Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Volteccer_Jack »

Ninja Spirit progress update. I have now witnessed firsthand the horrors/wonders of stage 6.

Still not consistent at stage 4, although I have gotten quite consistent with the boss, which is funny since it's the only part of the stage where I don't have any plan and just wing it.

Finding out the hard way that stage 5 is a time attack was painful, let me tell you. Both times I've made it to this boss on one life I've timed out trying to kill it with sword. Will have to play around with kusarigama/grenades, though runs that make it this far are still frustratingly uncommon. Really not a fan of the gas traps, mainly how the part that looks like the warning kills you and the part that looks like it should kill you is safe.

Stage 6...what do I even say? Every instinct tells me to stick to sword no matter what, but that leaves no real recourse but avoidance for enemy swordsmen. A few kite-flying-enemies are the farthest I've glimpsed so far.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Volteccer_Jack wrote:Ninja Spirit progress update. I have now witnessed firsthand the horrors/wonders of stage 6
Welcome to ONE MAN WAR Image :wink:

Kusarigama is probably the safest bet for Round 5's boss. Decent damage, and while its coverage isn't Katana-complete, its autoguard will snuff kunai. More importantly, it'll kill him faster - Katana's lack of stopping power can easily get you timed out.

Round 5 is a bit of a joke, tbh. Saigo's strong suit is volatility, and it has little. Sort of an innocuous counterpart to the Ninja Pit. Not as inanely unforgiving, but for consistent results, you should pick a route and master it utterly.

Not to be too down on it. It's very short. It lets me jump like Jesus. There's some decent tension in the Shield heist. And the Grenade speedkill is a blazing moneyshot, with an uneasy coda - moving from the contemplative skyline, straight to the sandy hell of Round 6-1. So on balance I don't mind it. :cool:

Katana's low damage output is unsuitable for Round 6-1. Just like 3-2, it'll keep the Greens, Whites and Monks at bay... but not Ryuichis. They'll catch up to you, eventually, and you'll need to kill them. Even if you win the duel, the horde will dogpile and snipe you relentlessly. You know in movies/TV/OoT, where foes politely attack the hero one at a time? ALL LIES :shock:

Kusarigama can fend off zako, and chip down Ryuichis for eventual dispatch. Monks can be kept at bay with misdirecting hops, and whittled down similarly.

For projectiles: if you're at Rank50, Grenades can work in 6-1, provided you're calculatedly aggressive. Advancing at speed will trail your Shadows - you can upshot leaping Greens before they fire, snuffing Whites likewise. Heavies can't take more than a couple shots - attackers are pulverised at range, pursuers get mulched in the Shadow train.

Shuriken aren't good here - the aim lag complicates zako, and while they shred Ryuichis, advancing Monks (and their tails) will be shielded.

Rank50 Grenades are great violent fun, but for absolute consistency, I prefer Kusarigama. Ryuichis survive longer, but zako are neutralised, hugely freeing up braintime to focus on advancing. If I get held up for any reason, bullet-cancelling and autoguard will ensure zako can't capitalise, while heavies take lethal damage closing in.

Nice try, Mr. Wolf! Didn't even see you!

^^^ note the terrain launcher on Ryuichi, as he hits the shoal. Running enemies who meet an obstruction will vault high overhead - Ryuichis are completely harmless while doing so. This applies even to Round 6-2's jump-slashing Ryuichi mkIIs! Flying Monks, OTOH, will bludgeon you - sneak under them. This is invaluable knowledge throughout Round 6. If there's a rock in your path, and heavies on the other side, know in advance that they'll be going airborne, and exploit accordingly.

At Rank100, Ryuichis are tough enough that zako tend to escape my attention. Even one can prove deadly, with no bullet-cancelling or autoguard, so I'm all Kusarigama there.

(Here's a guide to Rank50 maintenance - middle of post - it requires a handful of hard memo spots, but it's a snap once learned)


For Round 6-2, I like to keep heavy enemies A) alive and B) behind me, wherever possible. A "full house" (2x Ryuichi mkII, 2x Monk, and Ghost) at your back is a license to steal ground - you should floor it, with judicious bunnyhops to stall the former two. (Ghost will remain undeterred from his MurderTrudge, but cannot keep up! bad knees!)

More realistically, there'll be a Ryuichi/Monk unaccounted for, possibly spawning ahead of you - but advancing bunnyhops will spoof them, too. Ryuichis will jump and whiff, Monks will stop and whiff. Round 6-2 is a much comfier joint than the teeming danger of Round 6-1, imo.

The long stretch of empty sand divides the stages' two halves - beware of Ryuichi mkIIs, who'll take over from mkIs about halfway through. The game allocates each type a pair of spawn slots, so it's entirely possible to have four murderous Samurai onscreen if you enter 6-2 with a couple of tails. Image

Kites' kunai are well-handled by Kusarigama autoguard, and the daft fuckers actually help as much hurt, causing extra slowdown with their spreads (projectiles slow down Saigo much more than characters). Note their mandatory firing delay, when entering the screen - a very nice amenity, also invaluable in the later Metal Storm. Don't worry about getting surprise-pointblanked if one comes screaming in nearby; you'll have a considerable window to smack him and his kunai.

