I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Sturmvogel Prime wrote:Finished R-Type Final 2 on R-Typer 3 difficulty without dying once.
First and last time, hope I don't have to do that again (until I pick the PS4 port)
As a guy who hasn't even finished it on normal yet, this impresses the hell out of me. Do you have a ballpark figure on how many hours you've put into the game so far? I'm curious how much road I might have in front of me.

Also, that R-99 ship looks cool as hell.
beer gas canister wrote:Got my first 1CC ever in Crimzon Clover Novice! So hyped. Thanks to this forum for providing the resources to figure it out. These games are so special.
Congrats, are you going to keep going at it for the normal clear? I haven't beaten the last boss yet, but overall I think the normal mode is fairly well balanced if you have the double break mechanics figured out.
Ice Beam wrote:1-all for Tiger Heli (M2 Toaplan Garage, PS4). Bullets firing the same instance a tank appears makes me mad.

So a chapter from my youth is finally closed, when my ADHD-addled self didn't know what 1ccs or 1-alls were. I'd flit from machine to machine, dumping tokens until I got bored, and then off to the next machine, ignoring the stink-eye the boomers at the pinball machines gave me as I ran around like a nut.

Decades (and medication) later, I can sit down at Tiger Heli and finally finish the thing.
This genre must be like therapy for ADHD people. It's a pure test of will that increases anyone's ability to stick through a challenge, but also rewards hyperfixation.
Steven wrote: Good thing Toaplan figured out (invented?) bullet sealing for Slap Fight and later STGs.
You know, I was literally just playing Same!³ (MD) right before this, got sniped close up a couple of times and had to wonder if sealing was a thing in that game. I'm really not sure what the distance threshold for bullet sealing is there, or if certain enemies aren't affected by it.

Tangent: is it my imagination, or is the Red Impulse in Battle Garegga a tribute to the Same!³ plane? (I don't actually know what it's named, still Hisshouzame?). I almost don't want to know if it's not, the idea that they're the same plane is perfect head canon for me.

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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Steven »

You know, I was literally just playing Same!³ (MD) right before this, got sniped close up a couple of times and had to wonder if sealing was a thing in that game. I'm really not sure what the distance threshold for bullet sealing is there, or if certain enemies aren't affected by it.
I have not tested it in that game, but I want to say that only some enemies can be sealed, and I am pretty sure the Otakebi2 cannot be sealed. Those fuckers will point-blank the shit out of you! I know that for some enemy planes, if you get behind them they will never shoot at you, which is useful on stage 4 in the arcade versions at around the 2/3 point.

Actually, wait, you can seal the small boats for sure. Try on tanks, as well.
Tangent: is it my imagination, or is the Red Impulse in Battle Garegga a tribute to the Same!³ plane? (I don't actually know what it's named, still Hisshouzame?). I almost don't want to know if it's not, the idea that they're the same plane is perfect head canon for me.

Hishouzame plane = Flying Shark and Same! plane = Fire Shark. Fire Shark is the reincarnation of the Flying Shark, which was at that point considered a hero plane for fighting in the previous war, which would of course be the events of Hishouzame, although I don't know how a plane can be reincarnated. Don't think about it too much, I guess lol. This is all from the Japanese Same! Same! Same! arcade version's manual, which you can fortunately access in the gallery in the M2 ShotTriggers release.

Also don't forget that the Flying Shark's pilot is Schneider, who also later appears in Batsugun. Jeeno is apparently the dude from Out Zone, as well, which has absolutely nothing to do with this, but yeah, Hishouzame, Same! Same! Same!, Out Zone, and Batsugun all apparently take place in the same universe and share characters, which is super ultra weird to think about.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by copy-paster »

Sturmvogel Prime wrote:Finished R-Type Final 2 on R-Typer 3 difficulty without dying once.
First and last time, hope I don't have to do that again (until I pick the PS4 port)
Big GG! are you using the OP ship? and is the difficulty mostly static? I'd like to get Final 2 but rather waiting till all DLCs gets released.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Angry Hina »

The sealing in Daisenpuu (MD) was also very strict. Wasnt that useful because if you moved just a tiny bit off the enemy they instantly kill you anyway..

