I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by trap15 »

BIL wrote:Any better? Image
perfect :mrgreen:
BIL wrote:Although as always Hamster pair scanlines with mayo filter. :sad:
I'm still not very happy with modern scanline filters. They're still doing the bad looking "dim X lines" crap that isn't remotely how scanlines end up displaying on a CRT. Brights should cover almost the entire line and darks should be very thin lines! And turn off that damn bilinear guys, you only want to have any blend between adjacent horizontal (vertical for tate, of course) pixels, and not nearly as much as they end up getting with their configurations...
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »



I like dabbling in STG iconography, both within and without the gaming medium. EG Taito and Tecno Soft's recurring use of O'Neill cylinders (Darius Gaiden, Metal Black, G-Darius, Thunder Force IV, Hyper Duel), or the "mecha stingray" boss design AFAIK first seen in Rayforce's third stage, then Batrider's Bazzcock, and the heavily Raizing-influenced Kamui... I wonder if Garegga's seaborne variant Satanic Surfer (recently popped up in GG Aleste 3) was influenced at all, and moreover, if there's a common manga/anime machine design they all trace back to. Impossible not to think of Legend Of The Galactic Heroes during the punishing fleet massacre at the end of Rayforce's second stage. Pretty sure 90' laser barrages ala Raystorm had a well-known antecedent too, maybe LOGH? Been a few years since I marathonned that beast. Ether Vapor's first stage has an impressive Itano Circus sequence, and there's Gun Frontier's apparent Leiji Matsumoto homage.

Anyhoo, all this to say, I really dig Soldier Blade's first stage direction, a rocketing takeoff alongside your squad that's quickly darkened by Badass Rival DUOSS showing up and wiping them out, before receiving a bloody nose and fleeing with a pricelessly grainy "IRU BE BACK" *unbearably cute rocket blast SFX* I wonder if there's some iconic manga/anime template it's worked off of. At any rate, Cybattler's first stage has that same scintillating intensity and very similar direction, albeit your dudes don't face nearly as bad a drubbing (Soldier Blade dudes, how about you l2strafe FFS? :shock:)

All this to say that the short pre-boss interlude, after leaving Earth orbit and breaking the final enemy line, where your mech is just rocketing away into space is so friggin cool. Image

Mecha aesthetic is all about BADASS DANGER OPERATIONS :cool:


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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by dmk1198 »

Jeneki wrote:Holy shit why have I not played Cybattler before now. This game makes a great first impression. So much stylish awesomeness and fun as hell.
It's good innit, luv the big sprites
Just beat first level
Annoying it doesnt let u continue like most arcade games but takes u back to set point
I hate gradius for this to lol
Being shite at shmups it makes em hard work!

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by dmk1198 »

Sumez wrote:Omega Fighter is a fantastic game, probably my favourite shooter of the 80s.

Assuming the "Special" version is just a rom swap, I really should try to upgrade my PCB, I want to give that one a try.
It was an arcade release, the special version, I think? What's a rom swap?

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

When dealing with physical arcade boards, "ROM swap" means literally that - swapping in the relevant ROM chips, in this case to turn a "regular" game into its "special" revision. No idea if Omega Fighter/Special work this way, but IIRC, Batsugun and Batsugun Special do.

Omega Fighter and Omega Fighter Special were indeed official arcade releases. :smile: Incidentally, there's a middle version included in the ACA release along with those two, which AFAIK was a developer board.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Firehawke »

Another example of ROM swapping would be switching US Street Fighter 2 over to Japanese; there's not a huge difference in the game outside of name changes. Later titles definitely had differences in the difficulty level.

You could probably swap Vulcan Venture over to Gradius 2; I haven't looked, but I imagine the board is identical.

One more example, which isn't a PRECISE case of a ROM swap, is Ms. Pac-Man. Converting Pac-Man to Ms. Pac-Man involves removing the CPU and plugging a small board with several chips and a CPU socket into where the CPU was. You can thus convert any Pac-Man to Ms. Pac-Man and vice versa. Ms. Pac-Man is literally a ROM patch to Pac-Man.