The deadliest scenario in 6-2 is Ghost and Ryuichi spawning on the same frame, forming up like necro-feudal Voltron to create HELL BULLDOZER. Ghost punishes low, Ryuichi punishes high, a near-unleapable wall of razor death! Incidentally, AWOL from the PC Engine version, which has a bunch of slowdown-causing zako instead. Real shame, WTF!

If bulldozer erupts, and the enemy/terrain situation allows - I like to back up a bit, luring out Ryuichi, before rushing in and high-jumping straight over both enemies. Ryuichi will uselessly counter-jump, into the empty space behind me. As for Ghost, it doesn't matter if I land in his striking range - he'll be in cooldown, having whiffed at my jump the instant I crossed his X-axis.

As usual, with Saigo's innate volatility, this technique needs on-the-fly tailoring. If a terrain-launched Monk is sailing over the battlefield as Ryuichi and Ghost approach - yep, you're gonna risk smacking into him. Consider backing up to buy time, perhaps chipping away at the horde with retreating bunnyhops, setting up outright kills on some or all. But the principle - lure Ryuichi close, then bypass he and Ghost with a single high leap - is consistent.


Conversely, in Round 6-1, I suggest killing enemies without restraint. While you're holding your fire on heavies, the much deadlier zako presence (Kites got nothing on Greens+Whites) will take advantage. And Ryuichi mkIs are nowhere as easily-spoofed as their jumpslashing counterparts, who'll whiff at every bunnyhop. It's safer to just shred the collective horde, even if it means risking an additional encounter or two along the way.

While 6-2 has the bulldozer, 6-1's grave threat is a simultaneous Monk/Ryuichi spawn. The former will conceal the latter for STEALTH RYUICHI:


^^^ a high jump, quite inadvertently evading the lurking fiend.


^^^ a low spoof that damn near got gashed! Image

You can actually spot Ryuichi hiding behind Monk, but braintime is at an unprecedented premium in 6-1. More happily, this leads me to my last point in this impromptu ST (I'm still writing, just tied up with Rygar 1LC and none other than crusty ol' Double Dragon atm - best beater SFX ever Image) - Ryuichi Hop.




I used to worry terribly about Stealth Ryuichi, but these days, pff. Ryuichi Hop (not to be confused with Ryuichi Drop! that happens afterward, in-GIF) will bypass him AND his shitbird Monk cover! If you're approaching a rushing Monk, don't spoof 'em. As seen above, that's Stealth Ryuichi's bread and butter: punishing Monk spoofs. Just hop straight over, perhaps while dealing liberal downstrike damage. That'll bypass the guessing game entirely.

Learning to trust in Tsukikage's jump acceleration was key to my finally getting consistent at 6-1. It'll help in 4-1, too! Ryuichi's draw can't hope to beat your jump acceleration.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BloodHawk »

30XX just got released on Steam as Early Access.

I played the predecessor 20XX a lot during it's early access years ago and loved it, these guys are pretty good.

Also, there is a level editor now which I am looking forward to as well!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by jepjepjep »

Volteccer_Jack wrote:Ninja Spirit progress update. I have now witnessed firsthand the horrors/wonders of stage 6.

Stage 6...what do I even say?
Well said. Stage 6 is pure hell. But in a good way!
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Post by BIL »


Rygar is infernally compulsive. Image Green Beret on horse steroids. Nailing default 1CCs, but still can't quite stick the no-miss. It's a long odyssey for our nameless man of buffness! Got to write up a nice big meaty post for this one. For now, a few scattered observations:


ACA ver includes both Argus no Senshi (Japan) and Rygar (World). Having cleared both on defaults, they seem mostly identical, barring Rygar altering/removing some buried items. Japan's Round 14 extend is a star in Rygar, while Japan's Round 21 Tiger Power seems AWOL. A would-be Rygar 1LC, which carked it in the rapids after, saw me hopping around like a March hare trying to unearth the bastard. Not worth any points, is bout prestige. :cool:


The flying Gremlins' occasional "transformation spark," first seen in Round 7, isn't just for show. It's a warning that gremlin is a shooting type, and will be pelting you from above. (this game's telegraphing is so good Image)


AFAIK, shooter Gremlins can't divebomb you at will, the way their non-shooting brethren randomly do. Instead, they'll make a few strafing runs, before finally divebombing, then leaving the screen (needless to say, you should just kill the fuckers ASAP). NB you can freely stomp their projectiles. You can stomp anything in Rygar, even Death!


Round 17's Ultra Beastman Army, which can be milked to astonishing extremes if you've got the Death-defying skill, works as follows:

Tower spawn. (wait)
Tower spawn. (wait)
x3 Crawlers spawn. (wait)
Tower spawn (wait - repeat cycle)

The Antmen spawn from set points in the stage - the burrows, roughly. It's also possible for them to materialise out of solid rock, particularly if you've had to backtrack, so don't get complacent. After you've whacked the current screen's Antmen spawns, it'll be just you and the Towers, and you can go ham.

