Oh yeah! :shock: Totally forgot about DS2, sounds like a good time indeed from the old master. Will have to see it before the holidays are out. Actually, that's a perfect excuse for that Darkman rewatch. :cool:
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BurlyHeart »

Arthur Christmas

Fairly enjoyable Christmas animation. Not sure I liked the military theme, but it was certainly a different spin and had some charm.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

I liked both Doctor Strange movies, but I thought the first one was better. The narrative hung together better and it felt complete. Also, I hate BC as an actor and was fully prepared to hate DS1, but I was surprised by how good he took on the role; he might not have much range, but he was cast very well, and they wrote him in adroitly.

DS2 has all of that Rami snazz and then some. I especially loved the Evil Dead strange, he ruled. But it just didn't feel all that cohesive to me, and they did some weird stuff with the little girl in the movie; that whole dimension of the film felt stilted and forced, like they were trying to check off a bunch of diversity notches on the bedpost without fully baking them into the plot.

I just watched Die Hard 2 (7/10)

It's been longer since I watched this one, but it hasn't weakened a little bit. Yeah it's not as tense as the first movie, and there's less violence and swearing, but it's still a damn fun movie with some good death scenes. Love watching John Amos get sucked into a jet engine. It stands apart as being wholly unbelievable though; Dulles is about a 10 minute flight from National, there's no way these planes would circle until they fell out the sky during radio silence. Ah, but suspension of disbelief yes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

Planes trains automobiles.

First time I watched it, not sure if I like it or not. Supposed to be a classic but found it a bit like Dumb and Dumber without much fun going on. I give it a 5/10.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

neorichieb1971 wrote:Planes trains automobiles.

First time I watched it, not sure if I like it or not. Supposed to be a classic but found it a bit like Dumb and Dumber without much fun going on. I give it a 5/10.
Nothing's gonna top this for worst take in the last year. Yikes.
thought it was funny the first time I saw it, but I went to undergrad at a primarily performing arts-related college in the early 2000s and you have no idea how much theater dork energy is tied up in that film. I probably had to watch it like 8-9 times at various silly dorm parties.
LMAO. I can imagine.
Last edited by GaijinPunch on Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

The French Dispatch

Amazingly shot, quite entertaining. Probably not really worth going into as anyone that knows anything of Wes Anderson knows what to expect. Some pretty funny high brow stuff... and some nudity which is always nice. Freaking massive cast. Jesus.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

GaijinPunch wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote:Planes trains automobiles.

First time I watched it, not sure if I like it or not. Supposed to be a classic but found it a bit like Dumb and Dumber without much fun going on. I give it a 5/10.
Nothing's gonna top this for worst take in the last year. Yikes.
John Candy is one of those boomer comedians that everyone older than a certain age is contractually obligated to stan for, like Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. I personally never understood the appeal of any of these dudes, but I was obviously never their target audience. I imagine it's the same way people your age felt about, like, I Love Lucy or whatever lame shit your parents thought was hilarious.

ETA: I always have to skip John Candy's scene in Little Shop of Horrors because it triggers my migraines. He was pretty good in Spaceballs tho.
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due to douche

Post by NYN »

GaijinPunch wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote:Planes trains automobiles.

First time I watched it, not sure if I like it or not. Supposed to be a classic but found it a bit like Dumb and Dumber without much fun going on. I give it a 5/10.
Nothing's gonna top this for worst take in the last year. Yikes.
You know what? I can't figure for my life how something like Due Date is allowed to exist. I mean it's not even a homage, it's clearly a rip-off.
Never ever would anyone accept the weird creep and all his psychosocial behaviour at the end of the movie. No way.

Now that being said, you know why the end of PTaA settles on Candy alone as the last film frame? Because Candy's Dell isn't without heart. Audiences are allowed to like him, in spite of his flaws. The other movie douche performance is downright cynical. That thing can be studied, yes, but never befriended.

Never found Uncle Buck more than mildly amusing, though. It's a Hughes, I know. Attack me now, please.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I am most pleased to see my comments (and five-star rating) on "WILLIAM SADLER NAKED in DIE HARD 2" were eventually published by GAYFORIT.EU, and gladly rescind my previous complaint against their website! :cool:
NYN wrote:Never found Uncle Buck more than mildly amusing, though.
Speaking of gay for it! I've not seen that one, but it did play an integral role in the downfall of one Jack Murphy! ;-;7

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Excellent all-around! Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Some-Mist »


why do I not understand what's going on with the face in both of those

~whooshes over my head~

edit: something something jack murphy
edit 2: damn I just saw the December 2021 post
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Vexorg »

There's always been something that just feels off about the whole Chicagoverse in film, and I think a lot of it centers around how John Candy seems to be required by law to show up in all of them in one form or another. It doesn't matter if the film is good, bad or just plain obscure, it seems like he has to be there in some form. Maybe John Candy is that kid with the snow globe from St. Elsewhere reincarnated as an overweight midwesterner?

EDIT: It comes to my attention that the term "Chicagoverse" has been applied to the various police/fire/hospital dramas set in Chicago, so it may not quite fit here. I guess this would apply mostly to the various John Hughes movies.
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Okay Dad, click on document properties. No, not that one.

