Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

system11 wrote:The threat to America's democracy would appear to me, to be a very large group of people both in society and in places of power including the media and government, who refused to accept the outcome of a vote.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

From mace? She definitely was not ready.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Don't mace me, bro!

Apparently, she was expecting free gummy bears. :) (I know I am. Gummy bears are yummy.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

All joking aside, do not forget that this riot, planned weeks in advance and publicly supported by Trump, was about one thing and one thing only: ... 5932648451
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Mischief Maker wrote:All joking aside, do not forget that this riot, planned weeks in advance and publicly supported by Trump, was about one thing and one thing only:
I have to disagree; there's no way in hell a hopeless pussy like Trump or his GOP bootlickers have the appetite to actually follow through on the crazy shit they say (i.e. "yes, your honor, we repeatedly got up in front of the cameras and said we had overwhelming evidence of election fraud, but we're sure as hell not going to actually claim that here in court because you might actually sanction us for wasting your time").

What this whole mess has been about from the beginning is to whip up the latest cloud of Benghazi-style gorilla dust that conservatives can yell and scream about and demand investigations into for years to come, refusing all the while to cooperate with a single thing the new administration tries to do; after all, they can wink at their voters, with all this commotion there must be something to it, right, and since so much of the party never acknowledged the election's legitimacy this was never really resolved, so we can't move forward until the people are satisfied, and hey, after all, we're just asking questions and airing our deeply held concerns!

And if property gets damaged, people get hurt/killed or the nation's stability is threatened in the process, they won't even approve the funding to clean any of it up.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Koa Zo »

Looking forward to seeing what "answers" come from capitol police: (from the Washington Post updates stream)
With officers and bomb-sniffing dogs still sweeping the Capitol on Wednesday night, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), chair of the committee that controls the Capitol Police budget, held a news conference from his office via Zoom. He thanked those in the department who acted heroically in the face of the mob but said answers can’t come soon enough about the failures of planning that allowed the crowd to storm the Capitol, and images of some officers who appeared to allow protesters in.

“There were clearly enormous strategic and planning failures by the Capitol Police, by the Sergeant at Arms and anyone else who was a part of coordinating this effort. This is the United States Capitol building, with the United States Congress in session handling the presidential election process,” said Ryan, head of the House Appropriations Committee’s legislative branch subcommittee.

“The reinforcements that we thought — that I was told would be in place — that the National Guard was engaged, that D.C. metro police was engaged, that the SWAT teams were engaged, that we were prepared for this,” Ryan said. “There as a strategic breakdown, for sure, and you can bet your a-- we are going to get to the bottom of it.”

Ryan said he had been in frequent contact with Capitol Police and the sergeant at arms and had been assured as recently as Tuesday night that the Capitol complex was secure and that the department was coordinating with the Secret Service, D.C. police and the National Guard for any additional resources that would be needed.

Ryan said he understood from Capitol Police that protesters were to be corralled on the east side of the building, toward the Supreme Court.

“There was not supposed to be anyone near the Capitol. You would be reasonably close, to be able to protest and express your view, but nobody belongs on the Capitol plaza. Nobody ever goes on the Capitol steps. … Those were illegal acts, and those people should have been immediately arrested.”

Ryan continued, “I think it’s pretty clear that there are going to be a number of people who are going to be without employment very, very soon because this is an embarrassment, both on behalf of the mob and the president and the insurrection and the attempted coup, but also the lack of professional planning and dealing with what we knew was going to occur.”

Asked about viral videos showing officers allowing protesters through a gate at one point, and in another an officer appearing to pose with protesters for a selfie, Ryan said he was shocked and would be demanding answers from Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund.

“Is that a training issue? I just don’t know. The Capitol is getting stormed by a mob and you’re taking selfies with, you know, the people. It’s crazy, just crazy.”
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Are we already preloading the standard neoliberal "but, but, obstructionist GOP'z stopped me!) bullshit?

The GOP won't control anything. They won't be obstructing jack shit. The only thing that will be "obstructing" is GOP-lite bootlickers--beholden to their donor class masters.

And, as much as I hate Trumpers, smug professional neolibs helped create this problem. Are we going to fix it?

The votes are there to curb outside influence on Washington. The GOP cannot obstruct. What's the excuse going to be this time?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

Oh no, muh uniparty! I'd better get down to DC to protect my beloved politicians from the nasty #resistance. I know they'd do the same for me. LOL
crucifying AOC for not prioritizing above all other options
Where is this coming from? All they were supposed to do was ask for a vote. Would having to vote on something really hurt their feelings that much?
Can you guess who it is he's defending???
How many guesses do I get? Was it Dennis Kucinich?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

orange808 wrote:The GOP won't control anything. They won't be obstructing jack shit.
While the results from Georgia do tweak the equation - assuming they follow through on eliminating the filibuster - Republicans have already proven time and time again that even if they don't have the "official" capacity to act, they'll just refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the system they're operating within and/or change the rules on a whim, as they most famously did in refusing to seat Merrick Garland. And they're still doing it, right now, as their what-me-worry base cheers on their efforts to take back our country.