The Cross Power advertised at the Round's intro doesn't always appear in the same place - much like the game's first, in Round 7. UNLIKE Round 7's, though, it seems it sometimes won't appear at all. HELP ME JEBUS! Nah it's cool boss, R17 ain't much. Image

Anyhoo, this is how the game's centerpiece scoring trick works. AFAIK, if you want world-shattering scores, you wanna burn all your reserve lives here. NB there are no "trick towers" in Round 17 - the kind that collapse into a charging horde when approached. In other rounds, tower types are hard-coded; you'll need to memorise which are which. The first tricker appears at the outro of Round 11, it's all good up to there.

Round 12 midpoint: a treat, and a trick. If by "treat" you mean "snakes tryna eat my muhfuckin head off" (■`W´■)


For a 10k stage clear bonus, hit the "finish line" with your score's hundreds digit identical to your timer's singles digit. If you're holding [down/left] as the shrine scrolls in (the timing window is very generous), you'll get the 10k.


Note that if your timer is zero, the game will happily award the bonus, provided your hundreds digit is also. This can basically offset the time bonuses lost by running out the clock.

Hanging around trying for this bonus is responsible for most of my deaths. :lol: The "finish line" is invisible, unlike in Mario, and enemies will typically keep attacking to the very end. Takes some rehearsal and nerve.


As shown in the Gremlin GIF above: even if you're in jump ascent, your foot will stomp anything beneath it - stomp dead, if you're packing Tiger Power (rawr! POUNCEH Image). Only a couple flying enemies - Rocs and Owlbats - can survive Tiger; you'll bounce off them, instead. (you'll very likely die afterward, vs Rocs; but you have to work very hard to get above them in the first place. not a likely event)

Image Image Image
Image Image Image

Note your jumping frame - see how your foot points sharply downward? You never want your foot's edge to be below your intended target's head - you may well be killed via contact.


This established, the 50k bonus for decapitating midbosses with Tiger Power is most easily done by getting in their range, baiting out their hop, then jumping straight up - causing them to smack face-first into your foot, as they attempt to land where you were standing. (note their invaluable "Hey WTF RU doin?!" startup, as you approach for the lure - they can be "cooled off" by quickly retreating, if need be. don't run too far away though, you'll de-spawn them! WHAT DO YOU MEAN "GOOD" YOU COWARD FUCK Image)

Their head's hitbox is moderately picky, though very consistent.

The Burning Red Sky Tells Of The End. And a midboss.

This strictly vertical "counter-decap" is much safer than leaping in. If you miss it, they'll simply retreat to their starting position - a clean reset. An advancing attack creates extraneous horizontal motion - and if you miss, you will be in deep shit, with the midboss immediately launching followup attacks, and zako likely closing in.


The end of Round 12 puts a trio of crabs in front of its midboss. The nearest to him demonstrates the perfect spacing for a counter-decap. Plus, not only do you have ample time to hop free of the waking crab - you're forced to, in order to score the decap! I wonder if this was deliberate? Tecmo are some rad chaps (cf thread title Image). At any rate, despite the menacing surroundings, this is IMO one of the easiest decaps, thanks to Mr. Crab.

Be merciful to all God's creatures, OR a crab teaches geometry (■`W´■)

At this point, I get all decaps with no complications 90% of the time. Trickiest is Round 20's, since Gremlins and Lavamen tend to amass. Ala the far safer Round 8 (giffed above) - I like to rush straight in from a distance, my stride as unbroken as possible, jump-striking Gremlins that dive at me (Lavamen can be hopped over). Stopping will only allow more zako to gather. If things go utterly to shit here, I'm not above an escape - the screen-nuking finish line is abnormally near the boss's turf.


The collision on your lower body during the rope segments is pretty lenient. This is good to know during the descents, where the Chameleons have a terrain advantage.



Occasionally ITT, we've mooted a "sidescrolling Garegga" - meaning something with deep and idiosyncratic scoreplay (the Metal Slugs' milk-a-rama is not idiosyncratic :wink:). I think this one's a decent candidate, though it would need some tweaks for me to really vouch it. AFAIK, item drops are random - I don't know if there's a "master list" that randomly distributes them, but otherwise, some runs give way more stars than others (individually worthless, but granting a beefy 70k bonus for every seventh). I'd prefer a Garegga-style set item order, if not a master list.

The XTREEM Round 17 milking I could do without, but tbh... I'm happy just stipulating no-miss conditions. I've always liked the subversive element of deliberately burning through your reserve lives, then carrying a massive milky haul over the finish line with no safety net.

The more general milking - loitering around whacking enemies until Death arrives and beyond - I'm ok with. It's pretty addictive, with the game's super-tight handling. Currently I run out Round 1 until I've gotten the first Power and enough kills to break 70k - this generally ensures I'll have Tiger by the first midboss, in Round 4.

Maybe make Death speed up faster, if anything.

