The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

evil_ash_xero wrote:I dipped out of politics a while back.
Considering that you had to be corrected several times over concerning the losing side's reaction in both the 2016 and 2020 elections - news items which, it's worth noting, decidedly cannot be easily dismissed as "obscure", "wonkish" or otherwise hard to follow - you might want to revisit how much effort you put into keeping up with current events.

This goes double, by the way, if you truly care about free speech as much as you say you do - as has already been noted, simply saying "I'm pro-free speech" and not "wanting to get into it" any further than that doesn't really mean much of anything, as speech can never be completely free, no matter what perspective you argue from, and forming a cogent point of view on the matter absolutely requires getting deep into the weeds.

Just to use yourself as an example, presumably you believe that folks should be able to criticize people and ideas they disagree with, but also feel that past a certain point it becomes "cancelling", which you do not believe is a legitimate form of free expression. So at what point does one become the other? Is that point different depending on the topic being discussed, or who it's being discussed with, or what the eventual outcome is? How would disagreements over where the line should be drawn be resolved, and how would any anti-cancelling laws be enforced? How would such laws vary by medium, or by the visibility of the user, or any number of other factors? Feel free to keep going - in fact, you had better keep going if you're not just yanking everyone's chain, your own included.

To tie this into my major beef from earlier, I already consider it a shaky proposition as it is to consider "cancel culture" and other related bullet points as THE single issue to completely overrule all others, especially at this particular time; I would cast further doubt on taking up that position if 1) You don't keep up with what's generally going on enough to so much as consider what else might be equally or more worth your attention, and/or 2) You haven't even thought whatever single-issue position you do have completely through, and at least off the cuff don't seem terribly interested in doing so.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by evil_ash_xero »

Mischief Maker wrote: What the Democrats have said is that Russia (among others) was spreading pro-Trump misinformation - which, to all appearances, is true - not that the vote itself was illegitimate or "stolen", or that voter rolls needed to be purged, or that the people who counted the ballots were traitors who all needed to be replaced by diehard party loyalists. Sorry, there's no equivalent here.

Yeah, they hacked the DNC. The Democratic National Committee. As in the political party. Nothing to do with the voter rolls or voting machines.

Remember all those embarrassing emails that were given to wikileaks and slowly dribbled out over the final months of the 2016 election to maximize damage to Clinton's reputation? That's what this report was about.

The Russians were attempting to help Trump through reputational damage to his opponent, not hacking the vote count. Nobody claimed that.
evil_ash_xero wrote:Also, while I understand the lunacy of Trump die-hards, are we going to just turn a blind eye to far left groups like Antifa, that set fire to major cities for months, in America?
You're mixing up Antifa and BLM. There was a brief rumor that Antifa caused the 2020 wildfires, but not only was it quickly disproven, police departments were publicly telling people the story was bullshit and to stop spamming their phone lines with false Antifa claims.

And even with BLM, several acts of violence were eventually revealed to be Boogaloo Boys and various other white supremacists trying to spark a race war.
evil_ash_xero wrote:I feel that the main tactic of SJWs is to exhaust you, to where you don't care to interact anymore. Because that's what happens
when I start talking to them. I.E. this thread.
I apologize if being exposed to facts counter to your accepted narrative is tiring.

Maybe find more trustworthy news sources so you don't get into these exhausting situations?
I do not believe for a second that all the "acts of violence" were white supremacists trying to start a race war. Baltimore, Kenosha, Portland... There is plenty of
footage and news on this. The theory that it was white supremacists is the untrustworthy info you're speaking of (IMO).
So, we're going to act like all of that was white supremacists, and no far left groups like Antifa? Well, that's a great way to push all the blame away.
I recall a leftist professor hitting someone in the head with a bike lock. Was his hands secretly being controlled by right wing hypnotists?

Perhaps I am wrong about the exact nature of the electronic tampering conspiracies. If so, I am sorry. However, I don't believe the Russians had much to do with Trump winning (they very well may have tried, hard). I don't think
any other shadow groups had anything to do with him losing. Even if they do try things, I think it came down to the countries' choices. And what the heck is
"pro Trump misinformation"? People just liked the doofus, for some reason. Personally, I feel
that Trump won the first election because millions of Democrats didn't vote in that election. Many were mad about the DNC screwing Bernie over, and even though they
didn't like Trump, almost every news outlet behaved as if Hilary was going to win. It was quite a shock when he won, as you may remember. That's because the
media acted like it was a "sure thing".
And for the record, I don't like Trump. But I think him winning that particular election was for the best "in the long run". I believe Hilary would have had us in a war with Syria,
and we'd be stuck there for decades. She's a warmonger.
He lost, and that's probably for the best too. I hope we have better choices, next time. I grew to like Bernie, but he was ill, and was not able to continue. Which is a shame, even though
I don't agree with him on a number of things.

Yes, I do believe that much of the social media networks are working hand in hand with Democrats, and other Left Wing groups, and that has really amped up censorship and misinformation in the last
batch of years. Hey, I could be wrong, and you could be totally right. But that's my opinion.
And the Right wing would do it too, if they could. However, Silicone Valley is basically a leftist's paradise, so they don't have much pull there.

But then, you have stuff like this. (I think this is a result of the Sinclair Group, and I believe they are Right Wing)
Stuff on Twitter where you can be banned for not using a person's pronouns, mucking with what trends, and then stuff like the above... I don't trust any of these motherfuckers.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by evil_ash_xero »

BulletMagnet wrote:Feel free to keep going - in fact, you had better keep going if you're not just yanking everyone's chain, your own included.
Dude, could you be a bit more civil about this? I know your name is glowing green, but I don't really like being demanded to talk about things.
You can ask me very specific questions (I know you have, and I kind of skipped over them... but let's try again), and I can put a little more effort into answering, as I seem to have ruffled some feathers with being vague
and somewhat dismissive. I don't think
this will have any kind of resolution, but I'll play along a little longer. And the reason I say that this won't have any resolution, is because the main
players in this thread aren't going to have their minds changed by me. And I doubt mine will be changed too much either. But hey, I might be more up to date.
I'm still trying to figure out what the exact status is on the Roe vs. Wade thing.
But really, a lot of this will be "well, your information is wrong" and "NO, your information is wrong". Maybe we're all "sorta" wrong and "sorta" right.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

evil_ash_xero wrote:I know your name is glowing green, but I don't really like being demanded to talk about things.
Nobody, least of all me, is demanding that you weigh in on anything, let alone to the extent that some manner of "resolution" be reached; what I am saying is that if and when you do decide to speak up on a topic, as you recently did on the subject of social media and the connected free speech issues, if you want to be taken seriously you ought to make sure that 1) You've got the basic facts of the subject down, and 2) You've thought through your perspective enough that you can discuss it beyond the length of a bumper sticker. If you don't, other people are not the ones at fault for pointing it out.