In any event, however this turns out there's no way anyone on the right, from Trump on down, was actually expecting a coup to take place, despite all their open calls for one; the true goal has always been to delegitimize the incoming administration and paste a fig leaf over their intention to hamstring it, no matter the cost. And I'd love to hear anyone tell me that they've "learned their lesson" since this latest episode.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by kitten »

man, what an amazing birthday i had, yesterday lmao. i seriously thought he'd just bend over, eventually, but was holding onto the hope something insanely, historically bloody and violent and pathetic. didn't get more than i'd hoped for, but certainly didn't walk away empty-handed :shock: man, man, man. man. still got my fingers crossed than the 14-year veteran woman who got shot in the fucking throat took one from a pig to make this all the sweeter. "storming" the capitol (we all saw the video of them just opening the gates, right?) as incited by glorious leader after 14 years of military service and four tours of duty, getting shot to death by what was probably the same force she was holding up "blue lives matter" flags for just months ago in one of the most embarrassing moments of national history - reap what you sow, huh?

love the chud screaming "it's just a flashbang!" and then "medic! medic!" (damn, son, this isn't call of duty!) as one his fellows dies on the floor in the capitol in a crowd of half-maskers - also love one of them setting her down as fast as possible to get his phone out and make sure he gets his souvenir shot of her body. what an absolutely wasted life and miserably stupid death. at least she didn't suffer long, like everyone under the myriad of horrific conditions brought down on us by our deeply incompetent government and its unethical health care system. multiple resignations are now pouring in, pence has turned on him, and his deeply stupid supporters are still adamantly trying to drink the kool-aid and somehow blame antifa. sadly, it's not looking like there are many more opportunities for them to get shot in the neck, too :(

golly, this is so bad that the democrats might not even give trump a pardon on their way in ;__;7 pour one out for our man who might get slapped on the wrist for this shit. wonder if a god-fearin', military servin' white woman taking one for the team will actually dislodge anyone else? people need to scramble harder to find out how (((george soros))) was responsible for this one!!!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

orange808 wrote:@BulletMagnet
Are we already preloading the standard neoliberal "but, but, obstructionist GOP'z stopped me!) bullshit?

The GOP won't control anything. They won't be obstructing jack shit. The only thing that will be "obstructing" is GOP-lite bootlickers--beholden to their donor class masters.

And, as much as I hate Trumpers, smug professional neolibs helped create this problem. Are we going to fix it?

The votes are there to curb outside influence on Washington. The GOP cannot obstruct. What's the excuse going to be this time?
The system will find a way. I mean the events of yesterday alone no doubt will take at least a year to recover from if not more.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:
crucifying AOC for not prioritizing above all other options
Where is this coming from? All they were supposed to do was ask for a vote. Would having to vote on something really hurt their feelings that much?
The word "All" is doing some seriously heavy lifting in that sentence.

Jimmy Dore wasn't commanding from the toilet that they merely "ask" for a vote, he said they should threaten Peolsi's position and suffer a concrete blow to their political power (AOC has already been denied a seat on the energy subcommittee by Peolsi because she helped in successfully primarying corporate dems) all in exchange for Jimmy's empty piece of political theater. Empty because we already know they don't have the votes! And we already know the names of the house democrats who need to be primaried for not supporting M4A because they've said they don't support it publicly! Wasting political power on losing this vote would have accomplished even less than Pelosi kneeling in Kente cloth.

Now they DID do the first half and extract concessions from Pelosi in exchange for their votes, they just didn't do it for a worthless virtue-signal. Jimmy considers them sellouts because it wasn't HIS idea. Also he's angry AOC no longer does his show.
ED-057 wrote:
Can you guess who it is he's defending???
How many guesses do I get? Was it Dennis Kucinich?
I'll give you a hint, it's Jimmy's one true progressive SLAY KWEEN who's publicly made excuses for the Gujarat riots on behalf of her fascist friends, justified the use of torture by Bush jr, and her most significant recent act was amplifying an attempt by Project Veritas to help Trump flush votes in Minnesota, only for the guy to later admit PV paid him thousands of dollars to make it all up. But Jimmy was encouraging progressives to vote for her instead of Bernie Sanders in 2020 because she regularly goes on his show- oops I mean because she once left a powerless resume-padding position in the DNC, purportedly on behalf of Bernie, while she was being primaried from the left.