Post by Lander »

Die Hard 4.0: Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard the Fourth: Dad Doesn't Get Computers (Feat. Tuvok and Silent Bob)

And we're into homogenous modern action. There are small vestiges of the desparate improvisational struggle that defined the series, but they're quickly upstaged when McClane punches his whole arm clean through the superhero wall about ten minutes in, with enough ridiculous stunts over the runtime to single-handedly bring down the exchange rate on explosive materiel.
And it has that awful rapid editing style akin to an enthusiastic eight year old explaining to you their favourite cartoon; non-stop cuts in every scene, with no one shot given the time it needs to establish or exhibit interesting cinematography.

Villains were weak - no character, no naked limber-up, and the femme fatale might as well have been a terminator for all the good crashing her through three walls with a truck did.
Sidekick lad wasn't the worst nerd trope ever, but largely felt there to be a sarcastic fish-out-of-water and give Yer Ol' Dad someone to not understand.
Speaking of Pater, latter-day Willis pulls off out-of-touch middle age just fine, but to no particular effect outside of necessitating a bright young sidekick and shouting MAKE IT GO on occasion.

The cyberterror angle is interesting enough as an idea, but in execution it all works out as hollywood technobabble and frantic visits to
Not even the venerable Kevin Smith can save this side of things, showing up as an arcade-cab-owning leet hacker bro in a leather lazyboy chair that I guarantee would chafe like fuck after a night of hot and heavy code-lifting.

I'm having genuine difficulty recalling the ending about an hour after the fact, so it's either hella forgettable or I need to lay off the Old Toby. Probably both.
BIL wrote:Ah Ms. JoJo. :3 "Phwoooar lads, that ScarJo eh? btw, I'm TOTES STR8 me ;3 ;3 ;3" I said loudly, when randomly catching GHOST WORLD on cable bitd! "Crikey! With that husky voice and fat little butt and gorgeous milkers, this broad will go far - INTO ME JPG FOLDER ;3 ;3 ;3 " When she caught on some years later (LOST IN TRANSLATION iirc?) I felt most vindicated! ...aka most scuzzy, now I write this down! Oof, Christ, is this how Hollywood vulture types see people? :shock: Oh well. 3; Look I was a young man ok. Image I know one thing: my braciole isn't a necrotising syphilitic stump nowadays, unlike a certain Harvey Weinstein's! Yeowch! Hooray 4 Hollywood lmao!
ScarJo is a bit of alright I suppose. Though if we're making callous manparison between the varying qualities of wenches, Michelle Dockery is totty. Very much the ice queen that one, though mostly by way of boomerific period drama.
BIL wrote:I am most pleased to see my comments (and five-star rating) on "WILLIAM SADLER NAKED in DIE HARD 2" were eventually published by GAYFORIT.EU, and gladly rescind my previous complaint against their website! :cool:
All's well that ends well :lol: in brief:

Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by xxx1993 »

Saw The Big 4, an amusing Indonesian action comedy on Netflix.

Re: Okay Dad, click on document properties. No, not that one

Post by xxx1993 »

Lander wrote:Die Hard 4.0: Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard the Fourth: Dad Doesn't Get Computers (Feat. Tuvok and Silent Bob)

And we're into homogenous modern action. There are small vestiges of the desparate improvisational struggle that defined the series, but they're quickly upstaged when McClane punches his whole arm clean through the superhero wall about ten minutes in, with enough ridiculous stunts over the runtime to single-handedly bring down the exchange rate on explosive materiel.
And it has that awful rapid editing style akin to an enthusiastic eight year old explaining to you their favourite cartoon; non-stop cuts in every scene, with no one shot given the time it needs to establish or exhibit interesting cinematography.

Villains were weak - no character, no naked limber-up, and the femme fatale might as well have been a terminator for all the good crashing her through three walls with a truck did.
Sidekick lad wasn't the worst nerd trope ever, but largely felt there to be a sarcastic fish-out-of-water and give Yer Ol' Dad someone to not understand.
Speaking of Pater, latter-day Willis pulls off out-of-touch middle age just fine, but to no particular effect outside of necessitating a bright young sidekick and shouting MAKE IT GO on occasion.
If anything, at least the F-35 attack at the end of the movie was pretty awesome. "Is that it, huh?! Is that your best shot?!"
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Air Master Burst wrote: John Candy is one of those boomer comedians that everyone older than a certain age is contractually obligated to stan for, like Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. I personally never understood the appeal of any of these dudes, but I was obviously never their target audience. I imagine it's the same way people your age felt about, like, I Love Lucy or whatever lame shit your parents thought was hilarious.
In theory maybe. Not necessarily in practice. Tons of shit from before my time that I find quite funny. Dell is such a great character though. Annoying AF but you love him b/c he's such a nice guy. Has a friend everywhere. He waves to strangers on the training pulling in that he's about to board. He's also kind of a dumb ass which is awesome.

I don't think shitting on older generations for lack of humor is en vogue now. So much bad BAD comedy. At least they got the memo on TV and stopped trying. The funniest shit in the painful dark humor (White Lotus) or social media accounts of psychopaths in Washington (Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Walker if he won).

But hey to each their own.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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