R-Type Final2

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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Leader Bee »

I managed to beat it on the route that transforms your ship into a bydo ship expecting it would unlock it as a playable ship - no such luck.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by ZaKa-tokyobassist »

TrevorMcFurr wrote:
ZaKa-tokyobassist wrote:
SavagePencil wrote:Are there any tricks or secrets unlocked by unleashing DOSE at specific times?
None that I have seen. The only real secret so far are the passwords and the gems that determine your last two stages as far I know and experienced.
There's also one where playing a custom route that DOESN'T include 1.0 which gives you a different launch sequence...
Trophy/achievement spoiler
You're referring to picking Dimension 26 as your first stage and getting the small chance of having Dantalion fly by right? I ended up getting that one by accident.
slateman wrote: Oh...started to put together a tree list w/ images. See how long this takes me.
You are a saint! Thank you. This is formatted so well too.

Ngl I got big sad scrolling down and seeing that Hades and basically everything but the CtR in the R-13 line is still in development but its nice to see they are honoring their promise of actual new ships. All those weird concept designs looked super interesting.

I wonder what the chances of this getting some crossover content like Dariusburst did. I'd **** bricks if we got Vic Viper, w/ Options and Silver Hawk w/ Capture Ball.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MJR »

Despatche wrote: But this review by Mark? Oh no. There is nothing "in-depth" about this review. He has crossed the line this time, if he hasn't many times before. Literally all this video is is someone who doesn't like R-Type as a series complaining about R-Type as a series. This is the exact kind of nonsense that goes on in gaming all the time, the kind that really makes me want to start doing videos myself. Unfortunately I am not currently in a position to do so. I hate this so much. Gonna copy what I wrote on the review because noone cares for YouTube comments, especially not text walls.
It's ironic that you make fun of Eurogamer for "not really playing games" when it's very obvious you haven't played any of the games you mention in this video or in the comments, including R-Type Final 2 itself.

Every time you've been called out for claiming Granzella "has no significant experience", an outright lie, you've attempted to compare the game to multiple titles that are actually good. Mighty No.9 is actually a good game, and it also has basically zero Inafune involvement anyway. Death Stranding is a good game, at least within its field, and the majority of people like the game. Devil's Third is a genuine great game that was "criticized" by the same kind of people who criticized classics like God Hand back in the day. But the most rotten comparison on the list has got to be the Shenmue 3 one, a great game that was designed exactly as a Shenmue 3 should be, which we do not deserve whatsoever. I am not a "fan" of any of these games. We have metrics and standards for figuring out whether a game is good or not. You can *dislike* the games all you want, but to call the developers out for some wrongdoing, as you have done here, is itself a great injustice.

You have stated repeatedly that you don't especially care for horizontal shmups, nor for R-Type the series. That is a huge red flag right there. You clearly state that you primarily care about "bullet hell" games and specifically want R-Type to be more like that, even calling it "innovation". This was the exact problem that many shmup developers ran into when Dodonpachi became big; they felt that Dodonpachi had taken over the genre and that there was no real room for anything else ever again.

I just need to call attention to this: you go on and on and on about the developers having no experience, it seems to be so crucial to your point. It's such a tragedy because you are so fundamentally wrong about this that any point that could be drawn from it is itself fundamentally wrong. Never mind that the game is good completely regardless of developer experience.

So much of this just seems to be your personal opinion, with no basis in fact. Great example, all the whining about "trial and error gameplay", a centerpiece to video games (and basically any learned skill ever). Then there's all the whining about "objects blending in", when it's abundantly clear that you're just not paying attention and you immediately move to blame the game for it (like so many do with any game). There's not really a way to challenge any of that. You're claiming to be an authoritative source that is trying to persuade people to touch or not touch games, but you do so only by delivering outright untruths and personal opinion to the table.

