The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by orange808 »

Help me understand.

Why was Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani found guilty on every charge against him while CEO Elizabeth Holmes was only found guilty on a small fraction of the crimes she definitely committed (she's guilty).

We all know why. It's bollocks. They both did it. Punish them equally.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Somewhere between Dave Chappelle's ineffectual - but by no means trivial - tackling, and Shinzo Abe's assassination via two shotgun blasts to the back, Salman Rushdie gets stabbed in the neck at some speaking event.

Not surprising at all tbh, the guy's an old hand at this stuff. I hope he pulls through, or at the least, that someone murders Cat Stevens in suitably gory fashion to even things out.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote:Salman Rushdie gets stabbed in the neck at some speaking event.
Damn. Yeah. I guess you remember Stevens actually came out publicly to endorse the Ayatollah's declaration of death on Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses. I suppose it was somewhat overshadowed by the collapse of the USSR, but it sticks out in my memory.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Oh yeah, the Cat Stevens thing was probably my earliest political memory. We were living in England at the time, where the nice pop music man cheerfully suggesting the bespectacled writer man be slaughtered like subhuman vermin made the evening news for a week or so. That and the pro-fatwa riots, far elsewhere in the country. (we lived in Rural Whiteyford, in what must've been a rare ebb of the frothing racism I've since been assured - by lily-white English people - ruled our little cobbled lanes :O)

Seems Rushdie might lose an eye, some nerve damage to the arm, liver damage. Nasty, that last one, let alone for a man in his mid-seventies.

Catboy pisses me off. We've an unfortunate habit in the West of bowdlerising savagery, airbrushing away blood and guts. Got a fridge full of Angus fillet steaks for the weekend. I don't know how my maternal grandparents coped with raising the poor things from calves. If things go to shit like Bryan's always saying, I suppose I'll find out. Even rhetorically, though. The pseud who's currently head of the Catholic church likening the Charlie Hebdo slaughter to "a punch," for example. What he means is "shredded bowels and brain matter spattering an office cubicle," but truth would ruin his gossamer-thin rhetoric. Elegantly and innocently, like a boulder going through a spiderweb.

Cat Stevens, the spineless, weaselling, petty-tyrannical little shit that he is, likewise enjoyed mooting the butchering of blasphemers - suitably elided for his pampered Western sensibilities. So he "joked" about Rushdie being burnt alive, among other things, then proceeded to make a tortured, multi-decade meal out of the widespread disgust he'd provoked.

I get being a pussy. I even get being religious. But to be a dishonest about it? Taking the piss. So I'm A-OK with the notion of Cat Stevens being shot, stabbed, then burnt alive. I'd have a disgusted laugh about it, as I would similar befalling anyone else of his persuasions. It's the fate he happily prescribed for others at safe distance, and he's had two out of three wishes granted thus far, albeit by unfortunate Norwegian and Japanese proxies.

Like starving a Nazi to the brink of death, then punting him into a gas chamber.

I wonder what he'll have to say about this event. I can well guess what he might feel about it, but I've a morbid fascination with the Blasphemy Law elephant currently shitting and pissing all over the carpet, and I enjoy watching its handlers make excuses for it.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote:We've an unfortunate habit in the West of bowdlerising savagery, airbrushing away blood and guts.
I had a particularly good class called "The Politics of Verticality," that was taught by an expert in hostage negotiation from Belfast who was a liaison to (not for) the IRA, and he had us read up many such accounts. One essay that really stuck out was written about British landscape painting in South Africa; during the Boer Wars, some of the most famous paintings of the genre were completed overlooking what were confirmed to be active battlefields. The kicker is that none of them had any bodies painted in them; they quite literally painted the blood and guts out of the scenes, presumably because they had spent a lot of money to travel there and didn't feel like being inconvenienced by the circumstances. That's some seriously fucked up shit
Got a fridge full of Angus fillet steaks for the weekend. I don't know how my maternal grandparents coped with raising the poor things from calves.
Can't do it anymore. Looked a cow straight in the eyes about 6 years ago and I haven't eaten any of it or anything else like that since. Sure I miss it, but I can have the Impossible stuff and maybe someday there will be an impossible steak or something. Idk, call me whatever but I just can't do it anymore; I start sobbing when I think of what happens to them.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Ha, no I get that totally. Poor things. Back home we've always let our cousin keep his herd on our land, they take the long grass right down. And poop all over it, but what can you do? Everything poops, curse of flesh. Sun dries it out pretty good, probably good for the soil tbh. I was never a big steak guy until I moved here, divorced from so much as grass, let alone livestock. Easy to not think about that stuff, or much at all.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by vol.2 »

We are all cancelled for cooking at home. Either that or it's a joke. It doesn't read like one, but wtf do I know.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

vol.2 wrote:We are all cancelled for cooking at home. Either that or it's a joke. It doesn't read like one, but wtf do I know.
Obvious troll for clout is obvious: ... P0yaIrAAAA
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Trans twitch streamer "Keffals" was swatted by the right wing, waking up at night to a swat team's gun in her face. Despite the fact that the false police report claimed she shot her mother and the police found her mother alive and well, the cops still confiscated her phone and computers for what was going to be a months-long electronics investigation process, cutting her off from her livelihood and her fiancee from their partially-completed PhD thesis. Also the cops took pains to use her dead name for everything, even though she'd legally changed her name more than a decade prior.