Even if, as you say, we're all only partially right (which, it should be noted, doesn't mean we all are in equal measure, but that's another topic), if we want to be able to say we actually care about an issue we need to be willing to put in the time to hash it out; anyone who isn't is essentially just trolling those who are.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by evil_ash_xero »

BulletMagnet wrote:
evil_ash_xero wrote:I know your name is glowing green, but I don't really like being demanded to talk about things.
Nobody, least of all me, is demanding that you weigh in on anything, let alone to the extent that some manner of "resolution" be reached; what I am saying is that if and when you do decide to speak up on a topic, as you recently did on the subject of social media and the connected free speech issues, if you want to be taken seriously you ought to make sure that 1) You've got the basic facts of the subject down, and 2) You've thought through your perspective enough that you can discuss it beyond the length of a bumper sticker. If you don't, other people are not the ones at fault for pointing it out.

Even if, as you say, we're all only partially right (which, it should be noted, doesn't mean we all are in equal measure, but that's another topic), if we want to be able to say we actually care about an issue we need to be willing to put in the time to hash it out; anyone who isn't is essentially just trolling those who are.
Well, OK. I do believe free speech is under attack on social media. I have pointed out things such as me being shadowbanned for discussing (respecfully) about transgenderism. You can get banned from sites if you don't use someone's preferred pronouns. I recall on GameFaqs when some people would talk about how "Male/Female" had been replaced by "Body Type A/Body Type B", the thread would be banned. This is censorship to a degree where you can't even discuss something. Now, if you go in there with hateful talk, that's different. But just discussing it, or even saying how ridiculous some things are... you can't do it. That's something I see all the time. It's not a conspiracy. It's just "how it is now".

Many right wing types have been shadowbanned on Twitter, and while I am not right wing, it is wrong. The Babylon Bee was one of the most ridiculous ones, as it was satire. Look into it. It's milquetoast. People that I used to listen to, like Sargon of Akkad (don't listen to him now) and other of the "skeptics" would regularly be banned from Twitter and YouTube, even though they really didn't do anything to deserve it. And just a few years before, they could have said WAY more (maybe even beyond what I think should be allowed on a private platform), and not a thing would happen. But the rules have changed so quickly, that they were able to get rid of them. Whether you like them or not, is not the point. Patreon is in on it to, with taking people's Patreon's down, for nothing much more than "wrong think", or some edgy jokes.

And of course there are celebrities who are indeed cancelled, and lose jobs for saying the wrong thing. You can have someone like James Gunn, who is very left wing, have years of pedophile jokes, and is able to come back and direct Guardians 2 and Suicide Squad. But Gina Carano gets fired from the Mandolorian, and basically banned from Disney. Which is a big deal, since they own so much. And she compared the left's censorship to Nazi Germany, and that's why she had that happen. Was that the best thing to say? Probably not. But I don't think she deserved that. There's PLENTY of other celebs that I could mention, but they're pretty dull to me.

On another front, you discussed some right wingers wanting math books banned for having too much emotional content? I don't recall exactly what you said, but something in that territory. I would most definitely have to read up on that, as I don't even understand what the heck that means.
But, flip things over, and the left have been pushing books in schools that have semi-pornographic material for a while now, and that's an uproar. One of the comics that was targeted was "Gender Queer", which I have flipped through. It has scenes of someone sucking a strap on dildo. This is out there for kids. I don't think it's appropriate, and many other don't. I certainly couldn't imagine seeing a book like this in my school, as a kid. But if you feel that way, you may be considered transphobic.
My point is (and could you link me to what that book thing is about?) is that there is stuff going on both sides.

But that's my feelings on a few things, but you could ask something else. I may have missed some questions.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

I am pleased to have helped this thread realise its potent genetic lineage, as the retarded offspring of the Burgerpocalypse and Gaymergate ones. Image

Yeowch, nice shot @ Dave Chappelle there. Bad look on venue security! Lucky homie didn't have a knife - assuming his ineffectual flailings were violently motivated, and he wasn't just some dumbass! Regardless - poor Dave had better brace himself for the next attack! "It was a... it was a trans man!" "BWAAAAAA"
BulletMagnet wrote:Just to use yourself as an example, presumably you believe that folks should be able to criticize people and ideas they disagree with, but also feel that past a certain point it becomes "cancelling", which you do not believe is a legitimate form of free expression. So at what point does one become the other?
The point that critics are silenced, rather than engaged with or ignored.

Oddly, a neat illustration of this was recently provided by flamingly closeted Mexican dwarf / Nazi LARPer Nick Fuentes, and his grotesque human/pig hybrid manservant, disgraced GG hero Ethan Ralph. Their new, stated policy is to false DMCA any and all detractors - and there are a great many, because Nick's outfit Murica Furst has disintegrated into the laughingstock of the online right. And why not - so many pencil-necked incel fairies LARPing as Aryan Einsatzgruppen!

It was a move received with some surprise, because the ol' spicy DMCA has traditionally been regarded as a violation of Mutually Assured Destruction by those on the right - who tend to lack the mainstream support of their counterparts on The Right Side Of History™.

As it turns out - whether smugly ensconced or driven underground, cunts will be cunts!
Is that point different depending on the topic being discussed, or who it's being discussed with, or what the eventual outcome is?
If the point's fluttering about the place like a moth, something's gone very wrong.

"Don't talk about Rotherham, that's racist!" Oh my bad. How about Wayne Couzens? "Yeah that's cool, he white!" Sorted. Get owned, trafficked children.
How would disagreements over where the line should be drawn be resolved, and how would any anti-cancelling laws be enforced? How would such laws vary by medium, or by the visibility of the user, or any number of other factors?
This doesn't strike me as a matter for the law, outside of civil suits for blatant cases of defamation. cf Nick Sandmann. "OH NO NOT MUH CNN" The way to not get sued for calling random people Nazis is to not call random people Nazis. "BUT HE FACE, HE HAT, JUST LOOK @ HE SMUG GRIN @ MUH PRECIOUS INJUN WWII KANG" Yeah, that is how you get sued.

I called someone a Nazi in this post. When I'm doxed and taken to court under my real name, Dr. Richard Penis, I'll cheerfully cite the several dozen occasions where he has enthusiastically referred to himself and the organisation he leads as such. There's no money when I do it, but then I'm just a random cunt Having Fun Online, not a media corp hungry for dem click$.

I'm happy to see the recently manufactured Joe Rogan controversy did absolute fuck-all to his prospects. Much the same for JK Rowling and her frothing detractors. Nobody got silenced, they're all still out there calling these people transphobes or racists or baby-eaters or whatever. That's a normal state of affairs.

*ding dong* Now who could that be?


Oh wow! It's Ken Howard, MSW, LCSW, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California, and alumnus (and now Adjunct Associate Professor) of the MSW program at the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California (USC)! What a friendly-looking chap, like an older, gayer T-1000. And what's this? Just like you and me, Ken enjoys Having Fun Online! :O


Whoa! Kids, I am suddenly regretting the T-1000 reference. :shock: I wonder if he means an insertion injury, or a birthing injury? The former are commonly seen following violent rapes, the stock and trade of many a forensic pathologist. The latter are an unfortunate inevitability of natural delivery - even for we filthy breeding males, the kind of amoral carnage that can tremor a man's faith in a just and loving God! Well, both are quite nasty affairs indeed. Although, given Rowling is a mother, perhaps he means something more exotic, like the trauma inflicted upon Delhi's Nirbhaya in the infamous 2012 case?