I used to listen to Jimmy Dore, too, and he's a talented entertainer, no doubt. But I quit listening because he kept saying things I knew were factually inaccurate while falling for every piece of right-wing propaganda he stumbles across, from the Seth Rich conspiracy to Lava Jato. Has Jimmy Dore ever screamed about the Amazon rainforest burning? Direct result of Lava Jato.

I'm inclined to call Dore a useful idiot, but we've already seen the example of comedian Dave Rubin coming to prominence on TYT only to leave and make bank from right-wing oligarchs by starting his own show where he smears progressives "from the left." And like Rubin before him, Jimmy's buying multimillion dollar homes off this grift.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Steamflogger Boss wrote: The system will find a way. I mean the events of yesterday alone no doubt will take at least a year to recover from if not more.
Security didn't do their jobs. That's the entire story for me. There isn't anything to recover from. There weren't really enough people there (or anywhere else) to stage a coup. Lots of people out there watch too much TV.

Protests happen all the time.

Also, you don't want paycuts for police. You can't defund security. That makes the job less desirable and brings in people that can't find a better job. Maybe we should use some of the money we will save with universal health care to fund building a better police force.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

BulletMagnet wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:All joking aside, do not forget that this riot, planned weeks in advance and publicly supported by Trump, was about one thing and one thing only:
I have to disagree; there's no way in hell a hopeless pussy like Trump or his GOP bootlickers have the appetite to actually follow through on the crazy shit they say (i.e. "yes, your honor, we repeatedly got up in front of the cameras and said we had overwhelming evidence of election fraud, but we're sure as hell not going to actually claim that here in court because you might actually sanction us for wasting your time").
They had merch:
Note the included date.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

orange808 wrote:
Steamflogger Boss wrote: The system will find a way. I mean the events of yesterday alone no doubt will take at least a year to recover from if not more.
Security didn't do their jobs. That's the entire story for me. There isn't anything to recover from. There weren't really enough people there (or anywhere else) to stage a coup. Lots of people out there watch too much TV.

Protests happen all the time.

Also, you don't want paycuts for police. You can't defund security. That makes the job less desirable and brings in people that can't find a better job. Maybe we should use some of the money we will save with universal health care to fund building a better police force.
Mental anguish for the politicians. Not going to be able to pass anything now. Going to need a long vacation. :lol:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ddshot »

It’s funny how they label the dc protests as insurrectionists,domestic terrorists after they turned a blind eye to years of Antifa,blm bullshit,who are literally the democrats foot soldiers!demanding change then vote in a man who been in politics for 50yrs and a achieved absolutely nothing in fact probably done more damage than good,name 1 thing Biden good Biden has done?if you belive in Marxists control more power to you just don’t expect people to role over and surrender there freedoms in the name of “progress”the dem are gonna send you guys backwards destroy the freedom and constitution the USA was founded on.just wait and see what will happen over the next 4yrs!pelosi has already banned gendered terms like mother,farther,son,daughter from the house!really?there’s a pandemic and the house is more concerned about people’s speak,this is some 1984 shit if you can’t see it then your a fool

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Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ddshot »

Long live the the ussa![FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Stevens »

Need more Estus.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Embarassingly bad security allowed a, predictable, garden variety protest to walk into the capital without being screened or searched when people should not have been allowed inside. That's the entire story. Of course they had a right to protest, but they shouldn't have been in the building yesterday.

Yes. The public shouldn't be wandering the capital building while they are counting Electoral College votes. There's all kinds of crazies out there. We don't need some gun humper shooting up the capital building.

Looking at the comments, I see there is still widespread confusion about the definition of "Marxism". I guess we are still breeding Reaganyouth. :) The GOP and Dems have been in lockstep with the "1984" shit for decades. Pay attention! Trump isn't fighting big brother; like so many before him, he wants to be big brother. So, if that's your issue, there's not much you can do.

Even libertarian champion Thomas Jefferson couldn't resist expansion of federal power. It's human nature at work; no president can resist the draw of power. That's why we have to maintain checks and balances.

Yes, on a normal day I have no problem with protesters passing through security and doing a "sit in". Go ahead, but not while they are counting Electoral College votes.

No, you can't bring weapons with you into the capital; security doesn't know you personally, they shouldn't trust you, and the honor system doesn't work.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by system11 »

Well 2021 certainly started the way 2020 left off. No fucking around either - straight for the jugular. Old ladies and Jamiroquai blocking politicians from doing their job.