In the japanese difficulty thread some say Tiger Heli is as easy as Deathsmiles but I stiff have much problems with it. I think you are nearly dead if you dont have a good pattern learned for nearly every enemy group in the later 2/3 of the game. With so few freedom its also not that motivting.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by RobotParking »

Got a 1CC for Deathsmiles II Arrange mode. I know it's not the most well-liked shmup out there (and the marketing for the series has absolutely sucked ass) but I've always kinda had a soft spot for how weird this game is. Definitely need to do a second run where I actually go for score. Wanted to get a banker's lap in first, as it were.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by jehu »

RobotParking wrote:Got a 1CC for Deathsmiles II Arrange mode. I know it's not the most well-liked shmup out there (and the marketing for the series has absolutely sucked ass) but I've always kinda had a soft spot for how weird this game is. Definitely need to do a second run where I actually go for score. Wanted to get a banker's lap in first, as it were.

Congrats on the 1CC! Such a fun mode.

One of the nice things, I thought, about the release of Deathsmiles 1 + 2 last year was the community-wide reevaluation of Deathsmiles 2's legacy. Might have just been that the outdated, tradition-breaking 3D visuals in a sacred CAVE game, capped with the unusually lax difficulty and troubled launch, made it far too hard of a sell when it first dropped. Second time around the known flaws were probably easier to stomach, and the community adjusted expectations - I saw a lot of positivity and praise for the game last December.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by RobotParking »

jehu wrote:
RobotParking wrote:Got a 1CC for Deathsmiles II Arrange mode. I know it's not the most well-liked shmup out there (and the marketing for the series has absolutely sucked ass) but I've always kinda had a soft spot for how weird this game is. Definitely need to do a second run where I actually go for score. Wanted to get a banker's lap in first, as it were.

Congrats on the 1CC! Such a fun mode.

One of the nice things, I thought, about the release of Deathsmiles 1 + 2 last year was the community-wide reevaluation of Deathsmiles 2's legacy. Might have just been that the outdated, tradition-breaking 3D visuals in a sacred CAVE game, capped with the unusually lax difficulty and troubled launch, made it far too hard of a sell when it first dropped. Second time around the known flaws were probably easier to stomach, and the community adjusted expectations - I saw a lot of positivity and praise for the game last December.
Thanks! I hadn't realized the re-release had maybe spurred a critical re-evaluation. I definitely understand how the visual change might leave folks feeling cold. I've always been a sucker for rudimentary 3D work, no matter the context.

Anyways, I really enjoyed figuring out this mode. Was certainly a lighter lift than a few others but I'm really a sucker for any game that puts me in mazes of bullets and gives me the tools to slowly punch my way out.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by To Far Away Times »

I got a 1CC on Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object.

So, I'd actually done this one before, not too long after the game came out but there was a caveat. I played it on a shitty laptop and a windows process happened in the background during stage 2 that caused the game to run slightly slower than intended. My first 1CC of the game had a five percent slowdown rate, or the equivalent of running at 57 frames instead of 60. Not a huge difference, but I noted it on my 1CC list because it felt wrong if I didn't mention it. Now with all the other Touhou games 1CC'd I figured I'd take another crack at it and upgrade my 1CC.

I spent the last week on this, playing pretty much whenever I could. UFO is a demanding game. You need to not only do well with dodging but you need to handle the UFO resource system as well. The scoring system is so front and center in this game, and its a love it or hate it thing. I will say Zun really put everything he had into this game. It has some of his best stage layouts, memorable characters and a fantastic soundtrack. The game is a bit of an oddball, but out side of the "big three" (Touhou 06, 07, and 08) I think UFO might be the next best one. Either that or Subterranean Aneurysm.

So this run was pretty surprising. I had a UFO route memorized through the whole game and I fucked it up big time. I knew what UFO's would spawn but I was activating the big UFO at different times than I normally would. It ultimately ended up working out in my favor. I captured three spell cards I'd never captured before. When its meant to happen it will happen I suppose.

I can get kind of addicted to chasing 1CC's and I should probably take a break for my own sanity and focus on other things. I'll still check out the shmups farm and hang around, but I think I'll take a break from playing shmups until a big new game drops like R-Type Final 3 and play a lot more sporadically.

