Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Quick reminder: vote the right back in next month, prepare for Groundhog Day.

EDIT: The latest in the "who the fuck allowed this to go to print" parade, there are plenty of utter gems in here, but the following really takes the cake (boldface mine):
If Noem had any courage or a political spine, she would acknowledge her state's Native American history but also firmly state that Oct. 10 is Columbus Day. It commemorates Columbus' expedition and discovery of the western hemisphere to European civilization. It's a date that warrants celebration and honoring because, no matter what one's feelings about Columbus may be, his discovery legitimately changed the course of human civilization.
Does the writer seriously expect us to not understand the difference between an event or person being important or noteworthy versus being admirable, let alone worth celebrating? Who in God's name can read a piece like this and not feel unmistakably insulted at what the writer attempts to pass off on a readership he clearly holds in utter contempt?

Once again, how the hell do people like this not get fired on the spot for such brazenly bad-faith writing? How is the consistent tolerance - or even encouragement - of this utter dreck not an instant deal-breaker to those insisting they're still "on the fence"? I just don't understand how so many voters aren't yet sick and tired of being openly and constantly puked on and laughed at by the people they insist on empowering.

EDIT 2: Christ almighty, we are so, so, SO fucked.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Also, just in case anyone had any lingering doubts about the actual basis for the Dobbs decision, it's been hiding in plain sight the whole time...or, more accurately, was very deliberately hidden there by its author.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Stable Diffusion's pretty good at making lovecraftian horrors. The line between dreams and nightmares is a thin one. (Have some bernie art, you don't need to look at imaginary hot women/dudes when he's got hotdogs.) (Seriously though, the fine-tuning they've done in the past few months has been the difference between heaven and earth. Professional grade renaissance paintings / anime people from specialized models. Ah, diffusion's come a long way from those 16x16 bird images from years ago. It's like this really is 2016, the thread~) (lol, guy complains about his character having three legs: "More sexy legs for you, what's to complain about?") (lol, second newest comment on that Two Minute Papers video was two years ago: "imagine creating hentai with this" ... yeah, "imagine" >_>)

Summer's over, insect population continues to feel like it's on a downslope.

Roufanis's stitched together photos are still a pretty good representation of early days apocalypse.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Guess what? While American billionaires pick and choose what they want to do, China is working on energy independence. You know what that is? That's what lets you raise two fingers at Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia and blow them a raspberry. What is the west doing? Not shit. Our billionaires are riding rockets and looking down from the windows. That's about it. Going into orbit is fun. Fuck practical things. Robots sounds geeky, amiright?

Need a helium-3 reactor. China is working on it feverishly. They are already working on getting fuel from the moon. They are going to harvest it from the atmosphere, where it's more plentiful than we thought. They can get it as waste from standard nuclear reactors as well. They are going to see if they can be independent. There's no guarantee, but they are going to try.

But, hey, let'e keep doing nothing. Let's be comfortable--and that doesn't mean all of us. It means letting the rich people make all the decisions based on what they think will pay them the most money tomorrow.

Fuck. I'm not saying technology will fix it all, but why is China leading the way? Why? Why are they "all in" when the west is trapped in so many uncomfortable energy relationships?

I know, it's "crazy". Crazy like the idea that an asteroid really could set the entire globe on fire and usher in a millennium ice age? We built a defense system for that formerly crazy concern, because it's not actually crazy.

Crazy like horseless carriages and handheld telephones. Crazy. Yep. Okay, olds. Thanks for your feedback. It's stupid and short-sighted, but you're people. It's okay. Just please shut up and sit down and stop embarrassing yourselves.

What's better? Actually trying to get ahead or letting billionaires play astronaut and buy mansions?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Darrell Brooks wrote:"There are always two sides to a story. And for a year … there’s only been one side told of the story. I’ve sat back and watched from countless narratives that have been put out there. The way this incident has been portrayed at times.
And finally, everyone given a chance to get the full story. Um, you won’t hear me try to argue facts. The fact is, this incident was very tragic. That’s not lost on me. The facts are, there are still a lot of people healing. A lot of families healing. On both sides.
This dude really just both sidesed running over a Christmas parade. This vibes with apocalyptic portent waves. I'm ready for the post-truth era to end already.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Apocalyptic harbinger or not, I'm just thrilled to see Nolte and Murphy team up again Image
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

The sickest part is the fucking Bible he has prominently displayed in front; he's seriously betting there's at least one juror who tearfully saluted when Trump tear-gassed the protestors for his photo op, and the scary part is he may very well be right.

