Castlevania Miscellanies

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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

As tempting as it is to destroy my love of CV1 by playing a quarter muncher version.. i might have to decline :mrgreen:

Put me down for Haunted Castle as a 'someday'

I have scrubbed and continued my way through the game boy trilogy. 2 is the only one I'd consider going for 1cc on but it wasn't all that fun tbh. 1 is cock and ball torture, and the less said about 3 the better.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

TBH, the default first loop doesn't change all that radically. Meaner damage and timer, but anyone who can confidently clear the home version will be fine.

Second loop is a different story - even more zako than the home loop, and you're dead in two hits from most anything. Takes two meats to recover your first hit. I honestly can't tell if Hard changes anything, but just like VS Gradius, the default (and only other) setting is called EASY. And I took that personally. Image

However, in any version of the game - save perhaps the FC cart on its exclusive Easy mode - the loop catacombs will remind you that, despite its arcade-sleek runtime, Dracula began on Famicom Disk System, IE per-stage saving. :twisted: So in a way, you're gonna get fucked regardless. :lol: (watch for my upcoming Loop Catacombs The Perfect: Fish Fuck Daisakusen :cool:)

Strictly speaking, I shouldn't even call the arcade Akumajou Dracula by its overseas name. AC Dracula is merely a flawed memoriser. Haunted Castle is an arrant coin muncher. (you may think, with five different games on as many platforms sharing the Akumajou Dracula name - FC, MSX2, AC, IV and X68K - we are on the verge of containment breach, with FC also making an arcade appearance! But AYKSHUALLY Image VS Castlevania was only ever called that, AFAIK. Respect bibliography Image)

For a series geek, AC Dracula shares a small but distinctive honour with Dracula II, having some neat trivia - and killer BGM - referenced in later games. It kinda runs out of steam around stage 4, which could pass for a random launch HuCard, but recovers enough to debut the famous collapsing bridge setpiece, and the storming Don't Wait Until Night. Last boss is an interesting MSX2 callback, as well. It's also got some of the series' first forays beyond the ol' Universal Monster Mash, into wider horror folklore (Harpies, Dryads, Poltergeists, Golems... and other shit I'm forgetting, probably. Been a while)

Great tragic backstory too, with it being a random horror sidescroller hastily rebadged as a Dracular, before the extra staff were recalled to their original projects (like HOT SCRAMBLE :shock:), and it was shunted out the door sans playtesting. Yo, m8, that is GOFFIC TARGEDY liek :o
SuperDeadite wrote:I still love Castlevania The Adventure. It's slow, but only 4 stages. The spike stage is incredible.

Adventure 2 is a better game, but it's stages aren't as interesting. It does have THE MUSIC though.

Haunted Castle is quite doable if you stick to the Japanese version and spend the time to learn it's unique quirks.
TBH I'd give GB1 the nod just for its tunes, too. Battle Of The Holy and Revenge are surpassingly lyrical and catchy, and Death Fair is a mahfuckin jam (especially great paired with its evil funhouse of a stage). Can't recommend it to non-fiends without the walk speedup hack, but we live in an age of wonder. :cool:

I've been dabbling with an arcade 2ALL - for all its issues, AC does have one genuine hook: the end-stage HP restores actually cost ammo. There's an undeniable marathon satisfaction to whapping all those loop bats, then demolishing bosses with ZA WARUDO. Image I don't plan on going beyond two loops, but I notice ReplayBurners has some crazy 5-ALL where the guy seems to use the Boomerang? Didn't watch, don't wanna spoil. :mrgreen:
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by SuperDeadite »

AC loops just make the bats come faster and faster, the actual game doesn't change much. I have counter-stopped my pcb, 8 loops iirc.

GB1 is slow, but it works for the game. Spike stage is pefrectly scripted and is quite the rush to complete. I would think a speed up hack would break the flow here.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

Has anyone seen GB1's recolouring of stage 3 on the Konami GB Collection??