Edit: Okay, I was reading back and I want to get clarification on a point---

The SNK rotating stick games support both button-based rotation AND right analog stick? That might actually be enough to make me pick up a few of my favorites since SNK Anniversary has that frustrating random stick lock-up issue.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Firehawke wrote:Edit: Okay, I was reading back and I want to get clarification on a point---

The SNK rotating stick games support both button-based rotation AND right analog stick? That might actually be enough to make me pick up a few of my favorites since SNK Anniversary has that frustrating random stick lock-up issue.
Yep! In fact, in the ACA LS-30 titles (TANK, Ikari, Dogosoken, and hopefully soon Guevara), you can map any button to [rotate left] or [rotate right]... and also set variable autofire to those buttons. Meanwhile, the Right Stick is always on, in an eight-way format that both replicates the LS-30's range of motion, and lets you bypass it (EG frame-instant 180' turns).

Rapid turning buttons are particularly handy in Dogosoken, which is reliant on sword-slash to deflect bullets. Here's my favoured setup:
Rapid turn, for lashing the sword in perfect arcs while advancing. Manual turn, for absolute precision. Right stick, for snap aim when speed is critical. It looks overly involved, but particularly with the game's naturally heavy pacing, it's honestly pretty comfy. A gamepad is never going to replicate the experience, but that accepted, these games play great.

You cowards won't escape... Image

MY WRAAATH! ImageImageImage

For Ikari, I use the same setup sans rapid turn. You don't need to lash the stick in that one, and you also do a lot more precision sniping, particularly with ammo being finite. Haven't played TANK nearly as much, but I was getting similarly good vibes there.

Sadly, Taito's ACA Front Line (Ikari Zero) isn't quite as nice - you're stick-only for aiming there. Even so, it absolutely never jams up. Wild Western is the same, while the more recent Tin Star benefits from the same amenities as the LS-30 games above. (however, Tin Star has atrocious bullet visibility, spoiling what's otherwise a startlingly fresh belt-view rotary arena shooter... approach with caution! I like it though)

SNK40th forces you to choose between stick OR button rotation. I thought "bitch pls, I was born and raised on SFC Smash TV, lemme at this." Then this happened. -_- Bad as random freezes are, the game running like shit is worse.

The SNK40th stick freeze actually affects the left one, as well. As some small mercy, the dpad seems unaffected, which means Prehistoric Isle/Genshitou is surprisingly playable, and at least your movement won't jam up in the LS-30s, assuming you move with the dpad like I do (can't stand those floppy-ass sticks - this is life and death, soldier! Image). I will most definitely be getting ACA Guevara, and any others from this set which make their way over (my dream list is Battle Field, Bermuda Triangle, World Wars, and most of all, the staggeringly excellent Search And Rescue)
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BrianC »

I wasn't too impressed how the version of Heavy Barrel supported by a certain TG-16 mascot just had the stick emulate a rotary controller instead of buttons or point and aim. Aiming seemed a bit slow, as well. I'm glad Hamster got the original Burgertime. Good stuff.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Oh god, that's the absolute worst - simulating a dial or rotary stick via horizontal thumbstick motion. It does not translate AT ALL. You end up stroking this nebulous "ghost dial" bearing no relation to the physical device being emulated, while the character slowly putters around the clock. Makes me car-sick. Oh god, hang on I'm gonna Image How about I hotwire my grandma's rotary phone to the pad? That'd be an improvement tbh - at least with reliably-spaced clicks, there'd be some synergy between the controller and the onscreen character.

MAME Guevara, as far as I know, plays like this. Makes an already ruthlessly hard game outright torture. If your target platform doesn't have a physical dial/rotary stick controller available, just go with eight-way snap aiming, for the love of God and all that is holy.

Were ACA to end tomorrow, I could just about tolerate SNK40th's Guevara and SAR, in their most benign configuration (aim with right stick, thrash it 360' to break out the inevitable freezes -_-). Peep my Guevara st1 heli boss strat. :cool: Guy's a nightmare, the later bosses can't compare to his aggression. :shock: I sure hope it doesn't come to that, though.

EDIT: speak of the devil. :cool: ACA Guevara tomorrow. Phew, was getting a bit worried there. The endgame of Obada-san's tactical rotary shooting, hard as fuckin nails. Image At last, FC Guevara's companion piece on consoles in perfect form. (starkly unlike Micronics' dire Famicom conversion of Ikari and Dogo, SNK's effort is a blistering-fast beauty, and also quite respected, having appeared on at least one doujin superplay DVD, alongside the PCB. However, precisely because of that judicious gearshift from rotary deathgrind to eight-way blitzkrieg, it's a completely different animal from the AC ver)
Last edited by BIL on Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by dmk1198 »

Now I know what a rom swap is thank you guys

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Firehawke »

I may have misunderstood, so I'm going to doublecheck by specifying specifically what I should be asking.