At any rate, like Garegga, I see myself returning to Rygar to brush up on PBs many years from now. Not often I get that from a manual-scrolling action game (time attack being a different matter entirely, of course). I think six million is entirely doable without resorting to any extreme milking/suiciding; currently getting 4mil with generally nubby, risk-averse play in the game's latter half.

As with Garegga, the pace, intensity and inherent compulsion of whacking enemies/grabbing goodies makes even moderate scoreplay remarkably compelling. A brilliant scrolling action game even in straight survival terms.



I've noticed a couple bugs/glitches here and there - nothing debilitating, but definitely to beware in serious runs. It seems the game can consistently drop your weapon's hitbox when attacking [left] at a couple points, namely Round 12's ending plateau (particularly when attacking Beastmen and crabs), and Round 13's Star Tree (versus headless Drones, who rush you en masse here). I learned the hard way to always double-tap these crowds. I need a bit more research to be sure, got some GIFs cooking up.

The Drones' invulnerability may be more of a feature than a bug... I suspect they have iframes on their wind-up animation. This might be a separate matter from the Round 13 issues - again, more research needed.

Backtracking left seems to discombobulate the game slightly. See also Round 17's Antmen, who can bust straight through solid walls, KoolAid Man-style, as mentioned previously. Backtracking seems to exacerbate this.

Incidentally, Rygar wouldn't be the first top-class sidescroller with "side-dependent" glitches that I've seen. Saigo no Nindou's shuriken are aim-lagged on one side, instant on the other. Dracula X: Rondo lets you super-backflip in one direction, but not the other. Both instances having been noted ITT, but I can't recall the specifics off the top of my head. holler if you need dem deets. ;3

Also, the "whip arm" enemies - the zako who march up before unfurling a nasty tendril attack - are glitchy as hell for head-stomping. It can work - but seemingly half the time, I'll falling straight through them to the ground, with a split-second to kill them before they score a fatal bump. Thankfully, it's just these enemies with this nasty glitch - I wonder if it's some complication, owing to their uniquely long reach. It's a snap to just crouch-kill 'em, anyway - they can't hit you while you're ducking.


Blimey, this was meant to be short. :shock: TOO FULL WITH LOVE ImageImage

Anyway, main reason for posting is that ACA Guevara is out tomorrow. PREPARE FOR WAR Image I wanna nail a no-miss before this year is out. Balls hard tactical rotary shooting from Obada-san.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Arcade Archives: Crime Fighters announced. :cool: Looking forward to this, I always dug its gritty Technos-esque street violence. The OST is a motherfuckin banger too, savage drum sound and precision six-string horsepower worthy of Priest.


Starring Not Don Johnson and Not Isaac Hayes! Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Marc »

That's the first in the series right? I'm not too into that, but if it leads to Vendetta.....
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Yep! WTB Violent Storm, myself. And MYSTIC WARRIORS ofc. And [raft of other mid-90s Konami titles, not even counting licensed ones]

Personally, given how well the stuff they do cover runs, I'm hoping the next gen might enable them to take on beefier mid/late-90s hardware, without sacrificing their current business model. Even M2 mentioned extra horsepower being not at all unwelcome, RE Batrider. I've grown very fond of them, honestly. Gimme regular, essentials-only releases ala ACA, over the RE Engine bollocks seemingly wracking Arcade Stadium any day.

Wish I could snap my fingers, and make every one of Stadium's current lineup individually bulletproofed and priced ala ACA, or the comparably no-nonsense Belt Action Pack. I'll pay to NOT have extras, when they apparently cock up the goddamn emulation! :evil:

Odd situation at the moment. I never like to get my hopes up too high, but slowly and surely, rad things keep happening for arcade gaming on console. :mrgreen:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Searchlike »

The guy with the Umihara Kawase avatar just beat Umihara Kawase. :mrgreen: I dedicate the victory to Vanguard and BIL, because they encouraged me to join your wonderful community.

Such a great series! I try to play one of the games in the original trilogy at least once per day. Still so much to do with this one. Video games are awesome, guys! :D
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

I can't wait to try and knock "Geldo" down with Reggie Mantle aka Kyle.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Searchlike wrote:Still so much to do with this one. Video games are awesome, guys! :D
The Real Bungee Simulator. :mrgreen: I've only scratched the surface myself, the PS1's Shun even less. I'm glad there's been further entries in recent years - rather like Kururin, it's the sort of classic 2D series I don't actively follow, but always enjoy knowing is out there for later.

UK's ability to hook the ground at the edge of a sheer drop, then rappel down the vertical face is something I was delighted to see again in Ninja Cop (GBA). Also rubber-banding yourself up sheer walls, by snagging them at 45', hauling yourself up into the air, re-attaching higher up the wall, repeat.