Complaining about specific enemies might be the worst part of this video. First there's that blue tank-like enemy; it's a very simple enemy to figure out with no real memorization required. The changes in flight pattern are likely due to rank anyway. Right after that you complain about a boss that has a *very* specific pattern, which you seem to think is so important to good design. The lasers always start in the same place and always rotate to the same place, and the laser attack is clearly telegraphed by the core "plugging in" to the laser cannons. Is it sort of a "gotcha" the first time? Maybe... like the overwhelming majority of bosses and situations put into any video game that has ever been made (especially those repeatedly called "good")... I guess... The only issue I've seen with this boss is that it did not fire the lasers the *first* time when it was supposed to, and I have never seen it do that since, so it might be a rank thing, or a small bug that I doubt anyone else has seen, or possibly even the environment I used to run the game (as is so often the case with PC games). Then after this, you complain about a boss that doesn't have any sort of "phases" and is clearly meant to be speedkilled, and fighting bosses from behind is common in R-Type and R-Type-like games because you can shoot behind you. It's, gasp,*variety*! Shock! Bonus points for actually suggesting that people time out the stage 2 boss, which is really hard to do unless you deliberately refuse to fight it.

Speaking of points, you absolutely 100% can make a game focused on scoring regardless of what its survival is like, because how people feel about both scoring and survival is heavily opinionated anyway, and because *the focus on heavy scoring systems came about as a result of those bullet hell games you love so much*.

You also make strange claims about *other* games that are simply untrue. Leo actually has checkpoints and is otherwise an R-Type game in design, just with some very superficial changes to mechanics and aesthetics. It's really not very different at all. fundamentally. Nor is ImageFight or X Multiply, which are more or less R-Type spinoffs (something R-Type Final canonized even).

I'm not even sure where to begin with the "euroshmup" nonsense. Absolutely nothing in this game even remotely resembles that strand of design, which is filled with things like enemies being almost unkillable, literally undodgeable attacks, needing to buy equipment just to handle any situation somewhat okay, etc; R-Type Final 2 has absolutely none of this. Your complaint about "being able to stay in one place and shoot" is, at worst, an R-Type series issue; it is completely possible to beat multiple games in the series using nothing but your Force, your regular shot, and your charge shot, and I believe at least one game (Delta?) can be done with absolutely zero shooting. *I could be wrong about that, I am pulling this from my own research and I may have forgotten details.* But I have the decency to actually tell people that.

Then you attempt to call the Final games something besides "mainline", simply because they don't have numbers in the title. That is especially heinous. R-Type Final 2 is a better game than at least R-Type III, and it may actually be a better game than the first Final. That's already extremely good in a series which is like 95% good anyway.

All the complaining about the game through the lens of the Switch version is particularly heinous, never mind that multiple people have reported that the claims made here aren't really true. The biggest issue with the Switch version right now is the load times between deaths, and that's probably something that can't be helped.

*But the absolute most heinous bit of this video, the lynchpin of your entire argument, has to be the Sine Mora comparison. You have NO IDEA what you're talking about here. The two games have nothing to do with each other. R-Type Final 2 is operating on a level so far above something like Sine Mora that it is genuinely insulting to make that comparison.*

I'm sorry this comment is so disorganized. This video is so unbelievably rotten to the core that I cannot help but be angry, and this is doubly frustrating as it'll just lead people to calling me an "R-Type fanboy", regardless of my personal attachment to the series (there's not a lot of it, I prefer vertical games usually). You don't have to be a fanboy to see through the lies of this nonsensical video. It is plain as day to anyone with any minor experience with this genre, or at the very least this series. It is so deeply upsetting to me that so many people are willing to believe this lie, with the only possible endgoal being to see this developer shuttered and R-Type shelved once again, despite them having made a great game that deserves great sales numbers.

Indeed, you will notice that I have not mentioned my opinion once here. That's because how I feel about the game doesn't matter. What matters is this: if you're going to actually going to criticize something, you need to have your facts in order. If the game was actually bad, your claim at the beginning that you feel "trapped" would have merit. The game is good, therefore your claim is bogus. You're not being honest. The only honesty in this video whatsoever is that you dislike the game. I'm sorry that you dislike the game! But it's incredibly wrong to drag a clearly good game and its clearly good developers through the mud because you just so happen to personally dislike it.