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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by guildenstern »

Got 1cc on Touhou Fantastic Danmaku Festival Part II. It was my first ever 1cc on anything shmup. I just dont have what it takes to play it on hard I think. I tried the Festival I but those freezing mechanics triggered a deep melancholy in my heart so I will skip that for now. Also tried esprade but I cant see a way past the second boss already. So yea, just got another random Touhou on steam, Wily Beast. Hopefuly, Its ez enough for me.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by To Far Away Times »

Nice job on the clear! The first 1CC is always a memorable experience. Wily Beast is one of the easier official games so that's probably a good place to start. Otter Spirit is pretty strong. You'll trigger an invincibility mode any time you activate your spirit mode with at least three otters. Eagle is pretty strong too.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Sengoku Strider »

I finished Thunder Force III on MD a week or so back, just went back at it and got the 1CC after a couple of epic collapses at ORN Base (I hate that stupid boss).

Having now 1CCed both Thunder Force AC and Thunder Force III, I gotta say I'm surprised that:

1) III vs AC is a serious debate, and
2) That III seems to have come out ahead given how highly it rated in past top 25s on this site.

The main argument I've heard is that III is more challenging. I played the JP version, so I don't know if the Western revision got jacked up on the difficulty. But my experience was:

Levels - the main difference is that 2 levels were replaced from III in AC. Of those two, the rocky level, Haides, is quite memorable, but also contains several of the cheapest surprise deaths in the history of shooters. When you have the game at home to play as much as you want to memorize, that's not such a big deal. But I fully understand why they'd cut that for the arcade. There are untelegraphed traps that just will kill you the first few times through.

The other cut stage, the ice level Ellis, is thoroughly forgettable. The only things of note that happen here are the brief (and simple) vertical scrolling section, and the weird face-in-a-bubble thing that you evaporate in 2 seconds flat if you have sever. Nothing much was lost here.

Meanwhile, I thought the stages AC got were pretty cool. The space level that transitions to ruins and has you making some quick darts in & out of narrow spaces for bonuses is a nice risk/reward add. I haven't finished TF II yet, but I've heard the other temple/speed tunnel stage was cobbled together from that game? Either way, it's more memorable than ice Ellis was.

And the final stage - it gets one. Imagine my surprise in TF III when I got to stage 8, beat the wiggly arms guy who it throws at you right away, and then the last boss was just sitting right there behind him.

AC loses the level select, but honestly the only purpose that served for me in III was getting Seiren out of the way first. Stages were rebalanced to be a bit easier (or really, less cheap) in AC, and Seiren really needed it. The bubble currents were toned down, and every super-fast zako the level shoots at you isn't an M1 Abrams tank. The one exception was Gorgon, the flame-geyser & fireball traps were redone in AC to be tougher, and at least one of them the player won't see coming the first time through. The other element was that lot more hidden bonuses were added in AC, that's one thing I really noticed/missed in III.

I will say though, I was pretty shocked at the bosses at first. For some reason many of them are made of paper in AC and go down in 5 seconds, making for pretty unsatisfying fights. The fire-breathing Gargoyle at the end of Hydra is a complete pushover in AC, but was actually the toughest boss in III until the Orn Base, I thought. He tagged me a number of times until I learned to just start on another stage so I'd have sever (and hopefully claw) when I got to him, which took him down much faster. On the whole III didn't take me any longer to 1CC than AC did, though granted I had some foreknowledge from finishing AC before it (though a surprising amount didn't carry over).

Ultimately you're splitting a lot of hairs here, but the one major factor that plants me firmly both feet in the AC camp is the music. AC gets two new tracks for the new stages, both of which I prefer to the previous entries which they replaced. But the real capper is that it gets an extra sound channel, and thus sounds fuller, but more importantly it doesn't get quite so drowned out by the shot firing sound effects like it does in III, or not at all if you have the definitive Switch AGES version. In a game where rockin' tunes set so much of the energy and atmosphere, that really makes a difference.

