The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Mischief Maker
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:It's probably because I've seen every internet personality under the sun (and MTG) get swatted lately, but I don't consider it a particularly "transphobic" thing. I was actually kind of surprised to see it marketed as such, in this latest bunfight.
I guess when you slur and deadname like it's a biological function, people get that impression.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Sounds like a bit of a leap from contemptuously using someone's old name and even the odd slur to sending armed men to murder them.

Maybe I'm being too generous. I think it's a similar leap from dehumanising people as cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers and Nazis to murdering them in hails of gunfire, too.

What I would like to see is some good old-fashioned police work to catch swatters and throw the fucking book at them. DDOSers likewise, though that's obviously nowhere as immediately urgent. Both acts stink of the unwashed terminally online, precisely the sorts I enjoy taking the piss out of. The less power in their hands the better.

At this point I wouldn't complain about some statutory prohibitions on doxing, either. Slippery slope arguments tend to pop up here, but I think it's reasonably simple to tell when it's done in bad faith, as opposed to something neutral like a business directory / linkedin, etc. Obviously those sources are just as abusable as a kiwifarms thread, but I'd at least like an end to treating the practice like some kind of competitive sport. It's retarded and annoying.

Someone was asking about for my dox a couple years back, after I buck broke a random shumpsg retard on here, then dropped the juicy bait that I'd be fired and imprisoned if anyone ever linked my John Walker Flynt slams back to me. :lol: I lied about the last bit, spoiler. 3;
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Air Master Burst »

People generally get called nazis and chuds because of their chosen behavior, not because of how they personally identify. The real sad thing is that by resorting to bigotry, you totally undercut any actual point you try to make.

The act of swatting itself isn't inherently transphobic, but using it to harass trans people sure is. Of course, you know this already. I'm starting to think you're just so addicted to argument that you gleefully look for every contrary opinion you can find and mercilessly push every loophole to defend them no matter how hard the rest of us roll our eyes.

You're basically being that one guy at every D&D table who always tries to make a Chaotic Evil character while everyone else facepalms and wishes they hadn't invited that guy.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Air Master Burst wrote:People generally get called nazis and chuds because of their chosen behavior, not because of how they personally identify.
I've been called a Nazi for saying I don't think a 13y/o boy is the best judge of whether or not to have his genitals removed. I've been called a Nazi because I disagree with housing male rapists in women's prisons. Also for expressing great skepticism at letting male boxers and weightlifters compete with women. Also expressing similar at unlimited immigration into the UK, and questioning the wisdom of importing US race politics onto a woefully incompatible socio/economic landscape.

All Nazi all the time, baby! What? No, no need to ask me why I think any of this stuff. I wouldn't wish to take time out of your busy schedule, prattling on about the capacity of the London sewer system, or strain on the NHS, or the fine distinctions of US versus UK policing and gang culture.

Honestly, at this stage, the charge itself is like water off a duck's ass. It makes me laugh if anything. The wrong family gets blown to pieces in their house, the wrong brother eats lead and drowns in the Pacific, or the wrong ship gets torpedoed by U-boats in the Caribbean and *poof* you're spared my agonising presence, because in those days "Nazi" meant something. It wasn't a conversational hors d'oeuvre for insipid morons to point-score with online.

It still isn't imo, but I'm just one man here. \(O_O)/ I would care more if not for being effectively fireproof. Nobody wants to fire the token mutt, and if it gets too hot, I hop off back home and cash in BIGTYME. Image

So yeah, not buying the "chosen behaviour" argument, sorry. That ship has sailed!
The real sad thing is that by resorting to bigotry, you totally undercut any actual point you try to make.
I would say when dealing with scam artists like Brianna Wu aka John Walker Flynt, the point is especially well made. These are the sorts who'd richly benefit from state-mandated playalongs with their fantasy narratives, and the sorts I and frankly a lot of currently-oblivious people will tell to eat shit and die. At some point, it becomes a war on reality itself.

You know Cenk whathisface had Wu on his show, and called her, with a straight face as she nodded earnestly along, the successor to black victims of the KKK?

I find that absolutely gob-smacking - not that I expect much from the online muck-rakers, but holy fuck. Also more than worth offending a few people while lampooning the most direct way I can.
The act of swatting itself isn't inherently transphobic, but using it to harass trans people sure is. Of course, you know this already. I'm starting to think you're just so addicted to argument that you gleefully look for every contrary opinion you can find and mercilessly push every loophole to defend them no matter how hard the rest of us roll our eyes.
No, I genuinely don't know that, because from what I can tell it's a total free-for-all at the moment, and most of the prominent swattings I can recall are on righty sorts like Tim "Too Limp" Poole and... some other beardy pseud. I can go look them up, if you like. Before this all blew up, I regarded it as an unfortunate ugly reality of the current web (or even earlier, given its rampant popularity in CallaDoodie and other e-gaming circles).

Also my internet dad Mr. Metokur, the scourge of trans folx AND Murica Furst, who had a whole platoon of armed cops show up to his place a few months back because he'd decapitated his wife and was running around with an AK, or something. Scary! Twice more after that, but he told his local PD to check with him in case he wasn't actually committing brutal murders. Which is a bit of an unfortunate loophole in itself, of course.
You're basically being that one guy at every D&D table who always tries to make a Chaotic Evil character while everyone else facepalms and wishes they hadn't invited that guy.
I have to ask, were we previously acquainted? You're drawing some rather extreme inferences about me from a very compact window of time. Assuming we've just met, I think you're being a bit of a drama queen tbh :O
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by emphatic »

I love your posts, BIL, even though they're somewhat hard for me to get through with my basic English comprehension. You are one of the few voices of reason in Off Topic. The straw man dodging is on point too.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Ta bud! Image I always found your English excellent, FWIW. :cool: Being a typical lazy Anglo bastard, I never learned any other languages - I should fix that. :oops:

tbh I didn't realise how polarised this place had gotten (?). I know there were feisty times with quash and rancor and co in the MURICA thread, once, but I never bothered with any of that. Lately it's seemed relatively quiet here.

Maybe, as more and more put me on their shitlists, it'll reach the point of KIL BIL IRL :shock: - would make a cracking web series, as I sneak my way out of TERF ISLAND, back home to MURDER ZONE ALPHA, using a comical series of disguises, like Justin Trudeau-style blackface! Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Air Master Burst wrote:People generally get called nazis and chuds because of their chosen behavior, not because of how they personally identify. The real sad thing is that by resorting to bigotry, you totally undercut any actual point you try to make.
The required behavior has rapidly shifted from basic courtesy to treating select groups of people like children whose illusions can't be shattered. Things have progressed so far that many people profess to believe that heterosexual men must be willing to have sex with cross dressing men (or that's transphobic). The only sane option is to not play along.
You're basically being that one guy at every D&D table who always tries to make a Chaotic Evil character while everyone else facepalms and wishes they hadn't invited that guy.
BIL is just a funny dude. The snooty finger wagging is tedious.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Rob wrote:Things have progressed so far that many people profess to believe that heterosexual men must be willing to have sex with cross dressing men (or that's transphobic). The only sane option is to not play along.
I move in pretty leftist circles, but the only times I have ever, ever heard someone say that, it was from a catastrophizing right-winger.

Can't say that I've ever been hit on by a trans woman to my knowledge, but I've definitely been propositioned by gay men. I simply said I'm straight and that was the end of it, every time.

No accusations of homophobia or other right-wing fantasies of being "forced" to do the deed by the nefarious gay agenda. Makes me wonder what's the source of this conservative anxiety.

The fear when you look over the edge of a long drop isn't that you will fall, but that you will leap!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

If "trans women are women" as good progressives will insist, then it makes logical sense for Lia Thomas to compete against women and for heterosexual men to include trans women in their dating options. In un-progressive world it makes sense to have separate sporting events for men and women, to exclude male rapists from female prisons, for heterosexual men to rule out female presenting men and, in general, to recognize and respect the differences between actual men and actual women. Accepting untruths only results in increasingly ridiculous demands and destructive outcomes.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Dude, why not just list the same 5 edge cases with bullet points instead of shoehorning them into a vaguely conversational paragraph? We've all heard about Fallon Fox et. al nonstop for the past decade.