This is nothing more than someone who doesn't like R-Type complaining about him not liking R-Type and holding the developers responsible, as if they've harmed the gaming world in some way. I would like to believe that you're better than this. Please try to do better.
Btw, Mark has now deleted this comment of yours. Probably didn't want to lose any more subs because of it.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Icarus »

MJR wrote:Btw, Mark has now deleted this comment of yours. Probably didn't want to lose any more subs because of it.
And yet he felt compelled to drag it out on Reddit of all places, lmao.
https://www.reddit.com/r/shmups/comment ... rector_of/

In other news, a Japanese player has demonstrated a rrrreeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy interesting route through 6.1 on R-Typer 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts5fyTTnBf8
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MJR »

Icarus wrote:
MJR wrote:Btw, Mark has now deleted this comment of yours. Probably didn't want to lose any more subs because of it.
And yet he felt compelled to drag it out on Reddit of all places, lmao.
https://www.reddit.com/r/shmups/comment ... rector_of/

In other news, a Japanese player has demonstrated a rrrreeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy interesting route through 6.1 on R-Typer 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts5fyTTnBf8
You know, for a moment after I posted, I was wondering if people are already getting tired seeing mentions about Mark..

But that reddit link you shared demonstrates that this guy just keeps stubbornly digging himself deeper and deeper to the pit, instead of moving on.. :D

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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by DenimDemon »

Totally didn't noticed the trailer. So they actually show some footage of Delta 1 and R-Type 1 stage 3 as dlc. That's cool.


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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Special World »

I don’t necessarily agree with Mark, and in fact I dislike a lot of his takes. However, Despatche was being incredibly hostile. Also, reviews are NOT and have never been objective. Reviews are one person or a group stating their opinion of a game, and trying to support that opinion with evidence. I do believe Mark stated his own personal opinion, and provided supporting evidence. Some of that evidence was ill-formed or not entirely supportive, but I do think that somebody why watches the review can get a pretty good idea of whether they’ll like the game. Like it or not, he did basically say he was a bullet hell fan through and through, and seen through that lens, there are a number of tropes from classic horis that could absolutely be worked on and improved. And he did say he was playing the Switch version, so not sure why that’s held against him. He stated it clearly, and the developers released a somewhat poor-performing game on Switch. If you compare it against the Bullet Heaven review, they gave the Switch version a 3/5! Not great! Does that translate to a 6/10? Not sure. But from Mark’s review, I could easily see him giving the game a 6/10 if he scored it. His review sounds like a 6/10 review to me, anyways.

Well anyhow, I don’t really give two craps if RTF2 gets a positive or negative review, or if you like one review over the other. But it does really rub me the wrong way when people bark about OBJECTIVE REVIEWS (did Roger Ebert ever offer one? No.) and then scream at somebody for providing their actual thoughts and opinions on a game. In that vein I will criticize Mark as well—i thought his jab at Eurogamer’s review was stupid and childish. My 100% subjective opinion.
Last edited by Special World on Sun May 09, 2021 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by qmish »

Despatche was being incredibly hostile
but provided many good arguments, though. But yeah, perhaps they were disregarded compeltely due to tone/manner of speech


Personally, i was concerned more not by review itself, but how it was impactful for "fans", which are 90% of comment section - and that's kinda 350+ people.

Just noticed Mark is messing around some crypto shit. Now that is red flag for me, lol
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Yoshinoya »

Finally got my copy! R-Type was one of the first shmups I played with my old 80's childhood friend back in the arcades and later at home.
Where we took turns trying to beat it and we loved the Alien-reference.

I saw there is a lot of controversy around the title on the board, I avoided any reviews, so I hope i'll enjoy it.
anyway, not much to add to the discussion yet ! just wanted to express my excitement! (o^▽^o)ノ゚
- I'll buy that for a Dollar! -
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MJR »

I agree that despatch was bit on the nose, but Mark should have taken it as an opportunity to show how to discuss in better manner. Instead he accused despatch of bullying, which was ridiculous. My comments to Mark were friendlier, I did not accuse him of anything, but he deleted my second comment as well. I guess I explained too much? So it does not seem to matter if you are friendly to him or not, he just doesn't seem to like criticism.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MJR »

Yoshinoya wrote:Finally got my copy! R-Type was one of the first shmups I played with my old 80's childhood friend back in the arcades and later at home.
Where we took turns trying to beat it and we loved the Alien-reference.