Heavy Barrel maps the twist to left and right on the right analog, which is how MAME does it (and it can be incredibly flaky, partially due to the game code being so precise on how long the impulses last, IIRC) and there's the way in SNK40 where it maps directions on the right stick to player directions.

I assume that the Arcade Archives are the former, and not the latter?

Neither is an arcade-accurate experience, but I'd really rather have the latter to the former, by far.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Jeneki »

The Arcade Archives games with rotary controls let you choose from two methods: Assign rotation to buttons, where each button press rotates one increment. Or full-on twin stick style where you just press the right stick the direction you want to shoot.
Typos caused by cat on keyboard.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Firehawke wrote:I may have misunderstood, so I'm going to doublecheck by specifying specifically what I should be asking.

Heavy Barrel maps the twist to left and right on the right analog, which is how MAME does it (and it can be incredibly flaky, partially due to the game code being so precise on how long the impulses last, IIRC) and there's the way in SNK40 where it maps directions on the right stick to player directions.

I assume that the Arcade Archives are the former, and not the latter?
ACA uses the latter method. To be precise: In the ACA LS-30 games (TANK, Ikari, Dogo, Guevara and Ikari III), the right stick has eight directions, just like the left stick. You've got the traditional U/D/L/R cardinals, with four diagonals interspersed. Point in a direction, and your character will instantly aim there - no muss, no fuss.

The Taito rotary shooters currently on ACA (Front Line, Wild Western and Tin Star) use this same method. Front Line is a must-play for lovers of SNK/DECO rotary shooting, it's very much the subgenre's unheralded granddaddy. Despite a hint of chop and some unfortunately screaming colours, it still plays remarkably smoothly. Yo I jacked your tank bitch, who's laughin' now?! Image

SNK40th would be this way, too, except that as widely reported, both left and right sticks will randomly freeze up from time to time, necessitating a waggle to "unfreeze." Fuckin gross. :sad: Just about tolerable - it happens maybe once an hour in my experience. I find myself pre-emptively 360'ing the stick when I've got a moment in SAR, a game of such outstanding quality, I'm willing to put up with glitchy controls.
Jeneki wrote:The Arcade Archives games with rotary controls let you choose from two methods: Assign rotation to buttons, where each button press rotates one increment. Or full-on twin stick style where you just press the right stick the direction you want to shoot.
Also, the right stick is "always on" - no matter how the buttons are configured, the right stick will let you point n' shoot. SNK40th, irritatingly, forces you to use either the stick OR buttons. Neither of which are quite ideal (former's got speed, latter has precision, ACA gives you both).

I completely forgot! The ACA LS-30 games have a "Type B" control option, which unifies [move] and [aim] onto a single stick, with a [lock] button to strafe. Plays like Shock Troopers/Granada, basically.

I do not recommend Type B (the ACA instructions themselves suggest using Type A). While it feels comfy at first, you lose the ability to freely adjust aim while moving, or indeed not moving. There's a huge difference between advancing in an unbroken line from Point A to Point B, sniping threats on the fly, and having to repeatedly break your stride to aim and lock. Likewise, the ability to occupy a pixel-perfect safespot while zeroing threats on all sides isn't to be discarded lightly. An agile Shock Trooper or blaster-boosting Maneuver Cepter, you most decidedly are not in the bitterly austere Ikari/Dogo/Guerrilla trilogy. :lol:

At the same time - it's very cool that you're given the option. I've no doubt there are skilled Type B players that can leave me and other random Type As in the dust.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Firehawke »

Okay, that settles it pretty clearly. I need to pick up the ACA releases for the SNK ones I enjoy most (and hope that the two DE titles I'd want make it to ACA someday, which is very unlikely..)
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Seems M2 are the ones to watch for DECO, going forward.

Ala Tatsujin Co (Masahiro Yuge's new outfit, holder of Toaplan's IPs), as slow as progress has been, I'm just glad G-Mode is actively soliciting new releases of the DECO stuff they own.