You conservatives all get together into campfire circles, put the flashlight under your chin, and retell the same 5 stories of the 5 worst trans people in public knowledge over and over and over again like Oblivion NPCs.

Then someone like me comes along and says people who fall into your "intrinsically bad" category come in all forms, some good some bad, and that every individual should have the same opportunity for happiness in a just world.

And you glitch out because I deviated from your programming. So you respond, 10 PRINT "Here are the 5 worst trans people documented in the past decade" 20 GOTO 10, over and over and over again.

Doesn't this conservative philosophy get boring after awhile?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:You conservatives
your "intrinsically bad" category
I'm reminded why I stopped posting about anything politically related here. :lol: No one said anything about anyone being "intrinsically bad" - just not a woman. The cultural trend of accepting this unreality is bad.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Air Master Burst »

Rob wrote:just not a woman. The cultural trend of accepting this unreality is bad.
They used to say the exact same thing about Black people being human.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Rob wrote:I'm reminded why I stopped posting about anything politically related here. :lol:
I'll take that as a compliment.
Rob wrote:No one said anything about anyone being "intrinsically bad" - just not a woman. The cultural trend of accepting this unreality is bad.
Well! Leaving out the context that this current discussion revolves around kiwifarms cyberstalking Keffals then getting the tables turned on them, let's take it at face value that you have zero malice toward the trans community.

GIVEN that genetic sex and cultural gender roles are different things,

I would love for you to elaborate why the cultural trend of treating a person as a member of the gender they identify as is "bad."
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:Dude, why not just list the same 5 edge cases with bullet points instead of shoehorning them into a vaguely conversational paragraph? We've all heard about Fallon Fox et. al nonstop for the past decade.
I actually hadn't heard of the case Rob linked. It's a lot more than five at this point, counting both sides of the pond. And much as you'd try to write off Brianna Wu as an ancient relic, not an extant parasite, the similarly musty Fallon Fox is still around spouting her frankly disgusting rhetoric. Can you imagine shattering a woman's skull, then gloating about it? Bit of a serial killer vibe there, mate.

Of course there are plenty of newer examples from the world of sport. I won't list them here, unless prompted; it'd take forever.

And not that I operate on the vile premise that a few brutal rapes, vicious beatings, and even cruelly denied scholarships here and there are acceptable in the name of Progress™, to begin with. Don't worry bro - the ends justify the means! History will absolve us! NAZI-TASTIC!
this current discussion revolves around kiwifarms cyberstalking Keffals then getting the tables turned on them
*with flat zero proof and a whole lot of dubious indications to the contrary.

Sorry. Pesky old basic standards of reality bringing the party mood down again. 3;
GIVEN that genetic sex and cultural gender roles are different things, I would love for you to elaborate why the cultural trend of treating a person as a member of the gender they identify as is "bad."
The problem here is that, even entertaining noted paedophile John Money's theories, "gender" tends to be a direct expression of biological sex, to the point that in everyday conversation, distinguishing between "female" and "woman" quickly becomes unnervingly artificial-sounding. Let's enjoy Motley Crue's famous hit "Females, Females, Females!" Or how about Shabba Ranks' early 90s dancehall smash "Trailerload of Females!" Yeah, no, this is sounding like I'm assembling the playlist to Ted Bundy's dream afternoon.

So this is bad theatre right out of the gate. (RIP Dave) But let's play along. Women *ahem* sorry, females are shit at fighting and shit at sports not out of some socialisation process, but because of their genetics. Females are unlike males in a lot of other ways for the same reason, judging by the collective history of the human race across many epochs and societies, as well as blunter, more immediate everyday examples, like pregnancy and childbirth.

I'm long since spoken for and tied down, but I can assure you, I was never interested in a sexual relationship with another male. Most other males aren't, either - it wasn't something that particularly needed to be stated. Yet I've seen this once-mundane fact of life pathologised ad nauseam in countless mainstream news sites and blogs I could once read un-molested, as "genital fetishism," or "transphobia," or just plain bigotry. Exhortations to "examine one's thinking" (as if circumspection was some alien prospect to the average competent mind), to figure out exactly why you wouldn't accept 21st century medicine's best simulacrum of a "woman" into your bed.

It's a surreally impotent sort of strong-arm attempt, no less creepy for it. As it turns out, I could happily explain precisely why the answer is a flat no every time, without the slightest bit of rancour - but I suspect this is a Tar Baby of the most cynical sort. A hollow provocation with no acceptable answer, geared for simple exhaustion and exasperated acquiescence.

Better to just state the facts and walk away, if one has the rare luxury, as I do. Rather like Lucas Roberts' campaign against the farms, this isn't a passive, one-way process. The pseuds are bringing this quasi-religious gibberish to the rest of us - to what ends, I entertain a number of theories, without caring to settle on any in particular. The bottom line is that I'm not altering basic facets of my existence as a member of a sexually dimorphic species to please the secular church du jour. They can fuck off.

This appears to be a tiny dose of what lesbians have endured via the infamous "cotton ceiling" mindset. I have vanishingly little knowledge or involvement with lesbian circles, but I could not help finding what I've read on the subject eerily familiar. And I'm sorry to hear about it, as - here comes Mean Old Mr. Reality Again - females are much less able on average to fend off unwanted male advances.

I suspect this post would be significantly less jovial if I were female myself. That's male privilege for you!
Air Master Burst wrote:
Rob wrote:just not a woman. The cultural trend of accepting this unreality is bad.
They used to say the exact same thing about Black people being human.
Why do you suppose black people are so conspicuously homophobic and generally anti-trans (counting, in my experience, major population centers in North America, Western Europe, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa)? I would suggest it's not out of the same institutionalised bigotry that once designated them subhuman chattel, but an ancient and *entirely human* tendency to reject perceived unreality. I'm sure it's the same with white dissenters, too.

Why one human population's dissent is excused, and the other's demonised, is another of those ugly cultural artefacts I'm hoping time will see swept away.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:
this current discussion revolves around kiwifarms cyberstalking Keffals then getting the tables turned on them
*with flat zero proof and a whole lot of dubious indications to the contrary.

Sorry. Pesky old basic standards of reality bringing the party mood down again. 3;
So it's a big conspiracy between the London police chief, George Soros, and antifa?

Or is this a knee-jerk denial defense, like how kiwi farms claims Near faked their death after Near specifically named kiwi farms in their suicide note?

You know how profiles on this site have feedback numbers to give an at-glance measure of how reliable a shmup trading partner someone can be?

Kiwi farms has a kill count.

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:So it's a big conspiracy between the London police chief, George Soros, and antifa?
Another scarecrow just flew past my window! It seems to happen a lot when I post ITT. :o

I realise you really, really want this to be true, and all I can say is it's looking dubious to me. Remember when you were blowing your stack at the Kyle Rittenhouse fiasco, and I expressed similar reserve that he'd go down for Super Nazi Genocide? What can I say, when the current sitrep is "TRUST ME BRO," it's in my nature to wait until more facts emerge.

Even moreso when it's a blatantly tribalistic "TRUST ME BRO (OR UR A DOUBLE NAZI)" affair. Itchy trigger fingers and jerky knees galore.
Or is this a knee-jerk denial defense, like how kiwi farms claims Near faked their death after Near specifically named kiwi farms in their suicide note?
I'm not convinced byuu killed himself, but it's no knee-jerk. That's been a long, slow process of waiting for something, anything concrete. As I noted a page back, it was the Japanese authorities' signing off on the matter many months later that convinced me he'd done a runner.

I'm less convinced by the "suicide note" than I am the preceding extortion attempt. Again as noted, I like the tinfoil that he was terrified of Big N suing his pants off, as they have a few other individuals. That mom n' pop ROM site comes to mind.