All that said though, please don't interpret me as being down on TF III. Especially in its original context, fall 1990 in the West, the end of the Genesis' first full year, there was absolutely nothing comparable to it. I love Truxton & Fire Shark, but they're not the same kind of audio-visual tour de force. The TG-16's STG standard bearer was still Blazing Lazers a year on from launch, which while wonderful just wasn't doing quite as much, or doing it quite as big. The only NES shooters released in Q3 or 4 in 1990 were Silver Surfer and the rather obscure Thunderbirds (yep, based on the puppet show). Unless you want to include Solar Jetman. Which I do not. So yeah, I get how a generation of Sega players grew up remembering Thunder Force III as being completely jaw dropping and generally all-round badass.
Steven wrote:Image
Hishouzame plane = Flying Shark and Same! plane = Fire Shark. Fire Shark is the reincarnation of the Flying Shark, which was at that point considered a hero plane for fighting in the previous war, which would of course be the events of Hishouzame, although I don't know how a plane can be reincarnated. Don't think about it too much, I guess lol. This is all from the Japanese Same! Same! Same! arcade version's manual, which you can fortunately access in the gallery in the M2 ShotTriggers release.
Oh hey, you're right. The MD version's instructions tell the same story. And it's literally written out as 'furaingu sha-ku,' lol. I did not see that coming given how kanji heavy Toaplan stuff tends to be.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Angry Hina »

Sengoku Strider wrote:And the final stage - it gets one. Imagine my surprise in TF III when I got to stage 8, beat the wiggly arms guy who it throws at you right away, and then the last boss was just sitting right there behind him.
Where is it? In AC there is only a second tentacle guy and what fallows is the game boss.
Sengoku Strider wrote:Ultimately you're splitting a lot of hairs here, but the one major factor that plants me firmly both feet in the AC camp is the music. AC gets two new tracks for the new stages, both of which I prefer to the previous entries which they replaced. But the real capper is that it gets an extra sound channel, and thus sounds fuller, but more importantly it doesn't get quite so drowned out by the shot firing sound effects like it does in III, or not at all if you have the definitive Switch AGES version. In a game where rockin' tunes set so much of the energy and atmosphere, that really makes a difference.
Cannot point at it but the III music sounds still a bit better but i cannot say what it is. I like the music of the twi new stages in AC especially of the temple stage but the III stages have far better themes for my taste.

Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by xxx1993 »

Yurukill cleared!
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by jehu »

xxx1993 wrote:Yurukill cleared!
Did you enjoy it?

Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by xxx1993 »

jehu wrote:
xxx1993 wrote:Yurukill cleared!
Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, it was pretty good! Though my only gripes with the game was the Peeping Toms being the only ones to not have a chapter for themselves, so they were just there for the sake of it, and the lack of some event CGs for certain scenes.
Like, they could have showed Raita getting stabbed, Izane cosplaying, the Peeping Toms hacking into the BR and fighting off the robots, or Rina hugging Sengoku after defeating Izane and clearing the last BR event.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Nugs »

RobotParking wrote:Got a 1CC for Deathsmiles II Arrange mode. I know it's not the most well-liked shmup out there (and the marketing for the series has absolutely sucked ass) but I've always kinda had a soft spot for how weird this game is. Definitely need to do a second run where I actually go for score. Wanted to get a banker's lap in first, as it were.
I really like DS2. Scoring is fun as well just due to the amount of stuff on screen at once.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by GGA_HAN »

The local arcade (Galloping Ghost Arcade) got Vritra Hexa, so I wanted to see what the series was all about. So far I've cleared the "Arcade" difficulty, linked below:


This version of the game "Vritra Complete Edition" is pretty good, but I know there's additional weapons and new stages for the exA version.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by bcass »

GGA_HAN wrote:The local arcade (Galloping Ghost Arcade)
Wow, lucky you. I thought I was lucky living near Bury Arcade Club here in the UK, which is IIRC Europe's biggest arcade, but GGA is an even more impressive collection. Would love to have that place on my doorstep.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Angry Hina wrote:
Sengoku Strider wrote:And the final stage - it gets one. Imagine my surprise in TF III when I got to stage 8, beat the wiggly arms guy who it throws at you right away, and then the last boss was just sitting right there behind him.
Where is it? In AC there is only a second tentacle guy and what fallows is the game boss.
Wow, you're completely right. I don't think I've finished it in 2 years, and in my memory it was way more substantial. Not only is it just an additional xerox of the initial guardian, the first phase of the Core doesn't even do much. Those bouncy balls of the first phase are easily the worst part of that stage.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by StarLightMoonLight »