The possibilities for vicious gynocentric violence really are endless. Either way, I'm sure Ken's still out there doing a bang-up job. Remember: women's reproductive health matters! Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

I for one think putting tits on the Furi guy can only be a good thing.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Oh wow lmao :o Chappelle attacker not only had a knife on him, it was concealed in a replica gun! Now that's thinkin'.


Mans got stomped good too :shock: :cool:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Durandal »

evil_ash_xero wrote: Well, OK. I do believe free speech is under attack on social media.
Free speech is only good for wresting a promise out of the state to not oppress the people too openly for what they say; for private entities, be it chatrooms, forums like these, or larger social media platforms, it is an unenforceable and impractical and quite frankly useless ideal. The simple reasons for that being:
  • a) The responsibility of what the users on a website say ultimately falls on the people running the site. Taking an "anything goes" approach to what gets posted on your site will inevitably get you in trouble with the law, as your site is now a safe haven for people to discuss how to dox or otherwise harass specific people (in Minecraft, of course). You can either spend your days being involved in federal investigation, or you can amend your mission statement a little, by saying that your site actually upholds Free Speech With A Million Asterisks--i.e. Not Actually Free Speech. It's rather self-defeating, and perfectly shows why free speech for online spaces is just unrealistic and not enforceable if you don't plan on getting repeat visits from the feds, or become a government honeypot.

    b) As I said in my previous post in this thread, without active moderation people will simply take matters in their own hands and try to run you out of the site--intentionally or unintentionally--if you say something disagreeable, such as by simply wasting your time or flooding your channels with shit until you give up. You actually perfectly exemplified this issue a few posts ago when you mentioned how people in this thread liked to exhaust you to the point of no longer having the energy to keep posting. Now multiply this feeling x1000 whenever you post on a larger forum. That is the true face of "free speech". After all, as long as you don't get banned, it's technically free speech, much like how Russia is technically a democracy! Most free speech absolutists have never experienced the drowning sensation of having thousands all shit on you at once.

"Pro-free speech" sites inevitably become either "pro-free speech******" after enough run-ins with the law, or risk becoming echo chambers after the loudest and most numerous voices make all dissenting opinions leave out of their own volition and annoyance. Hence why when it comes to private communities it's such a self-defeating idea in practice, and it's easier to just drop the pretense and acknowledge that the admin will always be a (benevolent) micro-tyrant. The kind of people that nonetheless treat FS as dogma are either people who are drinking from the same kool-aid bowl as libertarians--unwilling to think the implications of it through because they don't want to shatter the nice fuzzy feeling of standing for something Objectively Good amidst the ever-present muck of grey morality, or are just people who want FS for themselves but not for others. There's also people who cling onto it for dear life who fear they'll be persecuted if they lose their FS on their website of choice, but believe me, there are many other creative ways to ruin someone's life on the internet.

The question of communities having too little moderation or too much of it is one that has been raging since the Usenet days, and probably will never see a definite answer. Whatever the case, it used to be that people would just split off to their own servers and chatrooms if they were fed up with the local moderation. The internet used to look like 1444's Western Europe, splitting and merging over the slightest bit of drama. A bit harder to do nowadays now that social media has monopolized all that online space for itself and forced everyone to occupy the same spaces if they want any kind of attention. A more relevant and interesting question, I find, is "why the hell do we allow platforms like Facebook and Twitter to even exist on such a scale"?
Many right wing types have been shadowbanned on Twitter, and while I am not right wing, it is wrong. The Babylon Bee was one of the most ridiculous ones, as it was satire. Look into it. It's milquetoast. People that I used to listen to, like Sargon of Akkad (don't listen to him now) and other of the "skeptics" would regularly be banned from Twitter and YouTube, even though they really didn't do anything to deserve it. And just a few years before, they could have said WAY more (maybe even beyond what I think should be allowed on a private platform), and not a thing would happen. But the rules have changed so quickly, that they were able to get rid of them. Whether you like them or not, is not the point. Patreon is in on it to, with taking people's Patreon's down, for nothing much more than "wrong think", or some edgy jokes.
If a left-wing platform is still content with hosting people like Ben Shapiro and a whole host of right-wing politicians on their site, then said platform isn't as left-wing as you were led to believe (as one can see with how Meta's leadership knowingly and deliberately sabotaged internal propositions and projects to deplatform far-right entities like Alex Jones and QAnon on Facebook), the people who did get banned weren't as innocent as you were led to believe, and/or what I believe is much more likely, the impossible task of moderating a platform of millions and the subsequent reliance on AI to do the job has led to inconsistent and bizarre results. Recently a local far-right politician was banned from Twitter over 'hate speech'... even though he has been making similar tweets for many years before and by the same rules should have arguably been suspended years ago. 24 hours later he was unbanned and Twitter issued an apology calling the suspension an error. Everyone involved was puzzled.

If you ever uploaded popular videos on YouTube, you might notice in the creator channel how seemingly normal comments on your videos are auto-hidden because the algorithms flagged them as spam, which you have to manually un-hide if you want everyone else to see them. There's no real rhyme or reason or explanation as to what and why something gets flagged as spam, other than that YouTube's algorithms seems to particularly hate comments with URLs.

Once again, these incomprehensible decisions are the consequences of a larger force trying to exact consistent rules on the impossibly complex and nuanced field of human interaction based on a buttload of data and algorithms. Even with all the data in the world it's still horribly inaccurate, and quite frankly, does anyone even truly want it to be more accurate?
But, flip things over, and the left have been pushing books in schools that have semi-pornographic material for a while now, and that's an uproar. One of the comics that was targeted was "Gender Queer", which I have flipped through. It has scenes of someone sucking a strap on dildo. This is out there for kids. I don't think it's appropriate, and many other don't. I certainly couldn't imagine seeing a book like this in my school, as a kid. But if you feel that way, you may be considered transphobic.
When I was in the last class of elementary school, they took us on a school trip to a science museum in Amsterdam which had a curtain-covered corner showcasing pairs of dummies (the small faceless ones that artists use for posing and referencing) in all kinds of sex positions. Unfortunately since I skipped a grade, I was only one year short of being the minimum 12 years old to be allowed to go in with the rest of my classmates, so I could never fully see what was inside. A year later once we got into middle school we got a free pass for the public library, which had all kinds of neat stuff for older audiences like Battle Angel Alita, Dark Horse's Conan the Barbarian, and all that weird Franco-Belgian shit. Obviously not stuff exactly meant for 12yo lads, but at that age, who didn't get their hands on stuff they weren't supposed to? The librarians sure didn't care (it's for a "school project", after all :wink:).

The discourse surrounding sexual material in American school libraries doesn't make it very clear whether it pertains to elementary schools or high schools. Most of it seems to pertain to the latter when the children are around 14yo... which makes such pearl-clutching about what children can or can't see rather pointless? Reason being that at that age you're probably already reading and watching and playing all kinds of shit you're not exactly supposed to, and if you can't get something from the library then you can surely get it from a friend or the internet. Many current-generation parents are still too tech-illiterate to really moderate their children's internet usage, if the presence of those little shits screaming in my ears during online games is any indication.