It's a clever ruse. Set it up with the extortion (over a doornail-dead thread at that), follow through with the an hero, leaving a cold trail and a favourite internet villain to blame. Bit of a dick move, but I hope he's doing ok out there. I probably benefited from his work at some point, while road-testing new additions to my SFC library.
You know how profiles on this site have feedback numbers to give an at-glance measure of how reliable a shmup trading partner someone can be? Kiwi farms has a kill count.
Yeah, I know :shock: It's in the FOUSANDS last I checked!

It's a tasteless joke. :cool: You know, like the time Commander Stryker drove the Battle Prius to Brianna Wu's house to challenge her to a Massachusetts Death Race. She'd been informed in no uncertain terms beforehand, by Josh Moon himself, that Stryker was a mere persona, a beloved forum character played by amateur sketch comic Jan Rankowski.

Behold, The New Face Of Home-Grown American Terror Image (His Mom Thinks He's Gay!)

Years later, on SyFy's "The Internet Ruined My Life," Wu relayed the horrific ordeal of watching a deranged madman in Pit Vipers with a gold-spraypainted AirSoft Deagle, ranting and raving into the camera beside his overturned Prius, and how she could never sleep right in the weeks and months afterward. No mention of the whole thing being a forum in-joke was ever relayed to the viewer, or as far as I know, the producers.

You see why I'm finding all this a bit familiar, and reeking of stagecraft?

What I find even more tasteless is Roberts and co slopping out Julie Terryberry, Chloe Sagal and byuu's suicides ("suicides" in the last's case) to a blindly devouring media. I barely knew who any of those people were, at the time of their deaths. I did do my reading, after they were posthumously, repeatedly appropriated into human ammunition, though. This is far from the first time.

TEH FARMZ were the least of these peoples' appalling worries. Terryberry was precisely the sort of IDPOL-wracked battered woman I mentioned in my previous post. Sagal was chucked out on her ass by her support group after a long, bitter feud with several prominent trans figures, including my waifu Brianna.

I'm not seeing good evidence there, or here. I don't like e-lawyering for anyone, let alone a place as disreputable as the farms, but that's the long and short of it.

As is my wont, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the show. Image I think the really interesting stuff will start coming out over the next few weeks, as the site returns to working health.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Ed Oscuro »

"A lot more than five" is such a pathetic showing of statistical harm in comparison with the size of the estimated trans population and the outlandish amount of scrutiny that population faces.

Back when "I don't want people to think I'm a f-----" was just Rob's humorous shtick and not his entire personality, we had an interesting convo about guns. "People might want guns to defend themselves against bears in Alaska," I suggested. Rob said he just carried bear spray. It was a good recalibration of my beliefs about things people *should* do, versus things they had convinced themselves they should do based on hype. As it turns out, there is a very good argument against arms proliferation and generally caring too much about what other people are doing. America in 2022 has a guns problem and also, not paradoxically, a problem of caring too much about what other people are doing (but I think Britain remain the undefeated champions of this, see: papers still running 20+ anti-Markle headlines daily).

But even in the United States of 2022 I generally don't worry about gun violence in my daily life, because in absolute terms it's still a pretty rare event. It still needs to be knocked down, and to do that, we can actually target the form of the harm rather than try and make up a story about the identity of the perpetrator. It turns out not all people who do a shooting are black, or redneck stereotypes. And, even in cases when they do, they still have rights, see: Kyle Rittenhouse. Law enforcement and arms controls needs to look at *relevant factors,* not a rallying cry.

The statistics are slim but they do not support a view of trans people as apex predators, but rather net sinks for social aggression. Any policy against them using public restrooms is based on things other people feel about them, rather than targeting actual harms efficiently (unless you count 'a trans person existing in my space is a microaggression,' speaking of cancel culture). Random acts of violence in public restrooms are something that we could impact most effectively if we used measures that *did not* target a person's gender identity. There may be a case to be made against people who try not to pass as female (i.e., men) entering the women's restrooms, but there was a funny counterexample to this when some blowzy gal in an Irish restroom tweeted out her great fear because an actual man - not a trans - washed his hands in the women's restroom (in the DUblin airport, I think it was). As it turns out, there *was no actual harm* except done to her pearls from all the clutching. So, that leaves us right back with "it's not the gender, stupid." Policy measures like "make them use the bathroom of their birth sex" certainly make no sense in many cases. You're going to send people with no penis to the men's room? You're going to send female-to-male trans persons to the women's room to protect all the women? You're going to have a hall monitor force everybody to strip before they can pee or poop? Like the anti-abortion, anti-healthcare push in the US, it's clear the ideas motivating this are just spite and will not result in better outcomes. Last I checked, for example, the "no trans kids in school sports" ban only led to the negative consequence of a trans female-to-male youth being barred from the youth men's golf club, and did not protect one person in a nonexistent youth women's contact football team from being mauled by Hillary Swanson from South Park. (US swimming organizations have actual participation bans on trans athletes during their transition period, so it's not as if the South Park scenario is something that athletics were about to allow).

It boggles my mind that people can believe, in the country that gave us the concept of thoughtcrime, and where we're supposed to be on the watch of deadly ideologues spurring on random knife attacks, that people defend major public figures constantly demonizing a marginalilzed minority of the population for merely requesting to continue to be allowed to pee in places designated for that purpose.

As a side note, history isn't on the side of "gender criticals" either. One of my favorite JK Rowling Fun Facts is that she claims there is a staircase that detects whether somebody is a boy or a girl. She said it dates from the 10th century, which likely puts it in Anglo-Saxon times, when some of the OG Girlbosses were being buried with spears and shields. Even the Vikings seem to have 'deviant burials,' with women sometimes buried in the men's part of the cemetery and vice versa - don't get me started on the Vikings who wore Muslim garments and all the other weird stuff that doesn't comport with the modern "traditionalist's" need to transport Victorian or 1950s Atomic Age values to earlier times.

So, to bring us back to reality for a moment, here are some things that we actually know about the balance of "The Means Justifying The End" and other uncouth suggestions:

- Self-appointed Anti-Trans Police regularly accuse butch lesbians, random ugly girls, and even sometimes film stars with prominent cheekbones of being trans. "We can always tell," they say. No, they can't.
- It's really fucking gross to be on a video-game related website where we talk about things like emulators and people are defending the likes of Kiwi Farms. They literally have, at the least, pushed the BSNES emulator author into retirement, and probably to suicide. That has made us all poorer for it. There was NO upside.
- Anti-trans feminism often carries cult charcteristics and many anti-trans people are far too friendly with actual fascists (see: red-brown alliance, but feminist)
- and all the usual statistics people strangely forget to quote when talking about bathroom bills ... -away-soon

It's really not making things better in any way that's obvious to me, but it's also making things even worse. As always, sorry for the wall of text, but I hope it is useful.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I don't remember Rob ever pretending to be a faggot :o That's my shtick! "PRETENDING" Image
Ed Oscuro wrote:"A lot more than five" is such a pathetic showing of statistical harm in comparison with the size of the estimated trans population and the outlandish amount of scrutiny that population faces.
As noted, one would be quite enough for me. It could be in the triple digits, or higher, for all I care (I don't).

Actually, zero would be enough. Because "Hey, let's put this male rapist in a female prison!" isn't the kind of proposition I could ever regard with anything but incredulous horror. That it happens, repeatedly, with zero consequence for the perpetrators in the cases I've seen, stinks of rot. All common sense gone necrotic in the name of orthodoxy du jour.

Sorry Ed, you know I'm a tolerant sort, or at least as tolerant as a conservative half-caste raised Protestant can be. Some ideas are just rotten to the core. Foxes in henhouses also come to mind.

The bathroom nonsense - when it's not getting schoolgirls raped, as in the Loudon County case - I find a relative trifle. Bad stuff happens in public restrooms all the time across a range of offender/victim demographics, as noted. One is a stable scenario easily controlled by executive fiat, the other is an impossibly volatile mess I don't expend much thought on.