However, Keffals has a big community who came down on the police chief like a ton of bricks and he was forced to give her back her computers and phone after only a week. Also she was able to do a gofundme to pay her legal costs and move out of her no-longer-safe-home. Somewhat happy ending, right?

Except she tweeted to her community that she was staying in a hotel and posted a picture of her cat lying on the bed. So some right-wing freak looked at the pattern on the bedsheets and extrapolated what hotel in the area carried those sheets, then began placing dozens of pizza orders to the room she was staying in.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

tbh MM, with what I've had spilled on me regarding him while trying to enjoy my Lorne Armstrong and Ethan Ralph content at kiwifarms, /cow, and Temple of TCAP, I'm A-OK with self-professed groomer rapist "Keffals" getting whatever the internet throws at him. Seems like a right smarmy cunt!

Cancel Culture doesn't exist!

Who could possibly be killing all those black Trans Women?! :O

Play internet games, win internet prizes. \(o_o)/

Well, now that this creature's name has spread here, let's see what's up.

Oh. :o

Oh lord. :shock:


Jesus, it's Brianna Wu 2: Canadian SWAT Team Boogaloo. Right down to digging up poor Julie Terryberry's grave, I see. I'll have to follow along. Signal boosted successfully, cap'n! :cool:

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:tbh MM, with what I've had spilled on me regarding him while trying to enjoy my Lorne Armstrong and Ethan Ralph content at kiwifarms, /cow, and Temple of TCAP, I'm A-OK with self-professed groomer rapist "Keffals" getting whatever the internet throws at him. Seems like a right smarmy cunt!

Cancel Culture doesn't exist!
Uh... I think you should read those tweets a little closer. She wasn't confessing to being a groomer, she said Destiny was making fun of her for being a grooming victim.

And as I've said a zillion times before on this thread, if you want to talk about how these social media platforms should have govt. regulation on their TOS-violation bans, I'm here for it. But if you're blaming the victim for reporting Destiny violating TOS by harassing her, I don't see it.

If it's any consolation, if Keffals didn't report him, somebody else would have. He's definitely been just as shitty to other people:
In any case, I remain unconvinced that reporting this TOS violation was equal in severity to sending armed cops into someone's home in the middle of the night all amped up expecting a gun-toting matricide inside.
BIL wrote:Who could possibly be killing all those black Trans Women?! :O

Play internet games, win internet prizes. \(o_o)/
Yeah, I'm pretty sure every dude who slept with Keffals was into trans chicks, she's not exactly un-clockable.

What is with conservatives and their obsession with being "tricked" into alternative sexualities? This is bringing me back to the 90s and classmates playing "is it gay if you do X???" then years later at the HS reunion they show up with a husband on their arm.

And once again, fantasizing in your head about picking up Keffals at the bar, pulling down her pants, then having no choice but to suck her dick, does not justify sending a swat team to bust down her door and possibly kill her.
BIL wrote:Jesus, it's Brianna Wu 2: Canadian SWAT Team Boogaloo. Right down to digging up poor Julie Terryberry's grave, I see. I'll have to follow along. Signal boosted successfully, cap'n! :cool:
Dude, throwbacks to #gamergate memes are not gonna convince me, I disavowed that shitshow years ago.

Not only did it utterly fail to improve games journalism, it actively made things worse by encouraging mass fatwas against any game deemed "woke" for whatever arbitrary reason.

Shadow Warrior 3, the latest in a series devoted to retelling this joke over and over again made the unforgivable sin of hiring actual Asian voice actors for once and so the solid B+ at release/A- after patches game has been downvoted into oblivion for reasons entirely unconnected to the gameplay. Though I will admit #notmywang is pretty unintentionally funny.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:Uh... I think you should read those tweets a little closer. She wasn't confessing to being a groomer, she said Destiny was making fun of her for being a grooming victim.
You misunderstand me MM-san, I left the groomer stuff alone. :cool:

Totally not after your kids!



There's many more, this being the cornerstone of their online persona - but why belabour the point? The battle lines are drawn.
In any case, I remain unconvinced that reporting this TOS violation was equal in severity to sending armed cops into someone's home in the middle of the night all amped up expecting a gun-toting matricide inside.
No disagreements there, but everyone and his dog has been swatted after getting embroiled in Twitch fuckery. Kiwifarms' surrogate dad Mister Metokur gets swatted all the time just for shit-talking America First. It comes with the territory of e-celebrity, unfortunately.

It's become so ubiquitous, even Keffals says he hopes people he dislikes get swatted! That's not dangerous or irresponsible at all with a following of his size.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure every dude who slept with Keffals was into trans chicks, she's not exactly un-clockable.
Let's hope you're right, or that's a whole lot of rape by deception! I agree - he looks like a sweaty frumpy dude to me, as does every MTF I've seen IRL - but according to the man himself, he's snaring fellas left and right. Are you asking me to take your word over that of a brave trans woman, MM? Image
What is with conservatives and their obsession with being "tricked" into alternative sexualities? This is bringing me back to the 90s and classmates playing "is it gay if you do X???" then years later at the HS reunion they show up with a husband on their arm.
I don't know! Personally, I doubt these supposed "tricked" liasions even occurred to begin with. It's almost like it's all one big self-serving cope on the part of the irreparably damaged.