For grade schoolers you can more easily make the arguments that such books are simply irrelevant and of no use to children until their puberty is a go-go, much like trying to teach teenagers about how to do taxes, and that therefore that library space is better spent on more relevant-for-that-age-group books. Instead concerned parents seem to be pushing the moral angle of saying how this and that isn't appropriate for children, the annoying downside being that invoking morality leads to crap like The Comics Code, or Pokemons being called Satanic and making kids violent.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »




THATS SO AMAZIN Image More celebrity trash PLS Image I mean it was very nearly the on-stage assassination of a beloved comedian, but still more pls Image
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by evil_ash_xero »

BIL wrote:I am pleased to have helped this thread realise its potent genetic lineage, as the retarded offspring of the Burgerpocalypse and Gaymergate ones.
I literally only posted because you made a funny post. You're kind of right. :lol:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Durandal »

BIL wrote:Oh wow lmao :o Chappelle attacker not only had a knife on him, it was concealed in a replica gun! Now that's thinkin'.
Chappelle was being attacked by Squall Leonhart.

Image Image

I don't know how you're supposed to pull that trigger without cutting your fingertips off :?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

The Virgin Jarpig VS The Chad Beltscroller :cool: No waiting turns here motherfucker! Image "WAAA TEN ON ONE WTFFF" Walk it off, sugar tits Image Image Image

EDIT: Well damn. :shock: Worse than I thought. Would've been a clean shot @ poor Dave's vitals if homie had a fuckin clue (although god knows what his motive really was here). Shades of the doubtlessly better-trained OG Commie Killa Yamaguchi-kun, raised in an era predating pussy-ass Winona Ryder-lookin protags :O


("Buh dur durr durrr, its just a knife hurr hurr") Bill Fairbairn is weeping in heaven. 3;

(footage stolen from mah boi BGZ and his valiant reporter friend Gen'Quavious - pray for em ok 3;)
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Durandal wrote:
BIL wrote:Oh wow lmao :o Chappelle attacker not only had a knife on him, it was concealed in a replica gun! Now that's thinkin'.
Chappelle was being attacked by Squall Leonhart.

Image Image

I don't know how you're supposed to pull that trigger without cutting your fingertips off :?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Durandal and others have already responded to you at considerable length, but I will touch upon a couple of things:
evil_ash_xero wrote:You can get banned from sites if you don't use someone's preferred pronouns. [...] Now, if you go in there with hateful talk, that's different.
This is itself something of a sticky wicket; if you refuse to call someone what they want to be called, are you in effect denying them self-determination, telling them that you have more of a right to decide who they are than they do? Could that count as a hateful, or at least demeaning, act? Assuming you're a male, how would you react if someone referred to you as a "she" and refused to stop when you asked, telling you that no matter what you said or did their mind was made up in terms of how they were going to refer to you?

Off to the side I did a quick bit of Googling, and most sources seem to estimate that the number of transgender people (i.e. those who consider themselves something different than their birth sex) in the USA lies somewhere in the range of 1 million to 1.5 million; that's a fraction of a percent of the country's population. They're more visible and accepted than they used to be, sure, but the notion that they and other such incredibly small minorities who were all but completely shunned by society up until very recently are somehow rewriting all the rules on a whim and "taking our country away from us" or the like requires a healthy step back and a sober look at the big picture.
There's PLENTY of other celebs that I could mention, but they're pretty dull to me.
I'm admittedly being a bit glib here, but I've said before that as far as I'm concerned "cancel culture" as it's referred to nowadays started with The Dixie Chicks, nearly twenty years ago, and that whole incident has largely been flushed down the memory hole even as the term has been almost exclusively pinned to the political left. That being said, the refrain from back then that they should just "shut up and sing" is still very much part of the vernacular, right up to the likes of LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick and, just within the past couple days, Bungie being told by fans to "stick to games" after weighing in on the leaked Supreme Court draft; are their detractors infringing upon their right to free speech, or are the rules (supposed to be) different for those with larger megaphones?
On another front, you discussed some right wingers wanting math books banned for having too much emotional content? I don't recall exactly what you said, but something in that territory. I would most definitely have to read up on that, as I don't even understand what the heck that means.
Here's one primer.
But, flip things over, and the left have been pushing books in schools that have semi-pornographic material for a while now, and that's an uproar.
Admittedly without having done extensive research into this area (honest :P) I'm inclined to believe that the uproar over pornographic lesson plans is considerably overblown (seriously, the more you even consider the phrase "pornographic lesson plans" the more ludicrous it sounds), but to whatever extent such instances do exist, therein lies another free speech quandary to wrestle with; others have already brought up the matter of precisely what grade level such material would be taught to, but even ignoring that, what if some kids and their parents are not bothered by it, and others are?

Or, of course, a personal favorite query of mine, at what point do we cross over from education to the much-ballyhooed "indoctrination" of children? Coming at it from the other end of the ideological spectrum, could more liberal parents argue that something like "abstinence-only" sex ed - which I'm quite sure is much more common in public schools than overly explicit content - oversteps their parental authority?
BIL wrote:The point that critics are silenced, rather than engaged with or ignored.
I don't think that point is quite as easy to pin down as you suggest; just off the top of my head, consider a hypothetical situation where the owner of a business takes a public, controversial stance on an issue, which prompts a number of customers to take their money elsewhere and eventually forces the place to close down. Was this merely a textbook case of the Libertarian ideal of "speaking with your wallet", or was the owner "silenced" even though his ability to say whatever he wanted was never actually limited or taken away?
If the point's fluttering about the place like a moth, something's gone very wrong.
I was honestly thinking more along the lines of the situation than the speaker - i.e. is there a difference of degree, if not overall intent or attitude in evidence, between, say, a man making disparaging comments about women to a lone male friend, as opposed to saying them directly to a woman, or in a setting where women are obviously supposed to hear them - but now that you mention it methinks even your take is itself messier than is immediately evident. Again, just going off the top of my head, I can't speak for the UK but here in the US I'd find it very difficult to deny that a white person calling a black one "nigger" has a lot more history and weight behind it than the black person calling the white one "cracker" - I'm inclined to suspect the same of a German person calling a Jewish one a "kike" as opposed to being called a "kraut". Should that be taken into account when deciding how to react to such situations, or must we consider any and all such acts completely equal in severity by default to be fair?
This doesn't strike me as a matter for the law, outside of civil suits for blatant cases of defamation.
I was under the impression that one of the main stated problems with "cancel culture" was precisely that it exists outside the realm of hard-and-fast law, i.e. "mob rule", and that the societal sickness is only getting worse by the day; in the absence of legal and/or legislative efforts to rein it in, how do you envision the problem being solved?
Durandal wrote:Chappelle was being attacked by Squall Leonhart.
As the assailant was led away by authorities, witnesses told our reporter that they could hear him mumbling "...whatever" as he was ushered past them. Film at eleven.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BIL wrote:Although, given Rowling is a mother, perhaps he means something more exotic, like the trauma inflicted upon Delhi's Nirbhaya in the infamous 2012 case? The possibilities for vicious gynocentric violence really are endless.
Lately it appears to be fashionable to for her detractors to tell her to choke on their "girlcock". When they're not sending death threats, that is.