School toilets and women's sports are obviously nearer the former than the latter, and so yep, the cruel eye of "Nah, your hulking rugby lad can fuck off and stop being a sadistic creep" looms large. Ultimately though, I think that's a situation best dealt with by the victims - I mean women - themselves.

Christ knows I'm tired of the daft birds walking smack into the meatgrinder then having great big cries about it. Image

Whoa! It's JK Rowling! :shock: Only mentioning as she materialised on this page apropos of very little that I can discern - I think JK Rowling is a stupid, sanctimonious, toffee-nosed petty-bourgeoisie cunt.

"Invite migrants into your homes, or you're a racist!" Yeah Joan, great idea, unfortunately, we're packed into a leaky terrace at the moment! But you own multiple massive properties full of empty rooms! "Not MY homes, you plebes!" Oh I see.

All that said, it's still pretty illustrative of our times, to see the parade of outlandishly gruesome threats against her person / even more cartoonish schemes to tear the rights to Harry Potter out of her hands by the terminally-online sorts. Feminist much. Image Did you see the breathless horror with which her ladies' lunch was reported on? You'd have thought the Flying Squad were due to cranially pulverise them with multiple headshots, like they did poor Jean Charles de Menezes back in the day.

It's all so very, very tribal, when you look at what the daft bint actually said.
- It's really fucking gross to be on a video-game related website where we talk about things like emulators and people are defending the likes of Kiwi Farms. They literally have, at the least, pushed the BSNES emulator author into retirement, and probably to suicide. That has made us all poorer for it. There was NO upside.
I do hope there is some resolution here, as byuu appears to have become Schrodinger's An Hero. Either he is dead, turbo-murdered by the farms, or he is alive but driven into hiding by same, cowering in a spiderhole somewhere, and totally not continuing his work in an anonymous capacity.

I find the alternative - that he got the fuck outta Dodge before Mario-sama could ram a writ up his gaijin boipucci - infinitely more amusing and interesting, and frankly hopeful. Given the rather fucked absence of concrete proof either way, it's what I'll stake my casual watcher hopes on.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Ed Oscuro »

It was about Rob pretending to be scared of coming off as gay. I'm no longer so sure that he was just making fun of people who are afraid of coming across as gay, because he's doing a good job of being scared of a group even less scary than the gays - many trans people don't even have dicks anymore. Truly Rob has fallen on hard times.

The "foxes in henhouses" argument is dumb. Here is the balance of harms:

5+ random bad evil trans (maybe) people have been found having done bad things after an extensive search by some of the most obsessive people in all of the realms. And it seems that we know about these Bad Acts and they are being prosecuted to the same extent they'd be for any other community, and probably more. It's almost as if there are actually systems in place to catch sex pests, and sometimes they work! The original "Kiwi" of "Kiwi Farms," CWC himself, notably DID NOT escape jail last month. The left is certainly doing a bad job covering up its crimes.

I'm not going to debate whether byuu/Near is alive or dead, we've already seen things go to shit precisely because of harassment against them. A certain developer of an emulator backend famous for rebranding open source code as its own went on unhinged rants and even accused Near of writing less than 10% of bsnes, which is not something any sane person actually believes. Go on, keep digging - where's the bottom? I don't want to engage with it as it's an intentional distraction from the depressing trans violence and suicide stats using a target that is conveniently not here to disagree. There's nothing "hopeful" about apologia for unhinged harassment campaigns in the name of Free Speech against marginalized persons. From my perspective, the community is poorer and the anti-trans people have done nothing but hurt us. I really don't care to have discussion as a convenient way to sidestep bigots concern trolling trans youth suicides 'because think of the children, tHerE geNitAlS aRr BeIn MutIlAteD!!1' We have stats on this stuff.

But what, you say, about all the times that it could happen? One time would be too many! As it so happens, bad people get off all the time. Methinks what's motivating this (in general) is less the desire to actually implement sweeping draconian rules to put women in a bubble, which historically has not really been a great deal for women. (On second thought, maybe for some this is a feature of the movement, especially far-right allies of TERFdom.) It seems more the motivating factor is oppressing trans people, because otherwise people could say "okay, let's just do unisex restrooms and be done with it." Which, by the way, everybody's welcome to support, though we know this would not fully mollify the anti-trans brigades because somebody will complain about a Microaggression any time a trans person appears in public without groveling for forgiveness at not living up to somebody else's expectations. In the interests of peace I am willing to cut the debate short and spend somebody else's tax dollars to make a huge number of non-space-saving layout changes to all public buildings so people can pee in peace. Anything to subvert Heritage rules on unapproved changes to historic buildings!

"But there still could be violence against the poor women?" Well, yeah, there *could* be. But there also *is* a lot of totally unnecessary harassment of people just trying to wash their hands, including many women who don't "look right" to the self-appointed bathroom police. We don't have statistics on this but it's happening enough that it definitely counts as Making Life Worse For Women.

Trans people - not just trans women - are reported much more likely to be harassed. A 2015 study found nearly half reported being harassed in the year up to the survey; a tenth reported being actually attacked. As bad as violence against women is, the numbers for violent victimization are four times worse for trans people - in other words, putting trans women in the men's restroom will predictably *increase* horrific acts of violence rather than the reverse.

I'm somewhat less than excited about bad faith nonsense about things that generally don't happen as a convenient way for people to feel good about coming up with bad solutions 'to protect women,' which they didn't care about before it gave them a means to get at marginalized people.

For extra fun, I've had - in the space of one discussion - one person accuse me of being anti-Black for mentioning Caster Semenya was subject to anti-trans hysteria because she was intersex, while another person from the same team also chimed in to say she didn't deserve to run with the women. I wonder what the common thread is that lets one person be pro-Semenya, while another is anti-Semenya? Just bigotry.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Ed Oscuro wrote:It was about Rob pretending to be scared of coming off as gay. I'm no longer so sure that he was just making fun of people who are afraid of coming across as gay, because he's doing a good job of being scared of a group even less scary than the gays - many trans people don't even have dicks anymore. Truly Rob has fallen on hard times.
Blimey, really? I thought you'd blanked out "fascist." I feel better now, I don't use the word "faggot" commonly. I'm surprised. Gays are great fun. Some of my favourite people are incandescently flaming homos. If I weren't straight I'd be a gayman for sure!
The "foxes in henhouses" argument is dumb. Here is the balance of harms:

5+ random bad evil trans (maybe) people have been found having done bad things after an extensive search by some of the most obsessive people in all of the realms. And it seems that we know about these Bad Acts and they are being prosecuted to the same extent they'd be for any other community, and probably more. It's almost as if there are actually systems in place to catch sex pests, and sometimes they work! The original "Kiwi" of "Kiwi Farms," CWC himself, notably DID NOT escape jail last month. The left is certainly doing a bad job covering up its crimes.
It's about principle, the immutable kind behind all good tragedy. Image If you think putting male rapists in female prisons is at all acceptable, I don't know what to tell you except I hope you're never, ever in a position to do so.

You mention not having to worry about gun violence, and I'm genuinely happy for you, while I'm regularly phoning home to inquire if "everyone's alright" - meaning "Has anyone been robbed, raped or worse?" Maybe our proximities to heinous violence are just that different. I know what a rape victim looks like, sounds like, smells like. They peppered my career.