I saw there is a lot of controversy around the title on the board, I avoided any reviews, so I hope i'll enjoy it.
anyway, not much to add to the discussion yet ! just wanted to express my excitement! (o^▽^o)ノ゚

Yay! :) You are doing right thing by avoiding the reviews :)
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Leader Bee »

Are "bits" really rare in this game? I just did a full run through with leo and the only time i saw any was once before the first boss and agaon midway through the final level???
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by To Far Away Times »

There's also one about halfway through stage 4.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by subcons »

Leader Bee wrote:Are "bits" really rare in this game? I just did a full run through with leo and the only time i saw any was once before the first boss and agaon midway through the final level???
Yeah, they aren’t super abundant drops. The Leo II gets two when you pick up one though, and if you switch to a different ship between stages, that one will have two bits as well.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by ZaKa-tokyobassist »

Any crumb of news on DLC Codes for us console folks? Granzella has great response time to emails but NIS needs to jump in and help some with distributing for the US digital codes/DLC passes (they ARE in the credits). I'm not in any rush but it is taking a while.

Also I'm assuming backer ships aren't really exclusive as they are locked behind passwords not separate DLC correct? I'm guessing nobody has released them since they aren't complete yet.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Firehawke »

ZaKa-tokyobassist wrote:
SavagePencil wrote:Are there any tricks or secrets unlocked by unleashing DOSE at specific times?
None that I have seen. The only real secret so far are the passwords and the gems that determine your last two stages as far I know and experienced.
Using your Delta Attack at specific points may have some effect on the background, e.g. you can actually destroy certain targets in 7.1 before you actually go around to attack them. This is particularly noticeable if you use the Delta Attack at the most obvious point where you have a full-screen formation attacking and a certain set of background targets you'll be attacking in about another 20 seconds.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by VanillaLucia »

MJR wrote:I agree that despatch was bit on the nose, but Mark should have taken it as an opportunity to show how to discuss in better manner. Instead he accused despatch of bullying, which was ridiculous. My comments to Mark were friendlier, I did not accuse him of anything, but he deleted my second comment as well. I guess I explained too much? So it does not seem to matter if you are friendly to him or not, he just doesn't seem to like criticism.
From what I can see now, he effectively has started deleting his posts on the topic on Reddit so you can still see the aftermath but on Reddit he can't hide how people responded to him or what others are saying about him (such as in his deleted post how you can see the newest posts are people calling him for being an "authority" or people still correcting him on his information) since he still seems to insist for some reason and somehow that Granzella has never made a shoot'em up or even an R-Type game which is why R-Type Final 2 is a disappointment.

I never knew who this person was before or why he was such a big deal but it is absolutely silly to me that this is what you can expect out of a "Reviewer" on YouTube who is supposed to be one of the bigger and more prominent figures in the community. I would be embarrassed if someone sent me a video of his just because someone knew I liked shoot'em ups, personally.

In my experimenting, I have also found something interesting that I will mark as a spoiler because it involves things we cannot normally access in-game.
The Ragnarok's Hyper Wave Cannon is broken. It's excessively powerful enough to rip most enemies and bosses apart within a single charged shot (and then rapidly shooting) such as the Stage 2.0 plants not standing a chance even on R-Typer 3, bosses dying nearly instantly within a few shots, and more. The Shadow Force has wonky animations where the blades spin in the same direction which is really throwing me off considering that the menu animation is slightly different and that in R-Type III these blades spun in opposite directions. The yellow power up also does absolutely nothing at the moment while the red and blue power ups do work (and look nice). As a nice touch, the "HIGH" on the Wave Cannon switches over to "HYPER" upon firing and starts glowing red. However, I feel even an overheat mechanic could potentially balance the extreme power this ship has, if not an outright nerf to its firepower.