On a related note, the same groups that target her also find it fashionable nowadays for homosexuality to be cancelled. This specifically happens to lesbians, who are told that their same sex attraction is insufficiently inclusive and therefore bigoted.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:
BIL wrote:The point that critics are silenced, rather than engaged with or ignored.
I don't think that point is quite as easy to pin down as you suggest; just off the top of my head, consider a hypothetical situation where the owner of a business takes a public, controversial stance on an issue, which prompts a number of customers to take their money elsewhere and eventually forces the place to close down. Was this merely a textbook case of the Libertarian ideal of "speaking with your wallet", or was the owner "silenced" even though his ability to say whatever he wanted was never actually limited or taken away?
That does indeed sound like a starkly textbook example of the former. No business is entitled to your money, let alone if you find them disagreeable for whatever reason. The alternative brings to mind a protection racket, "pay up or else."

For a contrasting example of the latter, see the long-running Masterpiece Cakeshop of Colorado case, in which activists tried to destroy a business outright over the owners' religious convictions. This again brings to mind a brutish racket, a curiously inclusive mafia. Image

(I am a visitor from a land where attacking a man's livelihood thus would expose the aggressor to quite another local treat: execution by torture, likely involving fire. An altogether nastier type of "bun" than they might've hoped to extort!

So I often wonder - why is this stunt always attempted with milquetoast white people? The below paragraphs may suggest IDPOL, but I suspect the primary cause is a well-inculcated - and not at all unwarranted - fear of retaliation from less genteel quarters, be they geographic and/or cultural.

The third world - it's a shithole! Image

Maybe the solution to all this strife is to leave people alone, even ones you vehemently disagree with. Either that, or drop the pretense and declare war. That may be where this is all going anyway.


Dumpster Mattress Defenders: Rehumanized Themselves And Faced To Bloodshed Image

Sorry BM, there goes my centrism flaring up again. I'm a big flappy COONT! :shock:)
If the point's fluttering about the place like a moth, something's gone very wrong.
I was honestly thinking more along the lines of the situation than the speaker - i.e. is there a difference of degree, if not overall intent or attitude in evidence, between, say, a man making disparaging comments about women to a lone male friend, as opposed to saying them directly to a woman, or in a setting where women are obviously supposed to hear them - but now that you mention it methinks even your take is itself messier than is immediately evident.
I do think I misunderstood you - but since we're on the subject, my example was to do with the tendency of Anglophone media (and from what I'm told by foreign observers, much of theirs) to either bury or promote stories, according to political correctness. Here in England, Pakistani Muslims are an Oppressed Underclass - so we get the ongoing horror story of Rotherham and similarly-benighted areas. Straight white men are Brutal Oppressors, so naturally, there is no such compunction in reporting on even the vilest acts involving them. (nor should there be, I hope I don't need to add)

Even the journalist who finally got the ball rolling on Rotherham held his tongue initially, because by his own admission, he was afraid of giving ammunition to the extreme right. His police counterpart reported an identical malaise within the force, which led her to resign (presumably as she'd have been fired anyway).

There's nothing messy or illusive about this and similar cases at all - it's a well-documented pattern in English public life. Even now, you will commonly see the media slander vast swathes of humanity, referring to our disproportionate numbers of non-white sex traffickers as "Asians," despite their largely hailing from the same tiny slice of rural Pakistan; backwaters with distinct, entrenched traditions of restorative gang rape, retributive disfiguring, and other delightful (and very female-friendly!) practices.

I've been away from this all for a while, because I'm a lucky ducky who only observes this stuff very tangentially and frankly it depresses my dick soft and floppy like cheese, but I'll rustle up some old notes if anyone thinks I'm talking out my ass. I've noticed broadly similar in the US media's downplaying of your astonishing rates of urban black-on-black murder. An entirely different kind of social ill, to be sure, but the refusal to so much as acknowledge reality (report it, even) is unmistakable, after a couple decades' this side of the pond.

Again, just going off the top of my head, I can't speak for the UK but here in the US I'd find it very difficult to deny that a white person calling a black one "nigger" has a lot more history and weight behind it than the black person calling the white one "cracker" - I'm inclined to suspect the same of a German person calling a Jewish one a "kike" as opposed to being called a "kraut". Should that be taken into account when deciding how to react to such situations, or must we consider any and all such acts completely equal in severity by default to be fair?
To bridge my tangent to your point (hopefully! obscenely late here), I think cases of white victims being singled out and preyed upon by non-white offenders should be treated identically to ones in which their racial characteristics are inverted. Objectively speaking, because beatifying some populations while demonising others is Balkanization 101, with many centuries of subsequent carnage to attest. Personally, because I think it's really shitty to penalise someone for being born the wrong thing. Wow much brave stance mirite. :|

White girls are subhuman whores subject to any and all depravity imaginable, up to and including murder, while Pakistani girls are sacrosanct and to remain unblemished - unless they get blemished, then you should murder them too. If this is not the stuff of "racism" or "religiously-motivated hate crime," what is, exactly?
This doesn't strike me as a matter for the law, outside of civil suits for blatant cases of defamation.
I was under the impression that one of the main stated problems with "cancel culture" was precisely that it exists outside the realm of hard-and-fast law, i.e. "mob rule", and that the societal sickness is only getting worse by the day; in the absence of legal and/or legislative efforts to rein it in, how do you envision the problem being solved?
I actually don't think there is much of a problem, when it comes to things like Gina Carano grabbing the Hawt Hawt Holocaust Potato and getting burnt, or her vastly more powerful counterparts Rogan and Rowling chowing down on their own respective third rails to little apparent damage. Certainly not a matter for the law, imo. Let activists stitch together as many "N-Word Compilations" as they like, as long as the inevitable reprisals starring beloved faces from across the aisle are allowed, too. This is an internet-augmented flareup of the mass media's usual Histrionics 4 Clickz racket. It was around before we were born, and will persist after we're dead, assuming Burgerpocalypse doesn't take it all away before that.

Outside of celebrity and its usual excesses, I don't think statute should or even could do much to help the likes of Kathleen Stock - effectively a JK Rowling sans the unassailable wealth, who actually was harmed by the screeching opprobrium she kicked up. At this point, I think those with conviction and means should do what they can to help those they feel have been victimised. (again, as with defamation, civil suits are another matter - I could certainly see bringing a case for wrongful termination, in some of the high-profile academic firings of recent years)

The willful ignorance of media and government in the face of politically unpalatable stories, alluded to above - I don't consider that "cancel culture." That's a pathological tribalism as old as our species. There's no eradicating that, only mitigating it. Talking helps, I believe. As in, the ability to talk. Take that away and historically, shit happens. This is where cancel culture creeps into the frame, with its popularising of the silencing tactics recently embraced by that Mexican twink and his morbidly obese West Memphis piglet.
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
BIL wrote:Although, given Rowling is a mother, perhaps he means something more exotic, like the trauma inflicted upon Delhi's Nirbhaya in the infamous 2012 case? The possibilities for vicious gynocentric violence really are endless.
Lately it appears to be fashionable to for her detractors to tell her to choke on their "girlcock". When they're not sending death threats, that is.