You'll have to excuse my gorge for rising when (purportedly) first-world nations proceed to house rapists with defenseless women. Seriously, that's not something I thought I'd witness in my lifetime.
I'm not going to debate whether byuu/Near is alive or dead, we've already seen things go to shit precisely because of harassment against them. A certain developer of an emulator backend famous for rebranding open source code as its own went on unhinged rants and even accused Near of writing less than 10% of bsnes, which is not something any sane person actually believes. Go on, keep digging - where's the bottom? I don't want to engage with it as it's an intentional distraction from the depressing trans violence and suicide stats using a target that is conveniently not here to disagree.
I have to object to "intentional distractions" - from what I can tell, the entire affair has been hopelessly mired in distraction from the beginning to present. I don't really give a shit whether byuu killed himself or not, ultimately. I'd much rather he didn't, as noted. But I'm more interested in a straight answer. I'm A-OK with coming off as a transphobe in the process, that's fine. I'm a million flavours of asshole as it is, one more's not gonna move the needle.
There's nothing "hopeful" about apologia for unhinged harassment campaigns in the name of Free Speech against marginalized persons. From my perspective, the community is poorer and the anti-trans people have done nothing but hurt us. I really don't care to have discussion as a convenient way to sidestep bigots concern trolling trans youth suicides 'because think of the children, tHerE geNitAlS aRr BeIn MutIlAteD!!1' We have stats on this stuff.
Again, it's about principle. I just don't think greenlighting kids to mutilate their bodies and wreck their endocrine systems is in any way conscionable. Once you're an adult, great, go ahead, fuck off and die for all I care. We all have to live by our decisions, as adults. I don't take this approach with my own kids, but some hypocrisy is to be expected there.
But what, you say, about all the times that it could happen? One time would be too many! As it so happens, bad people get off all the time. Methinks what's motivating this (in general) is less the desire to actually implement sweeping draconian rules to put women in a bubble, which historically has not really been a great deal for women. (On second thought, maybe for some this is a feature of the movement, especially far-right allies of TERFdom.) It seems more the motivating factor is oppressing trans people, because otherwise people could say "okay, let's just do unisex restrooms and be done with it." Which, by the way, everybody's welcome to support, though we know this would not fully mollify the anti-trans brigades because somebody will complain about a Microaggression any time a trans person appears in public without groveling for forgiveness at not living up to somebody else's expectations. In the interests of peace I am willing to cut the debate short and spend somebody else's tax dollars to make a huge number of non-space-saving layout changes to all public buildings so people can pee in peace. Anything to subvert Heritage rules on unapproved changes to historic buildings!
Unisex bathrooms sound... well, un-ideal. Again we probably come at this from different worlds. Where I'm from you GTFO the ladies' room, no questions asked. It's incredibly strange to think a male would actually want to go in one. I think I've been in a women's bathroom all of once, when I was blind drunk. Even then I was mortified on a primal level when a woman walked in with her kid.

That would be in the backwards shithole of Kingston. I think at some point the civilised West lost sight of the balance between rights and obligations. I'm sure 99% of transwomen are harmless. The problem is that a certain percentarge of any human population are arrant criminals who'll happily take whatever in is presented to them. There's probably no ideal answer here, for no more complicated reason than the basic human need to shit and piss. Again, this is why I don't think much about the public bathroom debacle.
I'm somewhat less than excited about bad faith nonsense about things that generally don't happen as a convenient way for people to feel good about coming up with bad solutions 'to protect women,' which they didn't care about before it gave them a means to get at marginalized people.
All I can say is you're barking up the wrong tree here Ed. I'm not interested in getting at anyone. If I was, I'd tell you, this being as near to a No Shame Zone as it gets.

I mean... a burning desire to hurt trans people. What the fuck? What'd be the point? Take that, tragically afflicted person! Har har!

I got called a faggot and a pussy and a quare and a battybwoy more times growing up in the shithole I did than you've probably had hot dinners. I've an affinity for the outcast and an ingrained disgust for the cruel. Within reason.

Here are people I want to hurt: 1) Ariel Castro (dead) 2) Phillip Garrido 3) Josef Fritzl. When I say "hurt," I mean "systematically torture to death, over the span of a week or so, before donating the intact brain to medical science in the vain hopes of perhaps understanding where these people come from."

I'd add a few guys I grew up with, but they're all either destitute or doing multiple life terms with no chance of parole. \(O_O)/

An aspersion too far, I'm again forced to object!
For extra fun, I've had - in the space of one discussion - one person accuse me of being anti-Black for mentioning Caster Semenya was subject to anti-trans hysteria because she was intersex, while another person from the same team also chimed in to say she didn't deserve to run with the women. I wonder what the common thread is that lets one person be pro-Semenya, while another is anti-Semenya? Just bigotry.
Makes sense, I'm sad to say. You definitely would be read as anti-black in my yard, because they really, really don't put up with IDPOL strictures - even cunnilingus, one of the Lord's great mercies to his outcast children imo, is reviled as an imposition of The White Man - and in fact are rabidly opposed to any and all tolerance of non-heteronormative lifestyles. Horrifyingly, they regularly go far beyond merely objecting at the chick with a dick running with the other chicks (I can understand - women are shit at fighting, and shit at sports), to burning down said CwD's house with them and their family barricaded inside (aaand this is why I'm ashamed of my country, left home at 18, and am horribly skeptical of ever moving my family back there, despite their being more likely to end up trapped in a cell with a rapist if we stay put).
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:So it's a big conspiracy between the London police chief, George Soros, and antifa?
Another scarecrow just flew past my window! It seems to happen a lot when I post ITT. :o
Well yeah, there's a reason I posed it as a question. You've been obnoxiously vague this whole conversation.

I post something kiwifarms did to keffals with police reports to back it up, you respond, "but did it REEEEEEEAAAALLLLY happen that way???" and start furiously arching your eyebrow like you're having a stroke. Eventually I'm gonna have to start spitballing what you might mean to get this conversation out of the ditch.

So here's my new guess: Are you claiming a Henry II defense? Where all Moon did was post dox on keffals then exclaim "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" and how could he possibly have known that four drunken incels would act on his offhand remark?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Ed Oscuro wrote:It's almost as if there are actually systems in place to catch sex pests, and sometimes they work!
What's even better are ounce-of-prevention boundaries to keep sexual predators away from girls and women in vulnerable places. The smashing of these protective barriers is not the good kind of progress.
"But there still could be violence against the poor women?" Well, yeah, there *could* be. But there also *is* a lot of totally unnecessary harassment of people just trying to wash their hands, including many women who don't "look right" to the self-appointed bathroom police. We don't have statistics on this but it's happening enough that it definitely counts as Making Life Worse For Women.
There has been and will continue to be, so we have the safety of girls and women on one hand and the fragile egos of cosplaying men on the other. The kind of important historical fight progressives are left with in 2022. "We don't have statistics" on hand washer harassment "but it's happening enough" is important but the "5+" cases of extreme violence directed at women by men in places designated for women only is too anecdotal. This need to be constantly advocating for ever smaller "marginalized" groups keeps resulting in bizarro world scenarios like this, and it really does seem like women get burned the most.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:Well yeah, there's a reason I posed it as a question. You've been obnoxiously vague this whole conversation.
A question, oh ok, phew. One I've answered already, and will again shortly down this post - you understand my confusion!

Wait, I've been vague? :shock: :lol: Between you, AMB, and now Ed rolling up with a truckload of aspersions and obfuscations for me to sift through / hose myself off of, I'm genuinely surprised to hear that. On this page, apropos of nothing but moderate skepticism, I've been visited by the ghosts of George Orwell (Ed: a funny story on thought crimes in Blighty 20XX Image), Adolf Hitler and his elite bodyguard, and their on/off frenemy JK Rowling. Quite the selection. Like watching some unfortunate IDPOL SuperFriends zoom past my house in their ride "THE BBC EXPRESS," straight off a cliff. Again. (picture a giant black rooster spraypainted on the side of a windowless white paedo-van driven by Jimmy Savile)

I can't say I enjoy watching you all flail away at scarecrows, because we're all Shumps Friends here. But there's an innately mirthful satisfaction in being missed by miles while chilling elsewhere. It is a little wearying having to restate my Totes Not Dr. Mengele's Ghost bona fides over and over. Do they ever get written down anywhere, or does the slate reset every time some CHUD like me questions the unnervingly cavalier approach to other people's bodies, and minds, and children that appears increasingly en vogue ATM?