Though I would like to know precisely what the healing on "both sides" entails...I mean, one side is all the people who were hurt or killed, and the other is...him? Obviously an equivalent amount of pain and suffering inflicted there, right? So much for the whole "humility" thing in the Good Book, I suppose.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Then again, they WACIST - and their foes do have an extensive recent history of gagging on sufficiently "brown" criminals' balls. Image Image (UN-wacistly :shock:)

I think this is one man-sized turd pungent enough for all sides to stay away from tbh. I'd hope anyway. Oh god lmao.

It always amuses me when child predators come out brandishing bibles. I see this a fair bit in the TCAP rogues' gallery, an idle hobby of mine lately. They're the one group I can recall Jesus suggesting be lined up and shot, in so many words. Maybe there were others, I'm lapsed to put it mildly.

Well, he's already expended the SovCit card, doing little more than angering the HAWT MILFy judge! For shame - Nolte should beat the dogshit out of him, then escort the lady back to her office for a gallant double-team with Eddie! I bet that'd cheer her up Image

There's always the Hotep angle. Maybe he'll record another sha-weeet music video, RAPPIN bout white devilz and the need to smash cracker grannies' faces in. :o
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Darrell Brooks
Be me.

Never hear of this incident.

Google it.

Dozens ran over.

"Six dead."

"Four of the dead were part of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies."

That's not good...

"The number of dead increased to six after an eight year old boy succumbed to his wounds."

Well that's...

Google a bit more, realize murderer is representing himself in the trial. Making a farce of it. A dancing clown.


Much like Chris-chan... between knowing and not knowing, knowing only brings pain. Another cognito-hazard.
orange808 wrote:Fuck. I'm not saying technology will fix it all, but why is China leading the way? Why? Why are they "all in" when the west is trapped in so many uncomfortable energy relationships?
I always repeat the story of the Oak Ridge Thorium reactor experiment. Cancelled under the Nixon administration by the urging of capitalist interests who wanted to monetize the military submarine design made for when you're underwater... by using it on land where it was never meant to be used..

It's an ages old trick of greedy vampires: let someone else spend money developing something, then swoop in and steal all the gains for yourself and lock out anyone else from developing anything better. The health industry... whoo boy.

Anyway, a princeling from China was a bit of a nerd, he heard about it one day while on a plane, and that's the reason they're putting actual money into thorium.

I have a definite bias when it comes to E5. It appeals to my desire to find "secret spooky knowledge" nobody else knows - it's enticing to think two old cooky bastards even could discover something so useful, and the only place you can learn anything about it is on Some Guy's Blog On The Internet.

If it does amount to anything... we're straight up living in the stupidest timeline. All the vampires had to do to discover this thing is run experiments on pig plasma separated in batches by weight, to see where the relevant signal proteins tend to be. The impact it would have against human suffering would be comparable to penicillin, to a greater degree.

But nah. Buy this picture of a monkey, ya monkey.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:Google a bit more, realize murderer is representing himself in the trial. Making a farce of it. A dancing clown.
Sadly reminds me of that Jamaican black supremacist who shot up the NYC subway train in the 90s. Went on to represent himself, went about as well as you'd expect. Was a regretful hot topic locally for a bit, NYC being a very popular destination for those seeking work abroad. Vividly remember reading the reports of him on cross, asking some of the very people he'd shot who was responsible, and being told "You." Obviously streaming wasn't a thing then, and I don't know if there was footage... might look that up actually.

Maybe there's some sadistic thrill in it? Brooks is clearly a piece of shit, going on his record with women and children, can't rule it out. There was Bundy as well, ofc, just naming famous monsters who went pro se offhand.

The judge (cor she hawt Image) has let Brooks get away with murder, so to speak, but I'm guessing he's banking on causing a mistrial so I get treating him like an angry toddler. She's probably used to it, being a MILF and all! :o
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Maybe he watched Better Call Saul and thought he could pull this off.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:I think this is one man-sized turd pungent enough for all sides to stay away from tbh. I'd hope anyway.
I can only hope you're right, but if these last few years have provided us with anything, it's a particularly stomach-churning pastiche of what a group of people which has lived its entire life in a position of total, unquestioned dominance is capable of when it simultaneously manages to develop a victim complex: "sure, he's not perfect, but he knows how persecuted I am when someone tells me I don't have a birthright to run their life. He knows how unfair that is. He gets it. And for that I'm willing to paper over literally anything he does, even when it takes a steaming shit over every belief I'm supposed to espouse; nothing else matters but the connection I feel."