I cleared the normal mode for GG Aleste earlier today, personally I thought it was very underwhelming, many of the patterns are repetitive, some of them even re-appear constantly throughout the entire game, it was also a cake walk since the homing shot is extremely powerful and the game gives you many lives to boot. I'll give the special mode a spin later, hopefully it's more engaging.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Sengoku Strider »

StarLightMoonLight wrote:I cleared the normal mode for GG Aleste earlier today, personally I thought it was very underwhelming, many of the patterns are repetitive, some of them even re-appear constantly throughout the entire game, it was also a cake walk since the homing shot is extremely powerful and the game gives you many lives to boot. I'll give the special mode a spin later, hopefully it's more engaging.
The Game Gear was positioned by Sega, certainly in Japan, as more of a system for kids. I think the design of GG Aleste 1 & 2 reflects this pretty clearly, in addition to aiming for readability on the blurry Game Gear screen. Power Strike II on the Master System from the same year as GG Aleste II shows they were certainly not averse to giving the player a run for their money with basically the exact same hardware on a different screen.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Licorice »

I just 1CC'd Serei Senshi Spriggan (emulated via libretro's Beetle PCE core via Retroarch) on my first 1CC attempt (as opposed to enjoying the game casually) on normal difficulty.

It was very enjoyable.

The weapon system is like Soldier Blade's, except different color combinations yield different weapons. Like in Soldier Blade, you collect up to 3 orbs of different (or same) colors, newer orbs replacing the least recently collected after that, and bombing using up the most recently collected. It's simpler than I describe it, and quite a cool system.

Unlike Soldier Blade, getting hit doesn't remove an orb and thus power you down, but rather kills you outright or destroys your shield if you have one. Shields are obtained via special shiny or multi color orbs that appear less frequently than standard weapon (or power up) orbs.

Three blue orbs or three orbs of mixed red and blue colors are the most powerful combinations, some (including myself) might say overpowered. These combinations allow you to cancel almost every bullet in the game with large fire or water balls that spin speedily and endlessly around your mech. Nevertheless there are still many parts of the game where that won't be of much help. For example, stage 3 and 5 have a wealth of collision hazards, and there's a few sections in stage 4 (IIRC) where your defenses will get overwhelmed by massive fire power if you're not aggressive enough. The biggest threat is the stage 5 mid-boss which fires lightning bolts and homing orbs that are uncancellable. I lost a few lives to him, but managed to pull off a recovery. Stage 6 and 7 (final boss) also forced me to lose a few and many lives respectively, as the screen can quickly fill up with homing bullets of various sorts that corner you, also 1CC nerves in the latter case. The game is extremely generous with bombs (which are also your weapon power, as explained above), shields and extends, so recovery is not only possible, but probable, although not guaranteed.

In fact, this sums up the game's difficulty, very generous and not overly punishing, but still demanding the player's attention, alertness, and the mobility of the mech in their control. Reminds me of something like the first 4 Elemental Master levels on Normal, but over 7 levels. Or more aptly, like all the stages of its descendant game Mahou Daisakusen, sans the final boss rush.

Audio-visually, the game is amazing. Amazing music, great Japanese voice acting, cool little late 80s anime style cutscenes, intro and credits, and pixel art that matches. Someone called it Evangelion (the mechs) meets Lodoss War (the backgrounds and enemies) and that's a great way to describe it (and Spriggan precedes both of those! (the latter's anime form anyway)).