I'm particularly enjoying the double standards and hypocrisy. To be fair some media outlets that I expected worse from DID call it mostly peaceful, but it was amusing watching some of the usual suspects on Twitter being confronted with their own tweets from March.

I only saw one person cosplaying as the Joker though. I have 'Joker army' on my 2021 bingo card now, it replaced the futile 'lockdowns finally end' which was never getting ticked.
System11's random blog, with things - and stuff!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by CIT »

system11 wrote:I'm particularly enjoying the double standards and hypocrisy.
Pull your head out of your ass, two wrongs don't make a right. :roll:

These redneck morons attempted a coup d'état and attacked the constitutional order. There can be zero tolerance for this and they deserve to be crushed by the full force of state authority.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I've never seen so many people pissed off and afraid of possibly receiving $1,400 in my life. Really shows it's not about material, but a passing of an era of their preferred muppet aesthetics on TV. "My father has created the greatest political movement in American history" is a fantastic comedy bit. A rational mind has to spend minutes unpacking and processing every word there, they truly are Twitter Wizards comparable to dril in skill.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Mischief Maker wrote:Note the included date.
Nobody disputes that Daddy and his hunch-backed litter bearers were urging the rabble on; what I question is the notion that any of them actually expected anything from this event beyond the latest opportunity to stoke the yeeahhhh fuck yooouu yeeahhh spirit that's carried them all this time. I mean, what do you or anyone else think would have happened even if the rioters did get ahold of the electoral ballots and destroyed them? Would a ref suddenly step in and say "Election overruled, Biden eliminated, first down"? Would Ted Cruz suddenly pick up an AR-15 and demand that someone point him in the direction of the nearest pizza parlor?

I mean, look at what these pissworms did, once the Capitol had been cleared out and they'd sent their mealy-mouthed "you really shouldn't riot, rioting is naughty" tweets: they all marched back into the chamber and certified the election...but made sure, as they did so, to mutter "By the way, this election we just certified? It was totally stolen." Almost as if, y'know, they didn't want anything dramatic to actually happen, but did want to make sure a miasma continues to hang over the upcoming administration so they could refuse to cooperate with it.

I guess at this point all we're doing is attempting to mind-read the GOP leadership, but from where I'm standing I'm very willing to bet that this latest charade was, in the end, more of the same "where's the birth certificate" cynical trash, as opposed to the one time any of them actually meant the crazy shit they said and were willing to act on it, but things just didn't quite work out.

I might be willing to allow that Daddy himself is enough of a semi-vegetable at this point that he actually thought his gremlins would rise up and claim glorious victory in his name, but even there I have serious doubts - the legions of plutocratic pustules permanently attached to his fat ass, though? Not a chance in hell. :lol:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Wata123 »

You're a literal retard if you think this was an attempted coup, just as you'd be a literal retard if you thought the summertime rioting was a "Marxist revolution". Maybe stop letting the media craft your reality- or at least broaden your understanding of the world and history outside the confines of the last decade of American tv and internet. The impulse for Americans to see any "notable" disruption as immediately tantamount to coup or revolution is just another example of our disturbing illiteracy.

The short, decontextualized video everyone keeps sharing of the cops purportedly "letting them in" was, unsurprising, not actually the cops letting them in.

Anyway, this was essentially nothing, but it will be used to justify everything. The BLM protests meanwhile let the country know its biggest problem was that its super-bureaucracy didn't have enough girlbosses, BIPOCs, and dickgirls. Any criticism of the American empire is now the hatespeech of a bigot who needs to be cancelled or else we might get a repeat of 9/11- I mean, 6/1.

On a lighter note: ... 2980417539
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Wata123 wrote:You're a literal retard if you think this was an attempted coup,
This date was chosen because it's the date the electoral votes were to be ratified and the Chief Executive power to be handed over democratically. The date was chosen to interrupt the count, and the crowd fully intended to subvert American democracy and somehow keep Trump as president. As Emma Vigeland said, a shitty attempt at a coup is still a fucking coup.
Wata123 wrote:The short, decontextualized video everyone keeps sharing of the cops purportedly "letting them in" was, unsurprising, not actually the cops letting them in.
You literally see a chud hug one of the cops when the barriers open up.

Also this:

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by CIT »

Wata123 wrote:You're a literal retard if you think this was an attempted coup
The law is very clear about this and it's all spelled out for you in US Code Chapter 115: Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities. If you think this was "essentially nothing" you're a figurative retard and a literal moron.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Durandal »

Wata123 wrote:You're a literal retard if you think this was an attempted coup
You're right--I've seen someone else more accurately describe this situation as a "cope d'etat~".
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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