Y'know, I suppose you could be a super lame-o and farm an area in CV with a 1-up. just get the extend, die, get it again.. while building score extends the whole time. That'd make for an easy clear.. if one was so inclined.

Alright fuckers, here's the clear!
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

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That goes for VS Castlevania, too - they didn't fix st5's Red Skelten extend-o-matic, or even chop the stage's timer. Image It's the area just before the lab, the upper floor with three Red Boney-kuns. Get there with HW/Cross/Axe (in that order of preference), and you're set to rack up an army of lives one-shotting them as they regenerate.

Earlier milks (like st1's zombies) don't work nearly as well in VS, due to the chopped timer.

TBH you could do this in the second loop, too. It's lame as all fuck, but the battlefield is merciless. Image
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »


avgn approved comment.

Edit: also for anyone that checked out my vid, sorry about the lack of chapters, there's timestamps in the description.
Youtube has decided my whole channel is no longer worthy of timestamps in the video player.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Mortificator »

Die monster, you don't belong in this world
RegalSin wrote:You can't even drive across the country Naked anymore
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

Popped in a cred of arrange mode, Castlevania Chronicles.

Bro like barely anything is different. :lol: Although it does feel very smooth and nice to play.
She-wolf seemed to double up when throwing numbers at me.

I ended up clearing it with only 3 lives lost. Guess the 68k version practice really paid off.

Also does anyone attack the maids by hitting them with the backwards flight of the cross? You can hit them before they agro in the arrange verison.. but i don't remember trying this on 68k
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Austin »

Yeah, Arrange is basically the easy mode with some added graphical effects, balancing differences and light mechanical changes (i.e., getting knocked straight up instead of backwards).
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

Ohh yeah the knocked straight up thing is huge.

Well my Magical Vacation is nice and relaxing. Although I'm not sure what's going on with my luck this time, i'm getting drops like ice sword and ice mail the first time, almost. :shock:
Even got the cutlass super early. Makes me wonder if beetle psx core is a bit borked for this game.

This time if I get a new ability, I'm going round exploring every nook of the castle I can with this item alone, before picking up the next one. Two repeat trips to the caverns just to uncover a tad more.
It's cool cause I don't usually play this way- I usually remember where to go for the next item, roughly.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

This absolute boss made a Fighting Games style Richter guide and i'm here for it 8)

Also boys n girls.. I thought of a new challenge for Symphony of the Vacation

Shield Rod Run! / Magician

> Get Shield Rod ASAP
>never unequip it.
>Beat the game using its spells/buffs.
> you can still bonk things with it but hopefully its relative weakness will force players to get creative?

It's almost like a CotM Magician mode playthrough!
I'll try it and make a video on it soon possibly
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

Does sound interesting, if only to give those spells some screentime. Bone Shield DEATHLAZOR, Fire Shield Gradius Dragons, Dark Shield Mr. Dat Ass...


With the series having never grown out of its Skinner Box tendency (cf Bloodstained: ROTN), my last revisit was aimed at minimising it. I was impressed at how diverse/useful a range of gear is guaranteed - and moreover, how well SOTN works as a linear stage-by-stage run. Backtracking is tastefully minimised, and you absolutely never need to grind, provided you know what hurts. Those LVLUP flourishes are especially delightful when you're constantly forging ahead, meeting new creatures and killing them. Image

My only strictures currently are:

1) Don't get the early Jewel Knuckles. I'd never have figured out the secret on my own - saw it in an issue of GamePro, like a month before I got my copy. No JKs mean the very nice Basilard aka STAB MACHINE gets more screentime, and I actually use the swords found along the path to the Coliseum (Gladius post-Doppy10, Broadsword from Olrox's ground floor). Coliseum is full of CUT-resistant knights, which is fine, that's where the Shield Rod is. Bonk bonk!