I rank the game highly, and recommend it with the simple caveat that I do so as an enjoyable adventure, not a serious arcade challenge that will demand you draw routes through levels and plan resources like e.g. its great grand child Armed Police Batrider. I can't speak for the higher difficulties, but I can say I am interested in trying them out at some point.
Last edited by Licorice on Sat Sep 03, 2022 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by beer gas canister »

Sengoku Strider wrote:
Sturmvogel Prime wrote:Finished R-Type Final 2 on R-Typer 3 difficulty without dying once.
beer gas canister wrote:Got my first 1CC ever in Crimzon Clover Novice! So hyped. Thanks to this forum for providing the resources to figure it out. These games are so special.
Congrats, are you going to keep going at it for the normal clear? I haven't beaten the last boss yet, but overall I think the normal mode is fairly well balanced if you have the double break mechanics figured out.
I certainly will attempt the normal 1CC eventually. I've been going through different easy modes to build additional skills, and have since 1CC'd ESPrade Supereasy and DFK's Novice mode as well. They were WAY easier than CC.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Jonpachi »

I just get brutalized in the second loop still, but I at least hit a new PB this morning for the first loop in Outzone. Played on the ACM-V via HDMI-out to a low-lag gaming monitor (and Sega 6-Button Mini controller)

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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Licorice »

And I got the Gunnac 1CC on normal. As usual, emulated using Retroarch. Not much of an achievement. It throws a lot of resources at you.

Nonetheless, the game is very aggressive. Most of the stages are typical Compile spam, as I've come to appreciate Compile level design (lol, really there's no other word for it, when comparing to more careful layouts in contemporary games, even derivatives like Soldier Blade), save stage 6 which has terrain hazards in the form of long solar flare beams cutting off your vertical movement entirely. Almost all the bosses are forgettable. Tree level boss (stage 5?) can be dangerous if you don't have a weapon that does much damage laterally, and the final boss demands quite a bit of movement. Actually, I'm quite fond of both forms of the final boss. Very nice patterns.

Unlike with Spriggan, I actually didn't get the 1CC on my first attempt here, and "practiced" the final stage a bit before giving it a second shot. By practiced I mean just figured out the path of least resistance strategy is to spam resources all the way to the end, and then I retrofitted this "strategy" to the penultimate stage as well. Each life gives you 4 bombs, and you'll have something like 12 lives by stage 7 (second last) even if you haven't been playing that well. It feels cheesy, but a nice touch is that bomb spam isn't wholly a get out of jail free card, as you are *not* invulnerable for the duration of the bomb.

Visually, very cute designs all around, backgrounds, enemies, your ship, the shop, the opening and ending cut scenes. Music is OK but completely forgettable.

This was actually one of the first Japanese shmups I played (my childhood had just one shmup, Raptor on PC). I remember when I first played gunnac, I used to get filtered at the water stage. I've come a very very long way since then. Felt good to return to the game and have it be a mostly breezy experience.

I have quite a few 1CCs now:

Battlemania Daiginjou
Soldier Blade
Winds of Thunder
Elemental Master
Batsugun Special (1-ALL)
Armed Police Batrider (Normal Course)
Flying Hawk
Raiden Fighters 2 (with Fairy)
The Firemen
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by copy-paster »

Raiden Fighters 2 is pretty good, I think you should revisit them with regular ships/slave next time. Fairy is too OP and one bomb = dead boss basically.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by bcass »

We need a thumbs-up button on posts for this thread. Only this thread though. I'd hate to see this forum degenerate into the popularity cesspits that most other forums have become.
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Jonpachi »

Mushi Normal/Original on Switch!


Put up a clip of the final boss fight on my feed: https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYlNZluM9a/
Formerly known as 8 1/2. I return on my second credit!
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by blazinglazers69 »

bcass wrote:We need a thumbs-up button on posts for this thread. Only this thread though. I'd hate to see this forum degenerate into the popularity cesspits that most other forums have become.
I feel that. Anonymous posting? Endless troll-farming and toxicity overtakes it. Voting? Mediocre hivemind/lowest common denominator and lack of nuance overtakes it. Forums are for communicating! So just communicate and tell people they're good at pew-pewing 8) This has been talked about elsewhere on this board, but like, it's NICE that this place doesn't change. I applaud the mods for just letting this place just do its thing without a bunch of tinkering. I like those repeating star patterns in the background, goddammit. It's awesome. Let it be.
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Angry Hina
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Re: I DID IT! Share your latest 1CCs/other triumphs here...

Post by Angry Hina »

Could not less agree with that (+1 :D )
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