Alongside this, due to a setup I have, the Anchor Force DX seems to be very powerful and solid but is missing the "transformation" ability it had in R-Type Final if you let it stick onto an enemy for too long. I do not know if this is a missing feature so far or if it is intentionally no longer a mechanic for that Force Unit.

Alongside that, the Ultimate Ships do not have a complete list of Wave Cannons, Force Units, Bits, and Missiles to select from. It is not only that the lists are incomplete (and that the menu is incorrectly sized in English text so the text spills over to make things hard to read) but that for menus like the Bits and Missiles there are still options you cannot select. If you can force them to be selected, you either get nothing (it does not exist in-game yet) or they behave very strangely (Six-Way Homing Missiles do not function properly). Definitely this is the consequences of playing with unreleased and unfinished content, but I thought it was very interesting to see.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by pieslice »

I find it rather amusing that RTF2 is accused of being "euroshmuppy". Aren't euroshmups basically an emulation of the r-type games?
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by lordnikon »

Hmm so it seems self-described game historians running youtube channels for ad rev without doing their homework is still a thing. That is annoying. I could rant a lot about this, but I am going to talk about R-Type Final 2 instead.

I am a huge fan of R-Type Final specifically. I tend to favor franchises like Darius, Gradius, R-Type, and Thunderforce over Cave, Raizing, etc. Cave is great, but I prefer horizontal futurism most. I do really like Delta, but the atmosphere of R-Type Final really got me, and I continually come back to it. To be playing a new R-Type game, let alone one that is in the same vein as Final in 2021 is amazing.

I don't think R-Type Final 2 should get a pass per-say for its shortcomings, but some leniency is deserved. Yes I can see a bit of frame-tearing in the initial sequence of stage 1, the hit box IS a little big, the textures in some stages are a bit low-rent, and the 2nd stage boss has a safe spot (at least on Normal) where you can just camp out the fight. I am sure there are more issues, and more seasoned shmup players who have already seen and picked apart much more of RTF2 are going to have more to say. However...

It's 2021. As technology has advanced and arcades have died off, the shmup genre has not lived on anywhere near as well as the fighting genre. . Darius Burst has managed to maintain a modern presence by stretching itself out for a lonnnnnnng time since the original PSP game. And while Psyvariar Delta and some newer efforts by Triangle Service have been a thing, the shmup genre has sort of been fading over the years, struggling to keep the lights on. Certain big name franchises carry the genre, R-Type being one of them. It just feels really good to have a *big* shmup release, where a lot of people are playing it, there are lots of reviews and gameplay vids, and it looks like its selling well. This is great, and I think shmup fans in general should be excited.

I think one aspect of R-Type Final 2 that stands out to me, is its just nice to be "working with professionals again". In 2019 Granzella released a proof of concept teaser trailer for the Kickstarter campaign. 2 years later (oh and a pandemic happened), the game is finished and was launched on 4 platforms, with distribution on multiple services on PC (yay! GOG!). This is fantastic. It's pretty much what I was used to before all this Early Access stretch games out for 5-8 years bullshit started. When am I supposed to play Dead Cells? When is the game actually fucking finished? Its a race between my life-span and the life-span of the developers before No Man's Sky is everrrrr finished? Terraria said they were done last year, after 9 years of iterative development. Still patching that game. Still patching. I know some love getting expansions, DLC, cosmetics. The journey that never ends. Lots of people actually complain about not getting this type of "support" for a game, in steam reviews. I personally cannot stand it, because I like being able to formulate an opinion on what the development team was trying to say from a game perspective, now. Not years later after the remaining chapters have been filled in. (I know RTF2 has DLC planned as per the Kickstarter, but what's planned is more along the lines of "extras", as opposed to iterative main-line game extending content.)

Its nice to buy a game I am really excited about, knowing I am playing a cohesive package. One where my experiences with the game today are not subject to revision.