I really, really, really would like to believe that such sentiments are limited to the fringe, but at this point, after everything that's happened and continues to happen and happen and happen, I just can't.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Who are the people complaining about student loan relief? They are the same individuals that colluded inside the government on a scheme to legally embezzle billions of borrowed money. It's very close to embezzlement and they did it on credit. America took out a loan and gave many lawmakers unfunded big government PPP handouts. Those people took a shower in borrowed money. Any person that claims to care about fiscal responsibility and votes for any person that did that (or any person that supports or works alongside those people) is a hypocrite. Nobody can take you seriously if you do that. If you really believed in fiscal responsibility, you'd do something about it and the Republicans that participated.

The last Republican president with a balanced budget was Richard Nixon. Republicans are clowns. I see your cousins, the Tories are still clowns, too. Maggie 2.0 didn't last. :-)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Specineff »

Because anything that is not a bailout for Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Insurance, Big For-Profit schools, the Big 3 car manufacturers or the Big What Have you, is socialism, and we don't want to be dirty commie pinkos, right? Companies need to buy back their stock and keep those investors happy, goddammit.
Don't hold grudges. GET EVEN.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:I really, really, really would like to believe that such sentiments are limited to the fringe, but at this point, after everything that's happened and continues to happen and happen and happen, I just can't.
Having caught up on highlights, I think the only people who could stomach - let alone support - this guy are true extremists; the dregs of any rational society, who'll sadly always be with us. If I understand correctly, you fear they've gained enough influence to threaten mainstream US society, which is certainly a disturbing thought... I don't know enough to begin to comment.

Demographics aside, rather than kinship, I expect he'll inspire the opposite from the extreme right: truckloads of red meat for white nationalists, who'll wolf down the sight of a violent deadbeat "aspiring rapper" tormenting his victims while wiping his ass on the judicial process - as if they wouldn't be afforded the same, and as if he's anything but the same horrid outlier class of criminal that shoots up schools and churches.

Mercifully - and this is why I genuinely think he's simply too radioactive for any but the incurably tribal - their counterparts on the left haven't lionised him, the way they did other recent villains. I've not seen any support in the usual haunts, just aforesaid racist lunatics here and there grousing about CIA this and FBI that. And as ghoulishly as he's abusing the system, it's good to see even barrel-bottom scum like Brooks given a fair shake. Dunno if I'd say that so breezily were it me being questioned by the POS after he'd killed my friends or family, of course.

The way he's escalated over the last couple days, to only the mildest censure - well played, Judge Milfy - I wouldn't be surprised if he tried something really stupid this coming week. Provoke "the man," get glamour shots of truncheons and boots raining down. I still don't think even the sight of Nick Nolte slamming his dome off the desk would make him palatable to non-Hoteps.

At least not any who'd actually seen the trial - if someone doesn't supercut this clown's performance, I just might. This is the pick of the lot so far, I'd say.

~Darrell Brooks Happy Life & Legal Success Strategy~
1) knock up a fifteen year-old, get lifetime RSO status
2) pimp her out w/ vicious beatings for underperformance
3) impugn her character at your trial, giving state carte blanche to disclose above!

Ah, who am I kidding. Guy's a hit machine.

~Darrell Brooks in SovCit 101~
1) only living beings can bring charges
2) the state is a non-living entity
3) checkmate, statists!

Law school can be tough. Papers everywhere and shit! And dogs too. Image

~Darrell Brooks in No Papers, No Problems~
1) a dog ate the paperwork
2) paperwork had your questions on it
3) mistrial on grounds of insufficient counsel!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:If I understand correctly, you fear they've gained enough influence to threaten mainstream US society, which is certainly a disturbing thought... I don't know enough to begin to comment.
For whatever it's worth, my concern is not so much that the "train with AR-15's in the woods to overthrow the government" subset's numbers are expanding - although they unfortunately are - but rather that a far, FAR greater number of people who label themselves "moderate" have proven themselves, time and time again, utterly and infuriatingly unwilling to distance themselves from - let alone openly oppose - either the aforementioned extremists or the politicians and parties that openly court and enable them, because of the very personal connection they supposedly feel with them, which in plain language translates to "they can help me remain in the completely dominant position I've enjoyed my entire life, and I can't bring myself to care all that much about just what means they intend to use to do it, let alone what might happen to anyone else as a result".

