I can't relate to modern gaming anymore

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: I can't relate to modern gaming anymore

Post by BryanM »

neorichieb1971 wrote:My take on modern gaming is that polgyons brought us simulators. Skidding round a corner in a racer is now taking the racing line, a double jump is now climbing a rock face, a shoot em up is now something akin to Ace Combat or some flight simulator.
That one classic rant by that one guy about Ocarina of Time and the third person over the shoulder camera being more "immersive" but making for an inferior playfield for a video game always comes to mind.

This reminded me of an outstanding idea I came up with while contemplating the essence of kusoge: SPORTS GAMES, THAT ARE TRUER SIMULATIONS.

See, in most team sports the player's avatar is the most important person on the field - whoever's closest to interacting with the ball, right? But that's nothing like it is in real life.

So imagine playing a video game about REAL baseball. You're Jerry Breadfucker (brother of Terry Breadshuttle), and for 98% of the game you're sitting in the dugout waiting for your turn to maybe come up. And taking a nap in the outfield for the 1 in a 30 chance you'll have to actually move.

This is pure genius. I should hack this up in an afternoon, slap the name Real Baseball on it, and put it up on Steam. I'll be a millionaire overnight.



Yeah, the core issue is the 90's were the hottest time of change for video games and computer hardware. Things that were once fresh and exciting can't give the same returns. It's like that ghost party in Mother 3.

What excites me for the future isn't graphics, but the emerging possibility of AI generated content. (Even AI Dungeon in its crude state is an entertaining novelty for a couple hours, once you understand it just tries to continue what you type, and doesn't react to it). NPCs you can actually interact with as pseudo people.

For the ridiculously distant (possibly impossible) Matrix/Sword Art Online fake reality stuff, well. Like I always mention, webnovels are unfortunately the closest thing we have to those so far. The highs are really high and the lows are sometimes quite amazing, in their own way.
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To Far Away Times
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Re: I can't relate to modern gaming anymore

Post by To Far Away Times »

NFL 2K5 (the last great football game), had a first person football mode, which while not perfect was certainly a cool experiment.
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