2) One save per area visit - no EZ health restores. This means I actually use potions/food (and DAAKO METAMOPHOSIS), which otherwise become totally superfluous. Got fucked up? No food/drugs? Scarper to adjacent area and save there, you shamefur Image


3) Keep the Ring of Ares ("24" Ring) equipped, from the time it's found in the Abandoned Pit. Massive ATK boost + Brutal DEF penalty = ANTI EUROSHMUP TALISMAN. Never grind again ever, but hard hits gon hurt :cool:

4) No Beryl Circlet either, for the same reason as Jewel Knuckles. The boss it infamously trivialises is honestly pretty lame, anyway (protip: glaring safespot underneath) - it's more the principle that I'd never normally have found it.

I stick with Combat Knife (SUPER STAB MACHINE) and Moon Rod (Wizard Buckshot) from where they're found, late/early in the normal/inverted castles, respectively. The balance of pointblank stabbing fury, rangier bonk, and almighty QCF shotgun (with a little subweapon backup) could easily support a full-length arcade game. The armours/shields/accessories found along the way are fun diversions - nullifying Doppy2's stone/poison blades, forcing him into subweapon keep-away, or jogging along with a herd of kitties, HP rocketing so fast the digits blur - without getting into Alucard Shieldesque game-breaking.

OBMAR the knife-obsessed EdgyBoi says GUNS ARE FOR PUSSIES Image

I came away even happier with SOTN than usual, this time around. Ultimate scrolling action entertainment machine. Anyone looking for extreme rigour is missing the point, and I daresay "Naked Alucard" sorts would be better-served taking up other, tougher games. Unless they're into Naked Alucard, ofc. TBH, I find the game a terrible bore, forced into this sort of paucity. Just because Al's not running around with his lily-white ass hanging out, doesn't mean you can't have a respectable stab/stomp.

Did a fully-Skinnerboxed run immediately after (on the much-vaunted, ultimately trivial LCK MODE), and as always, found reams and reams of gear I either forgot about, or never knew of to begin with. Did you know you can render Beelzebub completely harmless? Or that Fake Sypha's "Lightning" magic actually does HOLY damage? All kinda shit to goof off wit Image

~the magic of safe corpse disposal~

Skinnerbox RIDDIM feat. MC Duplicator :o

Sadly, the Perfect Muramasa glitch was ironed out of non-PS1 versions, but I gotta say, based on other games with similar "1HKO everything" weapons, that would get old quick anyway. Something for the Naked Al freaks I guess. Play a harder game, toots. Image
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

SotN's a weird one huh. the more you explore, the easier it gets. "speedrunning" it ie only taking the direct route, no glitches (I allow shield dash) is really fun.

haha aw man that post is amazing. I missed it because i'm a bad taskforce member and only pop into R2RKMF now and then.. :oops:
That Soul Steal in the library flea-hell corridor might be one of the best I've ever seen

I don't think i've ever used the moon ROD. and how do you throw them knives out!? that's not the combat knife.. surely?
I mean I fucking love the combat knife and how there's next to no recovery on stabs while you're in the air.

What are big black balls? Daddy's Firespell holding up? an innocent plat am I.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

Top example is Basilard via LCK mode (pitiful STR means you need to perforate Bloody Zombies extensively for each kill - use Dark Metamorphosis for an HP fountain), bottom is indeed the Combat Knife, found in the Abandoned Pit near the Ring of Ares. Hold [forward] to cancel its stab/swing combo, for a Basilard-style flurry. While this'll force you to advance on the target, it's actually pretty comfy. The stab's got considerable reach - you can shred Galamoth's hamstrings very comfortably, stab-scooting back and forth - and with Ring of Ares' STR boost, most things will die fast anyway. :cool:

It's like a Vorpal Blade/Holbein Dagger/Crissaegrim, only cooler Image Plus you don't need to Skinnerbox it! EXTRA COOLER Image

I wish Moon Rod was in the Cog Room, rather than just chilling elsewhere. The stuff that's actually hidden in there, which you need to dodge an army of Gold Medusas to unlock (Mirror Cuirass's star moment), is nowhere as valuable. That's my only complaint, though. Besides complementing the Combat Knife with a rangier, non-CUT attack, its UQCF barrage is AMAZIN Image Model shotgun weapon, brutal yet finessed. Fire it at a distance to shred roomloads of skittery pests. Get close and about-face to smash a single hard target. You're invincible during casting, so besides letting you slip enemy fire with proper timing, you can also bait charging enemies into passing haplessly through you, face-first into their destruction. MP-efficient, too.