The only thing that gives me pause is the African American community's notably high rates of transwoman murder victims. But with the strongly Democrat-leaning voting patterns in said communities, can they be fairly said to be "conservatives?" Granted, said communities tend towards certain beliefs that would be termed "conservative" in modern Western terms, eg a strong, often violent rejection of non-heteronormative ideas and, at worst, people.

This is getting into Burgerland politics, so I will hand the mic over to you - it may be mere urban myth, ginned-up by my outsider's perspective.
And once again, fantasizing in your head about picking up Keffals at the bar, pulling down her pants, then having no choice but to suck her dick, does not justify sending a swat team to bust down her door and possibly kill her.
You're giving a lot more credence to his self-authored reports of "tricking unwitting men" than I am. :shock: I thought he was just Talking Shit Online, as people do. Shit that marks him as a rapist. :|
BIL wrote:Jesus, it's Brianna Wu 2: Canadian SWAT Team Boogaloo. Right down to digging up poor Julie Terryberry's grave, I see. I'll have to follow along. Signal boosted successfully, cap'n! :cool:
Dude, throwbacks to #gamergate memes are not gonna convince me, I disavowed that shitshow years ago.
Brianna Wu aka John Walker Flynt is no meme. That's a verified historical person, with a documented trail of scams, much like his compatriot-turned-nemesis Zoe Quinn, and the trailblazer they grifted in the footsteps of, JUANITA-chan. (whom I consider a bonafide faith leader, not a mere scammer like John n' Zoe - you won't see me pulling up the late Billy Graham or his adoring flock, either)

And I take my history deadly seriously. "Keffals" shows all the same earmarks as Johnny Boy. "WAAAAH, KIWIFARM TRY 2 KILL ME / GIB MONEY PLS" Yeah, okay. I'm sure the full might of Canadian law enforcement is after you, at the behest of their supreme leader.


I'd better chip in! Image
Not only did it utterly fail to improve games journalism, it actively made things worse by encouraging mass fatwas against any game deemed "woke" for whatever arbitrary reason.

Shadow Warrior 3, the latest in a series devoted to retelling this joke over and over again made the unforgivable sin of hiring actual Asian voice actors for once and so the solid B+ at release/A- after patches game has been downvoted into oblivion for reasons entirely unconnected to the gameplay. Though I will admit #notmywang is pretty unintentionally funny.
MM-san, I cannot over-emphasise to you how little I care about modern games anything, let alone journalism. I would be happiest seeing the whole thing go up in flames, with the entire industry repurposed for arcade-perfect console releases of Japan-only PCBs. Shadow what now?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Durandal »

Seems this time it's KiwiFarms that's been canceled, for lack of a better word:
After CloudFlare dropped hosting KF in face of increasingly and alarmingly life-threatening rhetoric there, KF moved to a provider situated in theoretically based and redpilled Russia, which should theoretically have been out of reach of the woke mobs. Turns out that memes shouldn't be relied on for choices in server infrastructure, because the Russian provider folded within 24 hours. Free from the West it may have been, but certainly not from the Roskomnadzor. Chinese providers are proving no less fruitful, but there's a slight chance that the mums of the UK might provide shelter, as they out of all people seem to have a vested interest in keeping it afloat:
Hot KiwiFarms moms are in your area and they want to meet you!

From what I understand, the actual canceling and dogpiling isn't directed on KiwiFarms itself, but rather it tries to uphold a veneer of plausible deniability by solely focusing on the uncovering/archiving/compiling of people's dirty laundry, which external (and internal) parties can then use for their own ends after whitewashing the source. KiwiFarms here functions as a de facto arms dealer of receipts, used by trolls, wokescolds, grifters, and people from any side of the political spectrum to knock down a notch anyone they find slightly annoying or have become too popular (such as the lead developer behind the higan emulator who made accurate SNES emulation into what it is today, but committed suicide a year ago, citing in their suicide note constant harassment from KiwiFarms as a direct reason). KiwiFarms and mobs on Twitter/other platforms feed into eachother like a symbiotic relationship, bolstering eachother. The mob needs ammunition to kill with, and KF wants the drama that results from it. Win-win, baby. If I recall correctly, dirty laundry on Lindsay Ellis from her Channel Awesome days had been circulating a few years on KiwiFarms before her cancellation, but the receipts were too innocuous by themselves to successfully instigate a witch hunt with. It took Ellis making a major faux pas on social media for those otherwise-not-damning-enough receipts to appear like they were signs of a larger ongoing abusive pattern, spread everywhere by KF and Twitter users in a joint effort. I don't know if those lamenting KF's sinking as an attack on freedom of speech by the left realize who actually were in bed with KF.

It seems there's a strong tendency on KF to justify that all targets merely got what was coming to them, and KiwiFarms targets did include some literal criminals who likely did deserve what was coming to them. But, from my experience, would-be vigilantes and hobbyist voyeurs tend to have an undying hunger for more lulz, and, if the existing pastures are empty or exhausted, then it is necessary to broaden the scopes from the genuinely twisted to the inoffensively weird, and to intervene personally to create more optimal conditions to milk drama from, as arms dealers are wont to do. That is, up until the machine hits someone you personally know and care about. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, and all that.

