Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games collab)

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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

Yep, I pre-ordered a PS4 copy of Yuru Kill through Gamestop with the obligatory $5.00 paid in advance to secure a copy. Shall pick it tomorrow 7/5/2022 indeed. The Gamestop sales associate told me that it has a MSRP of $49.99 USD indeed.

Am curious as how the gameplay of Yuru Kill fares on the PS4 & PS5 ports?

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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Oof! I think somewhere above I said I would have it all unlocked by the time the US version was released.
I failed...

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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Jonpachi »

PC Engine Fan X! wrote:Yep, I pre-ordered a PS4 copy of Yuru Kill through Gamestop with the obligatory $5.00 paid in advance to secure a copy. Shall pick it tomorrow 7/5/2022 indeed. The Gamestop sales associate told me that it has a MSRP of $49.99 USD indeed.

Am curious as how the gameplay of Yuru Kill fares on the PS4 & PS5 ports?

PC Engine Fan X! ^_~
I have a PS5, and considered that for the "best possible experience," but I know there's no way I'm gonna get through all that dialogue unless I have it as a portable game I can kill time with here and there.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by qmish »

Just finished the demo (and full game is 2 days later here on Steam).

I admit i enjoyed VN/Adventure/Puzzle section of it more than Shmup section. Which perhaps tells more about my tastes. Yeah i like titles like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Collar X Malice, 428 Shibuya Scramble, Gnosia etc. etc. And posts in this thread might tell about other posters' tastes as well, lol. (i honestly think that some of you are arcade nuts that do not enjoy it, basically NOT really a target audience, so you fell victim of playing game just for STG section which has to be unlocked via story - which is something japanese devs often or even always do, just remember those glorious VN + Mecha hybrids like Baldr series).

But i also have some "eh?" thoughts.
I'll quote myself from steam discussions:
I didnt really feel much "charged attack" thing in shmup section. Only almost around the end i realized it kinda changes formation of "options" (subships that fly around) HOWEVER it doesnt strike me much about having the differenct. I mean, totally not when you compare to R-Type or Image Fight where options formation is very noticeable and provide a very nice effect of focus/unfocus attack. While here... i didnt really feel that. Fellow shmuppers, what do you think?

Overall i admit i liked "adventure" side of game more than "shmup" one (something felt weird with stg portion of game, e.g. enemy patterns that you cant evade unless bullet cancel etc. etc.) , i dont know. Its OKAY, but i think it was more perfected in Strania and other games by same dev. Would like to compare the opinions. However, i think that with this adventure/stg hybrid, flow of game really goes against stg's "trial and error" method of "play and learn", so i guess best way of playing is just keeping it at normal or easy, to unlock shmup stages as separate mode, and then play them like shmup is played there, on "hell". While during main game you really just want to go further to story, and this shmup portion that is interrupted with other dialogues and puzzles, stays as something you would like to play only once (in comparison to classic shmup experience where its made that you are perfectly ok with playing again and again with quick retries and what not).
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I didnt really feel much "charged attack" thing in shmup section. Only almost around the end i realized it kinda changes formation of "options" (subships that fly around) HOWEVER it doesnt strike me much about having the differenct.

As I stated:

Anyway, while the game calls "B" the "charge shot" it's not. It freezes any moving shot (either reactive or auto) in place. You also move much slower while using it.

And no, it doesn't make that much of a difference with the first ship
It makes A BIG difference with the second and fourth
Also, I'll say your further comments are based on one stage and a little premature
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by qmish »

Yeah looks like shmup section gets better in later stages. Looking forward playing full game.
(and that quote above was written before i went to this thread).

If this was "oldie" e.g. for Dreamcast or PS2, im sure that 100% save would be posted in thread and people just get it to not bother with story mode.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

If this was "oldie" e.g. for Dreamcast or PS2, im sure that 100% save would be posted in thread and people just get it to not bother with story mode

If only...

(sorry. I too thought I'd enjoy the vn portion after playing the demo. But I quickly found it very repetitive and long winded. I'm sure the surprise of not having the stages unlocked in score attack didn't help matters. Anyway, I hope you have a better time with it than I)
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by qmish »

Yeah, well, let's see (tm).

I can agree that because of how it's done, they risk to scare away BOTH vn/adv players and shmup players. First player group will not be interested in stg sections, and for second player group it will be really a chore to go through storymode to unlock everything for STG mode. Then again, japanese devs seem to have culture of "grind hard to unlock" or "limited time only" stuff, unfortunately.