I feel like we're back to two years ago, when I casually mentioned my nationality, and your instant response was to racially abuse me. Image You did apologise - graciously accepted - and I told you not to worry about it. This is mostly because we are Shumps Friends, a bond of brotherhood beyond even that of JO Buddies, but also because I understand that as a Yank, you are naturally a little insulated. And why wouldn't you be? The US is the cultural capital of our hemisphere, you have a ton of other shit to think about. I'm the same to a lesser extent, having spent well over half my life in the UK.

I'd appreciate a similar charity on the Not A Nazi, Just A Random Dad front, but if not, that's ok I guess. \(O_O)/
I post something kiwifarms did to keffals with police reports to back it up, you respond, "but did it REEEEEEEAAAALLLLY happen that way???" and start furiously arching your eyebrow like you're having a stroke.
We keep coming back to this. We still don't know who swatted who, or why. The world-class police work you intimate towards here? An email from some spoof website reading "I KILL TRANY, SIGNED KIWIFARM." Amazingly enough, MTG's swatter is ALSO a farmer, a moderator even! It's like the site is your one-stop shop for plausible deniability. It's a reputation they've earned, absolutely, being a bunch of dox-happy asswipes. Doesn't make any of these "claims of responsibility" less flimsy.

"UR MUM FAT LMAO - SIGNED KIWIFARM" <-- that's the note I just taped to next door's Land Rover, the snooty cunts.

Believe me, if someone accused your good self or anyone else on similar grounds, I'd be similarly recalcitrant. At no point has this thing gone beyond the standard of childish pantomime. Well, really fucked pantomime, considering all the swatting.

You'll note this to have been my unchanging position ever since you proffered Roberts' official narrative to the rest of us in here. "OBNOXIOUSLY VAGUE" Image Image
Eventually I'm gonna have to start spitballing what you might mean to get this conversation out of the ditch.
Are you in the bushes outside my house with a high-powered rifle, or something? Image I'm pretty sure I'll survive the withering assault of "Mischief Maker" on "Doctor Richard Penis." Less theatrical, PLS :cool:
So here's my new guess: Are you claiming a Henry II defense? Where all Moon did was post dox on keffals then exclaim "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" and how could he possibly have known that four drunken incels would act on his offhand remark?
AFAIK, there was no request to begin with. Love/hate/indifferent to the farms, there's no "rid of" culture there. Why would you machinegun your laughingstocks? That's more of a Bolshie thing, ironically.

From my august readings of the handy timeline, at some point in the last year, Lucas Roberts / "Keffals" became known to the wider internet as "that vacuous dead-eyed Twitch creep who says 'LOL I RATIO U' on Twitter a lot." A kerfuffle with famously testy manlet Steve Bonnell / "Destiny" ensued, which left the angry midget without his Twitch income (?). Roberts then intimated he would be taking down "the final boss of transphobes," one Josh Moon, and things picked up from there to here.

Now, I will go and read Roberts' thread, again, to iron out the precise timescale, and get back to you! But that is the gist of what I know. For now, anecdotally, despite painting himself as FARMS TARGET ALPHA, the general vibe around this waste of space prior to all this kicking off was generally "Who? 'Ratio?' What?" (I was here, until you refreshed us all on matters)

(crossposting the below so as not shit up CMoon's lovely thread 3;)
The Movies Thread wrote:Polie Story
AKA The Assassination of MundaneMatt by The Coward Metokur :cool: Ah, the good old days before all this shite. Even lovable MUNDANEMATT was swatted! :O He blamed KEEMSTAR, then walked it back like a GREAT BIG PUSSY LMAO.

You know, again, I'd love some sort of police/legislative work to come out of this, so these tedious cunts can get nailed to the nearest wall. Image
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Post by Durandal »

BIL wrote:
Durandal wrote:Like the One Ring or the Black Pearl of Ys, I believe we're better off casting this and anything trying to be like it into the blazing fires of the sun rather than fooling ourselves into thinking we can control it. We're already grappling with mass surveillance over our internet behavior by megacorps, we don't need yet another Panopticon.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's any great improvement to have one's internet presence hostage to whoever commands the biggest mob, the dirtiest rags, and the most effective criminals. Panopticon versus mob rule.
I view them both as part of the same machine. Sauron ain't much without the One Ring, so seeing both somehow throwing hands and weaken eachother is a net positive outcome. It may seem like another victory for mob rule, but given that the mob attacked the arms dealer it was secretly dependent on, it's doubtful how much they gained from it. A mob is less threatening without the internet-equivalent of loaded firearms.

KiwiFarms may claim that it's only in it for 'artistic' purposes and that it does its due diligence by eliminating those who get into the way of their voyeur fetish, but then it's a massive design flaw to leave all that information on its targets publicly accessible on the world wide internet where any (nominally) unaffiliated third party can use the uncovered information to fuck shit up themselves. Given the growing ideological obsessions of its admin (his 'radical feminist' bent, as the mummies of Mumsnet optimistically saw it), I'd even venture to say it's a hole left intentionally unpatched. Its users either don't realize it or merely pretend not to.
Again, it's about principle. I just don't think greenlighting kids to mutilate their bodies and wreck their endocrine systems is in any way conscionable.
Don't know where you're getting that from, but a cursory glance at Her- I mean His Majesty's Royal NHS's webpage for gender dysphoric care shows that for children it primarily extends to psychological therapy and puberty blockers. No full-on hormones until you're 16, and no snipping anything until you're 16 in Scotland, or 17 in England, or 18 in Wales, and even then you need to have socially transitioned for over a year before they even give you the go-ahead for surgery.

The drugs given to child patients are puberty blockers, which have been vetted and made available since the 1980s to treat precocious puberty. Given the circa four decades they have been in use, we know that most of their effects are reversible. The remaining point of concern still lies with the long-term consequences of lack of bone growth if someone decides to go off puberty blockers, which we don't know much about yet. That risks and side-effects exist is the case with most medicine, which M.D.'s are obligated to inform you about, and if a lack of informed consent is what worries you, then that's a different subject. We still use such medicine if it ends up being a net positive to the patient's health, which in the case of puberty blockers/HRT being used to treat gender dysphoria and associated suicidal ideation, is currently the best shot available. If there's any better less painful options, people would be glad to hear it. But to dismiss one form of treatment purely because "it has side-effects at all" is a bit myopic when looking at medicine at large, and it's just wasting everyone's time if no alternative solution is even provided. Doing nothing and twiddling our thumbs isn't exactly an option either.

Anyways, this means you can't go in and immediately get some titty skittles or top/bottom surgery over the counter just like that. It also means you need to first bug your parents repeatedly to take you some big fuckoff town like London or Leeds, and undergo a mandatory several months of boring meetings where doctors interrogate you to see whether you're not just in it for teh lulz before they refer you to a specialized gender clinic. The amount of hassle involved cannot be overstated. But this is merely the first step. The second step is sitting multiple years on the famous NHS' waiting list alongside the adult patients before you can even begin just having a talk with the doctors:
And this is only ONE of the UK clinics wrote:
  • Number of people on our waiting list: 11,407
  • We are currently offering first appointment to people who were referred in: January 2018
Hoooeeeey! Look at the fads kids these days are getting into! That must be one long-ass fad! Doubly impressive given how social media accelerated the rate at which trends rise and fall! These people must be rather determined to wait three or four years just to join a passing fad! Hell, it lasts so long that many patients have since become adults while waiting, and they've been waiting a while even before COVID happened! You need to either P2W your way to a private clinic or know all the pro speedrunner strats as a wee babby if you want to have a snowball's chance of hopping on gender drugs in the UK before you turn 18. It seems someone up there has decided that "growing out of it" also applies to adults, and that the most humane option is to simply make people give up on this traject out of sheer despair over its tortuous length. You now probably understand why there's these online gray market DIY HRT services popping up everywhere.
Rob wrote:
Ed Oscuro wrote:It's almost as if there are actually systems in place to catch sex pests, and sometimes they work!
What's even better are ounce-of-prevention boundaries to keep sexual predators away from girls and women in vulnerable places.
By funneling those sexual predators back to... men and boys in vulnerable places? :|
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:Now, I will go and read Roberts' thread, again, to iron out the precise timescale, and get back to you! But that is the gist of what I know.
Yeah that's the thing. The gist of what you know comes from the kiwifarms thread. A fantastical narrative of people faking their deaths and SWAT-ing themselves and their relatives, all in the kamikaze attempt to bring down an overgrown chris-chan fan forum and the angelic being of pure light who runs it.