Like the One Ring or the Black Pearl of Ys, I believe we're better off casting this and anything trying to be like it into the blazing fires of the sun rather than fooling ourselves into thinking we can control it. We're already grappling with mass surveillance over our internet behavior by megacorps, we don't need yet another Panopticon.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Keffals killed kiwifarms.

I already posted about the swatting and subsequent hotel stalking earlier. Things continued to escalate to the point that she fled the country to Ireland, and when a friend posted something about how they were going to a poutine shop, they called bomb threats to every poutine shop in the area.

They even tracked down the building she was hiding and posted this (photo on the right):
The thing is, unlike Lindsay Ellis who made fun of bad adaptations of Phantom, Keffals is known for ratio-ing transphobes on twitter and she put her community to work cutting out the corporate foundation that maintained her community of stalkers.

Rest in piss, kiwifarms. You fucked around and found out! I wish for the losers who frequented that cesspool to touch great amounts of grass in the future, now that they no longer have cyberstalking to occupy their every waking moment of free time.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I didn't know who Lucas Roberts was until this thread informed me. So, I went looking at their thread on teh farms, and now I know.

For me, despite Roberts's protests, it's not about his gross porn, or his shit-eatingly hypocritical endorsement of swatting, or even his ongoing proclamations of success at practicing medicine unlicensed on minors. I'm sure it's all very embarrassing to have out there, but it's nothing but the usual slurry of malignant narcissism expected of his terminally online grifter ilk, ala Zoe Quinn, John Walker Flynt et al.

Problems ensue when these charlatans are given carte blanche to author reality for the rest of the internet, and consequently to squash all dissent. Unfortunately, that is too big an ask, and so as the mainstream press, again, dutifully regurgitates the current party line like a pack of ailing mutts (the farms is liaising with the Provincial IRA to blow up Lucas, apparently?), I've got to tell all concerned to choke to death on my cock. It's nothing personal.
Durandal wrote:(such as the lead developer behind the higan emulator who made accurate SNES emulation into what it is today, but committed suicide a year ago, citing in their suicide note constant harassment from KiwiFarms as a direct reason).
Was this ever confirmed? From a casual perusal over the ensuing months, it seems to have been a gigantic crock of shit / vanishing act.
Mischief Maker wrote:They even tracked down the building she was hiding and posted this (photo on the right):
"They," right. :lol: Is this the same "they" who posted an X-TREEEM Death Threat™ on an inactive KF account, screenshotted it with the "EDIT" button visible, then chucked it into the Totes Legit Evidence Folder, all before it got buried in negrates and the account was banned?

I like how you glossed over the farm's totes legit swatting of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Image Image Image

Next up: Lucas is chased around Sicily by the mob! Look, I have a photo of a note outside his hotel room - wow! :o
You fucked around and found out!
More like Lucas found his next meal ticket, judging by that "final boss of transphobes" tweet I was forced to see at the top of his thread.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Air Master Burst »

And absolutely nothing of value was lost.

The funniest part to me is how the owner guy kept referring to "the cathedral" in his rants, because I have no idea what it even means but it really sounds like some They Live ass lizard people shit and I'm fascinated by just how batshit nuts this guy actually is.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

From a casual google? Probably the several dozen major news sites uncritically regurgitating the Lucas-approved narrative of Canadian Death Troopers shoving uzis in his screaming face, then ordering him a conspicuously varied spread of food, then chasing him to Northern Ireland where he's now being menaced by the IRA. :lol:

The really hilarious outcome, as a quarter-potato myself, will be if Lukey and his mate push the grift too far and get curb-stomped by a pack of feral Paddies. :shock: It happens!
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:I like how you glossed over the farm's totes legit swatting of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Image Image Image
Nobody mentioned it in the thread but yeah, that was unambiguously bad too, even if I dislike the person it happened to.

You keep implying this is all made up, but the SWAT-ing happened, it was confirmed by the police chief.

Are you saying he's in on the conspiracy against poor innocent Kiwi Farms, too?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:
BIL wrote:I like how you glossed over the farm's totes legit swatting of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Image Image Image
Nobody mentioned it in the thread but yeah, that was unambiguously bad too, even if I dislike the person it happened to.
Wow MM, that's really big of you to say you dislike swatting on principle! :o

No, I assumed as much. You'd need to be a complete and utter asshole to even obliquely approve of swatting, let alone wish it on others to your thousands of followers, like Lucas Roberts has.

Nobody mentioned it because it was a laughably transparent crock of shit that stinks to high heaven, just like everything else about this grift. :lol:

Like BRUH - did u know, just like the IRA NOTE, the MTG swatter said it was "FOR TEH FARMS," too? Wow, slam dunk! :shock:
You keep implying this is all made up, but the SWAT-ing happened, it was confirmed by the police chief.
"It happened," the gold standard of proof. :cool: Yes, no shit "it happened" (albeit in starkly less theatrical terms than Lucas narrated - real shocker, there). Looking forward to the lawsuit! That 100k CAD will go a long ways towards securing justice.

"It happened" seems to be everyone's favourite slam-dunk argument, lately! So many things have "happened," and the farms did all of them. No idea how, they just did. Am I reading the narrative correctly?