Much subtler than the typical sidescrolling grappling hooks. (not to knock Top Secret/Bionic Commando, particularly the wonderful GB version)


Meanwhile, in A Country Ruled By A Dictator (tm/c SNK),


Wow, this newfangeld wireless from Another Country sure is fun! What do you think, Tied Up Dissident Dude? Wait -



That's right! Our dozy grunts were amazed to see Player 1 finally get it through his thick skull that just because you can blow up scenery, doesn't mean you should! Bridges are your friend, they help your tank! And so, they all died screaming in that alleyway - the gunfire that so cruelly cut Player 1 to ribbons that morning now bouncing off plate armour, much like frozen peas. Image

Jebus, this game (even on its "Easy" default, common to mid-80s SNK PCBs) is diabolically hard. It's Ikari, already a concise trip, compressed to fit on the head of a pin. Gotta be honest, I'll take a 15min headcrusher over a 30min ramble Image Short, but virtually every screen is precision-machined to legsweep you and slam your face into the floor. Even moreso, if you're trying not to kill the deviously-positioned POWs (who, besides prestige and score, are also hella valuable ammo/fuel restores).

At the same time, just like Ikari, this gauntlet is rigged for demolition. If you're struggling upscreen plinking, you are already PWNED. :shock: But not for long! Image Gradually assembling plans of action, then seeing them succeed, chokepoints shattering under your big guns and tank treads, it's like starring in a marathon revue of "evil henchmen get theirs" highlights.


Yet again like Ikari, it's remarkably open-ended for its brutal difficulty. Quite a few viable approaches and routes, with a fair bit of fallback and improv possible. Not always voluntarily, as just like Ikari, spawns seem to shuffle around from credit to credit (an instability oddly AWOL from Dogosoken, which I regard even more as Ikari's companion than sequel, having put quality time on Guevara). Happily, the endgame has none of Ikari's unfortunate rote, either. Ball-breakingly hard, and you most definitely need to memorise where certain ambush waves spawn - but overall, what you see is what you get. None of the awful "memorise the instakill floortiles" BS that dints that otherwise estimable game.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

Searchlike wrote:The guy with the Umihara Kawase avatar just beat Umihara Kawase. :mrgreen: I dedicate the victory to Vanguard and BIL, because they encouraged me to join your wonderful community.

Such a great series! I try to play one of the games in the original trilogy at least once per day. Still so much to do with this one. Video games are awesome, guys! :D
Nice job! I remember after first my first win in Umihara Kawase I was disappointed to learn that it was just the timeout ending. My first "real" win used the short path through the door beneath the big seahorse. Looks like you might have taken the same route.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

BIL of the past wrote: Continuing to catch up on recent-ish stuff, does anyone know if Blaster Master Zero 2 grew some fuckin bawls? The first game is an object lesson in how to dramatically improve on a flawed gem - the streamlined controls and weapon mechanics are so good - without addressing its endemic flaws - lame topdown action, lukewarm sidescrolling pressure - resulting in a game that's simultaneously better, yet flawed in precisely the same manner.
Just played through Blaster Master Zero, and this summary describes the game so well.
It was fun for a couple of quick plays during home office worktime breaks, and didn't overstay its welcome, but it also feels incredibly meek compared to the excellent tools and controls you're given. As per Inti Creates standards, the level design is always the weakest aspect, and neither the stages nor enemy design and constellations ever challenge you to fight back in any kind of satisfying manner. It gets extra stupid once you get the otherwise satisfying recoil-heavy grenade slug that obliterates anything. Just fire one anywhere on the screen to end any potential danger.

It gets a little better towards the end, with the final two areas finally being a little threatening, and level design actually getting really creative in the weird romhackish "post final boss" dungeon approaching the TLB. Both areas are also packed with a bunch of equally stupid decisions in the stage design department that almost manage to even it out though. In terms of immersion, I gotta admit I really liked the build up to aforementioned TLB. Seemed almost like the game suddenly decided to try a bit harder right at the 11th hour.

Did anyone try Destroyer mode? I'm not a fan of the bullet sponge enemies, but surprisingly I like the revenge bullets, and it seems like that mode might pose a little challenge. Though I can imagine it'll quickly pan out as a rush through everything rather than trying to fight it, which is already a disappointingly effective tactic in the main game.

As far as I recall you liked Zero 2 a lot better, so looking forward to unpacking that one now...
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Zero 1 in a GIF Image

Zero 2's improvement is such, it actually made me a little less sad re: Sunsoft vanishing. It's the kind of sequel I like to think they'd have made on 16/32bit.


Jumped right back in with the two DLC characters, after. I'd love to see a third game on this trajectory.

EDIT: OMFG, posted a shamefully quiet Crime Fighters rip the other day (was ungodly late). This is more the fuck like it ImageImage Among the best drum sounds I've heard in FM synth, great battering garage sound. Violence + Technique, that is the stuff! Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Searchlike »

BIL wrote:The Real Bungee Simulator. :mrgreen: I've only scratched the surface myself, the PS1's Shun even less. I'm glad there's been further entries in recent years - rather like Kururin, it's the sort of classic 2D series I don't actively follow, but always enjoy knowing is out there for later.

UK's ability to hook the ground at the edge of a sheer drop, then rappel down the vertical face is something I was delighted to see again in Ninja Cop (GBA). Also rubber-banding yourself up sheer walls, by snagging them at 45', hauling yourself up into the air, re-attaching higher up the wall, repeat.