Don't know if about the rest of story, but considering i stomach just okay Naruto Shippuden (or at least 1/3 of it), im still optimistic.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

I found out the USA region Switch port of Yuru Kill is at v1.0.5 (with a 5.5gb d/l in it's entirety broken down as 4.5gb for the actual game & 1gb for the latest update & 20.3mb allocated for a typical Switch game save) and does allow you to continue if you beat the Switch demo version's first chapter (saving you from having to re-play it again -- it took me a mere 4 hours & 20 minutes to finish it) allowing you to start on the 2nd chapter from the get-go. Upon starting the 2nd chapter, you can access both chapter 1 & 2 stg in score attack mode if so desired.

The PS4 port of Yuru Kill comes with a bonus mini art book + digital soundtrack sampler -- not a bad deal considering that it's retailing for $49.99 usd stateside. I noticed that my local Gamestop didn't stock either the PS4/PS5/Switch ports of YK on the retail shelving as of 7/5/2022 (making for a slim allocation for those whom managed to pre-order it back in December of 2021 with a tentative 4/30/2022 street release date according to Gamestop's pre-order status listing).

If you managed to snag a PS4 disc copy of YK, you can upgrade to the PS5 version at no extra charge provided that you have a dedicated PS5 console with the obligatory disc drive -- otherwise, it's no dice if you just have the all-digital based PS5 console to play with. So be it. On the PS4 disc version of YK, it mentions on the backside game case cover that a minimum of 7gb of hdd space is necessary for installation, indeed.

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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I found out the USA region Switch port of Yuru Kill is at v1.0.5 (with a 5.5gb d/l in it's entirety broken down as 4.5gb for the actual game & 1gb for the latest update & 20.3mb allocated for a typical Switch game save) and does allow you to continue if you beat the Switch demo version's first chapter (saving you from having to re-play it again -- it took me a mere 4 hours & 20 minutes to finish it) allowing you to start on the 2nd chapter from the get-go. Upon starting the 2nd chapter, you can access both chapter 1 & 2 stg in score attack mode if so desired.

Same deal with the jp version. As I stated earlier:

I noticed that after score attack is unlocked, new chapter's stages/ships become available as soon as you begin the chapter, not upon completion (I'm guessing so you can practice the stage's STG section outside of the main game)

Now seeing the difficultly spike of Stage 6--yeah--I can see casuals maybe needing a little practice outside the main event.
And from what I hear (I cancelled my US preorder for obvious reasons), the JP and US versions are absolutely identical
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Jonpachi »

So I'm kinda INTO this so far for the premise alone. The concept of a group of prisoners all shmupping their way to freedom is something I can really get behind, and, while slow, I'm not bothered to spend some time getting to know this silly cast of characters. Do know that I have a morning routine where I have a cup of coffee and stretch for a long time before I hit the gym, so this is a fine little thing to have on auto-play while I'm getting ready. I couldn't really see myself sitting down in front of the TV for two hours while they talk, so I'm glad I got the Switch version. The pre-rendered cutscenes seem to really chug and look very much like they're from 1997 (choppy animation, poor resolution, bad frame-rate) but they're infrequent and I tend to doubt they really look much better on other platforms.

This does make me wish for something that leaned into the stg battle royale concept though gameplay instead of pure text. I would be so very down for a TETRIS 99 x SHMUPS game.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by PC Engine Fan X! »

The latest version of Switch Yuru Kill port is at v1.0.6 -- what changes were implemented compared to the older v1.0.5 variant release?

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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

The latest version of Switch Yuru Kill port is at v1.0.6 -- what changes were implemented compared to the older v1.0.5 variant release?

Nothing noticeable (the update was a couple weeks ago)
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

So, it took... awhile, but I unlocked all seven stages. The full Yurukill shmup experience.

While in Score Attack, they hide the identity of a stage's pilot. But, the final stages boss is heavily implied to be:
That's a heck of a final boss... If there's a TLB for collecting all Binkos, I really can't imagine what could top that...

Anyway, we're back to scrolling backgrounds! Clouds, balls of fire, other things that support such an entity...

Now that I have all stages unlocked and I can play through them all sequentially, I probably never will. The problem is, the 6.3 boss is such a gigantic difficultly spike, you'll be basically be playing through five stages for the honor of having it eat through your remaining lives with quickness. Not exactly a well-balanced stand-alone experience. unfortunately.

Will I play through the final stage to see the end of the story?? Yeah, eventually... It's supposed to get even hotter throughout the weekend. And even though I'm working, I can see myself hiding away in the AC some evening and watching the rest just because I made it this far. Might as well.

But other than that, I consider myself done with Yurukill. May this thread live on to satiate people's curiosity for the next 1000 years...
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by prophetic »

Can PS4 share save files across different PSN profiles? Or is the save file digitally signed?