Since it does HIT damage, the game's tankiest, armoured enemies are its natural prey. Technically, you can pretty much end the game immediately upon collecting it, by heading to nearby Black Marble Gallery, and demolishing Guardians (the golden Armour Lords). You'll go from ~lvl30 to ~lvl60 in maybe ten minutes. Needless to say, this is a bitch move. Image Image I avoid that place until I've taken out Galamoth upstairs. SOTN's already a breeze, and most of the inverted castle's bosses are (unfortunately) lame, no need to rush.

The *CRASH* *GWAAR* *woop woop woop woop* accompanying those flawless air-to-ground Soul Steals is SOTN summed up. :mrgreen: Airtight mechanics, immortal panache. And Dat Engine Image

Big Black Balls are sort of a poor man's Moon Rod. Even if your rod is lacking, big balls will get you far! Image Just like MR, and indeed most command summons, you're invincible during casting... and with the preceding teleport, landing directly on a hard target, then whipping out the balls is a snap. Enemy will eat obscene, almost certainly fatal FIR damage - this is a great way to deal with armoured foes early on, like the first Coliseum visit. Big exception is the aforementioned Guardians, who are FIReproof (their ground flame is a good way to recover HP, if you've found the Ruby Circlet... I can't quite recall if it's found/dropped, though. I know for sure the Topaz/poison and Cat/cat circlets are ready to grab)
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

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Wait... so this is you stabbing the gunfire?! i thought you were shooting! ahahah

what a fucking game
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

Oh right :o Yeah, that's Tin Man finding out the cost of bringing a gun to a knife fight :mrgreen:
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Klatrymadon »

Playing Rondo on original hardware and a CRT again (via the SSDS3). I'm not an authento-bore or anything but it's a very special experience.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by FinalBaton »

Shield Rod run looks like a great idea Burinju. Love that weapon and I actually focused my last run on it. Iron Shield pairing is real strong, maybe keep that one for last third/quarter of the game? even tho you find the Iron Shield earlier than that. (Before the Shield Rod)

EDIT : Nevermind, I think there's a couple other ones that are just as strong offensively. So no need to refrain using it.

Man just looking up a video, there's a bunch I haven't seen/tried. Like medusa. There's also a couple weapons and shield I've never seen. This game is nuts

Also also : just watched a Richter speedrun primer. I didn't even know he had the Blade Rush move... and seeing speedrunners chain that move infinite is pretty crazy

EDIT 2 : I see you comented on said Richter speedrun primer today Burinju. Ha!
Last edited by FinalBaton on Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Vanguard »

Blinge wrote:Image

Wait... so this is you stabbing the gunfire?! i thought you were shooting! ahahah

what a fucking game
lmao that's badass
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

Dead easy too, Combat Knife's cold black steel is wicked sharp :mrgreen:
FinalBaton wrote:Man just looking up a video, there's a bunch I haven't seen/tried. Like medusa. There's also a couple weapons and shield I've never seen. This game is nuts
I always thought the Iron Shield's summon spirit was insanely cool, like he belonged on a SamSho character select screen, or something. My second favourite Rod summon (honk honk!) besides BOOTY-HIME/Herald Shield Image

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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by FinalBaton »

@BIL Yes, DAT-ASS summon remains king indeed

@Katrymadon I haven't played Rondo on hardware/crt either and I really want to, looks like a spwcial experience. I've been eyeing the SSD3 plus picking up a lil pc engine. But the price of PC engines went frim $70 CAD 2 years ago, to $150 CAD + today. Ireally should have bought one a couple years ago... maybe I'll get a MISTer instead.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BulletMagnet »