Much subtler than the typical sidescrolling grappling hooks. (not to knock Top Secret/Bionic Commando, particularly the wonderful GB version)
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of that thread. I love Kururin and Ninja Cop almost as much as UK. I already have Bionic Commando GB on my radar, because of this thread. I've played the NES one and Rearmed, both fell short of great games IMO, but I'm still fond of the series and willing to give another entry a try.
Vanguard wrote:Nice job!
Vanguard wrote:I remember after first my first win in Umihara Kawase I was disappointed to learn that it was just the timeout ending. My first "real" win used the short path through the door beneath the big seahorse. Looks like you might have taken the same route.
I think so. I took the same route seen in kitten's longplay. Every other route led me straight to a boss fight which would always end my run. I beat the game before I could beat that damn tadople. :lol:

I played another round yesterday as I wasn't happy with my first clear. The open nature of the game meant I had no clue I would beat it at the time so I found myself playing as carelessly as ever, avoiding stairs when possible, trying a risky but time-efficient move here and there and losing a couple lives in the process.

This time around I wanted to see how long it would take me to clear the game in a moderately fast way. I abandoned some of the high level strats in favor of speed, but I did take the shortcut in the level just before the seahorse and nailed it on my first try. :o

I almost got the No Miss , but I did miss the last platform. :( Completion time was 7:33.33, my previous run was about 15 minutes. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Stevens »

BIL wrote:
EDIT: OMFG, posted a shamefully quiet Crime Fighters rip the other day (was ungodly late). This is more the fuck like it ImageImage Among the best drum sounds I've heard in FM synth, great battering garage sound. Violence + Technique, that is the stuff! Image
For an early effort (I've shared my thoughts on Konami's early, grapple deficient beat em' ups) Crime Fighters has a fair bit going for it.

- That song. In the arcade you would hear that blaring from outside the arcade. Daddy Mulk is the only other song I can recall being that loud.

- Meaty sound effects that had weight to them. Punches, kicks, and that pipe.

- Ground attacks. Kick em' in the kidneys till he pisses blood.

- Bosses. Punk with a horror motif thrown in.

- Stages. Crime Fighters gave us a few of our beloved tropes here: Subway and roof too stage come to mind. I don't remember an elevator stage though.

Bad - Wonky grapple, limited move set, and the ever popular why is my health draining while I'm standing still? Cause money.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Marc »

So I sat down with Strider last night for probably the first time seriously since finishing the MD version aged about 14. Half an hour of save-state practise has the first three levels down almost pat, the Amazon stage seems a bit scruffy and half-arsed in comparison, some of the games jank starts to show a bit more severely here. The third level is an utter joy once ‘mastered’, you can really tear through that shit. Other than the spinny boss bit - I've not worked out yet why sometimes I launch, circle, and hack him to death in one glorious move, and why sometimes I have to bonce from wall to wall like a lead-footed idiot. Little in the way of complaints other than the mid-point of ST2 can still be almost unfairly random with the bomb drops sometimes, and there seems to be a general danger of being thrown from the level completely at the cost of a full life for much of it.

A question though – I think I know the answer – the large sword power-up isn’t time limited in the arcade, right? I ask, because if not, there’s quite a severe bug in the Capcom Stadium version that simply takes off you at random for no reason I can see.

I assumed at first that I’d taken a hit and that must remove it (even though I don’t remember any other versions doing that?), but I confirmed it with a save-state at the start of ST2 – during the approach to the platform with the first power-up of the level, the sword shrinks every time, just before I pick it back up on that ledge. Fine there, not so fine when it does it mid-way through ST3’s moving platforms for instance.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Stevens wrote:Bad - Wonky grapple, limited move set, and the ever popular why is my health draining while I'm standing still? Cause money.
Happily, the life drain wasn't in the JP board. ACA Konami releases tend to bundle multiple regions, so hopefully even those Gauntlet sickos will be pleased. :mrgreen:

After the mercilessly triggering SUNSETRIDERS and ZERO TEAM, place yer bets on CRIME FIGHTERS being the latest 30yr+ overdue home release to make the peanut gallery yowl. High and a winner, got a hot ham!


Pay no attention to the man recoiling in agony as he's knifed in the guts. (■`ω´■)

Maybe the Hard Gay dude that dry-humps you to death will dampen the flames of controversy. >_> OR DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE Image
Marc wrote:Other than the spinny boss bit - I've not worked out yet why sometimes I launch, circle, and hack him to death in one glorious move, and why sometimes I have to bonce from wall to wall like a lead-footed idiot.
If you keep the 3-2 POW sword (found right after you take out the ship's main gun), you won't need to orbit the Gravity Core at all. Even if you only get one POW barrage in from the ground, you should do enough damage that when you enter orbit, it'll die before flinging you off.