If the game goes on heavy discount I might buy it if I can use someone else's save.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Jonpachi »

Thanks for toughing it out for the team sniffles! I got sidetracked as the game inspired me to watch Squid Game (which I hadn't seen yet) and that ended up taking over my morning, lazy viewing time. Back to this one tomorrow. I have to finish this dumb game. I don't know why.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

prophetic wrote:Can PS4 share save files across different PSN profiles? Or is the save file digitally signed?

If the game goes on heavy discount I might buy it if I can use someone else's save.
Played on Switch, no idea.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Jonpachi »

Oh, missed the question above. No, you can't share a save file on any modern console. It's tied to the profile.

A casualty of the Achievements/Trophies systems that have done so much damage. Games have taken away usability in the name of fairness in hunting meaningless tokens.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by pulsemod »

didn't know this... on PS3 and Vita trophy earning was just locked to profiles who first created the save data. don't know why they couldn't have just kept it that way. maybe some PS plus cloud save junk
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

A couple more thoughts about that strange difficultly spike, mentioned above.

Both 6.1 and 6.3 are tough. But the 6.3 boss' final 'double pinwheel' attack is so difficult to consistently dodge while also doing damage to her, and she has so much health, making that last phase so long and frustrating, it seems frankly out of character with the rest of the proceedings. So much so, I'm actually willing to give g.rev a pass for it. As it seems like an obvious case of work being sent back over and over with the Izanagi overlords stating "no, we want this last section to be really hard. Make it really hard. Thanks!"

Perhaps, I'm projecting. But there's something very off about that spike. Especially considering how polished and tempered everything else is (even the proceeding stage)
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Carmen »

Just finished the demo... this is one very interesting game! I've never played Danganronpa yet but I was wowed by Deathcometrue and World's End Club so I had to try it out. I may not pick it up soon but will def. when it has a price drop. Just curious, is there any consensus between which is better between the PS4 and NS? I played the demo on PS4 Pro and the performance spikes were... kind of off-putting for a PS4 game in 2022? I wanted to try and contrast it with the Switch but I gave up having to mash through the dialogue (though it is super entertaining the first time around)... judging from the brief tutorial stage, it seems the shooter sections on Switch run at a lower frame rate, maybe lower resolution and are more prone to slowdown? However the visual novel stuff seems smoother? Any final word on this? I can't find a single person commenting on it on either the Japanese or English interwebs...
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by xxx1993 »

m.sniffles.esq wrote:So, it took... awhile, but I unlocked all seven stages. The full Yurukill shmup experience.

While in Score Attack, they hide the identity of a stage's pilot. But, the final stages boss is heavily implied to be:
I know who the main villain of the game is, actually. But I don't want to spoil anybody here.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I know who the main villain of the game is, actually. But I don't want to spoil anybody here.

Oh, I know who it is (it's strange they obscure the pilot's identity, even though the boss gives it away anyway). I was just amused by the text's implications.

Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by xxx1993 »

You do know it’s that crying girl Izane who’s behind all this, right?
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Like I said, the boss is initially her boss (the eyeball monster), before it turns into "god". Which is why it's strange they even bothering obscuring her face at that point...
(Besides, at the point that she's "Oh btw, I'm a Yurukill employee hired by the CEO personally" does anyone NOT think she responsible for everything?)

That leads me to something that annoyed me about the story... At the end of her chapter, she reveals the crying is just an act. Then, when the hero encounters her on the train she's crying about everything again. One would think the CEO's son would be "uh, you can quit with that shit" instead of "oh yeah, she cries about everything"

I know there's about 580 instances of sloppy and shitty writing throughout the entire thing, but for whatever reason, that annoyed me more than others...

Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by xxx1993 »

Not sure if this was a rather predictable twist or they were trying to make Izane to be the next Junko Enoshima or something.
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I like how we're using spoiler tags like anyone cares
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by Jonpachi »

m.sniffles.esq wrote:
I like how we're using spoiler tags like anyone cares
Lol, if anything I appreciate the story breakdown. Likely never going to finish this thing. :wink:
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by xxx1993 »

The post-credits scene bugs me a bit, though. If Binko was Izane, then who was the Izane that committed suicide after the final battle?
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Re: Enzai Shikkou Yuugi: Yuru Kill (G.rev/Izanagi Games coll

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

You'll have to play Yurukill II to find out!
I'm not even going to ask how her and Binko managed to be in the same locations at the same time... Anyway, I'd actually appreciate the above twist if they truly went all the way with it and had the same actress play both parts
As a complete aside: While I understand Yū Kobayashi is a respected and busy voice actress--I also understand the following may not be completely her fault--but her performance as Binko rates--at least personally--as one of the most overdone and grating ever. And if I see her name on potential future purchases, pause will given. MAJOR pause will be given.
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