ACA has Trio The Punch slated, too, and saw its first DECO releases in a long while last year (Burgertime and Burnin' Rubber). So I'm hopeful that with both M2 and Hamster slowly gaining ground, a miracle will one day occur. :lol: My dream is M2/ACA-quality Wolf Fang and Thunder Zone. :cool: (Hamster technically already released the former, or rather XING's conversion of it, back on PS1 via the Major Wave reprint label - close but no cigar, very good effort though!)
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BrianC »

I'm under the impression that SNK40th was a quickie port of the Switch version that didn't bother fixing any of the bugs (and possibly introduced new ones). I'm guessing there was some trademark issue with Bump 'n Jump? Maybe an ESRB issue due to the somewhat suggestive title?
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Skyknight »

BIL wrote:Seems M2 are the ones to watch for DECO, going forward.

Ala Tatsujin Co (Masahiro Yuge's new outfit, holder of Toaplan's IPs), as slow as progress has been, I'm just glad G-Mode is actively soliciting new releases of the DECO stuff they own.

ACA has Trio The Punch slated, too, and saw its first DECO releases in a long while last year (Burgertime and Burnin' Rubber). So I'm hopeful that with both M2 and Hamster slowly gaining ground, a miracle will one day occur. :lol: My dream is M2/ACA-quality Wolf Fang and Thunder Zone. :cool: (Hamster technically already released the former, or rather XING's conversion of it, back on PS1 via the Major Wave reprint label - close but no cigar, very good effort though!)
Just let me know when we're like to get Makyou Senshi...
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BrianC »

Makyou Senshi looks interesting. Looks like it uses the same engine as Super Real Darwain, but thankfully lacks that odd evolution mechanic with the huge hitboxes. Reminds me a bit of Gunsmoke, but mixed with Star Wars like elements.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

BrianC wrote:I'm under the impression that SNK40th was a quickie port of the Switch version that didn't bother fixing any of the bugs (and possibly introduced new ones). I'm guessing there was some trademark issue with Bump 'n Jump? Maybe an ESRB issue due to the somewhat suggestive title?
Hmm, I'd not heard re Bump n Jump. That'd be amusing, if the title really was to blame - I honestly never made the connection. :shock: Brian you dirty devil! :lol: Shoulda retitled it ROCK N ROLL, that's a nice innocent term. :cool:


EDIT: hey, waitaminute - BURNIN' RUBBER is pretty suggestive too! :o Seems just about anything that Makes You Move Like An Animal AND/OR Make Noise Like An Animal is fertile ground for DEVILS INCLINATION Image Image

Rock N Roll ain't worth the name if it don't make you Bump ~ Lemmy Kilmister (PBUH)

Skyknight wrote:Just let me know when we're like to get Makyou Senshi...
The more obscure the better, it seems. :wink:

Oho! Speaking of the rock -

ImageImage Image Image Image


If I do not report back, pls assume this one is as perfect as its three predecessors ACA TANK/Ikari/Dogo. Image Also, if you were burnt this time last year by the crummy Ikari III - this is the real Ikari III. Image

Also, I habe updated my recommended ACA LS-30 dpad setup, to give a TRVE & HONEST idea. God speed men >¦3

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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BrianC »

Doh. I pulled another Fünke.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Marc »

I've got my eye on Guerrilla War, but I have memories of some truly horrendous home ports on Spectrum / C64 that I can't quite banish.
Also, BiL having referred to it as 'balls hard' more than once now isn't convincing me any :D

Need to put a bit of time into Victory Road actually. Only gave it sporadic play when I picked it up, but I seemed to end up trapped in a room with a boss that wouldn't die on one attempt.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »


AC Guevara is very tough, yeah. It's not as extreme an escalation as something like Gradius III, whose 1CC utterly dwarfs its two predecessors'. If you can 1CC Ikari or Dogo, you can probably 1CC this without too much more trouble. But as Obada-san's last word (AFAIK) on the subgenre he helped popularise, he goes out with a vengeance. Image Really cool guy - read blackoak's customarily beautiful translation for many insights and anecdotes on the arcade action industry - like how DECO shoplifted Ikari wholesale to create Heavy Barrel. Image

There's also a prestige element not in Ikari or Dogo, namely POWs. All too easy to splatter them while bastarding the enemy. Meanwhile, enemies won't target POWs, but they will mow straight through them to hit you, punishing indecision. An all-POWs run, even not going for score, would surely be a hair-raising feat.

For survival, our own GGA_HAN rates it about even with Ikari, having one-lifed both. I found Ikari's no-miss slightly easier than Dogo's, but also a lot cheaper, owing to those goddamn beacons. We'll see I guess! I can tell you Guevara's first boss (super heli) blows his remaining four colleagues out of the water. I was aghast at his relentless barrage being merely the first encounter, but he's very much a feint.