It's easy to keep the POW sword for the whole fight. Just avoid spamming it, and rely on the Invincibility icon found shortly afterward. The Frog mechs guarding 3-3's elevator will be torn to bits by your Options, freeing up lots of sword ammo.
Little in the way of complaints other than the mid-point of ST2 can still be almost unfairly random with the bomb drops sometimes, and there seems to be a general danger of being thrown from the level completely at the cost of a full life for much of it.
Holding [up] at all times should dramatically reduce sudden deaths here, if not eliminate them entirely. No matter how squarely he's dunked on, Hiryu will instantly haul himself back up onto the hovercraft.

Also, note the bombs' pattern. Five at a time - try to carve away the one nearest you, while the others fall harmlessly. Try not to jump up onto a fresh platform when a new set of bombs is imminent.

The first few sets drop straight down. The couple as you approach the bomber tend to pull right, then left. For the very last one, when you're right under the bomber, just jump straight up. If you get bonked back down, immediately leap straight up again - your i-frames will get you onboard. From there, haul ass to the left and that's that.

It's an inherently bumpy sequence, but I consistently clear it, no sweat. Notice the bit near the end where I screw up and get bombed - because I'm holding [up], Hiryu clambers right back onto the hovercraft. I get bombed one last time, after boarding the Sky Thunder, too - because I was so early, the horizontal scroll hadn't unlocked yet. But with 4HP and my Options safely buffered, I'd rather take a meaningless bump on solid ground, than risk some fuckery down below. :lol: It's about knowing when to dodge and when to tank. :cool:

The arcade versions's real shitshow is the Ouroboros mkII ride to Meiou. :evil: That replay was the third consecutive one-life clear of the evening, and noticeably slummy in places for it. The prior two were much more polished, but got trapdoored straight through the chitinous shitbird's jankily-shifting segments. (the PS1 rebuild cleans this right up - I can't fall through the bastard even if I try to)
A question though – I think I know the answer – the large sword power-up isn’t time limited in the arcade, right? I ask, because if not, there’s quite a severe bug in the Capcom Stadium version that simply takes off you at random for no reason I can see.
Each POW sword should give a set number of strikes, before exhausting. I want to say x100... it's definitely not time-limited, in either AC or MD.
I assumed at first that I’d taken a hit and that must remove it (even though I don’t remember any other versions doing that?), but I confirmed it with a save-state at the start of ST2 – during the approach to the platform with the first power-up of the level, the sword shrinks every time, just before I pick it back up on that ledge. Fine there, not so fine when it does it mid-way through ST3’s moving platforms for instance.
Keep in mind, in the AC version, POW sword carries over between stages, with its current remaining ammunition. It sounds like you're entering st2 with a nearly-exhausted POW sword from st1 (I'm guessing from the top of the grand mosque), running out, then getting the fresh one from the ledge.

NB: if you open a POW sword's container with a POW sword, you'll receive only points. For this reason, I always spam st1's POW sword, so it'll exhaust prematurely, and I'll be ready to nab st2-1's without breaking (mff!) stride. (bwaaa!)

The POW sword carry-over is extremely useful to know re: Stage 5. There's a fresh POW sword in the st4 boss arena. Ideally, you should rush under the boss, grab it, then return left, letting your Options kill Lago. This'll set you up for st5. (alternatively, you can kill Lago, then try to grab the sword - but the timing on this is rather tight). POW sword is key to acing a couple things in 5-1, including the game's single most bullshit thing, the tower gunner.

Annoyingly, the MD ver doesn't carry POW swords between stages. So you can't guarantee a favourable st5-1 this way. The JP cart is also literally impossible to one-life, since if you make it to Ouroboros mkII's platform without dying, he won't show up, forcing a suicide. :shock: You can tell they were rushed in the MD's stage 5, it's an all but Daimakaimura-standard conversion to that point.

Well, almost. Having grown up with the Genesis cart, then moved across to the PCB and its excellent PS1 conversion, I didn't rate the Options (Diplodal Saucers) at first. I don't know if they were nerfed by Sega, or if their orbiting AI was compromised... either way, they're vastly more potent in the AC version.

There's a famous exploit you can use in st1, which will put both Options on a single red block of health. Strider's an easy game by AC standards to begin with, so I left that alone. However, I do recommend deliberately taking damage early on, so your two red "Option" blocks will be at 1HP and 2HP, respectively. That way, you'll have three hits buffering them, once your lifebar is fully upgraded.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Marc »

Aaah, cheers. I had absolutely no idea that the POW sword was limited, that makes sense now. Given the general dogpile with the CAS, I wondered if it was a bug. Certainly don't remember it running out on MD, but hell, that was a long time ago.

Can see why it's so well thought of despite the occasional oddness and jank - the visuals are cool enough, but that soundtrack - I don't think I'll ever get bored of the first stage simply because of the soundtrack for the boss fight - the whole atmosphere there is incredible. Hopefully I'll put this one to bed tonight/tomorrow, as this particular clear has been something I've meant to get around to for a long time, at which point I know I'm going to regret selling my PS1 Strider 2.

Was watching some head-to-head videos of MD Ghouls / Strider last night. I'm actually surprised at just how much detail was missing on Ghouls, I remember it being a lot closer than that, but the Strider port is pretty incredible.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

What do you feel is missing in Ghouls outside of graphical fidelity?