On a related note, the same groups that target her also find it fashionable nowadays for homosexuality to be cancelled. This specifically happens to lesbians, who are told that their same sex attraction is insufficiently inclusive and therefore bigoted.
It's all so thuggishly hypermasculine, isn't it? Dicks rammed in here, shoved up there, lots of choking and crushing and killing imagery; see also Fallon Fox and that other trans MMA fighter enthusing about smashing women's faces in. Overcompensating clowns revelling in the gynocidal carte blanche du zeitgeist. A riddle for the ages that many of these newly-minted "record holders" failed utterly competing as men.

Maybe it's all a long con? Like attracts like, that old Y-chromosomally augmented affinity for murderous violence. I'd make a rare PPV purchase to see Jon Jones overpower and strangle Alana McLaughlin within an inch of his life. :idea:
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
BIL wrote:Although, given Rowling is a mother, perhaps he means something more exotic, like the trauma inflicted upon Delhi's Nirbhaya in the infamous 2012 case? The possibilities for vicious gynocentric violence really are endless.
Lately it appears to be fashionable to for her detractors to tell her to choke on their "girlcock". When they're not sending death threats, that is.

On a related note, the same groups that target her also find it fashionable nowadays for homosexuality to be cancelled. This specifically happens to lesbians, who are told that their same sex attraction is insufficiently inclusive and therefore bigoted.
She intentionally seeks out those kinds of comments, no matter how obscure the source. She's the dictionary definition of "crybully." The more evenhanded critiques she ignores, no matter how famous the source.

Dudes who label themselves "team TERF" clearly don't understand what TERF means. The "radical feminist" part refers to a seething hatred of all penis-havers. Most people who identify as TERF are actually garden-variety conservative transphobes who think since the word "feminist" is included they can wear it as a virtue-signal.

The craziest part of anti-transwoman hysteria in sports is when XX ciswomen are banned from female sports for having a testosterone level above an arbitrary threshold. Also transmen destroy ciswomen in sports.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:She intentionally seeks out those kinds of comments, no matter how obscure the source. She's the dictionary definition of "crybully." The more evenhanded critiques she ignores, no matter how famous the source.
Wait what. :o IMO, mainstream right-thinking internet has been BASED AF when it comes to putting uncompliant Front Holes in their place, lately. What was that Linda Sarsour quote about taking disobedient women's vaginas away? There's been so many bangers in the years since, but it's a great icebreaker for Do You Remember Rape: The Blue Checkmark Best Gynocide Collection.


Blimey! :shock: That's kinda hardcore even for me - a convicted internet war criminal who once compared John Walker Flynt's vengeful dismembered todger to the head-spider from The Thing!

While I readily assume that video doesn't use deranged violence against uppity women as a rhetorical platform, unfortunately, it will only amount to a lonely kernel in a towering catalogue of shit. At some point - in Rowling's native England, UKIP arrived at it with Carl of Swindon's "I wouldn't even rape you" (hilarious!) - the mark has been made, rather like the one Fallon Fox's knee left on Tamikka Brent's head.
Dudes who label themselves "team TERF" clearly don't understand what TERF means. The "radical feminist" part refers to a seething hatred of all penis-havers. Most people who identify as TERF are actually garden-variety conservative transphobes who think since the word "feminist" is included they can wear it as a virtue-signal.
This is one of those Stalingrad scenarios where both sides can annihilate each other and the world will only be better-off for it.

If what Rowling has said re: biological sex is grounds for controversy, or even consitutes a political statement at all (behold the new blasphemy, "Adult Human Female" - kinda lame, when I were a lad it was my Deicide LP with Jesus eating the Virgin Mary's pussy while she deep-throated Baphomet's foot-long) - it's clearly war o'clock, anyway. Talking time over. :sad: Ideologically speaking, obviously. IDPOL nutters couldn't fight a real war, there aren't enough of them.
The craziest part of anti-transwoman hysteria in sports is when XX ciswomen are banned from female sports for having a testosterone level above an arbitrary threshold.
I thought the craziest part was a man fracturing a woman's skull in an officially sanctioned and broadcast MMA bout, but I am sure many more zany sights await us in this enlightened new world, where males and females become physically interchangeable via the futuristic technology of horse piss.

I wonder which will come first - the on-field paralysis or the in-ring fatality? Mix n' match, obviously, but with the effect the average man's fist has on the typical woman's skull (pesky skeletons! pesky DNA! conform in solidarity, damn you!), I'm comfortable ordering as such.

This is what happens when enough of a society is pampered and insulated from reality. Males and females competing not amongst themselves, but against one another.

Our ancestors would eat us alive and fuck like beasts all night, then use our hides for toilet paper and our bones for furniture. :|
Also transmen destroy ciswomen in sports.
Of course! My Lord, that T is unequivocally FUCKIN BUSSIN >83


Awful. 3;>
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Durandal »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: This specifically happens to lesbians, who are told that their same sex attraction is insufficiently inclusive and therefore bigoted.
I don't really think that "you must have sex with us" is the main takeaway or intent here, much in the same way that people speaking up against public racial preferences in dating isn't. Chances are big people aren't exactly interested to begin with in dating others who claim to be repulsed by them. Not to mention that a lot of the people in question already have (lesbian) partners of their own; they speak up regardless because that kind of either positive/negative group-wide discrimination based on stereotypes being normalized sets a bad overall precedent. People will surely often have those kinds of preferences (let no JAV addict stray from his eternal quest for a "qt3.14 Asian tradwaifu"), though they're better off keeping those private.
BIL wrote: I thought the craziest part was a man fracturing a woman's skull in an officially sanctioned and broadcast MMA bout, but I am sure many more zany sights await us in this enlightened new world, where males and females become physically interchangeable via the futuristic technology of horse piss.
The jury's still out on how to ensure fairness in this regard. Some sport associations require that trans athletes undergo one or more years of hormone repression therapy (whose effects can be quite substantial, but don't exactly clear residual effects from male puberty). Some just don't have a barrier of entry at all, either because the respective sports association never thought of it before, or because the sport in question doesn't exactly need it. Some use testosterone levels as a measure for whether someone can participate in a women's league, although this had some nasty consequences where cis women with naturally high test levels were barred from competing unless they take anti-androgens. Simply using assigned sex at birth as a standard has the rather uncomfortable consequence of pitting trans men against cis women. Trans-only leagues would have too small a participant base to be viable, on top of trans men being highly likely to mog trans women for the same reasons that sparked this entire debate.

Complicated! It'll take a while until people arrive at more satisfactory solutions, much like how current rules for many competitive sports are the result of continuous revisions and debate and trial and error. Categorical quandaries like these always serve as a good reminder that categories are meant to serve us, and not the other way around. It becomes harder and harder to pretend such a quandary doesn't exist the more numerous and present the exceptions become. Otherwise we would have ended up with 115 planets in our Solar System.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Durandal wrote:I don't really think that "you must have sex with us" is the main takeaway or intent here
Unfortunately, you are wrong. Laying the groundwork so that lesbians can be guilt-tripped and shamed into having sex with heterosexual males is entirely the point here. The people who've made comparisons of this to incel culture are not off the mark here. Here is the iconic Magdalen Berns responding to a heterosexual male insisting that lesbians who reject him are bigots, and laying out why he's full of shit.