Case in point:
BIL wrote:EDIT: Ha ha, oh wow. Who could've seen this narrative coming? Ride me harder daddy!

Can't seem to find that story on the actual Kotaku site: ... 3021932358

Maybe you shouldn't put your trust in a bunch of creepy cyberstalkers endlessly looking to relive the high of trolling chris-chan.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Air Master Burst »

I don't know anything about random streamers nor do I care. I just don't really like all the casual bigotry.

If you can manage to complain about Black people you don't like without resorting to racial slurs, surely you can do the same thing for other minorities. Unless you just enjoy using slurs, in which case, fair enough I guess.

There are already laws against assaulting people in bathrooms. It's not like more laws will make that any more illegal, and trying to enforce it seems impossible and problematic.

I'll never understand why anyone worries so much about what other peoples' children are doing. Shouldn't that be something for them and maybe their families to figure out? Maybe people should stick to worrying about their own kids.

And that's all I've got. You beat me, I'm done with this thread. Just please keep the slurs and shit out of the gaming threads, the casual ableism is annoying enough already ("retarded" seems to be the new go-to slur for anything bad now that people can't get away with calling everything gay anymore),
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Durandal wrote:I view them both as part of the same machine. Sauron ain't much without the One Ring, so seeing both somehow throwing hands and weaken eachother is a net positive outcome. It may seem like another victory for mob rule, but given that the mob attacked the arms dealer it was secretly dependent on, it's doubtful how much they gained from it. A mob is less threatening without the internet-equivalent of loaded firearms.
I'm really not unsympathetic to those who'd kill off the farms. The doxing subculture is unhelpful, at very best (not an uncommon sentiment on the forums themselves, and who can blame them, after the motherlode of ammunition it's given the latest round of grifters?).

Unfortunately, the methods currently on display, while the most effective yet seen, are no better than rolling up to Josh Moon's house and burning the place down IRL. Were this a case of mutually assured destruction I'd probably have a laugh and forget about it, but it seems rather more one-sided at present.
BIL wrote:Again, it's about principle. I just don't think greenlighting kids to mutilate their bodies and wreck their endocrine systems is in any way conscionable.
Don't know where you're getting that from, but a cursory glance at Her- I mean His Majesty's Royal NHS's webpage for gender dysphoric care shows that for children it primarily extends to psychological therapy and puberty blockers. No full-on hormones until you're 16, and no snipping anything until you're 16 in Scotland, or 17 in England, or 18 in Wales, and even then you need to have socially transitioned for over a year before they even give you the go-ahead for surgery.
Child sacrifices do pay off, it seems. Image
The drugs given to child patients are puberty blockers, which have been vetted and made available since the 1980s to treat precocious puberty. Given the circa four decades they have been in use, we know that most of their effects are reversible. The remaining point of concern still lies with the long-term consequences of lack of bone growth if someone decides to go off puberty blockers, which we don't know much about yet.
I've seen the damage cases resulting from ten year-olds being put on puberty blockers - at some point I have to say enough's enough, that's enough ruined children, maybe it's time to maybe look at less invasive treatments for gender dysphoria (like the counseling options you mention).

As relayed a page back (regrettably using the falsified bait story of a riveting animal attack!) - I once had the option of going on medication to arrest a then-rampant case of premature MPB. There was a risk it'd cause my dick n' balls to perma-die, or my children to be born headless. As with precocious puberty/gender dysphoria, the drugs in question weren't developed for arresting MPB at all. They're for prostate cancer sufferers, and like many cancer treatments, they're scattershot.

If I didn't have the cash and the genetics to sidestep the matter entirely, I'd probably have gone for it. And maybe I'd be fine. Or not. Who'd care, anyway? 30 is already a scandalously long life by natural standards. I'm not unsympathetic or unfamiliar to the plight of desperate people with no good options for what's tormenting them. I'm just incredibly uneasy at giving ten year-olds license to play similar games of chicken.

I've said all I can on the matter. I'm uneasy with current options, in brief. I appreciate your thoroughness here.
Rob wrote:
Ed Oscuro wrote:It's almost as if there are actually systems in place to catch sex pests, and sometimes they work!
What's even better are ounce-of-prevention boundaries to keep sexual predators away from girls and women in vulnerable places.
By funneling those sexual predators back to... men and boys in vulnerable places? :|
A man trapped in a cell with a rapist is an awful scenario, and yet the authorities managed to come up with, and implement, the even worse one of a woman trapped in a cell with a rapist.
Mischief Maker wrote:
BIL wrote:Now, I will go and read Roberts' thread, again, to iron out the precise timescale, and get back to you! But that is the gist of what I know.
Yeah that's the thing. The gist of what you know comes from the kiwifarms thread. A fantastical narrative of people faking their deaths and SWAT-ing themselves and their relatives, all in the kamikaze attempt to bring down an overgrown chris-chan fan forum and the angelic being of pure light who runs it.
"Fantastical?" A 100k CAD payday is anything but, that's cold hard cash baby!

You can't have your cake and eat it too with the "obsessive cyber-stalkers" - they keep pretty decent receipts, a damn sight more than I've seen from Roberts' camp. I could've assembled a hefty dossier without the slightest whiff of flightless bird, then dumped it ITT. I didn't, because I think this forum has already been shat up quite enough with this tedious, monotone, dead-eyed creep.

He's even shitting up my Ethan Ralph content. To be fair, that's mostly because Ralph is a quad-titted, split-gunted man/hog hybrid who'll rim anyone he thinks can secure his next trough-load of pig slop. But the point stands. I'm sick and tired of fishboy over here.
Case in point:
Too slow, get a band-aid for that brutal ninja cut! Image Unlike some, I do my research and retract when I determine I've been had. Image
Maybe you shouldn't put your trust in a bunch of creepy cyberstalkers endlessly looking to relive the high of trolling chris-chan.
True - I should probably put my trust in a bunch of self-professed child-predating grifters with vested financial interests in peddling their outlandish victim narratives to credulous suckers and rubes.

Fuck, wait. That's how we ended up here in the first place!
Air Master Burst wrote:If you can manage to complain about Black people you don't like without resorting to racial slurs, surely you can do the same thing for other minorities. Unless you just enjoy using slurs, in which case, fair enough I guess.
It's trivial for anyone with a basic grasp of recent history to reduce the usual suspects' reputes to ribbons, using only the most impeccably neutral, forensics-grade language. It largely doesn't matter - nobody in these people's corners will so much as flinch, and the unaware aren't here.

I just find it all a bit amusing, stranger than fiction, etc. Holding out for a Brianna Gets Charged With Fraud arc that'll never come. 3;
I'll never understand why anyone worries so much about what other peoples' children are doing. Shouldn't that be something for them and maybe their families to figure out? Maybe people should stick to worrying about their own kids.
Yeah I know, our own kids right? :O Poor Leafs. As if having an unapologetic racist with a minstrel fetish for a PM wasn't bad enough.

With literal Thought Police operating full-blast in England at the moment, and the already-diabolical reputation of the family courts (look up "adoption quotas," then look up "Baby P," for an idea of their not-at-all villainous bent), you'll have to forgive the uneasy sense of many that things could get worse. :lol:
the casual ableism is annoying enough already ("retarded" seems to be the new go-to slur for anything bad now that people can't get away with calling everything gay anymore),
Ok, finally an answer. Is it "retarded" that's got you down on my Hard Gayming posts? 3: I'm old, I don't know what a "casual ableism" is. Can I eat it? Can I fuck it? Does it smell nice when set on fire, and/or will it release dangerous fumes?