It's almost like Brianna Wu's Tales of Kiwi Sniper Terror (2014) never happened. Actually, if Lucas had his way, it really would be like they never happened. Because they'd be memory-holed, and not merrily filling my TOR window as I type this (had to get some facts straight).

Pardon my skepticism, here.
Are you saying he's in on the conspiracy against poor innocent Kiwi Farms, too?
No, he's probably a hard-working public servant with no time nor inclination for internet grifting, just like his men who Lucas slandered in the press. (as part of said grift!)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

I dunno, BIL, seems like whenever a trans person comes up, you're going to take the most diabolical interpretation of their every action.

But for me, I can see the possibility of reasonable interpretations for what she did and said.

The cops were assholes to her and took away the computer she made her livelihood on, so I understand why she'd give it to them with both barrels to get the wheels turning on a months-long process of getting her property back. I can also understand that she'd not feel safe in her own home after said SWAT-ing and want to move out. And when they tracked her to her hotel, I can understand her thinking she'd be safer waiting things out in another country entirely.

What I can't see an innocent explanation for in any context is the actions of the kiwi farmers. There is no positive reason for them to send a message to the police claiming she's armed, just murdered her mom, and was about to go on a killing spree if they didn't stop her. There is no positive reason for them to order dozens and dozens of pizzas to her room; even if you think Keffals is the antichrist that's no reason to waste the time and money of all those local pizzerias who probably have no idea who she is. There's no innocent reason to fuck up the business day of multiple poutine places in Ireland with bomb threats on the off chance she might be eating there.

Regardless if you think Keffals is a cunt, there's nothing redeeming about kiwi farms. I hope any impressionable children they've groomed into joining their cyberstalker community will take this opportunity to touch grass and create normal lives for themselves.
Air Master Burst wrote:The funniest part to me is how the owner guy kept referring to "the cathedral" in his rants, because I have no idea what it even means
It means exactly what you think it means.

Instead of putting quotes around the cathedral, you'd more accurately capture his intended context by bracketing it with triple parentheses.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:I dunno, BIL, seems like whenever a trans person comes up, you're going to take the most diabolical interpretation of their every action.
I can understand thinking so, as the only professed trans people I've ever mentioned on this forum are scammers, grifters, and generally malevolent people with long, incriminating paper trails (if not outright criminals; cf homegrown England horror Karen White). I would note I treat their counterparts identically, and I will happily take my e-vigilante boltcutters to even (gasp!) FELLOW CIS MALES, if I think they deserve it. Image

Not even The Manliest Republicans are spared! :shock:

Spot the trans person! ;3 ;3 ;3

I just enjoy chucking peanuts at internet z-celebs in Off Topic. As ruefully noted, I prefer internet hijinks to TV nowadays. >_>

Hmm, most of those links are from 2018. That was the last year I really beat the anti-GGrifter drum. Became obvious the mainstream media was flatly disinterested in asking where Zoe's game was, or why tech superstar Brianna hadn't patched her unfinishably broken game two years on.

I was expecting a plot arc, with some kind of payoff! Silly me. All reruns from there on in.
But for me, I can see the possibility of reasonable interpretations for what she did and said.

The cops were assholes to her and took away the computer she made her livelihood on, so I understand why she'd give it to them with both barrels to get the wheels turning on a months-long process of getting her property back. I can also understand that she'd not feel safe in her own home after said SWAT-ing and want to move out. And when they tracked her to her hotel, I can understand her thinking she'd be safer waiting things out in another country entirely.
Yeah I agree, nothing out of the ordinary here. Image Internet people across the political spectrum get swatted all the time.
What I can't see an innocent explanation for in any context is the actions of the kiwi farmers. There is no positive reason for them to send a message to the police claiming she's armed, just murdered her mom, and was about to go on a killing spree if they didn't stop her. There is no positive reason for them to order dozens and dozens of pizzas to her room; even if you think Keffals is the antichrist that's no reason to waste the time and money of all those local pizzerias who probably have no idea who she is. There's no innocent reason to fuck up the business day of multiple poutine places in Ireland on the off chance she might be eating there.

This is what I can't get behind. Having lurked about the place for a decade or so, it's all too convenient, like a play-by-play re-enactment of Kiwi's Greatest Hits (As Chosen By Brianna & Zoe). Not to mention jarringly out of the forum's general character. If I thought this kind of bullshit was well-regarded, I'd say so. I've only ever seen crossings over into IRL harassment bombarded with varying shades of "tryhard" and truckloads of negative ratings.

Not to sugarcoat. The place is culturally part of the same general internet sewer as the old imageboards. There was one school shooter in the community, username "FuckYou" (eulogised as The Couch Cuck). Killed two kids, before the eponymous furniture stepped in, and he blew his own retarded head off.

Again though, I have to note even his limited presence on the forum was an anomalous and disturbing one, with most of his footprint found elsewhere in the aforementioned chanosphere.

Probably enough e-lawyering from me. As I said a few posts up, it's the precedent I dislike. I mentioned Karen White at the top of this post. I don't consider Keffals in the same ballpark, despite finding their enthusiastic persona as vendor of life-altering drugs to minors despicable.