And before anyone tries to pull the "Respect her pronouns!" card; sorry, but no. Regardless of what identity he may claim, people are under no obligation to respect the desired pronouns and engage in gaslighting when they are discussing someone who is acting as an abuser. Case in point:
What are we to make of the fact that a sixty one year-old assault victim in the UK was instructed, by the court, to address her male attacker by the pronoun "she"? The woman, Maria Maclachlan, was attacked while attending a feminist's event that was to precede a trans-activist event at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. She was knocked to the ground, punched in the face, and had her camera smashed by a group of men dressed as women. She later posted the following on Facebook: "I am 60 years old and tonight I got beaten up and had my camera smashed by a bunch of kids young enough to be my grandchildren."

During the assault trial that followed the attack, Ms. Maclachlan was instructed by the judge to address her attacker by the pronoun of his choosing. It's as if the State is complicit in giving the attacker one final stab at the victim.
And from Maria MacLachlan herself:
Instead, he repeated that the defendant wished to be addressed using ‘she’ pronouns and that the court had agreed “as a matter of courtesy”. He suggested that perhaps I “might like to do the same”. He didn’t explain why my assailant was to be afforded this courtesy, while I was being asked to suspend my critical faculties out of deference to someone who had violently assaulted me and why I wasn’t to be allowed to recount what happened to me in a way that was natural and truthful, given that I was under oath.
Suffice to say, this is disgusting. Nobody should be forced to pander to and provide comfort to their abusers and expect to gaslight themselves on their abuser's behalf.

Mischief Maker wrote:She intentionally seeks out those kinds of comments, no matter how obscure the source. She's the dictionary definition of "crybully."
That's some mighty fine victim blaming. Why yes, how dare she advocate for women on the basis of their sex.

The sad thing is that J.K. Rowling isn't saying anything new that other writers haven't already said, it's just that unlike numerous other women on Twitter who've been banned for wrongthink, she happens to have sufficient money and fame that she can't simply be banned and quietly ousted.
The more evenhanded critiques she ignores, no matter how famous the source.
An autogynephilic heterosexual male scantily dressed in a candlelit bathtub telling women their opinions don't matter. When women complain about "mansplaining" I bet this is exactly the sort of shit that would qualify.

Speaking of creeps, remember Jonathan Yaniv, the litigious dude who went to multiple salons that serve female clientele and then tried to sue half a dozen of them for not wanting to wax his ladyballs? He was briefly defended by the politician Morgane Oger, another male who identifies as a trans woman, until Morgane realized what a PR nightmare Yaniv was to associate with. Morgane's exploits include defunding a women's rape shelter for strictly being for those of the female sex. Considering that there are numerous reports out there of men self-identifying their way into women's prisons and then raping the women in those prisons, Vancouver Rape Relief seems well justified in providing sex-based services (and does indeed provide them to women who identify as trans men).
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Oh god, is it time to explain the difference between biological sex and social gender roles again?

Dunno why you people think it makes cis women safe when you force them to share bathrooms with muscular bearded transmen.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Gender roles are hugely stereotypical and you haven't explained why you think they are more important than biological sex (they aren't) or why we should essentially advocate for being in denial of one's own biological sex (we shouldn't).

Ooo, the disingenuous bathroom argument! I've already posted this link in response to you, but I'll do so again, and with quotations:
It’s also clear that issues like the ‘bathroom bill’ might be sexually motivated:

“ Others were sexually excited by the idea of being with other women in a gym or locker room and feeling as though they genuinely belonged or deserved to be there. Here are two representative examples:

“ I started hormones about 6 months ago and am awaiting approval for sex reassignment surgery. The most sexually exciting thing about being a woman is fitting in as a woman and finally feeling I have a place to belong. I often fantasize being postoperative and being able to go to the gym and finally being able to shower with other women after having a nice workout. I am really turned on by the idea of going into the women’s shower and being surrounded by femaleness and of just being able to legally belong in the women’s restroom. What I’m saying is that to truly fit in as another woman in these places means a great deal sexually to me. ”

After reading about autogynephilia, I think that I have come a long way in understanding myself and my motivations and desires. Most of my early masturbatory fantasies involved being transformed into a woman and living as a woman. I don’t really care about the clothes. It is about being able to see myself as a woman or at least with feminine qualities. My most enjoyable moments are imagining experiencing the more tame parts of life as a woman (e.g., playing golf, going to the women’s room or locker room, being able to shop for feminine clothes and shoes, and being seen as a woman.) The few times I have been in a women’s locker room have been overwhelming. The smell is so inspiring and alluring and the idea of being able to go there and be accepted as a woman — I certainly can understand why people go completely through the surgery”

It is important to emphasize that the narratives that mentioned wanting to be with other women in a gym or locker room never carried overtly voyeuristic overtones. What was arousing to the informants was being accepted as a woman by other women, not the opportunity to view nude or scantily clothed female bodies. In fact, one informant explained that experiencing the absence of male-typical feelings was what made the locker room scenario arousing:

I am deeply aroused by the idea of being in a locker room with other women and having no male sexual feelings.

Lawrence also records case histories of autogynephiles viewing lesbians as props to fulfill the sexual fantasy:

“ I’m a 50-year-old MtF transsexual, in transition about 10 years. I fit into the behavioral autogynephilic pattern. I am currently and always have been attracted to females. My conscious memory of gender dysphoria really began at age 13 with dressing up, which was always connected with sexual arousal and orgasm. This early fantasy was of being a girl and being with a girl. I had a real interest in reading lesbian love story paperbacks, which aroused me. I started to go out with girls at age 15 or 16. From 16 on up, I never really had any great desire to have intercourse, but I was really interested in a lesbian relationship, usually with a clothes fantasy. My sex life with my girlfriend from ages 16 to 18 was what I fantasized as a lesbian relationship. We never had intercourse: She was trying to be moral and I had no real interest in intercourse.”

Even changing gender markers on a drivers license aroused some of the autogynephiles who talked with Lawrence:

“ I will confess that officially changing my name and changing my driver’s license and ID over to “female” did sexually excite me, as I felt I had pushed myself to a point of no return. The notion of now being trapped in my new gender reminded me of all of the little pink storybooks of “forced transitions” I had bought and been stimulated by earlier.”

The current trend in the community, of course, is to deny autogynephilia exists or that it could possibly be a motivation behind current transgender ideology. Lawrence even talks about it in her book:

“ It is easy to find examples of such invalidating assessments on many of the Internet sites maintained by high-pro file MtF transsexual activists. These individuals often state or imply that autogynephilic transsexuals are not genuinely or legitimately transsexual. Ironically, the transsexual activists who maintain these Internet sites often have demographic profiles that are strongly suggestive of autogynephilic transsexualism, although the activists usually deny or minimize any history of autogynephilic arousal”
I have bolded one passage above for emphasis. While religious conservatives may like to make false claims about trans people being rapists in bathrooms, the data shows that people who identify as trans are not going into bathrooms or changing rooms to commit rape or physical assaults. Any arguments made in the name of "safety" here are weak and unsupported by evidence.