Not sure if this should technically go in this topic, but doujin "Touhouvania" Scarlet Symphony is headed to Steam and Switch before the year is out.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by vol.2 »

BulletMagnet wrote:Not sure if this should technically go in this topic, but doujin "Touhouvania" Scarlet Symphony is headed to Steam and Switch before the year is out.
Ah, so confused. Is this somehow related to ZUN, or is this related to the Team Ladybug horizontal scrollers like ROLW and Touhou Luna Nights (which it looks more like) or is it some other group? I don't see Team Ladybug mentioned anywhere.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

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I haven't actually played it myself, but from what I recall it's not a Team Ladybug project, it's more of a traditional "old-school" 'vania clone.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

I wonder, should moon rod be allowed on the magician challenge run too?
instead of just shield ROD
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Vanguard »

vol.2 wrote:Ah, so confused. Is this somehow related to ZUN, or is this related to the Team Ladybug horizontal scrollers like ROLW and Touhou Luna Nights (which it looks more like) or is it some other group? I don't see Team Ladybug mentioned anywhere.
It's a different group called Frontier Aja. Scarlet Symphony is alright, it's got some serious problems, the worst of which is its camera which in some areas zooms in way too close for you to be able to see what you're doing. Its extra stage fight against Flandre Scarlet is straight up one of the best boss battles I've ever seen in a platformer and is worth the price of admission on its own. Its sequel, Stranger's Requiem, is excellent and a contender for the title of the best game associated with the Touhou Project. Never quite reaches the heights of the first game's Flandre fight, but it is very solid all throughout.

Dunno if they plan to change anything for the new release, but both games already have full english options so you can pick them up right now if you want. Would be great if this rerelease does well and they end up making a third game.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BIL »

Seconding Stranger's Requiem, it's an excellent stage-by-stage take on SOTN.
Blinge wrote:I wonder, should moon rod be allowed on the magician challenge run too?
instead of just shield ROD
Moon Rod is a lethal weapon, between the rangy normal and monstrously destructive QCF. Not even Guardians can survive more than a couple blasts, and since it's 100% bone-crushing HIT, elements offer no refuge. For guaranteed finds, I'd put it on par with the Alucard Sword.

So I guess I'd avoid it in a more oblique, sorcery-themed run. Sword of Dawn (found in the Inverted Keep) might be a more thematic pick. Middling Zweihander with a cool wizardly QCF. The Dawn Warriors are a temperamental bunch, but it can be fun and interesting working with them. :mrgreen:

Another idea might be a Duplicator-equipped run relying on the Monster Vials (Skeleton/Fishman/Bat), and maybe Magic Missiles and Karma Coins. The only problem there being, of course, you need the Duplicator. Image (and IIRC, the Monster Vials are Skinnerdrops)

(good way to rack up Duplicator cash - go to the Puppet Sword room in Olrox's ground floor, equip the Jewel Sword from the Inverted Entryway, and whack the Puppet's options repeatedly. Grab the gems, scoot downstairs, about face and repeat. Even Garnets will add up quickly. Sadly, the Jewel Sword DGAF about Luck, so there's no way to get more Aquamarine/Diamond drops)
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

yeah having to be all the way into the castle to reach inverted entryway kinda ruins it tho right, cause you've taken such a huge chunk out of the main route already.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by FinalBaton »

Moon rod is strong but I don't feel like it's any more powerful than the othertop 10 top weapons/shiel rod spells in the game. It's certainly in the top then but I don't think it's like far and away the number one let's say.

But it does feel less like a spell and more like a reg weapon special move so I wouldn't use it for that reason.

(Thinking of it, a run without the offensive shield rod spells (leaving you with just the buffs and your regular spells) would be very interesting! )
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

bah, Biruford how do i chain the wing smashes, i've never been able to do it. :|
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