It should also be noted, in some ways, Guevara is kinder than its predecessors. Your basic shot is wickedly fast, for one. And vehicle exit i-frames? What falsificarous sorcery is this?! Ikari don't give a fuck - if you wait too long to bail out of an exploding tank, the only mercy you'll receive is that of the grave. :twisted:

Just like Ikari's tanks, and to a lesser extent Dogo's armour (useful in the first half, rapidly obviated by the sword in the second - don't ever drop your sword in Dogo), learning how to leverage Guevara's tanks will break once-thorny swathes of ground open.

New to this game, if you exit your tank - say, to conserve its fuel, because in the Obadaverse, any vehicle that runs out of gas will explode - a grunt will eventually rush in and attempt to steal it.

Nice try bitch Image

There's a trick to exploit, here. If you're running on fumes, let them have the tank - then blast 'em right out of it. Enjoy a fresh tank of gas, they must've brought their own. Image

All this said, Guevara's grenades suck ass. :sad: Not fit to shine Ikari/Dogo REDSPLOSION boots. Obada giveth and taketh away! Then again, enemy grenades now suck too! Image

I remember joking with my older brother and cousin that in our family, this game might as well be called "Pol Pot Daisakusen." :lol: But we all agreed there's no more ignominious fate for its real-life inspiration than to have his likeness bought and sold by capitalist pig-dogs, so it all evens out. Image

ACA ver seems the line's usual superb quality so far. Already hugely enjoying the button config - unlike Ikari and Dogo, where autofire's not really a factor, here it's very handy to have dedicated manual/auto buttons. Your base MG, while short-ranged, is devastatingly powerful if rapid-fired. So are the special weapons, and tanks - but those have limited ammo, so you don't wanna go ham.

Anyhoo I'm very pleased, between Hamster and M2 my plate is full up for years to come, if not longer. :cool: This past gen's been a real treat for arcade gaming on console. Seems there's no end in sight just yet, either.


Sounds like you ran into a bonus stage miniboss, in Victory Road - I'm guessing that flying three-headed turtle prick, who's very difficult to tell you're damaging (unlike his colleagues, whose eyeballs and mandibles explode in 'orrible detail). I wonder where that design's from, Space Harrier II (MD)'s first boss is practically the same.

He's also by far the game's nastiest boss, unless you know how to neutralise his zako (there's that Type A supremacy again!). I currently fight three midbosses, none of them the turtle prick. The bonus stages can be lifesavers, in a way... entering them will effectively nuke the screen, the tradeoff being you've got the kill the boss to escape, of course. None of the ones I fight are all that tough provided you've got Red grenades.

(Just like Ikari, if you die in Dogo and lose your powerups, you are in a world of shit Image easier games to no-miss than 1CC with deaths)
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Oh shit :shock: Turns out that while set-spawned enemies will indeed kill POWs only incidentally... just like the designated tank jackers, POWs have designated executioners. Idle too long and prepare for war crime:


Similar to the tank stealers, who'll book straight past you to their target, these cunts are technically harmless. Whether they land their mark or not, they'll make a bee-line offscreen.

Just like Contra, Double Dragon II, and other iconic late-80s arcade games with landmark Famicom interpretations, AC Guevara's runtime is a lot tighter than the expanded cart's. That version adds several new stages, bosses, and powerups, most notably some ruinously satisfying shrapnel rockets, and a monstrous flamethrower that tends to devour POWs and enemies alike. While the AC's flame shot has an awesomely gruesome kill animation, on par with Metal Slug X, Shock Troopers and Thunder Zone's, and its terrain piercing capability is invaluable, I kinda miss the sheer batshitting excess of the FC's hellish blast. All the more reason to have both versions ofc. :cool:
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BloodHawk »

BIL wrote:
If I do not report back, pls assume this one is as perfect as its three predecessors ACA TANK/Ikari/Dogo. Image Also, if you were burnt this time last year by the crummy Ikari III - this is the real Ikari III. Image
Seeing how the controls can be adjusted I am interested in picking these up. Just to clarify though, when you are referring to TANK you are talking about T.N.K. III? It's from SNK in 1985 so I figure that's it but I want to make sure.

Also, I have never tried Ikari III, if you don't mind me asking what was so bad about it?

