Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by Sumez »

I guess this has kinda already been said, but the idea that "you can't write off any games" is completely bonkers!

In fact, "writing off" a game is the better way to describe it, since it doesn't inherently imply any specific assumptions about said games. You may write off a game because you think it's probably crap, but there might also just be probably 500 other games you feel that you're more likely to enjoy.

But I can't imagine how anyone could have so much spare time to play every single game they come across, that they would be able to completely.... write off the idea of writing off games.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by ZellSF »

XoPachi wrote:
ZellSF wrote:Definitely was close to ignoring Prey. Marketing for that game was a nightmare, and the first trailer I saw made it look like a mediocre horror game, not the true spiritual successor to System Shock that BioShock wasn't.

I can't remember what convinced me though. I think I tried it way after it was released, so I ignored it for quite a while.
Prey was STUPIDLY good. Makes you forget all about the 2006 game.
Definitely not forgetting about the 2006 Prey, as mentioned aside from the bad death mechanic, it's a pretty good game.

If it actually was a bad game I would maybe give 2017 Prey a shot earlier, because then the trademark abuse would've upset me a bit less.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by XoPachi »

ZellSF wrote: Definitely not forgetting about the 2006 Prey, as mentioned aside from the bad death mechanic, it's a pretty good game.

If it actually was a bad game I would maybe give 2017 Prey a shot earlier, because then the trademark abuse would've upset me a bit less.
I didn't mean forget as in the game was bad. But when 2017 was shown off people were questioning how at all it relates to the original. But then you play it and you just don't even care because it's amazing.
Sumez wrote:I guess this has kinda already been said, but the idea that "you can't write off any games" is completely bonkers!

In fact, "writing off" a game is the better way to describe it, since it doesn't inherently imply any specific assumptions about said games. You may write off a game because you think it's probably crap, but there might also just be probably 500 other games you feel that you're more likely to enjoy.

But I can't imagine how anyone could have so much spare time to play every single game they come across, that they would be able to completely.... write off the idea of writing off games.
We all have to make priorities, every single day of our life.
Correct post.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by rapoon »

The Division games. The original excels in atmosphere, environment, story and music. The second in gameplay.
Wasn't until RDR2 that a game came close to providing the same attention to detail and immersion that massive provided in the division games.
not only are they my favorite 3rd-person shooters, they're two of my favorite games. they're also regularly on sale for ~$5.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by Sima Tuna »

ZellSF wrote:
If it actually was a bad game I would maybe give 2017 Prey a shot earlier, because then the trademark abuse would've upset me a bit less.
It's frustrating to see IPs manhandled by profit-motivated megacorps, but I can't really blame the devs for any of that. They made a cool game. It's not their fault they were forced to call it "Prey" instead of "Psychoshock." Arkane are sort of notorious for managing to make great games in spite of their relationship to Bugthesda. Many of their more recent projects have had the stink of "we were forced to make this" or "we were told to generate x amount of profit using only reused and recycled assets on existing engines." But they do try. I have my own suspicions as to why that Wolfenstein spinoff was so wretched.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by nZero »

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, mostly because of how quickly the price bottomed out after release. So glad I ended up giving it a shot.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by Stevens »

Auddy wrote:My Friend Pedro. A friend tried to explain it to me years ago and it just sounded like the most confusing thing. I recently played it and loved it.
How did your friend try to explain it? My go to has always been that it's Deadpool without Deadpool.

Anyway my answer is Rain World. Came out of left field two years ago and I still play it. Close to 100 hours in and in January they are releasing DLC that essentially doubles the size of the game.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by XoPachi »

Playing CyberPunk 2077. I just got it since it was half off.
It's not going to be my favoritest game ever in the history of gaming, but it's alright fun right now. I feel like I'm not going to get utterly sick of this like the majority of open world games. And they must have REALLY cleaned this up because my PC is silent right now. Everything's on Ultra save for any Ray Tracing and SSR. Shame because I did have RT on and the game looked fantastic. But it also dropped to 15 fps after a while. Card can't handle it.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by evil_ash_xero »

This is pretty old school, but Streets of Rage 2.
Technically, I did ignore it. I bought the first one when it came out, and it had a lot of hype. I wasn't too thrilled with it.
When the sequel came out, it had a lot of hype, and a lot of reviews said it was just more and better. That didn't really
convince me, and I didn't play it until the 2000s.
So, I did skip it, but eventually played it... and I wish I had gotten it when I still had a full hairline.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by SavagePencil »

Puchi Carat! I had always written this off as another in the sea of me-too block puzzles, but I spent some time with it last night and found a lot more depth than I had expected. The combo of Arkanoid, Puzzle Bobble, and Super Puzzle Fighter sounds like a train wreck but in practice it's surprisingly fun.

It addresses my biggest complaint with paddle games, as letting the ball past your paddle doesn't spell instant defeat--in fact, skilled players can use this to deliberately add rows as part of their strategy.

(So I guess I should put this in "Games You DID Ignore and Wish You Hadn't For So Long" thread instead...)
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by RileyYeo »

I will always love the Diablo series! Why do I love it so much?

1. It had a really easy-to-understand experience collection system with a nice development tree.

2. Diablo Items, yes, they were the essence of this game, do you remember your first unique item in Diablo I? It gave another pack of motivation to continue with the game, and it was so good to show your friend “look I found something” with a smile on your face.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by XoPachi »

So I actually bought Yooka Laylee 1. Yes, the original.
It was $3 and I reeaally miss classic action adventure so I got it. Maybe this doesnt count since I remember playing it launch and it had *problems*. But now I'm 13 hours in and I haven't really felt compelled to stop.

I really do feel like I'm playing a nice exploration game and making progress is satisfying. I hope Playtonic is working on a 3rd entry in 3D again.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by ryu »

Demon's and Dark Souls are probably my best fits for this thread. Originally I wasn't interested in those at all until a buddy got me curious by likening the atmosphere of Demon's Souls in parts to the one you'd experience in a Silent Hill game.

Other games that come to mind are a bunch of JRPGs I was late on playing. Namely Arc Rise Fantasia, Xenoblade X, and various Tales games (Vesperia, Graces, Berseria).
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

This is gonna sound weird especially in 2023 but Final Fantasy 7. Was near the very end up my PS1 list to play after not digging it in the very early 2000s. I'm appreciating it more now, and enjoying it.
ryu wrote:Demon's and Dark Souls are probably my best fits for this thread. Originally I wasn't interested in those at all until a buddy got me curious by likening the atmosphere of Demon's Souls in parts to the one you'd experience in a Silent Hill game.

Other games that come to mind are a bunch of JRPGs I was late on playing. Namely Arc Rise Fantasia, Xenoblade X, and various Tales games (Vesperia, Graces, Berseria).
Arc Rise is better than it gets credit for tbh. Of course the dub is awful but it can be ignored.

I got into Souls a bit late as well. Which is perhaps even more interesting considering I had played a lot of From soft games before.
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Re: Games You Almost Ignored and Glad You Didn't

Post by dcharlie »

Bought Returnal (PS5) when it came out and it just didn't click at all. Fast forward to this week and yeah - i'm sort of digging it now i've spent a bit more time with it. It's not utterly mindblowing but it's a lot better than i thought it was.

Finally getting my teeth into Witcher 3 as well - 3rd time is a charm, but seems to be sticking a bit more this time.

Oh and, um, i seem to have been playing way more Wheel of Fortune than i should be and it may or may not be a cry for help ;)
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