I always thought it was an incredibly faithful and tasteful port, but there are definitely differences I can't really put my finger on.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Oh damn, Blaster Master Zero 2 feels great.
I've only played the first two worlds, but so far it seems kinda like Inti Creates looked critically on their previous game and thought about what they could do to remedy every bland design choice, and every moment that felt pointless in that game, tighening it up any way they could.
If only they'd done that with any of their other franchises :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Haha, that's my backup strat if things go to shit en route. Of course, GCmkII's big party trick is the stealth double KO if you kill him while over the pit. :evil: Not only is it dumb they didn't put any grabbable railings across that shaft, it'd also be some nice ESB cred to go with Meiou's Palpatine-blagging design! Buncha NERDS :O

Has anyone played Jaleco's Legend of Makai? Wait! Don't shoot! It only looks like a Wizards And Warriors bootleg. ;3


Apparently it has some rueful backstory, with Jaleco publishing the FC ver of WAW, or something. It's late and I can't be arsed to look up if it was ever released. TBH, Jaleco FC boxes make me weep the tears of a man whose God has abandoned him, almost as much as first-gen Namco ones! :shock: Either way, you're looking at superhumanly attentive levels of fingering prowess to liberate your game from its cardboard housing.

But yes, after getting my Jalecoskeptic ass lit up like Christmas by the Hyper Assault Shock Duel Suits Troopers of Cybattler, I'm back to my mistrustful ways. Ninja Kazan (foot of post) is quite good, despite looking almost as ghetto, however, I've barely played WAW which is teh biq Q. :o
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Imhotep »

Yes I've played Legend of Makai, it's actually an NMK developed game, I like it quite well. Then again I've a soft spot for attempts to fit RPG elements into coinplay-based action games.

I don't remember the gameplay too well, but there's some cheap, deadly situations to avoid and getting items requires routing. The player's supposed to find secret letters that form the villain's true name, he's required to spell it in front of the last boss to avoid the bad ending, certainly a touch that I liked.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by mycophobia »

BIL wrote:Haha, that's my backup strat if things go to shit en route. Of course, GCmkII's big party trick is the stealth double KO if you kill him while over the pit. :evil: Not only is it dumb they didn't put any grabbable railings across that shaft, it'd also be some nice ESB cred to go with Meiou's Palpatine-blagging design! Buncha NERDS :O
they shoulda put the bonus stage 2 boss refight down there instead, maybe i actually would've found it for myself
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Sumez wrote:Oh damn, Blaster Master Zero 2 feels great.
I've only played the first two worlds, but so far it seems kinda like Inti Creates looked critically on their previous game and thought about what they could do to remedy every bland design choice, and every moment that felt pointless in that game, tighening it up any way they could.
If only they'd done that with any of their other franchises :lol:
Luminous Avenger is also pretty sick.

But yeah BMZ2 is great. Give The Empress a shot from dlc too, she's great fun as well with her combos.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Stevens »

I actually played Legend of Makai in the wild when I was about 13. I remember a snail boss?
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Imhotep wrote:Yes I've played Legend of Makai, it's actually an NMK developed game, I like it quite well. Then again I've a soft spot for attempts to fit RPG elements into coinplay-based action games.

I don't remember the gameplay too well, but there's some cheap, deadly situations to avoid and getting items requires routing. The player's supposed to find secret letters that form the villain's true name, he's required to spell it in front of the last boss to avoid the bad ending, certainly a touch that I liked.
Thanks, definitely giving this one a look! I'd completely forgotten NMK's involvement, always a point of interest.
Squire Grooktook wrote:But yeah BMZ2 is great. Give The Empress a shot from dlc too, she's great fun as well with her combos.
Empress exemplifies two design ethics I'm very fond of:

1) roving vehicle action where the player's not a weenie on foot, but can get out and do rad stuff under their own power.

Eat this you fuckin lousy crab!

Even absent the inherently Metafight-subversive thrill of bounding all over without taking instant fatal fall damage, I really enjoyed how at liberty you are to park the tank somewhere and go nuts.

Spoiler, kinda, BWAWAWARRR

I could see a hypothetical Zero 3 building on this - give Jason bigger guns and better mobility via bionics, but still have some fall damage. Just more reasonable, like a half-screen rather than a couple character-heights.



2) heavy weapons action where your agile character has some integrated, great big fuckoff cannon-thingy, that you'll probably take some Hyper Armoured damage unfurling (see also Ex-Ranza's GODLAZOR) - but which will assblast the target so savagely if it connects, it won't matter much.

Can't backstab me when your hair is on fire, Gonbei-kun!

Or really, any heavy setup/monster payoff fusillade attack, in high-precision 2D context. The high velocity ammo scene from GITS tbh Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

Jaleco renamed the JP WAW FC to Elrond and made some odd changes like no enemies on outdoor levels and a number based life meter, IIRC.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Aha! It's all comin' back! Elrond no Kishi / Knight Elrond, if I recall?

*Price Is Right SFX*

Womp womp. Elrond Densetsu no Kishi. Oh well!
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