To put it another way, if you insist you're not an extremist, but open, unmistakable extremism in any number of areas is not an immediate dealbreaker when it comes to what or who you're willing to throw your support behind ("I mean, he did hold up a Bible!"), how the hell are you not an extremist?

EDIT: Case in point. Personal favorite blurb, boldface mine:
"Antisemitism and hate speech have no place in the College Republicans," Pauley wrote in a since-deleted tweet.
As much as I want to look at that jury and think "yeah, they've got this" without any lingering doubts, again, I just can't.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

The SovCit crowd want nothing to do with Brooks AFAIK from my internet weirdo monitoring sources. "Running over a Christmas parade for no particular reason" is beyond the pale even for those tools, and they're pretty much walking vegetation.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Some are bullying Truss for having the shortest run of a PM in history. But *I* applaud her for being the longest running PM for the next century.

God their sham regime is on turbo speed compared to ours. Soon they'll put a new fucker in charge every week.

They did a good job of fucking non-fucker Corbyn, though. Imagine we lived in an alternate reality where humans actually worked right: Aging and cancer would have long been solved problems. You could enter the matrix or eat tacos plucked off genetically modified trees whenever you want. It'd be a utopia.

We developed language around 200,000 years ago at the latest, and only have been doing much in the last few hundred. That's less than 1% efficient man.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Sengoku Strider wrote:The SovCit crowd want nothing to do with Brooks AFAIK from my internet weirdo monitoring sources. "Running over a Christmas parade for no particular reason" is beyond the pale even for those tools, and they're pretty much walking vegetation.
To be fair, they were white!

And that's the only camp I can see tolerating this gaping asshole. Hitler-loving Hotep lunatics who advocate for killin' them crackas' babies, and the heebs' and spics' and chinks' babies, too. I notice the prosecution has avoided this angle, wisely I would say, despite the guy's online footprint swimming in the vile stuff. Best to let the incident speak for itself, tempting as it is to rub the MSM's nose in their own nonexistent standards. Only thing worse than a strawman is a tarbaby.

I think he's just a slovenly, violent moron, as familiar with concepts of self-discipline and accountability as you and I are with the surface of Pluto. Yeah, sure, floor it down that crowded street, whatever - you're in a hurry, and they're in the way. I don't think he's even particularly malevolent, just another cartoonishly selfish and unfortunately pampered asshole. The interrogation video is a bleak hoot.

*is presented with photo of mangled stroller at scene of crash*

"Whoa! Kids got hurt too?!"
"Hurt bad?!"
"If a doctor's gotta check you out, I'd call that bad."
"Whaddya gonna call my shoulder, then?! Ahahahahaha!" (allegedly slammed on his shoulder during arrest; curiously heals when left alone to rifle through cops' paperwork)
"It's a joke!"

Won't look at the crash footage - why? "My life is over man! All the struggle, it's come to this!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote:And that's the only camp I can see tolerating this gaping asshole. Hitler-loving Hotep lunatics
Oh. To be fair, I didn't check in with how the Rise of the Moors crowd were viewing this. I just can't with those people. They're like the Cheetahmen from Action 52™ of black revolutionary movements. The characters suck, the ripped off ideas suck, it was programmed by people with no idea what they were doing, and the whole thing's unfinished and crashes when you get to level 3.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

I gotta say though, Buck Breaking is an accidental masterpiece. The MVC2 or Garegga of black nationalist propaganda. :cool:


edit: yep, even rowdier than he was last week. Metal Gear Sovcit:


Today's big shitfit was kicked off when he discovered the 2010 Ford Escape had a recall issued for the throttle mechanism, which can develop a fault which causes the vehicle to accelerate regardless of pedal position. Thing is the prosecution was quite aware. A mechanical engineer gave his Escape's throttle a clean bill of health, and even if the fault develops, braking will stop the vehicle as normal. I imagine he's angling for a mistrial on grounds of incompetent counsel (his own), which'll be interesting, given he was examined by multiple experts and declared mentally sound, and has proven quite devious with what vanishingly little law he understands.