However, on principle, I consider the suppression of discussing either of them interchangeable. And while I maintain strictly limited engagement with the internet (this forum represents 99.99% of my presence - a hobbyist retreat), I can't help finding it disturbing when dozens of leading news sites regurgitate a single dubious narrative lockstep-verbatim.
Regardless if you think Keffals is a cunt, there's nothing redeeming about kiwi farms. I hope any impressionable children they've groomed into joining their cyberstalker community will take this opportunity to touch grass and create normal lives for themselves.
FWIW I've seen mostly old fogeys over there. Seems mostly middle/older Millennial with some younger Gen X and even a few 50+ sorts. Even if mostly due to the archaic image of forums themselves, it's not a very youth-centric place at all.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Sengoku Strider »

TIL there is Irish poutine.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I'm revisiting all my old hits! :o


Great advice Brianna! Image But remember: you need an on-side media, first!
Do you know how we treated the clap over in Nam, son? The doc would take one of those little cocktail umbrellas, dunk it in rubbing alcohol, then bung it down your japseye... before opening the umbrella and removing it, along with all the pus and shit! :shock:
Most useful post of my Internet Career™ (;`w´;)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Air Master Burst »

BIL wrote:I will happily take my e-vigilante boltcutters to even (gasp!) FELLOW CIS MALES, if I think they deserve it.
I respect your knowledge of classic action games but the edgelord bit is really exhausting. Like, it physically exhausts me just reading some of your rants. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to keep up this level of aggression all the time!

For example, just because you don't like a trans person or disagree with their actions is still no reason to misgender them. I won't pretend to know your motivation (though if I was a gambler I know where I'd probably put my money), but it's all just very tiring to try to interact with. I do appreciate you keeping most of it out of the actual gaming threads, although I admit I'm not a huge fan of the casual ableism.

Although I guess if I'm being honest with myself, it's probably my own stupid fault for opening a thread with this title in the first place (and on a gaming forum no less).
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Durandal »

BIL wrote:
Durandal wrote:(such as the lead developer behind the higan emulator who made accurate SNES emulation into what it is today, but committed suicide a year ago, citing in their suicide note constant harassment from KiwiFarms as a direct reason).
Was this ever confirmed? From a casual perusal over the ensuing months, it seems to have been a gigantic crock of shit / vanishing act.
I'll admit, there's no concrete information about it that isn't from a second-hand account on the matter. On the other hand, if not even the combined efforts of KiwiFarms can find concrete evidence proving otherwise, then it's likely they're chasing a ghost. Like trying to find a home address of someone that turned out to be homeless.
This is what I can't get behind. Having lurked about the place for a decade or so, it's all too convenient, like a play-by-play re-enactment of Kiwi's Greatest Hits (As Chosen By Brianna & Zoe). Not to mention jarringly out of the forum's general character. If I thought this kind of bullshit was well-regarded, I'd say so. I've only ever seen crossings over into IRL harassment bombarded with varying shades of "tryhard" and truckloads of negative ratings.
Having been at ground zero of GamerGate, I know first-hand how paranoid people get at violent calls to action by their fellow users (even if they would nod in approval when the threat would be acted out IRL, and then immediately after disavow any involvement). General M.O. for these things has been to organize actions in off-site private chatrooms, away from prying eyes, and with plausible deniability for the mother-site. I can buy that the actual offending KF posts were just someone faking it, but I can't buy that other farmers haven't been doing some off-site fucking about regarding their targets.
Like BRUH - did u know, just like the IRA NOTE, the MTG swatter said it was "FOR TEH FARMS," too? Wow, slam dunk!
Not IRA--that one used Loyalist terminology. I'm inclined to believe that one is genuine, particularly because of the seemingly nonsensical phrase "Kiwifarms All Tr**ns", which itself is a reference to a phrase/acronym often used by Loyalists: KAT, or Kill All Taigs (taigs meaning Catholics). It's not something your average Canuck, or anyone who doesn't live in (Northern) Ireland would know. Not to mention that the other lines in the note show an insider's understanding of KF culture as well.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Air Master Burst wrote:
BIL wrote:I will happily take my e-vigilante boltcutters to even (gasp!) FELLOW CIS MALES, if I think they deserve it.
I respect your knowledge of classic action games but the edgelord bit is really exhausting. Like, it physically exhausts me just reading some of your rants. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to keep up this level of aggression all the time!
I'm a shy and retiring sort, online even moreso than off. I eschew affectation and the attention it brings. >__> You're the first person I can recall describing my presence here as such - this did happen, admittedly - but then again, you're the only person I've seen here who liked Ghostbusters 2016, so maybe something's being lost in translation. ;3 TBH when I post on here I'm usually well-exhausted and curled up on me comfy ol couch.

I do appreciate you keeping most of it out of the actual gaming threads, although I admit I'm not a huge fan of the casual ableism.
I think I've rabbited on about myself quite long enough, but I have to ask Image What is The Casual Ableism? >_> Do you mean my PWNING NOOBZ VERBALLY? :O I'm working with one good retina here. If Random Gamer X tumbles out of the Sega Rally cab hollering "OH LAWD, MUH LEEEEEEG" I'm not gonna laugh at their shitty clear time! But if they proceed to bitch about the immaculate handling model, blaming their SHITTY DRIVING on beloved Mizuguchi-san and his team?