Anyway, this game is cool. I am really enjoying it.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Strider77 »

LOL @ Switch version
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MachineAres 1CC »

Strider77 wrote:LOL @ Switch version
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Herr Schatten »

lordnikon wrote:the 2nd stage boss has a safe spot (at least on Normal) where you can just camp out the fight.
Where? I keep hearing about this, but I don't think there's one that works with all ship configurations. At least I have yet to find a safe spot that works with the Arrowhead. There are 2-3 spots where you're fairly safe for some time, but if you really try to camp there to time out the boss, a stray seed or sprouting tentacle will eventually hit you. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

In fact, ridiculously, the stage 2 boss is one of my major obstacles while working towards the single ship clear with the R-9A due to its randomness, even though I can no-miss stages 3 and 4 quite consistently.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by DenimDemon »

Herr Schatten wrote:
lordnikon wrote:the 2nd stage boss has a safe spot (at least on Normal) where you can just camp out the fight.
Where? I keep hearing about this, but I don't think there's one that works with all ship configurations. At least I have yet to find a safe spot that works with the Arrowhead. There are 2-3 spots where you're fairly safe for some time, but if you really try to camp there to time out the boss, a stray seed or sprouting tentacle will eventually hit you. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

In fact, ridiculously, the stage 2 boss is one of my major obstacles while working towards the single ship clear with the R-9A due to its randomness, even though I can no-miss stages 3 and 4 quite consistently.
It works flawlessly even on R Typer 3 with Leo ship.

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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by qmish »

How to speed kill stage 3 boss? Is it ship/powerup dependant?
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by IDruggedShamu »

qmish wrote:How to speed kill stage 3 boss? Is it ship/powerup dependant?
Fastest way I'm aware of is using Leo 2.. couple of charged wave canon shots while firing your force.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by riichi »

qmish wrote:How to speed kill stage 3 boss? Is it ship/powerup dependant?
Stage 3 boss goes down to a fully charged tesla pile bunker and a second of autofire, at least on R-TYPER.
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Leader Bee »

Its crazy, the core is only exposed for a fraction of a second even on practice.
The universe is neither hostile nor friendly, simply indifferent.

Even without my umbillical cable attached I still have over 12,000 plates of fortified armour AND I have my AT Field! There's NO WAY I can lose!!
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by qmish »

Leader Bee wrote:Its crazy, the core is only exposed for a fraction of a second even on practice.
I still try out thing with starter 3 ships, and i timed out with them there :oops:
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by Sengoku Strider »

qmish wrote:
Despatche was being incredibly hostile
but provided many good arguments, though.
I dunno...
Mighty No.9 is actually a good game... Devil's Third is a genuine great game
...as both an original Mighty No. 9 kickstarter backer and one of the Wii U's staunchest defenders, I'm gonna have to whistle a foul on both of these.

I haven't watched Mark's review yet (the game literally just came in the mail for me yesterday, want to form my own opinions), but I think his content is generally really solid, especially the online events he puts together. I can say that Despatche is making some incorrect assumptions in that post and then proceeding to excoriate him for them. He's not against horizontal shmups, he's mentioned Blazing Star as one of his all time favourites and rated Rolling Gunner, Akai Katana, Devil Engine & Battle Traverse among others quite highly. He isn't dismissive of games that aren't bullet hells, as evidenced by him giving GG Aleste 3 his 2020 game of the year.
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MachineAres 1CC
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Re: R-Type Final2

Post by MachineAres 1CC »

qmish wrote:
Leader Bee wrote:Its crazy, the core is only exposed for a fraction of a second even on practice.
I still try out thing with starter 3 ships, and i timed out with them there :oops:
Easiest way is usually shoot it a few times before the battle so it starts swinging back and forth, then when it swings mostly to the left, go all the way to the bottom and shoot your force to the right side of the screen, then move back to the top of the screen and recall your force and it'll just jam into the weak spot so no matter whether you or your force is hitting it, you'll do a lot of damage, even if it turns around the weak spot. Works way better with a force that homes in on enemies, but still works with any force, really.
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