39°C in East of England

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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by null1024 »

RGC wrote:...and on course to reach 40°C in the next couple of hours. Productivity has gone out the window today. How do people function when their whole summer is like this! </moan>
Here in sunny south Florida, it basically never breaks like 38C, so hearing about fuckin' ENGLAND getting cooked like that is nuts, and it's apparently even hotter in southern Europe right now. Never experienced more than like 42C anywhere in my life.

Down here, we manage with loads of AC -- I'm the weirdo who still drives with the windows down everywhere instead of blasting AC in the car since it's more fun that way, but I only get to do that since once I'm done with the drive, I can go into a nice, refrigerated building and cool off properly. :lol:
Genuinely hope you guys don't have power problems, because coping without it in an insulated building [here in FL, all our buildings are well insulated to keep the cold in] is hell. Literally, with all the heat.
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by SuperPang »

The local weather station here in York in northern England recorded a peak of 39.4C on Tuesday. For context, the previous record was 34.5C.

Thankfully, this was only a two day heatwave and closing all the windows and blinds all day meant it only crept past 28C inside. That said, it was pretty unpleasant.
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by Namingway_PL »

Greetings from Poland. Last week was 38°C today we got 34°C. Stay cool everyone!
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

32° in Germany's deep south. Everywhere else in Krautland, it's a couple of degrees hotter. Spend all day at the school I work with due to school year's end's conferences. Will be here until at least 7pm, then I'll probably be hiking up a mountain with a young, very attractive colleague who asked me to join her. I'm a fucking idiot, obviously. :?
n0rtygames wrote:[The wife] once asked me "whats a shoryuken?" so I gave her a real life demonstration. Except she was too close on the spin. So I actually SRK'd her. With full vocalisation too...
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by neorichieb1971 »

About 5 years ago or more a guy went to the doctor after playing shmups and found out he had dehydration.

Take water where ever you're shmupping guys.
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by GaijinPunch »

I worked in the Nevada desert on the weekend -- roasted but still a bit cooler than the temperatures reported here. Then I got back to San Fransisco yesterday evening and froze my ass off. 12C misting and windy.
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by Sima Tuna »

Record breaking heat for us here today. 102F with a nice, comfy 59% humidity. Not quite heat dome territory yet, but we're getting there.
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Re: 39°C in East of England

Post by Sumez »

16°C here right now.

I don't mean any disrespect to people who are out there suffering due to the heat, but man the summer here has been a massive disappointment this season. It really feels like the weather is straight up mocking me when everyone keeps talking about crazy heatwaves in all of Europe, while I still need to put on a jacket to go outside. At the start of the "summer" I put up an above-ground swimming pool that we got for free last winter, and there's maybe been 8 days in total where it's been hot enough to comfortably stay in there for more than 5 minutes, and only two of those have been on a weekend.
Even last wednesday when most of the country was talking about record breaking temperatures, I had like 21C and a constant chilly storm blowing around here, so it really feels like someone up there is intentionally avoiding my backyard specifically :D

Oh well, there's always next year! :mrgreen:
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