I'll stop saying that word, in that case. You have to understand, I'm still burning off a short lifetime of repressed gradeschooler idiocy, and I regrettably find words like "homo" and "faggor" (sounds like a He-Man villain!) and "retard" to be 101% HIGH-GRADE COMEDY DYNAMITE. :shock: There's no deeper malice, or indeed deeper anything at all.

YOU JUST CAN'T BELIEVE the joy I did receive when, while JAMMING HARD to Compile's BLASTER BURN OST (do you dig MUSHA ALESTE? Give that a listen, it'll blow your socks off Image), I saw it featured enemies with names like GAYOU, FAGTOR, and (Christ, I'm tempted to request an account rename on this last one...) U-CAT! Image

U-CAT FI DEAD Image Image Image

I'm a man of terrible vice, AMB-kun! Don't click this, it's a top-secret design doc for my next porn game TREASURE OF THE ARABIA:

Ancient sadness of desert sands
An unending hymn of praise
To the Sanhedrin of Sheol

Here's the one in whom my soul delights
Close enough to touch yet out of reach
Everything is real, everything dies

You see? He just likes the corn. Why do people have to be so judgemental. But the last thing I want to do is hurt Shumps Bros. 3; So here is a cast-iron guarantee that when PWNING NOOBS VERBALLY, I will call them other names! Image
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Mischief Maker
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

You know what, BIL? I've decided to look at this whole thing your way, and I think I prefer your interpretation. It's so much funnier.

Josh Moon thought he was king shit of troll mountain. Hell, people were faking their deaths to escape his ire! So cocky he included a kill count on his site.

But when keffals publicly announced she was coming for him...


...he still got rope-a-doped like a dumbass.

Even though he knew keffals had an army that brought down Destiny, that ratio'ed JK Rowling, he still came at her with the standard Dox package and all the stink that was going to come with it. And she took full advantage of that stink. Used it to beat London police department into submission so they were too scared to try and Smollet her self-SWATing.

He thought he was so badass with his technique of Doxing his lolcow's employers so he could get them fired, but keffals didn't have a boss. Whoops! And then...


...keffals hit back at his corporate service providers, tearing down his site from the very foundation.

And Josh Moon didn't have the discipline over his rag-tag army of incel chuds that keffals had over her own army. He couldn't stop them from making horrendous posts about wanting to hunt her down and kill her, providing more and more ammunition. And when he went on the defensive and tried to rally public sympathy to his cause, his brain was so poisoned from perpetual online edgelording that he compared his site to 8chan and daily fucking stormer! Oh to see the great slayer of autistis brought low by his own lack of social awareness.

But the best part of all of it, she managed something Moon never did even at his chris-chan peak: turned the trolling into cash money! It's like a real-life version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels! He thought she was his lolcow, but she made him the ultimate lolcow.

Because in the end bigots, transphobes especially, are weak and stupid. They're so obsessed with being "forced" to sleep with T-girls they can't see straight. Josh Moon was capable of bullying neurodivergent people, but a bad bitch like keffals played on his ego and sexual confusion and got rich while leaving him so radioactive even Russian ISPs won't touch him! Outplayed and brought low by a mere "troon," how pathetic!


Bravo, keffals!
Last edited by Mischief Maker on Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:You know what, BIL? I've decided to look at this whole thing your way, and I think I prefer your interpretation. It's so much funnier.
Just a sec, there's a few kernels of your usual wish-thinking to pick out of your tastelessly GIF-packed post. :cool:
Even though he knew keffals had an army that brought down Destiny, that ratio'ed JK Rowling,
Having actually watched Lucas's streams, I've gone from neutral to persuadable on the subject of his using bots. I've never seen a duller, more monotone fish-eyed autist. What is his appeal to you, if you don't mind me asking? Other than tribalism - let's take that one as read.
...keffals hit back at his corporate service providers, tearing down his site from the very foundation.
I didn't think it was worth pointing out the bowdlerisation on your part - you know full well what you're doing - but since it's come around again, what happened was Cloudflare withdrew their DDOS protection from the site, allowing the usual DDOSers-for-hire to do their work.

They're still at it, apparently, something like 10Gbps+ and hundreds of login attempts a second? Image The site's still up in spite of that - I suppose there's a limit to even the most blatant arsonism.
And Josh Moon didn't have the discipline over his rag-tag army of incel chuds that keffals had over her own army. He couldn't stop them from posting horrendous posts about wanting to hunt her down and kill her, providing more and more ammunition.
Is that the Totes Legit XTREEM DEATH THREAT, from a dead account, that someone, somehow, managed to screencap with the "EDIT" button visible, before it'd been deluged in negrates and deleted some twenty minutes later? Keeping up your usual impeccable standards of evidence, I see. :lol:
But the best part of all of it, she managed something Moon never did even at his chris-chan peak: turned the trolling into cash money! It's like a real-life version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels! He thought she was his lolcow, but she made him the ultimate lolcow.
MM, I get the feeling you're a bit new to all this side of the internet - cashing in on fake victim narratives with the farms as bogeyman (source: Trust me bro) has seen multiple scam artists rake in six-figure incomes, with many smaller fish gobbling up whatever scraps they can. What you mistakenly view as a pioneer is just the latest in a nearly decade-long line of grifters.

It's not some great love of the site or its culture that's seen me slap down each and every one of your posts here, ever since you obediently recited the party line for us all. It's more of a resigned amusement that even highly intelligent people, like you, turn into mindless drones when their tribe is on the warpath.
Because in the end bigots, transphobes especially, are weak and stupid. As Rob so kindly demonstrated, they're so obsessed with being "forced" to sleep with T-girls they can't see straight.
I like your total ducking of my post on this matter - classy, and to be expected when your argument has all the depth of a burning oil-slick. :cool:

The funny thing is, over the last few months, I can only recall you, a blindly credulous tribalist, and Air Master Burst, who is gay, pushing these fantasies of straight men harbouring a secret raging lust for cock, or whatever horrific thing Lucas and co are packing nowadays.

I asked you both why it was that black populations, known to be violently homophobic, don't seem to come under the same scrutiny for their vocal disgust of trans people. Or indeed, any scrutiny at all. You might think it's a far-off tangent, but it really comes back to the root of this entire dishwater-dull conversation; the one that saw you bring this matter here, for what I assume you thought would be unquestioning acceptance. It all comes down to brainless, unthinking tribalism.

I don't think you're gay, I hasten to add. Not that I'd care. I just think you've latched onto yet another party line to bleat out when challenged, say, when I point out the veritable cottage industry of articles from major sites and blogs suggesting I'd be a better-rounded, more sensitive and insightful man, if I entertained the notion of sucking a dick, or getting fucked in the ass, or fucking an open wound, or taking up cuckoldry - a polite "No thanks" greeted with followup accusations of X-phobia or "genital fetishism."

I guess what I'm saying is yeah, from an outsider's perspective, there's a decided enthusiasm among the mainstream US/UK press to have men "explore their boundaries," lately. I don't really care - as explained, I'm from a lamentably barbaric place for anyone not visibly heteronormative, I worry more for the safety of LGB people, if anything - but your comment on Rob is a bit near gaslighting for me to say nothing.

Well anyway, old buddy, not to burn out too quickly. As I said, I think the really interesting stuff is yet to come - perhaps if those DDOS colonies get linked to names and faces. It always comes crashing down when somebody gets their feefees hurt, and starts to talk.

Last edited by BIL on Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Mischief Maker
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:cashing in on fake victim narratives with the farms as bogeyman (source: Trust me bro) has seen multiple scam artists rake in six-figure incomes, with many smaller fish gobbling up whatever scraps they can.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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