Oh hell no. Imma whoop he legs! Imma whoop he ass! IMMA EVEN WHOOP HE FEETS. Image VERBARRY >¦3


Ah, to be young and willing to die (BUT PREFERABLY KILL) for The Hard Gayming once more. >¦3 Well, I still am willing to. But nowadays, it's more likely something else will kill me first! Like NUTSACK CANCER Image Or an HGV driven by a dozy immigrant. Boom! It happens! :O
Although I guess if I'm being honest with myself, it's probably my own stupid fault for opening a thread with this title in the first place (and on a gaming forum no less).
It's not your fault, this is secretly GamerGate Thread II: Bigger & Longer (But Soft And Floppy Like Cheese). 3;
Durandal wrote:
BIL wrote:Was this ever confirmed? From a casual perusal over the ensuing months, it seems to have been a gigantic crock of shit / vanishing act.
I'll admit, there's no concrete information about it that isn't from a second-hand account on the matter. On the other hand, if not even the combined efforts of KiwiFarms can find concrete evidence proving otherwise, then it's likely they're chasing a ghost. Like trying to find a home address of someone that turned out to be homeless.
It's the lack of confirmation from the Japanese authorities that makes me skeptical, I suppose.

Scampering under my favourite tinfoil blanky, I liked the theory that he was terrified of Nintendo suing him and wanted a clean slate, bahaha. I mean it's a solid motive!
I can buy that the actual offending KF posts were just someone faking it, but I can't buy that other farmers haven't been doing some off-site fucking about regarding their targets.
It's really shitty if that's the case. Unfortunately I don't know how a community could deal with that kind of subterfuge, when it's already culturally established to be gauche in the extreme. OFC there's an argument that rubbernecking gossip sites like KF shouldn't exist to begin with, not one I'm entirely unsympathetic to even if I don't share it.
Like BRUH - did u know, just like the IRA NOTE, the MTG swatter said it was "FOR TEH FARMS," too? Wow, slam dunk!
Not IRA--that one used Loyalist terminology. I'm inclined to believe that one is genuine, particularly because of the seemingly nonsensical phrase "Kiwifarms All Tr**ns", which itself is a reference to a phrase/acronym often used by Loyalists: KAT, or Kill All Taigs (taigs meaning Catholics). It's not something your average Canuck, or anyone who doesn't live in (Northern) Ireland would know. Not to mention that the other lines in the note show an insider's understanding of KF culture as well.
Well-spotted on the Oirish front, I didn't think anybody cared! :o Here's to the land of moi forefadders! :cool: (cracking movie night watch, that! "YOU KILLED MOI FADDER. NOW, OI'M GANNA KILL YOU!" Sheeit :shock:)

I still don't know about the veracity. You mention the average Canadian and outsiders to NI, but the person they're staying with is AFAIK NI born and bred, and known for riding about filming the local yobs (who predictably scream homophobic abuse at them). Not someone I'd rule out cooking up this sort of thing.

As for Ethan Ralph and the whole corn saga, that's one of the forum's most infamous exports of the last couple years... everybody loves to Punt The Gunt. Wouldn't take much to pick up on that one. It's already known Roberts, at the least, reads his thread in real-time.

A regular (Attempted) Murder Xhe Wrote, this. I hope we'll see something more concrete, either way. \(O_O)/
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Post by BIL »

Wow, it's like the Depp v Herd trial. I can't seem to go anywhere without hearing about this gross creature. Even on TEH FARMS itself! Even me favourite ol Cornish mucker COG is on it! He usually avoids this shite.

Having thought about it a bit.
Durandal wrote:Like the One Ring or the Black Pearl of Ys, I believe we're better off casting this and anything trying to be like it into the blazing fires of the sun rather than fooling ourselves into thinking we can control it. We're already grappling with mass surveillance over our internet behavior by megacorps, we don't need yet another Panopticon.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's any great improvement to have one's internet presence hostage to whoever commands the biggest mob, the dirtiest rags, and the most effective criminals. Panopticon versus mob rule.

Should I be incinerated, too, because I think Lucas Roberts, entirely on his own words, is a predator of children who deserves whatever disgusted backlash he gets? To be clear, I'd happily accept a lifetime permaban+account scrub, if someone tried to strongarm bloodf similarly. You know - for harbouring a murderous transphobe and his ultraviolent rhetoric (as reported in Totes Legit News Blog, Trust Me Bro Gaming, and several dozen other consecrated organs). I'd still think it was fucked, but oh well. Could be worse. If not for the perks of dual nationality, I'd probably be fucked IRL, too.

(insert JPG of a menacing "I KILL TRANY 4 FUN" note signed "Dr. Richard Penis" - my real name - and "RUN 2 THE RIGHT KILLING MtFS" - a cunning inside reference only a veteran shumper could know :cool:)

And it's a fair cop too! Albeit by mainstream standards of proof, I'm Hitler. I dissent to snipping underaged dicks, tits and clits. \(O_O)/ And perma-fucked juvenile endocrine systems, too. I'm not moved by the gun-in-mouth proxy suicide threats. I've done my research, I find the medical science at present woefully primitive and pitiably destructive. I wish it wasn't that way.