However, there are a lot of autogynephiles who get off on the idea of being in a woman's space and being begrudgingly tolerated, which they see as providing them with validation. We know this, because they are talking about this online in public spaces where it can be documented. This gives them a sexual gratification, which the community often refers to by sanitized terms such as "euphoria" or "validating". I do not think women need to feel as though they just have to shut up and accept that their presence is being used for someone else's sexual fetishism, because even if they're not being physically touched or spoken to, their presence is still being used and demanded as part of the performance. That's extremely fucking rape-y. And since not every place has single stall, private bathrooms, it's not something a woman can necessarily opt-out of.

It is not bigotry to suggest that women need not be unwitting participants in someone else's sexual fetishism, especially in somewhere you can feel vulnerable and uncomfortable as it is like a public multi-stall bathroom.

I also recognize this is a difficult and thorny issue because there are trans people who suffer from crippling gender dysphoria and are not necessarily autogynephilic who will be negatively affected by discussions about this.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Oh geez, the fuck-saw guy's autogynephilia book is back in the news?

Everything old is new again.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BIL »

Durandal wrote:The jury's still out on how to ensure fairness in this regard. Some sport associations require that trans athletes undergo one or more years of hormone repression therapy (whose effects can be quite substantial, but don't exactly clear residual effects from male puberty). Some just don't have a barrier of entry at all, either because the respective sports association never thought of it before, or because the sport in question doesn't exactly need it. Some use testosterone levels as a measure for whether someone can participate in a women's league, although this had some nasty consequences where cis women with naturally high test levels were barred from competing unless they take anti-androgens. Simply using assigned sex at birth as a standard has the rather uncomfortable consequence of pitting trans men against cis women. Trans-only leagues would have too small a participant base to be viable, on top of trans men being highly likely to mog trans women for the same reasons that sparked this entire debate.

Bit of a minefield innit Image

I'm an agreeable sort. I don't like upsetting people. I don't like seeing people in distress. I like it when people are happy and content. Kinda gay mirite! :shock: I swear I pray to my Britney Spears poster every night. Unfortunately, there is more than one person in the equation here, and I have to side with the more vulnerable party: female athletes getting BTFOd by male ones.

Lucia "Lady Tyson" Rijker? lmao. The invincible Williams Sisters? roflmao.

One sec, gotta prop up this strawman - there we go! "AYKSHUALY sometimes dudes lose, checkmate RACIST" Yep, as with Fallon Fox being taken down by a technically superior Ashlee Evans-Smith. That is of little comfort to the women he bludgeoned beforehand, or indeed Smith herself. See also the unlucky women bumped off the bottom rung by an ultimately unsuccessful Lia Thomas.

Coming from a background in criminal justice, there's a horrible nostalgia in hearing a female athlete relaying the experience of being punched in the face by a male, and feeling her "brain being rocked," and having trouble speaking post-fight. That sounds uncannily like an interview with a woman who's narrowly fought off a male attacker! :O

This isn't just about trans athletes, unfortunately. If you are a man who wants to best women in feats of physical prowess, you will be looked at askance by most. If you want to outright beat them into submission, you'll be regarded with outright disgust by same. Is it the dread hand of PATRIARCHY at work? Or is it some evolutionary adaptation, to ensure females are kept suitably un-bludgeoned and in pristine breeding/child-rearing order? Either way, The Science™ is currently nowhere remotely consistent enough to mitigate the ugly reality of sexual dimorphism.
It'll take a while until people arrive at more satisfactory solutions, much like how current rules for many competitive sports are the result of continuous revisions and debate and trial and error. Categorical quandaries like these always serve as a good reminder that categories are meant to serve us, and not the other way around. It becomes harder and harder to pretend such a quandary doesn't exist the more numerous and present the exceptions become. Otherwise we would have ended up with 115 planets in our Solar System.
I'm reminded of the controversies over WBC gloves and NFL super armour, and how these accoutrements tend to foil minor, short-term injuries, but can actually foster catastrophic damage in the long-term. Because when a fragile human fist is wrapped up tight, then placed in a nice fat glove, suddenly it can punch a human skull, and rock the brain within, all night long. Bare knuckle? Lots of cuts, looks horrific, but those guys tend to go for the body - you just can't punch a skull for very long before inflammation or even fractures set in.

And when your vulnerable flesh and bone is shielded by riot armour, you can hurl yourself into collisions with 300lb rivals that would give a man in a shirt and shorts pause, only decades later blowing your own wracked brains out of your skull like Junior Seau.

At our primitive level of medical science, we can't even let males beat the shit out of other males without the constant risk of life-altering damage. \(O_O)/

TLDR: Women are shit at fighting, and shit at sports.

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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Mischief Maker wrote:Oh geez, the fuck-saw guy's autogynephilia book is back in the news?
Have you read the article you linked to? Because I'm thinking you might not have.
Laura Anne Stuart, the sexual health education and violence prevention coordinator at University Health Services, said after hearing of the event she consulted with a few members of SHAPE, the on-campus sexual health group she advises.

“As a sexuality educator, I do think that demonstrations of specific arousal techniques – those definitely have educational value,” she said.

Stuart added that the sexual display’s appropriateness depends on the class context, audience makeup and the professor’s ultimate goals.

Bailey is no stranger to controversy. The 21-year professor, who repeatedly has been named to the Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll, including in 2010 and 2009, has drawn criticism for the research and conclusions of his book “The Man Who Would Be Queen,” which explores male femininity and autogynephilia, a sexual fixation in which a man is sexually excited by the thought or image of himself as a female.

Interested attendees were warned five to 10 times about the intense nature of the demonstration, said McCormick senior Nick Wilson, who was present for the after-class event. He estimated at least 20 students began “trickling out” due to the warning.

McCormick junior Ellen Kourakos described the sex-toy implementation as “a little more explicit than expected.”

Administrators and students interviewed said because the event was optional, it is a permissable addition to the class.

“Personally, I probably wouldn’t want to witness that, but a student can take or not take the course,” said Christine Woo, a member of NU’s Christians on Campus chapter. “It’s their choice.”
A 20+ year tenured sexuality professor teaching an optional class with multiple content warnings given prior that happens to include a woman having an orgasm. If there's something in here I'm supposed to find reprehensible I'm not seeing it.

And no, I'm not wasting my time watching the same misogynistic autogynephile you've previously posted no matter how valuable you think his astroturfing and gaslighting for the sake of other autogynephiles is.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:And no, I'm not wasting my time watching the same misogynistic autogynephile you've previously posted no matter how valuable you think his astroturfing and gaslighting for the sake of other autogynephiles is.
If you haven't watched it, how would you know all those things you're accusing her of are true?
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Because he was also doing it in the previous video you posted.

Gaslighting is a form of abuse, and I will not engage with it.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Being exposed to contradictory arguments is not gaslighting.
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Re: The Cancel Culture thread! WOO!

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

It is gaslighting however when a woman, as in an adult human female, is lectured on how she is a bigot for thinking that she should be able to advocate for herself on the basis of her sex. It is also gaslighting when she is told that she needs a re-education on "what it really means to be a woman" by a male who identifies himself as a woman due to sexual fetishism.

Pure, utter misogyny.
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