I wonder if this'll have any repercussions on the bar for representing oneself. Dangerous precedent but when the guy is clearly a total fuckface who quadruples the length of a trial... think of the trees!
Last edited by BIL on Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote:I gotta say though, Buck Breaking is an accidental masterpiece. The MVC2 or Garegga of black nationalist propaganda. :cool:

There are few grifters who annoy me more than Lord Jamar. The guy gets a platform from being a 5%er mouthpiece, but holds forth like he's some elder statesman of rap. Except it's like dude, you were the only guy in Brand Nubian who didn't get a solo deal when the group broke up. After three albums. With only one almost-hit that didn't even crack the top 20 on the rap charts. That jacked its hook from a recent top 40 hit by a white woman. You are the walking, breathing dictionary definition of funk-faking perpetrator. And for God's sake you're 54 years old. Stop dressing like you're in little league already.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Indeed, the man is a poseur through and through, radiating micro-dicked bitterness with every DJ Vlad interview - small wonder his fellow fraud Nasheed keeps him around, all the while effeminately beefing with Professor Griff!

edit: Metal Gear Hotep V: The Fall Of Mother Box ;-;7 (starring Judge Milfy as BIG MAMA and Mathboi Fly as SIZZURP SNAKE)

Damn, look at that big bear daddy bailiff, what a hefty fellow! :shock: Sizzurp needed a stun grenade to win that one.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BIL wrote: all the while effeminately beefing with Professor Griff!
I missed this, I need deets. Griff is one of my favourite cartoon characters, the guy who was somehow 'the one who was too much of a liability' while in a group with Flava Flav.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

I actually went looking for Nasheed's TRUE & HONEST disavowal of Griff, only to find it'd been - surprise - deleted. :lol: I'll have to keep looking, the Prof is indeed a treasured wingnut. IIRC Nasheed suggested Griff's shirtless pose on the cover of Blackdraft was moist, then Griff burnt him alive, and Nasheed went crying back to his usual circle of ass-kissing has-beens. Beef status: bitchass motherfucker ran away!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Well, it turns out they do exist, and I tracked down their lair.

Justice4Darrell Subreddit

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

To a fine catch. Image


NGL though, at first glance I thought that was Griff fanart. :lol: I guess it's supposed to be JoJo Brooks (BroJo) and his Stand/counsel "FIGHT THE POWER" (we can't see em, they exist in the SOUNDCLOUD DIMENSION :o)


Banner by BulletMagnet?! :shock: :wink: Loved the bit where he was rocking the BIBLEMAN stylie, as shown above, and Judge Milfy commented that he appeared to be reading a book.

"It's NAHT a book, it's THE BOOK" rebukes pious Mathboi. "Can't argue with you there sir" says Judge Milfy, by all accounts a good Christian wife and MILF. "YE, BUT HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVE BY IT THO, HMMM?" Image rhetorics our child-molesting, sex-trafficking, automotively pedicidal protagonist.

And indeed - how many do? :o A man for all seasons.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

JUSTICE4DARRELL got raided by the feds Image Some dafty larping as a juror was ALL UP IN DAT BIDNESS! Bitchass cocksucker motherfucker folded like a house of cards and said "NAWW IS JOKES PLS" when pressed, *ptoo* weakass BITCH. Trolls ain't shit these days! I hope your effeminate cheeks get split in half. Unless you literally are a bitch. In that case, a stiff backhand across your whore mouth will suffice.

Well, the killer has been brought to justice, but the mastermind remains at large. The Dancin' Grannies of Milwaukee aren't avenged just yet. 3;

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Hm, I wonder how America's doing today.

The Midterms Coup Attempt Has Already Begun
Vigilantes, saboteurs, suppression... It’s already happening now, 12 days before Election Day, in plain sight.

...some of the country’s most suppressive new voting laws, all in the name of “election integrity.” Now early-voting Georgians, many of them Black, are facing repeated, unlimited challenges to their status as they try to cast ballots. Emboldened Republicans are mounting the challenges by the thousands, and it’s all legal.
In Pennsylvania, where counting rules make it likely that close races won’t be called on election night, Trump himself is reportedly gearing up to rush in, cry fraud, and claim victory for his chosen candidates in an election where he’s not on the ballot. Trump, of course, is pursuing the strategy for himself, viewing the challenges as a “dress rehearsal for 2024,” according to one source
Just last week, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said on the Breaking the Vote show that threats against her are so bad in her reelection campaign that she fears she won’t be able to stay in the state if she loses on Nov. 8.
I'm sure this is all just a bit of locker room voter intimidation, nothing really seriou...