I remember putting many hours into the NES version of Ikari Warriors while growing up. Lot's of nostalgia there :mrgreen:
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

Yep, TANK (or T.A.N.K. as it's otherwise known) is TNK III's Japanese version. :smile: Not sure if there's any relevant regional differences, offhand...

The FC/NES game "Great Tank" aka "Iron Tank" is a console-original sequel, definitely worth a look if you like the original (or vice-versa). Same cool contiguous map and sense of roving adventure.

Ikari III's problem, right out of the gate, is the title. It's a topdown brawler with occasional shooting - nothing at all like the hardcore tactical shooters of Ikari or Dogosoken. The bigger issue is the weak moveset and reliance on jumpkick spam. I've never seen a decent replay that didn't spam the jumpkick from start to finish (Janet is a superb player who typically aces his games - I suspect this one's just not worth it). It's weak and unsatisfying, yet it seems to be the only decent means of both mobility and attack.

I'm used to salvaging stuff like Double Dragon, infamously broken by its Elbow Strike - but where there's plenty of other player/enemy mechanics to work with there, it appears Ikari III is too punishing to engage with similarly. This isn't helped by the poor camera tracking keeping you irritatingly near the incoming screen.

I've still not written it off entirely - particularly now that ACA Guevara's out, and I won't feel robbed having Ikari III in its place. :mrgreen: I try not to buy anything I'm not positive on, though, no matter how cheap or space-irrelevant (blind-bought ACA Athena - couldn't bear to keep it on my PS4 afterward, that game has problems). I'd love to be wrong, but Ikari III seems like a misfire by SNK.

Their Famicom version is very jumpkick-reliant, too - but in that one it's a walloping god-hammer I actually WANT to spam, KOing scads of onrushing enemies with every mighty boot. I'll recommend that one without reservation, excellent time if you can accept its slightly odd "topdown brawling" setup. Make sure to nail the st2 midboss with a grenade, he sucks. :lol:

Datsugoku/POW, SNK's sidescrolling brawler from the same period, is uncannily similar, right down to the jumpkick spam and much more likeable Famicom conversion (though I wouldn't rate that cart as highly as Guevara, Ikari III and Great Tank).
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BloodHawk »

Thanks BIL!

I was deciding whether to get these on the Switch or PS4 (leaning towards the PS4 due to the ability to actually categorize games, as the lack of that feature really bothers me on the Switch) and oddly Guerrilla War was released in the US on the Switch eShop, but not in the US on PSN. I checked Hamster's page and they instead "re-released" Thunder Cross today instead of Guerrilla War. Not sure if Sony of America turned it down due to the whole Guevara thing, but I did notice that for the US eShop release the game's description says it is using the Japanese ROM so it's not the localized "non-commie" version.

Nothing a 1,100 yen gift card won't fix, but I found that interesting...
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BIL »

I did wonder if the name might cause issues :lol: But for the time being, it might just be the occasional delay between JP and World releases of ACA stuff on PSN (ta Jeneki). The recent Zero Team was like this, IIRC.
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Zach Keene
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Zach Keene »

I don't think Thunder Cross was "re-released" on PS4 in North America today; it wasn't released along with the switch version a few weeks ago (or with the Japanese PS4 version ages ago.) Probably just another random schedule desync like BIL suggested.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by BloodHawk »

Zach Keene wrote:I don't think Thunder Cross was "re-released" on PS4 in North America today; it wasn't released along with the switch version a few weeks ago (or with the Japanese PS4 version ages ago.) Probably just another random schedule desync like BIL suggested.
I think you are right, I thought it was already released on PSN back in 2017 but it looks like that was just on the Japanese PSN store.

I will mess around with TNK, Ikari and Victory Road for a while and if Guerilla War doesn't get released in the US PSN store in the next few weeks I will just get it from the Japanese PSN store.
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Re: I'm so glad that Hamster's Arcade Archives are a thing.

Post by Rastan78 »

Some expert Cybattler strategies from player TYR-Yeti:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

It's in Japanese so it will be up to good old Google translate unless someone cares to do a better translation.

Looks like a key basic strategy is to assign auto to a shot button and hold down this and sword at the same time so you can fix the aiming direction and still get rapid shot. Holding sword just functions as the direction lock. If playing without auto you can hold sword and mash shot to get a faster rate without changing direction. Haven't tested myself.

Just glancing at the guide the hidden bonuses look pretty cool. Like use sword only for stage 2. Escort the rocket launcher in stage 3 all the way through the stage without letting it get destroyed by attaching it and reattaching it etc . . .
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