Oh, speaking of primitive and destructive. Here's a sad story about a rabid badger getting beaten to death with a shovel. In self-defense - he attacked me while I was collecting my mail. Image
I went fuckin bald at 30. OWNED! :shock: Fortunately I am rich rich rich, and could afford BEARD FUE. Image No prop/fin/min though! Just reading the side-effects made my nutsack shrivel. Significant risk of killing your dick dead. Your available DHT might crash and never, ever return - scientists don't know where it goes! Your unborn child may suffer birth defects if you so much as touch your wife while the shit is in your system, let alone bust a big creamy load balls-deep inside her sweet wet pussy! What's the fuckin point of being married if you can't nut balls-deep inside her then fall asleep with zero remorse?! FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING CHRIST

Most of those (theoretically) MPB-arresting meds were originally developed for prostate cancer sufferers, brrr. I'm not a cancer patient, I was just looking a bit like one. A big healthy one with a raging hog. Also, the fuck do I care. I got a beard like your mother's muff (your mother is a wonderful lady!). Well, I had one. Was grand, looked like Castro's. I always kept a clean shave, anyway. Don't want to hide any incipient extra chins, you know. I hear that's a nasty surprise some guys have, when they go clean later on. Also, I have/had that mutt hair that's curly like a black guy's, but fine like a whitey's. Utter pain in the ass, especially in tropical climes! Gets sweaty and blows all over the fuckin place. So I was STR8 BUZZIN OUTTA MIDDLESCHOOL Image

"So doc, the beard follicles are genetically immune to the DHT-driven process of miniaturisation and eventual disappearance that these dick-killing, baby-deforming drugs are intended to combat, is what you're saying." "That's absolutely right Mr. Penis!" "Doc, cut me ear-to-ear like a motherfuckin jigsaw."

And so a young-ish man's fragile sense of self was saved. Image Clean shave and buzzcut, and maybe that gay lemony stuff the Turkish lads like to slap on me stubbly dome, that's me sorted 4 LIFE. Image

What I'm saying is, when I say "Whoa Timmy! Careful with that Ukrainian-sourced estrogen the creepy 30somethings in the Discord hooked you up with!" it's not out of some inexplicable desire to hurt troubled children. I don't like the thought of hurting anybody. I just tread very, veeery carefully where murdering a cock/cunt is concerned. Even moreso the latter, tbh. Young bitches be crazy with that shit. Children are delightful, but I wasn't going to blow my brainstem apart if they weren't on the cards for whatever reason.

Also, I lied about the badger, or at least his grim execution. He didn't have rabies, apparently it's been eradicated in England and Wales. He was pissed that I almost stepped on him, though! Came right at me, the little bastard. I ran back in the house and waited a bit, then mowed the unkempt grass next door, to prevent further mutual surprises for myself and any furry friends. Elderly neighbours, you see, I'm talking mid-90s. Lovely couple, they've both since passed on. Anyway, picture a handsome swarthy dad giving 2xmiddlefingers and then doing the eat pussy sign. Who's owned now? Image BEST SUCK THIS DICK

Alright, stop crying. I'll make up for the badger story! Here's a rough illustration of my Hair Restoration Journey, using the helpful medium of Christopher Cantwell, AKA The Crying Nazi. One of many delightful fellows I'd never have known of if not for hanging about teh farms!


"Sieg Heil?" More like *SHAZAAAM MOTHERFUCKER*



You see? But *BZZZT* HE'S a destitute criminal stuck at "Before!" Bwaaahahahahaaa! What a chump. I bet the only transplants he's getting are BIG BROWN DICKS IN HIS BUTT :shock: (oh calm down FFS. it's not an American prison story without NON STOP ASS RAPE Image)

And that's how it all went down. Rest well furry friend. Wait, what the f"LOL Dr. Penis, you are a total nobody, even ur Youtoob aint SHIIIT LMAO!" Very true! But this is the world I'm being proffered. Offended somebody connected? Better hope your DDOS protection is up to snuff!

It's probably less personal for me than others, because I was born with the superpower of not having to care about America or Europe. The drawback is that I call the most murderously homophobic place in the Anglosphere my home, and have told dear friends of both sexes who are gay to stay far, far away, even from the very safe resorts, because it all goes to the same backwater kleptocracy, either way.

But at least I won't see my kids starve because I said Lucas's fart porn was mediocre! :o
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Rob »

Air Master Burst wrote:For example, just because you don't like a trans person or disagree with their actions is still no reason to misgender them.
No one has to be bubbling over with molten hatred to not submit to someone else's alternate reality and extreme self-absorption (as most don't take Oli London seriously since there is no cultural headwind or moral fad in place for transracialism - race still too useful and sacred for that level of cartoonish deconstruction). Bonus: Ben Shapiro getting alpha dogged by Zoey Tur.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Rob wrote:No one has to be bubbling over with molten hatred to not submit to someone else's alternate reality and extreme self-absorption
Oh that sounds so reasonable! Just a difference of opinion. Just chillin' and doin' your own thing.

And if doin' your own thing involves making a false police report designed to get the SWAT team to come in with guns at the ready expecting an active murderer, what's the prob' man? It's not like anybody's getting hurt.

But if people don't react well to your cyberstalking, then it was all an op by the FBI, George Soros, and antifa. Schrödinger's asshole.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

It's probably because I've seen every internet personality under the sun (and MTG) get swatted lately, but I don't consider it a particularly "transphobic" thing. I was actually kind of surprised to see it marketed as such, in this latest bunfight.
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