Report Details ‘Extremist’ GOP Plot to Nationalize Voter Suppression
According to the report, "some of the most egregious bills introduced by congressional Republicans so far include legislation" that would:

Eliminate the National Voter Registration Act (aka the "motor-voter" law);
Prohibit states from counting a ballot cast in a federal election if it is received by the state after the date of the election, regardless if the ballot was completed and mailed by Election Day;
Prohibit states from using automatic voter registration systems;
Prohibit states from providing absentee ballots to many voters;
Restrict the use of drop boxes for absentee ballots;
Block many Americans from no-excuse absentee voting;
Prevent most individuals from voting at a polling place during an early voting period;
Significantly curtail the Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) ability to provide investments to states to help run safe and secure elections; and
Relitigate the 2020 presidential election by establishing a commission to investigate the results of an election that Trump's own appointees at the Department of Homeland Security declared was the "most secure in American history."
"Instead of silencing voters on a state-by-state basis, members of Congress introducing these anti-voter bills may try to disenfranchise certain voters in one fell swoop,"
Well okay but like, this is just hyperventilating over proposed legislation, nothing's actually happening ye...

Paul Pelosi Is Undergoing Brain Surgery After Being Attacked with Hammer in His Home: Report | According to U.S. Capitol Police, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C. with Her Protective Detail at the Time of the Attack, Which Occurred at the Couple's San Francisco Home
...after an intruder broke into the couple's San Francisco home early Friday morning, reportedly in search of the House speaker.

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Paul 'Violently Assaulted' with Hammer in His San Francisco Home Overnight: Reports
Armed with a hammer, they were unable to locate her — so they instead violently attacked Paul, 82, who was in the residence.

CNN correspondent Jamie Gangel reports that the intruder "confronted the speaker's husband" and shouted, "Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?" Sources told Gangel that the assailant also tried to tie Paul up to await Nancy's return.

I mean, just one random act of stochastic politically motivated home invasion and deadly assault against the spouse of the head of a major branch of government, this isn't indicative of any organized movement or anythi...

Mike Pence says the Constitution doesn’t guarantee Americans “freedom from religion” — He said that “the American founders” never thought that religion shouldn’t be forced on people in schools, workplaces, and communities.
Pence’s views on the establishment of a national religion could be of national importance in a few years. He has suggested that he’s considering a 2024 presidential run and, as he noted in the interview with Kudlow, the president can appoint judges who can rule against freedom from religion.

I'm sure that won't actually happen, it's just leftist fear mongering taking the words of the guy who was recently one bad cheeseburger away from becoming most powerful man on Earth 100% accurately in context. I can't see how there'd be support for anything that radica...

Michigan GOP candidate Tudor Dixon wants a new book ban: No divorced characters
...idea that reflects the real Republican plan: Education is about social control, not learning

She has described working women as having "lonely lives," declared a 14-year-old incest victim to be a "perfect" candidate for forced childbirth

But, like, this is just campaign bloviating and sops to religious voting blocs to turn out and vote, it doesn't mean anything. It's not like the educational establishment is going to really do anything to...

Police look on as Proud Boys assault students, media at Pennsylvania State University
In a statement Tuesday, Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi blamed both the students and the fascists for the violence that led to the cancellation of the event. Bendapudi disingenuously wrote that it was “unclear which individuals onsite ... resorted to physical confrontation” and used “pepper spray against others in the crowd, including against police officers.”

She continued: “Tonight, Stein and McInnes will celebrate a victory for being canceled, when in actuality, they contributed to the very violence that compromised their ability to speak. Tonight, counter-protestors also will celebrate a victory that they forced the University to cancel this event, when in actuality they have furthered the visibility of the very cause they oppose.”
Yeah, but okay, I mean...sometimes a university president is fully justified in "both sides"ing self-described fascists from off-campus assaulting their students in an organized attack while their paid police escort ignores the whole thing then helps the Proud Boys leader safely exit the rear of the premises and brag about it online. It's all perfectly... know what? Fuck it.


I feel like for all the constant talk about it, people in the US still don't really believe it's happening. That this is just a more amped up version of the usual American melodrama. But you seem to have devolved into one of those dysfunctional corrupt regimes that usually only get five "naughty-naughty, so tragic" paragraphs in the newspaper. You have already gone full Americaragua and this dumb second-tier election is still a week away.

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Mischief Maker
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 3:44 am

Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Yeah, what's the difference if Trump or Hillary wins?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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